I played Lies of P
4 ай бұрын
One in the Same (OVERWATCH 2)
OVERWATCH 2 and its Necessary Evil
OVERWATCH 2 and its Support Problem
I played TITANFALL 2
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I played Hi-Fi RUSH
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@Chinesetakeout382 Күн бұрын
Ramattra is just cool in concept, Racist Robot wizard who roids out and starts beating people is just too cool to ignore. But add the coolest voice in the game, some of the best lore in the game, and actually being mechanically good make him my favorite character and he’s my unrivaled main.
@Dejf4299 2 күн бұрын
I think I discovered something else when it comes to OSTs. Old Iron King's theme goes hand in hand with Lost Sinner's. Lorewrise, this may imply their identities may be of the long-forgotten royal lovers of kingdoms Alken and Venn. Both themes collaborate perfectly. Sinner's one is soft while overshadowed by the aggressive tones of Old Iron King's theme, who ultimately won in the long war these kingdoms waged against each other. The Old Iron King's theme ends first as he and his kingdom were the first to succumb to ruins, meanwhile, the Sinner's theme picks up in an aggressive, sorrowful way - as she just lost her loved one. Not to mention that before this happens, there are cymbals in both themes, setting off with each other. I imagine these are references for both Belfry Bells of Alken and Venn, which were exchanged between the royal lovers as their sign of true love since, because of the rivalry, they could never have been with each other. To clarify, in my opinion, the Lost Sinner's sin wasn't linking the flame as Sweet Shalquoir refers to the chaos bug (Witch of Izalith) that's controlling her. (Doesn't make sense for her to attempt that anyway). I think the actual sin she has committed was the aforementioned forbidden love she shared with the prince of Alkan, and her most likely showing mercy during the war, which ultimately led to Venn's downfall. (As it is implied in the Iron King DLC, the Old Iron King, just a Prince of Alken during that time, was a feeble weak lord and the kingdom of Venn was most likely winning until he received aid from Sir Alonne and only rose to true power because of conquered land that belonged to Venn - the Brume tower and Harvest Valley, which he both used to massively produce iron) I should also mention, that The Lost Sinner couldn't have learned about the linking of fire from Straid because he was already petrified a long time ago during the kingdom of Olaphis. A very paranoid king due to the returning curse, trapped all mages, including Straid. Olaphis was heavily religion-based, utilizing the powers of the gods arriving from Anor Londo and residing in the newly built kingdom of Heide, to create golems, and also magic-based, due to Tseldora crystal mines(which are the remnants of Seath's work) hence why the kingdom of Venn is magically oriented and the kingdom of Alkan so religious. (Both kingdoms are built on the foundation of Olaphis) The adjective "Lost" also implies that the glory of both kingdoms is far gone. Currently, Drangleic is the most recent kingdom and is already crumbling into obscurity while the protagonist(us players) is present. Just a small observation I found. I love DS2's lore. Maybe it's schizo, most likely reaching too far, but I think it fits more than with the Four King's theme.
@Lucifishy 4 күн бұрын
"Gives me hope for the overwatch story mode" About that...
@epoch7661 4 күн бұрын
Much of this is largely irrelevant post season-9. There are certainly still good ways to play him, and I love to play Junkrat. But a lack of his combo has removed the largest part of value in his kit.
@jansenclanor6581 8 күн бұрын
For the first question i prmarily use it to counter enemy ults i also use it to save people for example: your tank is on the point dying when the rest of u guys are dead then u hit a fast rollout i whould ult my tank and amp him out of danger then after that u guys can regroup with out your team being staggered.
@deergodrules 8 күн бұрын
as chazm "edge streak destroyer" ballington once said, wrecking ball is the only hero that makes 9 people in the same lobby mad
@GBA-049 9 күн бұрын
You just blew my mind
@Solibrae 9 күн бұрын
The paired themes do sound fairly good when you present them in this way, and I do like your interpretations of their meanings even if some of them feel a little far-fetched to me. I think it is possible that at least the first four examples were intentional though!
@idiomasentusiasticos7954 9 күн бұрын
8:05 this doesn’t show anything about Mercy gameplay. It just shows how dogshit the enemy team is. If they can’t kill a target that’s standing still, that’s on them.
@Loretic42069 17 күн бұрын
Something I noticed as well, which could just be me overanalyzing, the main menu theme of ds2 sounds very reminiscent of Gwyn's theme reversed.
@alexghost7276 17 күн бұрын
cool video but this isn't anything new though, i don't understand the title.
