No CHARITY in Controversy! | Alistair Begg & He Gets Us

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3 ай бұрын

With the "He Gets Us" foot washing super bowl ad and the Alistair Begg "Attending a homosexual wedding" controversy, Christian social media has been exploding with opinions. We need to remember to interact with other brothers and sisters with charity and compassion even when expressing differences.
"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace." (James 3:17)
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Full Episode - • He Gets Us | Theocast

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@greganderson5981 3 ай бұрын
I very much appreciate you guys and your emphasis on resting in Christ's finished work, but as all the others have commented, a big swing and a miss. The theological implications of a wedding make attendance untenable. Christian charity is not accommodation and the truth in love is still in play. Moreover, every video I watched on this platform from MacArthur to Peters etc. was offered in love urging him to repent. Begg then goes scorched earth and labels everyone a Pharisee. X is a hell scape so looking for a Christian ethos there is a fools errand, if that's your source of consternation. The "He Get's Us Campaign" (with its misapplication of Scripture) has nothing to do with drawing unbelievers to Christ and everything to do with shaming Christians as bigoted and judgmental. I'm a bit perplexed this fact escapes you both or at least you didn't mention it. As previously stated I appreciate your ministry, but on this one I'll have to respectfully disagree on both counts.
@scottbailey9242 3 ай бұрын
I give up. Would you guys attend a polygamous marriage ceremony if you're related to these people? Give a gift also? Two men and three women, perhaps. Would you give wise counsel to someone who was unsure. Love is love.
@tomhitchcock8195 3 ай бұрын
My biggest problem is he misused the parable
@thinsomestone 3 ай бұрын
Holy cow, you guys are so far off with this. You don’t know anything about the makers of the He Gets Us ad-they do not follow the Lord! And furthermore, you have a deeply unbiblical and sinful understanding of love and compassion. The loving thing to do is to correct the sinner as they embrace one of the worst of sins, particularly when such a providential occasion presents itself! You guys are way off point here and need to repent of your unloving approach that abandons truth.
@paulbeahm3891 3 ай бұрын
So you're saying the job of the Christian is to hold non-Christians to Christian standards? That doesn't make sense from a rational or biblical standard. We tell them about Jesus. It's the gospel that causes repentance, repentance doesn't render one worthy of the gospel.
@bad_covfefe 3 ай бұрын
Theocast is all about fighting pietism, the problem is they have gonr to thr opposite extreme and aim to make Christianitysound as easy and nice and effortless as possible. Such is what happens when there is no objective authority.
@thinsomestone 3 ай бұрын
@@paulbeahm3891 I would encourage you to read the book of Acts and consider what Paul’s calling was to the Gentiles. He called unbelievers to repent. He didn’t celebrate with them that which the Lord calls an abomination.
@paulbeahm3891 3 ай бұрын
@@thinsomestone I don't recall saying we should celebrate offenses against God.
@tomhitchcock8195 3 ай бұрын
I’ve never seen a more charitable response as I’ve seen in response to Alistair Begg. No one is insulting him. Everyone is praying for him. It hurts us to see how many he’s led astray or confused
@davidelgeti517 3 ай бұрын
Brothers your definitions of compassion and mercy differ from the conservatives. We are saying the same words and both claiming to be moving by the Spirit, in love, and yet are talking by each other. The truth is we can’t be unclear in our language, definition mater. I see both sides of these issues or examples, are people who love and admire Allister B and want to be merciful. But the heart of the mater seams to be a struggle or disagreement on what It means to be obedient to the heart of God. This is not a matter of conscience, if it were it’s no big deal and we can just let it go and forgive and forget.
