Patch 14.21 Preview | League of Legends

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@arimbaud7547 2 ай бұрын
whats up phreak fellow gamers here
@VinegarPotato 2 ай бұрын
This is a great bit, both sides of the parasocial relationship repeating and improving our self introductions😂
@christianochoa6878 2 ай бұрын
@@VinegarPotato 😐
@GoZeepoh 2 ай бұрын
@alfrebi9639 2 ай бұрын
​@@VinegarPotato people in real life: How are you doing man.
@Sinzari 2 ай бұрын
You can't tell Zed to just stop building Eclipse without giving him any other tools to deal with bruisers/tanks. You can't stop building Eclipse just because it's lower win rate overall, because I promise you lethality does worse than Eclipse against tanks.
@Gwen-em3jm 2 ай бұрын
18:26 We've already been through this Gwen nerf before Phreak. Last time you gutted her passive ratio down from .8 to .65 her winrate plummeted to 46%. Her passive is her ENTIRE KIT. It's procced through every single form of damage she does, gutting that ratio is the most brutal thing you can do to her, and you keep insisting on doing it to her until she's unplayable. This is why I have no respect for you as a member of the champion balance team. Horrible nerf, thanks for killing Gwen.
@Bubnik2 2 ай бұрын
based on your emotional response you should quit the game instead of insulting people in the future :)
@Lucky-x4n 2 ай бұрын
@@Bubnik2 its his job he just isnt that good at it tft balance team is so much better
@Bubnik2 2 ай бұрын
@@Lucky-x4n because tft is so much easier to balance... bro not everybody is smart, dont pretend to be one and stop assuming things you cant/dont know
@Lucky-x4n 2 ай бұрын
@@Bubnik2 ok whatever you feel The reality is that the game is in chaos and nothing feel's right And that's because they do massive changes all the time Resulting in a game that can't be balanced by the time split 3 is balanced Season 15 will start and everything will be a mess again
@spaniq3536 2 ай бұрын
@@Bubnik2 >guts a character to make it nigh unplayable after misunderstanding the characters role entirely > people that play and enjoy said character dislike this for obvious reasons > "Just stop playing the game bro" You are actually clinically retarded
@VoltexRB 2 ай бұрын
Those Azir changes just incentivice playing wrong... The dude is in the gutter even in pro play, and is only getting some artificial durability that doesnt adress kit satisfaction at all
@luna7557 2 ай бұрын
@The_Lightless 2 ай бұрын
Gwen could use a nerf but those nerfs look massive. Her passive is literally her whole kit and those are massive reductions to her numbers.
@Gwen-em3jm 2 ай бұрын
He tried to do this last time he nerfed her and it gutted her winrate to 46%, literally unplayable territory, then he had to partly revert it, and did so having no self-awareness of what he had done. And here he goes, doing it again. It's already been shown she cannot survive such a brutal nerf, as her P ratio is HER ENTIRE KIT.
@The_Lightless 2 ай бұрын
@@Gwen-em3jm they should have nerfed the R damage or Q. I hate that they always go after the passive.
@Gwen-em3jm 2 ай бұрын
​@@The_Lightless Which is literally nerfing her entire kit. That's the point I don't understand. The ratios on her q and r aren't that high, and that's because they all apply thousand cuts. It's a literal nerf of her entire kit, even basic auto attacks. What other champ gets gutted like that in 1 patch?
@The_Lightless 2 ай бұрын
@@Gwen-em3jm Zeri?
@Gwen-em3jm 2 ай бұрын
@@The_Lightless Maybe in one of her reworks when she was turbo op yeah true. And Yuumi, but fk yuumi :P
@arisesoldiers4547 2 ай бұрын
Time to Play AD Azir since his W does less dmg then basic attack before lvl 4
@dABiGfATLol 2 ай бұрын
with safer range/zone and only for first 3 levels? feels a bit dramatic no? :D
@saki1333 2 ай бұрын
Static first item into ap
@albertococco8401 2 ай бұрын
Riot games Is interested only in keeping on the line popular champs and azir Is not One of them. I am really Sorry buy It Is how It stands
@Obzerver 2 ай бұрын
No it doesn't. People seem to forget you start the game with doran's ring and stat shard which scale W and do not add anything to his auto.
@kl6544 2 ай бұрын
@@albertococco8401 riot likes azir a lot he is just overtuned kitwise in proplay so they have to keep him down in worlds season so the even doesnt suck
@sshmru 2 ай бұрын
I'd be interested in hearing more what is your framework for kassadin. Kassadin just had his worst season and never got buffed, the moment he gets any better he gets nerfed right away. Is it Evelynn treatment or what. And thats alongside buffing his AD assasin counters.
@hallozer7805 2 ай бұрын
idk i was hyped for the Azir buffs but i'm just not seeing how this will help. CSing in the earlygame became cancer after the big W nerfs and it seems now it will just be better to last hit with autos, which doesn't really make sense for a champ like azir? hope it helps more than I think it will
@1stchosenoneever 2 ай бұрын
Its easier to cs with autos
@Lazarus3737 2 ай бұрын
@@1stchosenoneever If you play him wrong and don't buy a single article of AP (Blasting Wand/Amplifying Tome) by level 6 then sure? New player buff.
@Dextrid 2 ай бұрын
I am considering playing him as adc since this buff clearly focus it
@hinzkunz2431 2 ай бұрын
@@Lazarus3737 So a useless buff. New player don't need to be good on azir and 4 ad does nothing to even semi competent players. Also starting dagger oyur autos are better the w until you hit level 5. It is not unrealistic to not go base until level 5. Fact is azir win rate didnt change. The buffs did nothing. ANd i dont think tehy were ever meant to do anything. It was buff of less then 0.1% damage during the game even under generous assumptions. So yeah of course it wouldn't do anything to azir.
@EveryBodiesMaster 2 ай бұрын
Good job man you nerfed Yorick for low elo and he's completely unaffected there, and you only ended up nerfing Emerald+ where his ghouls are right clicked almost instantly and he cannot get in almost any damage as it already was. Good job man, very intelligent.
@AngelAniki 2 ай бұрын
I really hope that the longer term Gwen changes come soon because Gwen passive is her entire kit, nerfing it's scaling by 17% will be crippling. You're absolutely right that Gwen's AP scalings are too high, 139 AP to double passive base damage and 75 for E is comical. Building durability items has such a high opportunity cost so players are just going full AP glass cannon. I also hope that these changes can bring Gwen back in pro play. She's one of the only scaling top laners that pros are willing to play, and I'd rather see a diverse top lane meta than Renekton/K'Sante/Gnar every game.
@The_Lightless 2 ай бұрын
Jax too
@Gwen-em3jm 2 ай бұрын
He tried to do this last time he nerfed her and it gutted her winrate to 46%, literally unplayable territory, then he had to partly revert it, and did so having no self-awareness of what he had done. And here he goes, doing it again. It's already been shown she cannot survive such a brutal nerf, as her P ratio is HER ENTIRE KIT.
