Noam Chomsky - The Attack on Public Education

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Chomsky's Philosophy

Chomsky's Philosophy

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@globaldigitaldirectsubsidi4493 5 жыл бұрын
"As Milton Friedman correctly said, a corporation has a legal obligation to be an ethical monster." - Noam Chomsky
@globaldigitaldirectsubsidi4493 5 жыл бұрын
@Frederic Bastiat false. Workers satisfy your needs, corporations only force them to in some cases. Often corporations build useless crap and create artificial demand with advertisement.
@phaedrussmith1949 5 жыл бұрын
@Frederic Bastiat “Corporations” are legal fictions. Mere abstractions that protect capitalists from the liability which may come upon them for their business ventures. Corporations don’t please customers or not please customers. Corporations - public corporations - have a fiduciary duty to create profit for those who own them. If pleasing the customer makes the corporation profit then it pleases the customer, but that is not its primary mission, and in that gap many things happen. Do cigarette companies please their customers? Of course, but they also addict their customers with a deadly product. The examples of companies which create addictive products are seen on every urban street in America, and in every store & restaurant. Humans please customers, but humans who work for corporations work at the behest of the corporation‘s mission to produce profit for their owners, the workers paychecks are dependent upon that. Does the cigarette company rep who fills up the shelves in the local convenience store work to please their customers? Of course they do, their paycheck depends upon it, but they do so selling a product they know is both deadly and addictive. Do the convenience store clerks selling the pack of cigarettes to the end-user customers work to please those customers? Of course they do, but they also do so selling them a product they know are both deadly and addictive. Even Bastiat would see through the “sophism” of the modern corporation.
@phaedrussmith1949 5 жыл бұрын
@Frederic Bastiat I see, the Ayn Rand argument buttressed by a personal confession of a conscious choice to live as directed by the corporate overlords. Of course, we’ll never know about this thing called “Free Market Capitalism” because even according to Rand, such a Utopian dream does not and has never occurred. That makes it an argument against a fantasy. Interesting - but not particularly surprising - how her ideas (95% of which are simply factually incorrect) became so popular with those they oppress. Speaking of Free Market Capitalism, I have to go to work for what will likely be about a 12 hour shift. I’ll pick this up later with you if you would like.
@nedtrox5385 5 жыл бұрын
@Frederic Bastiat Jobs are NOT voluntary. Anyone with a long term unemployment gap on their resume will tell you how hard it is to get back in the workforce. The idea that your Liberty outside one of these corporate institutions for a given period of time is brought under interrogation by an employer goes to show you there is nothing voluntarily about these arrangements.
@whateva1983 5 жыл бұрын
​@Frederic Bastiat corporations are institutions whose sole purpose is to make profit, no matter the cost. all the climate disaster can be tracked down to corporate greed. it's interest is not to serve you. it's to give you the less possible in exchange for the most they can get, doing anything in their powr to maximize that centralization of power. and never mind the consequences, like pollution, natural destruction, worker exploitation which is basically torture and alienation.
@nicholastrice8750 5 жыл бұрын
Chomsky's still cracking eggs of wisdom at 90+ years. A national treasure.
@cykkatt1 5 жыл бұрын
Making a whole omelet......
@shonnyNOR 5 жыл бұрын
@Frederic Bastiat No, that's the one you see in the mirror.
@laurier3348 5 жыл бұрын
Dont send your kids to college, keep them sane in the brain.
@jessstuart7495 10 ай бұрын
Big Corporations: We need an educated workforce! We can't find people! Educated People: Why would I want to work for a big corporation?
@fedexpress14 5 жыл бұрын
These clips should be mandatory listening in all HS social studies classes across the country.
@phaedrussmith1949 5 жыл бұрын
That's not what HS social studies classes are for.
