Answering a followup question someone sent me on another social media site related to this video: Are okra leaves edible? Yes they are, I never mentioned it because I only have a few at a time but if you have a lot, or you simply want to make the most of the entire plant, you can use them about any way you can use lettuce, cabbage, bok choy ... in soups, stews, or salads. I've heard of people also blanching and freezing them for later use but I have never done that.
@wfrench21536 ай бұрын
As a new gardener 25 years ago I got tired of my arms getting stung up picking okra. I took a machete and sliced leaves off from the bottom towards the top. An old timer friend said I'd ruined the plants and they'd die. Well, the plants didn't care and I picked a lot easier and I think it produced more. Thankful I followed my instincts. And glad to learn your method, too!
@sharpridgehomestead6 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience with okra. I just recorded this video a few days ago and uploaded it the same day I recorded it, left all plants with 2-3 small leaves and they all have 4-6 full sized leaves already. I recorded a video of them yesterday but haven't edited it yet. I don't know why they go into overdrive growing when you do this but it does work. I suspect its like fruit trees, the reason you prune fruit trees in the winter is for more vigorous growth in spring .... I'm not a scientist and don't claim to know everything but its the same effect for okra, pruning lower leaves causes it to grow super fast and over-produce.
@Owl49096 ай бұрын
new sub and first time okra grower , long time farmer, thanks for this tip, ive about a dozen plants ill do all but a couple to prove you right, stay tuned
@sharpridgehomestead6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the subscription. You will be surprised at the noticeable difference in growth and production between those you tear leaves off of and those you don't. Feel free to leave any tips or comments on any videos. I love seeing people helping people learn and grow. God bless!
@sharpridgehomestead6 ай бұрын
I hate this new youtube layout on desktop ... anywho, I forgot to mention, you do this trick until okra stops producing. I can tell you its not uncommon to have okra grow 12-15 feet tall so have a ladder ready.