NEW Discovery of Gravitational Waves | Podcast

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National Science Foundation News

National Science Foundation News

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@franklinbrown7389 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video.
@sajaliasprostudios9381 Жыл бұрын
Love this! NSF's Discovery Files are awesome. Thank you for the video.
@KarlyVelez-u2k Жыл бұрын
yippee, background waves! :3. Super awesome!.
@quoipi Жыл бұрын
yippee, background waves! :3
@aviecenna8579 Жыл бұрын
@dansantos7307 Жыл бұрын
I'm still struggling to understand what they mean by saying that matter curves the spacetime or the fabric of spacetime. I understand that if there is no matter in space then there can be no geometry in space. So, if there is no geometry in space, then there is nothing to be curved in space or spacetime if you will. To me, both matter and EM wave are geometries, not the immediate space outside of their own world as explained by the GR. I do believe the existence of gravitational fields and gravitational waves; and these two seemingly different physical entities have the potential to alter or change the geometry of matter or EM wave. In other words, in the absence of gravity, any matter or EM wave can have a perfect symmetric geometry within their own world; but in the presence of gravity, the said symmetry is distorted and curved, which in turn forcing matter or EM wave to change its direction in an attempt to renormalize its own symmetry and to balance the forces acting upon them.
@EKDupre Жыл бұрын
Super awesome!
@asynchronicity Жыл бұрын
Would really like a more clear explanation of what “spacetime” is, and especially what exactly is meant by the “fabric” of spacetime. These are terms used all the time by scientists in that way that seems to assume that you already get it, but these are in fact extremely esoteric concepts. Maybe explaining what “spacetime” is without using the words “space” and “time” could be more elucidating.
@vincentconti-jb3hd Жыл бұрын
Oh it's easily understood.....the only part I don't quite get is the elucidating!!!!!!! Sorry!!!!
@davaguco Жыл бұрын
Amazing discovery!!! Nobel prize material
@Evan-bb8iy Жыл бұрын
I want to be excited but I'm confused on what exactly was discovered, was it the discovery that pulsars can actually be used to detect gravitational wave fluctuations? they didn't know that 15 years ago? or are they announcing that they have significant data to start tagging what the fluctuations are caused by
@-LightningRod- Жыл бұрын
i think what the egghead said was, "we finally got all the gear hooked up, and working , calculated, ..measured and verified".
@quoipi Жыл бұрын
The discovery is the existence of a low frequency background noise of gravitational waves.
@dmratcliffe Жыл бұрын
They knew theoretically the waves could exist at a low signal level 15 years ago and began taking data - it's very subtle signals and needs 15 years of data to pull out the signals to make sure they are real and not random. That's why it took so long to extract the signals they announced.
@ThompPL1 Жыл бұрын
@@-LightningRod- I think they said it took 15 years of careful, correlated data taking from multiple radio telescopes around the world. Then the number crunching commenced to find this "characteristic noise" in the pulsar 'arrhythmia' (like hearts sometimes are) different from all the 'trash' noise. . . . Basically the *Engineers* Made This Happen !! 😂
@gigagigaa9696 Жыл бұрын
@@dmratcliffe and why is that low level signals important, what does it gives us? useful in space travel or what?
@Shortsvdo2761 Жыл бұрын
Plz add some animation between interview that will be more easy to understand.
@diligentmindz Жыл бұрын
We use the expression fabric of space time very loosely. Waves in water travel through water molecules, waves in air travel through air molecules. What are the molecular structures that are supporting the waves in space?
@clayz1 Жыл бұрын
Asking the question ‘how long does it take for supermassive black holes to find each other’ is asking how fast does the gravity message travel thru space. Light speed? More? Less?
@leifuhrbom8341 Жыл бұрын
Evidence is always good to achive
@prilep5 Жыл бұрын
It’s about right turns - everybody wanted to see NASCAR first real driving not just hammer down
@RasheedWalthall-kb4kd Жыл бұрын
This is awesome 🙏❤️🌎🪐✨👑☔
@tr7b410 Жыл бұрын
Google search Tr3b astra-hit the video icon-go to the night time footage of a Tr3b powering up its gravity wave propulsion system until it disappears. U.S. space forces near stellar workhorse.
@xavierlumley7997 Жыл бұрын
So now can we harness the waves like a windmill or turbine and focus these immense but weak energies and warp spacetime to our liking for the purposes of propulsion?
