Old Yu-Gi-Oh was AWFUL - Here's Why!

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@Begeru 4 ай бұрын
As a kid, I remember opening Solemn Judgement out of a Metal Raiders pack and thinking it was terrible. HALF your life points? No way that’s worth it 😂
@BensonMTG 4 ай бұрын
Same here, along with seven tools of the bandit
@sam7559 4 ай бұрын
That kinda because it was at least not as good as it is today. Judgement is only as good as the action it negates, paying half your LP to stop your opponent from using monster reborn to SS a 1800 beat stick is only good if you think that beat stick is going to do half or more damage. Stopping your opponent from being able to create a board of 69 omni negates with 420,000 damage that can attack directly is worth 4,000 LP.
@HauntedHemo13 4 ай бұрын
It WAS terrible back in the day lol its funny seeing it become so amazing later on
@teafollet5361 4 ай бұрын
Imperial Order is like a Royal Decree but it costs Life Points? It's so baaaaaad
@MrEffectfilms 4 ай бұрын
I thought the same
@Zeral__ 4 ай бұрын
It’s not that we miss old yugioh. We miss back when nobody we knew was running meta at the playground.
@fsanmiguel666 4 ай бұрын
Don't forget convoluted the summoning methods that are around these days
@knockout8157 4 ай бұрын
@@fsanmiguel666the summoning methods really aren’t confusing in the slightest. More often, it’s the effects that go along with them that make them seem more confusing than they are.
@markedfang 4 ай бұрын
I really liked Synchros when the signature dragons just protected your board or blue up your own board. XD (Stardust and Red demon) Then in the XYZ era the protagonists signature character "negates 1 attack once per turn." The issue really isn't with summoning mechanics that are confusing or hard to understand. You just "do thing card say" much like fusion or rituals. What makes it baffling to people is the huge amount of special summoning from literally everywhere and cards that can just say no to things and are indestructible. And the worst part is ... being indestructible as a boss monster isn't even close to being good enough to be playable. but when your old deck is jumping through hoops to summon a blue eyes and the fucker across from you just eats it on the spot, you really don't feel like you're playing the same game anymore, and you're not, and some people miss that old style of play.
@JesterQueenAnne 4 ай бұрын
​@@markedfangif you were going through hoops to summon Blue-Eyes at any point of the game's lifespan, you were playing a terrible deck that would lose to any semi-competitive list. It's never been a modern yugioh thing, it's always been a playing a playground pile of cards against decks built to win.
@Paul-vq6jk 4 ай бұрын
Top Comment, but still underrated
@CG078TZ 4 ай бұрын
As an old school player, I legitimately won a tournament with my beloved Yata Garasu, guess how? The opponent activated the effect of Chaos Emperor Dragon, and without any cards in both hands, I drew Yata. 😂
@M_Customized_Box 4 ай бұрын
bro really had the heart of the cards 😭
@kayiness 3 ай бұрын
Man had plot armor irl
@babysinclairfan 4 ай бұрын
The thing is that we don't miss the 2002-2004 meta. We miss childhood memories. So I don't think old Yugioh was awful. Just old competitive Yugioh.
@dennisbowen452 4 ай бұрын
Yeah. Not to mention the current game is dying hard too.
@TheRealJohnux 4 ай бұрын
​@@dennisbowen452that's probably more to blame on Konamis terrible print and Reprint philosophy in the tcg that makes staples unaffordable aswell as makes entry costs for the current Format or keeping up unsustainable. Also the bs they pulled when they introduced link and basically half of the yugioh Community quit the up to date game when they did.
@painvillegaming4119 4 ай бұрын
@@TheRealJohnuxthe only link I rock with is the black luster soldier cause man that archetype needs all the help possible 😓
@Monkeylighthouse 4 ай бұрын
​@@dennisbowen452not really, it's never gonna be at the level it was at it's peak, but it's definitely not dying, not in player count, not in money being made, and it's probably not going to die anytime soon
@feder373 2 ай бұрын
Old meta was more complex than this video tells. Hand control decks didn't rely on those 3 powerful limited spells, it was a more complex strategy that involved lots of monsters such as Kycoo and Don Zaloog. Yata-lock and Scientist FTK are easy to do on paper but in reality they bricked a lot or were inconsistent so they didn't top most of the time. Most of the tops were slow and control decks.
@justinmasuda4227 4 ай бұрын
I think most people liked the basic simplicity of old yugioh. Most of us as kids never played super meta decks. So it was more fun just using basic rules play a monster attack turn over maybe tribute summon. Now ots just too much with all the combo bullshit. I think people just want something simple and digestible which old yugioh felt like.
@WhipLash42o 4 ай бұрын
Old Yu-Gi-Oh felt that way to you because you weren't getting completely fucking sacked by power spells every other game. No one wants to talk about it, but power spells and traps completely warp old school Yu-Gi-Oh. And they did for several years before the game started making shifts towards more monster oriented gameplay as opposed to "Congratulations you opened 3 of your broken limited Spells/Traps and your opponent didn't. Enjoy watching them get aggravated at having effectively lost the game turn 1 but still playing it out like they have a chance."
@justinmasuda4227 4 ай бұрын
@@WhipLash42o maybe so but old yugioh was just easy to understand. Normal summon monsters 4stars or lower. 5&6 stars 1 tribute 7&8 2 tributes. Play a spell and it's obvious what it does. The game is just too much now like a million different ways to special summon things xyz monsters link monsters. Like I said old yugioh was broken but it was simple.
@ericbiggdogg7337 4 ай бұрын
Buut compared to now,yugioh is to over powerd,you all talk about power scaling of old school,it's pale in comparison to now,where every deck is broken and unfair...I played since the beginning the ones he is talking about were only in small percentage cause most people didn't have half these cards...yeah we all loved to have a mirror force costing over a $100..for example he talks about hand stripping,If I remember didn't we dark world do that a little? Yeah I love milling and exiting kashtira and locking you out of playing over tine or runick,all the spam decks where you got two parts....man this video is nothing but a complaining video...old school over all is far more balanced then modern yugi oh
@a28skullking 4 ай бұрын
@@ericbiggdogg7337back then as well a lot of me and my friends where basically playing all the same cards with a variety mainly in monsters. I remember getting my arse handed to me a few times but you’re right in that today my opponent can set themselves up with several negates and few monsters with 2000+ attack all in their first turn. So when it it is (finally) my turn I have to count how many negates they have and hope I have the cards in hand to burn through them and then try to start something but even if I burn cards on the negates and get a monster out it won’t be strong enough and even if I can use its effect they might still have effect veiler/ imperm/ash etc. Yu-Gi-Oh! used to be about the draw where a good hand can set you up well but a good draw can destroy your opponents progress. And on the back of that it wasn’t like I could then just summon 8000 attack points worth of monsters and beat you. I had to then slowly build my attack power by way of summoning mostly one monster per turn.
@RollingCalf 4 ай бұрын
It's mind boggling that Konami only uses their experience to make more complicated cards instead of better ones. The game started as a mess and has just gotten messier.
@hoshi314 4 ай бұрын
They never missed the old format like GOAT or Edison or Time Wizard. It was "playground" format where rules can be bent like nobody's business, the childhood memories so they say "when things in life are simple as it can be" which applies to many things in life AKA "nostalgia". Old school competitive YGO was a warzone LOL
@troytheboy1985 2 ай бұрын
the i suck at the game and will make up rules to win and dont really care about card games and just need my fake needs met
@TempestDacine 4 ай бұрын
As a longtime yugioh fan I mostly agree with this video but to throw a bone to casuals ygo is alot harder to enjoy at a kitchen table level now than it used to be in og/gx era due to the increase in complexity. I think most people now arn't under illusions that og yugioh as a competitive game wasn't flawed but its hard to say the game now isn't just worse for the casual player. Good history showcase!
@Yuripunk2077 3 ай бұрын
Old yugioh actually felt like a card game. You put down a card, they put down a card. With any luck, your card beats their card. It was simple and satisfying. You would never be in a situation where you had to pause the game for 15 minutes to explain how you just combo'd half your deck out in the first turn.
@aliesterus1.023 4 ай бұрын
The funny thing is, I've recently learned the early TCG players had it good. Believe it or not, early OCG managed to be _worse_ than early TCG.
@valutaatoaofunknownelement197 4 ай бұрын
Well, I mean early OCG was the beginning of the modern game, and so of course there were lots of rough edges and pitfalls plaguing the early casual and meta games. Glad Sangan and Witch can't search if sent to the grave anywhere in the TCG.
@aliesterus1.023 4 ай бұрын
​​@@valutaatoaofunknownelement197they managed to enable a Cannon Soldier FTK _on its release._ How do you do that?!
@valutaatoaofunknownelement197 4 ай бұрын
@@aliesterus1.023 Jango Zone has a history of the OCG series. The search when sent from everywhere for Sangan and Witch of the Black Forest was used to enable an Exodia Z/F/O-TK deck in the OCG prior to their first errata and limits on Exodia parts.
