Nietzsche's Zarathustra - 8 - A Secret of the Book

  Рет қаралды 293

Michael Pierce

Michael Pierce

Күн бұрын

Last week, I gave an overview of the plot of Nietzsche's masterpiece, Thus Spake Zarathustra. This week, before delving into a more detailed commentary, I want to present an unconventional theory I have about the true meaning of Eternal Recurrence as it relates to the Ubermensch as a true Creator. After all, how can there be any creators if all of history recurs eternally? How can anything new appear? How is the Ubermensch reconciled with the Eternal Recurrence? My theory is intended to solve these issues; I'm curious what you all will think of it.
My interview with Logan Reynolds: • Interview with the Cow...
Series playlist: • Nietzsche's Zarathustra

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@niccreznic8259 5 ай бұрын
12:29 I was imagining an ouroboros - was so happy to hear you had the same thought! What you said makes so much sense now, the biting down symbolizing the recognition of the futility of life, which itself empowers!
@mattevans8090 5 ай бұрын
Catching all the the symbolism is a really difficult and timely task. The extra parsing of this work is greatly appreciated 🤝 good luck with your thesis as well
@y2kmedia118 5 ай бұрын
Good day to you my sir.
@MichaelPiercePhilosophy 5 ай бұрын
Good day to you! Thanks for dropping by!
@y2kmedia118 5 ай бұрын
I have you on notification yet YT didn't bother informing me of this Nietzsche series you've been making. Nothing to complain about since I now have a Michael Pierce marathon to enjoy.
@TheDragonStratagem 2 ай бұрын
{! Disclaimer: I am a hobbyist hypothetical physicist, an amateur conjectural theologian, and an aspiring philosophical sci-fi/fantasy author. The ideas posited and owned by the author of this comment are entirely fantasy fictional or science fictional, and are not representations of actual reality or existence, but are only and exclusively abstract philosophical nonsense !} After listening to eight of your videos about Nietzsche's Zarathustra I finally think I can respond to the concept of eternal recurrence. I invented a similar concept called eternal hope. I haven’t read the source material for your videos so all of my commentary will be based upon your narration and description of it. As I understand, eternal recurrence from your videos is like living the same life over and over again, but not being aware that this is occurring for possibly an eternity. To break this cycle, you must willfully comprehend your entire life, and then using backwards will cause your life to change into some other thing that has to do with the overman. Eternal hope is similar to the eternal occurrence in that eternities are traveled through. I use the concept of awareness scaling consciousness to allow someone to travel through eternities for the purpose of eternal hope. As awareness decreases consciousness becomes subconsciousness, unconsciousness, anti-consciousness and finally to absence consciousness. As awareness increases consciousness becomes super consciousness, hyper consciousness, mega consciousness, and ultimately ultra consciousness. Changing your level of awareness, and thus changing your consciousness, changes how you perceive the flow of time. When you become subconscious, this is kind of like a trance-maybe you’re watching a movie or series on Netflix-time seems to pass quicker because you’re entertained and you’re engaged in the show. When you’re unconscious, or sleeping, time passes even faster because you wake up and it seems only a few minutes have passed and it’s been eight hours. Unconsciousness is when your awareness is a low number or possibly zero. Anti-consciousness is when your awareness is negative. An anti-conscious person might be in a coma and would not respond to any level of stimulation. An unconscious person may be aroused with stimulation if it is sufficient to wake them up. A person in a coma may not notice the passing of time for years on end and may wake up having thought it was only a few moments. Taken to the extreme, if you have a negative infinite amount of awareness you obtain absence consciousness which would allow you to travel through an infinite amount of time without noticing any of the passage of time. You could hyper sleep through an entire eternity experiencing no time passage and wake up in the next eternity. Since your physical body would need to be immortal in order for this hyper sleep state to take place without killing you something like this could happen after the resurrection. Hyper sleeping through absence consciousness to the next eternity would give you the capacity to be reincarnated as another mortal physical person, allowing you to experience a new state of probation so that you can continue your progress to obtain a better result for your eternal welfare than in the previous eternity. Even if you did not obtain the