One Final Gus Johnson Update

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Kuncan Dastner

Kuncan Dastner

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@ava_marie_v 2 жыл бұрын
One part of this situation that I absolutely hate is that the people defending Gus keep trying to make the argument that this all should have been kept private. No! We shouldn't be shamed into keeping silent about medical discrimination. Sabrina sharing her story is so important because she brought to light so many issues with how AFAB people get treated by medical professionals. Our pain, especially in regards to our reproductive organs, is constantly minimized and we're forced into shame and silence so often. She had every right to share her story, and no one should be trying to take that away from her. Furthermore, she has absolutely no obligation to protect the man that put her through abusive neglect and manipulation. She didn't ruin Gus' reputation; he did that himself with his own actions. People need to stop putting the blame on survivors for the consequences their abusers face.
@whiskerssnowflake101 2 жыл бұрын
Those people just can't deal with the fact that their favorite content creator is an abuser, so as a defense mechanism they downplay the abuse as "normal relationship problems" that should've been kept private
@oodlesofnoodles23 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry for my ignorance, but whats AFAB?
@nocturnalnewsie 2 жыл бұрын
Also I hate how it's like people have erased the entire point of her story about her own traumatic medical experience. Alot of people have made her story which was only partially about Gus be like it's solely about Gus and was purposefully to like "take him down" when his abuse was only part of her story she was trying to tell. Like it's so upsetting that her sharing her deeply traumatic experience with medical failures is being reduced to an argument on Gus's involvement
@ava_marie_v 2 жыл бұрын
@@oodlesofnoodles23 It stands for assigned female at birth.
@ava_marie_v 2 жыл бұрын
@@nocturnalnewsie Totally. It sucks that the fact that Gus was a part of her trauma has completely overshadowed the medical discrimination she faced.
@kaitlynrain899 2 жыл бұрын
“the apology was for his fans not for sabrina” I feel like this sums up so many youtuber and other celebrity apologies that get caught for pulling shit like this
@sydneygraham1470 2 жыл бұрын
Yes!! His concern is so clearly wrapped in repairing his image, not in bringing closure to Sabrina.
@katc2040 2 жыл бұрын
@@sydneygraham1470 she's tweeting about him literally all the time, it's pretty clear she's not interested in an apology
@notacatnt 2 жыл бұрын
@@katc2040 That's what trauma does to you. You can't shake these things, no matter how hard you try, you just want to shake the person and ask why me? What did I do to deserve this? You want them to answer for their wrongs when they view it as reasonable and normal behaviour. Trauma fucks you up, and I can completely empathise with her continued tweets about the situation.
@kaylastarr7863 2 жыл бұрын
I think that's the nature of apology videos. *****disclaimer i am not saying the apology was genuine or anything like that.****** But any video apology IS for the fans. A true apology to the person hurt never happens on the internet, so even if there was a genuine apology and forgiveness that's something that fans just won't be privy too. They can tell us after the fact, which a good apology video comes after the true genuine apology. like i said... Obviously not saying his is genuine. But it's just not a good "gotcha" to say that this video is just for the fans, every apology video is, no matter what even if it's a good one.
@kitten-whisperer 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah probably. Why would he actually have a sincere apology to Sabrina? He didn't care enough to not do what he did so he's probably not sorry. Either way, I'm hoping he gets back to putting out bangers.
@pedrongreen 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like on KZbin, more than with music or movies with the whole “separating the art from the artist argument, it matters so much more who you actually support. There’s a much stronger interaction between fanbase and creators. It doesn’t make sense to me to see someone who’s done terrible things for views and growing a channel and then… give them that. It just indirectly shows them that they didn’t do anything wrong. I used to love his channel but it’s impossible to keep supporting someone like this. Thanks for making this video.
@Flameclaw123 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree, plus with youtube, a channel is usually content made by just one person, or a small group of people working for them. If you go see a movie where one of the actors is a shitty person, there are dozens of other actors, and hundreds of people who worked on the film behind the scenes. The movie's screenwriter doesn't necessarily share the same views as the one bad actor. When you're subscribed to a youtube channel, you're subbed to watch content made by one person or one group of people, which is a lot more personal, and a much more direct form of supporting them with views/likes/comments
@chesterparish3794 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. KZbinrs like Gus try to create a community that connects to people and it feels personal. I love Rock and music, and many artists in rock are and were just chappy people. But even if the make music about themselves, it never feels like they are trying to see you as a friend or someone like that. Because of that, I can listen to Rock and not feel super bad. But I really don't think I can watch Gus again.
@wynoglia 2 жыл бұрын
So many ppl on the left need to hear this. Far too many times is "death of the author" thrown around irresponsibly bcos leftists can't maturely step away from things they've been passionate about but turned bad
@brigade7678 2 жыл бұрын
@@WrathofFenrir99 its also not about blindly consuming media- its about ways to view and critique the content within a story/work. You use death of the author to view the work itself through the lens of YOU, as in the lens of your life/thoughts and how you process the work itself. That doesn't necessarily contradict us also looking at the creator and their actions with an unbiased critique. Death of the Author is a useful tool, it has its useful place and also sometimes gets misused ^^; example in case that didn't make sense i guess??: van gogh painted beautiful works of deep blue and bright intense yellow! You love the work and it speaks to you, you interpret what the work means to you personally, that is "death of the author". If we found out he said he did that out of trying to "process certain thoughts/responses to the color yellow/blue" then we can look at the works with authorial intent in mind. Then look at him as a creator and where he was in live and who he was- we would find someone mentally anguished on medication that made the color yellow blindingly intense, even more so against darker colors. Now we have a picture of what the author meant to say, factors of why they did it and our own interpretations with/without that info. I don't want to lecture I just love the process and hate seeing it so misused lately!
@atlas6864 2 жыл бұрын
agreed. listening to music artists is not actively being a fan of the artist, just their music. whereas with youtube you're actively interacting and enjoying the PERSON who's making the content, instead of just the content.
@basementdwellercosplay 2 жыл бұрын
I hate how the people saying we should leave him alone because it's a private matter, are clearly using it to cover Gus and his guilt. Sabrina came forward to help others going through it, get it off her chest, and it's her story to tell anyways. Gus hurt her and abusers don't get a say in if the story is told! Hope Sabrina gets all the help she needs and wants, but Gus needs to shut up and stop acting like he's innocent
@kitten-whisperer 2 жыл бұрын
Gus has a right to speak up. Get the fuck outta here with that. So if 1 person comes out and says someone abused them, the alleged abuser has no right to speak up? That's a crazy way of thinking. I mean, gus is totally guilty of being a dick but at the end of the day, oh well. He's a funny guy lol
@Happy-Pansexual-Imp 2 жыл бұрын
@@kitten-whisperer I think you misunderstood the comment. They were saying that just because the story coming to light negatively effects gus, it doesn’t mean that gus has a decision on whether or not it should be told. That is sabrinas choice. Gus can only decide how he reacts.
@TheFrancescanater 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that he lied about therapy… just shows he hasn’t changed and hasn’t learned from all this. Just trying to save face
@Maria_745 2 жыл бұрын
I wanna give Sven the benefit of the doubt but I find it really suspect that he has posted sketches immediately after new developments twice now. He really doesn't post that frequently so it feels like he's intentionally getting clicks in while Gus is trending
@jare___ 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who has been through an abusive relationship, seeing the way that people have treated Sabrina has really brought back a lot of hard memories for me. All she did was speak on her experiences, and the things she felt during that time- things that consumed her life and literally almost killed her. She never named any names, never called for anything to happen to anyone, and yet people are still acting as if simply by speaking about her own trauma that she is attacking her abuser- which she isn’t. It’s sexist, to a point, but it also goes beyond that- people don’t want to believe that someone they like is capable of doing terrible things, so they default on blaming the victim. And in this case, Sabrina very intentionally avoided saying anything that would make anyone think she was trying to “victimize herself”. If you’re somebody who has been defending Gus on Twitter, or has been tweeting at Sabrina asking “what about his trauma”, or commenting on Gus’s video attacking “cancel cultural at this point, it is unlikely that either of them are seeing what yourself saying. But someone you know who has been though intimate partner abuse is seeing it, and they’re realizing they can’t trust you with their experience.
@zzombiedogg 2 жыл бұрын
I hate the "separate the art from the artist" notion. I cant really explain it, but it feels wrong to watch videos by people you know are abusive - even if you dislike the creator & acknowledge theyre not a good person. Especially when the art supports the creator. You can hate Gus, but by watching his videos you're probably giving him money.
@angeljaceherondale 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being consistent and clear on these issues, and showing these kinds of tricks and sleight-of-hands so to speak. So many people who have never experienced something like that just can't get it, and in turn never believe that they are being tricked, never believe the victim. It makes these things feel so lonely. But having people speak up for others like this feels like a relief. I hope people listen to your points and think, and are better able to spot these things on their own.
