Patch 14.23 Preview | League of Legends

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@nfzeta128 Ай бұрын
I think Yun Tal's real problem is its build recipe. Having bf sword be the only real ad the item has before completion makes it an item hard to purchase which is bad for a rush item that needs to scale. Collector is the opposite in that it's an okay to good item with a really good build path that ensures it provides a reliable and strong early spike.
@supertaakot Ай бұрын
BF sword is a component in league of legends. It is supposed to feel bad to have items with BF sword. They should be luxury. That kind of defeats the purpose of it being a first item, so it's not perfect, but currently it has to be this way for balance. Everyone complaining about the build path doesn't understand the reason for it. And if it *were* Pickaxe in there, the item would have a 1k+ combine cost anyway. For the same reason, the effects are overloaded compared to other items, and stuff like the recipe brings the power level down.
@jametsu Ай бұрын
I'm replying to bump this because I agree with you. I also put my own comment saying something similar.
@danielszekeres8003 Ай бұрын
It's intentional that the item is hard to buy and doesn't spike as its competition.
@nfzeta128 Ай бұрын
@@supertaakot I would prefer a 1k combine cost than a 1300 starter cost, it wouldn't be that bad if like the other BF items you had other means of getting real ad in the recipe but as is, you either get a really good first back or you just shouldn't be going this item. Also, you could easily go double pickaxe for the recipe if you don't want to include a hearthbound axe which would make it too good a recipe.
@erlandochoa8278 Ай бұрын
@@supertaakotcouldn’t it have pickaxe + long sword
@CHSPART4N117 Ай бұрын
Whats up Phreak, fellow gamers here ;D.
@oIChewbaccaIo Ай бұрын
whats phreakin, gamer fellow here
@CHSPART4N117 Ай бұрын
@@oIChewbaccaIo 🤣
@iliad_lol Ай бұрын
@@oIChewbaccaIo whats here, freaky gamer fellow
@BrutalSalamander1 Ай бұрын
here gamers fellows up Phreak whats
@worstplayer7299 Ай бұрын
whats up fellow freaks, gamer here
@ebexna0291 Ай бұрын
Phreak got rid of flashbangs with spreadsheets but replaced them with his head.
@gahrzerkire1193 Ай бұрын
Adore that you are making these videos and explaining your thinking and how the design team is approaching balance. Makes changes infinitely more palatable in that we can see your, and your teams perspective. Thank you for taking the time to make these videos. Its awesome. Thank you.
@VeralionRawr Ай бұрын
Do you even know that shyvana E mark is capped to 150 on dragons too, and that it's the vast majority of her damage to first two drakes, meaning that her 20% to dragons is fake? I bet you don't.
@wade2589 Ай бұрын
So the 20% damage amp is calculated before the cap?
@VeralionRawr Ай бұрын
@@wade2589 yup phreak has no idea what he is talking about
@danieljmarvin Ай бұрын
Hey Phreak, fellow data scientist here. I think it would make sense to have champ win rate by mastery (and other similar stats) just displayed on a tableau dashboard so you don't have to go around pulling the data newly every time. You can also just have these for every champ so you can keep an eye on them. You could have a table that has the delta and stuff too. You could probably do this with items also.
@MuayadAl-Barwani Ай бұрын
Keep in mind rengar's armor shred on R literally does nothing to the dmg on the initial jump, it does not apply since all the dmg comes before the shred for some reason.
@Andre-od5hf Ай бұрын
Phreak have you ever thought about giving bot lane minions some base magic resist to systematically nerf mages bot? That could go away at like 15 or 20 mins (or honestly not, since eventually mages get pen anyway). Seems that the problem with almost all mages in bot is that they can destroy waves too quickly so adcs dont get time to interact with them (hence the fact mages have been topping wr charts bot lane for years), doing that would maybe make them more balanceable bot lane, what do you think about it?
