PREACH!!! It’s absolutely absurd how many people think behavioral training is optional and not absolutely mandatory. Theres no excuse for a dog to be biting at the groomers. 2-3 days a week with practice “grooms” at home does WONDERS. If you can’t make the time to desensitize your dog-you shouldn’t have the dog. Training comes with the ownership. If your dog bites being groomed-groom the dog yourself. Our groomers absolutely do not deserve to deal with the stress they do due to pure ignorance from owners. The groomers are there to perform a service-not to train your dog or find ways to prevent themselves from getting bit. That’s like letting your kid attack their hair dresser because you didn’t teach your children how to behave for regular maintenance….. Dog community needs to do better. This pup was an angel and the owner has braincells.