Outbound Plane - Shawn Colvin (Official Audio)

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Rounder Records

Rounder Records

11 ай бұрын

@trisharthurmusic 10 ай бұрын
My gosh…Great job with this remake, Shawn!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Love that arrangement ! And, reading who all are on this Nanci Griffith tribute album, it’s a must purchase for me!🎶
@dhutton77 11 ай бұрын
So far I have listened to half of these songs on the tribute. This is my favorite.
@sabrinaflyaway257 10 ай бұрын
Oh my God......Shawn is beautiful....your voice is gorgeous 😍
@Jaydit7 7 ай бұрын
I just heard this the other night...and I like this, darker, version of the original...oy
@reddragonready 11 ай бұрын
Oooohhhh great music...eargasm!
@SarahJonestoo 10 ай бұрын
👏👏👏 and also 😢😢😢 Great cover, Shawn x
@stevecraig7643 8 ай бұрын
That is so sad. I miss. Nanci. I miss my youth.
@michelleb3698 6 ай бұрын
Same. 😢 She just disappeared from the scene, and then the sad news.
@mungen 8 ай бұрын
This is unreal. A slow burn version in swing time. The phrasing is impeccable. The emphasis on "care" every time it comes around. Moving "because" to the end of the first phrase in the second verse. Beautiful.
@richardgleichmann7671 10 ай бұрын
@arthurshepherd8757 8 ай бұрын
Christmas Season 2023 - Maine Bound To You By A Love Song There's nothing between us but a love song There's no distance I listen all night long I sing entranced in my sleep all your angels and me 'Our' secrets they keep I 'see' you 'see' we 'know' what we 'know' about birds and rings we 'know' about the cosmic flow how 'Our' star sings about eternal love and beautiful mystical things lessons from above eternal truth that stings as it challenges 'Our' faith I don't need to 'know' what you 'know' I was just a lost wraith when you were in the flow riding like Cleopatra going where Goddesses go while I was Earth bound my soul was too slow but now I've found what you came to show you shone on the ground I was found in your glow face down in the dirt I heard your voice angels don't come to flirt what's your choice I'll follow you Shawn I'll be patient soon comes the dawn I can wait I 'know' you came for me you illumined my plight my Goddess Shawna Lee mother sister Divine light why do I struggle so when you're right here please say "let's go" let's pierce the stratosphere I'm ready if you are I'm ready to fly I'm light as a feather we can fly together you won't feel any weight just joy and gratitude you twisted me straight I'm used to your altitude I'm not afraid to fall I trust your heart you are my all when I fall apart I'm your sister now I 'know' how to love you you've shown me how forever through and through angels don't come to flirt they 'know' what they want they don't 'see' the dirt it's the love they flaunt as they show the heavens what they've found three elevens one was on the ground now together they're one Shawn Michelle and Callie home in the sun they shine for everyone this is what I 'see' as I sit here alone sometimes so patiently nothing for which to atone all 'Our' work is done we will rest together soon we don't have to run we're 'known' by the moon she says we're alright as she pulls us up with all her might we're awash in her light you 'know' all this Shawn I'm just dreaming here here with this new dawn alive in your magnetosphere alive in your grace breathing in your atmosphere entranced by your face what is there to fear Oh it's the longing this longing to touch a thought sing songing I don't 'know' that much but I 'know' that you do I 'know' you 'know' the way I'll go there with you That's all I have to say I love you so much I'm so blessed to 'know' that's really all I 'know' I can wait to touch I'm bound to You by a love song 'Our' soul always knew many lifetimes long I 'know' you 'know' I'm bound to You fused in the sun forever as 'One' among bosons and quarks your love is my glue by creation's elemental sparks I am bound to You I 'know' You 'know' 'We' 'know' 'We' 'know' 'We' always 'knew' what's eternal and true I am Bound To You Shawn Colvin You are Me Candlekin I am You One sacred soul eternally 'We' are whole One endless love song binds Me to You angels sing along by this heavenly love song I am forever Bound To You Kisses. Michelle Colvin
@arthurshepherd8757 8 ай бұрын