@charlesbrightman4237 Жыл бұрын
PERIODIC TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS: (copy and paste from my files): Potential completion of the Periodic Table of the Elements: I currently believe that there are 120 chemical elements in this universe. If a person were to look at how electrons fill up the shells in atoms: 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 8 (seven shells), and realizing that energy could freely flow in this universe if nothing stopped it from doing so, then a natural bell shaped curve might occur. An eighth energy shell might exist with a maximum of two elements in it, chemical element #119 (8s1) and chemical element #120 (8s2). Chemical Element #119 (8s1): #119 I put at the bottom of the Hydrogen group on the Periodic Table of the Elements. It only has one electron in it's outer shell with room for only one more electron. Energy might even enter the atom through the missing electron spot and then at least some of the energy might get trapped inside of the atom under the atom's outer shell. Chemical Element #120 (8s2): #120 I put at the bottom of the Helium group since it's outer shell is full of electrons. It might have some of the properties of group two, Beryllium group (Alkali Earth Metals group) since it has two electrons in it's outer shell; as well as some of the properties of the Helium group (Noble Gases group) since it's outer shell is full of electrons; and if you look at the step down deflection of the semi-metals and where #120 would be located on the chart, it's possible #120 might even have some semi-metal characteristics. #120 would be the heaviest element in this universe. I believe chemical element #120 could possibly be found inside the center of stars. When a neutron split inside of this atom, it would give off one proton, one electron, neutrinos and energy. The proton and electron would be ejected outside of the atom since all their respective areas are full. One proton and one electron are basic hydrogen, of which the Sun is primarily made up of, and the Sun certainly gives off neutrinos and energy. And note, it's the neutron that split, not a proton. So even after the split, there are still 120 protons inside of the atom and the atom still exists as element #120. The star would last longer that way. In addition, if the neutron that split triggered a chain reaction inside of the star, this could possibly be how stars nova, (even if only periodically). If stars were looked at as if this theoretical idea were true, and found to even be somewhat true, then we might just have a better model of the universe to work with, even if it's not totally 100% true. And if it's all 100% true, then all the better. (Except of course for those who might be in the way of a periodic nova or supernova. They might have a no good, very bad, horrible day.)
@clayz1 Жыл бұрын
Good show.
@davez4285 Жыл бұрын
So they detected the light from pulsars are not exactly arriving at the earth. There is low frequency noise or deviation. They think this is because the gravitational wave causes the spacetime on the earth changing and that changes are the noise or the deviation. Ok. 1) even if it can be absolutely sure that the instrument itself is noise free, how do we know the earth’s motion itself is absolutely smooth? 2). The gravitational wave can cause the space time on earth wiggling. Well, there are millions stars nearby, their accumulated effects could be a low frequency noise, too. 3) I cannot feel and see the wriggling by gravitational wave, but I can definitely feel and see the earth is pulling by our moon. The ocean waves can cause the earth rotation wiggling, too. I bet that low frequency noise from the moon, ocean, the core in side the earth, other planets of our solar system, nearby stars, nearby galaxies, etc are more likely than the spacetime due to the gravitational waves. 4). Even gravitational wave causes the earth’s motion wiggling, then that is the motion path of the earth is not smooth, has nothing to do with the spacetime on the earth. If the spacetime on the earth is truly changing, then the instrument within that curved spacetime, cannot measure the curvature itself. In other words, the curvature of non-Euclidean geometry can only be calculated under Euclidean geometry, dR/dx, /dy,/dz, where x,y,x are distances in Euclidean domain.
@ronmasters751 Жыл бұрын
Any relation to Joseph Taylor of PSR 1913+16 fame?
@charlesbrightman4237 Жыл бұрын
QUESTIONS: Gravity: For those who claim that 'gravity' is matter warping the fabric of spacetime: 1. What exactly is 'space' and how exactly does space warp? 2. What exactly is 'time' and how exactly does time warp? 3. How exactly does matter warp the fabric of spacetime?
