"Can you carry in HotS?" A Psychological and Statistical look at team based games and life.

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Locus of Control is a psychological mentality to see how people look at life. How much of life is in your control? Some people feel like 80% some people feel like 30%. That mentality is what can either lead you to success or hold you back.
The same is true in team based games. Everyone is making hundreds of mistakes every game, but if you blame everyone else you will never improve. You can simply carry in team based games by communicating, setting up stuff so it's easier for your team and making less mistakes.

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@tabergg 6 жыл бұрын
Came for video game advise, stayed for life lessons.
@crudman69 6 жыл бұрын
I feel like his views would be 10x if he makes a psych channel haha
@vyacheslavfokin5535 6 жыл бұрын
for example, those video can become first step in constructing fine environment which can support your confidence. And also, I as silver league player know that my opponents are trolls and afk's more ofthen then teammates (5/4 ratio Kappa) and winning them can be easier then you use to think
@Rasamith 6 жыл бұрын
Most folk from non-hots mobas want a hand hold. If they do well, they want it to personally translate to them being dominant. But the game requires you to do more than have a good kdr. I enjoy winning games when the enemy has a genji with 20/0 for ratio. You can't just be a good mechanical player yourself, you have to be a communicator, you have to be able to see the game at large... Carrying is not getting kills, it's knowing what you're doing beyond getting kills. Some of the best players i know are specialists, and even if they aren't always playing one, they're using that knowledge they have to make calls and non-flashy plays and that ultimately win games. If you beat a team who has more kills than you, save the replay and watch it, because somewhere, somehow you were doing something right. One day with practice, hopefully you won't be dying in team fights and just as long as you have the other knowledge, you'll do fine.
@OyJaPinoy 6 жыл бұрын
CraftyF0X love your comment. I know that feel bro. Failures and social disapproval does take its toll... that’s why tenacity and perseverance are virtues... not everyone can do it.
@OyJaPinoy 6 жыл бұрын
So all this internal and external scope of control is like being pessimistic or optimistic. Life needs moderation and balance like the ying and yang. I like the middle ground, being a realist. In contrast, Hots just needs lest salt... BUT seriously tho, Dating game needs way less salt.Ppl gettin killed for that shit
@TiffiVanDoom 6 жыл бұрын
That was so motivational you might accidentally make people uninstall hots and do something productive, lol.
@ChristopherShreeve 6 жыл бұрын
HotS is productive. It produces tons of salt every year.
@quentinultramegadroiteradi7345 3 жыл бұрын
Depends if you play cause you have nothing to do or cause you did something productive before and you need something fun to do then
@Ersb99 6 жыл бұрын
jesus man , i never realize a i have to be a better person to climb to grandmaster
@Jpudlo01 6 жыл бұрын
@bobedwards8896 5 жыл бұрын
As someone who occasionally leads the team. I can tell you. It helps about 70% of the time(the 30% is people who just dont care\pay attention,or think they know better). The problem is that its WAAY to much work. For christs sake, i just want to have a team that knows what to do so i can enjoy the game. When i have to lead it makes the game not fun. Games shouldnt be like this, it SHOULD match me with people of similar skill.
@sophiejones7727 5 жыл бұрын
@@bobedwards8896 you are asking the impossible. The game cannot match you with players of similar skill because all the heroes are different. Skill with one hero, does not necessarily translate to skill with another one. You can of course tell who is more experienced by their account level, but even high level accounts might well be picking up a new hero for the first time (and therefore that player's skill will be much lower that you'd expect). Any multiplayer game needs to have some level of asymmetric design, otherwise it will be mechanically boring. If every team member can use all the same abilities, then the number of situations the game can put you in to challenge you is limited. HotS of course does have a high level of asymmetric design, more than many other games. Asking the developers to only place you with teammates who are at your skill level is simply not realistic. But what can you do? You, after all, don't enjoy leading the team. Well, you can do one of two things. Either 1) stick to heroes who can just do their own thing. Kerrigan, Murky, Zagara, Illidan, Rexxar, Li-Li, Samuro, Zul'jin, Sylvanas etc. You don't have to care much about what the rest of the team does, just do your job (solo lane, take camps, gank over-extenders) well, and you will improve the game for everyone else. No one will expect you to make calls, or respond to them. 2)ask another player to make calls, and respond when they do (even if you think it's not a good one). Any team with a leader is going to be better than a team without a leader. If you don't want to be the leader, then designate someone else as the leader. If you're a natural follower, acknowledge that about yourself and ask someone else to lead you. If you find a good leader, friend that person and try to play when they do as much as possible. The game actually makes it pretty easy to find the natural leaders, because there are heroes who basically require that. You can't exactly avoid being team leader if you play Abathur. Anyone who plays Auriel will WANT to be team leader, because she depends on her team to have any impact at all. Varian's level 1 talent choice sets the entire tone of a game, so any Varian player wants to control the game. Valeera or Nova will want to make calls, because she's at her most effective when her team follows up. Leoric wants to make calls because his effectiveness also depends heavily on his team. Uther, Tassadar and Tyrande can't help but lead their teams, without even making calls. Alexstrasza will want to make calls, because she needs to be really careful about when she sacrifices her health. Johanna will want to lead her team, because she has no escape from a teamfight gone sideways: so she'll want to prevent that from happening. Fenix is not terribly effective, and very likely to feed, if his team isn't on the same page as him: so he'll want to make calls. Kael'thas needs to set up plays in order to keep up with damage. Malfurion needs to precast his heals, so he'll want to make calls. Medivh wants to use his portals efficiently, so he'll want his team to follow his lead: and he's probably by the far the hero most equipped to lead because of his scouting ability. Other heroes are natural followers: Anduin, Artanis, Jaina, Brightwing, Qhira, Kharazim, Sonya, Kel'thuzad, Lt. Morales, Lucio, Lunara, Diablo, Chen etc. These are heroes who actually do better when they're responding to what is happening. They have the kit to turn situations around, to react to changing circumstances and to follow through on set ups. They can't really set up plays on their own, but they are very effective at responding to plays their allies set up. They don't want to or aren't really equipped for making calls, but they need to listen carefully to the calls going out. If you want to make it extra clear that you're not interested in making calls, then main one of these heroes.