@phaedrussmith1949 5 жыл бұрын
@Agnaye Ochani “Common sense” is a manipulative term. It is simply used to assert “people don’t see things my way - believe what I believe - therefore they don’t have common sense.” As a societal trope it only serves to support the nebulous corners of the status quo and rein-in those who might see the world in a different way. It serves our Masters, the will of the powerful elite who control everything including our beliefs the totality of which then becomes that which make up the “common” in our concept of common sense. What people need to do is consider the opposite and listen to those they believe lack this “common sense“ whip that we have all been trained to use to break the backs of the disobedient who are yearning to be free. We should consider that the exact opposite of those things which the “common sense” system has inculcated us to believe, that clutter of ideas which when combined lead to what is thought of as common sense.
@phaedrussmith1949 5 жыл бұрын
@Agnaye Ochani Well, then conceivably I may be wrong. Perhaps you could provide a working definition of “common sense” so that I can see if I possess any or not?
@phaedrussmith1949 5 жыл бұрын
@Agnaye Ochani Whose idea of “sound and prudent?” Based upon what beliefs and principles? Where did those beliefs and principles come from? Why and how have those facts become the consensus gentium of the society? From what world view is the perception made? Why is that world view the correct one to use to reach such a profound conclusion as that of which “common sense” purports to be? What are the facts? Whose view of the facts should we include in this profound proclamation that something in “common sense” and why are we viewing the particular facts in that manner? Who gets to decide if they are simple or not? Why is that party’s conclusion of “simple” the correct one to use? The questions go on and on. As I said, “common sense” is a manipulative societal trope that is inculcated into us by a compulsory education system based on the banking model of education which is designed to create an obedient, standardized citizenry that is loyal to a ruling class. Arguing for “common sense” is arguing for whatever architecture of oppression the King has placed upon the subjects.
@65minimom 5 жыл бұрын
Agnaye Ochani - like bringing "democracy" with bombs & bribes - oxymoron that only morans could believe.
@tylerdavidson9700 5 жыл бұрын
Once again, leave it to Noam Chomsky to not only point out the march of corporatism but to elucidate the consequences in such clear and relatable terms. Thank you once again, Sir.
@DorothyGTyas 5 жыл бұрын
*As world expert on PSYCHOPATHY, Dr. Robert Hare (UBC) opined: 'If corporations were human beings, they would be characterized as psychopaths!* ☝🤓
@1urie1 5 жыл бұрын
@Frederic Bastiat Entrusting societal functions into private hands is suicidal. Do you want the baker's guild decide what to teach kids at school? The butchers? Or the brewers? Oh I'm sure the brewers would preach the good effects of alcohol on adolescents.
@1urie1 5 жыл бұрын
@Frederic Bastiat Nobody's talking about that. We're talking about enterprises controlling policies. What's your IQ again?
@phaedrussmith1949 5 жыл бұрын
@Dorthy G. Tyas. I had a bit of a conversation with Frederic Bastiat a few days ago. His handle is a reference to a 19th Century economist who wrote “Economic Sophisms” and later “Economic Harmonies” in which he took an abrupt about-face from his earlier positions after he was elected into the National Assembly. From the context of what he writes I can tell he hasn’t read either book and has no real concept of Bastiat. Of course, and as if that is not enough to convince one to disengage from any actual discussion with him, he also quickly resorts to the adolescent form of ad hominem name calling which is as tiresome as it is ubiquitous on social media. I will note here he clearly also hasn’t read Adam Smith or he would understand the context of the quote he learned at The University of Google is detrimental to the purpose of which he presents it. If he would have actually read “Wealth of Nations,” he would understand it comes very early on in the book (Part I, Chapter 2 -- page 119 of the Penguin Classics edition for anyone interested, at the top of the page) where he is desperately trying to force an argument for human interchange always being based on a quid pro quo expectation, something that had been an anathema only a few years earlier (note that when Bernard Mandeville had presented this same argument in 1711 in “The Fable of the Bees he was resoundingly rebuked and actually prosecuted for publishing such heretic concepts). In the next paragraph (editing note: in the original post I wrote the word "chapter" here, but it is actually in the next paragraph. The difference is substantial and so I made the correction) he simply makes up assertions about how human beings lived prior to the invention of that which he proposes, all of which is completely contrary to the historical, anthropological and sociological evidence in existence. BTW, actually, corporations are people otherwise they are just a piece of paper sitting in a file cabinet of a Secretary of State’s office somewhere.