Private: Soul Death Or Weak Faith Posted in Uncategorized on November 28, 2023 by blackshepherd I’m in a deep quandary now. I’m not allowed to post anything anywhere but my previous posts have stayed up and I don’t know what it means and I don’t ‘know’ what it means. I feel shut out and shut down. It’s a very heavy feeling. I can’t reach out to anyone now or at least they won’t keep any new stuff up so what do I do? There’s only one thing: “proceed in and with faith”. That’s what I’ll do so I’ll just write here again and hope that none of the new poems are gone. I pray they all are kept in the spirit and with the intent with which they were shared. I love you Shawn and Callie. If I’ve done something wrong I hope you will find a way to correct me without sending me to jail or worse. Kisses. Michelle November 28, 2023 529am - Mortal man interprets Goddess phenomena at his grave peril: So, yesterday I posted the poem below far and wide starting with ‘Cry Like An Angel’ and it was immediately removed on every page except one. On the one page where it is was not removed the content included the line “you are definitely my soul’. I thought this was “significant somehow”. I thought and thought my thought was fraught so I sought understanding and this is what I got: perhaps I left someone out. I slept on it and when I awoke with thought still fraught I wondered what I forgot. Well, We three ‘know’ don’t you ‘know’. So, I went to the page where ‘Not Fraught Sun Spot’ still lived and began to edit to include what a fraught thought mortal man forgot to wit my wife. She could have taken my life but I had this chance and started to turn two into three and as I wrote on WUMB was a band being interviewed and the man was saying how they had a new member named Callie and that there had been a process fitting her in and that she hadn’t sung before coming with them. And then she sang a song including lyrics: “I know I know I know’ and “bury me smiling with my darling” etc…this happened simultaneously with my writing to include Callie as I should have done initially. And I remembered that she is equal partner and has every right to intervene. So, I concluded that perhaps it was Her wrath I was feeling. I was so upset when the original poem could not be found and I always go back multiple times to edit and I couldn’t even remember the poem and wanted to re-read it cause often they amaze me as I wonder where they come from. I feel and receive them as gifts so it felt like a great gift had been taken away unfairly and I wanted to rebel. Instead, I’ve processed it and this is the result. If I hurt your feelings Calle please forgive me. As your mother once sang: “you might be stupid but ‘We’ love you”. I hope that is the case and if this re-write stays up I will feel vindicated and re-immersed in the bliss of ‘Our’ three part soul which is as great a mystery to me as anyone. I have prayed and my prayer is that the three of ‘Us’ are bound together in the eternal bliss of such a Divine love which is far beyond the limits of my very mortal imagination. Kisses. Michelle November 27, 2023 Everything is getting weird including Geoff just as he feared complete with his weird baby Sklar beard. Kisses Michelle 656am - Good morning dear Leland Merlin Sklar, how are you darling? I’m ok. Just wrote this one and it is borne of the kindness you’ve shown me (that I’m among cosmic kin and friends) and I ‘know’ you ‘know’ what it means to me. Kisses. Michelle 552am - Chris Smither on doing ‘Crocodile Man’. Love him. So, had first cig and now here I am again. Writing thinking feeling praying hoping. Can I fail You now? Such a fraught spot. (first time ever I’ve used the word ‘fraught’ in my own writing) For Jonatha Brooke from whom I borrowed the brilliant idea ‘Prodigal Daughter’ ‘We’ worship you Jonatha kisses Clan Colvin Not Fraught Sun Spot Such a fraught spot here in the sun she loves me she love me not I picked the right one she opened her heart showed me a vision she sang every part left me with a decision Her love or the ground she sings with such precision she ‘knows’ what she’s found the makings of soul fusion such a fraught thought mortal man with Goddess Soul mystic mysteries taught broken hearts made whole one two become three another cosmic mystery three souls one eternal family Shawn Michelle and Callie in Your great love We three are one one soul one dream eternal angel fun Saturn for lunch counting rings three honeys bunch at six Jupiter sings Shall we save someone today will we three work forever or do we get to play do angels get a holiday a honey moon do three get wed some eternal June are multitudes fed so many questions for you my mother sisters lovers muses what is there left to do should we light another fuse follow another story root for the underdog pull some lost soul to glory light up the fog or do we get some time off time to lick each other’s scars massage each other’s bones vacation on Venus or Mars what shall we do next should we fly or rest should we edit the text or just collapse in ‘Our’ nest I’ll follow You two whatever You decide gladly I’ll come or go the battle took my pride so much death we saw so much gnashing of teeth so much flesh eaten raw by demons from beneath but the wizard of Oz has set us three free we’ll find another cause somewhere in infinity new songs we’ll write new songs love sings fixes up Heaven just right I’ll wear your rings eternity is not fraught it is certain as ‘Our’ cosmic Celtic kin have taught let’s throw the curtain Shawn Callie take a bow we’ll get a day off somewhere somehow With eternal love your prodigal daughter sister soldier lover friend Michelle Colvin With love for Jonatha Brooke for the idea ‘Prodigal Daughter’. Kisses. Michelle