@Ashley_Crimvael 18 күн бұрын
i had noticed similarities between the ost's before but this is actually pretty cool putting them together adds to it
@CumGames 18 күн бұрын
Gwyn's theme seems to be much more present in the credits theme
@Heemiez 18 күн бұрын
3:29 absolutely blessed ragdoll
@AbyssDark 18 күн бұрын
Another giovanni huh
@nunoosorio3832 18 күн бұрын
I thought everyone at this point knew the songs were made to resemble those of the great lords from DS1, though I wasn't expecting some of them to mash up like this, and the Four King reflection is clever too.
@Ricard1807o 19 күн бұрын
Could it be possible that these pieces from ds2 were supposed to be reminiscent of ds1 bosses (perhaps distantly so), and so they took inspiration from the progression specific ds1 boss music. Or the other way around, they were inspired by the progression of the boss music, so they became reminiscent of those bosses naturally in their development
@Ricard1807o 19 күн бұрын
You discovered great candidates for mashup videos
@dudu_alonne 19 күн бұрын
Sorry to disappoint but freja theme is not unique to her bossfight, the dragonrider for example has the same theme
@alexghost7276 17 күн бұрын
yeah, some of the bosses theme gets reused for some reason, like the najka one.
@Solibrae 9 күн бұрын
The track is still named after Freyja though, it was most likely composed with her in mind.
@DTPandemonium 19 күн бұрын
He got us in the first half but not the 2nd half ngl!
@yadigg4775 20 күн бұрын
Did you come up with the theory and find the songs proved it or were you randomly listening to 2 osts at once and figure this out? Either way cool find you must have been baked when you found this😂
@fromhardware 20 күн бұрын
It is because of the four great lords refference
@mkv2718 21 күн бұрын
i could swear i’ve heard/seen people bring up the similarities between the theme’s before, especially freja and seeth’s, whether it be on reddit or old gamefaq’s posts. sorry to say, but i don’t think you’re the first one to notice this
@JellyJman 22 күн бұрын
So listen I really like what you find for the first three, but Gwyn’s soul is in the Old Iron King, so I would like to see if you put Old Iron King’s theme next to Gwyn’s theme. Vendrick all in all is just some king of a civilization that suffered the same curse as before, he’s not actually THAT great in comparison of the souls of before, in a way it’s kind of cool that he’s NOT a reincarnation of a previous soul.
@Solibrae 9 күн бұрын
You're right, but the state you find Vendrick seems to present an obvious parallel with Gwyn, and they were both the previous King/Lord of the current civilisation you find yourself exploring during the events of their respective game. Therefore I think more intentional connections between Gwyn and Vendrick are possible too.
@ToweringPepsiMan 22 күн бұрын
Frejas theme mixed with seethes goes hard asf
@achref3251 22 күн бұрын
Just as I discovered the ancient dragon memoryback at freja's boss area. Coincidence? I think not. Many theories say that it was one of Seeth's memories of when he defeated the last of its kind. Others say that the memory takes place in Ash lake after some time has passed where the sea was dried out and tge trees holding the world/sky were destroyed
@JellyJman 22 күн бұрын
Yeah the dragon memory is totally ash lake, it was at the very end of the war. It’s why things are very grey more so than the other memories.
@liammarchulaitis3025 23 күн бұрын
As a doom main im trying to learn Genji bc i dont wanna play tank all the time
@draxthedarkreaper 24 күн бұрын
Old Iron King Is Gwyns great soul, not the four kings. You can learn this is you kill him and read his item description in new game plus.
@thechapterzee 23 күн бұрын
Yeah, but what their logic made sense of for me was this: the Four Kings and Seath both specifically get bequeathed *Fragments* of Gwyn's Lord Soul (as opposed to receiving one of the original Lord Souls plucked from the first flame). Nito, the Witch of Izalith, and Furtive Pygmy and Gwyn just get Lord Souls that come directly from the flame. Gwyn bequeaths a Fragment of his Lord Soul to Seath as a symbol of their allegiance and his subsequent Dukedom, and a Fragment to the Four Kings as a symbol of their capacity as Kings. Seath having his own extreme and overriding influence that allows him to have such a pronounced influence on Najka via his inherited shard of the Lord Soul makes a lot of sense, given that he's the last of the dragons--whereas the Four Kings were evidently just human leaders recognized by Gwyn for their capability to be kings of New Londo. Given that the Four Kings's Lord Soul would have been in Gwyn's possession for some time first, it's an instance of Gwyn's Lord Soul being inherited and likely having an influence over its human inheritors--much like what happens when Old Iron King thereafter inherits what is assumedly that same Fragment of Gwyn's Lord Soul (since Seath's too was but one of the Fragments of Gwyn's Lord Soul--evidently made into his own Great Soul by the time of DS2--and assumedly since Najka has the Old Paledrake Soul, Old Iron King wouldn't have inherited Gwyn's *entire* Lord Soul).