@fallenangel9614 2 ай бұрын
It’s rlly sad that they do something so reactive to Gwen, it rlly isn’t gonna be fun playing gwen for likely the next few patches. I hope that they bring in better changes fast
@The_Lightless 2 ай бұрын
@@fallenangel9614 welcome to the club
@GunzShufle 2 ай бұрын
The reasoning is so moronic too. Nerfing her passive damage isn't going to make people want to build AP items less, it'll make them want to build it more. The reason people build AP items on Gwen is that rift maker and other fighter items literally give too little damage to be useful. Gwen has no cc and is squishy as fuck. The only thing she provides is damage. Of course players are going to want to stack as much damage as possible. The only solution is to bring the healing back to her that was removed with rift maker rework. Then people might be motivated to build more fighter style and play in side lanes
@xhunterx9636 2 ай бұрын
Just revert the Azir to before 13.5 at this point, the mini rework completely failed and it feels like the balance team doesn't care at all, we suffer from on hit changes cuz of arena for some reason ? they're really bad and all it did was force Azir to build nashors, which got really nerfed anyway, I don't see why he can't have full on hit damage instead of 50% now. It just feels so bad that you can't contest anyone early game and ur not rewarded enough later on ( I've been rank 1 Azir every year since 2022 , playing in Master+ and understand the champion somewhat to give an opinion on him ) . Please look at him and do something about either his W damage he lost or AP ratio that he suffers with since on hit changes / nashors nerfs
@darceyfrkovic3165 2 ай бұрын
he is meant to be a late game carry, that is what is made for. they have no room to buff him because he feels bad to play against.
@wrystandata5318 2 ай бұрын
@@darceyfrkovic316546% wr 🤡
@miguelcob 2 ай бұрын
It's inherently a bad champion design, concept is cool, but mechanics are really bad and unfair when not underpowered, if you buff him even a little bit it becomes a problem in pro play, they are just keeping him underpowered because of this. I honestly think that if a champion is only "good" for pro play then it failed as a champion. At this point just rework him ENTIRELY and not just a "mini rework" because clearly patch solutions haven't been working as a real solution for some years now, it has never been a viable champion to play unless you one trick him or you play with the pros.
@nononoyouyouyou 2 ай бұрын
@@miguelcob either rework him or admit that the champs design is a mistake and permaban him from proplay
@luna7557 2 ай бұрын
I totally agree
@justascomplicated8182 2 ай бұрын
Getting consistency with azir auto interactions feels pretty overdue after the dodge/block change :x
@spaniq3536 2 ай бұрын
- Guts gwen's entire identity as a tank killer in the tank meta and nerfs almost everything related to her practically taking her out back and shooting her, with the worst reasoning you've ever heard - Negative kayle buffs for a champion that feels like dogshit to play for the sake of pretending like you tried - irelia in general - Yone in general - Sorc shoes to 12 and botrk nerf - Zac stomping 4 lanes for years now btw - Lethal still dogshit truly the patch of all time, the reception sure is positive from everyone! For real look at those Likes! (Dont read any comments from people whomactually play those champs)
@Gwen-em3jm 2 ай бұрын
He tried to do this last time he nerfed her and it gutted her winrate to 46%, literally unplayable territory, then he had to partly revert it, and did so having no self-awareness of what he had done. And here he goes, doing it again. It's already been shown she cannot survive such a brutal nerf, as her P ratio is HER ENTIRE KIT.
@witch_lover 2 ай бұрын
but at least they're committed to doing "more changes with less quality/certainty about each change"
@pesky2119 2 ай бұрын
​@@Gwen-em3jmI wonder if phreak realises that 100% of Gwen's kit is affected by her passive
@sweepy4775 2 ай бұрын
If you guys hard nerf Gwen's full AP build then can you at least consider making Riftmaker not dogsh for melee champs?
@luna7557 2 ай бұрын
Now these Azir "buffs" will help him to increase his win rate zzzzzz
@Setonix1-.-1 2 ай бұрын
20:00 i think until rift maker doesnt have default omnivamp it just wont be good on her, imo she needs very high amount of healing to be viable as juggrenout and not pure assasin, her w is powerfull but when she cant outheal meele burst that is targeted on her because she needs to be 4s in combat to have decent healing you better just build items that help you kill enemy sooner- and that is that high ap path of shadow flame and rabadons
@The_Lightless 2 ай бұрын
Shadow flame just needs a nerf as well, it is too strong.
@ignacioperez5479 2 ай бұрын
Mos AP HP ítems have no sinergy with her
@MIKAEL212345 2 ай бұрын
you need to reconsider the magnitude of the gwen nerf please. Last time gwen was nerfed from 0.8% to 0.65% (a 0.15% decrease or around a fifth less ap ratio on passive), she had to be hotfixed. Here, gwen is being nerfed from 0.72% to 0.6%, a 0.12% nerf or a sixth less ap ratio . She will need to be hot fixed if that goes live.
@sonagi98 2 ай бұрын
Are you being dense on purpose?
@MIKAEL212345 2 ай бұрын
@@sonagi98 why comment if you're not going to bother explaining anything? I gave hard evidence of this type of gwen change leading to huge gwen WR nerfs that required hotfix buffs and you just call me dense
@DustyVita7k8 2 ай бұрын
grow hands bro easy as that
@ignacioperez5479 2 ай бұрын
​@@sonagi98 the problem is, unlike most duelists and bruisers, Gwen have little to no ítems that give her durability and sinergize with her kit
@Gwen-em3jm 2 ай бұрын
He tried to do this last time he nerfed her and it gutted her winrate to 46%, literally unplayable territory, then he had to partly revert it, and did so having no self-awareness of what he had done. And here he goes, doing it again. It's already been shown she cannot survive such a brutal nerf, as her P ratio is HER ENTIRE KIT.
@analnydegustator9522 2 ай бұрын
Just type karthus ult
@timothybradford4 2 ай бұрын
Ok that one made me giggle 🤣
@BIoodContact 2 ай бұрын
'Azir is only 'good' in high elo, we want him strong in lower elos, so we're nerfing' has now become 'Azir is fine ,45% wr in every elo, but its just players being bad on him'. The entire planet is complaining about him, even pros don't play the thing anymore so, seriously, how do you, Phreak, and your team cope so much im genuinely concerned.. You will never have an Azir with a perfect 50% in low elo, high elo AND Pros .It's not even funny anymore. You either give us a solid rework or just make it good in pro play and high elo (GM+) and fuck the emeralds and below not even +80 base AD could save them.
@paulohenriquedossantos7633 2 ай бұрын
Azir is not only 2% bad. He is a "not worth at all" champion. Every pro HAS to be really good at azir. He is pro gated, and no pro is picking him. Therefore or he is not worth or pro want to lose worlds. And the comment about bad players i will disregard since the pick rate plummeted after the nerfs. If it didn't, then the win rate would be even lower. It is nice for azir to not be played after nerfs since it would be inting.
@daymianhogue1634 2 ай бұрын
As a big Gwen fan who agrees she needs nerfs, I think she'd be better served with late game R nerfs. It feels lame late game being an R bot. And if you wanna get her away from bursty builds? That'd help. Nerfing passive is more likely to get her into bursty R bot builds. She may even drop Nashors if passive keeps getting nerfed.
@lautischeibe 2 ай бұрын
she dropped Riftmaker already because the item is SHIT, shes gonna be a glass cannon
@daymianhogue1634 2 ай бұрын
@@lautischeibe I mean I didn't say anything about Riftmaker... but, it's a bit hyperbolic to say she's dropped it already. Even Masters+ or GM+ it's still her 2nd most common item by a wide margin (second only to Nashor's) and in like emerald+ it's by an even wider margin. ... Dropping riftmaker is basically a high elo one trick streamer thing so far. or niche
@lautischeibe 2 ай бұрын
@@daymianhogue1634 i fr never see riftmaker built on her anymore, i love gwen building more fightery, i dont like this glasscannon thing theyre creating
@georgeh6852 2 ай бұрын
Phreak at a certain point you need to actually look at what you're doing to Azir. He has 0% presence in worlds and a 46% WR in solo queue. Can we please get some early game damage buffs? Azir is no longer the hypercarry he used to be and his early game is non-existant. As someone whos mained him for years, he has never felt this bad.
