Obamacare 2.0 - Biden Penalizes the American Public Again

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Pinball Preparedness

Pinball Preparedness

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@Wintek55 18 күн бұрын
My grandson was born with club feet . The special seamless socks he needs to go under his little boots were $56.00 . My daughter was happy that her insurance paid for $46.00 of them, until she found out she can get them on Amazon for $12.00. So why does the orthopedic office charge her $56? It’s that kind of BS that makes insurance costs go up, forces people to go without insurance that makes healthcare costs outrageous!
@AprilArmijo 18 күн бұрын
Shit they charged me $100
@Noworries-PU7ye 18 күн бұрын
Go on Medicaid Medicare let the government pay for it that's what I did😮
@Wintek55 18 күн бұрын
@@Noworries-PU7ye except that gov money comes from us taxpayers
@dothehokeypokeyandgetbusy6359 18 күн бұрын
I’ve been a RN for 44 years, and I believe medical debt should not destroy someone’s life and livelihood.
@KS-un3pi 18 күн бұрын
I agree! I saw a video once that explained that clinics/hospitals etc. raise prices, so insurance can get their "discount." But the remainder of the amount (left over after insurance pays their part) is never adjusted back to what it actually costs. Therefore, the patient is having to pay the difference of the inflated price. That may not be true, but I could totally see it happening. And the billing folks sure wouldn't want to do that extra work to help patients.
@jeremyrippy8505 18 күн бұрын
What about non life threatening like breast enlargement, transition surgery
@MDK1968Mimi 18 күн бұрын
@MunkyWrench 18 күн бұрын
@@jeremyrippy8505 Those are either covered by insurance or paid UP FRONT .. not same thing
@jeremyrippy8505 18 күн бұрын
Not in certain states​@@MunkyWrench
@07181127 18 күн бұрын
Insurance wasn’t out of hand until the Government put their hands in it. Thanks Brother Bama
@vickisavage8929 18 күн бұрын
It all started with government funding, from FDR and his “New Deal” (raw deal, IMO, because it impeded US from getting back on our feet) to LBJ and his “Great Society” (which targeted attacks against the family and community support systems, especially churches) to the current vampire culture that drains and destroys the productive for the explicit sake of the parasites, especially including the powers that shouldn’t be.
@dudewhathappenedtomycountr9099 18 күн бұрын
Yes it was. The problem had been growing. ACA just made it worse.
@kathrinedelmenico4329 18 күн бұрын
@GrandmasBookBox 18 күн бұрын
@@dudewhathappenedtomycountr9099 Which is what Democrat voters wanted all along.
@bigk4755 18 күн бұрын
Insurance got out of hand when Hillary decided that she was going to try and “fix healthcare” while Willie was in office. (I got to watch how healthcare drove their prices up to try and offset the incoming insurance negotiated price points. It was all a total scam.) Obozo did absolutely drive healthcare and insurance burdens further out of control with his bullshit plan. Once again healthcare reset their pricing higher, and insurance renegotiated how much they would pay.
@darlenecarter7859 18 күн бұрын
I just got a 6.00 raise medicare/social security and THEN RAISED MY MEDICAL insurance 400%.....I will be 73 next month..Im not on food stamps ect, make garden every yr, collect rain water( and our water rates just went up AGAIN) along with everythi g else...yes our, car insurance just went up again and have nothing but liability now and had no accidents or tickets..I DO THANK GOD for our little country home, woodstove, land, and chickens.. The SQUEEZE is getting worse...
@GnomeInPlaid 18 күн бұрын
I'm on food stamps and Medicaid. Medicaid has a program where they pay your Medicare premium. I would not have any Social Security left if I had to pay it.
@AprilArmijo 18 күн бұрын
That's exactly what they do so you never get out of their debt trap
@kilo2bravo007 18 күн бұрын
Thousands of retirees are now opting to retire overseas. I follow several expat groups in South America from Chile, Paraguay, and Ecuador. Even Argentina, since Javier Milei was elected is starting to look somewhat attractive as a possible destination. No place is without its share of issues, but several countries in Latin America actually rank higher than the US for their quality of healthcare. From the reports I've seen, it is possible in Cuenca, Ecuador, to have an English speaking doctor make a housecall for around $40-60. Office visits are considerably less and same day appointments aren't that unusual. I usually have to wait a few months to see a doctor here. And if you need to see a specialist, good luck with that! Hopefully the incoming Administration can address these issues in addition to the many others they will be faced with.....
@SonnyPruitt-q1s 18 күн бұрын
Another reason for high insurance is the people with 3 or 4 kids and everytime they get a runny nose they are running to the doctor at a cost of 3 or $400...when I grew up NOBODY went to the doctor unless you were dying..got the flu? You stayed home from school in bed drank orange juice ate well and got up and watched Gulligans island for 2 or 3 days and then back to school.
@tatertot80 18 күн бұрын
@chesterricherson3565 18 күн бұрын
@sandraking9650 18 күн бұрын
No commonsense anymore 😢
@Mary-zj9jz 18 күн бұрын
@@sandraking9650 It not always the parnets, the schools make the kids have a doctor note if they miss school. I saw a story where the kid was in the hospital or had a doctors note for every time the kid missed school and the mom was still aressted for the child missing school.
@lorih9182 18 күн бұрын
Precisely. I've been saying that for over 30 years. I took my mom to the doctor office for her heart med management. We had the same doctor. When my doctor saw me, she said, "I haven't seen you for a while. " I replied, "That's correct. I haven't been sick." 😂
@richfrench1856 18 күн бұрын
Insurance has way too much control on everything. They need to be put in check.