@diegosaur 6 жыл бұрын
My goldfish watched this, now he's a shark.
@c0mathewhale32 5 жыл бұрын
@sev2282 6 жыл бұрын
This is one of the best hots video I’ve ever seen. Dude we need to get you thousands of subs and exposure. People need to see this video and all the other you have done. The hots community would benefit greatly.
@NotParadox 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks man. I love Psychology and Neurology, but those videos don't really get a lot of attention, I also love HotS so I figured I'd give this another shot. It seems to be doing okay.
@UMCorian 6 жыл бұрын
After this video: "I'm pumped! I'm going to be the internal guy. I'm going to be the difference maker, the shot caller... I am in control of my own destiny!" After one hots game: "So I had an AFK Illidan, a troll Li Meng who GGed after the first death at level 1, a DCed Xul and a BR Garrosh who just typed jajajajaja every time he threw me into the enemy... thanks for that, karma."
@Satanda007 6 жыл бұрын
that is because u are external :D u can still carry!!! :D
@DaveVoyles 6 жыл бұрын
The TRUTH. This is exactly what happened to me. Great pep talk, but wrong community and game.
@Satanda007 6 жыл бұрын
So why are you playing this so called "bad" game?
@DaveVoyles 6 жыл бұрын
I have no life and nothing better to do.
@BingBangPoe 6 жыл бұрын
"Jajajaja" is spanish, not portuguese.
@num1niceguy 6 жыл бұрын
Please more videos on the neuroscience of games on the winning mind set.
@chrisneto 6 жыл бұрын
9:57 as you said 'kills' ai malthael dies to minions
@neilg5270 6 жыл бұрын
stop talking about hots and more about getting out of the friend zone plz
@onkelpappkov2666 5 жыл бұрын
"Why do girls always act so cray-cray?" (External Locus of Focus of Hokuspokus) --> "I can do better." (Internal Locus of Sudokus)
@alboforlife18 6 жыл бұрын
"NO NO NO NO NO you talk the entire game so that you can make a difference!" i couldnt stop laughing at this HAHAHAHAHAA
@DaveVoyles 6 жыл бұрын
I get what he's saying, but for most of this community, there is just no saving it. When 4 of your teammates are constantly ignoring the enemy healer and DPS, and instead focus on the tank, Johanna, each die 9 times, and wonder why you lost, you've really got to wonder if there is any saving / carrying most of these teams. You can have all of the kills, none of the deaths, and still, not stand a chance of winning. That's just the way the game is fundamentally designed, where an individual can bring a team down, but an individual cannot CARRY a team, due to the shared XP pool.
@InsanePorcupine 6 жыл бұрын
" When 4 of your teammates" yeah you're basically putting the blame on others which is exactly what he's saying you shouldn't do. Is their any saving you? Maybe there will be games you cannot win, but overall if you focus on personal improvement you will rank up.
@ArjanL1979 5 жыл бұрын
if Johanna positions properly between the enemy team and your team she should be focused maybe the problem is you ignoring the tank completely and letting Johanna harass your team?
@Aucacoyan 6 жыл бұрын
It's awesome. I would love to have more videos of these. I have an internal locus control, but maybe i wasnt aware of it, until today. So thanks :D. Keep rockin'
@zackxuan4922 6 жыл бұрын
The strange thing is, I have more of an Internal Locus of Control when I'm playing Hots, while the complete opposite when it comes to life... lol. Great video here, love your insights on Psychology, keep it up!
@alishinshi5513 6 жыл бұрын
Ive been doing this from the first game in played in Hots. Communicating, leading, watching replays to analyse games searching where to improve. If you are in gold or above, yeah peeps listen; at that point, players understand game mechanics to a certain extant, but i find a lot of people being uncooperative from the set on, for example, telling you just to shut up or stop telling me what to do sort of thing. Its from the draft. I only played 1 season on ladder. Im my first 4 placement games, in 2 games, team did not want to pick a tank, and in the 2 other, they didnt want to pick healers. In all 4 games, i was either 1st or 2nd pick. ended up starting with 4 losses and sort of felt a wall made by attitudes. Yes, being internal locus a correct approach but its not just about that single handed.
@yahekmbarek3208 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with you i followed the saime path, i think you can't always have an influence on peapole, yes sometime you can but trying to got an influence on anybody at anytime is really exausting and sometime it's not that productive, but i saw some Gm player who did Bronze to Gm with 80%winrate without saying anything in the chat, he was not talking to peapole in draft to get a synergic comp and he was not leading in game
@onkelpappkov2666 5 жыл бұрын
I'd say you're absolutely right. But I'd also guess that, just on the statistical side of things, one of those players is eventually going to listen to you. And then when there is that one guy who attentively soaks up what you say, what will you say? "fukin pick a tank but ehh nobody ever does that cuz evry1s a noob fuk dis if u dont support well lose this is elo hell fukin friend zone omg" Or rather: "I feel good about this. We only need one beefy tank to secure our victory. I will keep you alive and we'll dominate the objective." Of course you do not expect one of them to suddenly pick tank. But every once in a while, someone does. It IS frustrating but I mean, how many Russian children under the age of 10 can there be in the world? You WILL find the other dude who also thinks he's totally alone. And it's beautiful when it happens.
