[NOSTALGIA] - an introspective look at Digimon World (Chapter 5 - Goodbye, Digimon World)

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7 ай бұрын

PLEASE! Read the description!
...it still counts as a 20th of December somewhere... right?
So... my project ends with me reaching the full 30 years old.
Alternative titles:
"That part where everything falls apart"
"End of Chodynagelion"
"The budget, time and effort ran out"
I hesitated A LOT during making this part... well, I wanted to skip the pretentious "intermissions", but at the same part... I wanted to stay honest with you and what I feel. After all... it's an INTROSPECTIVE look, right? And the whole [BRACKET] series is supposed to be about not only the games but also certain themes - here it's nostalgia.
I mean... I'm really, REALLY sorry for putting you through this. Especially since I believe the informational bits are really, REALLY cool and are the culmination of the whole playthrough.
I really hope I didn't messed up anything, be it visually or with the audio.
...but yeah. I wanted to thank you all for this journey. It really was something, huh?
If I forgot about someone... please, write to me. I'll rectify that when the "complete" video hits.
In this part we collect the remaining medals while I'm having an existential meltdown.
The Final Chapter:
36:13 The calm before the storm
37:10 Hell on ice (Curling)
45:45 Curling Perfection
50:25 Part IV - Looking into the Void
54:38 Hitting the (technique) books
57:25 The Obligatory (technique) Review Segment
58:52 Fire techs
1:02:24 Battle techs
1:06:29 Air techs
1:10:02 Earth techs
1:13:41 Ice techs
1:18:05 Mech techs
1:22:21 Filth techs (again)
1:24:24 Finishing (with) techniques
1:25:28 Part V - The End of Nostalgia
1:27:42 Talking about Digimon
1:32:24 Who's the best?!
1:33:37 More Digimon talk
1:35:04 Slide Digivolutions
1:37:07 That darned chart
1:37:51 I LOVE Digimon
1:40:19 WereGarurumon
1:41:18 Final two medals
1:42:12 Credits
1:46:05 Epilogue
Also, had to mute the "O, Fortuna" segment and start UPLOADING AGAIN. SAD.
So yeah. Staying all night was for nothing. Thanks KZbin.
I'm tired.

Пікірлер: 20
@Rooboid 6 ай бұрын
Dziękuję to YOU, Chodyna, for this incredible delve into not just Digimon World, but yourself and how the game shaped you both when you were young, and now, while you’re reflecting on those times past and who you’ve become. It’s truly a noble pursuit to share an experience you love like this game on such a personal level. As you mentioned in the video, the deeper you dive, the more you start to see the game more as numbers and code, and less-so that childlike wonder you saw in it once upon a time. It’s very selfless to sacrifice that feeling so others can reflect on this hidden gem. I’ve can't enjoy games I've modded anymore because It feels like I dived too deep. But at the same time, the closure from giving something to the community and ending a chapter of your life with something tangible (be that a mod, a video, or the most moving retrospective series I’ve seen in a long time) is an inspiration to others who may one day do the same to bookend their passions too. Being able to look back and a shake your fist at your past-self shows you how far you’ve come as both a creative and a person- what was once your daydream is now a fully-fledged series. Great music selection as always, your edits and infographics have come such a long way, and the introspective breaks between gameplay were really touching and honest. Always a pleasure to see such gems as chad Adi/Smok and Bonzi Buddy repping the mech tech team. P.S. It’s such an honour to be considered an Elite Supporter!! If you need any art for your next series, just say the word. I’m flattered that my name was featured alongside the Drimogemons; the best bois. I hope you can take some time to look after yourself again and recover from this project before [REGRET], you truly deserve it buddy. Happy New Year! TL;DR: big love chodyna
@Hodyna 6 ай бұрын
I can't even imagine what it has to be looking at the game you work on (be it modding or programming) - it seems... even more clinical than simply researching and talking about it. At the beginning we are, let's say, on the same level as the game, but the more you learn about it and "master it", the more that "equality" blurs, until it finally breaks. Modding/reverse engineering/hacking/or jus being developing makes one akin to becoming a "god", so to speak. So yeah, I definitely can understand why you feel like you feel. I'm sure you still love these games (after all, you put so much time and effort to make mods), but... you'll always be seeing it differently. Creating something, sharing it and seeing others enjoying it is the peak of life in my opinion - an incredible privilege. Nothing would made me happier, than the thought that by seeing that I made something that I wanted to make, someone would start working on their own dream project and finishing it. I'm glad you've enjoyed the music, I think it was a very important element of every chapter, but this one in particular. Im not going to lie, Chapter 5 was a struggle: in the amount of effort (the Arena segment was putting a lot of strain both of me and on my PC) and emotionally. Near the end, I nearly scrapped the "monologue" intermissions because I was afraid that everyone would be disappointed from me putting Digimon World in the back and talking so much about myself and not the game. I was really touched when everyone reacted positively to it. And yeah, as you've probably noticed I like to put jokes, visual gags and obscure references - the more tired I was during an editing session, the weirder they got. What's funny about it is that I often forgot about putting them in, so I was often pretty surprised myself, haha. My favorite from this part is the moment when I talk about how Digimon having varried techsets make players use different techniques each playthrough, while showing equiping Megalo Spark on every Digimon. Hey, you were always so enthusiastic about every video release and your comments were always a treat to read (and you've posted on that community post back then), so it was the only fair thing to do, I thought you'll enjoy that pic during the credits too! I'm really hyped about working on [REGRET] and I'm glad to be finally done with [NOSTALGIA]. I'll take a bit more relaxed stance to this project, but it will also be much less demanding than the previous one. And thanks for your offer! I'll keep that in mind, but I feel really bad about asking other for making stuff for me. Once more, thanks for everything!