@aliesterus1.023 4 ай бұрын
@@valutaatoaofunknownelement197 No, I know, what I mean is, how the hell do you manage to entirely overlook an FTK when designing cards?! Hell, they pretty much overlooked two!
@valutaatoaofunknownelement197 4 ай бұрын
@@aliesterus1.023 Oh. Sorry about that. On the topic itself: I'd ask a game designer.
@markedfang 4 ай бұрын
I think the issue with analyzing old competitive yugioh is that when you're talking about things like chaos emperor being legal, these weren't cards you'd often have on the playground. I believe crush card was a prize card? ... Having a difference in player behavior and much looser game design allowed from interesting moments to occur naturally. Now the "cool things" are baked into card design, and is the intention of a lot of archetypes, it just ends up feeling a lot less interesting to do those things. A lot of criticism about newer yugioh is that a lot is happening and you really need to know the decks you're playing against. Like, it's insane to think that not only can a single normal summon spiral heavily out of control. It can do this through multiple negates. negates that your opponent summoned earlier. I have had games where I've synchro summoned a full board of synchro monsters including the EMZ (Jet warrior my beloved.) Not only is it possible to end with more mid to high level monsters on a board than you start with in your opening hand, you can do this all while replenishing your opening hand fully, too. Interaction in yugioh used to be explicitly turn based and with turns getting longer and end boards getting stronger, off-turn player interaction became more of a necessity, but I strongly believe that the people that yearn for old school desire a world where the term "end-board" can't even be used. I was completely fine with normal summon thunder king pass being peak gameplay. It made the game much more about resource management vs a world where that stuff is just baked into archetypes infinitely replenishing themselves.
@samijeh3682 4 ай бұрын
This is very well said!
@four-en-tee 4 ай бұрын
While i get where you're coming from, i think it still comes down to personal preference. Having come into Yugioh from Smash Ultimate, I happen to really like the breakneck pace of the modern game and the constant race for both players to try and lock down the board. Like, there's a certain high that I get from, say, setting up a GP PUNK endboard while negating Nibiru in the process that just can't be beat. Its simply exhilerating when after days of construction, all the pieces in your deck just suddenly work together like a well oiled machine. The big problem, I think, is that this design ethos is just hard to balance the game around. Konami needs to be more proactive with the banlist. But i do agree with you in the sense that I wish the casual scene was much larger. Playing non-meta is always more fun for both people involved.
@pineapplemaster2114 4 ай бұрын
they were more important than maxx c is important to master duel, this is when you see how powerfull those cards were
@OvercastYGO 4 ай бұрын
Yeah and couple that with the fact that many of the cards mentioned in this video are either still banned today, spent 15+ years on the banlist or had to be errata'd to come off the banlist.
@500938ful 4 ай бұрын
​@@OvercastYGOand then you got the IO incident
@ecthelionv2 4 ай бұрын
​@@500938ful the what incident?
@500938ful 4 ай бұрын
@@ecthelionv2 the years IO was unbanned with an errata until it got banned again
@SaberWolf94 4 ай бұрын
You are absolutely wrong and so is this smartass trying to make an "educational" video about the subject. Most of the power cards available in the 2002-2003 period were a lot more balanced given the slow nature of the game. If we assume that players had all the cards to build the best decks it also negates your maxx c comparison and the nonsense this guy is saying. That's because in that scenario both players have all those tsples in their deck and even if we don't see the same cards you always have a blend of these old power cards. Cards like Imperial Order BEFORE the errata is actually more balanced in those old formats compared to an errated Imperial Order in a modern format where the game is much faster. That's because if you can't play spell cards for 1 turn that is enough for your opponent to OTK you on the next turn but that wasn't the case in 2002-2003 formats. You actually had time and options to do something even if your opponent played Imperial Order. Was it still a strong card and potential win condition? Absolutely. But it isn't as simple as what this guy's saying. By LON there were also enough power cards to be considered staples that you wouldn't even have space to run all of them unless you wanted your deck to well above 40 cards. So player card preference and teching becmae even more of a thing. Things started to get out of hand with IOC in 2004 but indeed that's when cards started to get fully banned.
@soukenmarufwt5224 4 ай бұрын
OCG 1999 to 2001 was an even worse time then the TCG Even after the first FTK (which was Exodia) in OCG 1999, many more busted decks and strategies started to come up. OCG 1999 was the only time you could play three Pot of Greed and Graceful Charity, also low rarity cause OCG Konami at the time underestimated many power cards, while giving bigger rarities to useless or underpowered cards. Back then, there was only one usable trap, which was Trap Hole, many traps either did not exist or were flat out terrible. OCG 2000 was not a good year to play YGO, even in 2001, OCG meta was some of the most toxic retro format anyone could lay their eyes on. You think ban list now adays are a laughing stalk. OCG prior to 2004 limited lists were a complete joke, August 2001 limited list being the worst one. All they hit was Megamorph despite very little OCG decks at that time played it (same format where Delinquent duo was semi limited btw.) Konami could never get away with such a terrible ban list these days. OCG in it's early years was not a fun time. If anything it's much much worse then people make it out to be.
@zander2758 3 ай бұрын
Thanks to cimoooo series on the OCG at least more people are becoming aware of how awful those early formats were, for like 90% of people that just played the game om the playground or with friends it prolly wasn't too bad since they likely just threw cards and rules together, but for the 10% that wanted to take the game even semi seriously it was very bad.
@juanmarcelo589 4 ай бұрын
I like how catapult turtle still a FTK enabler until this day, with combos like clock wyver FTK
@ultrachrisgeometrydash 4 ай бұрын
The effect can only be used once per turn. It has changed years ago.
@juanmarcelo589 4 ай бұрын
@@ultrachrisgeometrydash I know, and it still broken. I have lots of catapult turtle FTK decks in Master Duel.
@wickederebus 4 ай бұрын
@@ultrachrisgeometrydash it is the same as Dark Strike Fighter FTKs in 2024. You just make a "bigger sacrifice" for the tribute. making a level 40 monster for Dark Strike Fighter is not the hardest thing in the game. Dinosaurs with Mecha Phantom Beasts can do it, and F.A.s can do it with their synchros. The problem is, it dies to a single Effect Veiler or Infinite Impermanence to the DSF.
@EgoChip 4 ай бұрын
When I talk about old YGO being better than modern YGO, I am talking post banlist. Post Yata, post Scientist. When they nerfed those decks and reset the game.There was a window of a few years where the game was great, fun, varied and accessible. Playing decks like Monarchs in its various forms, Goat Control, Gladiator Beasts, Lightsworn, Dark Armed Dragon, Plant Synchros. That era for me lasted until I got tired of the game and stopped playing for a while around the start of Xyz format. I got back in to the game a few years afterwards but never at the same level I was before when I was competitive. Now I am casual, and haven't been to a tournament since 2020.
@OvercastYGO 4 ай бұрын
You are right in a way, there were some good formats. But we had many frustrating formats after 2004 also. TeleDAD comes to mind.
@deliciousfirstsip 4 ай бұрын
those where the best times. those decks where a lot of fun and no one played scientist at locals. locals was probably a lot differnent than regionals. my first locals was in october 2004.
@LunaticKD1991 4 ай бұрын
I hate fools who try to say "But Yata!" when they try to say old Yugioh was bad. The major difference between older Yugioh and todays Yugioh is that back then Konami actually used the banlist to try to balance the game rather than just to sell the next broken product. Yes there were still metas back then but the game wasn't broken like it is today and it's a result of Konami's lack of focus on balance in favor of chasing money resulting in unchecked power creep which means that if you aren't playing meta aka running negates, floodgates, and cards that allow you to play on your opponent's turn then you literally aren't playing Yugioh whether it's competitive or casual. That's how bad today's Yugioh is.
@Mew2222 4 ай бұрын
My situation is similar to yours. I actively played durring that era, with also winning a lot of local and regional tournaments, with deck like Monarchs etc. It was a lot of fun and I did not struggle with any opponent tactic. I could win agianst anything durring that time but I could also lose. My experience was positive and I do not remember opponents spamming some kind of exact meta in the tournaments. There were some meta cards used but nothing that was broken and unbeatable. I left the Yugioh scene around 5D's because I grow tired of the scene and had other life priorities. When I returned, but only as casual player, I saw that you virtually cannot play without Special deck, special summons and a lot of hand traps. There are basicly only few decks which are played competitively every season. I find it frustrating the same way as @OvercastYGO desribed the old Yugioh, so I think the situation never changed, it just shifted towards a different meta. I apologize if I described the curret Yugioh wrong, as I am only a casual player, I do not know all the decks and strategies.