@EmilTKeppie Ай бұрын
Honestly pretty good idea. That's the main issue with characters like Seraphine and Ziggs in botlane, you can't interact with them and ADCs don't have sustain nor waveclear to play a neutral lane against them, and if their support roams they're harder to dive because it's hard to crash a wave against them. Forcing them to at least walk up to auto attack waves or just throw more cooldowns at it would make them a lot less degenerate to face in that role.
@steelajax7925 Ай бұрын
My guess is this would inadvertently hit non mages too hard. Dedicated supports like Janna/Leona/Nautilus might lose a lot off of not being able to help their adc shove as hard, and mages that don't really have anywhere else to go but support like Karma/Vel'Koz/Morgana might drop out of existence entirely
@EmilTKeppie Ай бұрын
@@steelajax7925 That's not really an issue in botlane, shoving waves after a play is much easier with 2 champs no matter what, and perhaps Riot can look for a way to make Morgana and Velkoz into viable midlane champs again.
@thomasbenishek7927 Ай бұрын
Not a bad idea, worth looking into
@steelajax7925 Ай бұрын
@@EmilTKeppie 1. It's easier yes, but still would be slower, and that time loss can be the difference between a crash or not. 2. This doesn't factor in 1v2 plays where the adc dies for both enemy bot laners. 3. I would love for Vel to be a mid laner again, I'm game for this one considering I used to main him. Morgana will never be a mid laner though, at least not without bleeding most of her playerbase
@araytar Ай бұрын
Absolute goat. I may not be always happy with the buffs/nerfs. But taking your time and explaining patches so thoroughly BESIDE working at riot is completely respectable.
@dragomaster2422 Ай бұрын
8:44 i still don’t understand the overall changes. What is smolder supposed to build now? IE and collector? Essence reaver and navori? Hubris and eclipse? Youmuu’s and Opportunity? Muramana and Ravenous Hydra? The only item that fits him is Essence Reaver with Hubris and Eclipse looking like the next best items. I think seeing his Tri force, spear of shojin build be gutted is going to leave his win rate and pick rate lower with only otps building high AD since no one understands how hubris is one of his core items with Essence reaver.
@hayin2041 Ай бұрын
I have one concern when smolder is being adjusted: "Will we have a smolder hitting the stack mark by just a few minutes after the laning phase, that is about 25 mins (for low mmr)?" Because that's infinite scaling without even needing to purchase items and is a nightmare to many players to play against given that smolder appears inclusively in every single lane.
@nikovarano1741 Ай бұрын
Always appreciate your videos! They're well done and informative. This may be more work, but adding specific time stamps for each champ in the buffs/nerfs sections would help viewers find the nerfs/buffs they're interested in.
@hayin2041 Ай бұрын
Phreak: Yesterday I met a Garen support in solo queue during champion selection. Someone dodged and receive a time penalty because of it. It is certain that this Garen is not playing league for the mutal enjoyment of the rest of the teammates but only himself. He even bring teleport which has no support value except for minion wave push in his desire. However, even though I did not enter the game thanks to someone else, we, as a player, have no counter strategy to deal or let say report such behavior becase the name id is blocked in champ select. I hereby pledge you to revoke this function for partially, for the purpose of trolling the trolling support by trolling them first (because they are so smart to pick at last (perhaps the system favor them?)
@hallozer7805 Ай бұрын
hope you know how much most of us appreciate you phreak. thx for these videos and all your work👍
@eKoMsGaming Ай бұрын
" and ya i bet you in most cases caitlyn R deals more damage then syndra R " do we forget syndra R has an execute??
@Vexiglass Ай бұрын
Thank you for listening to the players and rolling back at least some of the changes on Aurora. In my opinion, she should have her passive MS back to retain her identity, but I'm willing to accept and try these changes instead. Overall, thank you for listening, Phreak.
@TheShadowD Ай бұрын
my favourite baldman spitting facts as I wake up for work in the morning, couldn't be better
@P.08 Ай бұрын
Yun tal's problem is the bloody build path, not the +2s duration! Sometimes I wonder if you guys even think
@gosunflower Ай бұрын
Love the transparency. Thanks as always Phreak
@gabrieletolomeo7497 Ай бұрын
The problem with Yun'Tal on Jinx is that if I want to go full scaling build, I just get IE first so I can have everything I need at 3 items (IE - Runan's - LDR), if I build Yun'Tal I delay one of these items and I scale worse. It also doesn't give a true 1 item spike so why should I build it exactly? It's very gold effecient once it's stacked but IE Runan's and LDR are still the best options if I want to scale.
