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One in the Same (OVERWATCH 2)

  Рет қаралды 8,210



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0:00 Mauga propaganda starts
6:00 Good bye, -Giovanni
feel free to put suggestions for heroes or topics I should talk about

Пікірлер: 93
@jackmcmorrow9397 4 ай бұрын
Mauga is so clearly designed as an off tank in a game where off tanks dont exist anymore.
@bambampewpew32 4 ай бұрын
Lmao yeah I'm still waiting for them to add a 6v6 mode
@jackmcmorrow9397 4 ай бұрын
@@bambampewpew32 Just play open queue. Yeah its chaotic, but its overwatch the way God intended.
@elpapisaint 4 ай бұрын
he is a main tank
@bambampewpew32 4 ай бұрын
@@elpapisaint only because there is only 1 tank Lol jk honestly yeah it's hard to tell when tanks are added to 5v5, but also just hard to tell what does main tank even mean, everyone seems to have different meanings lol
@jackmcmorrow9397 4 ай бұрын
@@elpapisaint No he aint. Mauga's only damage negation tool is his cardiac overdrive, which is nowhere near frequent or powerful enough to make him a main tank.
@Ren_Ca 4 ай бұрын
I agree with this take. I was fortunate enough to not play during season 8 (not bc I didn't want to, because my computer broke) and now in season 9, I see mauga as a close quarters mennace, but fun to play AND play against.
@P.H691 4 ай бұрын
Fighting Mauga close range has two sides beating the living shit out of each other and it's extremely fun seeing who comes out of that brawl alive.
@knyt0 4 ай бұрын
@@P.H691 mauga and extremely fun don't work together
@Jman_96 Ай бұрын
Doom against a mauga is torture. His ult shuts you down.
@diegocorvalan5435 4 ай бұрын
4:30 because he can be counter by every character so all rein players need to know match ups to be good, what to block know where the enemy likes to position to pin, hammer or firestrike in a smart way, mauga plays almost the same vs every character try to shoot the tank to survive unless someone is weak
@cometasteroids7761 4 ай бұрын
Basically yeah, like dont get me wrong, hes shit because literally every character can quite literally hard counter him. However, if you lose to a rein, it is the only situation where its a skill issue and people tend to respect that "more".
@unmellowthegamer8946 4 ай бұрын
That is exactly it! Yes rein is weak, but also if you guess right you can pin and one shot a genji or tracer, juke someone etc. While mauga is just a bastion spamming into you and running away. No projectiles so no prediction, and because he is just bastion his charge can't be allowed to do a lot of damage. His offense requires no prediction, mininmal CD and ammo mamagment, and there isn't any nuanced micro to hia agression either. Shoot things or run and hide, that's it.
@justmyopinion5272 4 ай бұрын
been a fan of ur stuff since the rein video(im a rein main btw) keep up the videos even if its not consistant,i really enjoy them
@mattevans4377 4 ай бұрын
The funniest part about Rein, is we already have a better Rein template in game. She's called Brigette.
@bbshag5129 4 ай бұрын
Ngl I didn’t even look at the views on the vid when i watched it it was so well edited and spoken I thought was like a million subscriber channel keep it up bro
@AluRooftop 4 ай бұрын
Ok so, this shit is gonna be long. Imma repost this as a normal comment cus i spent way too much time typing to let it sit on a reply. Mauga and Rein are indeed similar in what their kit is supposed to accomplish, but one's kit makes for very fun and interesting gameplay while the other's kit makes for reductive and uninteractive gameplay. Why is Reinhardt so good and fun? Short answer: footsies. Rein gameplay, especially back in 6v6 (the environment he was designed for), revolves around forcing enemies out of positions using the threat of left click. The very specific and binary range of rein's left click enables this spacing-heavy gameplay loop. You are constantly poking out of cover with your big hammer and going back to safety, navigating from one cover spot to another. You are constantly juggling threatening space with left click and holding shield to not die, trying to get into the next advantageous position (where the enemy needs to be "out of position" to kill you) to regenerate your shield health and do it all again. And what do the buttons do? Left click is your main threat, it ensures people can't be right next to you without dying. Right click is your survivability resource, you can use it to move safely out of cover for some time and can bring your tiny little allies with you when moving. Now for the interesting part. Shift is a very VERY commital engage/movement tool that allows you to punish movement with a read and also allows you to go in a direction very very fast while taking the risk of not shielding. It's a fighting game neutral skip. You can see the paralels with something like a hurricane kick. It takes the risk of being very reactable but can be used on openings to immediately start pressure on the opponents and get your gameplan rolling even from very far away. E is a fireball that goes through barriers and gives "supporting fire" by being able to finish off a target or make them low for one of your big range or big dash friends to finish off. It's a fighting game poke and sort of a sweep. Like ryu crouching HK it leaves you open but it's your longest range tool and if it hits it you have a window to convert it into