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
nobody played meta back then modern yugioh players who only ever play meta are judging by a metric only they care about nobody who says they like classic yugioh are saying it cause they like the meta game
@MrJuan_Vzla 3 ай бұрын
What people miss isn't "old YGO" but the nostalgia of being a kid and playing the game. Just look at how they make the distinction between “playground” and “meta."
@17Master 3 ай бұрын
Kinda hilarious how this vid completely missed the point in under two minutes. Ain't nobody had a deck like 1:27 at your friend's house or in the lunch area at school. And if they did, ain't nobody wanted to play against them.
@Danko18101993 4 ай бұрын
pot of greed, raigeki,monster reborn, dark hole etc were limited to 1 FROM THE START. It was right there in the little manual that came with every deck. There was a limited list but no ban list From the every start. Saying you could play em by 3 just shows you never bothered to read the rules. Ignoring the limited list in the beginning doesnt mean it didnt exist. Lets not mention the period where all Spell/magic cards without a symbol on them were limited to 1.
@danydady6851 4 ай бұрын
Magical scientist was not the first ever competitive ftk. It was the first competitive ftk in the tcg. The first ever competitive ftk was exodia ftk from the first ocg format. It was a tier 0 strategy and was the reason for the limited list being introduced.
@javelinmaster2 4 ай бұрын
Ah yes, back then when they didn't make cards that had hard once per turns. They clearly never thought of Butterfly dagger Elma bouncing an infinite amount of times. Konami sadly took a very long time to learn about hard once per turns.... But wasn't the list made because of chaos emperor Dragon?
@danydady6851 4 ай бұрын
@@javelinmaster2 the limited list was made because of exodia and the draw power cards like pot of greed. The banlist was made because of yata lock.
@parkouremaster 3 ай бұрын
Nothing like playing 3 charitys and 3 pot of greed + sangan and witch being able to activate by sending them from hand
@AusVtuber 3 ай бұрын
​@@parkouremasterDon't forget that at the time in the OCG, Swords of Revealing Light was ruled to still have its effect work, even if it was removed from the board.
@chiarenza451 4 ай бұрын
honestly the reason we lovede old yugioh is because we were all mostly casual player and no one knew how the meta worked. i didnt even know about yata lock or chaos decks. never heard about hand destruction decks. we played bad beatdown decks im glad i never played against meta players at the time
@rishnix 4 ай бұрын
The guy also completely neglects that this was a hobby for many of us that we were playing for fun. We weren't spending $500 on a single deck. We were using what we pulled from the packs.
@chiarenza451 4 ай бұрын
@@rishnix exactly n structure decks
@kwamesmith3214 Ай бұрын
I was even more antiquated and nostalgic… I just wanted to play by Duelist Kingdom rules… What do you mean I can’t attack the moon?!?! What do you mean I can’t launch my own monster card via catapult at your floatation ring?!?! 😂😂🤣🤣
@Schoonerbeer2 4 ай бұрын
Imagine magical scientist to summon cyber rampage dragon for an OTK in a cyber dragon deck
@Citizen_Nappa23 4 ай бұрын
Magical Scientist was banned years before Cyber Dragons were made
@GuysenseiHLJONIN 4 ай бұрын
Hence why he said "imagine".​@@Citizen_Nappa23
@mazeradeville2911 4 ай бұрын
Monster can't attack directly.
@Schoonerbeer2 4 ай бұрын
@@mazeradeville2911 it would be handy to clear a board though
@mazeradeville2911 4 ай бұрын
@@Schoonerbeer2 Assuming everything is under 2100 atk/def. Baseline stats for most boss monsters is 3000/2500
@christopherh2729 3 ай бұрын
My favorite time in Yu-Gi-Oh was 2006-2012. I feel like all the focus on archetypes and combos and everything that makes Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh was already there, but it was still more simple. Plus they still made Yu-Gi-Oh video games back then... I played every years' World Championship game and would pay so much for a new one even if it didn't have multiplayer in order to prevent market cannibalization of Master Duel. and that's not to mention all the cool side games they made like Duelist of the Roses. But I do agree that MD is so much better than YGO Online. The only thing YGO online had going for it is that YGO online 2 allowed you to walk around and chat with people, but it was still very expensive to get any cards
@SlicedMango17 3 ай бұрын
Even the worst retro format is better than modern yugioh
@drAky995 4 ай бұрын
I played the game until XYZ came out. Im to this day a big fan of the game although i dont play anymore. This video is absolutely missing the point. Ever since the banlist was introduced, the game was absolutely amazing. Yes there were frog FTKs here and there, but everyone was looking to create one of those anyways. It was about creating a perfect combo, and if somebody did, it would be immediately hit with a banlist which is totally fine. I tried to create consistant OTKs the entire time, and played antimeta regularly. So about the old yugioh was awful... nah. On the other note the things that i cant stand in the modern game is: 1) 4 effects on every card - ok, so in a year, just put 6 effects 2) Anything that messes with Special summoning is a taboo - Royal oppression is auto-win? 😂 Must be something wrong with the current state of the game 3) Using banished zone as a resource? - Ok, so now they can introduce "Obliviate" zone and "5TH dimension" zone and just reference it in card text differently. Its completely missing the point of "Removed from play" which it was for 4) Link summoning/Extra Deck usage - I dont even know where to start here All and all, i would say that Konami lost the plot. No coming back for any oldschool players for sure.
@david96x61 4 ай бұрын
I mean those were ancient times Konami was still figuring out how to make the game better and they did but i think we're back where we started in a way, the game is still a pain in the ass because meta players take 30 minutes to summon they whole deck and literally not even let me play they just negate everything. There's no such thing as casual players anymore or fun decks. To me peak yugioh was sometime between 2011-2016
@MrSkullMerchant 3 ай бұрын
Me with my skull servant deck 😎
@Gehinomlezvuvim 3 ай бұрын
Peak yugioh was October 2005 until the dad deck. When they introduced the synchros,the game died
@creak01 Ай бұрын
There was no meta for kids. I miss the days where i got a starter deck and played with friends. Then once we got 5$ from our parents we went to the kiosk and bought a pack. Which pack? The one that looked the coolest oe had the most cards in it. Did it make sense? No. Were the cards mostly unusable trash, because we didn‘t know which packs had cards for our decks? Yes. Was it the best feeling if you got some cards that where prett good and you tried to make them work in your deck? Hell yeah. That what i miss. No metas, no chains, no long turns, just kids playing cards and having casual fun.
@Bob12649 Ай бұрын
There will always be a meta meta stands for most efficient tactics available
@creak01 Ай бұрын
@@Bob12649 Well yes, in a competetive aspect with unlimited resources there will always be a meta. My point was as children we didn‘t have the knowledge or the money to play meta. We just went and bought 2 boosters that looked the coolest and hoped there was something useful in it. (Thinking back i could‘ve bought 3x starter deck and get something pretty decent to play) That was the spirit of yugioh for me. I remember reading magazines where they printed the winning champions decks including raigeki, feather duster, goblin attack force etc. But that was just a dream for us and we never knew a meta on our playground.
@sammydray5919 4 ай бұрын
People who praise old school Yugioh have most of the time NOT played it at all. They just confused playground yugioh and the nostalgia attached to it as great and just not look at how the game ACTUALLY was
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
people who played it played for fun, The meta game for yugioh always sucked from the start to now it's just that now yugioh is only the meta game and only ycs players hence why nobody plays your garbage game aside from the same 8 tournament players
@sammydray5919 4 ай бұрын
@@nagatouzumaki4047 You do know even TODAY a lot of people play this game casually right? Like there is a reason why nostalgia and anime support is still printed and selling really well. People still play their favorite decks. Be it with friends or at locals. Back then there was a huge divide between playground and meta because of multiple factors like lack of internet and in turn less accessibility. Why do you think some of the most hated strategies of playground yugioh was stuff like pacman, ordeal etc along with floodgates?? Because they were all cheap and easily accessible and secondary online market wasn't a thing. No one enjoys playing against that but people still played it because it was fun to win with it even among friends. If people had access to the toxic meta cards back then even playground yugioh would have been infested with meta. Its just that simple. Nowadays you see more competitive coverage because of the widespread internet. People still play for fun. Even competitive players play because they enjoy the game because its not like there is any good prizing support lol. People play the game and in events because they enjoy it and especially because of the social aspect of meeting and physically playing with people. Why is that so hard to grasp?
@fellowinternetstranger8700 4 ай бұрын
​@nagatouzumaki4047 you can still play it for fun with your friends. Some locals apparently hold the jank week. But don't Blane people at locals for wanting to win
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
most people at locals run meta you can find plenty of people directly saying this and most people on edopro or master duel run meta cause 99% of people who play yugioh are those who go to ycs
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
you can still play trying to win while using a deck that dont lock your opponent out of playing people who play causual wanna win but they care about having fun too unlike meta players kinda sad how every defense for modern yugioh is just some delusion locals is apparently only tryhards only using the same meta decks and it's causual jank you just saying whatever to win, it's sad
@darkpaw1522 4 ай бұрын
I just miss when your opponent’s turn didn’t take 10+ minutes, just for them to play on your turn too.