@korvmedmos979 6 жыл бұрын
I cant carry shit since they nerfed vikings 63% winrate in ranked means nothing now
@anonymous-rj6ok 6 жыл бұрын
I just had a game with a spanish speaking yrel player. I tried to communicate but it was impossible he didn't speak a word english and ignored pings. So he stayed mid the entire game, he died 11 times in 15 minutes. I tried to compensate the xp loss by going solo lane but it was a lost cause. What can I do in such a scenario? Blame myself on top of him using his only english to make the other players report me for being a diablo noob at the end of the game? Besides this at my MMR communication is 9/10 ignored or not taken seriously.
@LaurenWu 6 жыл бұрын
I don't play Hero League because I didn't think one could climb playing support BLT darned if this video isn't motivating me to try! Thanks for all your great videos. And yes to more psychology gaming content please.
@koreanwetty8272 3 жыл бұрын
The most important roles that take the highest iQ are healer and tank. Just to simplify heroes in my own way a Bronze Genji can be as good (mechanically) as a Grand Master Genji but... When the bronze wipes the enemy team they go do a camp waste 30 seconds then the enemy team reapawns and defends the camp a grand master will wipe the enemy team and go for the core. Very iQ based game as well as impact level. Ive seen many grand masters suck mechanically but they are smart enough to get by
@christian7601 4 жыл бұрын
Is a great video but is a motivational video. You can't carry a game just because you are nice and motivated. Is like volleyball. If someone can't let the ball stay in air cause of his skill,it will be a 100% lose. Here is the same. If the damage dealer is ALWAYS out of position,you lose. If the root that you mentioned on the video (malfurion) is overlapped everytime with the others cc. Is lost. GREAT VIDEO !!!! but is a motivational one!
@Calx9 6 жыл бұрын
How can you type a long sentence WHILE you're getting a kill. Good advice at heart, poorly executed in real life. Now if this was Dota 2 were 90% of players have a mic then it's not a problem. At least 20% of hots players neither type nor have voice comms open. So my point is communication is not the answer to getting wins in hots because it's not an option.
@user-fe7rz4ll8q 4 жыл бұрын
More in general, the presentation of locus of control in this video is very unnuanced. If you have too much of an internal locus of control, you will blame yourself for everything that goes wrong and be overly critical of every single thing you do which you could have done better. This is a recipe for depression. I speak from personal experience. It's important also to realise which things are external. Your example of discrimination is a case in point: if you ignore the existence of structural inequality and prejudice because you prefer to focus on yourself as an individual, that means you don't contribute to pointing out and thereby combatting social and political injustice. Your own mindset matters, but circumstances also matter HUGELY, which is easy to forget from a privileged position.
@andremoura3278 4 жыл бұрын
I've peaked at d4 a couple of years back. I stopped playing until last October. I always had this mentality (even if sometimes i get pissed) but i always knew that i had to do things on my own. The thing is, i can't anymore. I got the mechanics, i play the right heroes, i go for the camps when i have to, i know how to play the maps, and i do speak with the team. Nothing works. Ever. Theres constantly someone dying so i have to get the xp, but when i get the xp people engage. Chat doesnt work, no one ever listens. Theres also the 5 man smurf teams which is incredibly frustrating to play against and it completely kills the will to play. The more i play, the more i get the feeling that climbing is luck based untill you're like p4 or p3, where people actually grasp some of the game and your actions actually matter.
@curlyfryexperience 6 жыл бұрын
I would enjoy more psychology based videos, I feel others would as well. Do it!
@SgtImrak93 6 жыл бұрын
Subscribed. Your videos are great, keep it up.
@itoncemighthave9666 5 жыл бұрын
but how do you carry when you get a team that doesn't respond, are super negative, or tell you to stfu. i know not to blame everything on everyone else but when you get that valla that solos bottom lane for 20 minutes and when you nicely ask them to help on obj they just call you shit and that they dont wanna die.
@NiPaVou 4 жыл бұрын
That's not carrying. Carrying is winning a game alone despite your allies being afk/feeding/horrible etc. If I were to use percentages, carrying would be that you are 100% responsible for the win. In HotS you cannot be more than 30-40% responsible for the win. Even playing with a healer that's not carrying. YOU are NOT carrying. You AND the healer ARE carrying. You might be playing excellent and helping your team get the win but that's a team effort and not yours alone. It actually IS impossible to carry in HotS.
@clementbringuier7452 3 жыл бұрын
@Sixten Ålin I think this may be the main reason why Hots has so a so low playerbase despite the e-sport cancellation
@VikashaYou 5 жыл бұрын
This was a nice video, I liked the psychological aspect, please do more. Also, there is another way of playing not mentioned. That's like coming home from a hard day of work and then picking Nova just to one shot kill enemies for the rush. That way of playing does not have a goal to become a grand master.
@Mag314159 6 жыл бұрын
Mmm. Exact way i got to grandmaster in Overwatch by playing support. People didn't believe me either.
@coconutbrittle6877 5 жыл бұрын
@taddeustentakel8598 5 жыл бұрын
I really have to admit, that personally, my biggest hold-backs are: 1) being in a currently hard time in my life, which leads to (extreme) angryness and stressfulness within the game which leads further to a huge amount of toxicity and negative Energy for the entire game and with that disordering any1 in the game.. 2) ONLY wanting to win and losing the view of WHAT AND HOW TO DO in order to make a win possible Yea very great Video, thx alot Dude
@onkelpappkov2666 5 жыл бұрын
You can pull it off though. You're a phoenix. You rise from ashes. Shiet.
@fundemort 6 жыл бұрын
ALL I'm asking to my team is just THREE THING: NOT FEEDING, NOT FEEDING, NOT FEEDING. But sadly I rarely get any of that.
