我先推 The Woman King,不論拍得好不好,這部是真實的非洲黑人電影,也像其他有著文化推廣效益的電影一樣,看完之後會讓人想去了解背後的歷史。 但埃及豔后不是,活該躺著中槍的小美人魚也不是,他們只是矯枉過正以及過猶不及的產物。你以為是在找回某些社群的尊嚴,實際上正是這種電影傷害了他們想維護的事物。
自從blm事件就這樣,其實以前就算討論黑人的電影都不會讓人反感,好似月亮藍就是為了想大家探討黑人問題而拍的黑人電影,green book黑人轉身份問題還有族種融和,get out 都是講黑人,但現在經常找黑人演設定是白人的角色好噁心。
@ycc1919 Жыл бұрын
@姓江的雙魚座薑絲こうさん Жыл бұрын
@姓江的雙魚座薑絲こうさん Жыл бұрын
@huahsinhsu8304 Жыл бұрын
@pin-yulin2599 Жыл бұрын
Jada 在Tudum上說的話很明顯就是以現今好萊塢視角在看世界,她表達的想法如同支持小美人魚選角的人一樣,她們認為透過大螢幕讓一些知名人物,以她們的種族來演出可以作為她們過去被壓迫歷史的平反,說這樣可以提高她們的社會地位。然而在群眾要求忠於原作或史實的時候,她們便大手一揮說大家都在種族歧視,這不僅達不到她們希望的提升,更會激起大家不滿的情緒而已。 還有一個很清楚的事實是,北非跟撒哈拉沙漠以南的人種本來就大相徑庭,在航海術普及前交流的機會微乎極為,古代誰有能力輕易穿越撒哈拉沙漠?
@@mrresearchteachespolitics4216 If there's not birth records and all the historical and biological factors showing that's neraly impossible that Cleo is black but the documentary still claims she is a black, what's wrong with the director. And this is a documentary, you telling me she should be a black just because they "think" she should not be that white and based pn one staff's family member without any evidence or proficiency saying that no matter what the school taught you Cleo is black? That cannot be more ridiculous than this shit. All the effort and evidence and research the historian ,archaeologist and other scholars did seems just piece of shit to them
大家印象深刻的阿嬤說埃及豔后是黑人理論,源自片中學者雪萊.哈利博士(Shelley P. Haley )舉她祖母埃瑟爾.哈利女士(Ethel C. Haley)說過的話,就我看過雪萊.哈利博士1993年的論文內容,其實那段的重點在她祖母最後向她強調:「白人留下的文字都不可信任。」這也吻合哈利博士所屬的美國「非洲中心學派(Afrocentricity)」的學術傾向--古代歐洲白人留下的歷史著作,除非經過黑人學者排除其中歐洲本位思想並加以再詮釋,不然其內容不可信。所以我們才會看到這部紀錄片中,埃及全國絕大部分居民都是黑人,就連埃及豔后都變黑白混血兒,因為這是美國的非洲中心學派所堅持的新學術觀點--古代埃及是非洲黑人所建立的文明。
很簡單,就是美國黑人用自己的幻想去魔改非洲歷史而已。不只是埃及豔后而己,這系列的前一季叫African Queens: Njinga,這位Njinga 恩津加 是真的黑人女王,是現在安哥拉的歷史人物之一。而這部一樣被安哥拉人罵,有位給負評的安哥拉人是這樣說的。 1- The actors aren't native, the languages also aren't. They hired a British-Nigerian... it's not even a native Nigerian. And even if it was, Nigerians and Angolans aren't the same just because we share higher amounts of melanin. We have different cultures, languages, and even physical traits. Our histories also diverge. 2- Many names and important Kingdoms were ignored to promote an inaccurate story, as well for many historical facts omitted for western narratives... again. 抱怨的點是一樣的,女主角的種族特徵完全不對,他直接明說不能因為都是黑的就覺得黑人都一樣。再來就是歷史內容也不對。 抱怨的東西和埃及艷后這季幾乎一樣,只是差在沒有黑白爭議,而是不同黑人種族的差異。但有幾個人在乎安哥拉人怎想?JR說不定也不知道這事。所以別管埃及豔后只看恩津加的這例子,就很明顯了。女主角種族不對,拍的歷史也不對。這件事本質上就是西方文明在亂改非洲文明的歷史。只是剛好碰到埃及豔后這個名人而已,而前面的恩津加和安哥拉沒什麼人認識就被忽略了。
Cleopatra (Κλεοπάτρα) and her family can't be black figures because they were Greeks. The Ptolemies, originated in the Greek kingdom of Macedonia (Alexander the Great). She was just the last member of a Greek Dynasty that ruled Ptolemaic Egypt, as other Greek Dynasties ruled Asian kingdoms in the same period (Bactria, Seleucid Empire etc). {Greek/Hellenistic period of Asia and North Africa}
@JRLeeRadio Жыл бұрын
Thank u for ur feedback. Are you Egyptian?
@mariosathens1 Жыл бұрын
@@JRLeeRadio be welcome. Nice video by the way Nope, my friend, I am Greek thus I know many things about the Ptolemaic Dynasty and the Greek/Hellenistic period of Ptolemaic Egypt and Asia.
历史的文本、出土的遗物都证明了埃及艳后是白人,黑人演员、制作团队却咬定是黑人,是不是他们也认为演绎白人会带来优越感和光荣感?Will Smith 得奖或口碑良好的电影,也是饰演一个符合自己的角色。过了火的BLM却忽略剧本创作,到头来赢不了口碑,而这些举动恰恰显露自卑感和不断地自我矮化。要世人认同黑人的文化,不是盗取别人的身份。