@kiroskie 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this and talking about it. I have avoided a lot of content about this and I’m glad to be able to learn here
@strawberryinterlude 2 жыл бұрын
ppl who aren’t sabrina being the ones rushing to forgive him is so… like this is a reoccurring issue everytime someone in the public eye does smth to harm a specific person/group of ppl. what is the obsession with accepting “apologies” that aren’t for you😭
@sydneygraham1470 2 жыл бұрын
Fr you can't forgive someone on another person's behalf lmao
@pipancla 2 жыл бұрын
Completely see that but I dont think Gus made the apology for her at the end of the day
@ava_marie_v 2 жыл бұрын
@@pipancla I think that's part of the issue.
@sydneygraham1470 2 жыл бұрын
@@pipancla totally, the apology was made to please his viewers and cover his ass, but the people in his comments "forgiving" him for something he did to a woman they've never met is ridiculous
@nachopeligro 2 жыл бұрын
to be fair, let's not act like his public apologies were at all meant for sabrina. he was apologizing to his audience so he could continue making content without criticism.
@TheMusic1391 2 жыл бұрын
The reason why I don't take his apology seriously is in the title: "talking about the last few months". It shows that he doesn't acknowledge the pain he inflicted in the last couple of YEARS. For me it shows that the "problems" for him started when Sabrina posted her video, and that his main goal is to save his career.
@raven_moonshine39 2 жыл бұрын
This needs more likes.
@elizabethmccoy2749 2 жыл бұрын
That’s a really good point, I didn’t think about that before
@finn-yz3zs 2 жыл бұрын
“All of this is cause my brain is on fire” same here man.
@zacharyl657bananas7 2 жыл бұрын
I’m on mobile so I saw this comment while just starting the video and I thought Gus said this oml
@zacharyl657bananas7 2 жыл бұрын
@Salt I’m an atheist
@emilyreed28 2 жыл бұрын
I 2nd (or 3rd) that
@LordOfElysium 2 жыл бұрын
Same, literally.
@cookamandab 2 жыл бұрын
viscerally subscribed
@anthonyb4479 2 жыл бұрын
One thing that got glossed over in the Sven section was how Sabrina actually made a community post supporting the sketch in question, saying she found it really funny and for nobody to take it the wrong way. For me that makes any ill feeling towards Sven feel disingenuous form our perspective, as Sabrina is the one with actual standing on this issue and she seemed fine with it. We are all just bystanders Edit: the post was not about the sketch in question but on a later sketch he made. Either way, she seemed to be supportive of him.
@thedestroyasystem 2 жыл бұрын
That’s good to know. I understand folks being on the offensive in the first place, but it’s best to follow Sabrina’s lead on this. White knighting on her behalf after she’s shown support for Sven is useless. I only ever watched him due to him being Gus’s brother, so I won’t be resubbing, but I hope Sabrina’s assessment of his character is right and he goes on to find success.
@babywigeon 2 жыл бұрын
yeah Sabrina has publicly said she still support's Sven's work. and that she does not forgive Gus.
@KuncanDastner 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, good to know!! I couldn't find the original tweet so I didn't see any evidence of that, but that's a very good sign
@kat8559 2 жыл бұрын
we're still allowed to feel icky about it even if sabrina supports him. Having an opinion is not disingenuous....
@yostinator81 2 жыл бұрын
@@KuncanDastner I think it was a KZbin post so that mighta been why it was hard to find on Twitter
@taylorwood9314 2 жыл бұрын
As if I couldn’t be any more shocked, Sabrina’s clarification of Gus’s definition of ‘therapy’ made me audibly gasp
@whatthetrend8323 2 жыл бұрын
God it’s so awful when someone who seemed to be such a paradigm of wholesome fun is revealed to have done something so awful, this can no longer be ignored in the creator space
@theonionqueen3519 2 жыл бұрын
I felt like a was punched in the gut when I found out. I remember, about a year or two ago, watching the G&E podcast and thinking “I’m so glad that I’m a fan of these guys, they’re so genuine so I know nothing could ever come out about them being bad people, cuz there’s no way they are bad!” Or something song those lines. But then all this stuff comes out about Gus. Fuck.
@randomguy2023 2 жыл бұрын
Please watch this video and have an open mind. It might change your mind Here’s the name cause U can’t get a link: Abelina Sabrina and Weaponized Trauma (Gus Johnson Apology)
@elizabethmccoy2749 2 жыл бұрын
It feels like the people who try really hard to put forward a wholesome/kind vibe are actually really shitty inside
@itssarahonly4181 2 жыл бұрын
I found Gus through his video, “Why is Chris Brown still famous?” It was an extremely serious video about the graphic details of Chris abusing each girlfriend he’s had and how it was disappointing to Gus to see so many people he respected still collaborate with him. The video meant a great deal to me because I lost one of my best friends to domestic violence. To see Gus take a stand against it instantly made me a fan. I’m very sad that it was all a lie. But I’m not the victim. Sabrina is. She has my full support.
@LezbeOswald 2 жыл бұрын
honestly it's very possible that to him his stance against Chris Brown wasn't a lie. unfortunately, far too many people don't consider verbal/emotional abuse to be abuse; they only think it's abuse if it's physically violent. i wouldn't be surprised if Gus truly thinks that Chris did something reprehensible while at the same time not thinking he did anything particularly wrong just based on the fact that he didn't physically harm Sabrina.
@emalaw1329 2 жыл бұрын
Cognitive dissonance at its finest
@sarahbearbabygirl 2 жыл бұрын
@@LezbeOswald this is what i was going to say. it’s really easy for people to stand against physical abusers, but i’ve met plenty of “good” people who will be apologists all day for verbal/psychological abusers. abusers can make every excuse to themselves as to why they are valid and how they are not abusers, which is frankly part of the abuse: manipulating others to view them with the same egocentric lens that they view themselves. to them it may not be a lie. but that cognitive dissonance doesn’t make it excusable, it makes it the opposite. the first step to progress is to admit that you have a problem, and abusers cannot take that first step, so they can never actually become better.
@user-rx2ur5el9p 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of people are just incapable of self-awareness. He may genuinely not understand that he's a hypocrite. Maybe because he doesn't want to admit it to himself, or maybe because he's genuinely stupid.
@sarahradell1091 2 жыл бұрын
I know I found this ironic that he made a video say Chris Brown was bad and apparently was also verbally abusive towards Sabrina at the same time. That's what made me unsub. It was too hypocritical for me.
@dinospumoni5611 2 жыл бұрын
This ending with "couples therapy" actually being about Gus trying to convince Sabrina into an open relationship is kind of insane.
@abigailchristenson388 2 жыл бұрын
Seriously!! Like he treated her like crap and wanted to bang other people so why did he keep dating her??
@littlelordfuckleroy3822 2 жыл бұрын
@@abigailchristenson388 for his reputation, he wanted to be known as someone in a stable, loving relationship to further the narrative of him being a good guy :(
@Notmyrealemail 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t see a open relationship as bad what makes this so bad is that she obviously didn’t want to and make this to manipulate her that’s abuse and is discussing.
@abigailchristenson388 2 жыл бұрын
@@Notmyrealemail i absolutely agree but theres no way he could have not seen how uncomfortable she was with the idea and so to try and force it on her is what makes it so shitry
@_lil_lil 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah... that was the FINAL final nail in the Gus Johnson fandom coffin for me. Can't even watch his other content without wondering what else he lied about now. So much for revisiting G&E for Eddy & guests at some point. :/
@danniuwu8628 2 жыл бұрын
The internet has deluded people to the point where people think genuine REAL LIFE abuse is just "drama" if it includes anyone relatively famous.
@badassbunny2338 2 жыл бұрын
It’s so sad. This should have been a mostly personal thing, Gus obviously needed to be called out for being an abusive ass, but he shouldn’t be posting an apology video or posting screenshots of therapy sessions. Like keep that to yourself, I’m going to continue to know that Sabrina deserves so much better and not support Gus again.
@yayamckenzie5986 2 жыл бұрын
It's pretty horrifying.
@RusticRonnie 2 жыл бұрын
You can drop the relatively famous part… people are becoming sociopaths.
@abbyswurld 2 жыл бұрын
“He acknowledges his behaviour as foolish, which doesn’t carry the weight of what he did” THAAANKKKK YOUU. This is exactly what I was thinking and I literally commented on Gus’ video pointing this out as well!! It just made me annoyed that so many people in the comments on his video saw this as a “strong” apology, and not just him basically saying “oops I goofed!” But the goof in question is demanding your girlfriend to get an abortion or you’ll leave her among other things!! Uhhhsggghg and that’s not even touching on the “couples therapy”
@kaletales 2 жыл бұрын
omg yeah the way he said “foolish” so many times made it feel really icky... like that’s not a word you use in that situation. it’s giving “i was just in a silly goofy mood!!” 😬
@Paula-zt9ol 2 жыл бұрын
Totally minimizing!