@charlesbrightman4237 Жыл бұрын
SINGULAR BIG BANG THEORY (FAIRY TALE): (copy and paste from my files): Okay, for those who believe that the singular big bang theory is really true and that all the energy and matter in this universe came from a very dense singularity: Please also honestly and accurately answer: 1. Where did the singularity come from or did it eternally exist throughout all of eternity past? 2. Where did the 1 iota of energy come from to trigger the singularity to 'bang' one day in eternity? 3. What forces of nature existed to allow the singularity to exist and to 'bang'? 4. What forces of nature allowed our current forces of nature to come into existence? 5. What exactly is 'space' and how exactly does space expand? 6. What exactly is 'time' and how exactly does time vary? 7. What exactly is 'gravity' and how exactly does gravity do what gravity does in this universe? 8. How exactly do numbers and mathematical constants exist in the universe for math to do what math does in this universe? 9. RED SHIFT: Consider the following: Modern science claims that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it's one of the foundations of physics. 'IF' a photon red shifts, where does the energy from the red shifted photon go? And what makes that energy leave the photon? 10. CMBR from a singular big bang should be long gone by now and should not even be able to be seen by us. 11. There are other more 'normal' physical explanations for the 'red shift' observations.
@charlesbrightman4237 Жыл бұрын
AGE OF THE UNIVERSE: SPACE IS FINITE AND TIME IS INFINITE: (copy and paste from my files): ('Space' being energy itself, 'Time' being the flow of energy, 'SpaceTime' being energy and it's flow): Consider the following, utilizing modern science and logic and reason: a. Modern science claims that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it's one of the foundations of physics. Hence, energy is either truly a finite amount and eternally existent, or modern science is wrong. First Law Of Thermodynamics: "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed." b. An 'absolute somethingness' cannot come from 'absolute nothingness', 'absolute nothingness' just being a concept from a conscious entity in 'absolute somethingness'. Hence, an 'absolute somethingness' truly eternally existed throughout all of eternity past, exists today, and will most probably exist throughout all of future eternity. That eternally existent 'absolute somethingness' most probably being energy itself. c. The universe ALWAYS existed in some form, NEVER had a beginning, will most probably ALWAYS exist in some form, and possibly NEVER have an end. Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, have been replaced by actual reality. No Creator needed. * Some people for some reason (social conditioning/brainwashing/wishful thinking) believe in future eternity without end but do not accept eternity past with no beginning. d. And for me, 'space' is energy itself. Wherever space is, energy is. Wherever energy is, space is. They are one and the same thing. 'Space' is most probably gravitational energy fields, electrical energy fields and magnetic energy fields, varying possibly only in energy modality, energy density and energy frequency. 'Time' is the flow of energy. Hence 'spacetime' being 'energy and it's flow'. 'Spacetime' had no beginning and will possibly have no end. e. Note also: The singular big bang theory is a fairy tale for various reasons as well as the CMBR from the supposed 'big bang' should be long gone by now and the 'red shift' observations have more 'normal' already known physic explanations. No dark energy or dark matter needed. * There is really only 1 single truly eternal day that had no beginning and will never ever end. The 'day' of truly eternally existent ever flowing energy.
@BarberAaron Жыл бұрын
What clock do they use when timing pulses
@abbygirl1972 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if the recent discovery of galaxies that are “newer” than they should be based on their red-shift - is directly related to gravitational waves?🤔
@wordzfailmebro Жыл бұрын
There was a ufo guy who was talking about gravitational waves few years ago... Interesting stuff who knows maybe Bob's your uncle. 👉🛸👈
@ernietech-101 Жыл бұрын
Credit to Drs Taylor and Hulse for foundational work
@charlesbrightman4237 Жыл бұрын
QUESTIONS: Gravitational Waves: For those who claim that 'gravity' is matter warping the fabric of spacetime: 1. Without matter going through spacetime, how can a gravitational wave go through spacetime? 2. What exactly is spacetime that a gravitational wave can go through it? 3. Wouldn't a gravitational wave also affect the detector which exists in spacetime?
@DuckinMyHat Жыл бұрын
I'm not an astrophysicist, but I hope my answers are accurate. 1. The gravitational wave goes through spacetime the way a sound wave moves in the air. It compresses space itself. It IS the compression of space itself. 2. I don't know enough to answer this one sorry. 3. The 'detector' in this experiment wasn't some type of microphone that listens to G waves, the waves were detected by observing pulsar stars through a telescope, then searching for disturbances in the timings of when those pulses reached the telescope. If space were to compress, as expected theoretically, then the timings would shift slightly.when a wave passes through (spoiler alert, this is what happened) But to answer your question, yes the telescope would also be warped by the waves.
@georgesheffield1580 Жыл бұрын
It is a way to hid that the earth is really flat and that there are 17 different dimensions in space but time only has 5 . Fermions distort the quarks hidden in bosons and affect the leptons .
@ChromaticVanity Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't this mean that the universe has a shape?
@metoo5830 Жыл бұрын
Strong evidence for warp drive, if you have a. Black hole for power ?