@OvercastYGO 4 ай бұрын
I really dislike the lengthy combos during the opponents turn. Master Duel turns feel longer than they are because of all the animations.
@GameCyborgCh 4 ай бұрын
@@OvercastYGO don't forget the really lengthy combos your opponent does during YOUR turn. Yugioh is just a solitaire simulator if you don't open with 5 hand traps
@buttermaster1655 4 ай бұрын
I somewhat can see the post of view but I still don’t like this argument games of yugioh still are around the same length of time the only difference being instead of games being 1-3 turns it would be around 5+ turns as players sit and think of what their plays are going to be
@buttermaster1655 4 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@GameCyborgCh i mean branded a very dominant deck for a while and one that’s still around to this day does to one hand trap it dosent require 5 some only need 1 timely placed handtrap
@wickederebus 4 ай бұрын
@@GameCyborgCh then go play Tenpai
@ToddLawrence23 4 ай бұрын
Every time I read someone saying old yugioh was better I know he never played real yugioh outside his school recess, old yugioh had its charm but it wasn't better.
@OvercastYGO 4 ай бұрын
Agreed! Although there were some good formats as well as the bad ones.
@SageTigerStar 4 ай бұрын
anytime I talk with people about missing "old yugioh", it really mostly applies to like...GX and maybe early 5D's. During GX era I could take a deck like Glad Beasts, HEROs, or Cyber Dragons and have a good time at my locals. With the 5D's era, my locals usually had about 20-25 people playing consistently at our shop, and I'd have a blast even though I wasn't using the most meta deck at the time. There was one point around the release of Crossroads of Chaos where I attended a tourney, entered with a deck built entirely from the shop's bulk-box, and ended up winning, asking the owner if I could just have the deck of cards I built out of their bulk as my prize. I can't pull something like that anymore. That's one of the big ways I've felt the "past" was more entertaining for me personally, but I'm also one voice in a sea of thousands. Just for another fun little story: I once brought out "The Wicked Avatar" when playing against an Ancient Gear player, he used Power Bond to make Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem and I told him Avatar had the same ATK+100 (8900), so he smiled all cocky-like, and entered his battle phase, then in damage step he tried to use Limiter Removal to double his ATK again. He was sooooo proud~, but I reminded him that Avatar was *always* his ATK+100. LOL. That was pretty memorable :)
@tjr930 4 ай бұрын
Whenever I see people say this I know they've never played Critter format
@AggroAggron 4 ай бұрын
Eh arguably it's more like what Formats someone prefers. But as we've seen with things like Modern Edison format, even those metas were not at their full potential. Plus I don't know many people who would wanna go back to Evilswarm Rabbit and E.Dragon turbo
@Zentai_Kun 4 ай бұрын
"old yugioh was better" while they proceed to normal summon a lvl 8 monster with no tributes
@CeaselessPounding 4 ай бұрын
What most people fail to understand is that they are not top tier competitve players, but make the same complaints. No you do not need the top deck to win a locals, or against your friends. Ive done amazing with dark world, flameswordsman infernoble, and black wings just to name a few. Against friends ill play RDA or centurion, and I never use calamity or any other flood gates / turn skips because its not fun. I dont even use shifter when I use a deck that can. Yugioh is still great fun, you just have to stop try harding when you dont have any real chance to be 1st place at a ycs
@dougneon9550 4 ай бұрын
Like no one is playing 500-600$ decks at table 500. There's so much variety, Traptrix, Noble knights, ABC but everyone hyper fixates on the TOPPEST of decks. Back in the day their was no real strategy so most older decks felt samey. Today? You can get all of Crusadia for 5$
@dagothurik1815 4 ай бұрын
I play speedroids against my friends and I’ve won games by sitting on Daiko-Duke and like 2 trap cards
@wickederebus 4 ай бұрын
@@dougneon9550 I do love me some Black Garden go second Crusadia OTK.
@Gehinomlezvuvim 3 ай бұрын
They aren't any of these players because the game has changed and now you want ONLY luck... If you play a game where you can win with 1 card if your opp won't draw a handtrap,this means that luck is the crucial factor
@dreaper7282 4 ай бұрын
Good vid Overcast. The thing about taking a look back at the past is we sometimes forget to factor in that the trends and mentalities should also reflect the past. This video is probably what would happen if we played old Yugioh today with Yugi tuber advice, digital platforms that let you build any deck, and a trend and attitude of optimization. The truth is we didn't think like that in the old days of yugioh. Take it from me. I was the kid on the block to beat. And I was good enough to win several locals events. All to say I was both an active and somewhat relevant duelist at the time and I didn't even know half the problem cards in this video were a thing before I saw people start making youtube videos about this era some years ago. The truth is besides the 1% of duelist in the world that qualified for world and regional championships you'd rarely run into anyone with more than two or three of these cards let alone 3 sets f each. Think about Kiba ripping up grandpa's blue eyes so no one could use it against him. It was kind of like that, there was a scarcity to it. A more common situation would be something like hey D-Reaper Zack down the street just challenged you to a duel but be careful he has a change of heart raigeki and a snatch steal he's tough! One of the things I miss most about old yugioh is how unique the decks were. Even with a card pool of about 1000 we saw a lot more variety in the game than we do today with a card pool well over 10,000. No one even mentions one of my old ace cards, paralyzing potion, that got me though many a jam. Anyway sorry about the essay. This video took me right down memory lane and I have to emphasizes it was more than just the card selection that was different back then it was the mindset. Keep the content coming and God blessed!
@chriswillis4960 4 ай бұрын
As someone who played back then, I can say these decks were a problem, but it was just yugioh back then. Yata lock was very frustrating for sure, Magical Scientist FTK was strong but I dont remember seeing it much, despite that it was still very common to see the card even in decks not dedicated to it as their were other cards you would want to use for their effects. I remember feeling super frustrated at cards like cyber dragon power creeping the game and making it so you could basically break the mechanics the game was based on yet for some odd reason I had no problem with chaos monsters.
@MyGamesterGaming 4 ай бұрын
I use to play in tournaments back in the day, tried to get back into it, went to a couple locals. Old yugioh IMO was in fact better.
@Bomb6A9Head 3 ай бұрын
no matter how awful old yugioh was. it was still infinite times better than what we have now
@megaspacewaffles 3 ай бұрын
What’s that?
@deliciousfirstsip 4 ай бұрын
ive played this gamefor 18 years. the game of yugioh is great and is very community driven. t doesn't matter what iteration of the game you play.
@miguelfonseca1104 4 ай бұрын
if by community you mean lack of deotorant...
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
that's the problem nobody outside of a small niche like yugioh cause it's a badly designed mess
@wickederebus 4 ай бұрын
@@nagatouzumaki4047 dude, how ignorant are you? we have record high attendance, record high views and interaction. The game is in one of the best places it has been basically ever.
@JTK_XXL 4 ай бұрын
Kinda sick that priority was still a thing in Tele-DaD 2008/2009 and was only gone in 2012 lol
@Dogma7 4 ай бұрын
Priority keeps me away from edison
@JTK_XXL 4 ай бұрын
@@Dogma7 Those formats are still fun to play, despite priority. I normally start with teaching Tele-DaD format to oldschool and former playground players. It was pretty much at this point where special summoning, the importance of an extra deck and making a board 1st turn, that kinda stops and disrupts your opponent made a huge spike. They realize how nuts it went since then, given they played the shit out of this format.
@johnmoon6200 4 ай бұрын
Old yugioh was much more easier to understand and play .
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
old yugioh was just kids having fun the players these days are all try hards
@duarteribeiro2558 4 ай бұрын
It was just bad. You have tons of card games that are simple to play, and that have interesting mechanics and that you can have skill expression, what you cant say about early yugioh
@chemicdrop541 4 ай бұрын
It's easy to understand and play, so easy that there's only one thing to understand; it all comes down to power and destruction. literally what takahashi hated. he already hated that he had to write card games instead of other games, and then its players says "f**k you" to weak cards.
@yusivishnu 4 ай бұрын
From what i've learned in Cimooo's history of OCG. Many handrip cards were designed to hard counter Exodia when it was the meta. This was when Sangan and Witch before the errata meaning it can search exodia parts from discards, not the errata version where those monsters has to be on the field first. Plus, the draw spells like Graceful Charity and PoG at maximum copies and it's really easy to fulfill Exodia wincon with just one Charity. I also wonder what "old"era are people thinking when they talk about Yugioh, since the game has so many different formats throughout its 25 years of existence.
@OvercastYGO 4 ай бұрын
Does make sense, I have very little knowledge of the old OCG from the 90s
@Gehinomlezvuvim 3 ай бұрын
We care about fhe TCG. None cares about what was happening in Japan.