@TheFounderUtopia 2 жыл бұрын
You're acting like the only word he used in his entire video was foolish. Why are you doing that? It was an entire minutes long video of him summarising everything he did wrong and you've latched onto one single word he used a couple times that wouldn't, by itself, be nearly enough. To me, THIS seems manipulative.
@brandoncarney6843 2 жыл бұрын
It barely involves him. But I put myself in Eddy’s shoes too. Like this dude you lived with who you based a lot of your career choices with turned out to be an abuser to someone you grew close to. Insane
@Liex59 2 жыл бұрын
I especially feel bad cuz you can tell it weighs on him and he's exhausted by every comment asking for his opinion. I feel so bad for the dude every time I see a "Eddy Burback speaks on Gus Johnson" stream clip cuz I KNOW the chat harassed him with it till he felt like he needed to address it to move on.
@mayabarry893 2 жыл бұрын
I know this is a really sensitive topic to cover, but I respect the way you're approaching it a lot. It's clear you have a lot of respect and empathy for Sabrina, and you're not drumming up more than it deserves. And as you've pointed out, it needs a platform besides Twitter since so many people don't really use Twitter and the coverage on KZbin has been minimal.
@xxRAINA1xx 2 жыл бұрын
Situations like this are the reason I don’t get to attached/Stan entertainers. I am always ready to completely drop a influencer… hello, they aren’t your friend.
@akatastrophe 2 жыл бұрын
Very true. Parasocial relationships are a big problem. They should teach about that topic in school honestly, since more and more kids are growing up with the internet/having to depend on it.
@edgaranalhoe7678 2 жыл бұрын
So true, at this point my favourite artist/influencer/internet person could be exposed as a neo-n**zi and I would be like „oh, ew. Well, bye felicia, I ain’t paying for dry cleaning your white robes”
@randohuman5084 2 жыл бұрын
There was a hardcore feminist/activist guy I liked on tiktok that turned out to be a child predator...I learned then that just cause a creator constantly talks about morals doesn't mean they have the best morals off camera😬
@fuzzydays5699 2 жыл бұрын
Legit. There was a swordplay content creator on YT that I semi-enjoyed turned out to be an absolute bigot. And I genuinely did not even anticipate it. Why is it so difficult for a creator to be a decent person??
@fandompriest 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly ! This is why i don't buy merch from every entertainer i like .
@zoe_bee 2 жыл бұрын
"I make videos because I have ADHD and I'm always online...[and] my brain is on fire." ---- Man, you didn't have to call me out like that. (But in all seriousness, this is such a great video! I love the honesty and nuance that you always bring to things!)
@akatastrophe 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I can relate a bit! It’s weird, because if you’re slightly younger like me, and you’re not in the “real world” yet, you may use the Internet as both a distraction and as a tool to see what the world looks like. Hopefully that makes sense
@Frayste 2 жыл бұрын
What is this, a crossover episode?
@EF-kk3vh 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Zoe!
@pinkerhero 2 жыл бұрын
@Wyattporter 2 жыл бұрын
Holy crap zoe bee kuncan dastner crossover my dreams have come true
@AriJeru 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I kind of got everything I needed from Eddy’s response. I don’t know him either, maybe it’s all to save face, but he said he knows more about the situation and can’t trust Gus anymore so substantially that he can no longer work with him. That rings really loudly that Gus is likely the one being shitty.
@joshk. 2 жыл бұрын
yup, that was what gave me closure on the whole gus thing, too. the fact eddy, whose career was tied to gus' career, had to end that relationship says a lot about the situation
@henrysslideshow 2 жыл бұрын
I was in a terrible place mentally during the first lockdown, and, along with their streams, the Gus n Eddy podcast was one of the only things I was able to look forward to. It really does feel like I'm losing a significant part of what brought me joy, but every time Gus opens his mouth, he somehow becomes a worse person. And it sucks. I really was in awe of his ability to connect with his peers, and it inspired me to be better for the people around me. But I guess that was a facade. Or maybe it wasn't. I guess we'll never know. What I do know is that I'm done with Gus. I wish for him to face the consequences of his actions, as well as a chance for him to progress as a person. It'll never be enough to justify his actions, but any win is a win, regardless of its size or significance
@jenkinsjrjenkins 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, at least we still have Eddy! He didn't even Seth Rogen the situation or anything, just straight up quit the friendship no questions asked.
@cubonette4495 2 жыл бұрын
the podcast was a comfort to me too and seeing what happened felt like a gut punch... I was in denial and hoped so bad that gus would just own up to his mistakkes and do what he's known for, being genuine, but he just lied through his teeth...
@ImmortalBroken 2 жыл бұрын
Eddy's still the best and I feel pretty confident that will always be true.
@julielovesmcr 2 жыл бұрын
You can still take the positive things you got from the experience and use them to improve yourself. Its normal to be disappointed, but Gus' failings shouldn't discourage your own growth, even if he happened to be a part of it.
@thedestroyasystem 2 жыл бұрын
Same here. The worst thing I’ve found about mourning the loss of creators you like is that the person you’re mourning never really existed. That makes it worse, somehow. Because you loved them and they made your life better, but none of that way ever real and the person behind the mask was a lot worse than what they portrayed onscreen. I don’t think I’ll ever stop caring about the person Gus portrayed onscreen, and I will always cherish the happy memories his content brought. But I will never condone his actions, and I certainly will never have any sort of affinity for the man behind the mask. All the happy memories are now somewhat tainted in hindsight, knowing what was going on at the time and that you were being deceived. It hurts. But you’ll get through it. RIP to the boys of the Gus and Eddy podcast. It was fun while it lasted. I just wish it could have been real.
@beneaththedemonmoon 2 жыл бұрын
Sabrina's story is truly heartbreaking, I really hope she finds herself in a better place now. My only take on this is...Gus actions were bad and he is a morroon, but fuck him...the real problem is the US health care system. What she went trough was a nightmare. I am a mexican doctor and our health care system is shit but that could never happen here. I can't even imagine going trough a thing like this and having multiple health care professionals shut you down like that.
@randomguy2023 2 жыл бұрын
If you watch this video I’m about to give you the name of which please do if you have an open mind it will show you what’s the Sabrina is actually doing and why people are defending gus Johnson.
@beneaththedemonmoon 2 жыл бұрын
My point was that Gus was just a guy who acted badly, but the real villian in the story is the health care system that allowed that situacion happen. I mean they are trained professionals. 😵 But what are you talking about?
@smallandstressed2364 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, I'm studying public health right now and something I hope to focus my career on is improving the flawed American health care system is. Could you please explain what prevents situations like Sabrina's from happening? Is it something in the Mexican health care system itself or is it something in the social environment?
@beneaththedemonmoon 2 жыл бұрын
@@smallandstressed2364 in the health care system. Most of our hospitals lacks supplies. But you can easily go to the emergency room and it is going to take hours for a doctor to see you, but if you have a life threatening condition they will admit you faster. Specially pregnant women. (Sorry for the bad grammar)
@smallandstressed2364 2 жыл бұрын
@@beneaththedemonmoon - don’t worry about grammar! Thank you for your reply!
@VasaYaga 2 жыл бұрын
My husband and i were huge fans of gus's channel, gusandeddy, gus's skyrim streams. My own history of medical trauma is nothing close to comparing to sabrina, but still, i can understand. Afab people are treated horribly when it comes to reproductivehealth. I am left feeling so disheartened and disappointed in gus and his die hard fans. I always felt that i was "one of the boys" but seeing how they jump through hoops to paint Sabrina as manipulative and gus as simply immature hurts me on so many levels. I cant believe this fandom was toxic all along. Feelin duped.
@peachy_lili 2 жыл бұрын
I know it's not about me, but "this fandom was toxic all along" is a bit dramatic. I was a member of this fandom and I think I speak for the hundreds of thousands of others - the overwhelming majority, mind you - who are deeply disappointed and immediately reassessed our viewpoint of Gus as a result of this situation. let's not say stuff that makes everything seem like a lost cause all day long, lest we wind up feeling like the world is a lost cause.
@VasaYaga 2 жыл бұрын
@@peachy_lili i was being a bit hyperbolic or feeling like "its the friends we lost along the way". I suppose would have been more accurate to say "wowee, i cant believe this fandom where i felt safe and welcomed fostered an environment where toxicity could hide so well" but my comment wasnt meant to create a hard thesis or anything, just communicate my personal feelings and how I felt. Like obvi there has been a mass exodus of fans, so no, not everyone was toxic. but the ones that are left have been part of the boys, so toxicity has existed. Also, idk if anyone has visited the subreddits lately but yeah, pretty dark over there, would recommend avoiding.
@ratosphere 2 жыл бұрын
The way they always specified that "boys" was a gender-neutral term was seemingly simple, but actually greatly helped to make me feel included. How quickly things turned around is heartbreaking :(
@callmeqt1269 2 жыл бұрын
What is afab? Honestly curious.
