Can You Trust Anyone In Social Media?
21 сағат бұрын
The Meeks Shall Inherit The Earth
Why We Are Screwed...
14 күн бұрын
Women And Anecdotes
14 күн бұрын
The Power Of The Human Spirit...
The Underdog's Underdog
21 күн бұрын
Neither Solutions Nor Trade-Offs
Humanity Is Splitting Into Two
Women Don't Need Men...Sort Of
Women's Actual Pron
Ай бұрын
Men Don't Believe This Anymore
RIP Spetsnaz
2 ай бұрын
How To Throw Your Life Away
2 ай бұрын
Gatekeeping Is Impossible
2 ай бұрын
Humans Don't Do Happy
2 ай бұрын
You Can't Have It All...
2 ай бұрын
Deservingness Theory
2 ай бұрын
Why Your Life Is A Meme...
2 ай бұрын
The Wasteland Of Politics
3 ай бұрын
"You Deserve What You Get"
3 ай бұрын
The Zoomer And The Cougar
3 ай бұрын
The REAL Problem With AI
3 ай бұрын
The Genetic Apocalypse
3 ай бұрын
Smile Through The Pain
3 ай бұрын
@ByThePond Сағат бұрын
Are you saying when I listen to sad song's that some of these rappers are singing, i'm being feminine?
@Mr._Anderpson 2 сағат бұрын
Wow. I've quoted that Raistlin Majere line about hope for years. Like he said, the point is to get rid of the stick and see things as they are.
@cristhian900 3 сағат бұрын
“Fake it till you make it” ok, but some of us just never stood a chance at “making it” and will vastly be overshadowed by others with more aptitude, luck, etc… Choose your battles - some battles are not worth fighting for everyone.
@hiramspm 4 сағат бұрын
exclusion as the answer... american politics today exclude any non corporate entities, hows that working out for you?
@jonatankaszkowiak 6 сағат бұрын
Its very simple, woman takes political, religion etc. Views of her powerful man ( if man is powerful in her eyes)
@UraniumFever-ud8il 7 сағат бұрын
"You can do a bit, but you're born to be what you are" - Jonathan Bowden
@OscarPerezPousada-sn2do 8 сағат бұрын
Have you tried Mirtazapine for sleep?
@RyenBrant 9 сағат бұрын
I couldn't finish Horizon Forbidden West (just the main game, not the DLC). I just got sick of the feminist messaging being shoved in my face. All of the women were average or ugly looking paragons of virtue that always outperformed and outshined their male counterparts as leaders and warriors. The men were always meek, weak, stupid, and/or misogynistic and evil. The man=bad women=good messaging in the overall narrative and character dialogue was overt and thrown in your face at every turn. It seemed like every side mission had a female npc complaining about tHe PaTrIaRcHy... I just wanted to shoot flaming arrows at robot dinosaurs... not be repeatedly denigrated, demonized, and lectured for my gender by the self obsessed female employees over at Guerrilla Games.
@discorabbit 9 сағат бұрын
RE: female nature. You don’t judge a child for being a child, or a woman for being a woman. You lead, man-with compassion. I.e. don’t get upset about it.
@BlackieNuff 14 сағат бұрын
Just another distraction to draw the attention of the barking seals and the bleating sheeple away from what is really going on.
@durnanironknuckles1617 15 сағат бұрын
I think the desires of atheists slaughter the Herds of populations based sometimes on a feeling or dislike. We are just human animals and Socialism/Communism has shown the reality in tens of millions put to dirt out a Leaders desire.
@SnaabbeamSneebers 17 сағат бұрын
Stop caring when women think about anything. When they speak look at her like shes a dumb bitch because she most certainly is.
@spark7922 20 сағат бұрын
I was bought up being told women are untouchable and infallible. The sooner we dispel these ideas, the better. I hate their two faced nature, their mean spiritedness towards 'lesser' men, mostly fueled by a huge ego which prevents them from taking on any actually important work and getting their hands dirty. After learning what I know I don't think I can ever trust a woman.
@DancingEagle 23 сағат бұрын
I’m only online because there is very little to do in the real world that does not cost a fortune. And there is no place to meet people to do anything in the real world anymore. All meetup groups are just zoom calls now. And if you haven’t noticed everyone out there is basically a psychotic neurotic paranoid freak who bleeds Pfizer and suffocates themselves with surgical masks from china. Seriously, everyone was already crazy, but they have completely lost their minds now. And there is a big element of psychopathy in people now that once was not there or was not nearly as pronounced. I only want to talk to purebloods who understand deeper truths about the world and reality and still by some miracle are open enough to cultivate good healthy friendships. Seems like everyone is acting in a predatory or malicious manor these days. Just see all the hateful things and comments online now. Most people have either killed the empathic side to themselves or they never had it or they weaponized it. People don’t even act human anymore. You can be in a house with people who only a few years ago you could talk and relate to and now no one talks because they are more interested in their phones and computers and will completely ignore one another. Families have been completely divided by politics and medicine and their complete lack of love and care for one another. No one even really likes one another in a genuine lasting way. And a lot of it is women’s inability and unwillingness to make lasting bonds and the forgotten men at the bottom of society getting nothing out of life. It’s not divided amongst the terminally online and not. Every seam of the social fabric has been unwoven. All to the drumbeat of a government and companies trying to destroy what once was good and spy on everyone using their pocket spy devices. Yeah real great environment to build lasting and trusting social bonds. This is probably by design and by complicity by most of the public the worst time in history to bond since the plagues.