@WatchList-xf8ic 3 ай бұрын
You are right about everything you said except that it is not a matter (“matter” has two T’s, BTW) of conscience. It is, in fact, a matter of conscience, but let’s break this down. There are three things being discussed here: 1) A Christian whom Alistair Begg knows was struggling with whether or not to attend the LGBT “wedding” of a friend because she knows the “wedding” is sinful; 2) Alistair Begg counseled this person that it would NOT be wrong of her to attend the LGBT “wedding”; and 3) Alistair Begg recounted publicly his counsel to this individual Christian, namely, that he advised her to attend the wedding and that doing so would NOT be wrong. 1) Whether or not a Christian should attend an LGBT “wedding” is fundamentally a matter of conscience. How can we know? Because the Bible does NOT say, “Thou shall not attend LGBT weddings.” Hence, through prayer and reflection and possibly even fasting, the individual Christian can arrive upon whether or not he should attend the LGBT “wedding” at be at peace over the decision. (NOTE: It is NOT a sin in and of itself to attend an LGBT “wedding”. If GOD told him NOT to attend and he disobeys, then THAT is sin. 2) Alistair Begg probably was out of line counseling the woman to attend the LGBT “wedding” but NOT because it is a sin to attend an LGBT “wedding”, but rather because he has no place, even as a pastor, to tell an individual believer what he should do in this specific situation. 3) Alistair Begg should have known better than to publicly disclose the situation. After all, he was wrong to act as GOD and to counsel the woman one way or the other (regarding this specific issue). Recounting this story publicly, only further confused the situation for everyone in hearing.
@davidelgeti517 3 ай бұрын
@@WatchList-xf8ic Thanks for the help with my spelling, my wife usually proofreads anything I post. I do believe the bible , speaks about this , not in terms of a gay wedding but in how we treat those in on going sin, the sin of those we love and desire that God would grant them repentance . Repentance is a wonderful gift that God grants fallen man, we might talk and say things like “I will not repent and I don’t have to” but when we turn we are turn to Someone, not because we have to, but because it’s been granted. A life of repentance is a beautiful life, a picture of Gods Grace and not law. We turn as believers because God is Good and we are not, we turn as rebels because God is pursuing you, you hear His voice and ask grandma was that you ? Are actions, need to be inline with are father, for His Glory and because we love those that are asking, who is making me feel bad? I think of The command, Honor your father and mother'-this is the first commandment with a promise: 'so that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth'” (Ephesians 6:1-3). Much in the bible points and helps us to love one another, with word and action according to Gods will and ways. Attending the wedding means something and is saying something to many. This Controversy is causing division as we are being forced to answer this question, who determines what is good? God or man? Gal. 1:10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.This is not a distinction of law and gospel, but it’s how law and Gospel must coincide. God in His Grace helps us to see the Law in a new way, not as commands we can not keep but as a teacher and a light for our path a path to our sanctification and a closer walk with Him.
@maryrd.c3459 3 ай бұрын
We show love and compassion towards our enemies although they will reject, hate and persecute us praying and forgiving them, not being part of their sin. That’s compassion.
@bridegroomministries1212 3 ай бұрын
You just lost me. I was defending you until this. Its not love to celebrate transgender weddings, especially since there is no such thing. God created marriage. We must honor Christ not man. Love is honest and will sometimes wound a friend.
@bad_covfefe 3 ай бұрын
Sorry, that contradicts the lovey-dovey feel good version of Christianity theocast is trying to spread.
@jburghau 3 ай бұрын
I find your videos very helpful but I strongly disagree with you on this one. The ad should have incorporated the law and the gospel as you guys do. Alistair was mistaken in his initial comments but to me seemed to show an unwillingness to accept admonitions from the Scriptures.
@robbiefortner591 2 ай бұрын
I don't know how you guys continue to teach the truth with all of the vitriol that is hurled your way, but thank you. There cannot be deep compassion and love for sinners without a deep understanding of our own depravity. God could have left me in mine, but He didn't. It is breathtaking. I always think about Ignorance in Pilgrim's Progress. But for the grace of God, I would have shared in the same fate as Ignorance. But for the grace of God go I.
@WatchList-xf8ic 3 ай бұрын
Maybe this is what James meant when he say that teachers will be judged more harshly. First, they will be judged by the Christians they are teaching and then they will be judged by GOD.
@jacquelynedwards4571 3 ай бұрын
I think this may be a stretch on compassion. We don't want people to think it's ok to go against God believer or not. Men in high positions of teaching will have greater judgement.
