Obi-Wan Kenobi - Cosmonaut Quickie

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The Cosmonaut Variety Hour

The Cosmonaut Variety Hour

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@michaelangelo5964 2 жыл бұрын
It was great seeing Ewan and Hayden again, they carried this show. In all honesty though they deserved better.
@terminatrix92 2 жыл бұрын
But what did you actually want?? Cosmonaut points out there's nothing left to do with these characters!! Their arc is complete!! in a 6 episode series the two cant even sit down and talk about what went wrong between them, so what we get is two lightsaber fights that essentially end in a draw. And yes, Obi Wan probably should have killed space Hitler instead of letting the tyrannical maniac continue to oppress the galaxy but yay catharsis I guess... And getting paid millions to play these characters wasnt enough for Hayden and Ewan?? They 'deserved' more??
@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 2 жыл бұрын
@@terminatrix92 I just wanted it not to suck?
@frozenpancakes 2 жыл бұрын
@@terminatrix92 ok
@NoodlesXmachina 2 жыл бұрын
@@terminatrix92 they deserved a better show. Duh. This show very easily could have been produced 3 times as well. You can tell that disneys care for this project is far exceeded by ewan and Hayden
@mysterio8226 2 жыл бұрын
@@terminatrix92 shut up
@chrispoole6612 2 жыл бұрын
I think this should’ve just been a movie. There’s about ~2.5 hours of genuinely awesome stuff in this show, the only problem is it was an 8 hour experience
@awandererfromys1680 2 жыл бұрын
It was supposed to be a movie originally. There was a whole list of movies, Boba Fett, Kenobi, Ashoka, etc., that got cancelled after Solo bombed. Now they're trying to ride on the success of The Mandalorian.
@randalljones8708 2 жыл бұрын
@@awandererfromys1680 Imagine if they had picked a good option for that test movie instead of Solo. Like, did anyone even want a Solo movie? Idk. But if they had gone with an Obi-Wan movie and it was great, think of all the good Star Wars movies we could have gotten instead... Oh well.
@awandererfromys1680 2 жыл бұрын
@@randalljones8708 When Solo was first announced, yea I was pretty excited about it. Wasn't the only one either. Keep in mind Solo came out two years _after_ Rogue One, which was generally well received. Hell, even Lucas is on record he enjoyed that movie. I liked it too so I had good hopes for Solo. And imho, it wasn't that bad. Not great but fun. After The Mandalorian everything became a tv show and that isn't working either. It's already hard to write for a fandom that's deeper into the lore than you will ever be, but I don't even get the feeling they're even trying at times.
@patches3 2 жыл бұрын
it's primarily because of disney plus. in order to maintain subscribers you have to stretch out content at the expense of the material.
@Blue-Apple-fc9eo 2 жыл бұрын
@@patches3 This is hurting star wars as a brand in the long run.
@blank3arth 2 жыл бұрын
"CW level chase scene" is a perfect way to describe most action sequences in this series.
@reek4062 2 жыл бұрын
I liked the action scenes
@ammonite0257 2 жыл бұрын
@@reek4062 that’s fine. They still weren’t very good.
@reek4062 2 жыл бұрын
@@ammonite0257 That's why I liked them
@Mr_Cinematic 2 жыл бұрын
Yooo if you liked this you should watch my review about why I DIDN'T LIKE obi wan!!
@thehumanity0 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I wanna know who okayed that Leia chase scene in the first episode. It was like a fucking SNL parody of a chase scene. It's as if Disney doesn't give a shit and gave the reigns to a bunch of novice writers and director. Oh wait..
@lckaboom6810 2 жыл бұрын
Reva’s half of episode 6 is so contrived it’s almost hilarious. She hears a garbled message from Bail talking about a boy on Tatooine, somehow concludes that this kid is a son of Anakin, walks off her stab wound, and goes to kill him because she thinks Vader would care whatsoever if she does.
@Dominator2930 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I found it so stupid. She hears the garbled talk about a boy on Tatooine then immediately thinks, hey it must be that owen lets guy that I happened to bump into. No way it could be anyone else. She just somehow knows exactly who it is and where to go
@Di7manya 2 жыл бұрын
Also her strat to kill Vader after years undercover was just to sneak up behind him and swing her lightsaber at him?? Like THATS how she thought she would get him? At least attack him while he is trying to force pull the ships.
@tehdipstick 2 жыл бұрын
@@SpotonCM Bail mentioned the name Owen, yes, but not his full name of Owen Lars. It would stand to reason that there's likely more than one person on Tatooine with Owen as their first name.
@isaacdavidnz 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know why Disney having all the money in the world doesn't hire good writers. Also, is George Lucas so demonized for Disney to ask him a little bit (A LITTLE BIT) of consulting?? Why?? Star Wars was his story. This is nothing but fanfiction.
@shihongzu2557 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nutella_Fiasco i just want to know how she got to tatooine far before, obi-wan did the diversion thing with the transport ship, fights and defeats vader, and then gets to tatooine right when she has already got to Luke, while with a hole in her stomach.
@unchartedchartz 2 жыл бұрын
Somehow Andor is gonna have a child character that he must learn to care for.
@dankerbell 2 жыл бұрын
young jyn erso
@naderzein2435 2 жыл бұрын
He is the child, he's been in the fight since he was 6 years old!!!!!!!
@2danz665 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao that line is great
@ianvillaluz8279 2 жыл бұрын
I fucking swear lmao
@ericp1139 2 жыл бұрын
Not only did nobody care about Andor, but even his show will likely somehow be a bait & switch for a female character.
@TheSamburglar 2 жыл бұрын
On top of Obi Wan, they could’ve made Reva such a cooler character too. A youngling who witnessed all her friends die and is now hunting down the man who killed them while pretending to be helping him is such a cool concept. But instead we had to get a predictable redemption storyline where she does awful stuff throughout the entire show and then one good thing at the very end to show she’s now good.
@swite989 2 жыл бұрын
They could easily pull off operation Valkyrie type of twist for Reva, just to kill her off at hands of Vader protecting himself and the emperor. Making that all sacrifices she has done to walk up the ladder more necessary. Otherwise her motivation is: I killed men, women and children just to get to that one guy who killed men, women and children. She could have gone against the whole regime that ruined the way things were for her. Poorly written and acted character. Reva will be forgotten like rest of modern Star Wars. When I first heard about rumors, that they will be making Obi-Wan spinoff series, I thought it will be hard to ruin, as Ewan McGregor us a good actor, who aged well for the role of a Jedi that lost his way. But man, did they mess this up. I still don't get why Obi-Wan did not kill Vader, when he literally concluded, with the help of Vader, that his friend Anakin is dead. Think of all the things Vader did and how many lives he took after this "battle" took place. Whoever decided to go with Jason Bourne style shaking camera duel must be removed from filmmaking in general.
@ankoku37 2 жыл бұрын
From the get go I was saying I was gonna be real mad if she got a redemption arc because yeah that keeps happening and maybe for once I want to see a villain who has so many opportunities to become good but consistently stays evil because sometimes being evil in the face of forces pushing you otherwise is cooler and sexier. At the very least though she didn't fucking die immediately after so hey that's new.
@sophieamandaleitontoomey9343 2 жыл бұрын
Reva honestly feels like two different ideas for characters. The obsessed inquisitor who wants Vader’s approval by killing Obi Wan… And the traumatized Padawan who wants revenge on the man who took her family away from her and slaughtered her friends. These two sides don’t blend well together and it makes Reva feel like two different people. It makes her feel very inconsistent.
@rasmarytea5296 2 жыл бұрын
I struggle with reva honestly because the wrote her so reactive it feels like. Even having finished the show I look back and I'm still unsure how all the pieces fit together as a cohesive, thought out plan.
@Yoda-wf6bu 2 жыл бұрын
@@sophieamandaleitontoomey9343 people aren't so easily defined as you paint it out to be. But it's very clear that she wanted both those things. She wanted to deliver Obi Wan to Vader to gain his trust and move up in ranks, and she wanted revenge on him.
@weaselbatches 2 жыл бұрын
If this was like the book of boba fett, a character people like but don’t necessarily care about then I’d brush it off as dumb fun. But when you bring back Hayden and Ewan after nearly 20 years for two very prominent characters that almost every star wars fan enjoys above a superficial level then you need to bring your A game. Unfortunately, Kenobi was super mid and that’s terrible for the content that’s revolved around it.
@WSendam 2 жыл бұрын
Love you man we all miss you ❤️
@shinkamui 2 жыл бұрын
yea, they bring back hayden and ewan just to spend 90% of the runtime on small leia. I don't get the people that run these stories.
