Nothing Exists

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Rupert Spira

Rupert Spira

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@thomasbrouwer2771 Күн бұрын
Amazing how Rupert breaks down complex vedanta philosophy into accessible language.
@ifyougrewupinbrightsgrove4840 Күн бұрын
Until rupert was asked a question, by an aware audience member, then he became confused, at a loss for words, discombobulated indeed!
@thomasbrouwer2771 Күн бұрын
​@@ifyougrewupinbrightsgrove4840 if a member is aware why is he even there attending those meetings in the first place? And who cares if Rupert or some other teacher gets confused around some concept? They are all just pointers anyway. I think it would be a different story to argue that Rupert doesn't speak from direct experience.
@ifyougrewupinbrightsgrove4840 20 сағат бұрын
@@thomasbrouwer2771 anothers persons experience, such an interesting concept. Are you able to ascertain with 100% accuracy if another person is truthful, without seeing through their eyes? The answer will guide you on your journey. An aware person does not charge 5k a week ppl. An aware person has no need for funds. Name one fully aware person who has charged people to listen to them talk, there is no need to. Enjoy your day.
@jmburko Күн бұрын
I have been studying A Course in Miracles for about 10 years. Its message unequivocally is that “ there is no world “. We are only dreaming. The Course's “ Principle of Atonement “ says that nothing ever happened. A finite mind , which I believe I am, cannot possibly understand this, of course. I am completely comfortable with the fact there is no world, in fact, relieved. Because the world I think I see is completely insane. Nothing ultimately works in the “world of form”, ruled by the egoic mind. It’s only when I perceive the world with the Holy Spirit, or God, or Love, or consciousness, that I can change my perception and see all things as perfect. Thank you so much for your wonderful teaching! 🙏🙏🩷🩷
@williamzanin332 Күн бұрын
@@jmburko I read as well, and that turned out to be the only miracle.
@chitraisenlightened Күн бұрын
God is in a realm of knowledge..god doesnt dream..God doesnt do anything..
@@chitraisenlightened God is everything. God does everything. Who are we kidding?
@SarahDale111 Күн бұрын
​The ego thought system does everything. This is all its imagination...its dream of separation. This is not God's creation.​ We are kidding ourselves! @@AKA_SIMPLYHUMAN
@HairyLarryFaerie Күн бұрын
Rupert, thank you.
@Nobodaddy99 2 күн бұрын
And yet here we all are!
@LianaMarvel 2 күн бұрын
Only temporarily. Reality is eternal.
@Nobodaddy99 Күн бұрын
@@LianaMarvel we are not separate entities. Even temporarily. We are all one universal awareness
@@Nobodaddy99 So you have been told. And even if it were the absolute truth, what on earth could you change?
@Nobodaddy99 Күн бұрын
@@AKA_SIMPLYHUMAN it is as it is.
@@Nobodaddy99 Absolutely. But the truest version of that is, “It is what it is”. The question then becomes, “What is it”. Then all philosophy and science follows that one thought. It answers itself but we cannot accept that most simple truth. We must have our beginnings or we will go mad.
@lynlavalight Күн бұрын
Ajātivāda (अजातिवाद) is the fundamental philosophical doctrine of the Advaita Vedanta philosopher Gaudapada.[1] According to Gaudapada, the Absolute is not subject to birth, change and death. The Absolute is aja, the unborn eternal.[1] The empirical world of appearances is considered unreal, and not absolutely existent.[1] Gaudapada's perspective is based on the Māṇḍūkya Upanishad,[2] applying the philosophical concept of "ajāta" to the inquiry of Brahman,[3][4] showing that Brahman wholly transcends the conventional understanding of being and becoming. The concept is also found in Madhyamaka Buddhism, as the theory of nonorigination.[5][6]
@NowisEvollovetion 2 күн бұрын
Yes. 'Nothing' exists. And that nothingness is the 'Empty Space' in between everything. That 'Empty Space' that without which nothing else could possibly exist. As logically. All that there could possibly be without that 'Empty Space' (nothing). Would be one large, dense. And 'Indivisible' lump of matter. And yet. As 'Nothing' does exist. It also simultaneously 'Does Not Exist'. As when you look into 'Empty Space'. There is clearly 'Nothing' there. Best wishes 🙏
@@NowisEvollovetion No, I am successfully telling you that no one knows what they are talking about. This was not a thought but an observation over the past 65 years. It’s all BS. Reality is what it is. Trying to explain it is the cause of this madness we call philosophy and science. Save your best wishes. You cannot give them away.