best possible eternal welfare, you would still have eternal hope that you might be able to obtain it in the next eternity. I would imagine that if you did not have the best possible result for your eternal welfare that hypersleep might not be available to you immediately after the resurrection. Possibly after an amount of time that is sufficient for you to have paid for your own transgressions you would feel such a relief of your eternal punishment that you would feel infinite euphoria, fall into a state of absence consciousness, and rest from your eternal destruction. I imagine that you would probably wake up as a newly created spirit in the next eternity and go through pretty much the same process as in the previous eternity, having no recollection of the previous eternity. To me this sounds a lot like eternal recurrence before the overman state. Ultimately after many eternities if you finally received the best possible result for your eternal welfare then awareness would increase allowing you to go from consciousness to superconsciousness to hyper consciousness, to mega consciousness, and ultimately to approach ultra consciousness but never get to it. Super consciousness is a state of consciousness obtained by those who have great faith and can perform miracles, hear the words of God receiving revelations, prophecies, translate ancient sacred documents with seeing stones like the Urim and Thummim. Therefore super consciousness is the awareness and the ability to interact with spiritual things as well as physical things, whereas consciousness is only the awareness and the ability to interact with physical things. Hyper consciousness is pertaining to obtaining eternal perfection, which is a perfection only pertaining to a particular eternity. I imagine the timeframe within an eternity to obtain eternal perfection would be similar to that for those who ultimately obtain absence consciousness after paying for their own transgressions. After obtaining hyper consciousness, one could hyper clock their mind and escape an eternal timeframe traveling into a new eternity, fully aware of this process. The benefit of hyper clocking their eternal awareness is that when they arrive in a new eternity, having pass-through the ether between eternities, they will remember the previous eternity. This is like the overman state of eternal recurrence. The person obtaining hyper consciousness when they became mortal again in the next eternity would remember heaven, and no longer be out of the presence of God and no longer in a probationary state, but would be considered mortal ministering angels. Ultra consciousness is the state described as the mind of God where all things pertaining to all eternities are ever present in his mind and he knows all things. Since all things are ever present in God‘s mind, I will call the concept of infinite eternities everpresence. He has obtained perfection in everpresence or has obtained flawlessness and infallibility which combined are unfathomable power, which, for lack of a better term, I will call fathomless. Since fathomless would be a process that would take infinite eternities, or everpresence, it cannot have a beginning or an end. Therefore, God’s ultra consciousness, everpresence, and fathomless, are exclusive properties of God and cannot be obtained by anyone else for He is from all eternity to all eternity. God’s awareness is infinite and therefore, he has the capacity to ultra clock his mind or perhaps, is always doing this, being aware of all things in everpresence, being able to communicate with all of his infinite spiritual offspring, in all their states of their spiritual development, throughout everpresence. Ether is a state of all things between eternities when all things become energy or light. God, with ultra consciousness, and his children who have hyper consciousness are able to perceive this state of ether as pure emotion increasing their consciousness to mega consciousness. I suspect that all the emotions would be infinite, and that they would combine to form the sacred emotion called delirium. It is in the ether state that a new eternity can be selected and then created by God. My assumption is that every eternity is slightly different in everpresence, kind of like the Multiverse theory where each universe is slightly different from one another. Those who have mega consciousness experience the sacred emotion delirium during the ether whereas God still experiences everpresence during the ether with both thought and emotion because of his exclusive ultra consciousness and fathomless states. {! Disclaimer: I am a hobbyist hypothetical physicist, an amateur conjectural theologian, and an aspiring philosophical sci-fi/fantasy author. The ideas posited and owned by the author of this comment are entirely fantasy fictional or science fictional, and are not representations of actual reality or existence, but are only and exclusively abstract philosophical nonsense !}
