Agrees with all of you. However, cross-skilling within organizations relies on the opportunities provided by leadership and those that emerge naturally. Some organizations are genuinely inclined to utilize their untapped resources effectively. While many individuals are eager to explore cross-technology roles, their ability to do so often hinges on demand within the industry or market. My two cents are that we should support individuals who genuinely need to upskill, even if the organization or the industry fails to recognize their full commitment to making this transition. Respect to your ideas! Cheers!
@ChamayneFernando2 күн бұрын
Good discussion. I feel at different stages of your life and career, the motivation to switch roles evolves and change. Like Roshan said, when you become a leader, it is not about you providing the solution, but getting the team to do it and making stars out of them rather without you being the star. I like what Anjana said, being uncomfortable and overcoming that. Great thoughts put together. 👍