@lorenaklaes9140 Ай бұрын
Appreciated as always. Thanks for taking the time to educate us on what is going on and why:)
@hayin2041 Ай бұрын
Hi phreak: I have a recommendation. Since it become a concensus that adc should not be made tankier, may be one way to increase adc agency and hence overall game satisfactio is to allow adc to have more vision. Perhaps to shorten the cool down for their stealth eye
@Issemoran Ай бұрын
Master Yi will already reach the Attack Speed limit with 3 items (2 if you buy berserker's greaves) + R + Lethal tempo and Rageblade stacked and that will make his late game significantly worse since you will just waste the stat, wouldn't an attack speed cap removal be better here?
@Issemoran Ай бұрын
also if you would like to bring yi crit back, you can simply do it by reverting the Q nerfs V12.5 @Phreak
@eldritchemissary4718 Ай бұрын
Its just a buff? Like I hate the as cap too but this just opens up more build opportunities and buffs him early
@Issemoran Ай бұрын
@eldritchemissary4718 doesn't buff him early, but it might change his build
@AshuraGGEZ Ай бұрын
yeah AS uncap on R would make so much sense, idk why Belveth has the right of having perma uncapped AS, and Yi cant even get it on R..
@kingzded5130 Ай бұрын
@@AshuraGGEZdoes bel veth do true damage on her autos? Yi does so why shouldn’t bel’veth. Because having true damage on autos and no auto attack limit is broken as fuck, there is literally no way to itemize against it except for health, but yi builds bork and now does %hp damage
@youss_lol Ай бұрын
I saw a post from yesterday in r/kaisamains on reddit under a title abt AD on passive or smth i dont remember the exact title but anyways under it a lot of kaisa players were talking abt giving kaisa crit ratios/scalings, a lot of kaisa players really want crit kai'sa to come back and hoping she gets some crit ratios/scalings on Q/E/P. U cant rlly buff AD on Q or smth cuz that would make lethality kaisa rlly op and it would buff other builds that dont need buffs so the best way is to finally give kaisa some crit ratios/scalings which means u can buff crit kaisa without making her other builds way stronger aswell. I would love to hear your opinion on bringing back crit kaisa.
@subaruuuu1 Ай бұрын
Twitch is sitting at 47% wr and they won't even mention him
@doffy5394 Ай бұрын
Twitch being the worst champ in the game while caitlyn is still giga op even after nerfs, they really like to discriminate against zaun huh
@skylarc8859 Ай бұрын
welcome to the yuumi treatment :)
@Majiger Ай бұрын
@@doffy5394 I liked the part where he said "Her ban rate is still climbing for some reason" because a 650 range ADC that can one shot you in a single combo with 2 items is supposed to feel fair somehow? Compared to every auto attack reliant ADC having to spend 15s hitting you with crappy 300dmg crits on two items.
@plantcrone9662 Ай бұрын
​@@doffy5394 you do realize not every champ can be viable at the same time right?
@clarence3238 Ай бұрын
@@skylarc8859 yuumi does not express skill and is supposed to be weak because there is just about 0 way to counter her aside from anti heal and shield. you cant touch the champ.
@DanteDiavolo Ай бұрын
What's up Xerath, fellow Azir main here (lol, thank you guys for the buff)
@thomasbenishek7927 Ай бұрын
Do you think he’s heard the nickname before lol. At least this is actually a buff that we are happy about.