@allbl4ck616 7 ай бұрын
The opening really caught me off guard with just how much I could relate to it albeit with more realistic expectations. Lots of ideas in my head, never actually realizing any of them (...yet). A bold and perhaps naive choice to undertake such a huge project as your first video but allthemore impressive (especially with the context you provided) that you saw it through and finished it. Congrats. I appreciate the mention in the credits too, merry christmas.
@Hodyna 7 ай бұрын
When dreaming I tend to turning it up to eleven, so it will be as far from reality as possible. And hey, when we're younger we tend to exaggerate things. Starting is the first hard step, not getting discouraged after few initial hours is the second one. After that, it just... goes. I wish that you'll find one (and then more) that you'll realize and be proud of. Yes. It was really silly of me. Perhaps I was subconciously trying to sabotage myself from the beginning. But naivety played huge role here, definitely. I guess I just really wanted to make a video about the most important game of my life that bad, huh. Thank you for being with me on this journey, practically from the start of it. You too had a big part in this. I wish you all the best. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
@CarelessDead 7 ай бұрын
Congratulations on finishing your saga! I loved the series so much. My first video of yours was the reviews extra video, and I found it enjoyable. That's when I decided to check out the rest, and my god, it was worth it. I also appreciate how you shared your experience as a content creator, the daydreaming, and all of that sometimes I felt like I enjoyed it more than the game introspective. I've had similar fantasies, not the huge success, but just being part of a community that appreciates Digimon World and other games. As I mentioned in a previous comment, I'm working on a Digimon World video of my own. Looking at the few lines of script that I managed to muster surrounded by the multiple lines and links from my research and the gigabytes of footage on my PC silently staring back at me. At this rate, I'll probably finish it in a year haha. You seem to be too tough on yourself throughout the series, but man, your writing is great, and your vocabulary is amazing. I think you should give yourself a pat on the back. Posting the video late is better than not posting it at all. Something I always keep in mind is to compare myself to my past self instead of others and what they do. Oh, and welcome to the 30s squad it's another stage in life the same way Digimons digivolve, I guess. I felt the Analog man analogy because, in the post-game, I felt less close to my Digi-partner as I worked toward collecting techniques and other medals-I honestly quit midway, so good job on getting all of them! I can't wait to see your next series and I wish you greater success.
@Hodyna 7 ай бұрын
Thank you oh so much for being here with me. ...and that you stayed and watch the rest of the videos even if the review one was so-so, haha. i was very unsure about these intermissions, I felt kind of guilty of pushing the game on the secondary plane and hogging the attention for myself. It felt kind of wrong to force all that on my viewers. But then again, that was the "secret" goal of this series, I guess - to show what nostalgia really means to me? A man desperately trying to relieve his childhood and fulfill adolescent dreams? I feel like a jackass for deceiving everyone. Well, when daydreaming most people actually go for absurd "potential realities", haha. Do I really want all the fame and all? Nah. It was just a fun thing to escape too when life hits hard. When starting I thought it's going to be watched only by my closest friends, I never even imagined that so many awesome people will check it out. I would say that I'm pretty successful then! It's going to be hard to accept that my body is slowly starting to fall apart from now on, haha. I'll be waiting for your video. I'm sure it will be worth it. Just remember to not make my mistakes. Once again, thank you.
@beamstruggle264 7 ай бұрын
Love your videos, really enjoyed the series. Thank you for making them! This game is also incredibly special to me, glad to see other people share this.
@Hodyna 7 ай бұрын
Your words mean a lot to me. I should be the one thanking you for watching them! It's really amazing to meet other people who share the same passion. Thanks again for giving me a chance!