@sophiejones7727 5 жыл бұрын
Be more specific. Tell them when you see they are about to die uselessly. Ping retreat when it's time to leave. Put "care" in chat if you see your team heading for danger. If you're playing support, you will automatically know when a fight is going sideways well before anyone else does. Remember that. A tank will think everything is fine as long as s/he's at full health, a dps will think everything is fine until the tank turns around. Only you know that you're about to burn all your mana, or that your energy bar is not filling up. Say "leave" in chat, or in voice chat. Ping retreat until the tank turns around. Let your team know that something is wrong, don't assume that they know. Remember that most of the time people don't feed on purpose. They are oblivious, inexperienced, mis-clicking, laggy or distracted. If you assume that people are assholes, all you're doing is stressing yourself out.
@jasonpeng5798 3 жыл бұрын
this made me quit hots and do something productive
@moo3oo3oo3 6 жыл бұрын
Statistics are just numbers. Jail is just a room
@jonny2hotty378 5 жыл бұрын
@Shoddragon 6 жыл бұрын
i think the big issue is that carrying in Mobas has a different meaning than how you use it. Carrying in other moba's normally has to do with getting fed and having so much late game scaling that you can 1v3. Some heroes are even designated carries DESIGNED to have such good late game scaling, especially if fed, that they can literally carry games by just being really strong. The carrying term you use is more like being a team leader. Shot calling, encouraging communication, trying to state strengths/weaknesses so your team has a good idea of what they can and cannot do, etc. It's still great and I love doing it as well but it's not quite the same as typical MOBA carrying.
@IlHansenIl 6 жыл бұрын
Remy calm down man, you cant fight everyone who doesn't agree with you.
@IlHansenIl 6 жыл бұрын
Not unless you can literally carry the entire team by winning the game - basically without them. Notice that the characters people refer to as being a "carry" is very rarely support, and the few times that it is, its a support character without any focus on actually supporting.
@boguinator 5 жыл бұрын
Lol, objectives do matter in Lol too. Even in Dota. Thats why supports can carry too via shotcalling
@Gergo049 6 жыл бұрын
The problem for me is not my attitude. For me the difference between making calls and not doing so depends heavily on my current mental energy. When I'm mentally fresh I feel like I play like masters or even GMs. Complete map awareness and split second decision making. This is very rare for me. Most of the time my brain doesn't perform on this level and the more I play the worse my performance gets.
@Gergo049 6 жыл бұрын
Mental stamina. You probably don't know what I'm talking about, considering that I can hardly find relevant information about this. I'm probably one of the few who suffers from lack of mental stamina this much. I will probably go to the doctor soon. I suspect that the problem is caused by an organ that's not functioning properly for some reason. Just to give some more background: My mind gets tired like a muscle when it's overworked and all of my cognitive functions decrease. At first it can't be noticed, but after a while it's so severe that I can hardly think. I know not many suffer from this, otherwise people would understand what I'm talking about. I see streamers playing all day without problems. I need several days to recover.
@Gergo049 6 жыл бұрын
wow. how I never thought of that before.
@InsanePorcupine 6 жыл бұрын
maybe you just need some ritalin lol
@DoubtlessSoldier 3 жыл бұрын
Bro this is the problem that so many people have with "carrying". Carrying implies youre doing it without needing your team. Youre not carrying these people by basically teaching them how to play every single match. Not for nothing, why do I need to tell other people when to camp or to even camp? Why do I constantly need to help people with their positioning or when to clear lanes or come to obj, etc etc etc. Im trying to play to enjoy myself and win games and Ive tried helping people but then someone doesnt listen, starts flaming, throws the game and it gets harder and harder to keep a positive attitude. Lets say they listen but miss half their abilities or use them when they shouldnt. Now Ive gotta explain to them how to use their abilities? How do you explain to someone how not to miss everything? I get it, it takes a constant positive attitude, some carry heroes, some flexing, and a little teammate cheer leading to consistently win. But my god is it frustrating in anything under plat. And its a little misleading to say youre carrying them when really youre telling them how to play game after game.
@DoubtlessSoldier 3 жыл бұрын
I dont see how blaming yourself for everything and pretending like its your fault because you could potentially have done more is helpful. Evaluating yourself is great but you should do it honestly. If you are the guy thats doing overtime and coming to work early and taking on extra projects, etc etc etc and you get passed up for a promotion because the other guy has been there longer, even though hes the type that doesnt answer his phone or do extra shifts, you have a right to be irritated. And we can go back and forth, life isnt fair and Im not saying give up but maybe you start looking for another place to work? Maybe you try to find friends in hots that arent complete morons and listen? Maybe you switch to heroes that actually can carry fairly well and stop tanking/healing for people who are clueless? Ive had games where Im top in the game in every stat and I got almost all of our camps myself and weve lost because people refused to play right. They didnt listen to pings, they chased for kills, they died trying to go 1v5, etc. Why should I blame myself when I tried to tell them what to do and I played very well?
@DoubtlessSoldier 3 жыл бұрын
And the best part is Ive done this so much. Ive tried to help people with their play, their abilities, Ive tried making plans... I just did it in a sky temple match. We had naz and I was azmo and I was like dude, you go top, I'll go bot, they cant handle our push , etc.... he didnt listen, the whole team didnt listen.... they literally wouldnt do anything I said and then the naz at the end, who had more deaths and was beaten in every stat, was calling me names. told me I didnt understand being a spec.... I was like bro, I even got more camps than you... he contributed next to nothing because he was salty about me picking azmo with a naz and he just refused to cooperate. Try dealing with that 10 times a day and then come tell me how positive you are
@Andyisgodcky 6 жыл бұрын
You ABSOLUTELY can carry in this game. Sometimes it just doesn't involve teamfighting, you can make things happen and win purely on your own effort.
@niivaedarleytrhrim6494 6 жыл бұрын
When a Hots tutorial becomes a life tutorial, you realize that the guy who's making the tutorial is an interesting person too! You're perfectly right about that, and I'll make some friend see your video also if they're not Hots players xD It would be interesting to know how our world would be with more internal-locus-of-control men!!! And btw, an internal-locus-of-control life is in my opinion a more interesting and provocative life too.