more pressure. (in this case, your ALLIES can convert it into more pressure and maybe a kill. unless you overwatch 2 hit two of them in a row, that's a solid chunk) Ult isn't as strong of a game dynamics generator, but it does provide a way to straight up just kill the enemy which is a nice break of flow when you hit it since you can just run up and smash some people. It can be blocked by barriers which makes it very interesting in the mirror and can be hard read by some other characters with barriers. Let's compare this to mauga. Now why do I say Mauga is "reductive"? Kind of a weird word. Well it's like a worse form of "polarizing". Overwatch has a shit ton of polarizing characters, and it is a problem, but it's remedied by being able to switch into other stuff. And polarizing characters can be "viable" as situational picks against a one-trick or on a very good map if that's important to you. By "reductive" i mean "unsituationally polarizing". Mauga is a character that is very hard to balance because mauga being strong makes his kit less interesting and less interactive. And he is by design hard to make bad without making useless because even though the macro of the character is kinda ok for the game, the micro of mauga is literally just showing up and shooting, and going away if you're gonna die. What do the buttons do? First: the passive. Dealing crits with mauga's weapons give him overhealth. It's a straight up you have more health if you are headshotting. Left click burns the opponent if you hit it some times in a row, and right click autocrits when hitting burning targets. You can shoot both at the same time to trade precision for damage. They are your main threat both in the way that getting close to mauga increases his damage output by a ridiculous ammount but also in the way that your damage nullifies some damage taken. Shooting one at a time is a poke that is way easier to hit cus it's a hitscan machinegun, and is way less impactful since it's DOT with ammo instead of a projectile with cooldown. Whenever there is something on your screen, you can just spray one or both of these at them and it's the right thing to do 99% of the time. Shift is also, like charge, a neutral skip that lets mauga get into range fast but it's way less commital and can be way less rewarding as a consequence. Not only is it "unstoppable", it's more controllable, it starts up at max speed, and you cancel it at any time for a 360 degrees knockback and damage. Most of the time you're using it like a winston jump. E lets you and nearby allies heal from damage. It's like rein's right click a damage negation resource, that depends on there having things to shoot on to heal, presumibly the same things that you want to negate the damage of. There's the unique interaction of being a survivability tool that gets denied by damage negation but that's where the praise ends. It's less engaging to use and easier to play around since it has the strict downtime of a cooldown instead of a metered resource. It also gives you more value the more you shoot the enemy, which means that while you are using the defensive skill that is supposed to get you into a position you are incentivized to keep shooting at the enemy for as long as possible. It's very inflexible for being the singular defensive skill the character has. The ult is very similar to rein's ult in the sense that it gives you a time to just kill the enemy, and it's actually very interactive, being destructible, a shield and only disabling movement. It's the best part of his kit, which makes me want to have it all the time. Locking the dynamic part of a kit behind a big button play is almost always worse than making it weaker and since mauga's kit sorely lacks "flow" I like to advocate reworking this into an ability without the shield and stuff. With all this said, mauga gameplay is very one-notey. His guns are machine guns. They are both the close range threat and long range poke. This makes mauga's impact more granular and his gameplay more linear and consistent. It doesn't provoke the same spacing dance gameplay other close range characters can do (rein's hammer and entire personality, winston shield dancing, brig's inspire poking, and sometimes mei but not really). He has very limited interaction, and it shows on the mauga mirror match. If you think you have more team resources than the other mauga, you shoot at him. He either shoots back and there's a dick measuring contest or he backs off into a corner and starts poking again. Yeah sure that doesn't happen as much vs other tanks but how are you gonna make mauga good against certain tanks without either making him boring strong or making him even more situational and polarized. He has very few tuning knobs because all he does is shoot a very consistent ammount of damage and resist an ammount of damage proportional to damage dealt. If you buff the dash too much now not only is it more annoying cause he ignores more interaction from the enemy but it also goes against his gameplay of having prolonged fights. He needs something injected into his kit not only to make him have a place in the game competitively but to even be a healthy addition to the game. Ok i guess this is all. TLDR: Mauga is BOOOORIIIIING and can't be made strong in a way that doesn't ignore the game (with only number changes) while Reinhardt is designed to be cool and good but most characters can ignore him.