@DanteDiavolo Ай бұрын
Also play a lot of Aphelios, i agree with everything you said about Yun Tal, Collector and Aphelios. Haven't been this happy with a patch in a long time lol
@DanteDiavolo Ай бұрын
@@thomasbenishek7927 hah i don't know, but as for the buff, it's such good news for Azir. He will be balanced for a change
@sweetshoez Ай бұрын
Man I would love if bruiser graves had a build again. It was my favorite way to play him. The current item system doesn’t really give him much. I agree it is weird how his E incentivizes him dashing forward and staying in combat but none of his builds support that gameplay
@Tenthadorn Ай бұрын
Quick question: What are your thoughts on having an inverse ratio for ranged champion range:damage? (e.g. Nilah gets less of a ranged debuff than Jhin)
@gggremlin Ай бұрын
the game considers nilah a melee champion i think, iirc she cannot buy runaans
@Tenthadorn Ай бұрын
@@gggremlin Oh. My bad. Thanks for pointing that out. I guess Graves would be my next example for short-range getting less reduction.
@sleepless1566 Ай бұрын
It's really nice that the game's balance is communicated, i may not agree with some changes, nevertheless i appreciate the effort put into communicating them.
@J.D.... Ай бұрын
For aphelios if you want a more auto attack focused change, can i suggest: Make Red Q scale more with AS Make Weapon swaps (esp when running out of ammo) scale with AS Make Gravitum feel better with more AS (projectile speed?, root cast time?)
@oldevilgreendog Ай бұрын
Fix of your attempt to "buff/rework" Warwick when?
@Saowli Ай бұрын
Yes please! He's a tad stronger but he feels clunkier than before.
@EmilTKeppie Ай бұрын
They need his movespeed to rely a lot less on his W. 335 base ms for a champ that's so linear and easy to kite out for ranged carries just makes him awful to play in so many scenarios. Either give him what's normal for his class of juggernaut/skirmisher with 345 or let his W just function at like 25% after taking damage, because he is totally reliant on his R to get in range of the carries.
@WalkingGrave1 Ай бұрын
7:43 Speaking of Darius, any reworks in the near future (maybe 15.0)? He's the only one of the juggernauts that hasn't received another rework after.
@soysaucebananna Ай бұрын
As a critic and Debbie downer of all things riot and this channel I do appreciate the introduction of timestamps.
@arealdog4259 Ай бұрын
just wanted to say the aphelios discussion really really excited me as an aphelios player! i’m not a huge fan of the caster gameplay but i love the champ so +1 to that idea
@1MyNickname1 Ай бұрын
The reason Yi used to be able to go crit is because of his old E giving him AD which affected crit instead of true damage which isn't affected by crit.
@WoodheadM Ай бұрын
I actually think that dope news skin for swain is causing a lot of people to play him as well.
@liemaren Ай бұрын
True, and that 40 maximum dmg for Q was great, if they think swain is really over power why not buff ad
@Livvvyenne999 Ай бұрын
I never expected Xerath to buff Azir in any way but i appreciate it
@hayin2041 Ай бұрын
Phreak: I hope you will meet a ambessa support with no flash as your duo when you play ad
@kingd1486 Ай бұрын
Thank you for these amazing videos, Phreak!
@SndDelight Ай бұрын
Hey Phreak. Is the "AP bruiser/fighter" thing still on the table ? As an avid bruiser Diana player, I'd love to see some changes making it more in line with her full AP version. A version of Diana that would revolve around her passive and wouldn't have to rely so heavily on Rod of Ages for mana...
@PlatonicLiquid Ай бұрын
I wonder if some of the sentiment about alternative builds has more to do with the streamlining of items over the years, rather than the ratios of the champions themselves. I know there's been multiple discussion from Rioters about why streamlining items to have a clear use-case is overall good for the game, but I also think that less strange and niche items leaves less room for those champions and builds they actually work on to see play.
@vellor9145 Ай бұрын
His clear was super slow before, but this will just kill his jungle and all we got from phreak was basically "We could, so we did". There are so many other ways you could nerf or change him, but to COMPLETELY gut his first clear to the dumpster was not it.
@micha7430 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your videos Mr. Phreak. We appreciate them so much, keep up the great work and have a great week!
