Old Japanese had uttered 粋な. Although Arthur doesn’t introduce “chic” or “sophisticated “, in English おしゃれ can express these words building in smart and stylish. English sassy as well. Sassy feels some linking word with Japanese察しがいい.
いつも楽しく拝見しています。これについてはfashionableという語彙が仰々しいというだけで、sleekやstylish、coolなど日本語のお洒落に近い表現は普通に会話で使われていると思います。I like your dressと言ったところでHow do you like it?と返される可能性が高く、ドレス自体のことを形容するなんらかの言葉が必要だからです。
Japanese language structure renders any perceptive point of view pretty a lot. Due to this background, the Japanese are struggling with communication in overseas countries. From fashionable, they can see through the status quo well.
Because the Japanese are too hasty. But current days getting English like a little bit even among the Japanese Speaking Community than before.
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
Japanese communication is changeable and too hasty a lot. Getting a bit more logically than before Japanese means. But still, the vague part controlling still.
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
You will realize that Japanese is a perceptive language as well with me. This has obstacles when the Japanese use English.
今日まさに海外の親戚宅にお邪魔した時にイースターの飾り付けですごくおしゃれだったので「Wow, so fashionable decorations!」と言ったのですが、伝えたい日本語と自分が出した言葉に違和感を覚えて,なんかしっくり来ないな〜って思っていたのですがまさにこれでした!!!スッキリ!!わかりやすい解説ありがとうございます☺️
@@iuconnecttokyo fashion 流行 fashionable 流行の Chick Stylish おしゃれ Most Japanese do understand well. Some of the Japanese is confusing. Even though some are so many unexpectedly.
ものすごく納得してしまいました。説明が深いんですよねえ。なつみさんとのやりとりも好きです。昔、ドイツ人の友達に、I like your jacket. と言われまして、そのあとで、貸して、って言われてしまったのを思い出しました。え?貸すんですか、と驚いて、ノーと言えないままお貸ししました。ちゃんと返してくれましたが。
おもしろいなと思いました。 今、イギリス人の先生に英語習ってるのですが、スラングですがDapperって単語があります。日本で言うきれいめ系の服装でおしゃれって意味なんですが、これは主観でも普通に使える言葉だそうです。英語圏でも国によって異なって面白いですね。You are Dapper!って使います。
@chutayoshi42232 жыл бұрын
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
You are sassy!
@mikis08282 жыл бұрын
thank you arthur! This is nice movie! Especially the characteristics of the language were easy to understand!
Harajuku is a fashionable town. That icon image is too strong for you? Fashion ( noun / verb) Fashionable (adjective) Following a style that is popular at a particular time . Very Interesting Stuff. You can’t see it in easygoing. I can’t understand. Why? You have too much bias against fashion what good or like for now. If you change your solid idea, you can talk with a happy feeling.
@MrTh192 жыл бұрын
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
@kaori-himawari2 жыл бұрын
ボーイ・ジョージかと思いました😀l like your video ✨Thank you 😀
@gobousan5101932 жыл бұрын
日本語で「趣味は何ですか?」って聞くところを、英語では「What do you usually do in your free time/day off?」って聞くのと似ている気がする
@torukobayashi2332 жыл бұрын
What do you usually do...
@gobousan5101932 жыл бұрын
@@torukobayashi233 Thank you!
@chutayoshi42232 жыл бұрын
What do you do in your spare time?
@t.macrocosm18312 жыл бұрын
I don’t know why you didn’t bring up expressions like “That ... looks good on you.” or the word “Stylish” & many other. Japanese use the word Fashionable often probably because they adapted English word Fashion into theirs. And it sounds good to Japanese ears. (Not all English words sound cool to Japanese ears.)
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
Fashionable making a trend of stream . Own will is reflecting in there.They do it any claim as own identification .
Current days have much information coming down, speedy seeking even the Japanese, roundabout saying getting decreased than before. But the Japanese complicated this is not fixed soon. The talking problem of Japanese is in there, Even now Japanese is complicated. English simple. English doesn’t get like Japanese.
@396micuro2 жыл бұрын
5分あたりのyou are loud っての別にアメリカの人に状況を言っても結構普通に声を小さくしてくれたりするよ? 文化の違いってより正直その人自身の親からとか学校からの教育の違いな気がする。
@快舟2 жыл бұрын
@chubbytabby27082 жыл бұрын
オシャレって英語に出来なくて、日本に住んでる子たちとはそのまま “osyare!” で通してます。笑 “Wow, you are so osyare!” とか、”Why are you so osyare today?” 、”Let’s do oyare.” とか。こういう、『気合いいれてオシャレする』みたいシチュエーションで使いたい時は、どういう英語を使えばいいでしょうか?