@xavierlumley7997 Жыл бұрын
You would not use a black hole in the same way. You would not use a lake where your stream or power is coming from. It is the waves themselves that we would be using
@odiscipulo33 Жыл бұрын
Ondas do coração da Mãe Divina é o que é necessário que o mundo recebendo obedeça a cada pulso.
@johnprshollowbodyspruce5702 Жыл бұрын
maybe spacetime is a giant, expanding puddle we exist inside spilling from a giant hose someone turned on we call the big bang
@prometeled Жыл бұрын
all is but vibration and waves energy of which a small part of it turned into matter !!!!!!
@edmondedwards6729 Жыл бұрын
isn't it true that reception of G wave signals are limited to sources within our light cone, just as any other EM signal source is?
@DuckinMyHat Жыл бұрын
I would assume yes, since they said G waves travel at light speed
@justsomeguy6474 Жыл бұрын
@MizanHIT Жыл бұрын
@NSFScience Жыл бұрын
@charlesbrightman4237 Жыл бұрын
SPACE and TIME: (copy and paste from my files): 'Space' is energy itself. Wherever space is, energy is. Wherever energy is, space is. They are one and the same thing. And for me, the 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe that makes up everything in existence in this universe. 'Space' is most probably energy itself in the form of gravitational fields, electrical fields and magnetic fields, varying possibly only in energy modality, energy density and energy frequency. 'Time' is the flow of energy. 'Time' (flow of energy) cannot exist unless 'space' (energy itself) exists. And 'space' (energy itself) that does not flow (no flow of time / energy) is basically useless. An entity cannot even think a thought without a flow of energy. If all the energy in the universe stopped flowing, wouldn't we say that 'time stood still'? Time itself would still exist, it would just not be flowing, (basically 'time' stopped). But then also, how space and time are linked in what is called 'space time', (energy and it's flow). * And everything in existence currently appears to be eternally existent energy interacting with itself. There is truly only 1 single 'eternal day', the day of eternally existent ever flowing energy.
@charlesbrightman4237 Жыл бұрын
GRAVITY: (copy and paste from my files): WARNING: (CONTAINS EXISTENTIAL MATTERS): Here is the test for the 'gravity' portion of my TOE idea. I do not have the necessary resources to do the test but maybe you or someone else reading this does, will do the test, then tell the world what is found out either way. a. Imagine a 12 hour clock. b. Put a magnetic field across from the 3 to 9 o'clock positions. c. Put an electric field across from the 6 to 12 o'clock positions. (The magnetic field and electric field would be 90 degrees to each other and should be polarized so as to complement each other.) d. Direct a high powered laser through the center of the clock at 90 degrees to the em fields. e. Do this with the em fields on and off. (The em fields could be varied in size, strength, density and depth. The intent would be to energy frequency match the laser and em fields for optimal results, cancelling out the em modalities of the laser, thereby leaving behind the gravity modality.) f. Look for any gravitational / anti-gravitational effects. (Including the utilization of ferro cells so as to be able to actually see the energy field movements.) (And note: if done right, it's possible a mini gravitational black hole might form. Be ready for it. In addition, it's possible a neutrino might be formed before the black hole stage, the neutrino being a substance with a very high gravitational modality with very low 'em' modalities.) (An alternative to the above would be to direct 3 high powered lasers, or a single high powered laser split into 3 beams, each adjustable to achieve the above set up, all focused upon a single point in space. Maybe I could concentrate the Sun's 'em' into a high powered laser. Might even work with the correct set up breaking the Sun's 'em' down into single 'em' energy frequencies acting like a single energy frequency laser. A high energy laser powered by the Sun. Cool, or actually pretty hot. More than one way to build a laser.) 'If' effects are noted, 'then' further research could be done. 'If' effects are not noted, 'then' my latest TOE idea is wrong. But still, we would know what 'gravity' was not, which is still something in the scientific world. (But hey, might even still get a Sun powered laser, which of course could even be utliized in outer space for various agendas.). This test can speak for itself. It will either be true, partly true, or not true at all. It will either show what gravity truly is, might be, or is not. Science still wins either way and moves forward. * And note: Whether my gravity test or another's, a gravitational black hole would have to be formed to prove the concept as being really true. A gravitational black hole that 'if' self fed itself, could literally wipe out this Earth and all on it, possibly this solar system, possibly put a black hole in this section of our galaxy, and potentially even causing a ripple effect in this galaxy and surrounding universe. But hey, if it does, no worries. Nobody would be