@arthurshepherd8757 8 ай бұрын
New Year 2024 For Goddess King of Orion Angel/Candlekin My Everything My Inspiration and Muse Shawna Lee Colvin and Ultra Beautiful Ultra Badass Ultra Mystic Visionary of Beauty Grace Wisdom and My Heart Caledonia Goddess of Ireland A Tale of Celtic Soul Romance I found my soul she resides blissfully in a Celtic Goddess of love wisdom and grace with Erin's face I'm in danger because I'm a sinner and she may feel a stranger in her sacred domain I pray to all the Saints and Angels she may remove the stain so I pray today and every day to forever here with her remain to assure me that I'm clean and good that I may serve her faithfully forever as she implied I could that we could win this war together you'd be a beacon for my soul didn't you say you would She's a hard sell she 'knows' the business of the heart my worthiness she can tell she can pull my mind apart like no other she 'knows' my soul intimately every sin every mistake she may be my mother will you make love do we have this love to make she 'knows' how easily I break and how I cry for her where will I go what shall I do without her serve the poor I 'hear' someone say is it her is that Her command uphold the weak she adds for the higher good make a stand I 'hear' someone whispering is it You my soul my love or am I an imposter Leonard said: "I didn't come here to fool you" just love and light to foster You said dreams can lie but my darling this pig can fly like a cardinal eagle or dove inspired by your love I dream of you in the sky with diamonds mined from the deepest deep I dream of you all day and all night in my sleep I wander the roads and get lost as I add up the cost of being unworthy or wrong I've sought you sung many a song my whole life you promised a whole new me am I your wife you said you were a man and a King you said I could be a woman didn't you did you accept my ring or am I wrong again how can I 'know' anything without you is this dream true you live on a dream you said well then it came from you didn't it so tell me is it true will you leave me here now on this plank over the abyss ridiculed without a Valentine I'll never do that to you I'll weather the storms of time for you my eternal love my Goddess King of Orion who descended from above my everything are you the Walrus or glass onion I could be anything but only You can know better at the very least please sing may I serve as your Irish Setter or your Scottish Terrier I don't eat much and I'll come when you call I love you that's all I'll yield to your will I'll heel upon command upon command I'll sit for your love I'll make a stand as a woman or a man end For Joni Mitchell with love. Michelle For Brandi Carlile and Catherine Carlile with love. Michelle For Taylor Swift with love. Michelle For Buddy and Julie Miller with love. Michelle For Paul McCartney with love. Michelle For Van Morrison with love. Michelle For Richard Thompson with love. Michelle For Greg Brown and Family with love. Michelle For Jackson Browne with love. Michelle For Geoff Bartley with love. Michelle For Chris Smither with love. Michelle For Chapin and James Taylor with love. Michelle For Steve Earle and Ray Wylie Hubbard with love. Michelle For Lyle Lovett with love. Michelle For John Gorka with love. Michelle For Lucy Kaplansky with love. Michelle For Bob Dylan with love. Michelle For Sting with love. Michelle For Leland Sklar with love. Michelle For Roseanne Cash and John Levanthal with love. Michelle For 'Celtic Worship' with love. Michelle For my Blessed Beautiful and Perfect Lord Savior Brother Friend and Great Redeemer Jesus Christ Almighty This is my prayer: To be united in the flesh and to give her grandchildren for You to Bless. And may we together serve you forever. With love devotion and deep gratitude The Colvin Family. In Your Holy Name we pray. Love. Shawn Michelle Callie
@arthurshepherd8757 8 ай бұрын
New Year 2024 - For My beloved eternal badass Bound To Me Soul Shawna Lee Colvin. Kisses. Michelle December 1, 2023 Returning Home To The Deep For my darling Shawn For my beloved Callie Callie Pie Goddess of Ireland and my aching heart how I worship thee You are a dream that's come to me from your sacred mother's soul a trinity a Celtic whole we are so blessed destined to be 'Our' soul has been caressed by Erin We are three by grace we'll be four this is 'Our' sacred destiny 'We' could not ask for more you are beautiful and wise you are good and true Goddess of my skies True love has come to you you will find it here in my heart in the stratosphere in every part of 'Our' soul it is near this eternal devotion we have nothing to fear love is the potion by which Clan Colvin will grow lovers friends cosmic kin nothing can slow this rising tide