@Gehinomlezvuvim 3 ай бұрын
The old era is BEFORE synchros... This killed the game.
@Danlight1911 4 ай бұрын
I understand every era of Yugioh has it's issues but what I really miss is card effects being relatively simple. Trying to get someone new into Yugioh now feels like a mountain of effort, Yugioh back then was much easier to learn and teach. Also I'm sick of duels only lasting 2-3 turns. I love when there's more turns and more back and forth, feels like the duel could go either way at any point rather than whoever builds their board up with the most negates wins.
@zedja71 3 ай бұрын
Meanwhile current Yugioh: *Rock, paper, scissors* “Okay I’ll go first” “Alright good game” *Shakes hand*
@OvercastYGO 3 ай бұрын
Not necessarily, The going first player has an advantage but there's plenty of hand traps and board breakers to play from second.
@zedja71 2 ай бұрын
@@OvercastYGO Soooo much better than old Yu-Gi-Oh 😂
@nephthys4844 4 ай бұрын
the truth is that modern Yu-Gi-Oh is in its worst format, the difference in power between decks is so big that the meta is reduced to a few decks.
@OvercastYGO 3 ай бұрын
This has been the case for most of the game's history, with the exception of a few formats like GOAT.
@TrollCapAmerica 3 ай бұрын
The big difference is the old FTK and ridicukously OP deks always felt like an accident. Like the consequences of a few cards combined to make somehting way to good or something like the Chaos monsters seemed like they came from the future tio conquer ancient Yugioh. Honestly the game was great all the way through the XYZ era when they finally balanced good archtype creation with balnce and variety. Its just end XYZ/Pendulum era they stopped caring about balancing and tied to sell the next set by creating new Archtypes just better than all previous ones with a laundry list of effects a connect the dots style "Duurrr the effect is draw my next combo piece durrr" all ending on multiple boss monsters with negates and usually with RFG or graveyard effects so if you do handle some part of it they still end up in the same spot and all of it BY DESIGN now
@troytheboy1985 2 ай бұрын
who cares if it was an accident all of this games top early years was ftks
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
old school yugioh had it so you can play any deck you wanted where with modern yugioh it's play meta or get ftk'd
@acasualgameryt6978 4 ай бұрын
True, I miss old school yugioh (yugioh about 6 months ago) too
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
I was more meaning pre synchro era yugioh speed of the game outright killed player choice in terms of actually having viable selections 99 percent of the card pool is outright not viable to use, that's not the case in any other card game so what's yugioh's excuse?
@pedrodarosamello64 4 ай бұрын
If you actually play it's hoenstly the opposite, old yugioh was dominated by 1 tiered super deck or decks so similar they only had differences in like, 10 or so cards While morn yugioh you will likely see at any given even 5-8 different decks top, with many more putting decent results and being rogue contenders.
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
Actually play ie play at ycs not everyone wants to play at tournaments lol As for only couple viable decks dude that's literally modern yugioh rn it's snake eyes at least you can run whatever if play causual that's not the case for modern yugioh
@isleofredemption 3 ай бұрын
It was awful, but New Yu-Gi-Oh is not better. Unless you enjoy people playing solitaire.
@SageTigerStar 4 ай бұрын
I got to the point where you talked about Priority, and I was reminded of the time they got rid of it. Almost as soon as they got rid of it, they started printing more and more cards with "Quick-Effect", which acts basically the same as priority. Another little random ruling thing from the past: Anything that said something like "Negate the Attack" would technically Target the attacking monster (original printing of Mirror Force technically targeted the attacking monster!), this led to a lot of confusion early on in PSCT with effects like Number 39: Utopia on his release, since his attack negation doesn't target. and certain cards like Sakuretsu Armor had to have their effect errata'd to make them say that they target the attacking monster
@some2043 4 ай бұрын
quick effects are much better than old priority rule in the same time it gives a reason for on summon effects to be really good (searchers and sometimes a super poly)
@some2043 4 ай бұрын
i really hate the old priority rule it made on summon effects hold no desirable value
@OvercastYGO 4 ай бұрын
Yeah you would need something like Solemn Judgment to negate the summon if you wanted to stop the effect.
@RandomAsFunk 4 ай бұрын
Yeah it was little weird cuz we did have cards that did effects when they were summoned at that time… seem stupid to have that rule, but on upside if they called priority they had to use it
@OlgaZuccati 4 ай бұрын
i find it funny how they errata'ed catapult turtle to have a opt clause and then they leave all the cannon soldier cards in the game
@wilkobadberg5272 12 күн бұрын
TCG doesnt care about the Catapult Turtle, Cannon Soldier, Amazoness Archer Shenanigans. All of them are legal (at the Time this comment is written). Its the OCG that banned them and erratad Catapult Turtle. So the TCG also has to deal with the Erratas. The OCG could had given every Cannon-Soldier-like-Card an Errata though. But OCG might only cared for Catapult Turtle because its a Card used by Yugi in the Anime. So they dont wanted to ban it (the Card still ended up beeing banned lol).
@Serjohn 4 ай бұрын
I prefer my opponent to have 50 atk advantage rather than 3 negates advantage
@wickederebus 4 ай бұрын
Negates can be baited out. a giant wall/beast stick is a lot harder to get past. For example, Plant Link can output 6 Monsters with usually 2 to 4 Omni-Negates, and the rest of their cards are tribute effects or destruction effects. I can easily bypass most of that with Super Polymerization and a Dark Ruler No More. Or just 2 Super Poly and the necessary discard fodder that I would have in hand anyways. And you can always just Kaiju their monsters after getting rid of the Cactus Bouncer, assuming they made that play line at all.
@Serjohn 4 ай бұрын
@@wickederebus 5 blues eyes die to a dark hole
@wickederebus 4 ай бұрын
@@Serjohn yeah, fat load of good 1 Dark Blade does against a Blue Eyes
@ich3730 3 ай бұрын
ah yes the peak gameplay of 1850 beating 1800 ATK. Truly an intricate web of decisions. I was so excited of losing against a textless normal monster with my own textless normal monster because "Biggah numbah beat smol numbah"
@hyoroemongaming569 3 ай бұрын
Told you Maxx C is necessary evil
@DrQuatsch 4 ай бұрын
I think the point of "Old Yugioh" is that it mostly refers to the two very popular formats with Goat and Edison. These were both way past the original nightmare that was early Yugioh. I mean, I remember going to locals in 2003-2004 and everybody just played all the one-offs. And I was sitting there with my Relinquished deck with Senjus and such. On top of that, everybody was always eyeing your valuable cards and wanted the best possible deal to get them. I soon learned not to trade there at all. Anyway, I mostly think that the simplicity of the goat and edison formats is what attracts people to them. They don't mean this formation era. I don't think anybody likes the pre-first banlist era of yugioh. These two formats have a limited pool of cards still, especially goat, so it's way easier to know what everything does. There are multiple ways of playing, even though some strategies are somewhat better than others. And you actually get to play the game. Nowadays it's a you lose the die roll, you lose situation. You watch a person play solitaire for 10-15 minutes and then if you didn't open the outs or the hand traps, you are done and you can try the same thing in game 2 yourself, or in case of Master Duel, you can just surrender immediately and try to win the die roll next game. Anyway, to summarize; - yes, the first phase of yugioh until the first proper banlist (it was just a limited list before that) was terrible. - no, that's not what people are referring to when they say they like old yugioh more.
@Frogleeoh 4 ай бұрын
I would also like to add that even pre-2004 Yu-Gi-Oh could be considered as good as "yugiboomers" would have you believe, if only Konomi had adopted a much different banlist philosophy/policy much sooner. The general legal card pool for Vampire Format would make for a perfect pre-chaos DM era experience, if only for a sufficient Forbidden/limited list to remove the most degenerate strategies/powerful staple cards. I feel it's unfair to dismiss an "old school player's" preference for older formats even outside of Goat and Edison just on the basis that the banlist sucked. Imagine what playing traditional format in modern Yu-Gi-Oh would be like.
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
GX- Dm Causal yugioh is the only good yugioh everything else sucks
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
this guy in this video thinks people go classic yugioh good cause yata instead of idk being able to play some old anime decks for the lol's you cant have a for a lol's game in modern yugioh everything is super serious and competitive
@TheLyingFigure 4 ай бұрын
Goat format was when I considered the "good" period to start personally
@freezasama5802 4 ай бұрын
That's exactly what player mean by old school yugioh perfect summary
@emmarosie7176 4 ай бұрын
Them: i MISS OLD YUGIOH NOW YUGIOH IS META GARBAGE yugioh back then: yata gruso lock, exodia ftk, burn ftk, frog ftk, etc.
@OvercastYGO 4 ай бұрын
So true
@Citizen_Nappa23 4 ай бұрын
Yata was banned in 2002 heart of Goat was 2004-2007 Yatalock is irrelevant there were plenty of toxic plays in classic Yu-Gi-Oh in its Meta but their were stuff far more problematic than magical Scientist and the Yatalock. They were banned pretty quickly in goat Era.