@SuperSamuraiblack 6 жыл бұрын
Man I dig this guys vibe!! :D
@PhilSamoylov 5 жыл бұрын
Well you certainly have an internal locus of control, there is nothing I can do about it
@onkelpappkov2666 5 жыл бұрын
@themayneski 6 жыл бұрын
This guy is the man. Life coach. Motivational speaker. Hots master.
@mechkota 6 жыл бұрын
You try to say that high level player can carry himself, which is true, a grandmaster player can own bronze/silver players, wow amazing. If you're only slightly better than the players around you, you most likely wont climb at all or it will be extremely slow. Having a Grand master use another persons account to go from Bronze-Master isn't really saying much considering hes way better than the people hes playing against. This argument is so bad, if the pros can climb then you can carry, lol what?. This game has almost 0 carry potential unless you vastly out skill the people you're playing against
@Independent1206 6 жыл бұрын
You have to think about it like this.. if you have 2 teams that are about equally skilled it doesnt mean that you have no carry potential. What it means is, that you should be the one who takes the initiative to help your team out with callouts, suggestions for plays you can make, communicating about how you want or should approach certain situations that can happen around an objective or in a fight, which hero to focus or pay attention to and so on. With that you are creating momentum for your team, which will most likely lead to a good experience for you and your team and carry you to a winning situation. It really depends how you look at things, there's always something that you can do, which will help you and your team to get a lead and get going.
@lordkks 6 жыл бұрын
And isn't that what carry is about? You outplaying others. If you are with people of equal, or similar skill, of course you will not carry them. What you are saying is that doesn't make sense.
@yes-i-am 5 жыл бұрын
old vid; what i am posting is even older kzbin.info/www/bejne/navTqoeFnKdmrJo , BUT true nevertheless. So, with best intent possible, FK statistics, man. Also, you're into bit of contradiction with yourself in what you say in this one kzbin.info/www/bejne/qpzWoKenorOHj6c . Also, b4 any h8 comes my way, lemme tell u im not lo rank player; nvr been higher than D tho (EU).
@chiggrens_playground3193 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for this video... specially when i got a 10-game loosing Streak in a Ranked game.. Very applicable specially in Real Life. Take care!
@browsergameshub 3 жыл бұрын
I realized I win more games by NOT telling people what to do. Especially when I play low ranked with friends on my alt account, making a suggestion instantly tilts a random team mate like "don't tell me what to do" vibe. Since I stopped communicating and just focused on "babysitting" my team mates, I started winning way more games in low rank.
@Vaporvision 3 жыл бұрын
If you're in a game and someone hits you in the head with a snowflake, you're probably playing against Mei.
@Jokervision744 6 жыл бұрын
Never played game like that... So I can beat it by taking the lead and stopping playing altogether. I'd like to get into this game, but... I have no idea where to start... I guess if I did find what is wrong I would climb several ranks. Its totally different game what it seems to be like.
@sycariummoonshine7134 5 жыл бұрын
Talk to your team... Use heroes that can double soak Yeah...!^^ Like they'd ever let you lmao! They're gonna instant pick random mages and a twin blades Varian, no tank, no support 2x all lane ANYWAY and there's nothing you can do about it! XD (seriously, there's zero fcks given about any form of advice or request, even if you explain things in detail.) Statistics: 50% winrate until you tilt. Why? Glad you asked. You get to gold 5 by winning 3/12 placements. That's 3 games you accidentally get carried by a plat Tracer one trick. The noobs getting to that rank by a standard both win and lose games Randomly against each other, given 1 mistake can cost a team fight, to either side, and they only know how to play vs the most common heroes (but also play the most common heroes so it evens out a bit). If you carry a game, you boost 2-4 noobs up, and so does everyone else. But let's be real here. Most games are determined by which team has that 1 bad player, that 1 tank who then initiates bad fights over and over again... fight which no one knows how to back away from. Or that 1 support getting caught in the frontline. No pings matter and you are lucky if they speak English enough to respond that classic "Me tank, me call shots! Why pick Sylvanas in Braxis!? Peel me noobs!" Figured only initiation works, then. Gotta make sure they don't start that losing fight you know? Cause they will without you being the tank? Nope, nice try. No one knows to follow up perfect CC. Hell, you can Anub cocoon their support at your turrets, alone. And they just AA minions for those 8 seconds...and then continue to AA those minions for the next 5 as you max ping to assist killing them. You think I'm joking? Surely that's a marginal case? Afraid not. :( Hell, I once had a basic 15 min 80k 70k 120k Mal'Ganis game, with 160seconds sleep duration and 1 death. Only way to get those stats is to max damage Blindbat multiple people, every fight. +to give some extra, I managed to land not one but two 4x sleeps, over and over again during those clashes... Did I win? No. :D Ofc not! XD Because only damage matters. -and not random dps mind you. that 100k li ming means nothing if no one dies before your diablo decides to go down in a blaze of glory. But thankfully Jaina exists! And you made a good guide on how to use her. ^^ Indeed. If you can't stop stupid shit from happening, at least you can solo kill them all, once or twice! ...That makes them afraid. And that fear wins you games if nothing else will. Mind this rant. had to get it out of my system. :D
@wisdommanari6701 5 жыл бұрын
Hookah I play medivh sneak fucking Slay. Also Ktz ks bae. And the economy is pretty good...granted I'm part of the military industrial complex
@illxander 4 жыл бұрын
I like this concept. Its something I keep trying to impart to people around me. However, understanding you have more control over your circumstances, in this case the outcome of a game, and carrying aren't the same thing. You would have done better with an NBA metaphor than a pro hots player. I.E. Lebron James, would have a hard time Carrying the Cavs past the Spurs, but here's what he could control. Using the example you are without acknowledging the skill gap, is like saying Lebron could carry, without saying, and by the way he's playing college players though.