@defaultdan7923 4 ай бұрын
fair counterargument. i think the video does miss that aspect of rein’s honorable status. even when he’s strong, he requires much more finesse than mauga, who is much more relatively simple. i think the video does have a point about how their impact on the game is relatively similar, though, for everyone else.
@natedavis2944 4 ай бұрын
Exactly. Rein at his best was never used most effectively by just shooting the tank or ig in his case swinging on the tank. It was still this resource management. Mauga at his best was stand there and shoot every other tank to out damage and heal them. Them giving him an objectively better charge was kinda ridiculous as well since rein is a melee character and Mauga has ten times the range
@l3vi13 4 ай бұрын
Nice video. Somthing ill definitely add to my arsenal is to shoot better and with style 👩‍🚀🤠 Can't wait for more.
@TertiaryCoot 4 ай бұрын
Funny how all of this could be fixed with 6v6. Also good video it seems you had more time to edit on this one ❤
@bambampewpew32 4 ай бұрын
I can't believe the amount of people who tell themselves "6v6 had unfixable issues", when 5v5 has way worse ones lmao
@andersondavis1228 4 ай бұрын
@@bambampewpew32I think a lot of pros have said the solution to 6v6 was better balance
@IcarusWhoLived 4 ай бұрын
And bring back the shitty double shield ?
@defaultdan7923 4 ай бұрын
@@IcarusWhoLivedthis dev team would probably fix it. also orisa has been reworked. ram sig might blow hard though
@TertiaryCoot 4 ай бұрын
@@IcarusWhoLived Not with the Orisa Rework, and with all the new tanks in the game. Rein Mauga could rush the shit out of Sig Ram.
@Sharkgobrrrr 4 ай бұрын
2 vids in 1 day? You treat us Giovanni.
@longarmclearlyisop7454 4 ай бұрын
I just want rein to be viable without being busted. He definitely needs a rework
@bambampewpew32 4 ай бұрын
Nah they need to just remove the 3000 million cancer mechanics they added to ow2 over it's lifespan, Rein was actually playable in high elo before they removed his 50 armor, remember?
@stitchperlo9639 4 ай бұрын
Dont rework my boy
@longarmclearlyisop7454 4 ай бұрын
@@bambampewpew32 that's true
@nosferatustg7675 4 ай бұрын
All he needs is a version of his old steadfast passive that adds in some resistance to damage rather than knockback His toolkit doesnt need changing, just some tweaking
@bambampewpew32 4 ай бұрын
@@nosferatustg7675 yeah I hope they don't make rein just another orisa or soldier some boring generic 'do damage' or 'take damage and do damage' kit
@uphillsphere32 4 ай бұрын
Thank you bro I swear people hate me for loving mauga
@masterhewg1166 4 ай бұрын
Blizzard making a new and fresh hero: •Give him ball's double machine guns but more braindead •A charge like Reinhardt with orisa's fortify •A overhealt passive like doomfist so that his skill ceiling is higher than the floor •Junker queen shout but it only gives him the wound passive and enough damage reduction to make him 10% less meltable •Make his ult a Winston bubble that you can't get out of •Give him a hitbox bigger than hog's •His personality is supposed to be a stupid looking but calculative character, let's just make him sound stupid in the voicelines. I think the best way to rework him is by letting him throw rocks and fly with boosters in his ass after charging, at least we can add some abilities that no tank has
@bobboulas2144 26 күн бұрын
Exactly 🎉
@bybuus 4 ай бұрын
Damn that's cool...
@pepst6454 2 ай бұрын
@KarlKognition 4 ай бұрын
One and* the same. One in the same is a nonsensical eggcorn!
@Hiro-uv6nr 4 ай бұрын
Lets go
@icepl831 4 ай бұрын
mauga is great i mean they added the healing based tank right around the time rhey added the dps passive that reduces healing genius!