@MrDN8R 2 ай бұрын
so azir w will do less damage than his autos for levels 1 - 3? am i just not supposed to use abilities for the first couple minutes?
@Perfecc 2 ай бұрын
It still gives you range, jayce w in cannon form gives him 300% attack speed but his dmg is modified, you actually deal less dmg per attack until rank 5 w. My guess is that they want to apply the same logic here
@dumpsterplayer2700 2 ай бұрын
@@Perfecc yeah his damage per auto is modified but he does more auto's so his DPS increases, Azir's DPS will be less using his spell KEK. Only factor is its magic damage so resisted slightly less so it might be even
@hinzkunz2431 2 ай бұрын
​@@dumpsterplayer2700 low level armor is usually lower then magic resistant so you are correct that using w in a trade is a damage loss for azir.
@nicklasbertelsen8717 2 ай бұрын
@@dumpsterplayer2700 yes early has lower magic resist, but as the other guy said you also just gain a lot of range from it. Definitely still worth using.
@jasonyang6150 2 ай бұрын
We love to hate the emperor lol
@atrece175 2 ай бұрын
Any plans on changing Shieldbow, Kraken and YunTal?
@Trods911 2 ай бұрын
48:05 Am I mistaken, or doesn’t changing Sivir’s Q ratio from total AD to bonus AD contradict what he’s suggesting? This change would significantly nerf her early damage, which is already problematic since she currently feels like a 300g cannon minion in the early game. However, it should improve her damage once she gets her items. Unless the bonus AD ratio is incredibly high and somehow balances out the early-game impact, I don’t understand how it could be 'less good' in the late game. I’m starting to question whether his calculations are even accurate. @Phreak, could you clarify? Perhaps you lost your train of thought? EDIT : Unless the base damage is changed from 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 + (total AD) to 95 / 115 / 135 / 155 / 175 + (bonus AD) to nullify the early change, I don't see how this wouldn't be a GIGA nerf in the early game. I guess I need to wait and see the actual changes, but my eyebrows are raised 🤨. Please don’t kill my main; she’s already the Yamcha of the League!
@aluckardkappel2879 2 ай бұрын
They did the same thing to Riven's q recently, and her base damage was increased. So stands to reason, that Sivir is getting similar treatment.
@Trods911 2 ай бұрын
I found the PBE changes: Base damage increased to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 from 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75. AD ratio changed to 100% bonus AD at all ranks from 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100% total AD. Everything seems good, except for the part where he says it will nerf her late-game damage. Maybe it might affect her mid-game at levels 9 to 13 if you had a bad early game and couldn't farm properly, but other than that, it looks fine. At level 9, you need around 68 bonus AD to avoid losing damage. So Essence River first item + doran blade (sweet that's what we build) At level 13, you need around 95 bonus AD to match the damage from the previous patch. (might need to rush IE second if you don't realy wan't to lose Q spell damage compared to patch 14.20 it's already a viable build path EssenseRiver into IE will increase your Q spell damage even) Personally, I don't build any attack speed items except for Navori Quickblades and Berserker's Greaves, so I don't see how she'd be worse later in the game just be sure to build AD on every items latter on. It’s a straight buff to me if you can land your Q spell.
@LastGod99 2 ай бұрын
@@Trods911 Not to spend too much time on this, but your calculation seems wrong. If in example 1 your Total AD is "100", then your Bonus AD at the same level cannot be "100". You can easily get Base AD numbers, but I'm to lazy so for the sake of reason I'll work backwards: If your level 5 Bonus AD is set to be 100, then the Total AD would *need* to be higher than 100. I would assume, maybe somewhere around 160-170-180ish. I'm sure you can look up the numbers and figure out the correct ones yourself, suffice it to say that those are incorrect. (Unless I'm missing something, but I'm fairly sure I read that right)
@Trods911 2 ай бұрын
@@LastGod99 You are in fact right, I m stupid I forgot to consider Sivir base stat to add in the mix for the same items. Phreak’s explanation makes sense in this context, as the switch to bonus AD reduces her scaling a bit later on, despite the strong early-game boost from base damage. it's a drop from 18 damage at level 13, 36 if you hit twice. If you want to mitigate the damage loss later in the game, focusing on bonus AD (like rushing Infinity Edge second as I recommend) is a solid strategy to balance out the mid-game drop. However, you’ll still need to prioritize attack speed sooner rather than later. The third item should definitely be a Zeal item, as it compensates for the falloff in Q damage by boosting your ability to auto-attack more effectively in fights. This will helps maintain your overall DPS during the mid-game, ensuring you stay relevant until your Q damage catches up in the late game. Even though the Q spell’s damage never fully catches up later in the game, it’s not a big deal because, by that point, you're mostly using it to maximize damage between auto-attacks rather than for harassing. Your focus in the late game is more on auto-attacking the front, and the Q just becomes a tool for extra burst in between. I'm satisfied with the next patch changes. I got upgraded to a siege minion, yay!
@David-bu4cl 2 ай бұрын
I understand what you're trying to do with Gwen and I agree, but I honestly think the passive nerf might be a little too harsh.
@Gwen-em3jm 2 ай бұрын
He tried to do this last time he nerfed her and it gutted her winrate to 46%, literally unplayable territory, then he had to partly revert it, and did so having no self-awareness of what he had done. And here he goes, doing it again. It's already been shown she cannot survive such a brutal nerf, as her P ratio is HER ENTIRE KIT.
@Cube__TV 2 ай бұрын
what is the justification for ranged nerfs for Bork? there is no itemization to do damage to tanks and bruisers. giant Slayer gone, cut down removed, bork gutted, Kraken losing amped damage on same target etc etc. i just don't see why. tanks and bruisers have no downside. incredibly durable while killing in 1 rotation of spells. if they're going to be unkillable they need to lose most of their damage.
@lilpullout 2 ай бұрын
it's not a ranged item so the ranged nerf is justified
@darealrulezbreaker9493 2 ай бұрын
​@@lilpulloutlmao imagine if riot actually balanced by item icons like "hm this has the picture of a sword so its not for ranged characters" good one😂 Im happy that it gets weaker for akshan tho so im not gonna complain.
@aristotelisentertainment279 2 ай бұрын
@@lilpullout wrong
@billybobr2e2 2 ай бұрын
As he said in the video they’re trying to find a balance where Bork is not stronger than Kraken in all places, so that on hit rushers (and hopefully Yasuo Yone) don’t feel bound to the item
@timothybradford4 2 ай бұрын
​@@darealrulezbreaker9493when i was new to league i thought that katarina was full AD because she had swords
@benjaminghailane9452 2 ай бұрын
Man they can't keep nerfing Kassadin's lategame while leaving his early game as abismal as it is.
@jonasdrake211 2 ай бұрын
Trash champ now😢😊
@luckasneo2089 2 ай бұрын
If he had a good early he would be fucking insane, as his lategame is still excellent.