@DKmagicianyt 7 ай бұрын
Hey! I think I don't have that much different from what the others commenters already posted, regarding the amount of work you put in this passion project and the quality of the final product, which is nothing short of a piece of art, so, it's a "thank you" from me. This video in particular hitted me especially hard, for your considerations about dwelling so much on the sweet past, that always feels so much better, safer, than the present or the future; and even though it has nothing to do with Digimon World, I think really needed to hear those words right now. I really didn't expect personal help from a video about my (ours) childhood game. So, thanks for that as well! And thanks for putting me in the credits. It was like... oh... I'm here! But I did nothing but watch!... But that only emphasizes how much you value people that appreciates your work. Oh, and don't be too hard on your own skills, especially narrative ones. You're a great story teller and also video editor. I laughed at the "HORIZONTAL KICK" joke so hard! Thank you!
@Hodyna 7 ай бұрын
I'm grateful for You going an extra mile and spending some additional time writing a (quite lenghty) comment. Preparing this part was... really hard. Well, maybe not preparing the part itself but deciding to post it in the current form, was. There were moments when I really considered to scrap it and just release it only as the medal completion segment. If the meaning behind these [NOSTALGIA] segments really resonated with you, then I couldn't be a happier man. It was quite a journey and I learned a lot about myself during it and came to peace with some aspects of my life. Making other people "feel" something is an outstanding feeling. As for the credits... You did a lot actually. You decided to spend (quite a lot of) your time on watching this AND subscribing to me. You believed in me (or at least you were content with my work). Every single person that showed their support, be it by commenting or subscribing, motivated me and thus made finishing this project possible. Sometimes even a little gesture, that may seem insignificant to us, may mean a world to someone else, you know? Placing you, and every other person I could track, in the credits was the least I could do. Thank you for everything.
@cathalthornton7136 7 ай бұрын
Congratulations. I was itching to replay this game during the summer and the KZbin algorithm delivered your video to me. It has been great joining you on this journey. I was touched to see the names in the comments! I hope you get some well earned rest over the holidays. Your research is amazing. Watching your videos I've learned tips I'd never known before! Would you consider compiling them?
@Hodyna 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for being there for me. Putting all these names was the least I could do. As for the research... well, 80-90% of that was work of the others that I simply replicated and recorded. Real kudos should go to the people like Ginoshie or SydMontague. Checking out message boards for info and busting the myths/fishing out the truth by conducting experiments was fun too! By compiling you mean getting them all together and rewriting them to a PDF? At the start of the project I wanted to do something like that, stylized like a classic game guide (like the ones made by Prima), but I don't think I would have strenght to do it like this anymore. BUT! I think I can do a simple text pdf with some info graphics ripped from the videos. I'll work on this when fixing the minor errors of each chapter and fusing them into one long video. Thanks for suggestion!
@cathalthornton7136 7 ай бұрын
@@Hodyna I can a little bit understand you never wanting to think about Digimon World ever again! Your story reminded me a lot of my own. Take care my friend! I look forward to watching it all again as one long video.
@ruenis330033 7 ай бұрын
When i first found out about your video i was acking for more content of this beautiful and mysterious game, and after watching several reviews i was compelled to the love you seem to show to this game, a favorite of mine since it was my first psx game. As complex as it is i thought i knew a lot about this game but i learned quite a few! Thanks for the passion man, i really liked your sincere way of writing and making videos, will look forward to more content and thanks for the ride you've given us this few last months!
@Hodyna 7 ай бұрын
Words can't really describe the feeling of gratitude I have, but I'll try anyway. Thanks for being there so I could share my feelings about Digimon World with. It's amazing how much something common like a game can unite people together. I'm really grateful that you gave me a chance and your time and went with me on this bumpy ride.
@ruenis330033 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for the sincerity, it really amazed me how much love this game still gets, and the naked passion you made this series with deserves its praise! Please keep hanging on, your content has an amazing level for such an amateur creator
@TheJerbro69 7 ай бұрын
There is not better way to start the video with the Laguna's Third Dream theme. I think it suits DW1 because it's that,a game that brings back one's childhood. I think it's the best time to enjoy the game
@Hodyna 7 ай бұрын
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well! But yeah, it really fits, doesn't it? Doubly so because Final Fantasy VIII was the game I played soon after giving up on Digimon World for the first time. ...for whatever reason, a really text heavy RPG with complex customizable mechanics was easier for a 7 year old kid who was learning language from video game, than a game designed for kids. Really makes you think, huh. ...as much as "controversial" VIII was... I love it to bits to this day.
@MakDemonik 7 ай бұрын
Oh cool the comments enabled. What unspeakable controversial topics made you disable them :v
@Hodyna 7 ай бұрын
Just being pathetic, that's all
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