@GYYYO2 жыл бұрын
You seriously dressed up とかどうですか?I’m going to give it all to look my best. You went all the way with how you look. 意味訳しようとすると長くなりますね。
@everydaygoodness51022 жыл бұрын
おしゃれさん=Fashonista とかですかね?
@chutayoshi42232 жыл бұрын
You may be dashing? well dressed right?
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
@@everydaygoodness5102 It’s a sassy person?
@津山敏明-l9d2 жыл бұрын
@月光の調べ2 жыл бұрын
@everydaygoodness51022 жыл бұрын
その物が「おしゃれ」っていうのにI like your... は分かりますし、実際私もよく言いますが、この動画のタイトルを見て「彼女はおしゃれだ」って言う時の自然な言い方を教えてくれるのかと思いました。その自然な言い方は fashionable 以外にあるんですか?あと、英語でも婉曲表現ってあるなあって思うし、何でもかんでも直接的に言ってたら、やっぱりそれはそれでちょっと角が立つ時もあると思うんですよね。「うるさい」は確かに婉曲表現ですけど、かなりキツい言い方で、Shut up! と訳せますよね。
なるほど! 最初何を言いたいのか分かりませんでした。ウルサイが間接的? でも確かに黙れとは言っていないですね。日本人の感覚としては、ウルサイと言えば大抵の人は黙るから、ウルサイ=黙れが定着してるのでは。 それで、どうしてそうなったのかを考えると日本語の文の構造と省略にあると思う。 いきなり黙れは普通は余程の事がなければ言わない。大抵、理由を述べて、要求を言う。つまり、「ウルサイから黙れ。」最初はそうだったのが、同じパターンが繰り返されるうちに、「ウルサイ」と言えば、「黙れ」が続くので、「ウルサイ」と言えば、言われた方もそれだけで黙る様になるし、言う方も「ウルサイ」だけで相手が黙るのだから、「黙れ」まで言う必要が無くなる。短い言葉で通じるならそれは便利だ。双方、いや日本社会の暗黙の了解みたいなものが出来上がって行く。だから、日本人でもそれに慣れない、つまり察しの悪い人はいくらでもいる。 英語だと、たぶん理由は後から付ける。 Shut up because you're noisy. でも最初のShut up だけで目的は達成されてしまうので、理由は言う必要が無くなる。日本人には、かなり乱暴に聞こえる。いきなり「黙れ」なんて、なんて理不尽な。 日本人がこれを英語にしたら、 Because you're noisy, shut up. って言いたいですよね。これって英語としては不自然なんでしょうか?それは、分かりませんが、その逆は不自然です。つまり、 「黙れ、ウルサイから。」はもちろん意味は通じるけど、不自然で普通は使わない。 まあ、こう言う事の積み重ねなんでしょうね。 ありがとうございました。勉強になりました。 忘れてた。ファッショナブル, fashionableはそのまま使えないと言うのは分かったけど、その代わりの英語がピンとこない。ただの好みの表明になっている気がする。 You have good taste in clothes. とか、 She has a good sense of fashion. とかがファッショナブルを使いがちな日本人の言いたい事では?
@chutayoshi42232 жыл бұрын
If they are stylish and fashionable , might be fitting into your imaged icon.
@chutayoshi42232 жыл бұрын
Because you're bothering ? Rather bothering has been impact sounding than just say noisy.
@chutayoshi42232 жыл бұрын
I think that's a bit different. Maybe, you have a good sophisticated sense. She's got elegant and stylish in clothes . Such the meaning Japanese want to say.
@きんにくん-t8z2 жыл бұрын
@mikiohirata96272 жыл бұрын
" He dresses well. " or " He follows current styles well. " or " He has a cool style." 等が使えるんじゃないでしょうか。おしゃれと言ってもその内容を細かく観察 して伝える感じです。どの例題にもFashionableという語は使われてませんよね。センスが良いを表すにはStyleを使うのが普通です。 High sense などは英語の意味を成しません。和製組み合わせと覚えていた方が良いですね。いつもきまってるかっこ良いなんて言う人には” He has a good taste. ” などは使えます。
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
He’s well dressed . He’s smart and clean .
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
@@mikiohirata9627 good taste for shameful against him in vulgar remark .
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
good taste=good sense I feel disgusted like taste good. He is not food .
文化の違い、とても興味深く勉強になりました。 ところで”the”の使い方について教えて頂きたいです。最上級にはthe を付けると習いました。Direct is best と言われていますけど、Direct is the best のようにtheを付ける必要はないのでしょうか。the は、いつも使い方を悩ませます。教えて頂けるととても嬉しいです
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
Direct is best . This best for an adverb, not an adjective. Direct is the best. If adjective or noun, the best.