@benjaminghailane9452 2 ай бұрын
@@luckasneo2089 Yes he would, be he wouldn't be the only one nowadays. But after nerfing his late over and over again, he is now on the higher end of the average champ lategame. I'm more thinking he needs a slight rework, and have its shitty anti magic gimmicks removed since it barely does anything against competent players and hogs a fair bit of power budget. Currently his lategame doesn't warrant to have a shittier early/mid game than kayle for example, which still gets to slaughter entire teams through sheer scaling.
@luckasneo2089 2 ай бұрын
@@benjaminghailane9452 the problem with champs like him is that they were designed not to be OTP'ed or mained. he was designed to be a counterpick not something you pick every game. but clearly thats not what kass players want.
@benjaminghailane9452 2 ай бұрын
@@luckasneo2089 Well yeah, he is a very cool champion, has nodged itself in a niche power fantasy that is likeable so ofc people wanna play it. Also his kit was reworked with season 4 meta in mind, so very outdated. I've been playing him for a long time and he felt the most enjoyable to play up to s11 where they fucked his items and proceeded to nerf shit that directly attacked his identity (he was supposed to be able to hold his ground against AP and squishy melees early, hence his fat W buff in s9 that was recently reverted). His E rework that was supposed to make him not have a dead spell in certain match ups has turned into a global nerf to the champion now. Dude cannot even wave clear against an afk opponent
@DrakeRazgriz 2 ай бұрын
No Rek'sai. I give up. Balancing for balancing, draining all the fun out of it. Clearly the worst time.
@cr7goaaat 2 ай бұрын
s14 xd
@aaroryaslingely5235 2 ай бұрын
Not enough player to make her a priority. This is sad. Wonder what would happen if those change were on Yasuo or other popular champion. (Spoiler they would revert it right away.) If you find balancing 100+ champions in the game is tidious then maybe just maybe put a stop to new release and rework what need to be rework Riot.
@Zazume_ 2 ай бұрын
Gwen's passive was nerfed to 0.65% at the beginning of the year. Her winrate suffered so much, she had to be buffed with a hotfix afterwards. And now you're nerfing her to 0.6%? Very weird. Edit: And remember: At that time, there was more AP available than today. So AP ratio nerfs hit even harder these days. Don't get me wrong, she HAD to get nerfed, but this is just murder.
@omegasybers1110 2 ай бұрын
Phreak did tease more Kit reshapes so I don't really know why you are complaing if you know that she needs nerfs
@DangerDaniel-rz3qf 2 ай бұрын
Gwen is still busted in the right hands shes just not instawin anymore get good
@Zazume_ 2 ай бұрын
@@omegasybers1110 A tease for more is nice and good, but as it is right now, all there is is a nerf that is more devastating than the one that caused a hotfix just a few months ago.
@omegasybers1110 2 ай бұрын
@@Zazume_ I doubt that tbh. Gwen having less burst in an overall slower game is a good thing and emphasizing her core strength of AP bruiser is valuable
@MIKAEL212345 2 ай бұрын
@@omegasybers1110 kit reworks soon^tm are not a solution when we have no timetable. Who knows when that will happen? Could be weeks, could be months, could be years.
@maddokuma8702 2 ай бұрын
Those Azir buffs are a joke.
@Tenthadorn 2 ай бұрын
Kind of the point
@AngyPolarBear 2 ай бұрын
Azir has always been hard to balance, cause low tier players suck with him and high tier players fucking roll with him
@inhinh7017 2 ай бұрын
(Riot denying faker 5th cup after that play where he do the thing and got played on every video that mention lol world)
@aditya.t6489 2 ай бұрын
Riot has no idea what to do with their champs
@paulohenriquedossantos7633 2 ай бұрын
​@@AngyPolarBear roll so much that they don't pick him at worlds. Guess pro are piss elo then.
@youss_lol 2 ай бұрын
Really like to hear everything from your perspectice. I would like to see some buffs to crit kaisa especially for proplay as its the most fun shit to watch in proplay byfar and its also really fun to play in soloq and way less toxic and annoying to play against. Would like you guys to look into crit kaisa a bit. Crit kaisa suffers a lot from items not having AD/Atkspeed/Crit in one item anymore. I think the only way to make up for that is to give kaisa some crit scalings/ratios otherwise onhit/hybrid/ap will just outclass crit kaisa in every possible situation, even if the team has a lot of AP cuz crit kaisa is just really weak rn due to items not having AD/Atkspeed/Crit anymore so i would like if you could look into crit kaisa. Keep up the good work tho Phreak, overall a pretty good patch.
@MaoMid182 2 ай бұрын
@Phreak Would you consider buffing Maokai top considering he dosent even make top/jg tier list anymore and doing bad as support as well(C tier)?
@Majiger 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if the team is missing the fact that BotRK is the only lifesteal item with AS, which is very relevant for a lot of champs that are debating between Kraken and BotRK.
@hinzkunz2431 2 ай бұрын
Azir "buff" us weird the health regen is fine but not 2%win rate. Base ad is either extremely underwhelming when you play azir correctly By using w or it just means azir w is big a damage spell until first back. Do you want azir player to go cull or dblade to Take advantage of the "buff" azir will stay weak with those changes those are not2%win rate
@lux634 2 ай бұрын
always appreciate the great in-depth explanation from phreak. As a fellow gamer, I enjoy them.
@WWFanatic0 2 ай бұрын
Haven't played LoL in like 3 months but I keep coming back to these videos. The passion and my love of game design keeps me so invested. Hopefully in 2025 I'll have more time for actual gamering.
@luka4868 2 ай бұрын
Dont even touch azir if you are going to give us a "buff" like this, its insulting our inteligence
@bigsmoke4592 2 ай бұрын
your intelligence can't be that high if you think azir is supposed to be playable for you. like august said, some champions are are not for soloQ and certaintly not for every elo. Azir is literally the most pro jailed champion in the game and that will not change.
@wrystandata5318 2 ай бұрын
@@bigsmoke459246% wr 🤡
@luka4868 2 ай бұрын
@@bigsmoke4592 i really dont care about anyhing of what you said, like imagine if instead of buffing tristana who was also 46% wr they gave her +4 ap damage lvl 1 and called that a buff, this is what is happening here and its cringe.
@beven2538 2 ай бұрын
@@bigsmoke4592 0% presence at worlds
@Sinzari 2 ай бұрын
​@@wrystandata5318 He's had 40% win rate and still been overpowered in past years, win rate means nothing
@arthapsic 2 ай бұрын
you do realise you're gonna make gwen uplayable for EVERYONE. passive nerf kills her damage and her healing on EVERY ABILITY. It will make her unplayable...
@abbyabby3746 2 ай бұрын
it smells like skill issue in here
@Briargh 2 ай бұрын
@@abbyabby3746dumb response. At least elaborate or make a funny joke.
@EndeavorEUW 2 ай бұрын
@fallenangel9614 2 ай бұрын
Not Gwen’s passive nerf again😭, it’s like the majority of her dmg and healing
@fallenangel9614 2 ай бұрын
Nerfing the passive is like going for the heart, seeing the passive nerfed again kills me inside
@TKO9871 2 ай бұрын
Why is it whenever this champ gets nerfed while being clearly objectively overpowered you have people complaining in mass? i swear no other champ’s mains are this resistant to their champs being balanced
@fallenangel9614 2 ай бұрын
@@TKO9871 if u were listening to phreak it’s not for the sake of balance it’s reactive, they’re doing it deliberately to make her weak to maybe buff her in other ways. Her passive is her main source of dmg
@fallenangel9614 2 ай бұрын
@@TKO9871and it’s not like they ever nerf her r, w, or q they just go straight for the heart by going for her passive
@TKO9871 2 ай бұрын
@@fallenangel9614 ??? He literally said that shes “wildly overpowered” and her winrate not reflecting that (mainly in the low ranks) is because of the mass of unskilled gwen players. And nerfing her passive indirectly hits her ult, auto and q scalings as well. They know how her kit works, its intentional.