left to prosecute those who did so. (Possibly famous last words: "Hey, it worked. Ooooppppssss.................) But as NASA has already proven that low gravity conditions over a prolonged period of time is harmful to the human species, and large rotating space ships won't really work for space bases on planets and moons, those space bases probably being needed somewhere along the way out of this solar system and galaxy, we need to figure out what gravity truly is and see if we can generate artificial gravity so as to have smaller space ships and proper gravity conditions for space bases on planets and moons. Otherwise, at least all human life will most probably die and go extinct one day. Currently, no exceptions. * Added note: Just trying to save at least 1 single species from this Earth to exist beyond this Earth so that life itself from this Earth has continued meaning and purpose to. Gives me something to do while I exist, otherwise, what is it all and everything for? Even if my TOE idea were correct, but if it did not help species survive beyond this Earth, what good would it ultimately be? So, are you feeling lucky? Doing nothing and at least the entire human species eventually dies and goes extinct with a high degree of certainty. Doing a gravity test, (mine and/or another's), and there is at least a slim chance of literally wiping out this entire Earth and all on it, and possibly more. Do you and other's truly want me to prove my TOE idea as being really true? But also: Questions: Are at least some black holes in this universe due to a species who were trying to discern what 'gravity' truly was, came up with a test to do so, were successful, but the black hole generated (to prove what gravity truly was) self fed itself and wiped them and at least their entire planet out? What species might have existed where a black hole now resides? (Since all of life itself is ultimately meaningless in the grand of scheme of things anyway, do the gravity test and see what occurs?) * Added note: Suggestion: 'IF' society did not want to do the gravity test, one suggestion might be to at least create a model as if it were true, then see how that model matches with observations and predictions. It might be possible to discern the theory of everything without actually generating a gravitational black hole (which would definitely prove the TOE idea as being really true).
@vincentconti-jb3hd Жыл бұрын
I am one of the people he described as one who doesn't "quite" understand!!!!!!!! Yikes!!!!
@michaelccopelandsr7120 Жыл бұрын
I've been posting this story for a while now. Is it possible they're related? Time is fascinating. I worked the subway stations for nearly 10 years. From one end of the city to the other. Every so often I would notice the city would be saying that, "Today just flew by" or "The day was just dragging along." How can an entire city, with no interaction with each other until they used the subway, complain about the same time paradox unless it was effected by it? Maybe a time distorted bubble the earth passes through in its revolution around the sun. Maybe random waves of time distortion hitting the earth? Maybe they're given off by the sun. Maybe they're from outside our Terran system and reach us in intervals. ???? Ti-i-i-ime, is on my side. Yes, it is!
@vincentconti-jb3hd Жыл бұрын
@raybod1775 Жыл бұрын
So many black holes, is dark matter necessary?
@snowdogjoe2741 Жыл бұрын
I can take anything serious if the person talking ( in this case the female) has to up-talk at the end of almost every sentence.
@zerogravity6201 Жыл бұрын
So basically there is no discovery at all, this is just an old theory wrapped in modern clickbaiting.
@frankfurt9679 Жыл бұрын
hahaha.... what is gravity though? #KeyWords likely, maybey, could be, might be, perhaps, imagine #Unprovable #baseless all conjecture and mathmagic "proofs"
@GIJRock Жыл бұрын
Hail WV
@camronrubin8599 Жыл бұрын
Gravity is merely a product of the electric and magnetic potentials. All 3 are different manifestations of the same thing . Just like ice , water , steam , etc. Maybe physics will realize this in the next century. Our future depends on it.
@nirad6766 Жыл бұрын
Is this what's causing Earth's wobble?
@-LightningRod- Жыл бұрын
"that first single supermassive black hole binary", "multimessenger astrophysics","it's insurmountable, it's an incredible opportunity",..... please stop talking, it hurts
@quoipi Жыл бұрын
what?? lmao?
@toplexil36 Жыл бұрын
Try stopping the video and doing something else... I don't want them to stop talking just for your head to stop hurting
@3glitch9 Жыл бұрын
Ikr... sounds like marketing, fluffed as if it's trying to convince me of something, or sell me something. The whole "ripple in space time" as an answer, made laugh, cry and get pissed off all at the same time. So much -cringe- , so little present now moment.
@-LightningRod- Жыл бұрын
So,....the birth canal. We should Monetize that. sry, head aches and so does my heart. All that we KNOW is in jeopardy and i think alot of people know this, and i think Monies only use is to control Me like a leash i can see a time,....ripple that.
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