@TheDragonStratagem 2 ай бұрын
{! Disclaimer: I am a hobbyist hypothetical physicist, an amateur conjectural theologian, and an aspiring philosophical sci-fi/fantasy author. The ideas posited and owned by the author of this comment are entirely fantasy fictional or science fictional, and are not representations of actual reality or existence, but are only and exclusively abstract philosophical nonsense !} A spirit having a beginning and end is a concept I am going to assign to the repurposed word terminus. If a spirit has a beginning and an end, therefore it has terminus, not “a terminus” since we’re talking about more than one location in time. A spirit that has no beginning or end has no terminus. A ring does not have terminus however a ring can still be forged. The same with a spirit, if a spirit does not have terminus or otherwise it is eternal it can still be forged in the ether between eternities having beginlessness and endlessness to its nature as a part of its creation. Therefore a spirit not having terminus is no limitation to the creation of a spirit. Beginlessness is a word I invented that is the same concept as endlessness except in the opposite direction of time. If everpresence is composed of two directions in time one could be called forever and the other perhaps backever, just like forwards and backwards are two directions in space. Backever is the concept of being able to travel backwards through time without any limitations just like forever is the capacity to travel forward in time without any limitation. This is considering time as a dimensionality and not as a dimension. Since time is a dimensionality in this context it can encompass temporality, eternity, and everpresence. This implies also that the spirit having no terminus can also have a reverse creation and a new creation in the ether between the eternities. The concept of reverse creation and new creation of a spirit in the ether I assign to the repurposed word transfiguration. Jesus said that you should not put new wine into old bottles least the bottles burst therefore, you should put new wine into new bottles. But he also said the old wine is better. It is my opinion that this is in reference to transfiguration of the spirit under the conceptual definition that I have assigned to the repurposed word transfiguration. According to this interpretation of what Jesus said, the bottles are the spirit and the wine is the consciousness. New wine is a consciousness that has undergone absence consciousness and does not have any recollection of the previous eternity. Whereas a consciousness that is attained hyper consciousness has a perfect recollection of the previous eternity. In the case of the new wine or new consciousness, they have to have a new bottle or a new spirit. In the case of the old wine or the old consciousness the old bottle or the old spirit will suffice yet could still be replaced with a new one. The old spirit and hyper consciousness can either transfigure directly into itself without alteration or could receive transfiguration into a new spirit in the ether, obtaining mega consciousness in the interim. This would be entirely up to the person with hyper consciousness/mega consciousness because their awareness during hyper consciousness of their impending transfiguration would give them this choice because they are exercising unlimited cognizancy. Cognizancy is a term that I invented and that I assigned the concept of utilizing agency to make choices that change reality. {! Disclaimer: I am a hobbyist hypothetical physicist, an amateur conjectural theologian, and an aspiring philosophical sci-fi/fantasy author. The ideas posited and owned by the author of this comment are entirely fantasy fictional or science fictional, and are not representations of actual reality or existence, but are only and exclusively abstract philosophical nonsense !}
@AeonBaudrillard 5 ай бұрын
Again, this is standard Catholicism. In fact, maintaining the principle of the excluded middle and renouncing the principle of non-contradiction has been THE explicit Catholic doctrine for centuries (Böhme, etc.), arguably from the very beginning (Augustine, etc.), and is the common denominator of all Continental (Catholic) thinking even today (Žižek, etc.). Of course, it has also always been a basic doctrine of "Eastern" Theology (here, the properly Christian supplement is the remark that, therefore, the maintenance of the first principle and renouncing of the second put Catholic paganism and Eastern paganism in a relation of excluded middle but ultimate non-contradiction). The fact that you claim to have never heard of this before reading Nietzsche is, frankly, baffling. Abysmal.
@mattevans8090 5 ай бұрын
What is bro yapping about, how about less condescension and more content making oh mighty wise one
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