@Koagulat 4 ай бұрын
What the hell. Mauga is surprisingly accurate at range. Why does everyone just charge with this guy and hold m1 m2 without a second thought. Like. Why? He is more like Roadhog. He has the range. Sustain. Ability to cancel with stomp. Hitscan against flying heroes. If you give your visor s76 lifesteal, the enemy team will fall over. Holding m1m2 is only good against tanks and maybe bastion. Rest of bullets miss the squishes.
@AnimeOtaku56. 4 ай бұрын
The just shoot them advice is actually gas. People don’t understand that just shooting rein is infinitely more value than shooting a Ramattraz
@bruhbruh7660 4 ай бұрын
Mauga can poke, one chain gun does plenty of damage
@bambampewpew32 4 ай бұрын
I was thinking that lmao that point was kinda wrong, but he still does thrive at close range I guess
@alexdahmane7025 4 ай бұрын
@@bambampewpew32yea he does both that’s why he is so hated.he has sustain,movement,close range and long range damage
@pepelpepe5446 4 ай бұрын
@xxswagmastermike_7kxx568 4 ай бұрын
hammond does more damage it is not plenty
@ogrynmod1765 4 ай бұрын
i love going brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
@TarlukLegion 4 ай бұрын
I dont think Reinhardt is considered honorable just because he's bad in Overwatch 2 tho. He was always considered more respectable and honorable as a character in Overwatch 1, and he was far better as a character with the other tank to combo with and cover his weaknesses; Zarya gave him the answer for how he could get in close range without using up all his resources, for example. He was always relevant, but still fun to play as and play against.
@l0ker507 4 ай бұрын
I'm reporting you to Blizzard, FBI, and the Catholic Church for that crosshair on widow
@DiegoHernandez-ts8by 4 ай бұрын
I'm just curious what's the background music?
@its_lucky252 4 ай бұрын
first upload in 3 months is 6 minutes and rushed without a purpose
@bestslime8626 4 ай бұрын
double video upload?
@NoDebuffs 4 ай бұрын
there is a difference, mauga will completly ass fuck the tank in a close 1v1, rein can only win with direct shatter, pin, double fire strike, mauga just needs full ammo, and he is so opressive in the tank 1v1
@cooldiego7 4 ай бұрын
Eh im still a mauga main
@stitchperlo9639 4 ай бұрын
What do you mean no mechanical skill I need to be able to block Lucio boop, pharah boop, land fire strikes at 50 meters, block hook, block nade, block beat (it’s possible), block sleep, block shaters, block brig boop, block flash (not in game anymore) block tracer nuke and all of that just by pure reaction time to just do one kill and die game sence is only useful if you have good players in your team which spoiler alert doesn’t exist in ow2
@natedavis2944 4 ай бұрын
Did he say rein is low skill? I heard mechanically which is true but yeah playing the mind games and baiting all these abilities is the real skill of rein. When I’m on my game I’m eating all the cc with my shield and walking em down. Probably is they just spam me and then all that timing don’t mean anything 😢
@knyt0 4 ай бұрын
that's all game sense
@ShadowMikey04 4 ай бұрын
My issue with Moira is how easy she is imo. You either have a pretty decent Moira, well Good now that she's giga buffed despite purposely buffing health to compensate for the damage power creep. Or a really bad Moira. She needs to be altered drastically, imo no character should be easy as the characters that are easy and good at very niche things end up making the game the most unhealthy. If Hog and Mauga are good everyone is VERY miserable. Only those mains are happy. If Moira or Zen are really good, A LOT of people are miserable. If Reaper or Bastion are good, people are miserable. Widow also needs her kit altered, imo the one shot should be removed but that'd break her design idea. Honestly could be solved by giving her a laser signifying when she's aiming down sights or a sight GLARE. She makes long sighted maps unbearable. My point is, these niche characters should NOT be good. That means you too Sombra. And a LOT of characters needs to be altered to make game more bearable. These wouldn't be problems if the game was playtested better and took advice from the community, i.e higher ranks as they have an idea of how to make the game enjoyable for everyone.
@elpapisaint 4 ай бұрын
The only tabk that isnt honorable or respectable imo is sigma because he has every ability in the game.