@VasaYaga 2 жыл бұрын
@@callmeqt1269 "assigned female at birth." Example: I am nonbinary, but afab, so medically am treated as a female person. An acronym of a term meant to include trans/enby ppl :)
@its_monkey_time_baby 2 жыл бұрын
One thing that makes me feel so uncomfy with this whole situation is that people are treating these people's personal life like it's internet drama. It's not, it's their own private lives. This is real trauma that Sabrina had to go through and deserves so much more care in the way we cover it. Getting in twitter arguments over abuse is weird and I don't like it
@RuSosan 2 жыл бұрын
She _did_ make it a public matter though. Which was definitely the right choice for the right reasons and brought up really important issues and hopefully got her all the support she needed, but unfortunately on the flipside it _always_ draws in the internet bloodsport/drama vultures and bottom feeders looking for their next fixes of: - "Judging other people over matters that have nothing to do with me, all for my self-gratification. The actual issue and the people involved are quite irrelevant to me so long as I just get to point a finger at someone, pretend I'm superior to them and have an excuse to act like an ass while still oretending that I have a moral high ground." - "How can I make this sensitive and serious issue from someone else's life about ME and my fee fees somehow and demand an apology for myse- err the fanbase, yes! Ah yes, I'll be offended FOR someone, or here's MY story about how X has PERSONALLY betrayed me by _doing something to someone completely unrelated to me._ Oh woe be ME! Thx for the likes and dopamine." - "Now I'm not saying women are X and this proves it, _but..."_ - "Now I'm not saying men are X and this proves it, _but..."_ - "Here's my take on abortion that no one asked for!" - "Here's my take on religion that no one asked for." And so on and so forth.
@ylgrthecrab 2 жыл бұрын
What I hated is the amount of people saying “oh it’s okay, we all make mistakes” in the comments. Oh, so being emotionally abusive and manipulative IS JUST A SIMPLE MISTAKE?
@NatLaS 2 жыл бұрын
Aka a “Grave and continuous lapse of his judgement”
@Mobsie23 2 жыл бұрын
@@NatLaS Not even that! At least Logan had the ability to call it grave, Gus just calls it foolish as if what he did was at all accidental...
@NatLaS 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mobsie23 Dang. You're absolutely right
@myphone9831 2 жыл бұрын
“Why Does He Do That” by Lundy Bancroft is a book about why abusers treat their victims so badly. It’s a must read (especially for women) to spot the red flags and protect yourselves. Stay safe out there.
@kitten-whisperer 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. Basically. It's not a big deal.
@abimorelikeapee 2 жыл бұрын
his comments were all like "aww it's okay gus, everyone makes mistakes" and "everyone needs to mind their own business for once and stop prying into their lives" LIKE DUDE, HIS GIRLFRIEND ALMOST DIED AND HE JUST DIDN'T CARE!!
@AleksandarBell 2 жыл бұрын
People who are abusive NEED to be called out too by the way, often publicly (not directed at OP btw) because abusers don’t believe their victims about shit, and sometimes making them hear it from other people can force them to admit that they were wrong.
@_lil_lil 2 жыл бұрын
Well, that is only a portion that we don't know the percentage of vs the total (bc he kept deleting comments).
@randomguy2023 2 жыл бұрын
Abelina Sabrina and Weaponized Trauma (Gus Johnson Apology) Look that video up.
@serene3175 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomguy2023 he gave her the trauma tho?? like this really happened
@vasciliostaylor5910 2 жыл бұрын
@@randomguy2023 So not caring about your girlfriend's death is perfectly fine when compared to the evil that is... exposing that?
@2goblinsinatrenchcoat 2 жыл бұрын
He’s clearly apologizing, not for Sabrina, but for the people he knows will support him and use his “apology” to justify supporting him.
@nunpho 2 жыл бұрын
@2goblinsinatrenchcoat 2 жыл бұрын
@@nunpho and remember, just because someone apologizes for hurting you, that doesn’t mean you’re obligated to forgive them either.
@TheFounderUtopia 2 жыл бұрын
How does someone do the right thing in your world? If they don't apologise they're a selfish monster, if they do they are being manipulative. What do you WANT? What's the right thing to actually do, here?
@nunpho 2 жыл бұрын
@@2goblinsinatrenchcoat that's very true especially if it's something they do repeatedly.
@nunpho 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheFounderUtopia he was lying in his apology too. Use your brain
@giorgiamurray4127 2 жыл бұрын
I honestly just don’t understand how people know that someone has had an ectopic pregnancy and then have absolutely no sympathy towards the woman but continue to defend the man who acted in a shitty way
@Echoingsunflowers981 2 жыл бұрын
Mood, the people in comments who are defending Gus are acting like Sabrina is this evil scorned lover who orchestrated his downfall and ruined his life. They are taking it way too personally
@oki.k 2 жыл бұрын
I know a lot of other people have said this, but it feels very weird to think that gus or his friends would make a sketch about this kind of thing if it was someone else acting similar to how he did. Gus critiqued weird/abusive relationships in the past and I do not get how he can act similarly to people he would mock previously without thinking about it. He needs to take a good look at himself to be able to change, but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon, if at all. At this point, the only thing previous fans of him like me can do is try to support Sabrina as she moves on.
@sarahbearbabygirl 2 жыл бұрын
ik my first thought with the apology video was that he for sure has made parodies of similar insincere apology videos from others. but abusers are the best at cognitive dissonance and excusing themselves from behavior they would find inexcusable or laughable in others.
@Champitoinwonderland Жыл бұрын
I think that he certainly believes he wasn't abusing her, since in the end he let her be at his house and continued the relationship even though it was a burden to him... And that wasn't necessarily active abuse like physical or verbal violence. Which is what so many people get wrong about abuse. It doesn't have to be always hitting and insulting your partner that "qualifies" as abuse. Neglecting, manipulating, gaslighting, dismissing their concerns and coercing them to do things they don't want to do for the abusers benefit are also abusive behaviors. But every defender of people like Gus just conveniently ignore or forget that fact.
@JennaEmbers 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video, I wouldn’t have known any of the updates otherwise and there’s a lot here that is important. Appreciate you.
@briegeobrien8467 2 жыл бұрын
It's so interesting to me that if you watched Sabrina's video, she wasn't dragging him through the mud and literally did leave his name out of it entirely. The main focus of the video was to tell her story and share her horrific medical experience-showcasing how the US healthcare system cares little for women's reproductive health. It was therapeutic to her to finally bring this to light, and in addition to that, bring to light how Gus Johnson isn't this nice guy he broadcasted to everyone else. The fact that Gus saw this and instead of doing anything introspective made a video blatantly making fun of Sabrina's pain and then an apology video when he realized he couldn't move forward without addressing it makes it even worse. Not to be dramatic, but lowkey hope Gus Johnson stubs his toe when walking past any table, chair, desk, etc., for the rest of his life.
@imvisier9925 2 жыл бұрын
Im sorry but that is the only point in this whole situation that i have to contest. She definately was and is 100% out to get him. Whether that is right or wrong is not for me to say, but it is a fact. She left his name out of her video ? Please, her relationship with Gus was so public and so long lasting, that I don't expect it took anyone more than 2 seconds to put 2 and 2 together. And despite Gus trying to extend the olive branch and publicly apologizing twice, which let's be honest was not a given in the first place, she just goes on and on saying she will not accept an apology, and going as far as trying to poke holes in his apology statements, with statements of herself that are not verifiable, basically devolving the entire situtation in he-said-she-said drama. This simply is not the behavior of someone not wanting to bring another person down, and trying to put the situation behind them.
@bimbolecter9764 2 жыл бұрын
@@imvisier9925 so was she supposed to leave out a large chunk of her story to pwotect baby Gus fwom pubwic opinion?
@philskrzyn 2 жыл бұрын
@@imvisier9925 you are disputing almost everything that's happened. Gus is lying you are lying, he's not sorry and you're not sorry
@imvisier9925 2 жыл бұрын
@@bimbolecter9764 Not at all. But to say that she wasnt dragging him through the mud by including him in the video is just blatantly wrong.
@imvisier9925 2 жыл бұрын
@@philskrzyn What precisely am I disputing that happened ? Please elaborate.
@colleenthecat_ 2 жыл бұрын
although eddy is not involved in the situation, i saw on his stream (that was a few hours after gus posted) that he still doesn't accept gus' apology and will never speak about the situation further. he seemed really upset about it throughout the stream and kept apologizing for bringing down the mood. gus' actions have affected the person he "loved", but also the ones who used to be so close to him.