@@NowisEvollovetion space is actually the lightest form of matter. There is no empty space. It’s all matter in a spectrum of energy states. So, there is truly only one becoming many. Solidity is the illusion. Solid matter is condensed energy. Space is expanded energy. Temperature is actually equal to matter or mass. One and the same. So you see, there is only God. God playing all parts at once. Me and you are simply the same actor with two masks. So, who are we kidding? Best wishes!
@soniachoa1603 Күн бұрын
"Nothing'' really means "no (quantifiable) thinginess." Just pure self-referral.
@@soniachoa1603 Nothing is quite literally a word with no meaning. Nothing cannot exist. Everything is all that exists. Black space is actually an energy state of matter. Matter is just a word to describe the observable energies. But the observable energies are not the ends. A planet or star and space are just opposite ends of the matter spectrum.
@NowisEvollovetion Күн бұрын
@@soniachoa1603 So. What is there that is quantifiable/measurable in empty space? What 'Substance' does empty space have? Best wishes 🙏
@bryandraughn9830 Күн бұрын
You don't experience a connection with the perfect, infinite void. It experiences you. Only for a brief moment when it touches the earth.
@mikefromwales3209 Күн бұрын
The only thing that exists is you ! 🥰
@IAMLiamwalker4444 22 сағат бұрын
Cheeky Rupert with The Sanskrit words🤣🙏❤️
@bhngrmk3137 Күн бұрын
You can think of the divine/nature/consciousness/God (whatever label you wish) as the number ZERO manifested as INFINITY (as positive & negative numbers - so-called "good" and "bad", matter/anti-matter, attributes and their opposites/contradictions) and thereby remaining in equilibrium (MOKSHA); akin to Einstein's E = M equation (interplay/lila between energy and matter); 0 is both NOTHING and EVERYTHING (infinity) simultaneously. The divine is both the hunter and the hunted. It is both the victor and the vanquished. Triumph & Disaster - the two impostors. By manifesting as all outcomes including their opposites - experiencing reality through myriad forms and from every perspective/vantage point, the divine remains in a non-judgmental equilibrium state, unperturbed, like the 0. However, for it to be in equilibrium, it MUST manifest as everything, including the not-so-pleasant states of existence. You cannot have roses and not have thorns. "Yahweh" in Aramaic/Hebrew means "I am" or "I am that which is", and in Sanskrit, "Tat Tvam Asi" means "Thou Art That". Baruch Spinoza's interpretation of Judaism is similar to Sanatana philosophy. Fire and Water are antithetical to one another but fire's dharma is to burn, and water's dharma is the attribute of wetness. Neither is judgmental of the other nor apologetic for their attributes/gunas. Every guna is inherently both creative and destructive, in whatever manner it is expressed. Our individual selves (the numbers) are the expressions of our macro-self (the Zero). Each number possesses unique characteristics (permutation and combination of gunas) and therefore is judgmental of the other numbers, comprehending only a small subset of the whole. As a consequence, it is compelled to manifest (re-incarnate) as the other numbers that it judged. If we fail to put ourselves in someone else's shoes then nature will make us wear those shoes at some point in our evolution (even if it takes another life). At the same time it is okay to judge and trust that nature will do its job. With everything that's going on in the world every second, it is impossible to wear all the different shoes simultaneously (am I to feel happy that a family is celebrating the birth of a child or feel sad that another family is mourning the death of a loved one?). Trying to forcibly be non-judgmental prevents us from living spontaneously and in the present. Our macro-self (the Zero) is already in a non-judgmental equilibrium state which it experiences by incarnating as us and our opposites. My interpretation of Sanatana philosophy is that there is no permanent escape into some oblivious state from which no re-emergence is possible. If that were true, our present epoch/universe would not exist. That is, the 0 is not a true void/nothing, it is always manifested as infinity, i.e., there is always incarnation. The underlying homogeneous consciousness/energy