@renaldyhaen 4 ай бұрын
Please show me how to consistently Yata lock, burn FTK, Exodia, etc. in 1-2 turns with the old format.
@soundrogue4472 4 ай бұрын
You have to look back and asks, "why?" people don't like turns taking 30+ minutes.
@emmarosie7176 4 ай бұрын
@@renaldyhaen bro really wanna argue that these ftk decks weren’t that bad lmao
@vaxel0068 4 ай бұрын
The problem with old yugioh is how sacky it feels and how little you can do about it. Today you have a toolbox in the extra deck you can use to maybe make a come back, but in old yugioh if you're left in a top deck situation you pretty much lost the duel. There was no strategy in old yugioh, just a bunch of cards that barely had any synergy together with as many blow outs as you could fit.
@SageTigerStar 4 ай бұрын
I played Infernity *specifically* for the Top-Deck situation. XD
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
yugioh these days is just summon million cards
@vaxel0068 4 ай бұрын
@@nagatouzumaki4047 what's wrong with that?
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
it's non interactive you just watch other dudes shuffle though their deck for 5 minutes while im able to just walk away to make a coffee and they still be spamming I wanna a game that requires active engagement not some cards summon on the table cutscene that goes on for and on better off just watching the anime
@vaxel0068 4 ай бұрын
@@nagatouzumaki4047 that's your prerogative, still doesn't change the fact that the slower the game becomes the sackier it is. I'd rather have a game plan and a win condition rather than the hope of drawing the best one offs in my deck and hope my opponent didn't (old decks were pretty much the same, without archetypes there was no room for deck buildind nor skill expression, playing anything else was cope) that's the reason why GOAT is so boring.
@wolfzend5964 4 ай бұрын
Personally, the GX era was the best we got in my opinion. It was before Synchros and every other special summon to make things one sided, it was before archetypes became too prevalent, leading to more creativity to work around it, had a ban list where there was a means to keep things balanced and fair. But that's just my opinion.
@MournfulDust Ай бұрын
Thank you for saying this, the nostalgia for old Yu Gi Oh is really going on my nerves. Just from a technical standpoint even modern, competitive, Yu Gi Oh is much less random and dependent on pure RNG. A game being complicated, expensive and unfriendly towards new players is, by itself, not saying anything about the quality of said game. It says a lot about the inability or unwillingness of the company creating it to invest money, time and workforce into alleviating those issues though.
@renaldyhaen 4 ай бұрын
Even with those good cards, FTK or OTK strategy is still far less consistent than many modern decks. The reason why YGO players didn't really care about old FTK/OTK is because you never see them consistently in 1-2 turns. Even if somehow your opponent can successfully do the OTK/FTK in 4 or more turns, at least the other player still has time to play before that. While in modern YGO, it always ends in 1-2 if don't draw a handtrap, or even if you draw it, sometimes it is not really helpful too. . Old FTK/OTK is more respectable by the players because they know it is very difficult to do at that time. You need patience, luck, etc. In modern, if you really dedicate the deck to OTK/FTK, this is far easier now. Overkill endboard in modern decks are like an "FTK" too. Waiting for a very long time to see your opponent end with 6 or more disruptions while we can only start with 6 or fewer cards in turn 2. . But most importantly, the setup in older YGO is far faster. So you can more focus on interaction like a chess. and you can feel the game as a real multiplayer game. Not a stage for a solo clown show.
@allovertheworld5048 4 ай бұрын
Yugioh's first meta deck was an ultra-consistent exodia ftk that if used today would devastate any modern deck
@fellowinternetstranger8700 4 ай бұрын
I have yet to see a goat game not decided by whoever resolved pog.
@renaldyhaen 4 ай бұрын
@@allovertheworld5048 Is it? You can check no banlist tournament in OCG last year and the GOAT META maybe only 10% or less there, and they aren't the best decks in that event. The modern decks like Tear and Zoo are still very dominant.
@renaldyhaen 4 ай бұрын
​@@fellowinternetstranger8700 Really? You still evaluate the old format with a modern perspective. People like you usually complain about something when the problem is you and your lack of understanding. This reminds me of the 2004 event in Master Duel. I saw a lot of complaints, but when they showed the game, it was just their skill. They still use modern mentality in older formats, where both formats have very different approaches. In the Modern usually, you can usually put everything on the field because not only they can be an overkill disruption to the opponent and use all of them immediately, but you can also protect your board consistently. But in older, you mostly cannot use all disruptions in a turn, also, if you put too many cards, it is possible to lose a lot of advantages because some removal like Heavy Storm, Torrential, etc. before you can use the cards, and you cannot protect them consistently. . I know in Modern, a draw 2 can give you so many advantages. But in Older format, what do you want to do with it? Summon Accesscode Talker with double ATK?
@allovertheworld5048 4 ай бұрын
@@renaldyhaen The Exodia deck I am referring to is not legal in Goat since it was created before that format, to be more specific, it is from December 1999.
@jm5600 4 ай бұрын
Nice video Just a suggestion, consider using a better microphone for improved audio quality. Interestingly, there's scientific evidence showing that audio quality plays a bigger role than video quality in keeping viewers engaged
@OvercastYGO 4 ай бұрын
Yeah I'm still new to this Youtubing thing, I need work on editing out background noise without damaging the audio quality.
@aaron1234579 4 ай бұрын
He doesn't know they had wayyyyy more otk decks before magical scientist lol
@JTK_XXL 4 ай бұрын
Maybe in the OCG, but not in the TCG and they weren't as viable as the Scientist OTK
@aaron1234579 4 ай бұрын
@@JTK_XXL Just off the top of my head: last turn, manticore & card of safe return, gearfried & butterfly dagger. (PS I actually played back then)
@lightning2279 Ай бұрын
Playing yugioh back in the duel monsters and gx eras on the casual level was some of the best if not the best yugioh has been. Most people that played old school were not the hyper competitive types that played the most unfair meta decks possible. They played far more on the casual/playground level. Which was why yugioh was so much better to me back in the day compared to now where the casual game basically doesn't even exist anymore. Alot of the "casual" decks of today frankly are bullshit just as much as the meta ones are but they are weaker either cause they are more vulnerable to hand traps or cause they require more cards in order to do the same degenerate shit the meta decks can do with far less. And even the worst decks back in the duel monsters and gx eras were still fair and balanced compared to the endless amount of horribly design decks in the modern era.
@lunacurtis780 3 ай бұрын
I played Eternal Duelist Soul, and beat it in about 5 days, using pretty much "only hindsight knowledge". It was sad how easy it was. Knowing how many cards were NOT banned, limited, or semi-limited, that later would be, did a lot. Added all the numbers together and had like an 80% winrate, or higher. I admit, around the third wave of opponents, my deck was getting to about 50 in size, and so I started losing to the more consistent tricks, and had to buckle down. Ended up boiling down to "Op beat sticks" (Gemini and Summoned Skull), draw engines, "op flip effects" (penguin soldier, magician of faith), bombs (Raigeki and HFD looping via Magician of faith), Searchers (sangan and witch, and a dark hole to "do it myself", a Last Will to cheese something out after Dark Holeing myself. Topped it off with a single Morphing Jar and a single Needle Worm, for "Plan C". Would use Graceful to toss BEWD, or Summoned Skull, and then Monster Reborn it. Simple minded strategy that I've remembered ever since one kid did it to me one time when we were like 10.
@ganymedehedgehog371 4 ай бұрын
I think one of the things that made it “better” was that the game was simple. The summons and all the mechanics were easy and you could genuinely learn to play by watching one game. No 10 minute turns, no “our” turn, it was a game rather than two solitaire players interacting time to time.
@wickederebus 4 ай бұрын
*laughs in Goat format* Sure buddy. let me just Duo you for 2, spam my Upstart goblins, Thunder Dragon, Pot of Greed, and Graceful Charity, pitch the Thunder Dragons, and set Solemn Judgments and Raigeki Breaks with 2x Night Assailant in hand, and a Magician of Faith in the graveyard. I played Goat at a old locals once every month. Let me tell you, playing Card Destruction to make the PACMAN player discard his hand of monsters, then setting Royal Decree and locking his 5 trap cards in his endphase. That was a toxic combo. Hand ripping the Monarch player and Raigeki Break/Phoenic Wing Wind Blasting his tribute fodder every turn for 4 turns was hilarious.
@ganymedehedgehog371 2 ай бұрын
@@wickederebus I’m not saying that early yugioh was as simple as blackjack, but GOAT format is a lot easier to learn and follow as opposed to how the game is played now. The smaller card pool and less summoning mechanics helps a lot. Is there a lot of abusive cards? Yes there always was and still are, but there’s less layers to understand the spaghetti mess that is yugioh.