@Minion-kh1tq 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the show, guys! Feel better now?
@futuretech2330 3 ай бұрын
wrong. it's very simple. if you are invited to a "gay wedding" and you go, you are participating in a sinful activity by your acceptance and attendance. compassion does not mean we willfully sin with others in order to show our love and respect for them. jesus and the apostles never entered into a sinful event or situation in order to show love and compassion and share the gospel. isn't this clear enough? stop defending the indefensible. no, people aren't "mean" to point this out.
@benjaminsummers6868 3 ай бұрын
@divinenatureonline 2 ай бұрын
Love these guys, but I thought this was a squishy response. Christians legitimately need to respond to this in the culture Biblically. Pastor Beg brought it out publically therefore it needed a public response also.
@jeffwatt4684 3 ай бұрын
Can someone please take a look at Romans 14. So let's presume Alister Baig is the stronger brother in this issue. He certainly knows there are weaker brothers who will not be able to handle this public display of his evangelical freedom. What does scripture say the stronger brother should do. It says to not do anything that will damage the weaker brother verse 21. Paul advises the stronger brother that ' the faith that you have , keep between yourself and God. verse 21. It appears that Allister was willing to publicly disclose his christian liberty in a way that runs roughshod over this principle. None of this drama would have resulted if he had just kept this issue in confidence between himself, the one he was counseling, and God. Pastoral counseling is tricky at best and issues like this are dealt with all the time in confidence within the parties that need to be involved. The evangelical community didn't need to know this. Sorry guys I love you but I think your missing the point here. You're pastors and you know that you have had to make difficult calls in your ministry and made sure that everything stayed in house to prevent this very thing from happening. This is not a boys club where ministry leaders need to give their buddies a pass when they blunder. Call it for what it is, repent, learn and move on. Be an example for the flock.
@jeffwatt4684 3 ай бұрын
@@the11thhour77 Well said, in the name of compassion being exceedingly uncompassionate. Throw the weaker brother under the bus in order to make a lame attempt at cultural moral virtue signaling.
@jeffwatt4684 3 ай бұрын
@@the11thhour77 Thanks brother, let's keep holding fast in Christ until that glorious day when our faith becomes sight.
@rocketman3485 3 ай бұрын
We're clear on the law and the gospel, but we're unclear what that actually means.
@bad_covfefe 3 ай бұрын
Yep, because in Protrstantism, there is no authority to decide whose interpretation of scripture we should go with. We can't use scripture, because that is the thing we are disagreeing on.
@rocketman3485 3 ай бұрын
Lol, and if the pope would hurry up and give is all the authoritative rulings, we wouldn't have all these problems. Come on, it's been 2000 years, you think at least one of the popes would have had enough time to write a commentary. Oh well, I guess we're left with reading the Bible and believing all of it.@@bad_covfefe
@TTown53591 3 ай бұрын
I’m concerned that what is being missed here is not that Christians need to be more compassionate and loving that’s always going to be the case because we’re human. What’s happening is people remaking Jesus into their own image. That’s what the commercial was conveying. It was idolatry wrapped up in emotion and sentimentality. We as Christians are called to love, to be compassionate because while we were in our wretched sin ,our Lord loved us and saved us. God tells us how to love him through his word, the world tells God how they want to be loved. Big difference, a profound and eternal difference. Begg was wrong and I’m still troubled that he has yet to openly repent for encouraging a sister or anyone for that matter to attend what God calls an abomination. Our Savior said the world hated him and we would be hated.
@keepingitrealenns80 3 ай бұрын
Very few walk with God like Begg …he has the very heart of God like we only dream of…
@BRP-ok6vp 3 ай бұрын
I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to you guys and have learned a lot. Unfortunately, you all have clearly missed the mark here and I strongly disagree with your conclusions. Hopefully, you will see your error.
@bad_covfefe 3 ай бұрын
I fail to see how this is inconsistent with every other easy-believism thing they teach.