field, expressed as the heterogeneous/diverse cosmos that is observed. Everyone and everything is enlightened along all points in time, from moment to moment - be it a particle, star, black hole, mountain, river, fire, water, plant, animal, or human. There is no enlightenment to chase in some future state. From the 0's vantage point there is no passage of time, because there is no change, and time = change. Reality is both static (as 0) and dynamic (as infinite numbers inside the 0). Life, humans, are simply a part of the infinite spectrum, so the viewpoint expressed here is not life-centric or human-centric. The above explanation makes Sanatana philosophy both monotheistic and polytheistic. Both sides of the equation (E = M) are valid - one is not less substantive than the other as is commonly believed. The grass always appears to be greener on the other side - existing in the Relative we focus on the Absolute, while the Absolute is continually manifesting as the Relative. Reality is both detached and immersive. It's like the Lotus flower (a popular analogy used in Sanatana philosophy) that is in the marshes - both clean and unclean, immersed as well as transcended. The poem IF by Rudyard Kipling in my opinion also highlights this - the divine transcends/detaches from the notions of pleasure & pain, gain & loss, triumph & disaster - by experiencing (being immersed in) both these pairs of opposites. These themes - of something and its opposite, both being valid, are found all throughout the Upanishads, Mahabharata/Gita, Sanatana philosophy.
@Your-True-Self Күн бұрын
Surely Ajativada is the timeless truth. Vivartavavada requires time and reflects our experience
@MaartendeJager Күн бұрын
No~thing excists That alone excists The less you think and care about creation The more you become the creator.
@laaaliiiluuu Күн бұрын
Nothing cannot exist. It's nothing, thus, it cannot be there. Only something can exist but not nothing.
@awakenotwoke7949 Күн бұрын
The mind can only comprehend nothing as an absence of something. But nothing as a concept exists. Existence implies nonexistence, which is impossible
@chitraisenlightened Күн бұрын
only someone who is *compelely* enlightened can know what ajata is..ajata only applies for the Supreme Being that you are..i think rupert calls the Supreme Being-->Infinite Consciousness..
@gitaarmanad3048 Күн бұрын
When reality, being time and space was/is made of pure awareness, it doesn't mean that nothing exists. Matter, time and space has to be made of something, whatever it is. If it is made from consciousness, so be it. What's the problem with that?
@nypala Күн бұрын
This is the kind of teaching that upon listening once would lead someone to believe that "nothing exists", with all the related consequences: there is no suffering, so I don't have to take care of my mental and physical health, or of the mental and physical health of my loved ones; and even worse all the pain and suffering and hatred, wars, devastations and so on are just "nothing" and we "non existent beings" have "nothing" to do with it and can do nothing. Please, be real: if Ramana Maharshi himself viewed this teaching as the highest one, we should be very humble and careful and be sure to really understand what it's being said here or else put it aside. No wonder the Upanishads were kept secret from public knowledge in the past.
@@nypala Misinterpretation begins at the end of every word. Without misinterpretation, there would be nothing to teach.
@awakenotwoke7949 Күн бұрын
Even if the doctrine that nothing exists is absolute Truth, how will that knowledge benefit anyone? What do you do with it? If nothing exists, I don't exist either. So when challenged with the question" do you exist" and a unanimous, spontaneous yes supposedly validates that, then I'm possibly deluded? 😂If nothing exists, then even nonexistence doesn't exist.
@TheEmptyBeing Күн бұрын
​@@awakenotwoke7949 They are misinterpreting the meaning of impermance, but along with impermance comes renewal.
@Mocking_Bird_85 Күн бұрын
⁠​⁠@@awakenotwoke7949 “if nothing exist, then non existence doesn’t exist” Bingo. But why?
@awakenotwoke7949 Күн бұрын
@@Mocking_Bird_85 Exactly. So why is this discussion even happening? to what end? How does the realization of my actual non existing existence improve my life?
