One thing i would add is that removal in this format is pretty good. There are like 3 playable burn removal spells in red, a bunch in black, and even rat on and flick the coin are reasonable good just because there are so many X/1s.
@brendonford3838 Жыл бұрын
Yes I really respect 1 damage effects this
@memeticproperties4517 Жыл бұрын
I did end up using Utopia Sprawl turn one Return from the Wilds turn 2 and Hamlet Glutton turn 3 one game, so it definitely is possible. Utopia Sprawl is a great card.
@kaseybennett7415 Жыл бұрын
Lol I think I was your opponent
@ThePauliwrath Жыл бұрын
Here's something I didnt notice at first: Callous Sell-Sword (Burn Together) can deal damage to ANY target. I have used it to close out a couple games on a stalled board by dealing 4-5 damage to face!
@OrbGoblin Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this, I've really been struggling with this format, got too used to Arena Cube.
@derekcline950 Жыл бұрын
Red has seemed really good to pair with. Lots of good removal, lots of rats to bargain, some treasure, some good auras, solid creatures, all at lower rarity.
@AMageOldAsDirt Жыл бұрын
I find the bargain take interesting because I've found in almost all my decks I have more bargain fodder than I have bargain cards. Bargain has elt completely automatic to me. Even in blue green you have return from the wilds, welcome to sweettooth, hollow scavenger, tough cookie, etc. I feel like the only time I've cast a bargain spell without bargain is Candy Grapple or Torch the Tower on turn 2
@riccardocalosso5688 Жыл бұрын
Oh boy! Just woke up, and what i see? A Nizzanote? What a treat!
@zaxbunny3081 Жыл бұрын
Hi Nizzahon (and everyone). You spoke about synergy as one of your points, which got me interested. If you were to name sets in the last few years (say, since Zendikar Rising) where synergy was a requirement (or at least highly beneficial), what sets would you name?
@eduvieira2022 Жыл бұрын
not sure if it's the face of synergy, but in Kaldhein is pretty important, part of it cause there's a lot of tribal
@derekcline950 Жыл бұрын
I really liked Zendikar Rising because synergy was powerful at lower rarities (Vine Gecko and Risen Riptide, for example)
@arkokroeger9799 Жыл бұрын
Normally i am also more into the grindier decks, but this is the first time i am actually good at drafting an aggro deck. Adventures make aggro ironically stronger in draft because you dont run out of steam as quick and can throw your ressources more recklessly at the opponent, and when you are in rakkdos, you get so many rats that its easy to force the opponent into disadvantage state where he has to block unfavorably because he otherwise looses the game.
@Alessandro-vv2fh Жыл бұрын
Yeaaaaah, me too. Ten-ish drafts in, I've been on an incredible streak with Rx and Wx aggro deck, and I've yet to not trophy with Boros.
@isaakward4393 Жыл бұрын
@@Alessandro-vv2fhyeah aggro decks have been the way to go for me so far easily
@Alexxf35 Жыл бұрын
My first draft ended up being a black/green w/ a splash of blue for mother goose. Went 7-1, pretty fun for sure.
@kikiisonfire1217 Жыл бұрын
great video as always :) so far i've had success with aggro and ramp, but the ramp deck's 5+-slots need to be packed (my curve kinda looked like: I_I). oh and if you get the synergy with UW its absolutely bonkers! i got 3 signpost uncommons, probably because nobody wants to play those colors :D and let me tell you, that deck was the most fun i had in a draft in a while
@lambdalandis Жыл бұрын
I would argue that Frantic Firebolt is the highly situational card and Monstrous Rage is the one you’re more likely to want. Rage goes in a stronger deck archetype (in this format) and only requires you to want to attack with creatures. Pretty much every red deck does that enough to justify a one mana spell that pumps a creature, permanently increases its stats, and leaves bargain fodder behind.
@briandecastro88 Жыл бұрын
I got a great combo in my sealed draft. Imodane, the Pyromancer+The Apprentice's Folly+Stonesplitter Bolt. Cast the bolt for 7x with 2 Imodanes. Bargain on the folly allows to me keep my reflections. But it was a kill shot anyways.