@winsonwieny6720 2 жыл бұрын
Come back Mr. Weasel, I’d love to see you make more vids reviewing shows, movies, songs etc.
@j._san 2 жыл бұрын
oh hey man, nice seeing you
@rayxsan4740 2 жыл бұрын
It’s been a long time
@Shadbraw 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite part was when Jared Leto came out with a lightsaber and said “May the Morb be with you” and shot a blast of bats at Darth Vader. 11/10 one of the series of all time.
@reek4062 2 жыл бұрын
My favourite part was when Jared Fogle chased Leia
@Draezeth 2 жыл бұрын
Can we please let this meme die already?
@LuisSierra42 2 жыл бұрын
This was beautiful
@Mr_Cinematic 2 жыл бұрын
Yooo if you liked this you should watch my review about why I DIDN'T LIKE obi wan!!
@chickennuggets1837 2 жыл бұрын
i couldnt hold it after i read jared leto
@Fearmemaybe15 Жыл бұрын
Marcus: “I wish Star Wars would do something different” Andor: “allow us to introduce ourselves!”
@SoldierSpiderx 2 жыл бұрын
At the end of the day, I feel like Reva was completely unnecessary to the story. You could have cut her out entirely and had Vader been the one doing everything she was doing. The focus should have been on those two the entire time and If this was just a movie and we had way more Ewan and Hayden I think the praise would be unreal, Ewan and Hayden did amazing and I'm just grateful that they returned and for their performances.
@Cant-Tell-Corvus 2 жыл бұрын
In a movie format Reva would have been really good, they just stretched out her arc and kept reiterating who she is and what she's going to do (which is obviously the action that ends up changing her for the better)
@seasnek7024 2 жыл бұрын
That sounds like such a better and cohesive concept
@KingOfHalla 2 жыл бұрын
Replace reva with vader and it begs the question why the fuck he waited a decade to interact with his kid(s) ever again
@TheBrickGuy7939 2 жыл бұрын
I had to laugh when she said Obi-Wan would have made a difference being in the Jedi Temple.
@williamgrant8333 2 жыл бұрын
Reva moves the plot forward. Vader is the ghost from Obi-wan's past pursuing him that he desperately wants to escape until he finally comes to terms with the past and confronts him at the end. Reva is the bridge that connects Vader and Obi-wan, forcing Obi-wan to deal with his lingering trauma by bringing him out of hiding using Leia as bait.
@BurningOutBass 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite part is when Obi-Wan took a space uber all the way to return Leia’s droid and they don’t even invite him to like stay for dinner or use the bathroom, they immediately banish his ass back to the Arizona desert
@brandie3344 2 жыл бұрын
I mean he *is* a Jedi and a wanted fugitive. Might not be a great idea for him to linger
@littlesparrow303 2 жыл бұрын
@@brandie3344 True & besides they still have to follow the events leading up to Episode 4
@danzansandeev6033 2 жыл бұрын
@@brandie3344 then why didn’t bail fly with his daughter incognito to tatooine? He did it before. And if he is a “wanted fugitive” why even create welcoming ceremony? Why not meet somewhere in the woods? Like the show is FULL of these little inconsistencies
@donle499 2 жыл бұрын
Leia didnt even say hi. She ran straight to her damn bot. Eff her.
@emilianoc9261 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah and then proceded to go trough all the arizona desert to tell uncle owen like two lines
@casacara 2 жыл бұрын
Genuinely wish they had had the guts to do a “final season of samurai jack” style feature with this. Imagine Obi Wan on the run, hunted by the inquisitors (or equivalent). The pain of having lost his entire word, way of life, his friends and comrades and masters weighing on him. The guilt of having a close friend and student of his having been so failed by both the system and obi-wan himself that he became a monster that he dismembered and left to burn at a molten shoreside to stop his slaughter. The realization his inability to deal the final blow has led to a galaxy-wide purge of those who used to be children in his care. He runs from planet to planet always having to look over his shoulder, deprived of the chance to discuss any of his frustrations as he knows it would put others in mortal danger. The weight of all that guilt and pain crushing every moment that isn’t filled with fear or rushed desperation to keep from being caught. Sure, maybe it’s not strictly story accurate, but it would be so thematically compelling and in-line with the “last of the old world” status that obi-wan has. I think it would have been amazing to see him struggle between keeping up the principles he was raised with in contrast with the crushing failure that they led him to.
@BeanDogTally 2 жыл бұрын
All I wanted going into this show was a scene where Kenobi finally just completely breaks down. He’s always been calm and collected, and occasionally pushed to letting out some intense emotions. We’ve never seen him completely loose his cool and breakdown. After he lets it out he becomes the wise, calm old wizard we meet in A New Hope.
@ShadowSaberBaroxio 2 жыл бұрын
I hated the final season of Samurai Jack. Jack did NOT need a girlfriend, much less one a quarter of his age. And the finale sucked so much that they needed to make a video game to fix it.
@Blue-Apple-fc9eo 2 жыл бұрын
@@ShadowSaberBaroxio I disagree I love the finale because it's a bittersweet ending to him, Yea the girlfriend subplot could be expanded more but I still enjoy it.
@BeanDogTally 2 жыл бұрын
@@ShadowSaberBaroxio I love the fist 3 episodes. Actually phenomenal tv. It dropped off immediately after
@magiccookies420 2 жыл бұрын
@@BeanDogTally ^^
@morro190 2 жыл бұрын
I find it funny how, no matter how bad the Star wars film/series, any scene with Vader is still really badass.
@BrandontheAwesome 2 жыл бұрын
I think the scene where he fights Reva is cool, right up to when he stabs her. Vader should have killed her, but in an out-of-character moment he just leaves.
@morro190 2 жыл бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome If I have learned anything about Vader, its that on the outside he is a badass motherfucker who can tear apart legions with ease.......and he's also the biggest drama queen in the galaxy. Everything in Obi-wan works in my head cannon. Except the fights with stormtroopers. What is with the scenes where a group of stormtroopers are literally standing right in front of the main characters and still can't hit them. The non-jedi fight scenes were awful.
@snakefan3124 2 жыл бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome I couldn’t agree more. The game Jedi Fallen Order demonstrates how Vader treats his Inquisitors: if they mess up, they get the beating saber
@BrandontheAwesome Жыл бұрын
@@snakefan3124 It's all because Disney wants to create new characters so they don't have to pay royalties, which I wouldn't mind IF MOST OF THEM WERE EVEN SLIGHTLY INTERESTING.
@mydogsteppedonabee8380 Жыл бұрын
@@BrandontheAwesome Plot convenience
@chesh1re_cat 2 жыл бұрын
"Let's play it safe and not take any risks. Just throw in some fan service" seems to be the main ideology of The Disney Empire.
@mveytia 2 жыл бұрын
And the one time they did take a big risk (The Last Jedi) they messed it up in a completely opposite way by doing anti-fan service and pissing every fan off. They just can't seem to get anything right besides Mandolorian.
@moscanaveia 2 жыл бұрын
​@@mveytia TLJ wasn't after your childhood, mate. It's not anti-fan service. It is an authentic story with a core and themes, unlike the other movies that make up that trilogy. The majour beats of the plot (also very conspicuously the same beats most TLJ haters have a problem with) ultimately serve a coherent narrative, from Snoke dying to Rey nobody to Poe being an idiot and having to learn not to act like one. And don't forget Luke, that is fallible and human and relatable unlike his deepfake doppelganger that got some fans crying.
@chessygrind9223 2 жыл бұрын
@@moscanaveia The problem with Luke Skywalker in TLJ, was that he is a complete opposite character from what he was in the original trilogy. And it’s all because of dumb decisions he made. Why would he try to kill his nephew, instead of comforting him and helping him not turn to the dark side? You can argue by saying Luke’s character in TLJ makes since, but just because something makes since, doesn’t mean it’ll make a good story. And why would a leader like Holdo not tell her team the plan? I wouldn’t trust a leader who wouldn’t tell me any plan at all.