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
the best: using it as a noun. best has noun too. For more details check the English Dictionary not Japan made please .
@@鳥田純一 The Katakana display doesn’t get through real English in Americans easily. Phonetic Symbols?
@namichrut92902 жыл бұрын
Very interesting ! Do you think it's same in UK ...?
@moyga2 жыл бұрын
It's true that people are more direct in English, but not always, and it's still usually impolite to phrase things as commands and to be curt. If you wan't someone to be quiet and you say 'shup up' or 'be quiet' that would usually be quite rude. A more polite way might be something like 'sorry, but could you please be a little quieter?' or something like that, phrased more as a polite request and less as a sharp command.
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
shup ( shut up slang) any hearing like sharp. As take your advice in suggestions , Not polite or impolite in your particular view, how to ask in formal utterance. Please give your tone down. Shupshup means reversely could be much noisier with no effect. How to obey a noisy person with your voice means you have to be a proper set phrase according to the situation in your flexible eye line.
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
I’ve tried to ask if could you please be blah, blah, blah, but someone laughed at me without accepting my request at all. This way of saying I decide not to use it anymore from that experience.
@藤本隆秀-r6u2 жыл бұрын
Is it okay to say "That's a nice shirt" to my boss or business partner in the same frank manner?
@iuconnecttokyo2 жыл бұрын
yes its fine. in america lots of times you call your boss by their first name
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
Even Japanese to Japanese such the talk likely even against anyone .
I know what you mean by being direct, but I’d prefer to say “would you keep it down or tone it down?” instead of “shut up” that’s considered to be rude?
@iuconnecttokyo2 жыл бұрын
shut up is rude. just like saying うるさい in japanese is rude
@chutayoshi42232 жыл бұрын
Bothering is being made as some indirect speech rather than noisy alternatively shut up .
@chutayoshi42232 жыл бұрын
Shut up is offensive to a person . I'd pay attention just simply say "calm down ". Even Japanese, I utter exactly the same expression.
@chutayoshi42232 жыл бұрын
Would you keep it down or tone it down, huh? What's up? Calm down. Calm down please. This phrase gives a persuasive impression towards an excited guy.
@chutayoshi42232 жыл бұрын
Order Order also can be used for noisy people to be quiet and obey the rule .
@r6m6972 жыл бұрын
The problem is we r not talking abt one specific item. We wanna say I like ur outfit but through out the years and complement the sense of their fashion. Describing people has good taste of fashion is not the same thing as telling them I like their pants today. English should be more flexible on these descriptive words
@jordanm18012 жыл бұрын
Not only easy to understand, but ur so funny 😂 couldn’t stop laughing
@iuconnecttokyo2 жыл бұрын
thank you!
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
In English laughing is so much harder for Japanese Speakers.
@rekka32452 жыл бұрын
I like your jacket と言われた後の返事も何個か教えて欲しいです。いつもthank youで終わってしまいます:(
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
My beloved jacket . You have a good eye. Do you like it ? Thanks a lot. Have a good day!
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
This is blah, blah , blah you just explain your jacket . Only Thank you, someone doesn’t talk so much as you worry .
She's a spruce person. She's a sassy person. She looks like a chick woman. She looks like a stylish and fashionable lady. She's well dressed for young trendies.
According to a person, the dislike word gets out blah, blah, blah something like that. For Japanese may be “not so much “ a lot with no say “not really “. So means very moderate when you say any opinion. That case rather matches “really “ not “so”. In English conversation, “really “ a lot. “I hope so.” “I think so.” This one “so”is common . “really “ too strong. That sort of difference may be .
@tsubasayohashire55992 жыл бұрын
Thanks to the Girl who uttered Author, or else I was trying to decode all the probable names from ア-サ-
@kei78092 жыл бұрын
有難う御座います。町で知らない海外の人から、I like your jacket って突然言われた事があります。このジャケットが欲しいのかと思い、Thank you, you can get this at UNIQLO と伝えましたが、向こうの言いたかった事と違ってたのかな…
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
After that reply ? Nothing to say ?
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
That person just thought you are wearing any good one , like that one . Have you asked do you want it ? Suddenly say, Thank you, you can this at UNIQLO without ask anything ? You look like working in UNIQLO with a sales assistant . Don’t you think so ?
English simple. Japanese complicated. No, different from direct or indirect. Even English has an indirect way of saying according to the content. How to say & think simple or complicated. But if I say the real thing, some Japanese English would be rough having any misunderstanding. I would like to say pay attention to Arthur’s indication. His view doesn’t see reality as my description.