@zackestin1368 Жыл бұрын
After prerelease I made a post on your community tab talking about how much the monstrous rage impressed me as a card. Glad to see you’re coming around to the same conclusion.
@NizzahonMagic Жыл бұрын
I thought it was good in the set review. I didn't really need to come around haha
@joshhudson9839 Жыл бұрын
Imodanes recruiter has felt like a true mythic uncommon so far. When I have it, it feels like it just wins the game more often than not. Flamekin zealot with an adventure that makes 2 dudes is crazy, and even if you're in like RB and can't cast the adventure the recruiter itself just wrecks people out of nowhere. Also cut in has felt like a huge, huge overperformer. I thought it would be pretty medium but the removing their blocker and putting a young hero role on your guy so he can get in is disgusting on a lot of board states, especially if you have like a flier or a ginger brute or something to put it on. Even just putting it on a rat is really nasty cause a lot of the times it forces your opponent to make a really terrible trade with the rat at some point.
@ceracen Жыл бұрын
I don't like Recruiter that much. It's ok, but you have to have a wide board to make a real impact. It seems like it's just a 3 mana 2/2 most of the time
@joshhudson9839 Жыл бұрын
@@ceracen The only cards it's not outperforming in the data are gruff triplets, virute of persistence and redcap gutter dweller, and it's tied with faunsbane troll. The card is, statistically at least, stronger than all but the biggest bombs in the format and it's certainly felt that way when I've played it. Red also has access to a lot of treasures which usually means you can just stick it in your red decks and get access to the adventure for free a lot of the time.
@bobfranklin2572 Жыл бұрын
Takeaway no 1: Gruff tripplets its a bombabomb
@kikiisonfire1217 Жыл бұрын
i drafted a shitshow of a deck, but this thing singlehandedly won me 3 games
@markk6060 Жыл бұрын
It’s easy to two for one yourself with the adventure combat tricks too
@n0obz27 Жыл бұрын
I ran a sealed and got 2 copies of a legend who could copy enchantments. I also got a saga that exiled stuff for 2 turns, as well as the pseudo pacifism aura. Basically just permanent removal of their board. Unfortunately I had very little combat power, so winning was rough some games. I had 1 literally go to both of us at 1 hp and I drew a land.
Format seems like it has significantly more variance in it than most. A Q3 draw that curves out from a bad deck will run over Q2 draw that doesn't have 2-drop from descent to good deck TLDR, play 2 drops
@MordiggianMorddoth Жыл бұрын
Not sure I agree with the bargain part. I've only been unable to find something to bargain maybe two or three times. More common is the scenario where I need to bargain something I'm unhappy with losing, like an Up the Beanstalk. Overall, Bargain just feels really good in limited, especially the instant speed effects. I've pulled off bargaining away a Cooped Up with the exile ability on the stack once, and that was probably my favorite moment in WOE so far. The other thing is that blue feels pretty weak to me. I think it's that every other color has amazing removal, even at common, while blue has bounce effects that don't help if your opponent is being aggressive (and feel really bad if you have to bounce an adventure creature). Blue does have curse tokens, but again those don't save you from a board of two and three drops. On the flip side, blue is a nice secondary color IF your primary color can keep you alive long enough to reach late game.
@BigolBItty Жыл бұрын
This set gave me a reach around
@grasshopper1153 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you. I get tired of drafts that force you to be assertive. Could we get a grindy format for once lol?
@Alexxf35 Жыл бұрын
Yes, minecart daredevil is stupid good. Had 4x of them in my 2nd draft and just ran over everyone w/ constant combat tricks and red removal.
@al_z_homie Жыл бұрын
My biggest problem with the set so far is, that aggro seems to be a bit too viable and what ends up happening is, that you want to build a nice value heavy synergistic deck and simply get steamrolled by a non-synergistic aggressive deck, that simply has a good curve.