@kingawesome5219 2 жыл бұрын
@@moscanaveia TLJ is a bad movie, it doesn’t matter if the themes are good if the movie poorly executed them. The examples you used are wrong because it isn’t what the movie shows
@kingawesome5219 2 жыл бұрын
@@chessygrind9223 “just because something makes sense doesn’t mean it will make a good story” Don’t think like that, the reason the Sequels are bad is because of this mentality. It’s the job of the writers to think of creative ways that make sense in order to generate stakes and create an well made story
@codylakin288 2 жыл бұрын
Disney’s starting to have this infuriating knack for mixing in some of the absolute best and absolute worst of Star Wars within the same works. Like, The Last Jedi has that breathtaking confrontation between Kylo and force-projected Luke, but it also has the casino planet b.s. Now Kenobi has the perfect reunion of Obi-Wan and Anakin, with their awesome battle and the poetic words they exchange, but it also has the Leia chase, or that dumb fight in the tunnels…
@mosorireayewale2820 2 жыл бұрын
That's always how star wars has been though? There's a lot of dumb/terrible shit in ALL of these movies lmao. Even KOTOR has some really low points (Taris is very boring on replays imo).
@MrRenanHappy 2 жыл бұрын
@@mosorireayewale2820 Yeah, SW is dog shit
@ijiikieru 2 жыл бұрын
The prequels were the same way. This isn't new to Star Wars.
@USxEGames 2 жыл бұрын
@@ijiikieru but does that mean it has to be like that forever? Mando S1 was perfect, gratifying star wars with no hokey little kid bullshit. Need more of that
@ijiikieru 2 жыл бұрын
@@USxEGames It doesn't. But that's besides the point of the original comment.
@icedcapplord710 2 жыл бұрын
One thing I loved about Part V was how they used the flashback of Anakin and Obi-Wan's duel training to illustrate how Vader had learned to adapt and not let his emotions get the best of him in combat, effectively putting Third Sister in his former position maturity-wise
@Dgjserffft 2 жыл бұрын
Yet that scene doesn’t actually matter considering he always gets angry in rots
@icedcapplord710 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dgjserffft More of a fault of how RotS handled his turn towards corruption. I feel like until this show, The Clone Wars was probably the only time I actually got an organic sense of transition between Anakin and Vader, that implied the seeds for his turn were always there. It's actually something I commend Obi-Wan for doing in terms of his presentation
@EllieMiller510 2 жыл бұрын
I like the new side of Vader this show showed. Yes, he’s very smart, and powerful, but he more than anyone else can get incredibly blindsided by revenge.
@NarwhynMedia 2 жыл бұрын
@kdawg1991 I really liked 1 and 2, 4 not so much
@Dgjserffft 2 жыл бұрын
@@icedcapplord710 I’m just saying there is not really a point in trying to fix it now.
@Rob-gp6yb 2 жыл бұрын
I really do think that, as far as shows go, they could fuck up the other shows, but this was one that they had to nail and they just didn't bar from a couple of moments. I kept watching it thinking, "I want this to be better". There is so much dead air and then you get to the good juicy stuff and then just more dead air, back and forth. Predictable and just like an flat escalator of a series, just moving along, and then occasionally being like "oh shit, we have literal Obi wan Ewan and Hayden Anakin" for a second, and then back to Ewan just doing very little for a while.
@Smytguy 2 жыл бұрын
It's a shame Star Wars stopped making movies for awhile now. If Obi-Wan Kenobi was turned into a movie, this would definitely bring back many fans to theatres after the disappointment that was episode 9.
@ergob3907 2 жыл бұрын
The Good/Bad SW movie ratio makes me glad they stopped making them. Content in other media has been much stronger. I only like Rogue One out of any of the new movies.
@skyyswaggstudios2934 2 жыл бұрын
@@ergob3907 I only kind of like solo, I think with Disney star wars movies they werent that great because they were more a checklist to make fans giggle instead of having an actual story in mind (solo included), and it seems like the shows have started to go in that direction as well.
@twistedgale 2 жыл бұрын
It still would have sucked
@Dommbuscus 2 жыл бұрын
Wasn't this originally gonna be "Kenobi: A Star Wars Story", but people didn't like Solo?
@headshot217 2 жыл бұрын
They keep Fing up
@gimmibox 2 жыл бұрын
I actually think Reva's whole journey could have been that "something new", but now they speedrun an entire character arc in another person's story.
@somethingfunny2199 2 жыл бұрын
That explains the rumored spin-off that popped up a while ago. Which if true will kind of suck because if my theory is correct they’ll be juggling her distant past as a Padawan, more recent past as an Inquisitor and her present as an Imperial Defector which I’m not very confident in since they couldn’t do it right with just 2 eras in Book of Boba Fett
@librarygary1618 2 жыл бұрын
@@somethingfunny2199 yeah that just sounds like a mess.
@masterdeetectiv9520 2 жыл бұрын
@@somethingfunny2199 theyre making a reva show?
@somethingfunny2199 2 жыл бұрын
@@masterdeetectiv9520 At this current moment it’s only a rumor (I’m going to edit my comment to be less misleading, my bad) but given the way her arc went and the fact that she leaves this show alive I wouldn’t be surprised if they do in fact do it
@masterdeetectiv9520 2 жыл бұрын
@@somethingfunny2199 i dont think they will, i doubt enough people care about reva’s character for them to make a show about her
@smartpersonjdt 2 жыл бұрын
I wanted an in depth character study of Obi Wan post Revenge of the Sith. Imagine the regret of all the things that went unsaid to Anakin and the guilt that he played a part in his student's downfall and to an extent Padme's death. THAT is what I wanted this show to be about. Toss in some Owen, Beru, Tusken Raiders, and some Qui-Gon and Vader with a few well placed flashbacks and you'd have a pretty compelling story for most fans. But this is Disney Star Wars and we have to have action action action and a little child character that Kenobi has to save and grow attached to, even when it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense lore wise. I was really disappointed with most of this show. The highs are high, but the lows are very low and drag the whole thing down. Maybe I'll buy the Kenobi novel and give that a read now to see how it compares.
@estheay3611 2 жыл бұрын
Ewan and Hayden both said in interviews that they'd love to reprise their roles in the future, so if this series gets a 2nd season it could leave more room for introspection and flashback scenes, without any of the subplots from the first 6 episodes
@LordVader1094 2 жыл бұрын
@@estheay3611 Lol wtf would a second season be? Yet another contrived fight between Kenobi and Vader just for Kenobi to beat him again and leave him alive?
@estheay3611 2 жыл бұрын
@@LordVader1094 iI could focus on Obi-Wan reconnecting with Qui-Gon after so many years, which the ending of episode 6 intentionally left the door open for
@DukeSkylocker 2 жыл бұрын
Leia clearly knew Obi-Wan in A New Hope based on the message she gave him, so having her meet Obi-Wan makes sense from a continuity standpoint. Vader facing Obi-Wan again is a little more iffy continuity wise. In a New Hope, Vader stated the last time they meant he was still a student and Obi-Wan was his teacher, and that clearly wasn't the case in the series anymore (also, Vader's comment about sensing something he hadn't in a long time works a little better if they hadn't met in almost 20 years rather than just 9). Then again, Star Wars has never been very consistent in terms of continuity. Narrative wise, having Leia be the voice of innocence to the guilt ridden Obi-Wan was an easy route for the series to take but I didn't mind too much as they did have a lot of nice little moments. And the final battle between Vader and Obi-Wan was very satisfying emotionally as was him finally meeting Qui-Gon. It's just the amount of filler that you had to get through to reach that climax.
@smartpersonjdt 2 жыл бұрын
@@DukeSkylocker I would've liked the show a lot more if all of that filler went to something more substantial and character focused, not just bouncing from planet to planet with a ton of mediocre action. As good as Ewan and Hayden were again, they were a bit wasted in this show. The had to opportunity to really give fans of the prequels a satisfying story and they kind of botched it.
@Top_G_wannabe 2 жыл бұрын
I went from a massive star wars fan to just being indifferent to all the new star wars projects
@aexcezz9573 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t plan on watching any of the new Star Wars shows besides Mandalorian. I’m so bored with Star Wars. People complain about Rian Johnson but don’t even realize he’s talented lol.
@Guava11534 2 жыл бұрын
@@aexcezz9573 sure he's talented but doesn't mean he didn't majorly screw up last jedi. It honestly feels like he didn't understand the type of movie he was making and I'm not talking about star wars as a whole. I remember hearing about him trying to subvert expectations which sure could work but he went too far and people hated last jedi. He then went and did the same thing with knives out and it worked out but idk it seems it was at the cost of the last jedi.
@RIS3N1 2 жыл бұрын
@@aexcezz9573 When you have your higher-ups forcing woke agenda in your work, any talented director will suffer.
@freiinmajor2511 2 жыл бұрын
I feel the same way.
