Looks like you uploaded this on Christmas Day your time. I hope you can take the rest of the day off 😊. Merry Christmas Pete!
@rasern20 күн бұрын
Board 1 I bid 2c and that didn't end well. Auction went 1s - 2c - 2d - 3c - 3d - 5d - 6s! (x) - P - P - 7d! - (x). When the smoke cleared I was -1700. The tool tip for 5d says fast arrival. So I am completely bewildered why Lia is bidding 6s on an unsupported QJxxx suit!
@VanessaSchmithorst20 күн бұрын
B1: Didn't realize 3C was invitational, so responded 1N. Then it goes 2H-3D-4H. I felt our best chance was 4S since I have ruffing value in H. Well, down 5 undoubled (should've held it to down 4). Good save I guess lol. 3D is a massive overbid by partner IMO. B2: Same auction, same play for +110 likewise. Didn't occur to me to stick in the JH at trick 3 somehow. Seems like an obvious play. B3: Same auction, same lead. I cashed out after finding the D situation as W had discarded H. Still +2 as AC is onside. Aren't you risking the contact by not cashing out? B4: Same, partner's 5C bid is ridiculous. B5: I played low at T1, making 3. E has one card higher than the 5 which has to be the K, T, or 7. If it's the 7 I'm not picking up the suit for 4 tricks bc W covers an honor lead from hand setting up the T. If it isn't I get 4 H tricks by playing low.
@MariaNordgren-wg4ez20 күн бұрын
#1 I did bid 2clubs, and it went sour ;). Got 10 tricks in #2 as the hearts became high. I tried 6 spades in #3 but didn't make, but then 3NT +2 and 3NT just made. Good match.
@emsyssa20 күн бұрын
#1 i didn't see/check the 1S->3C, I thought that would be some sort-of-Bergen raise (which I'm used to playing. but Gavin's system has a different structure, I see now). This led to a disaster :( #2 I put in only the Jack of hearts after giving away the club trick, since they've just lead the 10, and we have both the 9 and 8, I thought I would finesse the remaining K/Q later on. I knew it was risky, because it's possible I can't take all the trumps properly in due time. But I was lucky enough, with a 3-3 heart break. (and at least West can't lead spades anyway - maybe neither East if they have the K-, so I was in no rush to lead and ruff spades, but I see you wanted to ruff the clubs, just had tranportation issues.) #4 I had the same thought for picking up diamonds, luckily. The last one is just sad, that having to guess the singleton 10H on the very FIRST trick makes the contract cold or autofail. I did the same as you.
@dkinrys20 күн бұрын
Let's just say your little oopsie on board 1 was nothing compared to my (thankfully undoubled) oopsie... Responding 3C instead of 2C was definitely the correct move! But I think in the 2/1 Lia system, it's a Bergen raise... Another reason not to play those. On B4 I was hasty and didn't even consider the 4-0 trump break. Bleh. On B5, after partner opened 1D, I bid 2C, 2/1 force. Partner bid 2NT, I raised to 3, and so the contract was played from the north side, with a spade lead to prevent the heartbreak in the heart suit. Happy to score one win today!