@GoldenForce Ай бұрын
Pretty happy with how Swain landed (almost 1M mastery points on him, been playing him since his rework). Would still like if he could lean more into the drain tank fantasy, if there is room to shift some numbers around!
@orshabaal8990 Ай бұрын
personally disagree, i think we found a good balance between healing and damage right now.
@GoldenForce Ай бұрын
​@@orshabaal8990 I do think we're very, very close - maybe the slightest amount more HP scaling on the ultimate. But I do still think he is most of the way there to being a drain tank.
@wolvewick4414 Ай бұрын
you happy because he broken now. congratz to yuo swain mains. he was broken before now he still broken but with less skill on abilities since its so fast animation people cant even dodge it most of the times.
@GoldenForce Ай бұрын
@@wolvewick4414 You just heard Phreak talk about him and this is the opinion you formed? Come on... it was so clearly explained to you!
@wolvewick4414 Ай бұрын
@@GoldenForce i have my own opinions on games i play, he was broken with huge healing before while do crazy damage an beeing tanky with no tank itens. now hes broken with crazy damage faster abilities that people alot of times cant dodge it, while beeing tanky with no tank itens. it is what it is. am happy, you love your broken champs, while i play a b tier champion that got gutted on his ulti for 150/250/350 (+100% AP) ⇒ 100/175/250 (+100% AP) damage. and have to play vs heimer, or hwei, or malzar, or corki, or riven, or irelia, or swain IN TOP LANE.
@hayin2041 Ай бұрын
Even Tank support cant stand the damage from brand and veigar, not to mention ad...
@emilypumpkinseller Ай бұрын
Thanks for these vids. Very appreciated I think toplane Quinn needs help
@kehroro Ай бұрын
Really random question but, when ur talking to the camera, where are you ACTUALLY looking? into the lens or yourself at the PC ?
@ichibancho Ай бұрын
@Phreak can we stop getting useless balance changes until match making is fixed? Every single game I have at least 1 teammate that is down by 5k+ on the opponent laner. I'm not good enough to carry 1v9, so Riot decides I should lose in matchmaking.
@HienLeGia Ай бұрын
Any chance "situational items" are being targeted? - Mercurial, Maw & Similar items are either un-interactive below Elite queues, people are either better off buying BT or 3rd Core items over these. Which begs another question: are they too expensive for Very Niche applications?
@lubue5795 Ай бұрын
I think an item being underpurchased in lower elos isn't a good indication that it's bad. Hexdrinker is an amazing first buy on most AD champion in an AP matchup and there's really not skill needed to use it. But people probably underpurchase it, because niche items are not part of guides and recommendations, most of the time. Besides, people in lower elo also tend to be less adaptive with their build. So when they play Zed or Talon, they are going to build full AD lethality as they want damage not tankiness.
@danielszekeres8003 Ай бұрын
Yes, they should be cheaper for you to be able to actually complete them when the situation calls for it.
@Ic-gv2eo Ай бұрын
Tbh I don't really get "graves isn't supposed to be an assassin". His autos come out fast and he has a lot of down time with his reloads. Also his damage is highest when he's in total melee range despite him not really having much mobility, so if he DOESN'T one shot someone he'll probably have some problems lategame
@momoaa Ай бұрын
its not fun/good gameplay when assassin graves is powerful, we can see this historically. unfortunately, when he was strong as a pure skirmisher, in the way phreak is trying to push him, he was also an incredibly opressive tanky bruiser with infinite lifesteal that also melee range auto'd you for 40% of your hp. Graves kit is honestly just doomed imo, impossible to make the current kit strong and also feel fair to play against.
@luka4868 Ай бұрын
Actual azir buffs wow ty phreak maybe just maybe you arent xerath but we will keep observing you
@YouLose Ай бұрын
26:07 Freak: The total power of au-🥁🥁-o attacks is up
@AdamLapisLazuli Ай бұрын
Hello, Phreak. I was wondering what does the future hold for Evelynn in accordance to you? I recall you wish her to be below 50 wr, but I fear that her current stance affects her idenitity as an assassin, since she cannot properly assassinate. The most infuriating aspect of her currently - her inability to properly execute low-hp non-tanks. If my low hp, non-tank target is below 30 per cent HP, I should be able to execute it with my R. Please consider an AP increase for her R or an execute mechanic like Pyke's, where she should be able to takedown her opponent below 30 per cent HP independent of her current AP scalings.