@freiinmajor2511 2 жыл бұрын
@@aexcezz9573 It is really J.J. Abrams for me. He also ruined the Star Trek series for me. His movies were awful.
@ibthat1guy 2 жыл бұрын
That part where you said that if you overhyped the show then it won’t be good is the truest statement abt this show. But tbh I can’t blame anyone who did overhype it, we’ve been literally waiting since 2019 for this show to release
@antonisauren8998 2 жыл бұрын
Better this way, than drop all marketing and stop making further movies, as excel bars won't count, like with Solo. :P
@escalatingbarbarism5096 2 жыл бұрын
Bad writing and cheap sets are bad regardless of your hype levels.
@Chris-ks4sw 2 жыл бұрын
How have you been waiting that long it didn't get announced until after COVID?
@blakemonway 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, what else would fans do when they hear that it's the "REMATCH OF THE CENTURY"?
@escalatingbarbarism5096 2 жыл бұрын
@@Chris-ks4sw No, they were talking about bringing Ewan McGregor back way before then.
@austinholmes751 2 жыл бұрын
Seeing both Ewan and Hayden as their characters again was what I wanted for so long. They were given enough for us to appreciate them, but everything else was just meh. Shame, really. At least the fan reception for those two is still strong, even after a somewhat bland show.
@terminatrix92 2 жыл бұрын
But what did you actually want?? Cosmonaut points out there's nothing left to do with these characters!! Their arc is complete!! in a 6 episode series the two cant even sit down and talk about what went wrong between them, so what we get is two lightsaber fights that essentially end in a draw. And yes, Obi Wan probably should have killed space Hitler instead of letting the tyrannical maniac continue to oppress the galaxy but yay catharsis I guess
@aquariuskudo 2 жыл бұрын
@mysterio8226 2 жыл бұрын
@@terminatrix92 shut up
@austinholmes751 2 жыл бұрын
@@terminatrix92 What I wanted when this show was officially announced was a chance for both Ewan and Hayden to actual be able to play these characters with non-shakespearean dialogue and actual direction. While they did a good job with what they got, the show itself was underwhelming.
@arbitrary_thoughts 2 жыл бұрын
@@terminatrix92 I expected to see more of the arc that we saw with Kenobi in the show and him learning from Qui-Gon-Jinn about how to be a force ghost, but also see more of how Vader is different from Anakin and how he has learned from his experiences as the Emperor's right hand. More depth than how I've explained it. Didn't expect Leia and Reva to take up so much of the show.
@Jimmythehead Жыл бұрын
Coming back to this now, boy can i not wait for Marcus to watch Andor
@Davitron_87 2 жыл бұрын
You nailed pretty much exactly how I felt after watching this series, and Disney Star Wars as a whole. It’s all just far too reliant on fan service and callbacks. I’ll admit, there’s some genuinely good moments, but they’re just too far and few between to keep me invested. And speaking of which, it’s so hard to be invested in something when you already know the fate of all the major characters. Even when they try to present a situation where any of the main characters are in danger, you already know they’ll be perfectly fine.
@awandererfromys1680 2 жыл бұрын
That's why having Vader and Obi-Wan meet _and_ fight, twice(!), made no sense. I mean, cool scenes indeed, but in the big picture it made no narrative sense whatsoever. This is textbook fanservice imho. And it wasn't helped by the Scooby Doo type shit like Leia hiding under Obi-Wan's coat. Could it have worked? Maybe. There's tons of emotion between the two to explore since Mustafar, and we all wanted to see it happen, even if it broke canon a bit. But this was just so poorly executed it hurts. Again.
@burntvirtue 2 жыл бұрын
@@awandererfromys1680 What fans were served by this dumb shit? No real fans wanted Kenobi and Vader to meet again before A New Hope.
@vtecanddohc 2 жыл бұрын
What’s funny is that cosmonauts favorite scene of Vader’s mask busted open while fighting obi wan is stolen from starwars rebels. These writers are so bad they have to steal other meaningful sequences from their own IP’s animated series. Not to mention the Fallen Order scene where Vader force pushes water flooding his base.
@joshuabowens5845 2 жыл бұрын
@@vtecanddohc He also does the "I'll do what I must" and the lightsaber shines on his face before he strikes his pose like he did in rebels. I was kinda thrown out of the moment because it seemed like lines were just tossed together from other media he was in in the battle. I really wanted to enjoy it, but nothing was really new
@deek60819 2 жыл бұрын
@@vtecanddohc I wish they would have stolen 0.1% of the amazing stuff from the extended universe for the sequel trilogy, rather than shitting all over the franchise lol
@gtoyadhatagyab8013 2 жыл бұрын
I think this show should've been a movie solely focused on deepening the relationship between Kenobi and Vader. They don't need new character to share the spotlight almost as equally as Kenobi because her role could easily be filled with Vader. Besides if Vader wanted to destroy Kenobi so bad, it's only natural that he constantly and personally hunt him down from the very beginning. And besides, Reva's story is compelling enough to have her own show, I think most people wouldn't mind having a show about a new character who was a Padawan survivor and she infiltrated the Empire to kill the Sith Lord for killing all her friends.
@awandererfromys1680 2 жыл бұрын
It was supposed to be a movie. Remember during the Sequels they announced a whole roster of stand-alone movies? Kenobi was on that, as were Boba Fett and Ashoka. Then the Sequels and Solo tanked and the other movies got cancelled. After The Mandalorian was a break-out succes they dusted off the scripts and well, here we are. Take Book of Boba Fett. That's why the pacing is all over the place and you get throw-away filler scenes/episodes and unimportant side-characters. The whole Tusken Flashback in BoBF is fifteen minutes of movie time at most but they stretched it out over several episodes. And the episodes with Mando should have been in his own series but they needed something to fill out the season. With the exception of The Mandalorian each series could be condensed down to two hours just fine. They're movies stretched thin. Kenobi should have been about Obi-Wan, Luke, and Owen. Nothing more. Because before this series it used to be canon that Obi-Wan never met Vader or Leia between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope 19 years later. The Death Star fight was their first fight since Mustafar. So having them meet _and_ fight (twice!) in between creates gigantic canon- and character-breaking problems and you have to be a really good writer to make it work. Unfortunately, Disney doesn't have good writers it seems. I mean, if Vader is so hell-bent on getting revenge on Obi-Wan then why did he let him get away so easily in ep. 3? The writers just demonstrated Vader can extinguish fires with the Force just fifteen seconds before. Sure, dramatic stare and pose and all, great shot, but it makes no sense. This is special fire or something? Why doesn't he Force-grab the droid, or Obi-Wan again? That's what he did moments before. And it makes even less sense Obi-Wan spares Vader really. But he has to because well, the OT movies. And Reva shouldn't have been in this show, agreed. She would have worked a lot better in her own series right from the start. Now she's getting trashed on because she takes away from the other character arcs. But she's in it because all other characters have impenetrable plot armor and the writers needed someone with stakes. She's a plot device that gets bounced around between a fixed narrative. At best they have interesting ideas that are executed poorly, like Reva, and the rest is really just desperate fanservice. They knew the fans would be hyped the moment they brought Hayden into the series, they just didn't know how to deliver on that hype. On their own the fight scenes between Vader and Obi-Wan are pretty okay, but in the big picture they make no narrative sense and shouldn't exist. It's all show and no substance in the end.
@imperatornoinga3646 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh the only thing Reva deserves is a retconn 💀
@heatherchansler5886 2 жыл бұрын
@@awandererfromys1680 but they announced a Reva spinoff before the show even ended, so she had plot armor too for the last episodes.
@awandererfromys1680 2 жыл бұрын
@@heatherchansler5886 Seriously? That's even worse. I can't believe this, I'm just a carpenter and I can plan this stuff out better ffs.
@mione12gft71 2 жыл бұрын
@@heatherchansler5886 the show was completed wayyyyyy before
@danyawelly 2 жыл бұрын
Let’s analyze how Reva got the communicator in that second to last episode. Obi-Wan hands off his stuff to fake Jedi so that he can sacrifice himself to the bad guys to buy enough time for everyone to get away. So he goes out, has a conversation with the bad guys, eventually gets back inside and is like, “Hey, I’m back, let’s get outta here!” Fake Jedi drops the communicator because…I guess he’s just clumsy, then Reva finds it after getting stabbed. The writing throughout just seemed so sloppy and forced (pun intended).
@kingawesome5219 2 жыл бұрын
Let’s not forget that it’s Obiwan’s fault for not deleting the message and Bail’s fault for sending the message in the first place
@Nick-up5wv 2 жыл бұрын
@RobPaulson88 2 жыл бұрын
This should have been a film, I feel like a mix of the pandemic and the success of streaming played a role in the “need” for it to be a series.