@gabrieltyranny9514 5 жыл бұрын
Best 'gaming' video I've ever seen - 100% I was so emotionally invested in gaming 2 years ago, unhealthily so. I stopped gaming and began pursuing personal development and in that time started a company and began feeling my life align with a purpose. I've recently returned to gaming and MY GOD the difference in my mentality is apparent in every way. I used to be stuck in bronze in every game, always. Now my mechanics are worse, I don't practice as much, I don't know anything about the metas, but my mentality is completely different after these 2 years and day before yesterday I began playing HOTS again and placed in Bronze then climbed all bronze and got to Silver 1 in a day, winning all games played but 2. Skill and mechanics has nothing to do with it. Before I was a toxic child in an adults body, and now I understand that I can control everything myself. This comment is about as long as the video itself and probs won't be read haha, but damn. Hadda share, this is all just too true.
@Trewq79 3 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of a Cracked article I read a thousand times in college, "6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person". One of the big points is what you mentioned this video. Don't ask questions like "how do I get the job?" or "how do I get the girl?". Instead, ask questions like "who do I need to be for that employer to want to hire?" or "how do I become the guy that that girl would want to date?" The second set of questions require you to change much more about yourself.
@OllieMackerel 4 жыл бұрын
Hey never made comments on KZbin before. Had to for this video. Love this. Love HOTS. Keep making videos like this
@vidaliver1447 5 жыл бұрын
Hi NotParadox! found your channel not so long ago and keep watching tons of your videos :3 and yes i knew those things you've said here but i guess sometimes you really need to hear not just voices in your head huh? So grateful for this, man, and you have a beautiful voice :) And it is awesome how you never burn losing fights or teammates, it is so... (sorry i'm really going wet when i admire people, i shall not continue) could i please ask you to maybe work on the playlists on this channel? I could call "beginner and ability hero guides" (on ability i mean videos where you do a tip on how to use a single ability, like the azmo Q quest guide or the medivh portal spacebar advice), "master hero guides" (with replays or video of your play), "tips and tricks" and "patches, reworks". This would've been really helpful for you have a really huge amount of videos, some of which unfortunately i won't watch simply because of situations like "i'm not interested in 2 y.o. rework because this hero was patched 3 times after that"... And yes most certainly i'd love to watch videos with psychological advices from you :) if you have any except this one, could you probably link them? Thank you so much for making such a great content on this channel! Your records learned me a lot, and not just about hots gameplay, some heroes and stuff - this is kinda secondary for me. But your attitude and personality teaches people (at least me) how to be in a right mood, think of your mistakes, encourage, support and bring something of yourself to community you're dedicated to, and to humanity in the first place. You're a real sunshine for them around you, the one i'm just dreaming to become.
@kckunkun 5 жыл бұрын
This is superb material. Thanks for all the work and videos you've put in cause it's very appreciated. In regards to this and your suggestion of "make shot calls", riddle me this: what if nobody goes on team voice? xD Just a bit of a joke but the sad truth. I'm in plat and I always begin the game cheerily and suggest "team voice? comms?" yet more than half the time I'm talking to myself or just 1 person. Sure, I still try to communicate with pings but voice shot calling is 100% better than pings by experience.
@kresovk5 6 жыл бұрын
I'd say, you are half right. Because there is such thing (as I call it) as grief pit. Grief pit is basically game in which people get troll picks and use chat only for blame. They stay silent if you ask for suggestions or basically anything positive. www.hotslogs.com/Replays/ShareReplay?ReplayShareID=21664 This whole fiasco of picks started in Draft, troll picks + blame and flame whole game. And I tried entire game (Chromie), but chances that we can win this was 1%. Optimistic guess.
@p5ych0p4N 2 жыл бұрын
man, great analysis! Didnt know about the term "locus of control", but I do know about the behavior. Thx for the insight. You got my sub :)
@user-fe7rz4ll8q 4 жыл бұрын
You say you can make a difference by communicating, which is true except that in many games I play, other players completely ignore communication, NEVER replying to chat or turning on voice chat. So then this doesn't hold. What do you think?
@heavyflamerheresy2581 Жыл бұрын
You could carry before they made exp team dependent. Before that change, you could be level 10 when your team mates where level 8, and you had to be there when minions died. Not like know you can let them die and grab exp later, makes the game less skilled. Every change they did to the exp and forts made the game worse.
@AngelofDeathGG 5 жыл бұрын
I was in bronze 5, I watch this video and now I am in grand master ty Notparadox
@undeny 6 жыл бұрын
While it's good that you made this video, I am subscribing because you were able to acknowledge when you were ranting xD. Means you're not full of shit and I appreciate that. Thanks for the great video :D
@EntropicRussian 6 жыл бұрын
I have a direct question @NotParadox. I am a tank main, I have mastered almost every hero in the game and have a positive winrate. I have had a lot of people however criticize my aggressiveness when playing tanks. My excuse here is that i "aim to create a zone of respect" when playing most tanks. Once I see the caution set in, I utilize this to bait people into a false sense of security mid to late game. I don't die or cost objectives, but I utilize psychological tricks to make people want to kill or focus me down even into traps. IS this not something that occurs at all levels of play? Is plat plus just people playing super passively? I have always felt that strategically you shouldn't be predictable and make people uncertain of your intentions no matter what RTS you are playing. I was hoping to hear your thought on hyper aggression, baiting and taunt play.