@alexdahmane7025 4 ай бұрын
Yea mauga is so bad that’s why he has a 55% win rate this season in comp😢.blizzard is so incompetent😡they allowed zarya to get to 46% win rate by buffing her damage by a shocking 5%😮😮😮. But seriously if mauga is so bad why did they buff zarya and not him?
@williamwoznack5312 4 ай бұрын
Simple solution to fix this shit: balance the game around rein. I'm not fucking joking. Balance it around rein. Rein meta is proven to be fun af, so it's perfect.
@Riley-ye3gf 2 ай бұрын
For now, I am the newest comment. One day, I will not be. That’s just how it is.
@sebastianrodriguez8992 4 ай бұрын
I ironically main both
@iownarazor 4 ай бұрын
where did you gooo
@nm3k511 4 ай бұрын
Would agrue Brig and Maaaaybe Moria as well. Brig is more or less obvious as a Baby Rein with possible Doomfist movement tech (aka Bashjumping). Her performance in S9 just feels abysmal now despite her synergy in comps as now she cannot do most of the other playstyles (Rollout Brig, Brig that Controls space, and Pally Brig) that make her fun and effective, so now she is left with is mostly being a Bodyguard to a Support (used to be able to bodyguard Rein, but given how much she sucks at keeping herself or others in combat alive, she only can bodyguard supports to some degree). Moria while an annoying piece of sht that acts like a rat (Zen, Bap, and Lucio take the cake of being a sneaky rat in support), there are times a 1v1 against them can be fun and honorable. Even funnier if a Moria Ditto 1v1 occurs.
@CringeAlarmm 4 ай бұрын
unironically it would be easier to make rein and mauga be apart of the dps role then actually reworking them in a way to make them viable and consistent tanks
@brewski425castleclash 4 ай бұрын
Magua is literally one of the worst additions to the game
@supershotgun6921 4 ай бұрын
True. Its sad Blizzard has built him up for years to just release a rein hog fusion that breaks the 5v5 format.
@burnttoaster7425 4 ай бұрын
Literally has been said before, especially for brig and lw
@defaultdan7923 4 ай бұрын
i love that this is top comment because it proves how little people actually care about having a discussion
@vadimushakov5883 4 ай бұрын
@turtwigproductions9928 4 ай бұрын
@AluRooftop 4 ай бұрын
Shit take, will reply to this comment explaining why in maybe 6 hours.
@pstrnil9368 4 ай бұрын
Still waiting...
@RaeedK80 4 ай бұрын
Still waiting…
@AluRooftop 4 ай бұрын
Ok so, this shit is gonna be long. Mauga and Rein are indeed similar in what their kit is supposed to accomplish, but one's kit makes for very fun and interesting gameplay while the other's kit makes for reductive and uninteractive gameplay. Why is Reinhardt so good and fun? Short answer: footsies. Rein gameplay, especially back in 6v6 (the environment he was designed for), revolves around forcing enemies out of positions using the threat of left click. The very specific and binary range of rein's left click enables this spacing-heavy gameplay loop. You are constantly poking out of cover with your big hammer and going back to safety, navigating from one cover spot to another. You are constantly juggling threatening space with left click and holding shield to not die, trying to get into the next advantageous position (where the enemy needs to be "out of position" to kill you) to regenerate your shield health and do it all again. And what do the buttons do? Left click is your main threat, it ensures people can't be right next to you without dying. Right click is your survivability resource, you can use it to move safely out of cover for some time and can bring your tiny little allies with you when moving. Now for the interesting part. Shift is a very VERY commital engage/movement tool that allows you to punish movement with a read and also allows you to go in a direction very very fast while taking the risk of not shielding. It's a fighting game neutral skip. You can see the paralels with something like a hurricane kick. It takes the risk of being very reactable but can be used on openings to immediately start pressure on the opponents and get your gameplan rolling even from very far away. E is a fireball that goes through barriers and gives "supporting fire" by being able to finish off a target or make them low for one of your big range or big dash friends to finish off. It's a fighting game poke and sort of a sweep. Like ryu crouching HK it leaves you open but it's your longest range tool and if it hits it you have a window to convert it into more pressure. (in this case, your ALLIES can convert it into more pressure and maybe a kill. unless you overwatch 2 hit two of them in a row, that's a solid chunk) Ult isn't as strong of a game dynamics generator, but it does provide a way to straight up just kill the enemy which is a nice break of flow when you hit it since you can just run up and smash some people. It can be blocked by barriers which makes it very interesting in the mirror and can be hard read by some other characters with barriers. Let's compare this to mauga. Now why do I say Mauga is "reductive"? Kind of a weird word. Well