@bluebirdgramma6317 18 күн бұрын
Look at the B I G Buildings they have office in!
@jerryspinosa5466 18 күн бұрын
People had better start maintaining there own health naturally as much as possible we are on our own no matter what.
@gardengrowinmawmaw8642 18 күн бұрын
You will never convince people that naturally is the best way. They'd rather take the big Pharma poison in pills.
@Original22 18 күн бұрын
Health occurs the way nature requires not the way mankind desires .
@iamswarms 18 күн бұрын
Whoa. I had what appeared to be a TBI, but was a random hemorrhage for no apparent reason. I spent ONE night in the hospital. I left with no drugs, no doctor, no plan. The bill was over $100K. I have since cancelled my insurance. If God wants me, he can have me. Not paying an extortion fee to maybe, possibly receive help.
@MAGA-z1h 18 күн бұрын
$100,000 for one night in the hospital? That’s pure insanity.
@dog-gone-it5944 18 күн бұрын
My husband and i pay our bills but it seems like as soon as you think you've paid all your medical bills up comes another one 6 months later from the guy that read the x-ray, or the guy that handed the x-ray to the guy that read the x-ray! Its ridiculous how many 3-30.00 bills you get thinking you've paid them all. If they're going to do this with your credit score, then put the bill into one so you know you've paid everything. We found a bill the other day for 17.00. We both looked at each other, trying to figure out what the heck it was even for!
@kathywaltman4137 18 күн бұрын
I was in an accident, since it wasn't my fault, I got a lawyer. The hospital sent bill after bill and he explained that it would be paid when the insurance was settled, and it was. Three months later I received a bill for $4,000.00 with no information as to what it was for. I contacted my lawyer, the hospital reversed it's bill and I never got another one. The reason, he made the hospital sign Paid in Full statements before closing it out. There should be no excuse for bills showing up months later. Hire a bookkeeper.
@pdkrace 18 күн бұрын
boy are you right. When I was at the Drs office,they had me answer this questionnaire'. For the last three months I am getting these 30 dollar bills pertaining to that questioner.
@tortiecat6459 18 күн бұрын
That is so true! Happens to me as well. Mysterious bills appear months and even over a year later for $23.00 etc. It's ridiculous.
@gloriahussar8681 18 күн бұрын
That used to happen to us...then hubby got smart and disputed each and every one....each time he heard sorry for our mistake ​@tortiecat6459
@melissaw.9583 18 күн бұрын
​@kathywaltman4137 I'm going through this now. The medical bills, loss of income, loss of my paid off vehicle, it's never ending.
@SonnyPruitt-q1s 18 күн бұрын
I know 30 and 40 year old people paying $40 a month for obamacare and us retirees on fixed incomes many low income on Social Security are being forced to pay $185 a month for health insurance..how is that fair?
@dothehokeypokeyandgetbusy6359 18 күн бұрын
@@SonnyPruitt-q1s exactly! I paid in to social security and Medicare for over 50 years. Why do I have to pay anything now for Medicare?
@MAGA-z1h 18 күн бұрын
I pay my wife’s insurance out of pocket and she’s 60 years old. I pay $900 a month.
@KTB-Silver 18 күн бұрын
Medical expenses are so horribly overpriced in the US that I agree they should not affect your credit.
@davidphillips4958 18 күн бұрын
RN here with 15 years experience. I have worked with nurses from Canada and Britain. I asked them if people are placed on waiting lists. They said if you have a minor issue you may have to wait for about a month. But if you are having a medical emergency you are seen immediately. But the biggest thing is that Americans are forced to pay more for basic healthcare than any other modern industrialized nation. No other nation even comes close to us with the cost of their healthcare. And NO, it's NOT because we have the best healthcare in the world, despite what some folks in the media may want to tell you. Americans have to pay far more for medications than Canadians despite the fact that our pharmaceutical companies make Canadian meds as well as our own. The things I have seen has me convinced that our medical system puts profits first and human lives second.
@llamamama11 18 күн бұрын
I’ve heard of people going to other countries just for a surgery just because they can get better care for cheaper.
@dothehokeypokeyandgetbusy6359 18 күн бұрын
@@llamamama11 that’s the equivalent to playing Russian roulette! You never know what you will get.
@dothehokeypokeyandgetbusy6359 18 күн бұрын
@@davidphillips4958 they most certainly do put profits first. When ceos of not for profit medical systems make millions every year, it proves that point. The last medical facility I worked for had a narcissistic CEO. And most are strictly non medical personnel.
@llamamama11 18 күн бұрын
@@dothehokeypokeyandgetbusy6359 For sure, but that’s here too !
@janebook294 18 күн бұрын
And nurses are WAY,WAY overpaid !!! I hear them in E.R.s cackling like hens degrading DOCTORS and their diagnosis and decisions as they primp and preen !!!
@betty8173 18 күн бұрын
California burning, folks in North Carolina freezing in tents, but Obiden sent $500 million more to Ukraine. Re: medical debt...I paid my medical out of pocket, (even with insurance, 6 doctors, it was $$$) with a $780/ month cobra insurance plan, after being disabled from work as a nurse. 2008, got behind in all expenses, tried to do that special redo on mortgage, they ignored me, 3 times. I lost my home. Now I have Medicare, pay almost $200/month for secondary, but still pay $75/ month for concierge care at a functional medicine practitioner, who helps me stay healthy without the 22 pills a day that our medical system thought I needed... Hard to manage, but my faith in God has kept me. Thanks for your thoughts and information.