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
American & English differs in grammar & usage & spelling & pronunciation. American using an Old English . Modern English has no pronounced letters a lot, but American is not necessary so. Their various examples asking Native British Speakers very best!!
I think it's sassy as the similar expression with the Japanese word おしゃれ.
@bomoronro2 жыл бұрын
家族への電話の最後でよくI love youって言ってるのはこのノリなんだろな
@user-es8zy9tn9t2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree! Especially when it comes to the business email situation. To reply to the English speaker and Japanese speaker, I need half an hour to reply In Japanese lol however it takes 3min to reply in English for the same content… 😭 凄く分かりやすい動画でした!🙌🏽✨
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
Not easy to agree!!! I’ve got some questions furthermore.
@りんたろー-n7h2 жыл бұрын
日本語のおしゃれって Its nice! you looks following the new trend! みたいな感じなんかな?
@teikinkou2 жыл бұрын
英語に関係ないかもしれないけど アーサーさんかっこいいね この名前を聞くといつもRDR2を思い出す
@hirokocraig2 жыл бұрын
客観的という視点が新鮮でした。 May I correct one thing where you said "Anyways" at 8:20? It should be "Anyway". I'm in my 60's, and have been learning English for over 50 years (lived in N. America for 30 years). I've noticed the last thirty years or so that more and more in the younger generations of North American English speakers say "AnywayS" instead of the correct word "Anyway". I may sound petty and like language police, but I hope people use correct English. Also so many N. Americans say "I wish I WOULD HAVE done..." where again should be "I wish I HAD done..."
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
Language Police have an extremely Japanese-mindful image. I can’t agree with difficulty as you say “Langauge Police”. I am fighting with that sort of distorted Japanese localized. English must be clear!! Any language is the same too. But people always make a mistake. And the language is changeable, and pronunciation becoming faster than in previous times including utterances. Anyways is American That’s not English. Out of America, if you say “anyways”, people confused . He or She may think that is any way is or anyway’s (any way is ). But even so would like to say ANYWAYS. That’s the language custom so far. Against English , Japanese has too much tolerance in one meaning . Jumble with British & American plus Japanese strong or Chinese strong accents rampant a lot. No say ANYWAYS!!! It’s ANYWAY!! That indication mealy no meaning I believe . I often put any suggestion , Language Police, etc arrogant thought I don’t have . If response was strange , I utter a word , regarding wording somewhat makes a tolerance .
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
I wish I would have done blah, blah, blah. I wish I had done blah, blah, blah. I don’t mind. Both of them are OK.
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
To Americans, CORRECT ENGLISH you demanding very hard? Because of the American way of saying mandatory. If you think the Japanese people who try to speak English don’t copycat American English, I will confirm as you say. American Grammar & their usage rule, I feel the very backlash strongly. Here in Japan, there are many American running into, but I don’t meet their language habits different from my learned so far. Anyway, it is my thought, if you want to use American, that’s your choice. Shall not use for Americans and should use very often. That’s my anxiety.
@三角猫のゲーム実況2 жыл бұрын
英語と日本語ではこんなにも考え方が違うんですね。それに、「おしゃれ」と表現するために「I like XXX」を使うということも、日本人にはなかなか発想できないです。日本人の多くは「日本語の単語は英語の単語に一対一で置き換えられる」と信じているからです。
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
Your talk means when the Japanese speak English. Once changing to English from Japanese, they can’t do it in normal responding easily.
@生肉チョコバー2 жыл бұрын
@kasumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin2 жыл бұрын
Dude, if I'd learned about this "indirectedness/meaning" stuff years ago, I'd be fluent in Japanese by now! 本当にすごい勉強になりました!
@iuconnecttokyo2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I appreciate it. I’ve learned a lot about Japanese through the years. Hope I can share more useful stuff for you
In just one word, the Japanese have a too much stronger perception. That sort of language sense could be representative of the Japanese fashionable icon image way too.
But in English, if you say ” You are too loud" to someone's face, it means shut up, right?
@iuconnecttokyo2 жыл бұрын
no. it means to do the same thing but do it quieter
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
You are noisy pitch is high. You are tone down . With indirect way of saying “ shut up”maybe.
@watermelon47582 жыл бұрын
英語ネイティブより実際はノンネイティブと英語で話す方が 多いと思う なので 通じれば良いじゃない?
@theatergoer2 жыл бұрын
@yoshichuta9882 жыл бұрын
Japanese to Japanese in English not including even so?
@Man-it7no2 жыл бұрын
I love this channel so much now he knows about how are we feeling when we are thinking and translating into English from Japanese I mean for he knows Japanese more than Japanese people haha