I have three, one for a fantasy rpg, one for sci-fi, and a 20th/21st C vault for modern day games. That'd divided by genre, not game - I have more than one system for the modern day one. So I totally agree it makes it tidier - but I also like having different themes for them. The parchment feel of the fantasy vault, the sci-fi fonts in the space vault, it helps me get into the headspace for writing.
@JoshPlunkett Жыл бұрын
Yeah I love having different themes for different settings!
@chr9s833 Жыл бұрын
I DM both a Rolemaster game and a D&D5e game both in my homebrew world. For me keeping the two games in one vault makes sense because I want the interactions between the games to impact the "canon" of my world and occasionally impact the other game. In other words, what happens in my Rolemaster game can affect my 5e game. So I need a single world wiki. My 5e rules are in one folder and my Rolemaster rules are in a separate folder. For all the homebrew material there is just a single folder regardless of the game system. For creatures, all my Rolemaster creatures are entered as homebrew creatures (i.e., there is no SRD for the Rolemaster creatures). I label them as CreatureName (RM). That way when I search for a Goblin, I see "Goblin" and "Goblin (RM)" pop up making it easy to distinguish between the two game system creatures. Same for adding a creature in an Initiative Encounter. I also use a frontmatter keypair "system: " and either put 5e or Rolemaster as the key pair so when I create tables and lists, I can filter them by the game system if I need that distinction. It is a bit of a pain. Especially when I run into NPC's created in one system and they show up in the other system. But that just means some material for NPC's is duplicated in a Rolemaster version and a 5e version. That's really the only issue.
@JoshPlunkett Жыл бұрын
Nice idea with the naming. You can stick the real name in the alias: frontmatter also.
@louisxiv-x7d Жыл бұрын
Take a look at Nicole van der Hoeven's Obsidian TTRPG setup for an example of multiple campaigns in a single vault. I currently prefer to use multiple vaults. I run one campaign and play in three or four others, all homebrews with little content overlap. The single vault approach is interesting to compare though.
@windpeoples Жыл бұрын
Trying to setup a 7th Sea campaign in Obsidian. A total newb, so very thankful.
@JoshPlunkett Жыл бұрын
Don't work in isolation. We have so many people who can help. discord.gg/6QQGE2eS
@scumlee2068 Жыл бұрын
im curious about this. Im new to PF and wish to run some offical setting stuff, however ive become obsessed with worldbuilding which has brought me to obsidian. I was looking for a tool similar to World Anvil for Worldbuilding exclusively (run my game in foundry) how would you go about the "Vault" setup for something like that ? Would it be wise to simply keep them isolated from each other?
@JoshPlunkett Жыл бұрын
I would have one vault. The mechanics of the world (pf rules) would be contained within one folder structure while I keep the world in a different folder structure. This way the rules and world are both referecable notes. I would then have a third parent folder structure where I plan my sessions. I would have notes for my plan and then journal notes for what actually happened. They would both reference world and rules are required.
@scumlee2068 Жыл бұрын
@@JoshPlunkett im currently in the process of setting everything up now! thanks at first this looked insanely overwhelming lol personally the sourcebook look i fell in love with and like the idea of having my own content offline! I have zero coding experience so luckily i got your videos lol
@JoshPlunkett Жыл бұрын
@scumlee2068 don't struggle alone mate. We have a whole community in here helping each other learn and improve. And don't forget. Put your code/syntax in templates so you don't need to write it each time! discord.gg/nV3Uf98B
@champo976 Жыл бұрын
Bc its all folder based, wouldn't it be pretty easy for me to have like a "5e general" vault that has bestiaries, spells, etc, then have separate vaults for campaigns I'm running/working on, then when i play a specific campaign i can either copy paste all the campaign material into my general vault or all the general info into my campaign vault? Seeing that much stuff would overwhelm me i think I'd prefer to only be looking at the exact campaign im running and the general info I need. Also just started learning obsidian from you yesterday. Im hooked! your tutorials are amazing thanks so much
@JoshPlunkett Жыл бұрын
You probably need to go have a look at the cli videos. Getting the mechanics you need isn't too hard tbh. Moving folders in and out of vaults constantly isn't a great idea though. It will impact on your linking and indexing constantly.
@marcushasopinions Жыл бұрын
If you ever get a sim-link to work, let us know! I had a look at that but it makes my head hurt 😂
@JoshPlunkett Жыл бұрын
I really should see if I can get it working. I try and avoid over complicating things. I often implement something and then 6 months later sit their scratching my head wondering wtf i did and why 😁