@1urie1 5 жыл бұрын
@@phaedrussmith1949 Whether or not the author of the quote is or is not aware of the background is not an issue (fallacy fallacy, appeal to authority) if the outcome is still accurate. I think that addresses the whole long ass post, but I'll go into the psychopathy thing too. The What: Individuals and corporations are incomparable in nature due to the shift of responsibilities and goals to a system or organization unless the corporation is small. A corporation is more easily comparable to a state if it's big enough due to the bulk of its internal systems. It also has systems in place that grind individuals (usually those outside the corporation) without regard for anyone's well being just for the goals of the corporation. For example it's immoral to kill anyone, but in this case it's okay to kill because the state says so, so people cooperate toward that goal during the process, devoid of personal responsibility. The Why: In a corporation the responsibilities or goals of individuals are suppressed. The shareholders have widely different goals so they just agree on some common goals, that is the first place where dehumanizing happens. They're led by a CEO who will most likely try to uphold the common goals at any cost. Now the CEO is human so it might be fine at that point, it's individual, luckily. However statistically a lot of CEOs have pays multiple times higher (even hundred times) than the corporation average so that may erode their sense of what might be important to the average worker / person so it's easy here to see that it's possible to also have some humanity erosion. Also CEOs may not fully understand the goals or appreciate importance of some goals, also diverging slightly. And they're obliged to increase the investor's wealth, which can also lead to underhanded actions (applicable to the whole structure of managers). Finally it's the systems in place within the corporation that employees are obliged to follow and are modeled after the original corporate goals. The system dissipates moral responsibility of employees. Or maybe they won't even the bigger picture. Otherwise how would individual employees shoulder for instance dumping waste into the lakes or sea? They don't it's not their problem. In comparison, small corporations with say a single owner have a large sense for a goal and responsibility, because of the distintiveness of the leadership. Conclusion: The larger the system, the less humane it is. And if compared to a human its psychology would be psychopathic (no emotions, no feeling of guilt). I believe the original quote to be accurate.
@phaedrussmith1949 5 жыл бұрын
@犬走椛. I agree in part and disagree in part. As to Bastiat (the commenter here, not the 19th Century economic philosopher), he uses the quote incorrectly and causes you to do the same. He simply used Google to find a quote which - out of its context to the source material - appears to back up the assertion he desires to make and so he repeated it. As I noted, Smith‘s actual discussion of businessmen and the market is quite different. Mine wasn‘t an “appeal to authority“ it was simply discussing what Smith said. As to what you mean by “Fallacy Fallacy” I guess I haven’t studied the internet meme that has recently conferred everyone who had read it with a PhD in rhetoric enough to know your intention, although I will note that using the arcane lexicon of rhetoric to attempt to dismantle an argument does appear to be a rather anemic “appeal to authority,” which creates a rather delicious little paradox here. A final point on Bastiat is, as I noted, he devolves to name-calling which diffuses any otherwise cogent point the might make and disengages me from desiring any further discussion with him. In this regard I submit his answer to me below wherein he calls me “stupid,” “fukwit,” (not sure what that one means), and a “leftist moron,” (which simply isn’t true. While it is possible I’m a moron, I am simply not a “leftist” by any stretch of the imagination - a comment made all the worse by its context of attempting to establish a Manichean Binary upon the foundation of a Zero-Sum discussion he plans to "win." Ho hum). Bastiat has obviously steeped himself in Ayn Rand’s nonsense and taken it as though it has merit. A substantial portion of my comment above was dealing with that issue. I would say to you what I've said to Frederic Bastiat, you should actually read Adam Smith before you opine on one of his quotes.
@idiotsavant751 5 жыл бұрын
Greatest thinker in contemporary America. I can't believe it took me so many years of my life to know about him. Glad I found out.
@aamerkhalid67 6 ай бұрын
Same here!
@solidaritytime3650 5 жыл бұрын
I'm from Kentucky. I go to a state school. Our chicken-pox loving governor has consistently defunded my school and schools across the state. Bevin won't be satisfied until all of the state schools are privatized job-training facilities. Since I've been here, we've cut our nursing program and several arts programs. Football still gets 20million+ every year, and operates at a loss.