@enigmaoftheechidna6279 4 ай бұрын
12:55 So, in all your research you forgot about the first hand trap in the the whole franchise? The one that was around since Yugi's first on screen duel, Kuriboh
@OvercastYGO 4 ай бұрын
Kuriboh didn't do anything against effect damage, therefore couldn't stop magical scientist FTK.
@djeldj 4 ай бұрын
Tldr yugioh has always been a toxic card game but damn its fun kind of toxic
@troytheboy1985 2 ай бұрын
old yugioh not fun kinda toxic lol
@TheGreatBaronOBeefDip 3 ай бұрын
Started in 02 to 05, then 07 to 09, then 14, and I went through all of this, got an original first ED BLS EotB stolen at a Books a Million, and in forbidden tournaments felt Yata Lock, Chaos Emp, and the original Crush Card, and I wish people could experience that, they need to do pre errata formats, so people will feel that pain.
@Raven5431 3 ай бұрын
Now everyone has tons of must haves. Only difference is you need a magnifying glass and a photographic memory to understand what you are playing against.
@kayiness 3 ай бұрын
Ah, the days. *RIP Gemini Elf* 🧝🏼‍♀️🧝‍♂️🕊️
@RogueHero 3 ай бұрын
That and injection fairy lily
@radandpaisley 4 ай бұрын
In the case of Deliquient Duo, that early on in the games life, life points were considered your most valuable asset. Tons of great cards that required incurring a LP loss went unused or noticed for quite a while back then.
@OvercastYGO 4 ай бұрын
The value of delinquent duos effect was more than worth the LP cost. Even by old standards. Making your opponent discard 2 cards is straight up ridiculous. But yeah you are right in a way, which is why Jirai Gumo and Dark Elf were not played much when Mechanicalchaser made its mark.
@AzIgaziMakk 4 ай бұрын
On Confiscation you could say this but on Duo cuz it's card advantage most of the time.
@robertrainford6754 3 ай бұрын
I hate modern Yugio because so many of the traps and spells cards are not compatible with a majority of monsters.
@megaspacewaffles 3 ай бұрын
@CHULAKable 3 ай бұрын
entry level play was so much lower than it is today. Its hard to deny that yugioh today has a new player problem pretty badly.
@blackzero786 4 ай бұрын
Watching people's reaction after seeing 2 Des Koala Fused together for a monster with 8,400 attack and can attack directly most try to quit before the attack lands. Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning and Chaos Dragon Envoy of the End were one of the first special summon from the Grave Archetypes including the Spirit Monsters that removed their types from play to special summon from the hand or grave. Delinquent Duo would work in such Synergy of those Danger Monsters that try to special summon themselves by discarding from the hand.
@PURPLE_G0J0 3 ай бұрын
The difference is that you can actually play the game back then instead of consistently getting FTKd almost every duel. And most people back then weren’t playing meta, that was a niche group of people.
@mnktehnikatehnika1232 4 ай бұрын
I played competitvely, on the playground and even organized my own 30 man tournaments since 2003. When I say I miss old yugioh I mainly mean pre XYZ yugioh or even early XYZ yugioh up to 2013. After 2013 game went to garbage with everyone running the same two deck Dragon Rulers and Spellbook that they copied from YCS or worlds championship. A ton of people were quitting left and right and had a tough time adapting to xyz while the rich collectors took their places and just kept buying whatever the newest best thing was and it stayed like that till this day. I miss all the tournament preparations, field trips to nationals, playing my favorite deck, playing casually with friends, deck building together. All the simplicity and creativity is gone and you have 10 minutes lenghty combos that most of the time prevent you from even playing anything when it's time to play your turn and their effects are so overly complicated and take a long time to learn. When you finally learn them they are no longer good and another thing take it's place. The only solution is to play some of the older formats or quit.
@H4R14N 3 ай бұрын
We miss oldschool yugioh because no one really knew all the cards or the meta, you never knew what cards your opponent had. Every duel was a surprise
@megaspacewaffles 3 ай бұрын
You still don’t today. Literally master duel I’ll see decks I have hardly ever seen before
@mateogarciaguerra9536 4 ай бұрын
Really awesome video. All excellent points too. Old yu gi oh was more complicated than people remember. I think what people think of old yu gi oh was the more simple portion of the game
@blackzero786 4 ай бұрын
I remember back in the day when people were freaking out of special summons from the Graveyard.
@cameronsmith4342 4 ай бұрын
​@@blackzero786when I worked nightshift at a graveyard, I for sure was freaking out.
@redgoesface1671 4 ай бұрын
This doesnt make the case that it thinks it does. Regardless of broken strategies (all games have them), the difference between old yugioh and new is that its simply easier to follow and learn. This video was basically a practice in ignoring the real problem. Even the broken strategies back then were at least simple to understand and follow as a newcomer.
@michaelhaaland6514 4 ай бұрын
I miss the old days of playing yugioh on chairs opposite sides of the room to emulate the duel field from season 1
@Hic_Sunt_Leones-o7v 4 ай бұрын
Subscribed before watching. Every single time I see someone saying "i miss old yugioh it was so much better" I wonder if they actually seen what real "old yugioh" was not the playground yugioh they're clearly thinking of.
@pedrodarosamello64 4 ай бұрын
Ppl that talk about how good old yugioh was were never been hit by consistent FTKs or Magical Scientist chesse strats, or started with 1-2 cards due to handrip effects. Ngl, before GX yugioh was just bad, hell I'd say it's best years were Shaddol BA format and 2019 Eternal format. Ppl are jsut blinded by nostalgia.
@dainiergarcia5076 4 ай бұрын
Best era was synchros, past that it was ruined.
@HorseshitDetectionAgency Ай бұрын
@lucaspodolski9643 4 ай бұрын
I played from the week cards came to Europe till my friends and me quit in 2014 when pendulums came and the drawing card rule changed. The game just got too complicated and stopped being fun. You take few months off and you just can't catch up, it becomes like a second job. It's similar to league of legends you can't just come back, you need to study all the item changes, all the champion changes and it goes from being fun to doing chores. Yeah some of the problems you mentioned did exist before especially with Mechanicalchaser, but it got fixed later on. I remember so many formats being a ton of fun and very diverse, anyone could play any deck and win it, have a chance. Now the game is worse than it ever was. It's incredibly complicated and you need to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars just to play the same mirror match every weekend. Whoever tries to have fun or play a non meta deck gets abused and quits. Cards and effects are so complicated and turns last for what feels like half an hour.
@Lordofhorses777 3 ай бұрын
Looking at what we are dealing with now, I'd rather go back to old-school games. We didn't deal with BS like hand traps and on card combos. Snake eyes weren't ruining competitive play that we see today. Though some of your complaints are right, we had it way better back then.
@-AirKat- 4 ай бұрын
Maybe it’s because I’m a new player, but I can’t stand Yugioh pre-2011ish
@Xedhadeaus 4 ай бұрын
We miss old yugioh because that's when most of us were bozos and thought using the starter deck was perfectly okay. But honestly, it was back then. Yeah the jerks that got pot of greed and raigeki were a problem, but we just stopped playing with them until they understood how unfair it was to clear the board where your only defense was penguin soldier or wabuku.
@javier5842 4 ай бұрын
Why jerks?
@nagatouzumaki4047 4 ай бұрын
because people wanna have fun
@ValensRenvhaggel 3 ай бұрын
But the ban list worked, and the game was easy to understand... that's the point
@celtic1842 4 ай бұрын
Old Yu-Gi-Oh is fun so is the new game. What's the difference is the speed of the game. The reason why people have fond memories of old school Yu-Gi-Oh is it never felt like you were going to lose and turn one. Yes did those decks exist that was the exception not the rule. When it comes to modern Yu-Gi-Oh one turn kills are more common then back then. That's the major difference between modern and classic Yu-Gi-Oh. Is the speed of the game. There's nothing wrong with wanting to play a slower game of Yu-Gi-Oh and vice versa.
@SageTigerStar 4 ай бұрын
I find it kinda funny that people make vids like this acting like literally EVERY player would play these decks. It wasn't the case. At the time of these styles of decks dominating the big event metas and whatnot, a lot of locals would maybe have like...a handful of people using them. Most people talking about enjoying old Yugioh very likely weren't just talking about what was meta at the time, they were talking about the fun local events, hanging with friends, bonding and trading the cards...These people have to remember that a lot of the folks who talk about missing the old game were also like, what...9? 13? The meta was the least of their concerns. :P
@sammydray5919 4 ай бұрын
​@@SageTigerStar The point is that people bitching about old yugioh dont actually know old yugioh. They keep confusing their fun times at the playground with what the game actually was. Thats what annoys people. Because by that logic even modern yugioh at playground level can be very fun if you exclude meta and power cards from it too.