@sorryifoldcomment8596 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah he truly fucked over Eddy too, compromised his entire career. Literally destroyed their podcast...Thankfully Eddy did the smart thing and immediately dropped Gus, ended the podcast & publicly cut ties with him. (While also stating he supports Sabrina.) That was the only choice if Eddy wanted to salvage his career, because being a good guy is an important part of his image...just like Gus's image. I'm furious at Gus on behalf of Sabrina and on behalf of Eddy...and Sven too. I wish Sven had the opportunity that Eddy had, but being Gus's brother and being even more connected to Gus than Eddy ever was...It's impossible. Gus took Sven down with him. I still can't believe Gus did this shit. He should have known this would have come back to ruin everything. I think Eddy's response demonstrates that he didn't know...because Eddy would've known he would have had to do all this the moment it became public & Sabrina confirmed it. He's not stupid, he knew he had to end the podcast and cut ties in order to maintain his public image. So...why would he have bothered risking it in the first place? One doesn't even have to "trust" in Eddy's goodness of character; this is just basic business 101. (I do think Eddy is also a good dude, but still.) Sorry /end rant. I've been hurt by a lot of creators but Gus was the worst. I thought that he was smart enough to know that he couldn't market himself as a "good guy" and get away with this behavior behind the scenes. He was one of the creators who marketed themselves as being progressive, calling out back problematic shit, calling out Chris Brown's abusive behavior, calling out toxic masculinity, and just generally supporting one another and being a positive influence. Good 'clean' fun. And being smart & self aware. I therefore assumed he wouldn't be this dumb, that if he was unable to be a good partner than he'd just stay single (which is what he should have been doing this whole time, for pete's sake, not even risking it)...and so I assumed he was taking care of Sabrina. I loved their skits and songs together. So much content that people put time, effort & work into - not just Gus - is ruined for me. So unfair. 😢
@sagehoushmand7484 2 жыл бұрын
Goddamn honestly gus has dissappointed me so much. I was a fan of his back in the day and I always use to think of him like a "unproblematic" person. It's really disheartening to see how he really is.
@_lil_lil 2 жыл бұрын
At least there's Eddy, who was supportive of Sabrina and handled everything so maturely and so well. :/ But yeah, it does feel like a loss of a friend in the most parasocial way.
@thundertheangrycat9128 2 жыл бұрын
@@_lil_lil I feel so bad for Eddy, obviously he's doing the right thing, but I can't imagine the level of betrayal and loss he felt.
@Kenmoos 2 жыл бұрын
I can't believe Gus talked about the "counceling" and didn't expect Sabrina to tell us the truth about it.
@ruthgamble4883 2 жыл бұрын
I am a college student and just wrote a paper on cancel culture and accountability in the youtube sphere. My paper essentially led me to conclude that more commentary videos should be like yours, calmer, more open to learning and growth, less cut and dry, a focus on the complexity and an opportunity for the audience to make their own decision. basically, thank you for making videos that aren't toxic in the way they call people out
@Nonyah123 2 жыл бұрын
My college doesn't allow me to write about youtube, which I think is a serious oversight considering I'm a psych major
@ria_x_rose 2 жыл бұрын
Im glad you updated us because alot of people still don't know the full story and i find the channels that chronicle the twitter drama tend to be quite biased as they knew gus or friends of people involved.
@lmnop29 2 жыл бұрын
i am *on* twitter and still was unaware of this update so i am also grateful
@olivia.3765 2 жыл бұрын
my heart goes out to sabrina. an ectopic pregnancy is trauma enough but then to go through abuse about it, then an extremely public break up, and then seeing someone lie about your situation and seeing people take the side of the liar has got to be so damaging
@kaetispannbauer9082 2 жыл бұрын
She's the one who made the breakup public in the first place...
@danniuwu8628 2 жыл бұрын
@@kaetispannbauer9082 not actually! She actually only made her experience with the PREGNANCY public and never named gus. GUS named himself. So please cease your talking~!
@kaetispannbauer9082 2 жыл бұрын
@@danniuwu8628 Don't be obtuse. She didn't need to actually say Gus's name for us to know she was talking about the person she clearly had a VERY public relationship with online and had been dating for years.
@cameronhirtle7316 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. No self-respecting person would post personal beef like that publicly. It seems like a way to ‘win’ a bad breakup and toss her ex under the bus while furthering her career at the same time. Its amazing how Gus gets lambasted for making five minute, brief apology video yet she can post an almost 25-minute video defaming his character and people don't bat an eye. These people are allowed to take it further and continue their smear campaign but Gus’ supporters aren’t allowed to forgive or show support. Bottom line, he admits to making some mistakes but her labeling him as anti pro-choice was BS and an outright lie. He has the tag of abuser for the rest of his career now too. It’s rediculous how far cancel culture has come, and people think they can cherry pick what should and should not be censored.
@olivia.3765 2 жыл бұрын
@@cameronhirtle7316 i literally have no take here other than say i always choose to believe the victim in situations like these, i don’t know these people i’ve simply been made aware of their situation so i’m at no liberty to take a stance. but i’d rather believe a liar than an abuser
@bingobazingo9565 2 жыл бұрын
“Sabrina ruined Gus’ career.” GOOD! She didn’t, but even if she did, I’m glad! Shitty actions deserve shitty consequences!
@_lil_lil 2 жыл бұрын
Technically Gus destroyed Gus's career.
@BostonMBrand 2 жыл бұрын
This reminds me a lot of the SkyDoesMinecraft controversy. TLDR, Sky’s ex-partners, past business associates and collaborators have all make accusations against them regarding sexual assault, gaslighting, manipulative behavior, blackmail and more. Munchingbrotato even said that he deleted his channel because Sky threatened to use their influence to ruin his career. I kind of view the Gus and Sabrina situation the same way. While it was hard enough for Sabrina to talk about her traumatic experience, I’m sure she was intimidated by Gus’s influence, mainly his fan base. Obviously her intentions were not to defame Gus directly, but I think she made the right decision. It’s difficult to go up against popular content creators even when they are at fault.
@cc-pg6lh 2 жыл бұрын
They care more about Gus being “”cancelled”” than his girlfriend literally almost dying like ???
@RusticRonnie 2 жыл бұрын
Gus ruined Gus’ career…. Maybe he may recover.
@jamesbackwardz 2 жыл бұрын
She was considering ruining his career with a baby
@idk-jy6cc 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that he got a woman pregnant and abused her for it. Im so scared about the state of abortion rights... these kinds of men are so common, doctors don't even listen to women. It's terrifying people listen to a man like him over a suffering woman...
@mothboy420 2 жыл бұрын
@Lilyjem39 2 жыл бұрын
@@mothboy420 ?
@Ilikefrogs.. 2 жыл бұрын
@@mothboy420 *WOMEN
@WakeNBakeBro 2 жыл бұрын
Lol doctors don't care about anyone. They see a problem and they think about how far they can milk your wallet. 😷"Hmm depression? Try this pill, try that pill, add this one? You wanna die more now? Oh well then better try this too. Not working? Better come back next week then?" 🤑
@haha-lj5sq 2 жыл бұрын
Gus is shitty and bad but abortion is also shitty and bad
@mathisbarbusci7273 2 жыл бұрын
What annoyed me the most was that people in Gus’s comment section who only found out about the situation after Gus’s video were saying that they went and checked out Sabrina’s video after the "apology" and that they still supported him and they said that everyone makes mistakes. This truly shows how Gus undermined the situation in his video and that the perspective of his viewers going into Sabrina’s video was very wrong
@leolong2984 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed! It's also a sign how much we tolerate abuse in society. It seems like it takes you literally beating somebody until they are bruised in both eyes before many people will actually recognize an abusive relationship (and even then they rationalize, like with chris brown). Emotions and self-agency seemingly aren't taken seriously by a disturbing amount of the public, and so they hear a person talk about emotional abuse and just perceive it as petulance, and immediately feel more bad for the abuser. I don't even know how we go here but it really makes my soul weep. The things we will tolerate just to normalize monstrosity is appaling
@monhi64 2 жыл бұрын
Well that’s possibly because a lot of viewers come and go. Gus absolutely tried to hide it but the comment section on his sketch was brutal and impossible to miss, idk if he nuked that comment section but it’d take a lot of time. Weird that suddenly the comments are supportive
@mb.774 2 жыл бұрын
This situation with Sabrina and Gus is devastating and showed a lot of Gus's community for who they are...which was disturbing to see as a former fan of Gus and his podcast. Once the people who could no longer support Gus left, the community that used to seem so caring and reasonable became a place where abusive relationships are cool and whoever speaks up against it is a dramatic clout-chaser. Sabrina's story is gut-wrenching and is unfortunately something that so many people have faced. I'm happy that Sabrina found her voice and was able to bring this topic to the table when so many people have gone through similar situations. Trauma needs to be addressed. I really appreciate your take on the situation because so many people are either ignoring it or treating it as casual KZbin drama (which tends to happen with anything KZbin related, even when creators have done monstrous things). I love the care and kindness you show to each conversation/topic in your videos, even when the topics are complex and upsetting. Wishing you the best.
@emmyvillaatchinson 2 жыл бұрын
it’s telling that the only time gus uses sabrina’s name is in his tweet about how she “lied” about couples therapy. otherwise it’s “her” “she” “my ex-girlfriend.” but when he wants to make her out to be a liar, he uses her actual name. got it.