@Theomite 5 жыл бұрын
Has anybody bothered to find out if Governor Chickenpox has avoided all other vaccines? Like, say...measles, polio, tetanus, etc.? I mean...even smallpox would be possible with the right access codes.
@jaekash1911 5 жыл бұрын
Dam try to move out of there asap
@solidaritytime3650 5 жыл бұрын
@@jaekash1911 but then who's around to fix shit? I'm not trying to abandon my old Kentucky home, I want to make it better, I want to give it a future.
@solaria5513 5 жыл бұрын
You look like a fucking idiot with your political compass as your profile picture just fyi.
@charleskesner1302 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. We need to stand up to these Corporations.
@kc9065 5 жыл бұрын
Absolutely perfect and astute observations.
@coladict 5 жыл бұрын
In case the source video link gets taken down, here's the description to try finding it: 2000 - 02 - 26 - Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Noam Chomsky - Taking Control of Our Lives - Freedom, Sovereignty, and Other Endangered Species
@gilnelson3217 6 ай бұрын
Yeah I've heard this in one form or another from him. One of the few people I can listen to at length.
@DrJohn-rl9zg Жыл бұрын
You explained several of the reasons why I jumped off the ivory tower two decades ago.
@DipayanPyne94 Жыл бұрын
What do you mean ??
@DrJohn-rl9zg Жыл бұрын
@@DipayanPyne94 the ivory tower is a reference to academia. By jumping off I meant that I left a university career path.
@DipayanPyne94 Жыл бұрын
I see. And u moved to the corporate world ? That's the only financially promising world, unfortunately.
@DrJohn-rl9zg Жыл бұрын
@@DipayanPyne94 no, I got into outdoor recreation. I went into the earth sciences because I loved the planet. If I had taken a corporate job it would probably have been in oil and gas, but I could easily have had my research funded by big oil, yet that would also involved putting grad students in big oil. But it was abundantly clear by that time that climate change was predominantly anthropomorphic, and that it is destroying the planet I love. Yes my choice not to go into big oil cost me millions, but I can sleep at night and I have been able to enjoy the planet that I love. And I am happier.
@DipayanPyne94 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant, my friend. Thanks for being a person of integrity. Hard to find such people nowadays. I am trapped in the rat race. I wanna start multiple KZbin channels to share important information with the public to make money out of it. Been scared for more than a year that if I start them, I will lose out on my career. Big problem. I just wonder if people will support me.
@sagacioussage899 5 жыл бұрын
Why, this is to make a better society.
@kuriadams9138 5 жыл бұрын
I wonder if this has anything to do with universities moving away from tenure track positions, which makes it a lot easier to fire professors. In order to fire a tenured professor usually there has to be a hearing and vote by other professors, this is a means of defending academic freedom, which is what allows Chomsky to talk about these sorts of things.
@jaaksavat7916 5 жыл бұрын
Let the hunger games begin 😎
@imhoisntworthmuch5441 5 жыл бұрын
long gone are the days when a vaccine for polio was administered freely to save countless children.
@Despixa Жыл бұрын
"...this is so scandalous, even the *Wall Street Journal* was scandalized." Chomsky is without equal.
@Sepantamino 5 жыл бұрын
I agree, but it can't be a reason for not criticizing the educational system as whole. We have to separate the criticism of education as Institution and economic enterprise.
@missyv8900 5 жыл бұрын
If we as a whole don't want a system that benefits all people YET...we don't have an adequate database of knowledge YET.
@blindparrots6140 5 жыл бұрын
Sir, please don't. I'm as Black as you are. To claim anything else is merely a distraction or worse, name calling. There is a spirit of admiration that flows in at least one direction between the two of us. :^\ Your wisdom and insights are appreciated.
@globaldigitaldirectsubsidi4493 5 жыл бұрын
@Synchromystic777 2 жыл бұрын
See lecture "the school of the holy spirit" by manly p. Hall. Its great!!
@TysonGorai 2 ай бұрын
KZbin should have a feature where you can share snippets from such videos to people.