@ericlizama8552 Жыл бұрын
I've only done two drafts and a sealed in this format, and every loss happened because I stumbled once in the game, so I definitely agree that it's an aggressive format. My best draft was my first draft, which was a WB deck splashing for both Fausbane Troll and Questing Druid, and it only went 4-3. My worst deck was my sealed deck, which looked like an amazing GB Foods deck with Elvish Archivist, Lord Skitter, Guff Triplets, and some fourth rare I forget. It went 1-3. So yeah, after losing so many games to one bad draw, I quit the format. And if WOE turns out to be truly aggressive, I won't be coming back.
@noobtuber10 Жыл бұрын
Mana fixing is extremely valuable, ive gone 2-1 ,3-0, 3-0 in my 3 sealed events and 3-0 in my first draft, draft night on friday again wish me luck, so far value wise ive hit couldron, anime doubling and I got a promo sheoldred the apocaplyce, and like 3 other mythics, moonshaker cavalry, this set has treated me very very nicely
@noobtuber10 Жыл бұрын
In sealed i played fearies with 2 obyras and a bitterblossom, only reason I didnt 3-0 was because of dark tutalge, its a trap dont play it. Second sealed was green black midrange splashing white, 3rd was agrro red black, had like 8 1 drops, and my draft I played green, blue value, had 2 goose mothers and the sleeping 3 counters faerie, aswell as mosswood dread night, had insane fixing in this with 3 phrophetic prism, utupia spawl , a scarecrow and a evolving wilds, letting me play a single copy of stroke of midnight and cast mosswood dreadnights adventure easily, also drafted 2 tenacious tomespeaker, that along with a copy of quick study and 2 copies of in the fae of court ment I always had a full hand, not to mention I also drafted the irencrag and a restless cottage, my draft was kinda unfair. Really really sick 6-0 undefeated victory
@noobtuber10 Жыл бұрын
I havent had issues bargining in blue tbh, they have creatures that make enchantments, and prophetic prism is an allstar if your in blue, as well as in the court of fae making a token. Very very good
@ArgumentumAdHominem Жыл бұрын
I find that this set has somewhat higher variance in card quality than before. I'm used to formats where cards have roughly similar power level aside from a few busted rares, which is annoying but tolerable, as they don't show up all the time. Here it feels that even at common level the difference between card power is quite high. There are a few conclusions from this observation. Firstly, switching colors in pack two can be quite punishing. Secondly, the pod one is drafting in has an even higher impact on deck quality, which means that playing against people from other pods feels really unfair in either direction
@gottinrod Жыл бұрын
Forgot to mention first and foremost, avoid drafting green at all if possible, second, avoid white almost as hard.
@mentefiamma1744 Жыл бұрын
It is true that blue isn't very good at bargaining but let's not forget all the cursed role token that blue creates even with common cards
@kkplx Жыл бұрын
The format is aggro as fuck, almost on ONE levels. Shocker.
@paradewearconelnick2731 Жыл бұрын
I just wanted to see one person tell it like it is This format is not """"assertive""" it's down right aggresive Aggressive as fuck
@daveyanr5178 Жыл бұрын
Roll tokens should have been the DnD mechanic lol
@SpitefulAZ Жыл бұрын
I only got time to draft twice 😅😂
@CoL_Drake Жыл бұрын
strange i had my best success so far with controlling slow decks in this format
@PeregrineFelon Жыл бұрын
Not alot of people talking about the bonus sheet. Bonus sheet is so absurdly tilted towards G R that in the rare instances your pack doesnt have good G or R WOE cards, you can just get insane bonus sheet cards.
@paradewearconelnick2731 Жыл бұрын
JBA Just. Be. Aggro
@SpitefulAZ Жыл бұрын
We only had it since Tuesday.
@tommysagemar Жыл бұрын
I also think as this one as new. Wow getting old and been watching longer then I think I'm guessing
@daben7145 Жыл бұрын
feels like WotC releases one weak set after the other for years in a row now...