@gireeshneroth7127 Күн бұрын
Whatever exists belongs to the mind. The mind belongs to consciousness. Consciousness belongs to itself. It's a mental everything.
@innocenzz Күн бұрын
In the Upadesa Sahasri by Sri Sankaracarya (a thousand teachings) In chapter 19 which is called "a conversation between the Self and the mind" at 19:4 he says: Scrutinised through the reasoning that reality is never destroyed and unreality never born, you have no (real) existence. You are, therefore, Oh my mind, non-existent in the Self. Having both birth and death, you are accepted as non-existent.
@TheEmptyBeing Күн бұрын
Talking yourself out of existence won't help you escape the trials and tribulations of this one.
@stevej.7926 Күн бұрын
Not escape. We need to embrace the trials and tribulations as if they were “good” things.
@TheEmptyBeing Күн бұрын
​@stevej.7926 They still are, and they help us to grow within.
@garylake1497 Күн бұрын
What sort of nonsense is this , “ nothing exists “ ? Of course you exist, and the world exists, a real physical world. This is all just talking in riddles and circles. You cannot go through this world and life pretending none of it exists. It’s nonsense!
@TheEmptyBeing Күн бұрын
​@@garylake1497 Correct, yet what is real on the outside is always changing and impermanent. That should be the message. Existence only appears to be fleeting like a dream. You don't have to be a genius to work out that this philosophy has been misread or misinterpreted at its most fundamental level.
@RC-qf3mp Күн бұрын
2:28 yes, they were all wrong. This is just nonsense. Maybe read up on Aristotle, Hegel, Heidegger and McDowell. Much has been learned on these issues in the past 2500 years.
@schoolofinnerstanding2739 Күн бұрын
Wrong in what sense?
@RC-qf3mp Күн бұрын
@@schoolofinnerstanding2739 This guy is such a flake and pseudo intellectual. It’s like there hasn’t been progress on these basic questions for 2500 years. He’s just lazy and doesn’t want to go through the trouble of reading Aristotle, in Greek, Kant, Hegel and Heidegger - in German - and contemporary thinkers like McDowell. If you want to know ‘in what sense’ - basic metaphysics and epistemology. The big questions. This guy’s shtick only works b/c he attracts a naive audience of simpletons. He preaches to his choir instead of actually engaging real experts, who would have nothing to do with this joker.
@awakenotwoke7949 Күн бұрын
Nothing nothing
@tekit97 Күн бұрын
Great video
@user-hb5qs7sy2v Күн бұрын
Asumptions apon assumptions apon assumtions
@neoram87 21 сағат бұрын
I love the British. Straight to the point! I'm of Indian ancestry though. Haha.
@deselmsgroup 8 сағат бұрын
To a thought, surrounded by other thoughts, those thoughts would appear to be real things. A thing appears made of solid matter because the thought (mind body) only understands it that way. A hologram looks real and solid until you pass your hand through it and it is revealed to not be real, but what would the hologram be real to? Another hologram. But to the one doing the thinking and conjuring the thoughts in question, none of it is "real" strictly speaking.
@Ishwayana 2 күн бұрын
Yes Nothing exists or not exists. Who is the one perceiving and defining what is existence or non-existence? Or even that does anything appear or disappear? What does it mean appearing and disappearing? Am I in a contemplation or is the contemplation within me? I am not even the question with no answer.
@aaronbaca 2 күн бұрын
Consciousness is awareness. Unconscious is not aware, subconscious is not aware that we are aware, conscious is being aware, higher consciousness is being more aware of the metaphysical realm in which some are completely unaware. imo its boiled down to awareness. The cosmic realms separate the importance of the awareness in the various kingdoms into 3 structures. Maybe
Or, consciousness emerges proportional to the complexity of the expression. You know, what we actually experience. The expression being atom, molecule, cell, organism, etc., etc.
@RobBegg Күн бұрын
I’d suggest that “Unconscious” is aware. There’s only Consciousness / Awareness /God and Consciousness can’t be divided - there’s what we - as an individualised point of consciousness - are now conscious of and everything else is “sub” or “un” conscious but ultimately it’s all just Consciousness and Awareness. There’s never an absence of Consciousness.