@whiskerssnowflake101 2 жыл бұрын
Not to take the focus away from Sabrina, but one of the most disappointing things about this situation is the amount of people who continue to support Gus. With the type of community he created, it seems like they would be defending Sabrina, but that façade is broken and the toxicity of the Gus Johnson fanbase is now revealed.
@mb.774 2 жыл бұрын
Oh it's an absolute mess. I followed him and the podcast on Reddit, and from what I can tell the people who were disgusted by Gus left, then the people defending Gus started posting... and then the people attacking Sabrina started posting. His subreddit got privated because it was a cesspool. It's usually the hateful ones that speak the most on the topic. Eddy's community is pretty good right now because he seems to have cut ties with Gus, pissing off Gus's current supporters (so they left), and the people empathizing with Sabrina stayed. It's just a toxic situation all around and I hope Sabrina can heal and Eddy can move past the situation.
@AGNILE. 2 жыл бұрын
@@mb.774 yeah at this point the cesspool has revealed itself once everyone else left.
@kelleyreeves965 2 жыл бұрын
Gus' deadpan tone in his 'apology' is so off-putting. Also didn't like how he chose to highlight that him and Sabrina stayed together for a few years after her health scare.
@torrentFN 2 жыл бұрын
This is disgusting. I was an avid supporter of Gus Johnson, I found his videos funny, and even I instantly unsubscribed, stopped watching his content, and encouraged others to do so. The fact that this man is trying to make a comeback just is simply repulsive. But we already know that. On a lighter note, I love your content, and it is amazing that you are growing and showing excellent, informative, and insightful coverage on situations. Thanks for working hard on your content and have a good day/night!
@rileygalvin2 2 жыл бұрын
You don’t have to be sorry that you were a fan. Many people were, we just didn’t know what kind of person he is. It just goes to show that you can’t really trust anyone on the internet.
@torrentFN 2 жыл бұрын
@@rileygalvin2 For better or worse
@karaoconnoraliasraidra 2 жыл бұрын
I gave him a chance, but when he made that video jokingly claiming that people saying they’re in pain are just trying to get attention, I unsubscribed. I heard he made an apology video and my thought was, “Did he apologize for that insensitive video too?” I really don’t like it when people mock the pain of others.
@directed4703 2 жыл бұрын
"Stop sticking with artists through thick and thin. If I stop entertaining you, leave me. Don't "stick with me". You wouldn't stick with your mechanic if he stopped fixing your car would you? I am in the service industry; I'm just overpaid" - Bo Burnham
@Emma-zc5jm 2 жыл бұрын
My biggest fear is airing out "what really happened" in my relationship with my emotionally abusive ex boyfriend, because I know the gaslighting would take me back to my worst times. I cannot imagine how that would feel having the gaslighting happen publicly to millions of people. My heart aches for Sabrina and I hope she has the support she needs
@tohaovershell 2 жыл бұрын
I can greatly emphasize with Sabrina, as I am a survivor of abuse as well, and the person was somewhat known and respected as an artist in my small city. Seeing people continue to support him and his work was soul crushing, even after trying to spread the word about the person. Karma did catch up with him eventually and I hope it will for Gus too.. it’s not ok that he will just get to “come back” like nothing ever happened. I cannot even imagine how Sabrina must feel, her situation is like mine times 1000, I hope she takes the time to do an internet detox or whatever will bring her peace right now. I know what a shitty feeling it is to have the worst time of your life be brought up over and over again. Btw love your content Kuncan! Your empathy and wit are refreshing on this platform, I’ve been binging your videos this week
@SuperNicktendo 2 жыл бұрын
Gus broke the golden rule "Boys support Boys" and he didn't support Sabrina.
@ohapplesauce 2 жыл бұрын
People who pull the “Separate the art from the artist” BS undermine what Sabrina went through. I will never understand how people can continue to watch a content creator’s work knowing that they are a POS irl. I can’t even watch old videos of Gus with other content creators. I don’t even like to reference his jokes anymore. How are people okay with acting like he did nothing?
@kingayy9267 2 жыл бұрын
Even if the video were made "to get views," there's nothing wrong with that and people who complain about it and cry about monetization, apparently feel that content creators aren't deserving of payment for their work and the time spent making it. It's immature.
@AleksandarBell 2 жыл бұрын
Also getting views on things like this is important because it shows people how abuse works. Most people don’t understand emotional/verbal abuse or neglect, and it’s sad that these situations happen but talking about it can help others
@Echoingsunflowers981 2 жыл бұрын
I agree, everything put on the internet is made to be seen one way or another. It’s dumb to say otherwise, they just don’t want to deal with uncomfortable topics
@char1211 2 жыл бұрын
There's nothing wrong with wanting views but if views/money is the _only_ reason someone makes content I think it's fair to criticize them, especially if they're dishonest about it
@kingayy9267 2 жыл бұрын
@Alexander Bell That's a great point! Thank you for adding it.
@kingayy9267 2 жыл бұрын
@char Do you do your job for free? If a creator makes content solely for money/views, they likely see it as a job rather than a passion. That's nothing wrong with that, any more than there is with a gas station cashier working for money instead of passion for the work.
@melindarivera6598 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, Gus always rubbed me the wrong way. Especially how he would talk and respond to her when they did non scripted videos together. I could just see she was being talked down to and disregarded. I just chalked it up to him being funny. But it didn't always seem so funny to me.
@kat8559 2 жыл бұрын
@blythekaitlyn4641 2 жыл бұрын
your videos are always the most calming and infuriating ones and i love it
@bunbeeplays 2 жыл бұрын
I’m really glad to see someone talking about this. I’m not interested in watching Gus’ apology, as learning what he did and seeing how he’s reacted since, I don’t think there’s anything he could do or say that would make me want to engage with his content again, even though I really liked it. Thanks for being so respectful toward Sabrina, a lot of the other videos I’ve seen about this have treated it like celebrity gossip instead of like… a huge issue regarding medical discrimination
@randomguy2023 2 жыл бұрын
Why are you automatically defending Sabrina on this? If you just watch everyone that supports her and their Videos, your Mind won’t change And you’ll just be a zombie of what they say. Please watch the video of what I am about to give you the name of and have an open mind: Abelina Sabrina and Weaponized Trauma (Gus Johnson Apology)
@futuristic.handgun 2 жыл бұрын
I've been through almost exactly the same situation that Sabrina went through. It destroyed me as a person and made me extremely suicidal. To the point that I had everything planned out, where, when, how. I began giving my possessions away and I started writing letters to my family and close friends explaining and apologizing for what I was going to do. I'm still dealing with the fallout from all of that, but thankfully I have healed a great deal and moved forward enough to not want to die anymore. I cannot imagine how much worse everything would have been for me had my situation been magnified like Sabrina's has. All I can really say is I truly wish her the peace she said she's trying to get to. Honestly, my heart goes out to her. I know exactly what she feels and it's devastating and it has made me relive some of my pain hearing about this situation. Gus is a scumbag and I hope he fails to get his career back in any capacity unless he actually, sincerely apologies to Sabrina directly and privately. Otherwise, he deserves nothing. Because getting an apology from and a conversation with my abuser was the only thing that made me not want to kill myself anymore. Thank you for taking care in speaking on this Duncan. Your sensitivity and compassion is the only redeeming factor in seeing and hearing about this. Much love. 💗
@lexie2497 2 жыл бұрын
i hope you’re doing okay
@saggguy7 2 жыл бұрын
i haven’t experienced an ectopic pregnancy, but I have had my fallopian tubes removed and the incisions they came out through are like half a centimeter wide. It’s hard for me to imagine that it’s even possible to exaggerate the pain of housing a human embryo in one of those things. Not that I think afab people have a tendency to exaggerate reproductive associated pain, I think we actually have the opposite tendency, but that thought makes gus’s response to all this all that much more unhinged
@Arlothed1no 2 жыл бұрын
I find it interesting that gus said he didn't lie about couple's therapy and then showed the most vague receipt ever. No mention of couple's therapy or anything just a date and a charge of $200. For all I know, that's just him renting a fucking bouncy house. Why would I believe it's for couple's therapy?
@joycewible8816 2 жыл бұрын
My heart just breaks for Sabrina. She's so brave and strong to share all this and Gus is such a disappointment
@randomguy2023 2 жыл бұрын
Have you actually seen how she’s been behaving? She’s mess with her audience several times, Gus said they went to couples therapy and she said they weren’t even though HE SHOWED PROOF, A counselor that she chose her self.
@cady4917 2 жыл бұрын
When you got to the part where a TikTok dating coach was conflated with couples therapy…I was at a loss.
@IsaacClodfelter 2 жыл бұрын
I love creators refusing to accept literally any kind of accountability for their horrid actions. I have been and am so done with Gus. He can keep flailing and trying to save face but he should never be redeemed from this. He never will in my eyes.