@blackwalls8126 6 жыл бұрын
Or you have both an internal and external locus of control: some things one just simply does not have control over. And you can always say "I messed up, how can I do better?", but how do you know whether or not it was you that messed up? How do you know whether or not it was other forces at play that simply got the best of you? In HotS, I see a lot of game calls like "Why aren't you attacking their healer?!?!" and in any case where the healer is not being attacked, it's because they are actually playing defensively and not allowing themselves to be attacked. It's not my fault their healer is way in the back and I can't break through to them. It's their fault for being good at the game. Sometimes there's just nothing you can do. You yell at the team to focus Li Li, but she just runs in circles outhealing everybody while her team crushes yours. P.S. love the demonstration on how easy it is to win a lane when 2 minutes later Malthael dies to minions.
@RedCrusaderArc 5 жыл бұрын
I prefer the psychological term 'stupidity' or 'incompetence' for what happens in Quickmatch. Watch a map in Quickmatch and see what players do when the objective spawns. Mentality makes more of a difference in competitive play, because the players are more coordinated and the rewards are higher.
@kokainum 6 жыл бұрын
Ok, what do I do when I say that we should contest objective and my team says something similar to "idi na hui cyka blyat!!!" in 50% of the games? Just asking, cause I want to improve myself and contribute to my team's victory but I'm bad with psychology and you seem to have the answers so maybe you can solve my problem. Also what do I do when my teammate keeps repeating going onto enemy towers as soon as he respawns to have some fun, can I offer him some other kind of fun that contains also winning condition so all our team have fun? How should I negotiate in those situations?
@TheDarthpsi 6 жыл бұрын
Man, how can a game tip become advice for life? That was very interesting. I think the same way you do. Mostly when ppl start complaining at me (toxically mind you) its because they are doing bad moves. I try to be fully aware of the mistakes I'm doing and don't push them on others.
@iurygabriel602 6 жыл бұрын
I've heard about this topic once, and I really felt that I should carry it for my life. But we always forget important things in our lives ofc. Thanks for your Malthael's video advice I ended up here and get to remember haha. Keep up with the videos, I got my sub, mate.
@gurgir255 4 жыл бұрын
Good advices. But. Problem with Hots is that talking with team leads to ban...and not only to victory. And pro-players know about that, and say nothing to team
@illxander 4 жыл бұрын
Now that I think of it, this may have been better aimed at what you should do in a game INSTEAD of raging. What you should be typing instead of being angry in chat.
@161patox 5 жыл бұрын
Great life advise but on the hots topic, what you are saying is that you can HELP carry a team, when people say that you can't carry in hots (i think) they are talking about the heroes themselves being not that strong individually, except for a couple broken characters, mostly mages, you will almost never instantly blow up another hero like you can in LoL, Dota or Smite, you can make picks, great calls and all you said in the video but in the 3 games i mentioned before, you can make plays by yourself and in hots it's really rare for something like that to happen. To use the example you gave with Garrosh, he goes in, gets the flip, stun, his team misses everything and he ends up dying with the first guy getting out, sure that will most likely happen in all mobas but in hots all you can do is set up the play and hope the others follow through, you will never be able to 1 v 5 like a carry in LoL can.
@brickjames5020 6 жыл бұрын
Ey mane, I watched your KT video and I’m boss with him now. Just finished watching this video and I’m a billionaire
@OyJaPinoy 6 жыл бұрын
So all this internal and external scope of control is like being pessimistic or optimistic. Life needs moderation and balance like the ying and yang. I like the middle ground, being a realist. In contrast, Hots just needs lest salt... BUT seriously tho, Dating game needs way less salt.Ppl gettin killed for that shit
@kly8105 5 жыл бұрын
It depends on what server you are, i thought you couldn't until i changed servers, i gained a lot of ping but it is better to be in a cleaner community where people don't whine and afk when they die, or start typing and get killed while flaming. Yes you can carry, i carried in a lot of games, but there are many more variables or aspects at play than just your skill and knowledge of the game and the meta, take today for example, i was completely sure that it was 100% impossible to carry in the hell that is the hots community, i posted this in another of notparadox's videos, but immediately after i posted i realized that maybe changing servers would help get rid of my problem, the new server that i transitioned into is much cleaner, people don't flame even when they complain, they don't afk, and even when they get angry they play until the end, whereas in the old server that i used to play, people would constantly trollpick or ragequit and flame even before level 10. Even in one game where people were about to get angry and flame, i found a way to defuse the situation, guide the team with advice, and do a comeback and win the game, another aspect that is good to have to be able to carry, not leadership but rather the ability to defuse situations before people start flaming each other, this wasn't possible in my last server because as soon as you spoke to someone they would flame you instead even if you were carrying with double the exp of anyone else plus no deaths and the most hero damage or being constantly saving people while killing enemies etc, yes in winning situations you would get flamed while carrying just because someone felt like it, on a game by game basis, i have yet to see this happen in my new server. I agree that you can carry because i have carried, but i don't agree that there are so few variables to being able to carry, its not just a question of skill. I would love to see people trying to carry in my previous server, i effortlessly made it to gold 1 in LoL, then when i migrated to HotS's beta i pulled a gold 3 with a lot of effort due to ragequiters. HL isn't that easy when you play 4vs5 or when you have four supports or four specialists, trollpicks for the world! :D Thanks for the video! but mentality isn't a thing when other people grief.
@brettjameslacher7927 4 жыл бұрын
So I agree with the mentality but I don't think you're understanding how much you're really saying @7:16 etc. Knowing every detail of every hero is pretty insane and definitely would separate people like pros from casuals like myself who don't even play enough to master one hero, let alone know how they all play.
@mathiassalgado4683 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's really cool going 7+/1 yet everyone else in your team with +5 deaths. It's clearly my mentality what's wrong during the games.
@triniboy853 6 жыл бұрын
@notparadox how do you get people to listen? I communicate but people don’t listen. I’m new to the game but I have years of team based experience and when I play I communicate regularly but people just ignore pings and even chat, any tips on how to get them to listen?