@SageTigerStar 4 ай бұрын
@@sammydray5919 you said it yourself. if people actually had the ability to play the deck they want (imagine a world where Konami gave old archetypes viable support instead of coming up with new half-ideas and engines, maybe we’d have some Blackwing or Dream Mirror, or Magikey decks at the top tables), then maybe the game would be more accessible and fun for a wider audience. If you really take a step back and look at how deck building works now, it doesn’t really feel good. but fun is entirely subjective and the fact that it annoys people sooo deeply that someone might not like current YGO is kinda funny. Like, does it hurt anything? is their opinion going to break Konami’s icy cold heart and make them change the game to feel like the game they used to play? No. it’s always going to be a broken, exploitable mess of a game.
@SageTigerStar 4 ай бұрын
@@sammydray5919 I’ll also say that Modern YGO at a casual level can absolutely be fun, especially if you remove Meta and “power” cards from it. But there isn’t really a way to do that other than with friends. While I currently have Ritual Dogmatika and Runicks as my faves, I do have a few lower power decks for playing against my old friends who i grew up playing the game with. One of them plays Scraps, another plays an older version of HEROs, Scrap player did buy the new support for his deck and does run some newer synchro and link options. We do have a good time without the meta and power cards because our “fun” isn’t just being at the top tables or getting satisfaction from a 10-minute combo turn. like i said before, fun is subjective, but it doesn’t hurt the game you personally love.
@sammydray5919 4 ай бұрын
@@SageTigerStar I have zero issues with people not liking Yugioh. To each their own and honestly I will never say that the game doesn't have flaws. Especially the accessibility and new player issue. But what annoys people is the arguments that yugiboomers often make because of just how uninformed they are. Thats what I mean when I say that people keep confusing their playground yugioh experience with what old yugioh ACTUALLY was. Also in current day a LOT of fan favorite anime decks are very playable. Maybe not in the meta sense but honestly you can genuinely play them and have fun in a modern casual setting. And no while their opinions doesn't hurt anything directly, it does poke at the community by being needlessly toxic simply because so many of these old heads are so far up their assess that they don't even TRY to learn or understand what the game is now and just whine about modern yugioh. Like no likes to sit in front of a 10 min combo but no one wants to hear a dumbass whining about ash blossom or crying that synchros ruined yugioh for 100th time. I understand what you are trying to say but do understand the other side that is just sick of all these misinformed and unfairly biased opinions bashing the game without giving it a fair chance
@ace-solo 4 ай бұрын
People use to duel with the heart of the cards, so what the cards were very slow at least the duel didn’t end in two turns. Modern YuGiOh has made it where other TCG’s force a “mana/action point system because of how fast and unfair YuGiOh can get. I’m not dissing modern YuGiOh but let’s be honest is not newbie friendly.
@ZontarDow 3 ай бұрын
Early Yu Gi Oh survived despite how unbalanced it was because it isntan exaggeration say over 99% of games where casual ones in schools and daycamps.
@relyksdjoser6429 3 ай бұрын
Yugioh was good when my turn was my turn, not my opponents other turn. Yugioh was good when going second meant I get to start, not I’m locked out of my board and can’t activate anything. Yugioh was good when 15 minutes passed and the duel was nearly over, not the opponent was nearly done with their first turn. Yugioh was good when decks were created by putting the best cards they had together, not having to build a specific archetype. Yugioh was good when it was fun and inexpensive for friends to play together, not when it was boring and cost prohibitive to play with no one.
@megaspacewaffles 3 ай бұрын
??? Your turn is still your turn? None of these really make a whole lot of sense… Archtypes have existed since the game came out
@parkouremaster 3 ай бұрын
It's not the "old yugioh was better" it's actually "the old yugioh which we barely know and played as childs in the plauground", old competitive yugioh was boring, summon vanilla with high attack and pass, really great game
@egoalter1276 4 ай бұрын
YGO a decade ago was in the aituation MTG was in when Urza's block released. The meta was dominated by degenerate playpatterns, one turn kills, lockout effects, and an almost complete lack of interaction. Over 30 years ago WotC decided to take the health of the game over the immediate profit margin, banned most of the combo pieces, and released the second worst, and least powerful block in its history to rotate the degenerate set out of play. Following this, it took them twenty years to come close to that powerlevel again through incremental creep. YGO simply embraced this nonsense when it first happened, and became a completwly different game for it. I peraobally can not see the appeal of this type of design, but one thing os certain, it fills its own nieche. Jt is different. And perhaps that is enough.
@calic737 4 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure the big five were limited to 1 by the rules of game and not by a ban list. I think it's in the yugi and kaiba starter deck rule book.
@gabrielnovaes7306 4 ай бұрын
the old yugioh was better because it was simpler to understand and to play. Now, the game is so convoluted with so many mechanics and so many archetypes. Now, you need to understand the enemys deck better than your own deck. Other thing, before, it was simpler to create your own deck, and almost everyone play with their own deck that they build. Now, you can only play with archetypes, theres no much roon for customization. Sure, you can still create your own deck, putting cards that you like, but you will lose every match if you do so. All of that made that game boring to me, thats why i just stick with playing tag force and other games from that time
@yuumijungle548 4 ай бұрын
i think jirai guma and dark elf were totally viable back then, so mechanical chaser isnt even that good
@OvercastYGO 4 ай бұрын
I don't know about Jirai Gumo. Potentially losing 4000 LP to declare an attack was incredibly risky with what was in the format. You drop to 4000 LP then your opponent next turn plays change of heart and a normal summon and you're dead.
@yuumijungle548 4 ай бұрын
@@OvercastYGO if your opponent has a mechanical chaser and you dont, then this is the only way for you to get an advantage, not only that but if your opponent is thinking like you do, then your actually at the advantage instead, and also you could get lucky with the coinflip which means no drawback, plus you can also use it later on in the duel where your not at 8k lp, if solemn judgement existed back then, that wouldnt actually be too unlikely, by that logic solemn judgement is also a bad card. and you dont even have to attack with it if you dont need to, your opponent cant get over it with mechanical chaser, either way just putting this on the board is good for you.
@tylermccann848 4 ай бұрын
I really just miss the simplicity of the game, tbh
@rithahhear509 4 ай бұрын
Two worst things are ruined modern yu gi oh: 1. too many special summon cards make it unspecial. It getting worst in pendulum era: mechanic that can special summon 5 monsters every turn and double card effects. 2. Negate.
@Bob12649 Ай бұрын
Old yugioh had skill drain legal
@Doagatra 4 ай бұрын
As an outsider to this game it has always looked like such a mess be it the TCG, the video games or the anime.
@Elfking94 4 ай бұрын
After considering the pricetag of mechanical chaser, i would hope that cards nowadays have actual effects to be worth that kind of price
@thearrivalcyberseignister8898 4 ай бұрын
To be fair, trying to translate a manga mtg rip off into a functioning card game where a lot of cards we're not tought with not having a resource system in mind shoud be a nightmare
@bryaninmiami 4 ай бұрын
It's almost like the game was just badly designed from the start.
@artorias6966 3 ай бұрын
I can't agree with you on this one. Old yugioh might've been impractical and somewhat unreliable when it comes to balancing, but it was way more fun than the new yugioh. And consider how many people started yugioh back in the day against today. With Master Duell and endless tutorials, yugioh is way easier to get into and still fewer and fewer people get into the hobby. It could be other reasons, but imo back in the day the cards were simpler, clearer and turns didn't take half an hour just for you to not being able to do anything due to the sheer amount of hand traps. Today the new yugioh might be better than the old for very competitive players, who do nothing but read on reddit about the newest engine & combos. But i think most yugioh players prefer the old yugioh.
@matthewmellon3577 4 ай бұрын
Really good video this was, i remember using dueling network, i think it was the very 1st programe i used the went onto YGOPRO
@OvercastYGO 4 ай бұрын
I miss duel accelerator, I remember spending all of my pay as you go mobile allowance on that game.
@matthewmellon3577 4 ай бұрын
@@OvercastYGO I never used that one it was mainly Ygopro
@cottonuwu3167 4 ай бұрын
My god i didnt knew how close goat was from having confiscation in the format lol
@Blarquente 15 күн бұрын
I don’t like yugioh how it is today….i lose every time, but it’s why I lost that I don’t like it. If I ever go first I’ll put down some cards to defend myself…but then all that would go out the window when they just summon GOD ONTO THE FEILD! I played against a kid who (on his first turn) summoned two monsters, which both had at least 4000 atk. They also used a spell card to get rid of my only monster, I then lost when they went into battle phase…
@antobono64 3 ай бұрын
I just find the game more fun and easier in the older times instead of having to figure out what link summoning and pendulum summoning is
@alex_zetsu 4 ай бұрын
Old School YuGiOh was fun because people didn't know how to make their decks well. GOAT format doesn't quite itch that nostalgic feeling. Old school TGO was fun because of the decks faced back then, not the decks that were optimal for the older formats (and yeah it was awful to run into Delinquent Duo because even middle school kids knew using 1 card to get rid of 2 was great)
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