@bonnieswenson9925 18 күн бұрын
This is a great example of failing the citizens
@Cthomas5678 18 күн бұрын
I retired last year after having to have a new knee and carpal tunnel surgery and pinched nerve in elbow and then my mother died unexpectedly! I really had planned on working for a couple more years because I was making great money but I turned 63 and just decided to retire I was tired of all the bull anyway, i loved taking care of my patients but I absolutely hated having to babysit a bunch of lazy complaining little bratty coworkers so I left! I miss the money but I can manage except I don’t have any health insurance of any kind it does suck
@teeser2436 18 күн бұрын
I have Tracheal Stenosis usually have to go every year have a dilation so I can breathe . I’m 72 and like you pay close to the same on secondary insurance and Medicare waits to see how much my insurance will pay. This last bill for outpatient was there for 5 hours $23,400 I’m thankful but it’s crazy how much we pay . 🙁
@robertmontgomery3943 18 күн бұрын
Who approves the money Biden is sending to Ukraine?
@tjdwyer3 18 күн бұрын
Well, I can confirm after just recently breaking a bone & having surgery, a broken arm could financially ruin someone.
@teresaellis7088 18 күн бұрын
Yes…my son has paid for 3.Two required surgery.
@lauracooper1310 18 күн бұрын
Oh! Almost forgot. Many of the fly by night Urgent Care clinics won’t see you until you pay first.
@bonnieswenson9925 18 күн бұрын
And they wont tell you they can't fix it, they see you, then send you to the ER.
@HopefulEmpath 18 күн бұрын
I went to an Urgent Care a few years back and they required I give them a Credit Card to keep “on file.” That’s one of my biggest pet peeves because we don’t know when the next data breach will hit or which company it will happen to. Same with my opthamologist office and (former) hair salon. 😡
@lizadivine3785 18 күн бұрын
My niece was a collector briefly. She quit because she mentally could not handle the guilt. She said medical debt dwarfed dead beat debt. She said I couldn't squeeze people who were just trying to stay alive. 😢
@missyk1477 18 күн бұрын
Good for her!
@kathyglidewell3760 18 күн бұрын
Agreed, our oldest son who had congenital heart defects, had multiple open heart surgeries, other procedures ect, his medical expenses were well over a million, at the time of his passing in January 2005. Although we tried to pay down on it, there was no way we could pay for it all, then add funeral expenses. What really irks me are the "visitors" who come here n get free health care. My husband worked 3 jobs at one point to try to get the medical bills paid down, as I had to stay home to care for our son n other kids. There are those out there that will take advantage of this I'm sure. God bless.
@GrandmaKit 18 күн бұрын
Healthcare bankrupted me. I am still suffering the long-term 10 year consequences of filing that beauty. And at that time I was working a job and running a business. The emergency surgery that saved my life cost over 100K. Even with filing BK, I haven't been able to really recover financially. Imagine having no access to credit or getting high interest rates for 10 years because you were deathly ill.
@susanhardin5182 18 күн бұрын
As an RN, people ALREADY go to the ER for a cold. No news there Can't WAIT to retire from this nonsense
@gardengrowinmawmaw8642 18 күн бұрын
I'm a nurse, too, and people have been doing this for the past 50 years. MOst of them are medicaid patients who don't give a rat's butt.
@Paul-uw7us 18 күн бұрын
Medical bills are a major problem. The medical profession has way overpriced themselves.
@benton-benton 18 күн бұрын
Dentists are worse.
@martincagle9226 18 күн бұрын
BIG business
@beverlyharward9631 18 күн бұрын
The cost of medical school from 2006 -2010 = 250K. It's more astronomical now. It's not a win win for everyone.
@shirley7137 18 күн бұрын
Year ago it was $80 just to show up for a furnace repair guy. This year $100. Across the board every thing is out of order. 70 y/o now and reality is pretty scary.
@JS-px3et 18 күн бұрын
The first reason for the increase in medical bills is the premiums for malpractice insurance. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry feels he has to sue his doctor. Sure, there are legitimate cases but there are waaay too many frivolous ones being encouraged by ambulance chasing attorneys. I recall a local independant insurance agent whose wife had a routine surgery with no complications. The couple sued the surgeon, assistant surgeon, and hospital. This was the 9th medical malpractice lawsuit the couple filed! It's no wonder he had diamond earrings and a large diamond pinkie ring.
@vixxcottage 18 күн бұрын
I am someone that about 20+ years ago developed cancer. After multiple surgeries and several years 1 million plus recovered. Had insurance but it does not cover everything. I was not irresponsible with money. I got the remaining amount paid off. Why should anyone have to have medical debt after insurance go against them. Been there done that. We are the only country that penalizes people due to illness.
@kimberlyann1960 16 күн бұрын
Who says they weren't trying to pay their bills? Not everyone is a bad person Pinball. I can't imagine having to deal with that. I'm blessed and thank God that's never happened to me. Yet.
@davidelliott2485 18 күн бұрын
Take the patriot nurses herbal preparedness course and avoid the hospital like the plague, literally. I know sometimes, like trauma, you can’t avoid it but you have to reduce dependence on systems that are corrupted. Medical industrial complex.
@rainrabbit9209 18 күн бұрын
I have had so many medical charges that were in error. I call, they say they will correct it and the next month - there it is again. - I agreed to participate in a cancer research study, occationally get a blood draw. Now, I am being charged. It is a gov study. I am a volunteer. Why am I financing a gov study? So frustrating.
@gardengrowinmawmaw8642 18 күн бұрын
Being a volunteer was your first mistake.