@johnnygyro2295 2 жыл бұрын
Others already said this, but some of these shows, at least Boba Fett and Obi-Wan, were meant to be spin-off films like Rogue One and Solo. When the latter didn't do good, they were put on hold/scrapped. Then Mandolorian happened and Disney realized they could use the ideas/scripts to instead create more shows/mini-series to keep people on Disney Plus for the Streaming Wars.
@thunderworks1107 2 жыл бұрын
This could’ve been an S tier. They had everything they need except…. Decent script writers…
@ArkBagas 2 жыл бұрын
True. When I saw Joby Harold name on the series even before the trailer came out I drop my expectations far bellow. And now I'm thankful for doing that.
@SwedishYouthHumanist 2 жыл бұрын
Nor budget. It all feels and looks cheap.
@GSPACEUnit 2 жыл бұрын
@@SwedishYouthHumanist they had the budget
@leionv8723 2 жыл бұрын
you can tell from all of the PR that Ewan, Hayden, Moses and everyone else were ready and raring to give us the best they got. So happy they're all back. Kathleen and the writing team, however...
@beatrixwickson8477 2 жыл бұрын
OMG that chase scene in the forest. I think CW level is generous. I'm glad they didn't hype up Leia before hand because I just wouldn't have wanted it and I think it was madness to try. But I kinda loved her. Maybe her and Obi-wan's moments together are my favourite bits. I'm a bit surprised they didn't put the money into this but I get the feeling it ultimately wouldn't have happened but for Ewan McGregor wanting it to actually happen after all the talk. I don't think I expected much really but it did the impossible for me and actually made me think of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader as the same character. The prequels never convinced me I was watching the same guy but somehow this weird Star Wars made like a Dr Who episode has made me think of them as the same character. That's well worth my time. But I will have to wait for my ultimate test of any Star Wars media: how rewatchable is it.
@Mister_Jay_Tee 2 жыл бұрын
What's rewatchable Star wars for you? Do you have a ranking?
@beatrixwickson8477 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mister_Jay_Tee For rewatchability my order would be: 4 5 6 1&3 2&7 8&Rogue1 Solo 9 Ewok movies Holiday special I'm guessing this will sit in the middle if it ages okay.
@Kxvca 2 жыл бұрын
@@beatrixwickson8477 obi wan Kenobi is 100% rewatchable
@Mister_Jay_Tee 2 жыл бұрын
@@beatrixwickson8477 Im ok with this. I mean it's your listing, mine is totally different. But somehow I still like this.
@beatrixwickson8477 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mister_Jay_Tee Nice, just curious, how would you rank them?
@QJDWG 2 жыл бұрын
My friend and I spent like an hour trimming down the show after the finale and determined that this should have been a movie 1000000000000%.
@jacobcrawford2211 2 жыл бұрын
I think "character learns to take care of other people younger than self" is just a weird comfort zone for whenever they start a new project. The Clone Wars movie was about saving the little hut kid, and the show started out as a way of humanizing Anakin by making him care about Ahsoka. Rebels was at least partially about Ezra's master (Canaan?) caring about Ezra. All of the shows you listed use it as a plot device, and then to top it all off Rogue One is about a bunch of people learning to care about each other before they all die. Weird long-running trend
@AlexGonzalez-gf4oz 2 жыл бұрын
Putting it that way, I can get why some people really *really* love the prequels. Those movies are literally about a guy who just cares so much that ends up not caring at all.
@scrumpors8706 2 жыл бұрын
I always have to watch a new cosmonaut video as soon as possible, who knows how long it'll still be here
@Dgjserffft 2 жыл бұрын
@darthcron962 2 жыл бұрын
I think it's funny how I feel more obligation to watch Cosmonaut review Star Wars than actual Star Wars sometimes.
@TheBrickGuy7939 2 жыл бұрын
The video will be there, always.
@thugli4328 2 жыл бұрын
I quite liked the flashback of Obi wan and Anakin training together. Hayden's performance kind of bridged that gap between live action Anakin and Clone Wars Anakin. Yeah, sure it looks a little funky with both of them clearly having aged quite a lot since the movies, but a flashback feels very natural in the context. Sure they could have maybe reused some scenes, but why not have new ones? With better dialogue too. Honestly I'm just glad they didn't try to cg them back to youth. I would not be opposed to having more of them
@noahgutierrez5840 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine they introduced Reva as a background character and saved her arc/padawan reveal for her own show, where we follow the efforts of a JEDI SPY in the Empire. We could watch internal conflict as she carries out their will while plotting against Vader. Make it tragic and sad when she fails! Obviously she cant kill Vader so her personal mission is useless to this show, no clue what the writers had in mind for her by surviving. She LET GO OF HER HATE at the end which was apparently keeping her alive??? So many bad decisions with what couldve been a very interesting character She already is a clear representation of the trauma left in the Jedi's wake, why have her in the show where that's already a core theme between the two main characters?
@Mephilis78 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine if she just wasn't there.
@oldhead438 2 жыл бұрын
God no.
@spiderdog07 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mephilis78 nope everything is marvel, if your show or movie is not focused on setting up a spinoff is it even worth making?
@awandererfromys1680 2 жыл бұрын
All characters have impenetrable plot armor and the writers needed someone with stakes. She's a plot device bounced around between a fixed narrative. Agreed she would have worked a lot better in her own show. But that's Disney Star Wars, interesting ideas executed poorly. Sometimes behind a shed.
@yvngsn0w 2 жыл бұрын
That’s shit too
@Sayajin3321 2 жыл бұрын
It should have been a movie with a higher budget. Everything I have a problem with comes from it being a show on D+. It's a 7/10 show that could have been a 9/10. It feels like the prequels, for better and for worse. I don't get why they didn't get Greg Fraiser to do the cinematography again though.
@bat51 2 жыл бұрын
Greg Fraiser is busy with Dune
@jole5468 2 жыл бұрын
7/10? Are you high?
@paveantelic7876 2 жыл бұрын
the cinematography and the stupid camera shake was godawful
@deaconbluezz8827 2 жыл бұрын
@@jole5468 yeah I'm thinking the show is realistically about a 4-5 there is little to see as a redeeming quality between the bad sets, mediocre and recycled dialogue, plot points that make NO sense, episodes that serve no purpose and repeated prior episodes, and overall just horrible attention to detail and overall writing. This show was a huge let down.
@LeeO2011 2 жыл бұрын
@@paveantelic7876 unsufferable, at times it looked like a cheap fanmade short film
@kennypowers1945 Жыл бұрын
I liked the scenes where anakin was “young” and it showed them in the past. Had they had a higher budget they woulda used cgi to make anakin look young
@jakegillbanks7776 Жыл бұрын
They had the budget they chose not to de-age them
@bauer0788 Жыл бұрын
@@jakegillbanks7776FR. Seeing a 45 something trying to play his 20 something self is akin to 30 year olds trying to pass as high schoolers. It was jarring.
@Davidsworldtravels 2 жыл бұрын
I couldn’t believe they wasted so much time with Reva instead of it being Kenobi slicing apart Inquisitors until the Vader confrontation. I don’t think any Inquisitors even died. You could literally create a bunch of them just for Kenobi to overcome. Also, the amount of people getting stabbed straight through their torso with a lightsaber and then it having absolutely no consequence is fucking ridiculous. There’s no stakes for anyone bc if you have plot armor nothing even injures you!
@audaciousjones 2 жыл бұрын
How did Maul survive getting cut in half?
@revolutionarystillalt6846 2 жыл бұрын
@@audaciousjones The Dark Side kept him alive, his sheer *unadulaterated hatred* for Kenobi sustained him long enough to presumably get the wound treated.
@librarygary1618 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh, they literally had two other inquisitors that just disappeared halfway through the series. I was waiting for obiwan to fight the inquisitor played by Han from Fast and Furious but he just peaced out!
@trashbasket11 2 жыл бұрын
@@revolutionarystillalt6846 idc if it's canon it's plot armor so thick even most fan fiction writers would roll their eyes
@kellylingro3288 2 жыл бұрын
The grand inquisitor has two stomachs so I figure he just sacrificed his extra one 😂
@HeyJoshyJosh 2 жыл бұрын
I love how Obi-Wan is supposed to be keeping a low profile, yet in the first episode he has a conversation with Owen on the street about training Luke, and Owen retorts by saying "oh, like how you trained his father." The inquisitors are on the planet, there were people standing behind them when they had this conversation. So much for keeping a low profile. Obi-Wan might as well have just run around Tatooine shouting, "HEY EVERYONE, I'M A JEDI!"