@@RobBegg Eh, I’ll stick with experience over suggestion.
@RobBegg Күн бұрын
@@RobBegg There is a string of truth there. However, you seem to continue to make the mistake of considering or “suggesting” consciousness is all there is. Consciousness is an attribute. God is conscious. God is all powerful, all knowing, all present. All knowing is being conscious. Knowing at all scales. It’s a major hangup of non duality. God cannot be described in a single attribute. When you look in the mirror, you see the entire package. That is God. You cannot separate body and mind and say God is that, God is not that, not this. If you truly start in non-duality, everything I am saying becomes self evident. Non-duality is being taught in dualistic terms. Confusion becomes the truth. So simple.
@neoram87 21 сағат бұрын
Could anyone link the blind spot meditation Sir Rupert was speaking of here?
@alfreddifeo9642 20 сағат бұрын
@Pfuetzenspringer Күн бұрын
Luminous darkness🙏 thunderous silence🙏
@db8799 Күн бұрын
@seraphimsars Күн бұрын
From the infinite appearances are illusory.
@ddlynndesigns Күн бұрын
What is REALITY?
@deborahhebblethwaite1865 Күн бұрын
We are a hologram. Our brains are a hologram that looks and creates a holographic universe. So what are we really that’s the mystery🇨🇦
@TheAmbamatamantrasvideos Күн бұрын
The Infinite Potential Power has the potency of creation, but it did not move. .. we once thought we saw a flash and are still imprisoned in that form which is formless itself. Its all imagination..😊
@TheEmptyBeing Күн бұрын
Bloody good imagination, except that it is so finely structured and systematised, no one could dream it up without incredible knowledge and understanding of the underlying laws of nature. It's real, so perhaps your own imagination simply isn't real.
@lynlavalight Күн бұрын
Vivartavada is an Advaita Vedanta theory of causation, postulated by post-Shankara Advaita advaitins,[1] regarding the universe as an "illusory transformation" of Brahman.[2]
@@lynlavalight all illusions must have a basis in reality. Therefore an illusion does not exist. Reality must exist to create the illusion. This is simple physics. Brahman, God, or first substance has to exist. There is no such thing as an illusion. Only misinterpretation of a real physical phenomenon. There is no exception to this.
@lynlavalight Күн бұрын
@OfNoOrigin I just pasted the Wikipedia definition of the concept Rupert is talking about.
@@lynlavalight I am sorry, I fully understand the concept Rupert is trying to convey. The problem is that these explanations have only served to take the focus off of what is actually important and refocuses attention on details that can’t really be explained much less understood. Confusion and false goals arise which create the hamster wheel the seeker gets trapped in. Don’t believe what you are told, believe what is staring you in the face. Learn to deal with that in the quiet state and you will be in what’s called “flow”. No promises of anything better or worse. Just the ability to deal with the life we have. That is golden. That is heaven. Grow old and grow wise.
@lynlavalight Күн бұрын
@OfNoOrigin nobody that follows Rupert "believes" anything. Not to worry.
@johnphillips3835 Күн бұрын
is there a point to anything?
@user-hb5qs7sy2v Күн бұрын
You cannot capture what is real in a word/ thought and so description is not knowing but is seperate to klnowing What is undeniably known is known in the same way as we all know it , as the body of any animal knows its own existance, and that makes it completely ordinary How do you know you exist (you being a pronoune) other than as tha sensation of your own existance in and as the body (dont get hung up on this word body) you are known and knowable as the lived experience … not as thought induced experience… the body knows as whatever you are now is living itself Its not so complex as these intellectyal lunatics (no disrespect intended) make out That complexity is their own confusion There is nothing beyond the known and no way to know nothing You are left with what you are and thers no escaping yourself whist you exist… and there no knwing yourself once you do not exist
@Lolly8863 Күн бұрын
Your missing the concept that, it has been proved that anyone can make a claim, and if enough people believe it, then it tends to become a reality, false one but still a truth to many. Maybe the idea nothing even appears has spoken of and people believe it
@widipermono854 Күн бұрын
@seraphimsars Күн бұрын
Not a thing………. From the highest point of view existence and non existence do not apply.