@NoahFred29 2 ай бұрын
What does Compassion and Mercy and Love look like ? It’s not always to confirm a brother blindly because he agrees on some areas of Truth. Paul called out Peter, I’m pretty sure he was clear on the Law and the Gospel. However he was wrong in his friendship with the Jews and shunning other believers. Paul called him out harshly and strongly. Jesus never held back from Peter when he said wrong things even calling him “Satan”. I’ve not seen a single critic of Alister call him Satan, however in “Love” we call him out. Because he is saying things that are contrary to the Word of God. Alister doesn’t get a pass because he’s a celebrity pastor or because of years of faithful ministry. Noah was faithful and yet failed after the Ark. David was faithful to God and yet at the end of His life failed in some big areas. Christians fail, but we also call out those Christian’s when they fail. A right view of Law and Gospel is also having a right view of all of the Scriptures/ Discernment. Love takes on different forms. We discipline our children why? Because we hate them ? No! Because we Love them. The Lord Jesus Christ does the same with us. Because He loves us He convicts us. Because He loves us at Times He disciplines us very hard. But praise God He does. Let’s have a right understanding of Truth and Love…. I’m concerned that you men have taken this position on these topics and is alarming to say the least.
@Johlibaptist Ай бұрын
Too many love to cast stones.
@WatchList-xf8ic 3 ай бұрын
“What does compassion, what does love look like? How can we best commend Christ and the Gospel here? That is a wisdom call that we need to be free to give counsel on without facing the discipline of the Church and the chastisement of other Christians.” I fundamentally disagree with you on this, Bro. A pastor’s job is to teach, to encourage, and to uplift the Church both corporately and individually. Their teaching must necessarily come almost exclusively from the Bible. The Bible is silent on the issue of whether or not individual Christians should attend LGBT “weddings”, just like the Bible does NOT command that Christians should NOT drink alcohol. That is an individual choice that should be made from a place of conviction from one’s conscience. Pastors are NOT free to counsel individual Christians on matters of conscience. THAT is why Alistair Begg faces so much backlash and is suffering Church discipline. In short, he overstepped, not because he counseled a Christian to attend a LGBT “wedding” but because he weighed in on it at all. As a pastor, it was not his place to do so.
@jertexjertex7880 3 ай бұрын
WOW, talk about missing the mark, big swing & a miss on this one, guys. You have a false understanding of love and compassion, certainly not Biblical.
@londonspencer1965 3 ай бұрын
Interesting. I think I’m somewhat disagreeing with this video. He was not sympathetic as being a fellow sinner. He was sympathetic in the fact he was TEMPTED to sin. So different. :/ I have used this term/phrase way before this add went out, but this is an interesting point of view. I watched your other video upon this video and many others and y’all say you don’t agree with the “share the gospel and sometimes use words”. I get y’all said our actions can “draw” someone to the gospel. But condoning such is not okay? God does not overlook sin in any shape or form!!! And correct, we have the Holy Spirit in us, but we are also BEARING IMAGES OF GOD!! We where kicked out the garden for a reason. Unholiness could not come near God but now we have access back through Christ and being covered in His righteousness AFTER repenting and receiving the forgiveness found in Christ alone. To go to a gay wedding and allow/condone/excuse/overlook someone dead in their sin is wrong if not calling to repentance. In Acts, God says that there WAS a time when he overlooked the ignorance of men, but no longer due so and calls them to repent!!! Acts 17:29-34 To condone is to overlook, excuse, allow…. So I guess if a Christian does go to a gay pagan practice and calls it a “wedding” I hope it’s to reject or call them to repentance. Y’all are low key giving support to manipulate if the reasons to go to a gay/pagan wedding is to only condone and not call to repentance.
@londonspencer1965 3 ай бұрын
So I guess y’all are right in a sense. But the reason to WHY a Christian goes to a gay/pagan practice should always be examined.
@lindaw2418 3 ай бұрын
Disagree with you! John the Baptist got thrown in prison for confronting an official in his day for sleeping with a woman the wrong way. Ultimately getting his head cut off. Jesus called him the greatest prophet that lived. Alistair made a dumb choice, not the end of the world. He has to much pride to recant, that’s more the sin.
What Alistair Begg did NOT say.
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