@itszirvah 2 жыл бұрын
i love how they have advanced technology , yet apparently no news. How is Obi Wans face not plastered everywhere? At least some posters in the streets. The EMPIRE is literally hunting him and all jedi 😭
@itszirvah 2 жыл бұрын
Like how do the storm troopers know they’re supposed to be looking for a jedi (obi wan) but have no clue what obi wan looks like. The Empire can’t send them a hologram picture or a sketch of what he may look like???
@Mr_Cinematic 2 жыл бұрын
Yooo if you liked this you should watch my review about why I DIDN'T LIKE obi wan!!
@BreMue 2 жыл бұрын
I kinda think that's a nitpick - I don't think anyone would assume he must be talking about jedi training hearing the conversation on the street. We know what they're talking about but I don't think some random on the street would. Also inquisitors didn't make themselves known in the area until after their conversation But that's just my thoughts
@LazybonesInc 2 жыл бұрын
Marcus: “I’ve lost my passion for Star Wars after The Rise of Skywalker” Next video from Marcus: “So I just watched Obi-Wan”
@UNKNOWN-qr7uo 2 жыл бұрын
It’s one of the shows of all time
@dankerbell 2 жыл бұрын
average star wars fan, not me though, i like most of it
@LazybonesInc 2 жыл бұрын
I respect Marcus’s dedication to his fans to watch stuff he’s not crazy about watching. Mad respect
@SnakeEaterGaming 2 жыл бұрын
It’s kinda his job to watch nerd shit and tell his nerd fanbase what he thinks about it…
@cvalentine9654 2 жыл бұрын
Marcus at the start of the video: "so this show solidified my lack of passion for star wars"
@thomasforde3900 2 жыл бұрын
Thing for me with this show: I loved everything Vader related throughout it. I thought Hayden Christiansen did a great job as Vader and put a really strong performance in. Unfortunately, lots of the show was spent fleshing out unnecessary parts of the story. Reva NOT being killed when stabbed and exposed by Vader and the Inquisitor just for her to complete a pointless redemption arc that we knew had to happen was infuriating, especially because they kept cutting away from the main fight, which was comfortably the best fight in the show. The plot wasn’t great, but it was ok to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy the characters, even if this show could have taken a more interesting arc for its main story. 7/10
@PennTankerGuy 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like that "Something Different" for Star Wars was Visions. I think they need to commit to a non-canon Star Wars animated series of some kind that's reminiscent of those mini-episodes. Because that stuff was legitimately good content (for the most part).
@gabriellerodriguez3039 2 жыл бұрын
Well the thing is, non canon or not, the EU from the games to the books to the comics is no longer on the table due to Disney meddling and wanting to create their own narratives. I'm still hoping for a KOTOR storyline, but I know that will never happen
@johnnygyro2295 2 жыл бұрын
I heard there's a season 2 of Visions in the works, but I'll have to double check to be sure. If there is, I hope we get continuations to some of the previous shorts. My favorites were The Ninth Jedi and The Twins.
@brennangulka9793 2 жыл бұрын
I love how nothing changes from where the show started from to where the show ended
@tasamolic 2 жыл бұрын
Yep. So much so that they have TWO episodes revolving around Obi-Wan rescuing baby Leia. Revenge of the Sith teased Obi-Wan receiving more training from Qui-Gon, and this show ends the exact same way. Obi-Wan's character was reset off-screen and becomes a faithful Jedi again. Luke and Leia are safe again. Nothing has changed.
@brennangulka9793 2 жыл бұрын
@@tasamolic there was no big impact on the empire or lasting effect. The only change I can think of is that anakin is “dead”
@thatsruffdog 2 жыл бұрын
7:50 The best moments are these short bits. And like you said, it feels like they tried to write a story around this idea. We need more short things. Just short disconnected scenes like Visions but based in canon (it doesn’t have to be but that helps it get views). That’s why I think this new CW prequel/spin-off might be one of the best things we’ve gotten since the Siege on Mandalore.
@sailormoon262 2 жыл бұрын
Another issue I had with Obi-Wan that I'm surprised Cosmo hadn't mentioned is the lack of proper lighting. There were a LOT of dark scenes in which I could barely see anything happening, especially since I don't have a dark theater room to enjoy the show in. I wish modern TV shows would step away from this "realistic" light technique that only muddies the overall narrative.
@tannernipper3756 2 жыл бұрын
That period between this show and A New Hope still has opportunities to tell small condensed stories with obi wan. Im open to seeing a second season as long as it is faaaaaaar from this
@sithonis7818 2 жыл бұрын
like so many other people, i was pretty enthusiastic when i first heard about the prospect of this show a couple years ago (obi-wan and ewan himself are two of my all-time faves, so i was hardly going into the series looking for a hate-watch). i wanted to be optimistic, but you can imagine my disappointment when it comes to that chase scene with leia through the forest - it’s one instance of how this series treats its audience with such little respect, in my opinion. i mean, i realise that the writers were saddled with this problem from the get-go given the show’s premise, but it’s hard to feel any real tension or excitement regarding characters who i know cannot be seriously harmed before the events of the original trilogy, like when leia is threatened by her kidnappers or when obi-wan is faced with any kind of trouble whatsoever. maybe with an engaging screenplay and a clearer focus on character development this problem wouldn’t feel so obvious (because it really shouldn’t have to be a problem whatsoever), but with the show’s lacklustre third sister antagonist as an obvious example, i feel like this wasn’t realised at all. i wish i could experience the payoff of that final heart-to-heart between vader and obi-wan, but i really cannot bring myself to watch anywhere past the second episode because of how damn mid it all is.
@fancyelk2373 2 жыл бұрын
Cosmo is consistently the least consistent reviewer I’ve ever seen, and I can admire that effort.
@jorgevillarreal3828 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite part of the whole show is when Obi Wan says "Hello There" and Luke is like "General Kenobi"
@k-dawgwestmore4643 2 жыл бұрын
I couldn’t agree more. Kenobi was fun and had some really great moments but it wasn’t as impressive as it should’ve been
@LilianOrchard 2 жыл бұрын
Cosmonaut: "We get another boring dark side redemption story." Cosmonaut just one video ago without a hint of irony: "Rey should have died and Kylo Ren should have lived."
@mayonnaise3959 2 жыл бұрын
That’s more powerful then what’s happening now
@joec7217 2 жыл бұрын
I actually really liked this show. Wasn't perfect, but I had fun with it
@TheSorrel 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, but looking at the production values, it really seems like the tapped into Ewan McGregors DMs and where like "Hey, wanna do a show?" And he was like: "Yeah."
@Sajirah 2 жыл бұрын
Same. But I think that’s because my expectations weren’t sky high like everyone else’s. I wanted to see Obi-wan and Vader on screen together again and I got that.
@joec7217 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sajirah My expectations were kinda high, kinda not. But I got what I wanted. Vader vs Obi Wan. I honestly didn't expect it to be Mandalorian level good. There's only so much they can do
@TheSorrel 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sajirah I actually like that it wasn't this big bombastic show. The moment they introduced Vader to the narrative I just wanted them to actually have the two characters confront in a more meaningful way than they did in Ep. 3. And I got that.
@GeneralAlpaca 2 жыл бұрын
8:17 The show began development as a spinoff movie but after Solo bombed financially they retooled into a show
@TalonWolf1313 2 жыл бұрын
I wholeheartedly agree with all of this. I absolutely loved the climactic conversation Obi-Wan and Anakin had in episode 6, but the rest of the show was kind of bleak.
@LambdaHDvideo 2 жыл бұрын
I do think this show plays an important role between ep 3 and 4. It shows how Obi Wan recovers after the devastation that is ep 3, and how he turns into the positive Ben we see in ep 4. The show also made me like Leia more than ever before, and it made it much easier to see Vader and Anakin as truly one person. We obviously know consciously, that he is one person, but behind that mask, before this, it was also just so hard to actually imagine Anakin being there. This show elevated ep 4 so much in my eyes. The death of Owen and Beru feel a lot more tragic and impactful, the weight of Kenobi and Vader meeting again feels heightened, some of the comments from Obi Wan just make more sense after this, and Leia reaching out to Obi Wan, and Alderaan being destroyed also feel more impactful. To me this was an absolute positive surprise
@seregagerassimov4864 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. I liked this show a lot.