@infinityfive0 5 жыл бұрын
people need to stop playing qm.... just play storm.. it is usually just a better experience even in defeat.. edit.... he has a point i got to master just on mechanics alone... if you know a few heroes inside and out, thats way better than being ok with a bunch of them..
@lonewolf871 6 жыл бұрын
Hey I just want to say you are awesome. I dont usually comment on youtube but you are worth it. Thanks for the great quality video and life lesson. I feel like I became a better person watching this.
@Sintan666 6 жыл бұрын
More Psychology please! Psych was my was fav subject during college and still is outside as something to always learn more!
@rogoni9894 6 жыл бұрын
i came here bc i always told to my friend that we both could carry a game and now i realize that i was right, and i learned about some mental problems that i had (i still have some) about thinking (and friendzone too) i love your vids bro ! GL
@gabrielavraham1769 3 жыл бұрын
you want to tell me that you can carry a team when 3 of them die like 6 time under 8 min of the game and lose any single objec just becasue they wanna to fight and they dont give a shit about what you ask from them. you can be support or tank but what if your team made of 4assasins that dont link how do you carry that? this is what you get from silver 5-3 if you lucky to get out to silver 2 you might get higher.
@belljo 6 жыл бұрын
agree, however the one thing this video does not talk about is personality types. One of the reasons why currently with voice chat you get 5 people joining and NO ONE talking is introverted people that do not like to talk or lead. And unfortunately in heroes to climb/carry you do in a sense need to have that type A personality to lead a team to win.
@Xerxz5115 6 жыл бұрын
Please do more neurophysiology videos, I want to learn a lot about it but studying different things currently.
@okeyokey578 5 жыл бұрын
watching your videos and then play couple gaims makes me get frustrated any ways ( i blame silver zone ) nice video tho )
@potatomodem1079 5 жыл бұрын
tabergg well in my server no one listens to me so communication is out of the window instead of comunicating properly they just point out the clear mistakes and the person who made the mistake just keeps on doing it over and over again and if you pick a hero that is not part if the meta every single one of your teammates will spam you suck quit the game, do everyone a favor a stop playing. Example a teammate picks a hero that another team mate does not like so he/she decides to feed early game and just stay in base for the rest of the game its even worse than afk and they don’t listen to pings or go for the objectives this is why I hate the people in my country because the only people they care about is themselves and they rarely admit their mistakes I wish I was in another server where there are less stubborn people.
@Blight-fp3vt 6 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure the old term of a 'carry' character was one that was weak early but very strong late, the team carried that character and boosted them so that they were getting levels and not risking deaths until that character became powerful enough to carry the team in teamfights. hots has some characters a little like this, but only where they have a special mechanic for it because of the group levelling aspect. Butcher spring to mind. But its not quite to the level of those other mobas.
@alextaylor6793 6 жыл бұрын
this game does not teach players how to play. with the size of the map pool its more likely that you can only win 55% of the time. you get a bad player 30% of the time but even good players dont know how to play on all maps. Its often that a player learns how to play 1 hero and 1 hero doesnt translate across all maps. i wish you could veto maps you dont want to play or they should make the map pool smaller for ranked play like 5 maps
@Pajcina 6 жыл бұрын
love your reasoning in all these videos... dont know if i feel better about myself or more down, nevertheless you make awesome points i never considered gl hf :)
@dylanh9973 5 жыл бұрын
very good message in this video, also I agree with everything you said about carrying. would love to play with you sometime
@staysharp2453 6 жыл бұрын
'carry' is the worst word for this game. its so pointless that i don't even know how people started using this word. I believe moba players are too egocentric despite being a simple and easy game lol
@honkbrother8000 5 жыл бұрын
Personally ik im going to get bad games but even in the bad games i always look at when i died and when i could of done better mechanically or strategically and then i just try to improve off that
@australienski6687 6 жыл бұрын
This is not the same as carrying. If your team is complete trash and ignore your pings and keep dying at the wrong times there is absolutely nothing you can do, on your own to win the match.
@DietersYT 6 жыл бұрын
Any advice for communicating with players who don’t want to hear or follow what you have to say?
@peteredholm5592 4 жыл бұрын
A bit off topic yes :D But it is still absolutley true what you were saying. Loved this video! Keep it up
@roblonsote 3 жыл бұрын
To the dimwits saying You can't carry in HotS , i'd say , define the word carry
@wefmokewfo4155 6 жыл бұрын
keep telling people what to do and u have a 9month mute soon, because they think ur flaming them... makes you sure you get muted early
@TT-nk3ho 6 жыл бұрын
Its funny how you went into psychology in this video because I often tell players who are blaming everyone else on the team but themself that they need therapy irl haha.
@drknutz 6 жыл бұрын
Came for HOTS, got LIFEHACKS. Thanks.
@EranRefael 4 жыл бұрын
I used this guide, and really changed my life. even on HOTS ty :)
@PARTYSEASON 6 жыл бұрын
Love your stuff!
@rusfeedernoob5441 6 жыл бұрын
I really love your attitude and shared it before. Focusing on myself to spot my mistakes instead of blaming others tought me a lot! Can you provide your method to deal with toxicity though? Not letting things become too personal by ignoring or tolerating, but also not denying and escalating. I don't know how to deal with flatly wrong accusations and "chat battles". I'm cool until people straight up lie to my face.
@TheCbrown146 6 жыл бұрын
Sometimes you'll just meet toxic people. I just mute them and their pings. It's probably not what you wanted to hear, but that's one of my solutions.
@Satanda007 6 жыл бұрын
it is the only one mate :D
@DaveVoyles 6 жыл бұрын
Don't join voice comms, unless you want to be cursed at by a 12 year old. Keep team chat off while in silver and gold, unless you want to be cursed at by a 12 year old. Best bet is to pick a character who does the most damage, and go with that.
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