@Heidi.lin...69 18 күн бұрын
I quit all drugs and stopped going to the Dr. 55 with bile cancer. I Changed my diet the night sweats suck and I'm going to live the rest with dignity and the lord. I do not trust doctor I'm in the shape I'm in because they gaslight and treated me horrible
@tamaramcgrath3327 18 күн бұрын
I worked HOSPICe for years and it was this that showed me how pharma profits from pushing prescriptions….
@rain0450 18 күн бұрын
I am glad that medical debt will no longer weigh down a person’s credit score. Getting sick or injured shouldn’t be a life sentence into poverty.
@diannemc3179 18 күн бұрын
@Lisapreps 18 күн бұрын
Years ago medical wasn’t allowed to be on your credit report. I’m going back 25 plus years. I don’t know what happened to allow it. Our insurance for family of 4 is $900 per month with $3000 deductible plus 80/20 co-pay after deductible met. One trip to the doctors office for a cough/cold $400. It’s freaking insane. I wish we had an answer to fix this.
@buckeyedav1 18 күн бұрын
that is true happened after 1998 when I left the credit reporting industry. It should never have been allowed. Anna In Ohio
@TXJan0057 18 күн бұрын
Part of the problem is the medical billing system. My husband is a heart patient on medicare, he is 72 years old. Every time he is hospitalized for a procedure, Medicare pays the doctor and the hospital but never pays the lab & testing bills, which can be thousands because some of the tests they run are very expensive. Why? Because the lab bills are outsourced to foreign countries and are billed incorrectly 100% of the time. I have to send a certified letter every time to explain to them the proper billing procedure. They barely speak English and can not understand what you tell them verbally and keep no records in your account about the billing issue. I have gotten to the point that we have some bills turned over to collection and don't care. After 100s of phone calls and dozens of certified letters, I no longer feel responsible to pay.
@beverlyharward9631 18 күн бұрын
Your husband's health insurance - that company should have gone to bat with the billing depth. Been there, done that. Aetna took a bat to them. After several months - the hospital finally realized the coding was wrong. You are so right about them outsourcing billing/coding jobs!
@BrendaGilbertRN 17 күн бұрын
RN for 37 years. I have worked all areas including Neuro ICU, Med-Surg-Trauma ICU, Hemodialysis, & the ER. This being removed from the credit reporting bureaus is not going to make anything worse. Medical/Surgical care is already outrageous. I’ve seen people do shady things such as one of my dialysis patients go to the ER because his finger hurt. Same said patient has had more CT scans in the ER in one month than you or I would get in an entire lifetime. Same said patient would sell his electric wheelchair (some cost around $100,000) when he needed money and claim it was stolen to get another one…who pays for this? The taxpayer since he was on Medicaid. When working in the ER patients who didn’t own cars would call an ambulance for transportation. You wouldn’t believe the amount of shenanigans people pull on the medical system…lots of manipulation. Oh, and I was a Psych Nurse for quite awhile…patients go to great lengths to play that system to get a disability cheque and free medical care that is ultimately paid by the taxpayer. The system is BROKE! It got further broke with Obamacare…I could’ve solved that problem with one sheet of paper instead of to have to pass a 2000+ page bill. The insurance companies and the government have the doctors by the throat dictating to them how to do their jobs. Hospital CEO’s make over six figures and get bonuses. A simple colonoscopy could cost $8000.00, $12,000.00 or more depending on where you go. You could go to a hospital that your insurance company covers for an outpatient test and then get bills from the doctor/radiologist that reads it because they don’t take that insurance. If and when healthcare implodes the government will justify taking it over and making it run totally by the government…truthfully I don’t know if it would be better or worse off. I’ve learned a lot over the years…my advice is take control over your own body, your own health and do EVERYTHING to stay out of the system. Once you are a patient and on fourteen different medications you will be a patient for life. Eat good food. Drink clean water. Reduce your stress. Lead a simple life. Exercise…and for the love of God, stay away from all the jabboroos!
@abarn9541 11 күн бұрын
Having chronic medical conditions since childhood: The insurance has changed since Obama (I went to protest for that one), and has actually changed every single year since. Now they've pulled the pharmacies in, and it seems I never meet my deductable anymore...
@oprygirl 18 күн бұрын
If I donate my blood.. the recipient should not get any kind of bill for my blood they received…
@susanhess8396 18 күн бұрын
Medical debt is the number one cause of bankruptcy.
@pinecountryhomestead 18 күн бұрын
I have a poor opinion of the credit score system. I sold my house in 2019 and bought property and a small house with cash. My credit score dropped 125 points the month after i paid off my mortgage.
@michaelraymond2298 18 күн бұрын
All thanks to a debt based economy
@HopefulEmpath 18 күн бұрын
We can’t have an exemplary credit score if we don’t have or want debt. Paying off a home or car, and paying a CC off each month counts against us. My score dropped and won’t budge despite being responsible. I’ve decided that I don’t care what my “score” is anymore. I’m in better financial shape than most I know.
@Vallata1981 18 күн бұрын
​@@HopefulEmpath me too don't care. No debt
@geoffoutdoors 17 күн бұрын
Yeah the credit system is BS. Credit scores should never drop because you paid something off.... That same thing happened when I paid of my car... dropped like 20 points or something or maybe more but I remember thinking WTF. LOL! Its all a scam!
@NashRambler1968 18 күн бұрын
My husband had serious medical issues back in the early 1990s and he was out of work for a few years. It destroyed our finances and we ended up declaring bankruptcy and a foreclosure. It took many years to recover.