@Mitlogius 2 ай бұрын
So AD+ buff for azir is an incentive for bad players to play the champion wrong. Artificially increasing his wr for lower elo by making a disservice to these players by rewarding them for their bad use of a champion. Phreak, I'm sorry but the delusion needs to stop. Please just disable the champ at this point, make an Aurelion Sol scope of a change, whatever. Most mains are already dissentivised from playing Azir or even the game, there is not many corners in the circus left to push back Azir over and over again...
@simozeerion7028 2 ай бұрын
Guess Who Is the dev who lost to an Azir? Meanwhile you stack hp in bruisers and oneshot people 🤣 Phreaklusional
@Blade_Of_Miquella 2 ай бұрын
They did the same with K'Sante. Artificially make the champ more low elo skewed. That's how they balance lol
@BIoodContact 2 ай бұрын
I remember telling myself I would quit league the day they rework Azir (which would obviously mean the usual remove skill expression in exchange for a better identity) Now as I'm seeing these 'buffs' I tell myself that only a rework could bring me back..
@yGKeKe 2 ай бұрын
Brother the Azir buffs are high elo skewed.
@BIoodContact 2 ай бұрын
@@yGKeKe Are you restarted ?
@Rivelon 2 ай бұрын
Now imagine telling mid mages they're building wrong because Mejai's is the best winrate item for them. Come fucking on maaaan...
@bellowheaty1228 2 ай бұрын
said no one
@simozeerion7028 2 ай бұрын
@@Rivelon they had the same item for ad, and It got removed. Tbh id be totally fine to remove mejai if that s a problem, at least i wont see yuumis with max stacks on It anymore
@santiagojara8056 2 ай бұрын
1. He literally mentions that point in the video 2. Mages are not played to snowball, assassins are
@oxey_ 2 ай бұрын
this comparison makes no sense but I don't think you even intended it to. What are you even on about
@Obzerver 2 ай бұрын
People don't understand hubris. Its not at all the same as Mejai's. Hubris on its own with 1 assist gives gives 75 AD Mejais on its own with 1 assist gives 30 AP. 0.6 AD = 1 AP so putting those on an equal playing field its: Hubris - 125 adaptive force vs mejais 30 adaptive force. At 2 assists those numbers become 128 vs 40. Mejais gets a 30% increase in power but hubris only gets a 2.7% increase in power. You are going to get an assist in the game and when you do you are immediately getting close to 100% of the hubris power. Its just a strong item with free stats even if you completely ignore the stacking mechanic. Honestly, they should probably just remove the stacking thing as it clearly confuses people.
@zorgbuckleberry9082 2 ай бұрын
So was the Yorick work you mentioned in the patch 14.7 preview shelved?
@oxey_ 2 ай бұрын
14.7? those changes have long been forgotten about bro 😭😭😭
@Phirrez 2 ай бұрын
Some changes/buff ideas to Naafiri that i think would really fit her thematically, and give her some strength to her telgraphed dash without buffing damage: W, 99% slow for 0.25s -> FEAR for 0.25s. It would also fit her design to give her Ult the same "Fear nearby minions on activation" that Aatrox Ult has. I think adding the fear keyword in the kit would fit thematically since she's a darkin and getting chased by a pack of bloodthristy hounds would cause anyone to flee. Mainly i think if the design team ever feel like she could use some uility/cc in her kit, consider it to be a Fear since it'd make her feel more menacing to play.
@bassheartstrings 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for doing these Phreak, it really contextualizes the changes you guys make and I feel I have a better understanding of the game overall! :>
@jurivjerdha2467 2 ай бұрын
Aint no lol player who uses those words actually understanding the game better overall
@Jim-zw7ul 2 ай бұрын
as a zed main i figured out: vs bruiser/tank heavy combs (hp + armor) cyclosword-ldr >>>>>>>> eclipse-ldr my normal go to build now is: hubris-cyclo if enemy team comb forces me to build edge of night: cyclo-edge of night this outshines eclipse rush in all scenerios (patch 14.20 experience)
@KeyboardGrudge 2 ай бұрын
So you are saying that playing against a Nasus or kinda any tank with talon or zed with no sustain without eclipse, can get you anywhere in lane with lethality ? Their items cost are so cheap that they can already win a game in champ select, lethality is so bad when hitting tank, your 3k gold spend vs their 2.5k gold spend feel horrible.
@jurivjerdha2467 2 ай бұрын
Ok but assasind aren’t supposed to fk with tanks
@KeyboardGrudge 2 ай бұрын
@@jurivjerdha2467 Yeah I mean tank arent suppose to do more damage than them, so what your point
@jurivjerdha2467 2 ай бұрын
@@KeyboardGrudge one wrong doenst justify another
@12171010011010 2 ай бұрын
The reason why everyone always builds blade of the ruined king is because you people keep buffing health. The health pools of champions and bruiser items are high, while buying resistances always feels situational, because most offensive armor or magic resist items are specialised. So more health in the game and less resistances means that Liandries and Blade are always the dominant damage items. And because this has been the case off and on for almost half the game's life, nerfing blade too much just nerfs the itemisation of a lot of champions in general. Not to mention most bruisers build one fully offensive item and then the rest are bruiser/tank items, and blade's versatility fills that slot perfectly and always has. So here's my question, why not nerf health stacking and just remove blade and liandries from the game? Wouldn't it just be easier to balance in the long run? Why have the builds of half the champions in the game fluctuate by such a significant degree every time you mildly nerf or buff two items?
@tomrichters7205 2 ай бұрын
is gold earned from runes like first strike, cash back, treasure hunter, triumph, elixir and biscuits also ignored for bounty calculation?
@makadur7438 2 ай бұрын
First of all, thanks very much for this videos! Second, do you think increasing the size and selection radius of Yoricks ghouls could help make him weaker in low elo? ->making them a visually more imminetn threat and making them easier to click.
@cbunny6671 2 ай бұрын
I think what Kayle REALLY needs is her W giving her a stack of her passive. Aurora is a battlemage, and gets to use her stealth dash to refresh her passive. I think something similar, either a duration refresh, or straight up giving her a stack, would help a LOT with chase down and skill expression combos. As well as maintaining passive while farming. Its a long cooldown early game, and still has high mana, so it'll be high elo skewed I think.
@cbunny6671 2 ай бұрын
nvm this would probably be too op for split pushing
@DarkinWithin 2 ай бұрын
@Phreak Idk if you read comments but not sure where else to reach out. In regards to Kayn Q, I agree removing the profane interaction is healthy for the game. The issue is that Kayn Q is now a total lockout, you can't even place or prime wards during Q and this lockout makes items like profane feel really clunky. If we could buffer profane similar to how it functions with Talon Q and Qiyana E (Talon presses Q, then presses profane during the dash and it casts when he finishes Q) profane would still have a sperate cast and animation from Q but would be much more user friendly. Appreciate your time and vids, cheers.