@Lexi-720 2 жыл бұрын
I saw gus live like two years ago. It was at a comedy club in a mall. My friends and I actually saw Sabrina darting around the mall, I assume running errands or just hanging out. I was actually like starstruck to see her but I didn't try to talk to her or anything. Later on, during the show, she stood in a corner the whole time. Gus had this bit where he would call her up on stage and pretend like he was going to propose and then yelled at her for eating sunchips loudly in the corner. He prefaced this bit with a joke along the lines of "I could fuck something up and become a father any day". And that seemed funny then but looking at it now.... He knew what she had gone through in her pregnancy... And he made her stand there in that corner and listen to that joke every night. It just doesn't sit right with me. I'm also choosing to no longer interact with his content. Super disappointing that my friend had her dare shirt signed by him and it's there forever now lmfao
@arthurpietrogarcia1057 2 жыл бұрын
One Thing I noticed is how people on Gus subreddit are blaming Sabrina for cancelling Gus but like no. They always say how:"Uh if it wassssss avvvbbouottttt thehheh mmmmedddidicallllllll OPRBlems wHY Noocodt cCNASCEL thohsse????!!!" But like it was not Sabrina who cancelled Gus it was the community, they act like Sabrina is controlling the minds of the Gus haters but its not her fault that they chose to pay attention to Gus's Part more than the Actual Problem and the reason she made that video.
@deadheathen2000 2 жыл бұрын
She definitely was the only reason why "the community" tried to cancel him. Same thing as saying "Hitler didn't exterminate the jewish population. He just made his beliefs known to the german community and THEY did it" It's partly true I guess, but it still wouldn't have happened without them.
@arthurpietrogarcia1057 2 жыл бұрын
@@deadheathen2000 I'm not comparing this situation to fricking WWII are you crazy? Hitler was someone who was on tv saying:"uFUHHDFUHH YOIUODF SHOULKDDL KILSLDL TEHHEH JJJEWWS!?!?" And people unfortuanely listened, Sabrina made a video where the main topic was her pregnancy while gus was on the back burn and people decided only responding to the gus part.
@deadheathen2000 2 жыл бұрын
@@arthurpietrogarcia1057 i didn't say you were comparing them lol it was obviously just an example to show that they're essentially the same point. And idk if id I agree that the main topic was her pregnancy, but if it was than a close 2nd would be the "im a victim, feel sorry for me and hate Gus" topic.
@falseeef 2 жыл бұрын
I followed Gus for a little over a year before everything happened, and I honestly won’t be watching him again. It stings when you’ve spent hours of your time watching content from someone who turned out to have been horrible for years while you were thinking that they were at least a decent person. I just hope Sabrina can peacefully move on and can stay safe during her recovery.
@sk1nt1cket666 2 жыл бұрын
Not to mention couples therapy is often more harmful than good in abusive relationships 😒
@guytrashgurtdog515 2 жыл бұрын
It can definitely depend on the situation and therapist tbh. But then again with a good therapist, they would probably tell you to just break up and for the person being abused to run far away. That’s what a good therapist would do tbh. Couples therapy can be so helpful, it’s helped me and my partner so much. Not that either of us are abusive though, just wanted to work on things.
@Alexa-ed3ks 2 жыл бұрын
I am surprised people support Gus after all of his friends abandon him. That said more than enough about that situation
@poolboyatvampiremansion 2 жыл бұрын
I actually used to be a fan of Gus and his content. It's been pretty crazy to me that he actually behaves like this, makes me sad. I'm no longer a fan of his
@kingayy9267 2 жыл бұрын
It is disappointing but we can learn from it: now we know not everyone is as kind as they might seem to be at first glance. Look further into someone's personality before getting into a relationship with them, etc. I'm not blaming Sabrina for anything Gus said or did. She didn't deserve any of it. (In case my comment came across as victim blaming.)
@poolboyatvampiremansion 2 жыл бұрын
@@kingayy9267 It's really hard to tell what people are truly like though. They could be really good at hiding things. I used to be in an abusive relationship and some people are just really good at being deceitful. But we can still learn from this, like you said. Don't trust people on the internet , because you don't truly know them
@christmastiger 2 жыл бұрын
I knew you'd be making a video about this when I saw it and I'm glad you did. I'm also glad Sabrina decided to step away for her mental health, I saw the replies she was getting and I would have done the same. Gus's apology felt like some weird desperate attempt to keep his tour going or maybe it was a sponsor obligation but I hated how much he kept saying "I was foolish" like no leaving your girlfriend alone to die in a hospital so you could open up pokemon cards or drink with friends is WAY beyond foolish, he was just trying to minimize the whole thing. I am glad Sabrina spoke up because I had never heard of ectopic pregnancies or their possible complications so now I have tools to better look after my own health and I think that (along with hopefully healing by speaking up about it) is why she did it, and I hope she continues to heal without closure from Gus and have a much better life without him.
@stephmcginnis7434 2 жыл бұрын
I wanted to forgive him so bad but it just feels so disingenuous☹️
@kingayy9267 2 жыл бұрын
He's one of those shitty partners who says things like "I'm sorry _you_ took my words the wrong way and were upset by them" instead of "I'm sorry for [whatever the transgression actually was]."
@jenniferkeatts7839 2 жыл бұрын
The amount of people I have argued with that are claiming Sabrina was the one lying because calling a dating coach a therapist is simply semantics so Gus is the innocent one telling the truth!!1!
@silverkyre 2 жыл бұрын
Wow thats gross
@raven_moonshine39 2 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU! Just...thank you! My god, it blows my mind how many people don't understand that the difference between a dating coach and a licensed therapist is WAY more than just semantics. They're NOT interchangeable people.
@nachopeligro 2 жыл бұрын
this situation has me feeling so many mixed emotions from start to finish, this whole thing is just so complex and heavy and nobody is treating it with the nuance it needs. i'm glad sabrina told her story, she has every right and it's her life and i'm happy she felt comfortable sharing her experiences with her audience, but the way the internet responded by making tea channel videos and classifying it as "internet drama" just rubs me the wrong way. plus, i think sabrina talking about how she was treated by healthcare workers in that time of need is not talked about enough, because discrimination and mistreatment of pregnant people in healthcare is a big issue, but that entire conversation was kinda thrown in the trash after the internet decided they wanted to turn this into "gus johnson is cancelled!!" type shit. her voice should've been amplified so much more to control her own narrative and talk about her experiences in the way that she wanted to, and to open a bit of a discussion about some of the issues she raised, but everyone just shined a spotlight onto gus and waited, instead of spending time supporting sabrina and talking more about experiences like hers that need to be shared more often. she did talk about the relationship a lot in the video, so of course people were going to run with the "drama" aspects of it instead of focusing on the larger systemic issues she talked about, and i think that's just so typical of the internet and it's why i'm so cynical honestly. to sum up my point, i just don't like how when sabrina opened up about her experiences, everyone just looked to gus and talked about him and completely ignored some of the other issues she brought up that i think we should also be having a conversation about. more focus should've been on sabrina and amplifying her voice and her story, but it just wasn't, and i think that especially makes me feel weird. it's not the internets job to tell gus to "hold himself accountable", he already got consequences for his actions, he lost his partner and his close friends, he'll either learn from that, or he won't. there is nothing that the internet can really do to change that. what we CAN do is support sabrina and just block him out. like you said, he's not going away. that's just my thoughts, i have a lot of thoughts but those are my most coherent ones.
@yesiamyes2403 2 жыл бұрын
I'm honestly really happy she went public with this. Not only is it going to help women who have gone through similar things to feel heard a little more, but I also found out who Gus really was. I knew he could be a little insensitive, but I thought it was a joke. A face, like the one Markiplier uses for satire and comedy. But knowing it was real is just disappointing. Not only did he disappoint his fans, but he disappointed the most important person in this situation. Sabrina. Someone he was supposed to cherish, and love, and support. Not only did he make her feel invisible by trying to manipulate her into an open relationship, but he also invalidated her pain and contributed to what is probably one of the most traumatizing moments of her life. I used to look up to him so much but honestly I hope he rots in hell.
@Diphenhydra 2 жыл бұрын
I think there’s an interesting point about creators and their work here, at lest for me. I still listen to Michael Jackson and yellow card, John Lennon (etc.) despite the different horrible things each person/group has done and me knowing full well about it. But with Gus I immediately unsubscribed from him. I’ll play games from companies like blizzard even while the lawsuit was ongoing. For some reason it’s impossible for me to separate the art from the artist when it’s a KZbinr or twitch streamer, but with any other type of “celebrity” I don’t even think about it. Is this just me?
@caramelaaaa9621 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, also have thought about this as well. I think ultimately it’s the fact that the relationship between fans and content creators feels a lot more personal, in a sense? Not sure if my words are coming across right, but with Twitch streamers and youtubers you end up feeling like you have a closer “bond” with them, especially with those you’ve followed since their beginnings on the Internet. For Gus, I subbed when he was only at around 500k so I was a fan of his and Sabrina’s for a while. When the truth came out it felt like a betrayal even though I’m not on close terms with him at all. I suppose it’s because most content creators depend on their fans for their fame and reputation? With video game companies and famous musicians that distance is a bit different.