@Caglecardscollectibles21 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for acknowledging the forest chase scene with Leia, I was flabbergasted they out something that looked so fake and cheap in this…but they did
@starlord5592 2 жыл бұрын
@mr.falcon314 2 жыл бұрын
Same lol
@Evelina_412 2 жыл бұрын
To quote Rich Evans- "Star Wars is creatively bankrupt"
@Zero_XTZ5 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking of new star wars stuff, Andor looks to be something fresh. So atleast we have that on the horizon.
@thephoenixxm4160 2 жыл бұрын
Not really. It is another Star Wars thing about a character we don't care about (Andor) after Solo and Boba Fett. I don't care about Andor he was boring. So was the main female character whatever her name was. It takes during the Empire years again and Mon Mothma is in it. We know the fates of all the characters like Obi-Wan. Andor gets nuked by the Death Star and Mothma becomes Chancellor of the New Republic and dies after her tenure.
@sleep6837 2 жыл бұрын
Regardless of the show as a whole, the final battle between Vader and Obi Wan was one of the greatest moments in live action Star Wars, ever.
@ThetrueHeero 2 жыл бұрын
@sleep6837 2 жыл бұрын
@@ThetrueHeero huh, I thought it was pretty emotionally resonant and cool. Why didn't you like it??
@Devo57 2 жыл бұрын
I’m always going to love Vader getting his mask damaged and having an emotional moment with his former friends
@EvillClown11 2 жыл бұрын
Could not agree more
@odysseus9176 2 жыл бұрын
@@Devo57 Shout to Vader getting his mask damaged and have emotional moments with his former friends, one of my favorite things fr
@kelwilli827 Жыл бұрын
Andor is so good tho
@EvillClown11 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, this should’ve been a film. I liked eps 3 (ish) 5 and 6, but a lot just felt like filler. Few too many corny or braindead scenes but also some of the best scenes of all Star Wars. I have zero idea how to feel rn. Edit: Ah basically the main point of video, probably should’ve watched it first.
@danielnicoletti2416 2 жыл бұрын
First episode should have ended with Obi-Wan’s and Vader’s fight leaving them both stranded in the middle of the Tatooine desert and forcing them to work together. Full season is full of flashbacks, Hayden acting with the broken helmet, sad and beautiful conversations, Anakin talking about Padme, Obi Wan talking about Qui Gon. Ends with both of them fighting again and Obi Wan leaving even more sad.
@jiyere 2 жыл бұрын
I was really waiting for this one 😁
@darkhorsedan 2 жыл бұрын
Your point about it having enough material for a movie rather than a TV series makes sense, seeing as this was probably the pitch for when they were originally going to make it as a movie. I don't think the cheap look the show has is because of its budget, because it can go from looking really cheap to movie quality literaly from one shot to the next in the same scene. I think the director didn't know how to handle shot composition and framing with the virtual production stuido that Disney have been using since the Mandalorian.
@TheJackhawk 2 жыл бұрын
Only problem with that theory is that Obi Wan Kenobi director Deborah Chow also directed chapters 3 and 7 of the Mandalorian, which were 2 of the best episodes of the first season, so she definitely had experience working with the studio. Idk why it feels so cheap, but it really does feel like 80% of the budget went towards getting Ewan and Hayden back together.
@adjam1991 2 жыл бұрын
Obi-Wan in episode IV "I've not gone by Obi-Wan since before you were born." Constantly gets called Obi-Wan in this show.
@harrisonking1195 2 жыл бұрын
Man this review was spot on for me. I just can't shake the feeling that the last Jedi broke star wars. Not because it was bad (it's my favorite Disney era thing by far) bit because the backlash to it taught Disney they just had to play it safe for now on. And star wars has been living below it's potential ever since. Mandalorian season 1 is the closest we've come to anything interesting since.
@craigspink2907 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I think The Last Jedi and ultimately Solo were the catalysts that made Disney do a U turn on their plans for the franchise and just double down on Disney+ shows. It’s a shame because with a more streamlined narrative and a better script, Obi-Wan Kenobi could’ve been a great “a Star Wars story” film.
@scinnyc 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry Bruh, but I just can't take someone's opinion seriously who actually thought TLJ was good lol. And Mandalorian season 2 was way better than the first season to me. But Obi-Wan could've been a lot better in multiple ways. Not sure if TLJ backlash had anything to do with it's lack of quality though
@MistahFox 2 жыл бұрын
I hated the Last Jedi, in fact it's the only movie I've ever seen that I've hated even though it isn't the worst movie I've seen, but playing it "safe" was not remotely the direction I wanted Disney to take away from it. I absolutely agree with everything else.
@Pusher97 2 жыл бұрын
The woman who played Reva is a genuinely good actor. You wouldn’t believe it watching Kenobi, but still.
@pisse3000 2 жыл бұрын
Much like with most of the prequel trilogy cast. The actors only have so much to work with. Some, like Samuel Jackson, can rise above it. Others not so much
@tomgu2285 2 жыл бұрын
She isn't.
@manz7860 Жыл бұрын
She was presented too soft and pretty to be taken seriously.
@razorback8300 2 жыл бұрын
One issue I had with this show is that there was a lack of stakes since we now that Leia and Obiwan would life so a lot of scenes which were intended to be tense were just empty. I also got annoyed by the “ oh the guys were on a different transport the whole time “ in the second to last episode . I felt cheated as there was no indication of another transport and it felt like the writers wrote themselves to a wall and did a half ass solution to overcome the problem
@zmonty07 2 жыл бұрын
My thought is that Disney should have switched the concepts of Kenobi and The Book Of Boba Fett. Give Boba Fett the action-packed series about what he's doing in the present, and give Kenobi the slower-paced series with old, broken Obi-Wan having flashbacks to his time with Anakin and how that bond they shared is effecting him in the present. I would have loved to see what Hayden could have done with Anakin free of George Lucas' writing/directing, and not have to rely on the Clone Wars show to see the Obi-Wan/Anakin friendship. Good ending though, even if the rest of the series felt a bit flat. Also, was it just me or did something look off about Qui Gon? Almost like they had Liam Neeson in too much makeup or something...
@reek4062 2 жыл бұрын
I don't want to disrespect Temuera Morrison, but he's too old and fat for an action-packed show.
@Sarnatuile 2 жыл бұрын
Liam Neesons beard was a bit too thick lol. Guess hair grows in the afterlife.
@Intelligenzbestie 2 жыл бұрын
The Story about a (male) main character learning to care for a child has become very common overall. Other examples include "the last of us" or "the witcher". I recommend the Video by the Channel "just write" about the "daddening" in video games.
@eyesack2007 2 жыл бұрын
One of the shows ever made
@ikoandreas5085 2 жыл бұрын
I can agree on that one. The plot was happening. The actors were acting (kinda). The dialogue was spoken. The battles were fought. This is definetly a show that exists
@bigben1081 2 жыл бұрын
This should’ve been a movie rather than a show
@dimitrescu182 2 жыл бұрын
I saw someone in KZbin who's idea for an Obi Wan movie is a small scale self contained story in Tatooine where a reluctant Obi Wan, who's having a crisis of faith, help a group of peasant farmers being abused by local bandits or gangsters. He would be pushed into using his Jedi skills which would then lead the bandits to hire someone like Cad Bane or Maul to take him out.
@jokerzwild00 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely should have been a movie. So much fluff in this series. Your thoughts are spot on. I made a comment when they announced Christiansen's return saying what are they actually going to use him for? A cracked mask scene? A digitally retouched flashback? I'm sure hundreds or thousands of people predicted the same things because they were pretty much all that could be done with him. Don't get me wrong I loved seeing him in the role again but fuck it seems wasted on this show. People just wanted the cracked mask scene, that's what this whole entire show was based on and that's why it was the pinnacle of the series. It was the only thing of worth to come out of it and on top of that it had been done before, arguably better because I felt like if you had watched TCW you felt a stronger connection between Ashoka and Anakin than Obi Wan and Anakin. Eh, not horrible but not necessary. I'd have been happy with a short film that was basically a small setup and then the final episode. Most people just wanted to see the cracked mask scene in live action. We got it, but it was not exactly a thrilling time getting there. Edit: and I really, really hope they see the fan reaction to Hayden's portrayal of Vader and bring him back for something substantial. I'd take a film based on the Vader comics or something.
@superjlk_9538 2 жыл бұрын
The only think I liked in this show was Obi-Wan apologizing to Anakin. Then Vader has to go and ruin it by providing Obi-Wan with his lie about Vader killing Anakin. We didn’t need to know where that line came from. I i-Wan was obviously hiding the truth to protect Luke from turning to the dark side.