@fmafma0993 2 ай бұрын
"we'd like to do more changes for gwen, but we can't so we're just gutting her passive which is all her damage instead of doing anything to push her into building bruiser items" like what.
@exoticpoptart3351 2 ай бұрын
finally some azir buffs, ive been struggling to play the champ without casting my soldiers
@IIBLANKII 2 ай бұрын
It won't amount to much sadly for yall lol
@gtagusta 2 ай бұрын
11:42 maybe cause there arent any other anti-tank AD options like botrk, since thats pretty much the only AD item that has good consistent damage against tanks that stack HP.
@yungebola5524 2 ай бұрын
Hey Phreak, love watching these updates and hearing your insights. I was wondering if you have any plans to address Rek'sai? She now has a lower pickrate than pre-rework, and feels like she lost everything good about her for a slightly less clunky E and AoE knockup on W. Please help us Phreak. It hurts so bad to play her. I'm sick of being a Skarner refugee. Also pls 3 splits is exhausting.
@sleebyshedinja9318 2 ай бұрын
Rip Gwen. At least people are wrong for calling her a 0 skill champ tho.
@edoardobuffa4674 2 ай бұрын
wtf they fired the immortalized ahri skin team but somehow the absolute failure "corki rework" guys are still there
@Hakkene 2 ай бұрын
bro saying that yone deserves a nerf and then taking away 30 dmg from W at max level is just disingenuous
@Dexp22 2 ай бұрын
He literally said it's a light nerf because yone is getting nerfed through BORK nerf. Did you even listen to him ?
@Sporkyz74 2 ай бұрын
​@@Dexp22why would they listen when they can just decide they're mad in advance?
@Plippes92 2 ай бұрын
The Azir "buffs" are a literal joke, wtf riot??????
@garagavia 2 ай бұрын
Noobs always underestimate consistency and quality of life changes
@timothybradford4 2 ай бұрын
Azir feels like shit to play you actual bronzor ​@@garagavia
@helpmepleasee5797 2 ай бұрын
@@garagavia azir is so bad not even actual professional league of legends players wanna touch him, so dont act like you are a god at the game or smth cause if you actualy played azir or care for that champion you'll know this is a literal joke of a buff
@hinzkunz2431 2 ай бұрын
Good players Auto way less then low elo players so really only a buff für base players.
@hinzkunz2431 2 ай бұрын
@@garagavia Well you got proven wrong by time. The buff was useless. Win rate gained was barely measurable.
@Ejune6 2 ай бұрын
Hi Phreak, please take a look at Yuumi's current state: It's way more OP than the winrate says. If you take a look at Yuumi's win synergy with another AD champion, you'll notice that it's extremely polarized, with some being extremely high and some extremely low, resulting in a mediocre average winrate for Yuumi. Yuumi is also a lot of champion's best support, to name a few: Lucian, Zeri, Corki, Tristana, despite Yuumi's current low winrate. This really shows that the champ's kit might need another rework because it only seems weak now because players are slowly grasping it's best pairs.
@uniqe_apple9763 2 ай бұрын
Hey phreak have a good feeling about this patch being a good one. Also wanted to ask if you could potentially take a look at fizz he has had a hard time hitting his one shot threshold on tons of different champs after the item nerfs and sourcs are also getting nerfed this patch he has been in a rough spot for a bit now so if you read this would be awesome if you could take a look at him. Not even asking for changes but think it would be great just to hear a we are listening in regards of him
@stefanandjelkovic1748 2 ай бұрын
Master 200 LP Azir main here. Azir gets stomoed by every midlaner currently except maybe yone or other melee champs. Its hard to trade against anyone when you have no damage early, then you cant farm properly due to your auto attack dealing little damage. What that does is you cant help your jungler out for skirmishes, so all those people saying hes a late game champ, its hard to get to late game when you wont even be strong anyway. Azir has a mana problem so you cant really use abilities to poke or youll be bullied out of lane. Theres a reason why even pro players arent playing him now
@IIBLANKII 2 ай бұрын
As a fizz otp main I feel you lol. They pull a rengar rework on you, nerf the champ a tun then give you a pitty buff that won't do much lol. Its like a chef putting in to much salt and adding a little pepper to fix their issue rather then diluting the stock to get the salt out lol.
@ukwanderer2979 2 ай бұрын
Yea, after the W nerf. Now not even the problem on clearling the lane, even trade with your opponent. If it's almost like hell when goin through early game, where tf is the vision for late game. As for the presence of mind mana regen change, another fkin blow to the head. Azir's ability mana cost is literally like hell, lvl 1 Q with 70, lvl 1 W with 40. Along with the fleet footwork ranged champ nerf, Undying grasp, two more blow. How can this champ make it to late game when it is alreadly like hell during the early game.
@cassianolima8940 2 ай бұрын
i hope you really consider august's suggestions about kayle, these are moving kayle to become a champion more satisfiyng to play
@KornelKK13 2 ай бұрын
August suggestions bring Kayle back to being Kayle actually, having better late game that she lost. Phreak just gave her early game placebo buff that doesnt fix the actual problem
@wizzy25 2 ай бұрын
Since this Gwen nerf was tried in the past and it didn't work, I have no idea why we're trying it again and even more brutal this time around. Gwen can't survive such a high passive nerf. If you want to move Gwen outside of glass cannon, lower the AP ratios on R and give it more slow so she can stick with the target. The reason Gwen builds full AP at the moment is because she doesn't have stickiness, if she doesn't blow the target right away she just gets kited and dies. Lower AP ratios on E and R, and increase the slow on R and you'll see Gwen player switch out of the full AP glass cannon. When it comes to making it easier, I don't see why. If you want to play easier champions you can play Garen or w/e, but there need to be champions that are hard because not everyone wants to play a Garen type champion and not every champion needs to be Garen.
@simioncristian7799 2 ай бұрын
I really think you need to add a flat dmg buff to gwen's P (can scale with levels so she's not actually stronger early game) if you are gonna shave so much ap scaling from it, like maybe make it go to 1-2% max hp from levels 1-16. Or you could make its damage/omnivamp also scale with gwen's hp. Just some small bits to nudge players into tankier Gwen than just a straight nerf
@pescefish5761 2 ай бұрын
Oh man, yippiee, +base AD on Azir, thats what he needed :(. Gonna be fun nerfing myself early levels when i place a soldier instead of auto attacking normally.
@ProffessorDrPatrick 2 ай бұрын
Hi Phreak, idk if you know this but max Ability Haste Jayce cannot achieve enough Haste to get 2 empowered Q shots anymore. Maybe his gate could stay for .5-1 seconds longer? idk I feel like this used to be a fun part of his mastery curve and I am sad to see it gone.
@Tenthadorn 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the news phreak, always glad to see. Any chance y'all will add the items by class pages in the store? I'm not good at remembering things, and having "these items are for tanks/juggernaut/assassins" would help a lot.
@tomwanders6022 2 ай бұрын
If you want assassins to work again either give seryldas more pen or give it back the lethality scaling it used to have, cause right now every other role got a kind of rabadons, except assassins, while the game gets less and less snowbally.