@julieannmyers8714 5 жыл бұрын
How old is this? Chomsky's voice indicates it's easily 20 years old. All KZbin videos must be labeled with original date.
@KL-co4mg 5 жыл бұрын
Who gives a flying ,"F***" when it was taped???? Its still relevant.. hello, hello, is there any body out there?? ( Pink Floyd🎉)
@clockwork914 5 жыл бұрын
🇺🇸 BERNIE 2020 🇺🇸
@richbright540 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Noam for many hours of *Free-Education* Education? Your way, my way, or Our Way? So do I pay for all that you say? No No way just give it away!! Friends, family all those anew Please listen closely to all not the few!! Most of us now kneel down and cowl. Stuck in the past behind the plow. I sit on top with a growing lot. Learning anew past not forgot. How do you/we grow when we just say no?? I will chose to ebb and flow. Bad could be sad if that's all we had. Was same not change of what used to be rad. I can not live, a life in a box!! This mind this spirit needs new socks. Who can own the land the sea? Not One Not one who is ment to be free!! I live and share this life will abound!!! All you others will come around!! Love Your Neighbor Show Them Favor!! Look at Your Fruit!! *Cap-it-al* ism in the end *One-Corporation* breeds Selfishness and Greed! *Social* ism relating to society or its organization. synonyms:communal, community, community-based, collective, group, general, popular, civil, civic, public, societal
@richbright540 5 жыл бұрын
*Homeless-not-Helpless* Freely educated with help from the internet!! Thank you Larry Roberts from MIT, he initiated a project to build such anetwork. ARPANET 22:30 hours on October 29, 1969. Without the internet where would I be? Right where I am at the Library!! *Free-Education*
@richbright540 5 жыл бұрын
*Somebody* PLEASE! Shareholders need Profit! More Profit!! They always need Profit. This is a big problem with Capitalism!! The worker can be replaced with a machine. When nobody is left but the shareholders Profitability will be a non factor ((new)) fix This is no longer a possibility. Capitalism as we knew it must die. Even if there was a way to remove government subsidy of these mega corporations. The elite have already cashed in worthless paper for solid gold or other hard assets. If this system crashed today the elite would not suffer! The poor and what is left of the middle class will bare the burden. After a short period of complete chaos and the starvation, death of millions. These Old Families with very old gold will buy back the Throne and we will hang up this phone. Creation of jobs?? Let's think about that!!! Self driving cars, busses, trains, trucks and planes!! Thirty Six million jobs lost ! Farm tractors, lawnmowers, combines, seaders, spreaders all heavy and light construction and farming equipment completely automated!!! Sixty million jobs lost!!! Online stores!! No need for small local stores of any sort!! All in one warehouse with completely automated pickers and loaders of autonomous vehicles!!? Thirty two million jobs lost!! Building?? Three D printers now printing super luxury condominiums and warehouses!? Eighty Six million jobs lost!! Fast food and convenient stores?? Now are completely automated Do not apply!!!! Groceries?? If you can't print what you need call a drone to your home services now available!!!! And for the Great Capitalists?? Not much left that hasn't been exploited!! T See we the people have no jobs!! Millions on the public dole!! The end goal of capitalism¿? Was there any thought to what happens at the end???? People think of your children and the next seven generations!!! Are we the living caretakers of this Earth?? Are we doing everything possible to insure a better quality of life for future generations??? What is left???
@sistitulasi 4 жыл бұрын
Efficient like corporatism? Bullocks.
@DipayanPyne94 Жыл бұрын
That's what corporations claim, right ? Efficiency.
@1pedalsteel374 5 жыл бұрын
Beware the intrinsic nature of pontificators.
@patriciaburke2401 5 жыл бұрын
You sound very naive and easily manipulated by the greedy. It’s seems very easy for you to ignore those who are less fortunate. Ever ask yourself, “What would Jesus do?” He condemned the money changers and Pharisees, whose mentality was similar to the people you are swayed by. I pray for people like those who share your views. Hardened hearts cannot be healthy hearts.
@MrBoston135 5 жыл бұрын
Lets see who chomsky really represents in his diatribes. Will he acknowledge the reese commission of the early 1950's
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