@esneliamunoz5082 Күн бұрын
@movahedmosavi1596 Күн бұрын
Anyone, anywhere, anytime can be led to believe anything. When you can convince people nothing exists, or even seems to exist, then people can be led anywhere. At that point, all reason collapses. Nihilism, is all that remains.
@lynlavalight Күн бұрын
Nobody is convincing anybody of anything. Have you never had a philosophical conversation exploring concepts or examining unexamined beliefs?
@@lynlavalight Yes, but it was one continuous conversation over a 65 year period. And then suddenly a light just switched on. Now, just silence. Madness was displaced by knowing. Not knowledge. Simply a knowing of what to do next in any given moment. Thinking no longer needed. Philosophy no longer needed. Just the next meal and nap.
@stevej.7926 Күн бұрын
@@AKA_SIMPLYHUMANof course. Everyone is at a different stage.
@@stevej.7926 Yes, but absolutely no one, except Carl Jung, knows that this is a process of maturing. It’s not something you can achieve through artificial processes. The old are wise for a reason. The young are bold and throw caution to the wind for a reason. Enlightenment, if it means anything is impossible for the young and inevitable for the old. Exceptions are rare. You can name the exceptions n one hand. This is what I realized and found peace. But be warned, this is not a wonderful, blissful, loving, exciting kind of peace. It’s a nothing happens peace. Real peace. The kind of peace that makes you feel you have already died. It’s profound yet simple. Society as you know it no longer interests you. For me, this is simply pastime. And it usually makes the seekers upset to hear the raw truth.
@stevej.7926 Күн бұрын
@jsharp9735 Күн бұрын
"Spirituality" for wine moms.
@elizadaphne5501 Күн бұрын
Much ado about nothing
@TheYellowshuttle Күн бұрын
When it comes to fancy names, modern Science wins, hands down. The latest one is FMT or Faecal Matter Transplant. Which is a fancy way of saying eat someone else's shit 💩 (for therapeutic purposes of course).😂 And what's more - it's FDA approved. By the way, Ajatavada sounds fancy. But it literally means A (non), jata (birth), vada (argument/position). Ajata simply says, from the "ultimate" ontological position, nothing is "actually" created. Everything just appears to be created. Appearances are not denied. Example: In dream, we see a great variety of things. Are they "actually", "really" created? Or they're just one thing (mind) appearing as a great variety of things. The second word Vivarta is actually more scholarly and only required for technical accuracy. If someone asks "what kind of transformation" is mind becoming objects - it's Vivarta. Bonus fact: Gaudapada didn't write Mandukya Upanishad. He wrote commentary on it. Mandukya pre-dated Gaudapada.
@JonasAnandaKristiansson Күн бұрын
@Jay-cf6dz Күн бұрын
Physics has this covered. Not sure what this dude is waffling about
@JonasAnandaKristiansson Күн бұрын
Certainly not the case, and "it"/physics, that level of science, never will. It is great for what it can do and give way for though, when humans are conscious.
@Jay-cf6dz Күн бұрын
@@JonasAnandaKristiansson What are you waffling about
@Jay-cf6dz Күн бұрын
@@JonasAnandaKristiansson There is no such thing as nothing. It's basic physics and physics is reality. Exercise your brain instead of making outlandish waffle 🧇
@JonasAnandaKristiansson Күн бұрын
@@Jay-cf6dz Arrogance of the ego and ignorance of the mind and heart won't get you or anyone far brother. Be mindful of how you treat others, for they are nothing but you, too. Bless U
@Jay-cf6dz Күн бұрын
@@JonasAnandaKristiansson Be aware of ignorance... Don't embrace it
@othernewsid2 Күн бұрын
a-jah-thuh vaa-thaa. vi-vurthuh-vaa-thaa pronunciation doesn't REALLY exist 🙂‍↕️ its only an appearance 🤭
@mikefromwales3209 Күн бұрын
The only thing that exists is you ! 🥰
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