@MrEccentricities 2 ай бұрын
There is probably a reason for that
@jurivjerdha2467 2 ай бұрын
@@MrEccentricitiesthere isnt mages are broken
@MrEccentricities 2 ай бұрын
@@jurivjerdha2467 Stuff along with all the neither I nor you can prove either of our points we do not work at RIOT
@jurivjerdha2467 2 ай бұрын
@@MrEccentricities yeah we got silvers working at riot instead
@JakeBento 2 ай бұрын
Appreciate these vids Phreak. I saw Phroxzon say you guys are considering further large Corki changes. Just wanna share thoughts as a Corki enjoyer. To me the champ feels off bc his abilities don’t explicitly synergize. So much power in wave clear also skews him to mid. His R feels like it should be his bread and butter but it’s locked to lvl 6 when he’s meant to be duo lane, and instead Q is his main ability. And while I get the idea behind package removal it felt like the most “daring bombadier” thing he had and was very unique. Example reshape where you can hopefully reuse current/old VFX or scripts and anims to make something maybe more cohesive? P: Same Q: Rockets. Keep new CD refund passive. W: Remove damage, reduce length. Make it refill 1 Rocket ammo, or 2 if dashing towards an enemy (like Graves E) E: Maintain but make him locked direction like Lucian R, but allow to W during. Lets you kite away while still shredding/gunning R: Bring back package, but nerfed to the power of a ~3 min CD ult. Maybe give it a passive where spell hits and AAs on champs refund 1s of CD? Hope is that something like this allows for aggressive gameplay and gunning but with less wave clear power for mid lane. Allows for a rotation of poking down with rockets then diving in for the kill. Could even make rockets do % current HP dmg or something if you really wanted to enforce that pattern. Thx so much for the vids!
@GunzShufle 2 ай бұрын
Gwen is a scaling late game hyper carry. Why the fuck are you guys upset that a scaling late game hyper carry has high winrate with high mastery? That's literally what the subclass implies. Play it well and dont get punished in the early game and you can carry the game. The main issue with Gwen is that nobody wants to learn how to play against her. The champs weakness is in how gold reliant it is. All it takes is setting gwen behind in her pathetically weak early game and then she cant play for the rest of the game. Thats why she is never successful in pro despite being "op with high mastery". The champ itself is not OP. The playerbase just doesn't understand it because of it's low playrate
@sleebyshedinja9318 2 ай бұрын
She's 100% too strong right now but the nerf feels very harsh.
@dsfulgore 2 ай бұрын
"We dont have preferences" Azir: Is ok that he is not in pro play. Corki: he got really bricked for pro play and im no happy with that. At this point only say "I hate Azir Phreak".
@aniel8992 2 ай бұрын
Hey phreak, Idk if you read youtube comments, but I had some feedback about the xayah changes if you do. I'm not trying to complain, and I know balancing is difficult, just my thoughts. It really bothers me that you say that kraken isn't "correct". Yes I know the stats are way worse for the item and it doesn't give crit etc, and i 100% agree its worse than ER, but what that doesn't capture is not having a critical mass of attack speed early, xayah doesn't feel fun. Her whole power fantasy is feathers flying everywhere, and having high attack speed directly contributes to how fast you can get feathers out and have access to your core damage. Less attack speed means you have to wait longer to cast E, which is basically equivalent to slowing down her animations, which feels absolutely awful. Meanwhile system changes have made attack speed less primarily due to lack of AS/AD/Crit items which can be built early. Prior to this change, you had 30-40% faster combos at one item building kraken, and 80%+ faster combos at full build if you chose to build RFC or another zeal item. The current itemization options do not allow an attack speed item first due to her extreme reliance on crit scaling with e, which also blocks access to a second attack speed item, since this slot is now filled by ER. This has been further exacerbated by nerfs to LT attack speed and boots, though only to a minor degree. This patch, the balance team is choosing to buff her w damage. In my opinion, it would be better to significantly buff her attack speed base/scaling, maybe even at the cost of pulling power from elsewhere, but obviously I don't have the full picture you all do. Maybe the w buffs are to affect her pro skew or early/late game skew or something else, I don't know, but what I do know as a player is they don't feel fun. Thanks for reading, cheers.
@Sleightofhand-m2e Ай бұрын
What are you guys smoking when you're deciding who and what to nerf/buff?
@professorryze3739 2 ай бұрын
60% ap on a stationary spell that lasts a couple of seconds is kinda sad, especially if the nerf intended to nerf fighting instead of farming. Kassadin got nerfed too so a strong counter so maybe it wont be that bad
@xsision5513 2 ай бұрын
god when you can see the brain damage on his bald head you know the balance is gonna be rough.
@realOGvoli 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the patch review phreak ur amazing as always i hope your doing welll.
@thegreatkiwibeast2591 2 ай бұрын
I’m so excited for the Kayle buff, it’s not much on its own, but it’s nice, and the lethal tempo buff is gonna be great for her
@jorskee8030 2 ай бұрын
Buffs for Gangplank E seem alright but the mana regen buff is just non existent, we'll see how it lands tho
@ChikaJihyo 2 ай бұрын
Hey!! As a Gwen main, I think you're 100% correct about her having to build assasin items instead of bruiser items, but when you do change her- please keep her weak early and strong late intact, the "kayle esque" playstyle is exactly why most gwen players love her 💗
@daf963 2 ай бұрын
Please Buff swain, his ult and e are so weak rn, I would revert the changes on ult, keep the new E Q W, and give him a buff on his passive, which needed the most help before the rework, but was forgotten
@Brawph 2 ай бұрын
Off topic (More worlds related) but will we ever see Support items give supports bonus XP and Gold to the point that they keep up with everyone else's income / levels? It feels weird to see Supports so far behind that we see a Pro player buying Elixirs of Iron after 1 item because they feel the game will end before they get another item! It would open up more support options and likely make the role more popular! (Obviously a much longer term project, but it would be a huge QOL buff for the role to have it feel more approachable by non-supports!)
@AlyRDX95 2 ай бұрын
There is nothing better than transparency. Love the updates on future changes, but also the "we messed up, our bad, we're fixing it". The game would be better if players had that mind set, but also if players paid attention to the patches and champ updates!
@VertixW 2 ай бұрын
Azir buff?? +4ad wont change the fact sorcerers are getting nerfed meaning this is another indirect nerf to Azir. Why not just revert the harsh 14.18 nerf that was there to prevent him from being played too much in worlds (he had entire 0%pickrate. congrats)
@ahuehuehue4147 2 ай бұрын
@deiyaga9146 2 ай бұрын
Because they want to kill azir make him a tank instead of a dps dealer, they think durability is good in soloq and yes at some point against poke match up, but in soloq we need dmg, I think to balance azir in pro play, they just have to make orianna syndra, even ahri playable and that's it, azir cannot be blind in 100% games.
@darceyfrkovic3165 2 ай бұрын
@Phreak I am an ADC one trick, I will tell you why i dont play Corki or SIvir. Corki feels SO bad because his Q does not reach very far which means that he cannot poke trade very well which again means he is not very versatile. As for Sivir, I promise you ON GOD, She is LITTERALLY unplayable all because she has 500 attack range. I dont know this for sure but, back in the day cause games were slower and people peeled for the ADC that have lower range wasnt a big of a trade off as it is now, nowadays it is all about "the push", and you cant get the push in bot when ALL the characters in your lane have more range than you. anyway, my point is, just make her base range 550 and she WILL be played.
@Gojiradogzillagodzilla 2 ай бұрын
Also, happy to see yall guys are fine buffing Irelia. Really hope to see the girl getting some love, even if i stopped playing her 1.5 years ago.