@missyk1477 18 күн бұрын
My 10 year old son needed an emergency appendectomy. He stayed in the hospital for a month because it was so bad. $500,000. We had no health insurance at the time. How the hell do you pay that back on $40,000 a year? That was 10 years ago, and thankfully the hospital forgave the debt. Can't get blood from a stone. Of course I am petrified to go to the doctor / get sick. I don't want to lose my farm. We shouldn't be afraid to lose everything just because we got sick.
@nomadclan3604 17 күн бұрын
@mamashomesteading 18 күн бұрын
My oldest was diagnosed with a rare Autoimmune in the 4th grade he started taking treatments every 3-4 weeks. They billed our insurance ~95k each time. That didn't include all the mthly meds, blood work, mris, xrays, Dr's appts, etc. Good amout over 1 million a year. He is almost 19 now and is in remission for the first time with no treatments needed. We were about 25 with 2 kids and a mortgage. Luckily we had good insurance with my husband job. It still hurt us and was hard. We have put off so much basic stuff because of paying for medical bills.
@tamaramcgrath3327 18 күн бұрын
In my experience, autoimmune means vaccine injury which is exactly what pharma wants. Might not be the case with your child but something to think about. Prayers for your child
@cynthiasmith2813 18 күн бұрын
My husband had a procedure at the hospital that was less than 2 hours. The charge was 59,000! Instead of stopping the debt, why isn't it being investigated WHY THEY GOUGE SO MUCH! Our part is 4,000. Everyone is in your pocket these days. I have a payment plan for the 4000. I just got one paid off now here comes another one.
@derrickgardener2148 18 күн бұрын
Fast food, seed oils, fake meat, processed foods, highly chemically sprayed food, GMO food, injected food the list goes on. I wonder if the medical industry invests in the food industry and vise versa.
@katie7748 18 күн бұрын
FDA doesn't stand for Fine n Dandy Agriculture!!
@Vallata1981 18 күн бұрын
Of course they do. Got to have that control over the well being of all, you know!
@SweetTs317 18 күн бұрын
I’m a 35yo female, recently finished cancer treatment for stage 3 cancer. I’m suppose to have scans every 3months. Yesterday, I was supposed to have a CT scan however, I couldn’t because I couldn’t/can’t pay the $1,757 deductible. They turned me away. I’ve been having pains since finishing treatment and was anticipating the results of this scan. My debt from this diagnosis adds up to $30,000
@betty8173 18 күн бұрын
@@SweetTs317 please look up Chris Beat Cancer. A healthy life program that helps Cancer to remission.
@katethielmann4244 18 күн бұрын
If you have the scan at a catholic hospital you can have the scan billed because of financial hardship. They CANNOT deny you. Then when you receive the bill for the scan you apply for a financial waiver at that same hospital and claim hardship. I don’t know your location but Imbin suburban Chicago and I’m a retired Healthcare worker. OSF is an order of catholic owned hospitals here. This is a very common action.
@milliealford8968 17 күн бұрын
I pray healing in you in JESUS NAME.
@ruthfurlow5468 18 күн бұрын
I had a bill, arrived after a year. Talked to another doctors office lady who did the procedure for getting insurance to approve or not procedures. She told me that if a medical billing company can only collect by the end of the year that the procedure took place. After that you don’t owe the bill. It still appears or did on my credit report and I protested it which stops them from harassing us. Just an fyi
@debbytomlinson9970 18 күн бұрын
Medical equipment may be expensive but a damn Tylenol shouldn’t be $17, either.
@ruthfurlow5468 18 күн бұрын
The cold and broken arm issues are spot on. My daughter in law is British and she was so pissed because her grandmother living in England had cancer but also her age was against her according to the British medical system, she died waiting on her appointment. That’s how that works no matter what anyone else thinks.
@charlieknoll5206 18 күн бұрын
This is a hard one. I can see both sides. I had knee surgery in 2003. My insurance approved the surgery then after it was over denied the payment so I had to pay out of pocket 16,000.Took us 6 years to pay it off. It destroyed my credit score for years.
@lewis9888 18 күн бұрын
I got a bit of a raise on Social Security and my Medicare went up taking most of the raise. I paid SS for many years before I retired, had Medicare Withholding and paid taxes on both. Here they are Taxing SS and Medicare again and charging for Medicare again.
@Mavs-dd9gw 18 күн бұрын
The problem with healthcare is the cost. Insurance is too expensive. Office visits are too expensive. Labs, x-rays, and other imaging services are too expensive. Where I live it is just shy of 2k for an ultrasound of your thyroid. 8 minutes for the procedures and they are usually read and uploaded within a few hours. Then you get a 400.00 bill for the reading. That is insane. To see a NP is 250.00. 30.00 copay. 260 to see a Podiatrist. 60.00 copay. This is after paying 170.00 per week for coverage. Take that 170 and then 3 family members need to see a doctor. Thats another 90 to 180 on top of the premium that week. Prescriptions are absolutely unaffordable for the most part. I hate regukations but i also being robbed. Or being sick and not being able to afford to see a doctor.
@barrypayne421 18 күн бұрын
The hospitals will just put a lien on your property
@scatterbolt2578 18 күн бұрын
.... and the US just gave Kyiv 500 million more. #!!*^%
@Lisapreps 18 күн бұрын
Want to make another comment. I’m all for entrepreneurs making an infinite amount of money. Healthcare insurance ceo making $100 million? That’s inexcusable and infuriating! That has to stop. I agree insurance should be a non profit industry.
@HealthyDisrespectforAuthority 18 күн бұрын
I'd much rather get rid of the credit scores all together.. invasion of privacy... hackable...frequently has mistakes...requires a lawyer to fix things sometimes.. adds to the frequency of identity theft...