@DancingEagle Күн бұрын
No free human raised away from this culture and all its demands, constrictions, rules, poisons, etc. would ever choose to participate and break their backs for such a system. We’re built for different environments that would have been far less crowded and more bountiful in what nature provides for our survival. We have over the last 10,000 years been pushed increasingly and exponentially toward a dystopic metropolitan hellscape where everything is inverted from what was once tradition. It offers nothing in the way of what fed our souls in prior days. Most everything we do in this current society such as work, trying to stay healthy and maintaining a life is like running uphill endlessly toward a goal that is kept just out of complete reach. We are never satisfied or settled and we are made to feel that way by all elements of society. We are slaves in a world that we used to thrive in. Every system is built to keep you and I peddling away to keep the lights on and keep an extremely abstract economy lubricating everything while the wealth can only float upward. All while being in a panopticonic prison where every square inch of this earth is patrolled by ass hole mother fuckers who want to either steal money from you, kidnap you or kill you. This place is a joke with no real hope of any reward.
@FacetofChaos Күн бұрын
Nice to hear the drow reference. Salvatore was a genius sculpting an evil force based on manipulation, deceit and lies. The other one is Dune, with the Benegeserit. Its a overlooked archetype.
@BadUrbanKarma Күн бұрын
I'm watching this 9 years after initial release and I'm noticing a change. It seems the use of MGTOW has fallen out of favor today. Was this a conscious act? Or, did the use decline because of the growing, negative connotation and/or potential association with "InCel", which seems to be widely used today?
@BadUrbanKarma Күн бұрын
Ideally, good faith debate is the vehicle by which we learn and forge agreement. But, that only seems to work when there is a balance of power AND both parties are mostly honest actors. In reality, those requirements are rarely met. So, to the point of this video, arguing with feminists and, thereby, our gynocentric nature is a waste of resources (your time, money, etc.). And, if we accept that women desire male attention, regardless of whether it is positive or negative, then, by refusing to engage, we rob them of the satisfaction they desire. There is a reason your male silence is so powerful. The point... If you're arguing with a woman, you've already lost.
@polarblue9712 Күн бұрын
This video is 5 months old so you may never read this, but thank you Stardusk. You are the opposite of the attention stealers and I come out of your videos with renewed clarity and focus. Even with the urge to leave my phone and go do something irl, which is what I'll get to now.
@ShiceSquad Күн бұрын
So the big takeaway here is.......... Stardusk is on the Transhumanist payroll 👽👾🤖
@Mr._Anderpson Күн бұрын
Did anyone else get tired of just how good Do'Urden was? Sheathing two scimitars without touching the scabbards, really? Salvatore had me rooting for Artemis Entreri, the human assassin, after page upon page of nothing but Mr. Impeccable. Whacking him in BG1 was quite satisfying and seeing him return for round two in BG2 was hilarious. And yes, women are Lloth. They want adoration & subjugation, men who will serve & die to serve the order of priestesses.
@BadUrbanKarma Күн бұрын
Cultivate the superpower of "outcome independence". Do what you want to do, invite the woman to join you and then do your level best to accept whatever she chooses. Attempt to maintain the awareness that the woman *chooses* whether or not to follow. That is her power. You must cultivate indifference to her choice. I know... Simple, but not easy. Live your life in a way that you prefer. Don't try to avoid disappointing her - that is a game you will *always* lose *eventually*. You can compromise, if you want, but don't sacrifice more than you can handle. Because, one day, she might just walk away and you need to be okay with that outcome. Always be ready to let her go... In fact, it might be best if you tell her that you're happy to help her leave, whenever she decides that is what she wants. Once you're in a relationship, especially a marriage, one of the ways to help satisfy her hypergamy is an ever present message that she is always free to leave. You're constantly reminding her of your strength and utility without showing weakness (a dependence upon her). BTW, this is a note to myself. I forget this lesson and am forced to relearn it when I do.
@TheHogfatherInvades Күн бұрын
If you enjoy fromsoft games youd enjoy space Marines 2. It feels like they tried to give players the option to play as souls like as possible with dodge roll and perfect block
@QuartuvLarry Күн бұрын
So, I’ve left all my gaming consoles back up in Iowa, but now I’m slacking off on a sailboat that I need to learn how to sail. It’s not my games. It’s me…😧🙁😣
@OutlandishSamurai Күн бұрын
This reminds me of the CIA culture war but instead of USA, it is done by Russia
@XAn0nymousX0 Күн бұрын
The parasitic relationship you touched on is quite on point. I personally think this is bigger than just that. The communist / Marxist playbook is to destroy any type of art and replace it with something grotesque. We're seeing it happen with actual art, with cinema, music, and gaming. I don't think it's simply women self inserting, although they're the major demographic being used as weapons to destroy these areas for sure.