it's like a worse form of "polarizing". Overwatch has a shit ton of polarizing characters, and it is a problem, but it's remedied by being able to switch into other stuff. And polarizing characters can be "viable" as situational picks against a one-trick or on a very good map if that's important to you. By "reductive" i mean "unsituationally polarizing". Mauga is a character that is very hard to balance because mauga being strong makes his kit less interesting and less interactive. And he is by design hard to make bad without making useless because even though the macro of the character is kinda ok for the game, the micro of mauga is literally just showing up and shooting, and going away if you're gonna die. What do the buttons do? First: the passive. Dealing crits with mauga's weapons give him overhealth. It's a straight up you have more health if you are headshotting. Left click burns the opponent if you hit it some times in a row, and right click autocrits when hitting burning targets. You can shoot both at the same time to trade precision for damage. They are your main threat both in the way that getting close to mauga increases his damage output by a ridiculous ammount but also in the way that your damage nullifies some damage taken. Shooting one at a time is a poke that is way easier to hit cus it's a hitscan machinegun, and is way less impactful since it's DOT with ammo instead of a projectile with cooldown. Whenever there is something on your screen, you can just spray one or both of these at them and it's the right thing to do 99% of the time. Shift is also, like charge, a neutral skip that lets mauga get into range fast but it's way less commital and can be way less rewarding as a consequence. Not only is it "unstoppable", it's more controllable, it starts up at max speed, and you cancel it at any time for a 360 degrees knockback and damage. Most of the time you're using it like a winston jump. E lets you and nearby allies heal from damage. It's like rein's right click a damage negation resource, that depends on there having things to shoot on to heal, presumibly the same things that you want to negate the damage of. There's the unique interaction of being a survivability tool that gets denied by damage negation but that's where the praise ends. It's less engaging to use and easier to play around since it has the strict downtime of a cooldown instead of a metered resource. It also gives you more value the more you shoot the enemy, which means that while you are using the defensive skill that is supposed to get you into a position you are incentivized to keep shooting at the enemy for as long as possible. It's very inflexible for being the singular defensive skill the character has. The ult is very similar to rein's ult in the sense that it gives you a time to just kill the enemy, and it's actually very interactive, being destructible, a shield and only disabling movement. It's the best part of his kit, which makes me want to have it all the time. Locking the dynamic part of a kit behind a big button play is almost always worse than making it weaker and since mauga's kit sorely lacks "flow" I like to advocate reworking this into an ability without the shield and stuff. With all this said, mauga gameplay is very one-notey. His guns are machine guns. They are both the close range threat and long range poke. This makes mauga's impact more granular and his gameplay more linear and consistent. It doesn't provoke the same spacing dance gameplay other close range characters can do (rein's hammer and entire personality, winston shield dancing, brig's inspire poking, and sometimes mei but not really). He has very limited interaction, and it shows on the mauga mirror match. If you think you have more team resources than the other mauga, you shoot at him. He either shoots back and there's a dick measuring contest or he backs off into a corner and starts poking again. Yeah sure that doesn't happen as much vs other tanks but how are you gonna make mauga good against certain tanks without either making him boring strong or making him even more situational and polarized. He has very few tuning knobs because all he does is shoot a very consistent ammount of damage and resist an ammount of damage proportional to damage dealt. If you buff the dash too much now not only is it more annoying cause he ignores more interaction from the enemy but it also goes against his gameplay of having prolonged fights. He needs something injected into his kit not only to make him have a place in the game competitively but to even be a healthy addition to the game. Ok i guess this is all. TLDR: Mauga is BOOOORIIIIING and can't be made strong in a way that doesn't ignore the game (with only number changes) while Reinhardt is designed to be cool and good but most characters can ignore him.
@AluRooftop 4 ай бұрын
@@pstrnil9368 thanks, i went to sleep and prob wouldn't type my wall without the notification
@AluRooftop 4 ай бұрын
@@RaeedK80 haha! Too late, i was already typing then!
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