@alphaomegasurvivalsupply6548 18 күн бұрын
People would pay if there wasn't a 1000x mark up on Tylenol etc.....
@MaryStorer55 18 күн бұрын
Or an I.V. Bag of normal saline, that cost 1.72$ and they bill insurance 312.00$
@alphaomegasurvivalsupply6548 18 күн бұрын
@MaryStorer55 yes perfect example lol
@cyndajo 18 күн бұрын
I was unemployed for 18 months due to being laid off. Cobra was $820 a month! I paid for it until my tiny severance package ran out as I have a specialist I have to see every month. Now I’m back to work and very grateful for my group health insurance plan. My Drs. visits that were $200 a month are now a $40 copay. My kids are happy too because they had to cover that $200 monthly payment after I could no longer afford Cobra. The medical insurance companies are a racket that hurts the American people
@staceyw7092 18 күн бұрын
I had a total hip replacement right before Thanksgiving and they billed out to the insurance company $92,000. I didn’t even stay the night in the hospital and then two weeks later I had internal bleeding not related to the surgery. Haven’t gotten the explanation of benefits for that one yet and it’s not like they fixed the problem. They just ran a bunch of test and didn’t let me eat for two days. And then this week I got to swallow a camera that goes through the entire digestive track and they found nothing either 😮 wonder what that’s gonna cost
@latinamericapreparedness2479 18 күн бұрын
We have a medical system that needs to be improved. We pay the most in the world in healthcare and not any healthier.
@carrier6028 18 күн бұрын
Hubby retired two weeks ago, out health insurance is 2900.00 per month…outrageous
@commonsence8223 18 күн бұрын
That's literally insanity. Unaffordable.
@DG-yd4nh 18 күн бұрын
The video of one ladies parents having their fire insurance canceled the day before the SoCal fires started is absolute bull$hit!! There's another video of UHC calling the doctor about coverage on a patient while the patient is in surgery for Cancer, asking if an overnight stay is really necessary?! WTF is going on?!?!?!? This boils my blood and it just keeps adding up the more I hear! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL insurance is a friggen scam and joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ShortbusMooner 18 күн бұрын
For the first time in my life, I haven't had insurance since I was laid-off last February. But nobody is paying bills for me- I paid my insurance for those 5+ years with not having used it, either! After the coof broke out, I stayed far away from any medical establishments & tele-doc'd for the one prescription I needed.. I'll probably never go back to the doctor, if I can help it.. 🙏🏻💪🙏🏻
@kennethreisigl5477 18 күн бұрын
New system - Don't pay the doctors when you're sick but you must pay if your well.
@BuddyH69 18 күн бұрын
One way or another healthcare will wipe out your savings. Scares me to death that I will have nothing to leave my children. Especially in the financial times we are headed for
@Cthomas5678 18 күн бұрын
I’ve been in healthcare for many years and it always made me sad to see my elderly patients who worked hard and the scrimped and saved while they were healthy and then get sick and come to the nursing home and they charge an arm and a leg and soon their money went to the nursing home and they ended up in Medicaid!! It used to be you could put your money and home into your children’s name and that got you on Medicaid but they figured out people were doing that so now I think you have to have had all that in your families name 2 years prior now. But I’m not 💯% sure
@BuddyH69 18 күн бұрын
@ I was curious about that last bit. I’m healthy now and had thought about transferring things over to the kids.
@GnomeInPlaid 18 күн бұрын
@@BuddyH69 Check with an attorney that's really experienced in this stuff to save your family a lot of headaches later.
@deblovesthis 18 күн бұрын
2.5% COLA, 5% increase in Part B premium, 7% increase in deductible
@bayou17 18 күн бұрын
This has caused our local large hospital to begin pushing for prepayment on large procedures, etc, given they can no longer affect the credit of those who don’t pay. It’ll be interesting to see how far this goes, in terms of what services are deemed “necessary”, and those which the hospitals will choose to not provide.
@reneeresh 18 күн бұрын
Some people attempt to pay their medical bills but it still goes to collection agency. I personally have over $50,000 in medical. I was making payments & they still sent to collection which hindered me from getting a mortgage. Not allowing medical on credit report will help people like me who are trying to pay their bills but are penalized because we don't pay it as fast as the hospital thinks we should. People have been going to ER since covid hit & dr offices wouldn't see them. I work at a hospital and have seen everything from a small splinter to a cold come thru ER. People have always taken advantage of ER because they can not be turned away.
@JohnTheRevelator11 18 күн бұрын
Agreed fully. People should never be penalized for not paying medical. It’s part of social standards and safety for everyone for people to be treated no matter what.
@blainclatworthy5423 18 күн бұрын
When Ontario Canada adapted Photo ID Heath Cards, it was discovered that 100,000 Americans were using Ontario Heath Care.
@Sherry-oj8xk 18 күн бұрын
Was these people citizens of canada
@blainclatworthy5423 18 күн бұрын
@@Sherry-oj8xk NO!
@blainclatworthy5423 18 күн бұрын
@@Sherry-oj8xk They weren't Residents of Ontario
@blainclatworthy5423 18 күн бұрын
@@Sherry-oj8xk They were typical Americans, stealing from other Countries!
@oo-mx8vi 18 күн бұрын
Probably dual citizenship.