@Max-qi3hg Күн бұрын
I agree, Masterful use of makeup. Too bad what happened. Very strange. i liked her, generally.
@agroed Күн бұрын
Clearly not enough people played MGS2.
@seaglass3034 Күн бұрын
Gatekeep, gatekeep, gatekeep.
@saturn12002 Күн бұрын
Space marine 2 was near perfect. They did break with lore slightly for diversity reasons. For example, we see Black and Asian ultramrines, which is not how gene seed works. Once gene seed is implanted it starts to rewrite the DNA of the aspirant with the the DNA of the Primarch to an extent. This causes the aspirant to take on the physical traits of their respective Primarch, this is most noticeable with the Blood Angels. Last I checked Robute Gulliman (gene sire of the ultramarines) is not Black, or Asian.
@saturn12002 Күн бұрын
Not really, orc families are impossible. The origins of orcs are made very clear by Tolkien, orcs are corrupted elves. "Evil can not create, it can only corrupt" Golem is the same thing, hes a corrupted hobbit. You are thinking of the Urk Hai which were created by Saruman out of mud. In a way the Urk Hai can reproduce in spawning pods, though as far as I know orcs cant reproduce at all. So the concept of Orc families is impossible, and stupid.
@robbertou Күн бұрын
Btw the same can be said for money and status of a job. Oh I got a fun little job, however it doesn’t pay much and its low status. Let me switch to a different job which is super stressful and sucks the soul out of you. But hey! It pays more and has status…
@vasilemereuta7230 Күн бұрын
Now i feel like an idiot that it took me 33 years to learn this thing 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@globalnomad1221 Күн бұрын
Relatable - solipsistic
@robotboy1722 Күн бұрын
What people need to realize that fictional characters shouldn't be relatable. Fictional characters are fictional characters. They're not real. This is the problem with current Anime. If you seen Harem anime series, it's all about some dude with no life who has nothing going for him, who smells bad, gets isekai'd to a ancient world where they obtain a horde of various women. Meanwhile, you have Tenchi Muyo, who has none of that shit until modern era sometime later. The point I'm trying to make is that we need to be ourselves instead of being somebody else. Because let's be honest, everything is superficial now.
@immortaljanus Күн бұрын
Here's a little thing I recently thought of. Women constantly preach about emotional intelligence and how more emotionally intelligent they are than men. Emotional intelligence describes the ability of being aware of one's emotions and also controlling them. Women indulge in their emotions, they rarely control them. The only time they control emotions is when they wish to manipulate someone else with them. Most women do not control their emotions most of the time. They are ruled by their emotions. Meaning women are the opposite of being emotionally intelligent.
@jasonswearingin1009 Күн бұрын
AI is a tool. Just like any tool it's the wielder/programmer that is responsible for AI's actions!
@martinithechobit Күн бұрын
Women always want to self insert. I lawl at that.
@TravisArthurParishT.A.P Күн бұрын
VVomen only relate with tall kings.
@user-zx8lv8yh3g Күн бұрын
Great video
@MrGummbum Күн бұрын
Not a watering down, but an attack on the institutions (e.g. gaming) that reinforce Western values and norms, such as gender-binary, nuclear family, property ownership, classics such as beauty and logic. This is the purpose of infusing DEI into all things corporate. They want DEI (SHRM) to become the DNA of the company, because installing that DNA will dismantle the existing DNA. That is why we have seen the changes we have seen. It is all about the destruction of the Olds, and construction of the New (build back better).
@Jk-en4qv Күн бұрын
I hate toilets so much
@artawhirler Күн бұрын
Nobody ever accuses me of being bitter. That's because I never complain about my problems.
@CandorHispanus Күн бұрын
I call them gentrifiers, or colonizers, to subcultures and media.
@MourningDove-bn4dk Күн бұрын
In Silmarillion, Orcs were created by Morgoth torturing and twisting rebel elves that were persuaded by his influence. Orcs are were bred for war, death, and destruction. Most are not afraid of their own deaths because they do not know anything but destruction.
@gooftroopg2623 Күн бұрын
Lol why did they touch lord of the rings? I can't stand 30 seconds of the series
@dekzzx Күн бұрын
in my 20 yr corporate IT career i seen multiple positive work environments destroyed once women were brought into the mix.
@seaglass3034 Күн бұрын
Women in the Corporate Security sphere are being buoyed up by diversity initiatives into positions of power and authority, which they have no business being in. They are divisive, mean-spirited, and can't lead. They are ruining my career field.
@sixstringerati Күн бұрын
Airplanes provide amazing benefits as well as catastrophic disasters ; hence only highly trained people allowed to operate them. Same should apply to technology that provides social media. Inventors aspiring to provide these things to the masses are misguided. Even motor vehicles require testing and licensure before operating.
@JUNE-c6n Күн бұрын
I disagree. All the Most popular Women literature is about Unrelatable CHAD domination and the kinds of sexual deviancy they would be too ashamed to say out loud, much less practice. Relatability is corpo-woke bullsht they can sell at Target and Walmart.
@Bikewithlove Күн бұрын
Your intro music is the absolute best.