@zeritoplane7203 2 ай бұрын
I was inactive for a couple of months and noticed that Akshan fell off a cliff. He is usually low playrate but high winrate, because only mains play him I guess. But currently he is struggling even with a low player base. I might be wrong and he is statistically fine, but I feel like he is in a bad spot. Especially because his best build is Hubris etc. currently. I think he should be shaped back towards on-hit. But with blade nerfs this patch it becomes even less viable.
@Stocky39 2 ай бұрын
I’m not sure if this change with more small updates is the right call. In case the shipped changes don’t land the way you expected, which they will if you have less time to think about every variable, then going back on these changes will be hella complicated as there are now more changes to revisit. I’m afraid the balance updates will becomes totally mess with going back on previous changes or spamming changes to one champion patch after patch
@billybobr2e2 2 ай бұрын
This was their plan though, do a system wide change then tweak champions that are too high/low in the new system. The game is closer to where they want as a whole, now they address outliers
@stefanhildebrandt5367 2 ай бұрын
Any news about Shyvana? AD is not playable anymore. She needs changes asap.
@akseldyhr3701 2 ай бұрын
Where is the syndra nerf ????
@jasongoen6298 2 ай бұрын
Lethalp Tempo needs a new rework. It should stack its adaptive damage on each hit attack totalling the amount it would at max stacks. Just divided by 6 feels super weak in current state and 6% attack speed buff is not enough to compensate for massive BORK nerfs.
@witch_lover 2 ай бұрын
Hey man, some feedback on the yone yas changes you made last patch - the build used by the top players right now and for awhile is bork into stridebreaker, because all the crit items are terrible for them to rush. They need attack speed for cdr, and need AD so they have high damage output, which you admitted in your last patch preview is essential to their identity as squishy melee skirmishers. And as you've said in the past, games rarely go to full build, so you've got two champions with a passive specifically about crit, that perform best when they build crit super late, if at all. Feels pretty silly. If you want Yone and Yas to build crit again, you need to revert the decision to not let any items have crit + atk speed + ad. Also, bork stridebreaker is giving the lifesteal and defense, with attack speed and damage, that mythic shieldbow used to give. That's why it's working so great. Maybe you should revert that item too man. Lastly, are we sure "more changes, less quality" is the way to go? Isn't more of a bad thing... bad? I could be wrong, but i'm fairly certain the community would prefer the opposite - less changes, but higher quality.
@ignacioperez5479 2 ай бұрын
That would be a buff to normal ADC and they Will not buff ADC
@witch_lover 2 ай бұрын
@@ignacioperez5479it would be if they didn’t nerf marksman, yeah. Considering marksman started showing up in mid and top lane AFTER crit items were changed to no longer have ad & attack speed as well, it seems clear enough to me the problem with the marksman class is the champion kits, not their items. So I argue they should revert the items but nerf all the marksman.
@ignacioperez5479 2 ай бұрын
@@witch_lover the reason why the ADC mid happened was a mix of the shorter lane this season, too much sustain to resist the poke, no good options for AD champs on mid and AP junglers being too good thanks to fated ashes. There is a reason why the ADC midlaners were all with mobility
@witch_lover 2 ай бұрын
@@ignacioperez5479 i agree, but it was also because trist was broken lol. My point still stands that adcs need tweaking, and what I proposed is what's needed for yone / yas - other champs can be nerfed as needed
@ВасилийМихайлюков-ъ9ж 2 ай бұрын
BALD phreak IS HANGING NOODLES ON HAMSTERS AGAIN.VANDIRIL constantly shows the result of your work and quality.
@Erksah02 2 ай бұрын
my issue with kayle is that her attack speed got tanked for a long time and now ap is lower and she feels liek a spell caster in 80% of the fights
@mattvaughn8525 2 ай бұрын
Fucking hate this buff so much man. It does nothing to make her feel better to play. She has so many issues. This is the type of shit that makes her OP when they do finally buff the right things... This has Riot special written all over it.
@jacktaormino1386 2 ай бұрын
THANK YOU AGAIN PHREAK FOR DOING THESE! I've been in many games that aren't NEARLY as communicative as you have been and its great to see. Even if I don't agree with everything you guys change, I love that I can hear your perspective on certain changes that you guys do
@aloix6463 2 ай бұрын
I'm honestly INCREDIBLY concerned personally hearing talks about shifting Gwen's skill around, what makes her fun for me is that I can play a fun cute champ who I can also say, "Oh I can get REALLY good at this champion and get rewarded". I recognize that there's a more casual playerbase for her but then I seriously question if that casual playerbase actually cares enough about champion difficulty for it to be a genuine concern. She's also not hurting for pick rate - 4.5% in all ranks (14.18 before she became as strong as she is now), 5% in norms. Clearly to me, despite her difficulty, she's still an incredibly appealing champion, and I personally don't think it's bad that a more casually appealing champ still allows the kind of mastery growth that Gwen does. That said, I absolutely agree that there HAS to be changes done to her kit for her to be incentivized to build bruiser items. It's been a long standing problem for years where there's never any room to build a tankier item on Gwen because you get comparably durable simply by building more AP as her healing is based on damage dealt, and her W scales off AP. I don't know the correct changes, but an easy one I've theorized is simply to make her W resistances scale off of HP so that she is genuinely incredibly squishy if she doesn't build defensively.
@MIKAEL212345 2 ай бұрын
give her passive an HP ratio, give her W an HP ratio, increase her base damages, and then we can start talking about gwen passive nerfs. Really bad change. She will need to be hotfix buffed, again
@ignacioperez5479 2 ай бұрын
The problem with that is she have little to no sinergy with most AP bruiser ítems
@aloix6463 2 ай бұрын
@@ignacioperez5479 Her kit uses Cosmic Nashors Rift very well it's just that there aren't incentives statwise to not just build like a burst mage because her tankiness is too tied to damage stats, there's an argument to be made that she might be missing an item in the system but to me that is an issue more endemic to the fact that AP bruisers are missing a few pieces here and there rather than her kit failing that fantasy.
@ignacioperez5479 2 ай бұрын
@@aloix6463 she doesnt sinergize well with most AP HP ítems, only with Cosmic. Rift is not a good item on her in the form it is now. Nashor is the only item she really sinergize well with. If Gwen was AD, she would be much better and easier to balance because she would have real ítems to use
@hayin2041 2 ай бұрын
hi phreak. I met quite a number of support who do not support adc during laning phase and rather just hide behind adc and come up only for dark harvest stack, not to mention they do not even buy a single pink ward! For the last three years. Why such behavior is allowed and should I buy worlds atalas if my support if not support the relienet adc? Because it's just depressing to play most team relient class when your duo teamate do support
@MeguMeme217 2 ай бұрын
dont touch gwen P, there is ways to nerf her without killing champ.
@AlexanderAnqvist-dw8ou 2 ай бұрын
Why did Energy champions have to get shafted by the presence of mind nerfs? Beforehand, energy champions restored 6 energy over 4 seconds, and the effect had no cooldown Now, they resotre 6 energy instantly, but the cooldown is 8 seconds It would be a tradeoff if it were 10 or 12 energy instantly at a cooldown of 8 seconds, argueably better than before for energy champions But keeping it at 6 makes no sense? They weren't super problematic with the rune. Seems like an oversight
@jinnyplays 2 ай бұрын
Kinda bummed. I don't like the roa into flickerblade Build. Now I feel forced into it because he's being balanced around it. Hopefully, it doesn't feel too bad when using other builds.
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