@anthonygrizzel4168 18 күн бұрын
Air, water, medical care...if you pay ANY income, property, state, or federal taxes...as a registered (naturally born!) American citizen... you deserve HEALTHCARE!!! Period!😊
@carlh-thehermitwithwi-fi679 18 күн бұрын
nobody deserves anything. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Also, taxation is theft, and a la carte taxation is a better plan (pay for your services, don't pay for ones you don't use)
@natalierayburn415 18 күн бұрын
Join the military and you can find out how wonderful government run “free” healthcare is
@anthonygrizzel4168 18 күн бұрын
@natalierayburn415 ...one eye, one lung, later. How about your contributions???
@cherylhausam9981 18 күн бұрын
People have been doing that for years. And know one was worried about it showing up on the credit score!
@Kitty-zq8sx 18 күн бұрын
@jackiesmith1091 18 күн бұрын
I have medical debt for my daughter who has both commercial through my employer and medicaid as she has a congenital birth defect and is over 18. They never seem to be-able to figure how and who to bill first and they never want to resubmit after I call and correct. Her first hosp bill 30 yrs ago was over half million dollars for a six week stay.
@GypsyBrokenwings 18 күн бұрын
Some of us wind up on disabillity, who used to work for a living. A small bill for stitches in the hand ca, follow a person for yea4s,
@brendah4773 18 күн бұрын
0:52 great! That should’ve been done YEARS AGO. I remember medical debt would ALWAYS screw me when it came to credit. It was awful
@mikehirsch9621 18 күн бұрын
A garnishment on tour paycheck is 25% of.your take home pay when they get a judgement against you. They will get there money from you the bills will beat you home. It will still show up when they run your credit as a garnishment and it will show the reason.ive been thru this and this is how it works.
@beckyrussell3181 18 күн бұрын
Well I have never gotten into a dr office when I was sick. It takes months to get in
@projectone5113 18 күн бұрын
Thanks PB🙏
@amymiller950 18 күн бұрын
We dont technically have debtor prison but its almost the same effect when you have mefical bills. I work with a major insurer and have seen plans offered to people. With the size of deductibles and oop maxes your set up to fail but you "have insurance".
@vickisavage8929 18 күн бұрын
It would be a massive relief to have health care instead of disease management as the priority, and an ounce of prevention - especially as diet and lifestyle - is worth not just pounds but tons of cure. Unfortunately, medicine has gone from a calling to a profit driven industry that doesn’t profit from healthy people.
@Neal-z9g 18 күн бұрын
They don't talk about diet or lifestyle changes anymore. They just put people on a bunch of BIG PHARMA meds. The Medical Mafia is making a killing off people not to mention the BIG PHARMA mafia. I refuse to be seen by any doctor at any clinic for anything. I do all-natural medicine. I don't have health insurance, can't afford the shit and I don't trust anyone in the medical mafia system, and I refuse to be put on any of the dangerous, deadly, addictive medications they are trying to push on people. I deal with high blood pressure, arthritis, and sleep disorder on my own with all natural medicines, diet and exercise. I have lowered and have kept my blood pressure down for over 5 years. I have no pain from my arthritis, and I sleep very well. All done with no doctors or big pharma. People need to learn how to take care of your own bodies without depending on the medical mafia and big pharma to cure your buts. All big pharma does is mask the issue and makes you dependent on the system. You think people in the Great Depression went to the dam doctor? Hell no, there was no money for anything not alone doctors or big pharma. Get ready folks the great collapse is coming. I am sure the poor and the illegals will be sucking this shit up, why do they need medicaid if they don't have to pay now.
@JohnTheRevelator11 18 күн бұрын
This. This. This.
@terryoliver1410 18 күн бұрын
WowTwo scores in one day logic and reality. Thanks again for your program. Spread the word
@Misty-gl8sw 17 күн бұрын
I have a medical debit from an injury at work. The bill after insurance was $750. I lost my job over the whole deal. They took it to court. If I miss a payment, I'm arrested for contempt of court and they will take me to jail. $750. I don't go to the doctor anymore. How could I?
@SilverGram 18 күн бұрын
Am 72 yrs old. At 61 I was stricken with GBS and spent 3 months in the hospital and rehab. Major balance issues etc make work impossible. I had no insurance. It has affected everything in my life. I'm so grateful that safety net was there for me.
@PepperplacewithShawna 18 күн бұрын
Thanks, Pinball. I am just happy I can afford to have supplemental insurance to my Medicare. For years, we had to pay outrageous premiums because we were self-employed.
@justsmile136 18 күн бұрын
Like our hospital system isn't having issues already!
@SouthernGal5534 18 күн бұрын
I'm old enough to remember when you went to the Dr. they would check everything..eyes, ears, heart beat, clear lungs. When I was a kid they prescribed penicillin for strep, the next day you felt better. Now they only check for what you are there for. I guess penicillin is no longer available. If you wanted insurance you didn't have to wait, just pick up the phone and call an Insurance co. any time of the year.
@deblovesthis 18 күн бұрын
Something is going on with Blue Cross Blue shield because I have had two prescriptions denied.
@justsayin5794 18 күн бұрын
I was in the hospital in 2018 and off mostly in the hospital for two months. I was in intensive care and several other units. My HOSPITAL bill came to $1.25 million that didn’t include my Dr bills. I am currently 76 years old on Medicare and additional insurance for Medicare Advantage and my wife and they both worked against her wishes. We kept both insurances. Fortunately, or it should say very fortunately as the $1.25 million it cost me $75 total. The Dr bills were also paidexcept for a couple of $10 fees. Thank God for that.
@XRS_Pioneer 18 күн бұрын
It will mean you just pre pay for EVERYTHING before being seen. No more billing.