@An_Entire_Lime 21 күн бұрын
​​@@thechapterzee I always interpreted the Old Paledrake soul as being completely disconnected from the Lord Soul shard Seath had It IS just straight up Seath's soul, not his lord soul, in the same way you get every other bosses' soul Last Giant's Soul Pursuer's Soul Ruin Sentinel's Soul, etc Notably, The Duke's Dear Freya (Not Najka, thats a different boss) DOESN'T have a great Soul The Rotten, Old Iron King, And Lost Sinner all share the same icon for their soul, (alongside later bosses like Vendrick) showing a larger more powerful soul than the standard sprite for a boss soul And the game acknowledges that you have obtained a great soul IMMEDIATELY after their death Meanwhile Freya just uses the standard soul sprite, and you get the Lord Soul as a PICKUP in her arena after she is defeated Going back to the same spot as the pick up after obtaining the ashen mist heart allows you to collect the Ancient Dragon Soul, pretty much confirming that the Great Soul was the Ancient Dragon's On a related note, the Old Iron King's Great soul is also not the Four Kings, it IS just Gwyn's lord soul, that is made pretty evident by the fact you can trade it for a sunlight miracle. So the Lost Sinner gets the Witch's Lord Soul The Rotten gets Nito's Lord Soul The Old Iron King gets Gwyn's Lord Soul And Freya gets Seath's regular soul, and thus has a notably weaker soul than the other 3, to the point where she isn't actually a great soul, she just has one in her domain.
@CumGames 18 күн бұрын
If then Gwyn's soul is in the Iron King, whose soul will Vendrick be? I'm still trying to think of something consistent with the lore...
@Garry503 24 күн бұрын
also not to mention the track "Remains" contains a segment that's very reminiscent of Gwyn's theme.
@Maxiom5 24 күн бұрын
Vendrick/Gwynn is a bit of a stretch but it does seem true atleast that the louder moments of Vendrick sync to Gwynn's quieter moments. The other 4 lords are also all very on-point. Great catch.
@sasakilxhk421 23 күн бұрын
I would've mixed Aldia's soundtrack instead of vendrick's tbh
@Ricard1807o 19 күн бұрын
it seems to be a sort of creative analysis, like when one writes an analysis on a book from an english class. no shade, but it is what it reminds me of
@walter1383 18 күн бұрын
@@sasakilxhk421 I just tried it by timing a YT video of each to start simultaneously. It's really creepy and unnerving, Aldia's theme clashes in a way with Gwyn's that isn't obnoxious to hear but instead just robs the former of it's sadness and replaces it with almost a feeling of dread. Eventually Aldia's theme overpowers Gwyn's during the climax before mellowing out and quietly fading away while the plin plin plon continues for a small while. Almost like the truth has said it's piece and leaves the conversation, while the lie just continues to repeat itself, yet no one can believe it anymore.
@nthesage 24 күн бұрын
This is insane, they fit so well together it’s impossible it wasn’t intentional! Great job finding the lore connections as well, I’m 100% on board with everything you said
@hohlnd 24 күн бұрын
These osts pair so good, thank you for Revelation
@Traumachu 24 күн бұрын
I was literally just wondering what happened to you! Hello again Giovanni
@TertiaryCoot 24 күн бұрын
This fucking crazy. I can’t believe no one fucking noticed this.
@Lupi12765 24 күн бұрын
Hell yeah next video is elden ring
@Giovanni-A 24 күн бұрын
yea yea, 10 years not 9
@yemustbebornagain2049 24 күн бұрын
ain't this the overwatch guy
@bobboulas2144 26 күн бұрын
Exactly 🎉
@see2remember 26 күн бұрын
As a junkrat main this video gives me joy😂
@shizar998 27 күн бұрын
basically, live with honor and die with glory. got it.
@raccoonparadise2853 28 күн бұрын
It fun when you kill like 3 people form the back before death or kill some one after death because they did not know
@alphahawk325 Ай бұрын
"I will swap roles just to diff the rein then go back to DPS"- Giovanni
@priyankakalra8965 Ай бұрын
amazing content my friend never give up
@sparkachu4514 Ай бұрын
No not the Pinocchio spoiler. This was a sick vid man
@sparkachu4514 Ай бұрын
The ending was so wholesome 🥺
@peche1119 Ай бұрын
I love the "Lies... Of... J??... P!"
@malachite9071 Ай бұрын
‘Just remove reins legs” hit too good🤣🤣🤣
@germans_lol7259 Ай бұрын
In hine sight Zenyatta is like a MLK Ramattra is like a Malcolm X One wants peace between everyone. The other wants to bring peace by seperating everyone bc the other cant get along with them. Whethet with violence or not
@germans_lol7259 Ай бұрын
Then when they buffed his speed in nemesis form it just makes it seem like u cant run from death
@grumpysheep9680 Ай бұрын
Junkrat is a hero of anti air defense if you know how to play him.