@Diphenhydra 2 жыл бұрын
@@caramelaaaa9621 yeah, that’s a good point. I’m trying to think if there’s anyone or group that I completely boycotted because of their behaviour because I can only think of youtubers atm. It very well could just be that the relationship is closer, which is kinda scary to think about. Social media and the internet have brought me so close to some people that I feel betrayed when they do something horrible and if it were some movie star I wouldn’t have cared.
@BryonyClaire 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't know he made a video apology nor trying to "expose" her on Twitter too. It feels terrible that she had to publicly respond to defend her own trauma because he lied. Glad you spoke about this
@moosenman 2 жыл бұрын
It isn’t our place to accept Gus’ apology. Gus didn’t abuse us. He abused Sabrina, and if she doesn’t accept it then we shouldn’t accept on her behalf or dismiss her
@BooBooBarbie19 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t support him or any creator that has done bad things and end up being terrible people. I used to love Gus & Shane Dawson. Now they get no support from me. Still crazy how they still have supporters. Makes me sick
@Ainexela 2 жыл бұрын
Duncan is the camp counselor of Commentary KZbin and I for one am very happy you’re here.
@nana-ix 2 жыл бұрын
i cant believe how hard shes fighting back against all his bullshit too, sabrina is really strong.
@RogueAstro85 2 жыл бұрын
I really didn't buy Gus's apology. The only ex that I left on bad terms with constantly minimized my emotions, ignored me to hang out with her friends all the time, and told me that she was the only one who would put up with me. A lot of that reminded me of what I heard in Sabrina's video and that 'apology' didn't say any of the things it needed to. Calling yourself a "Goof" for telling your partner that other people would have left her by now is not good enough. It seems more like he was trying to make it a "We were both in a tough situation" thing and not a "Yeah, I was shitty" thing. I hope he gets help and actually changes from this. Not because I want to like him again and enjoy his content, but because I don't want another person out there treating people the way I was treated.
@minichou 2 жыл бұрын
I never subscribed or was a daily watcher of Gus before so this was an easy choice to make. Also I'm so tired of people minimalizing a traumatic situation into calling it twitter/youtube/tiktok/etc drama. I don't know how to word my thoughts correctly but these are unfortunate situations happening with real people behind the scenes. It's not always chalked up to who's the villain and who's the hero because there are so many choices that have been made by both parties that it's not always black and white. How we perceive these situations and how we react to them if they were to happen in our own lives matters a lot. Basically what I'm saying is: You can't support a problematic person without being problematic yourself. It's literally by proxy.
@Ohnonoki 2 жыл бұрын
Why can't you admit you were wrong about Sven?
@rawspaghetti9947 2 жыл бұрын
Damn I watched Gus’s apology without knowing anything about the situation at all and as a long time fan I was pretty convinced. Then I watched Sabrina‘s video and it was pretty heartbreaking to say the least. Now I found out that one of the most convincing arguments in Gus‘s favor was literally just a lie and damn this shit sucks I’m also choosing not to support him any longer, really sucks cause I thought Gus was a genuinely good guy to find out all this at once is just sad
@hell0mega 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for this update. im also not on twitter and i unsubbed from gus when i first heard about it, so i didnt know any of this new stuff. and you're the only creator i follow who's talked about it since it is such a sensitive subject (you handle it beautifully). i actually found him through eddy, and not the other way around, so it was a lot easier to dump him. my heart goes out to sabrina and everyone else who had the rug taken from under them about his behavior. i dont wanna be That Guy but something always seemed a little off about him during his unscripted "genuine" moments, like thanking followers and stuff. it still felt like a bit and i never knew why. i never thought it was something as bad as sociopathic selfishness, and yet...
@PBthesquirrel 2 жыл бұрын
Setting aside the moral and ethical issues with supporting a creator based solely on their product without regard to their behavior/reputation, here are two reasons that should matter to us all: 1. Duncan touched on this point-- our engagement with videos online carries weight. Online engagement is a currency. For example, right now, we are all spending our attention span on Duncan's channel (yay!) 2. The creator behind the videos carries ideals and attitudes that show in their content. Whether it's blatant (example: TikTok alpha bros are blantantly misogynistic) or if it's subtle (Gus Johnson's injury video), every video creator we watch influences us. Idk about you guys, but I dont want to be influenced by someone who verbally abuses their signficant other while they are vulnerable. . . Duncan, if you're reading this, you are doing an excellent job! I appreciate all the hard work you do. You are clearly passionate about your work. I hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself 💜💜
@RaeCrazyGaming 2 жыл бұрын
Put it this way: how would you react if your friend did this? Would you be angry, upset and no longer wanna associate with them? If so, then why would you continue to support a creator who has done shitty things. It's not that hard to grasp
@Ilikefrogs.. 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of the people still supporting him have probably engaged in similar behaviour themselves, or continued to support their friends who have.
@asmrtpop2676 2 жыл бұрын
In abusive situations, from my personal experience, people don’t drop the friend even if it is absolutely abundantly clear the friend was the abuser and was in the wrong.
@kesartedaer 2 жыл бұрын
He doesn't deserve a platform. Poor Sabrina has to deal with this and re live her own trauma.
@prionsah7719 2 жыл бұрын
I can't imagine how hard it must be for Sabrina to have someone so beloved by the internet be such a cruel human being in private. I think Gus's apology was a means of trying to salvage his career, its gut wrenching because I loved his work so much, it legitimately broke my heart to find all this out. I didn't want it to be like this, he reminds me of a narcissist. I hope all of the people who used to associate with him are able to move on healthily in their own careers. Most of all I hope they're okay, and you're okay, Duncan. Heavy topics are hard on my mind, be nice to yourself.
@ninjacatcalledbob 2 жыл бұрын
No because when I saw the video I was so confused because all the comments were so nice and I just felt that vibe of the video was so off and fake. I am glad I wasn't going crazy and the only one who thought gus was acting
@byefelicia7967 2 жыл бұрын
He kinda reminds me of the shit that came out with John mulaney. I was such a fan. Both men were funny but ultimately wholesome and then we all found out that was utter bullshit
@funnfungusie9622 2 жыл бұрын
I bought tickets to his show for me and my girlfriend. We've been trying to get a refund for about 4 months but neither gus or the ticket place even respond to the emails. I never thought I'd be fighting for not getting to go to his show because I was like a mega fan. I'm f*cking mad and I'm f*cking sad.
@offbeatkiki 2 жыл бұрын
You're one of the good ones. Hope it stays that way. Also laughing at the yeti in the back as you talk into your phone. They have about the same audio quality tbh. I'm glad I found your channel a while back.
@kingayy9267 2 жыл бұрын
@kingayy9267 2 жыл бұрын
Assuming it's the microphone on the table? I was looking for a little yeti doll at first.
@Nonyah123 2 жыл бұрын
Haven't we learned by now not to assume any internet person is "one of the good ones?"
@dmcg1390 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nonyah123 exactly! I know this guys online persona. Nothing more. Jesus people do not learn.
@ashplaysbass 2 жыл бұрын
I used to really look up to Gus as a person because I saw a lot of myself in him. When all this came out, it scared the shit out of me. Without going into heavy detail(I’m not the online-trauma-dump type), there’s a pretty long cycle of abuse in my family that I’m a victim of. The fact that I felt so connected to Gus has made me start looking inward and be more aware of and active about being better than my family members. I’ve started this later than I feel I should have, but I’m trying really hard to break the cycle(it’s hard to be honest about yourself out loud without making it feel like fishing for approval and compliments lol). TLDR, fuck Gus Johnson man. The person we saw on camera never truly existed, and he’s done a piss poor job of holding himself accountable.
@asmrtpop2676 2 жыл бұрын
The types to complain of trauma dumping are usually gaslighters and fair weather friends so it’s fine. If it’s on topic/relevant, share it. If someone asks what happened/how you are, answer honestly. Anyone upset about that is showing you they suck.
@GeorgiaOverdrive 2 жыл бұрын
Gus was doing a lot of "I" and "me" in his apology.
@novamoreno5221 2 жыл бұрын
People will never leave Sabrina alone. That's just the truth. Women don't get to change what men make them out to be.
@talistheintrovert 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who has been in an abusive relationship, one of the hardest parts to reconcile is how the person abusing you behind closed doors is seen as a fantastic person to those around them. "He's charming and and funny and fun, so he couldn't possibly be a terrible person when there's nobody else in the room." It's even harder when you KNOW he's also all those things - charming and funny and fun - because you start to gaslight yourself into thinking you're overreacting and maybe all those people who don't know the truth are right to have their opinions and you're the one in the wrong. I can't imagine what that looks like on the scale of having thousands or millions of followers to project that facade to, for Sabrina to have to constantly reconcile that to herself while dealing with all of that on her own, my heart just breaks for her.
@dajiyahmcae1880 2 жыл бұрын
Where do i get this magical ADHD that makes you productive, everyone keeps talking about? My don’t do that. Y’all got that on amazon?
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