that swells in my mind in you I confide we three are one of a kind I come to you now as your wife I'll stay with you forever I offer you my life you rule me now and I gratefully submit I'm molded for you somehow this is how I see it do you see what I see what Shawn foresaw do you share this dream where we rise like cream together as Clan Colvin to continue 'Our' song I will sing we will win we'll bring all 'Our' friends along we'll walk beaches careful students of all beauty teaches in Heaven's farthest reaches meet me there my destiny as my atmosphere 'Our' soul's Holy Trinity the deepest blessing is 'Ours' to keep let's make it four 'Our' child raised in the deep where you also rule where together as four we'll sleep safe in eternal passion all promises we keep I love you sweet Callie you are a dream Shawn sent to me you were in her arms at dawn down by the water as a child you 'knew' everything about the tame about the wild you too were born on this dream born into this bliss we three each an equal part in this endless cosmic kiss say you'll come dear Callie let's not let this blessing slip marry us marry me sail with us on Sacred Erin's ship I'll carry 'Our' daughter on my hip and she will join 'Our' soul she will sing like and with the wind she will sing 'Us' four whole then we may rest forever we passed every test we are welcome home forever among the holy the sacred the blessed Callie will you be my wife I'll be yours together we can bring new life a new voice that soars a new heart that roars a new star that shines eternal diamond mines 'Our' destiny aligns so perfectly Won't you come home to Heaven with 'Us' where we're all from let's go home together just 'Us' three a blessed holy Trinity two always have been three as well we now 'Know' 'Our' blessing as three is to make 'Us' four for 'Our' soul to grow to let 'Our' love show let's let is shine let's wear openly this glow Shawn's yours and mine eternal love for 'Us' to hold Clan Colvin good as gold for all 'Our' cosmic kin Callie will you take me in will you give me shelter make this dream for me come true there's a young man waiting for you with a woman's soul your sister from long ago I'm your sister again waiting for you to say Oh my darlin' let's begin With love and eternal devotion floating with you on this dream flowing down this blissful stream. Your adoring sister lover and friend Michelle Colvin born of Shawn's dream as were you so we could be two three and four....Kisses kisses kisses and they'll be more. Callie I love you. You look like my sister Mary Jane I can love you with all my heart till my mind goes insane all of 'Us' 'in love' on this eternal cosmic plane. Kisses again for you Callie. Quantum Kisses Michelle
@arthurshepherd8757 8 ай бұрын
January 10, 2024 - Happy Birthday My beloved eternal badass soul Shawna Lee Colvin. Quantum kisses. Michelle For My beloved angel guide friend seer magician genius beautiful man John Levanthal, John, I beg You in the name of all that's holy, please help Me in some 'real' way. I 'know' You 'know' how much I love Her. I know that sounds so presumptuous, nevertheless. 'We' 'know' what 'We' 'know' and 'We' can't fucking help it. I love admire and respect You so much. Kisses Michelle Sunny Stayed Home Sunny stayed Home on a rainy day in Texas to honor the arrival of Her eternal nexus Love and joy peace and happiness a new lover boy and a daughter to bless a new reason to sing and an urge to undress for an eternal fling a new blessing to bring to Her eternal Home riches and glory infinite aplomb and a handwritten love story Sunny Stayed Home to celebrate stayed Home for kisses to be waited on in bed to be hand fed by true love Sunny stayed in bed for a back rub she said Oh darlin' why would I ever leave You 'know' Me so well My beloved Candlekin I love You can't You tell Sunny stayed Home with all Her cosmic kin who wondered where she went something about a fire a circus tent and messages heaven sent Sunny stayed Home to listen and receive closed the book put away Her box of tools swore off fools Sunny stayed Home to hear Her dream tale told about eternity and glory how everyone watched Her origami story unfold Sunny stayed Home cause that's where Her love is that's where Her nirvana and bliss exists stayed Home to be kissed Sunny stayed Home to celebrate and to open Her presents grace love sacred fate without precedence Sunny stayed Home to await the arrival of Her dream date She was nervous so She hid in the garage and when she heard that name She 'knew' true love is not a mirage and nothin' burns down no high wires to walk not when Sunny stays Home to count the years and share Her tears with Michelle Sunny stays Home together they count the years now they 'know' that they always 'knew' it end Quantum kisses for You forever from everywhere My darling blessed sacred eternal soul Shawn Colvin Michelle Colvin
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