@darthhaggis9252 2 жыл бұрын
Disney plots only contain 1) Jokes 2) explosions 3) As many easter eggs as possible
@123LORDOFHELL 2 жыл бұрын
The story of Reva honestly could have been a show of its own. The story of an Inquisitor that's out to kill Vader sounds intriguing. I honestly wouldn't mind a show or movie with a straight up villain protagonist tbh...
@bradwilles5152 2 жыл бұрын
starkiller essentially. It's not canon. They can just copy the story and put reva in it. Hell make her a clone or something
@oldhead438 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds boring and generic
@frozen8538 2 жыл бұрын
@@oldhead438 Yeah. Thats sounds like an absolute dogshit premise. You people do remember that we know how the story ends yes?
@123LORDOFHELL 2 жыл бұрын
@@frozen8538 Sometimes its not about knowing how the story ends. It's about knowing the journey in how we got there. We knew the Jedi would get wiped out and Anakin mangled in Revenge of the Sith. We knew the Rebellion would get the Death Star plans in Rogue One. We knew Magneto would become a villain at the end of First Class. We knew Arthur Fleck would become Joker at the end of Joker.
@ThisGuysMason 2 жыл бұрын
To me their last fight was the one in episode 3 (of the movies) and I’m just going to stick with that being the real canon of their last fight, also I feel like having a fight put into the show between them just feels really similar to the new trilogy with Ray beating kilo in the first movie, like if our hero’s journey has reversed and it’s our villains who nearly escape our insurmountable hero and there’s a reason why it’s bad writing. The build up really nuanced with them not meeting until the original trilogy really made it a homecoming and made it feel almost wholesome, like a friendly duel “when I left to you I was but the learner, now I am the master” really feeling like “look I have learned so much between our time apart”. Now it’s bitterness and resentfulness like the two French officers constantly dueling until one is dead outta hatred, I really just hate the fight cause it retcons such a beautiful nuance in the movies. Respect and almost Vader wanting obi wan to be proud of how far he has come.
@jelmervanriet790 2 жыл бұрын
my favorite line was: Anakin, you may have been the chosen one, but I am the Obi-wan!
@qp7975 Жыл бұрын
I still hate it to this day that they had darth and obi encounter each other. Stopped watching when that happened
@dragoonmaster4133 2 жыл бұрын
I think this one interaction from ANH best describes this show: “When I met you I was but the learner, now *I* am the master.” “Only a master of evil Darth.”
@wer123456 2 жыл бұрын
left, not met
@dragoonmaster4133 2 жыл бұрын
@@wer123456 GoOd EnOuGh
@pignatiusquercia6925 2 жыл бұрын
Bro, the scenes about Order 66 where cool. I liked seeing the Jedi actually fight back and get overwhelmed. Cool stuff.
@oXRaptorzXo Жыл бұрын
Well. Andor is everything you want
@abhimenon5430 2 жыл бұрын
the Contrarian Variety Hour is back 🔥
@dankerbell 2 жыл бұрын
not really, most people agree this show was alright but had a lot more potential and that one million cameos and references all the time don't make a show
@CommentaryOutpost 2 жыл бұрын
Almost everyone dislikes this show man
@Skyewardbound 2 жыл бұрын
@@dankerbell It was a reference
@zac-1 2 жыл бұрын
Star wars has gone to shit since 1999 anyway
@abhimenon5430 2 жыл бұрын
I was just making a joke, I love cosmo 😂😂😂
@arnettrabaker4872 2 жыл бұрын
That gut punch you feel when someone calls Hayden Christensen, who is the same age as you-elderly.
@YourGuySmallFry 2 жыл бұрын
I can see why people were disappointed by the pacing and sloppy story telling of certain moments. But as a whole, I enjoyed the narrative they told, especially Darth Vader. This is the best I think we’ve ever seen him in live action, and the ending of the second Obi-Wan and Vader fight actually had me crying.
@chicomac8450 Жыл бұрын
A 6 is very generous
@VelCroweBar 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite part of the show was when Reva was defeated by SpongeBob in his Super Saiyan 3 transformation.
@pyguy7 2 жыл бұрын
There is ONE puzzle piece that Obi-Wan show addressed that was missing before this point: Leia's familiarity with Obi Wan. In "A New Hope" Leia seems to know Obi-Wan really well when pleading for his help in the message. It has to be more than just "my father knew you in the war". Well yeah, the reason is because Obi-Wan and Leia went on AN ADVENTURE together! And this show displays that adventure. It's the one puzzle piece that this show fits so well as. It fits perfectly like a glove between the two movies.
@hyperfixatedd 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for pointing this out!
@imperatornoinga3646 2 жыл бұрын
No it doesn't. The message was not that in depth and it never had to be. Now the show has to explain how Liea can ever live a normal life after her and her father have been confirmed to be Jedi sympathizers
@superjlk_9538 2 жыл бұрын
There was no missing puzzle piece. Now the Empire knows that Leia and her father are traitors. Leia didn’t know Obi-Wan. She had no emotional reaction to his death
@froddobaggins 2 жыл бұрын
"Its like poetry, it rhymes" man shut the hell up
@theGodfather5870 2 жыл бұрын
bro, when you said about the guys having fun and not caring about if people were being dicks about their movies, I legit teared up and did mad snaps and a loud "FUCK yeah! that's what it's about!!" to nobody around me 😂🙏🙌 mad props bro
@jwalkergamingmaster9303 2 жыл бұрын
I liked the show purely cause I went into it expecting basically what I got. I didn’t expect it to be some masterpiece. Especially sense the pushbacks and reshoots happened. I honestly thought it was gonna be bad. It ya like you said it wasn’t Mando S1. But it was a good story
@BigTorr704 2 жыл бұрын
Didn't expect much either and I was still disappointed.
@maineman5757 2 жыл бұрын
This show had some really cool moments. I can certainly give it that.
@Puppy_Puppington 2 жыл бұрын
The best content is seeing obi wan survive his day to day life. The intricacies of daily tattooine life. That’s such immersive interesting stuff. And seeing him interact with others. Explain or show his feelings more. Man such wasted potential
@darandomdog 2 жыл бұрын
My favourite episodes are definitely 3 and 6. Episode three truly showed how weak and afraid Obi-wan has become, and how Anakin is completely gone in those moments of pure hate. They made Darth Vader scary in a few ways. This is genuinely my favourite live action Starwars show other than Mando of course
@3DInnovations70 2 жыл бұрын
The only other live action show was bobf
@86tharmouredregiment Жыл бұрын
Probably unpopular opinion but I think Andor is the best piece of star wars ever made, it explores one of my favourite times in star wars.
@joeiorio9654 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh, Kenobi was such a gift. It means so much to me and it really impressed me. It’s one of the most emotional experiences in the Star Wars franchise. I’d give it a solid 8/10 Also Marcus…I love how you think the consensus “Obi wan teams up with Baby Leia” is a bad pitch…when it’s one of the most interesting pairings in SW. i have told people on this premise and they have not even WATCHED a single Star Wars
@ishaanhall78 2 жыл бұрын
You realize how high of a score 8/10 is?
@sebastian-zi9yq 2 жыл бұрын
@@ishaanhall78 he forgot to put 1. before the eight
@joeiorio9654 2 жыл бұрын
@@sebastian-zi9yq 18/10 babyyyy
@joeiorio9654 2 жыл бұрын
@@ishaanhall78 “It’s great, but it has some issues”
@GiuseppeDeRosa2001 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been looking forward to this 😏
@robadob55 2 жыл бұрын
At best this show was a 7 for brief brief moments. In its entirety I’d give it a 5/10 strongly propped up by McGregor and Christenson’s acting. The script was so so bad and didn’t need to be. They forced Leia into the show when they didn’t need to. Obi and Vader could have crossed paths much much more organically just from digging into Obis guilt and Vaders obsession with catching him. The scene of Vader merking villagers would have been a good way to get them together the end no kidnap plot necessary lol then you could have it be a Vader chasing Obi and Obi leading Vader away from Luke. End of story but the story didn’t ever need to happen anyway so there’s that
@aneru9396 Жыл бұрын
6:40 On that comment about not watching bad batch, yeah. I haven't exactly completely hit forever on all of Star Wars, so I'm mostly just watching season 2 for the episodes that delve deeper into that Americanism tossing their Soldiers like used toys and how the Soldiers react to that realization aspect of the show's story.
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