@rakamas 18 күн бұрын
Thank you Pinball ❤️✝️
@pattyg7504 18 күн бұрын
I think medical debt should be looked at a case by case bases. They should have a 5 year payment plan, then the rest negotiationed.
@warlockcommandcenter 18 күн бұрын
Pin ball well we presently have two ER visits the local hospital is a PPO to Blue cross and we had had a bill where the insurance covered $115 of a $900 bill problem was the hospital failed to bill it correctly as a PPO because the PA wasn’t a PPO provider we have had to take a hard line on this in the last 5 years and we hard lined it making the insurance and care providers submit billing information correctly we have blue cross so until we get the bill and EOB from the insurance…
@FatherDuck-i2z 18 күн бұрын
@jeremyrippy8505 18 күн бұрын
Depends on what procedure, chemo vs transition surgery
@hamptom11 18 күн бұрын
Glad I'm 58 years old with no health issues. Can't afford medical insurance.
@timroot4207 18 күн бұрын
Thank you !!!
@JS-px3et 18 күн бұрын
I worked in medical billing for 20+ years. Part of it was for a podiatrist. Custom fit orthotics to insert into an adult's shoes were billed to the patient/insurance @ $3000. The invoice sent to our office was $250. But out of that increase he paid: malpractice insurance, office rent, utilities for a business (generally higher than for residential), salary and benefits for staff, his medical license (just to be allowed to practice), licensing fees for the computer software, rental contracts for various office equipment, disposable supplies for the practice and for the office in general, the required continuing education for the doctor and finally, his salary. I know I've forgotten a few things that were on the debit side of his ledger, but suffice it to say the charge was not a rip-off to the patient or insurance company.
@janetwethepeople9390 18 күн бұрын
Gezz. We don't bill that much. LAWDY. WTH. Most insurance don't pay them anyway. We do pay up front for under 500. Yes lots of overhead for sure. We give major discounts to pay up front for all services. It works.
@N.C.SSN-777 18 күн бұрын
Im sooooo tired ot this admin !
@acctestlasttest3398 18 күн бұрын
Bingo is going to make it as hard as he can before he leaves 😢
@N.C.SSN-777 18 күн бұрын
@acctestlasttest3398 Agreed !
@brendah4773 18 күн бұрын
4:24 hospitals need to write it off.
@checle4499 18 күн бұрын
Struck a nerve with this one sir, so complicated. When my husband was diagnosed with cancer in 2006, we had an 18 month odyssey into the world of medical debt. Yes we had insurance, but there were deductibles and copays, a change in midstream of treatment, more deductibles and copays, all put on our credit cards because medical facilities want their money up front - or no treatment. They do not accommodate normal middle class working folks. Yes the insurance company spent a million dollars on honey that last year but he lost his battle and I was left 55,000 in credit card debt - plus a mortgage. Never missed a payment, never ever late, so how do credit cards reward your loyalty? They jack your interest rates to 30percent. It took me 15 years working 2 and 3 jobs at a time but I paid every red cent and I am debt free at age 73, and still working because I will never again be hog tied to those people. My credit score over 800 - do illegals have credit scores? Probably not. My life was not destroyed by paying the debt and I still have my livelihood. And I would give everything to have my beloved back with me.
@Nativewoman1 18 күн бұрын
@tomn8tr 18 күн бұрын
Unpaid medical debt goes to collection agencies which report on your credit report and attempt liens against your property.
@ardenmoulin3470 18 күн бұрын
No MEDICAL BILLS should go against debt ….. why the hospitals charge $500-$1000 to walk into triage and get your vital signs taken and a short history by an RN. Yes a doctor in Austin Texas. had to stop in her surgery in the patient on the table to speak with UNITED HEALTHCARE person who was in the table to see if it was really necessary for them to spend the night. Usual stay for the procedure 4-5 nights and docs office already had every thing approved before surgery. Surgeon suggested pt due insurance co for risk of health and delay of care for interrupting surgery.
@allencollins6031 18 күн бұрын
Thanks P.
@crystalclear1969 18 күн бұрын
Yep Everything insurance will continue to go up. And go up to the point that 1/2 of your mortgage payments are insurance. Less people will be able to afford purchasing a home. Same with medical. People will get sicker because they cannot afford insurance and or both insurance and the medical bill. The deductible is nuts!
@dw6090 18 күн бұрын
Yes there's good and bad if insurance refuses to pay then your credit gets hit even if NOT your responsibility to pay. . Insurance is taught to refuse payments hoping u pay it . But like u said p we ople won't b responsibility then . Which hurts tge people , citizens. This shit had to stop.these executive order shit needs to go away just like pardons , or make it that THE PERSON that pardons someone is responsible for others hurt from the person u pardon. Even judges should b responsible to the hurt parties if the give light sentences to future victims for that crime or more.
@robindettmar213 18 күн бұрын
Afternoon, Robin Dettmar from Ball Ground Ga
@kareneachus8630 18 күн бұрын
Insurance companies do not want to pay. My husband has no thyroid due to thyroid cancer. The remaining tissue was ablated after the surgery. He takes Synthroid. He had a blood test in December because of regulating this medicine he must take because he has NO Thyroid. Medicare denied the blood test and said it was not medically necessary! He had to pay it in full!!!!!! Insurance companies have entirely too much power. So cause Medicare denied it and he has to pay the full cost of the test, not the contracted price! There is no way to find out the amount of medication he needs without the blood test!
@natalierayburn415 18 күн бұрын
That is awful! Please always appeal. Many people don’t appeal medicare decisions and they can change their decision. Ask all hospitals, labs and doctors for their “cash” price if you can’t use your insurance. You will often get a lower price.
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