@bennithebest4062 Ай бұрын
Phreak up gamers, fellow here
@PoCyrus Ай бұрын
Hi Phreak. A lot of newer champion releases keep on showing up on the adjustment block. Strictly from data perspective, shouldn't this be a good indicator for the champion design team they're making overloaded and overtuned champs?
@Jiroscopio_ Ай бұрын
I think it's pretty logical that newer champions require more changes than older ones and has nothing to do with being "overtuned". Older champions have had years of patches and balance to be refined and perfected. Newer champs had way less time to find the right balance for them. It's pretty intuitive.
@amendoim173 Ай бұрын
@@Jiroscopio_Stop being disingenuous. Look at the mess Ksante is to this day.
@Rells2coolpeoplehavebadtastes. Ай бұрын
@@amendoim173 And look at Nilah as well. Sett needed like what, 8 nerfs in a row at the start? Now no one gives a dam about him. Not that he's bad now, but now he's just like any other champion now a days.
@dylanhelvetios2300 Ай бұрын
​@@Jiroscopio_nah you didn't had new released champions needing jhin's passive level of writing each nerf/buff until they made Zeri 2 or 3 years ago. There was like Azir Kalista or Yuumi and Kaisa but that's about it. now almost every new champions come with unneeded ms steroids/dash that result into pro to abuse them the only one that hasn't been an issue is Naafiri and she still gonna get "reworked" like Swain.
@Rells2coolpeoplehavebadtastes. Ай бұрын
I would say yes to be honest, but not always. I don't think Nilah or Qiyana or Gwen have ever been an issue when they first came out, and Rell was just forgotten from the start. But even so they eventually managed to find a good spot for all of them. I don't think Sylas has been a problem since his mid scope.
@Twitch-oq3ir Ай бұрын
when twitch buffs? :(
@throughtheendlessinertia1915 Ай бұрын
Thanks phreak. Would you mind giving your quick thoughts on lillia atm?
@othosos Ай бұрын
Twitch / Master Yi were my GO TO champions to pick when I was new and learning the game, I hope you make them great again, new players might stick around longer too.
@alexandretorres4482 Ай бұрын
forget, Twitch won't get buffed. Riot hates it and wishes that they never created the champ.
@kingd1486 Ай бұрын
Two champions that rely on super gimmicks to get things done eh
@hayin2041 Ай бұрын
@FuriousTyphoon Ай бұрын
Cait R getting nerfed in this way seems a bit wild. Why not compensate a bit by adding a small execute damage? It’s obviously blockable and has to be channeled as you mentioned
@nidsonteixeira Ай бұрын
Thanks for all of this
@asnipersfate Ай бұрын
Wish we kept the aurora passive ms
@محمدمحمودحيدر-ذ2ض Ай бұрын
Santa Phreak, i want 2 presents on pre season if you see me as a good boy 1) Look at the Absorb life Rune for melee, Used to be a good trade for Triumph like you said on release, before it got gutted due to ranged abuse 2)The Tenacity system, i dont mind stuff like Mercs tenacity getting nerfed, but at the cost of having more tenacity avalibility in items and runes and how they add up Bouns gift : Le Upgraded Boots for the rest of the classes
@danielszekeres8003 Ай бұрын
Absorb life should absolutely be buffed back a little (keeping its exponential scaling with levels). Tenacity from stat shard is the one I would buff first. You could maybe add it to one of the tank legendaries too? I think Zephyr-like items are coming in 15.1, please go through with Phreak's idea that they be able to store 1 control ward too!
@titanofyoutube4834 Ай бұрын
They should remove tenacity from merc treads, introduce more (expensive, steraks tier) items with tenacity for all classes, and maybe make a CC pass slightly reducing CC across the board. I feel like the biggest source of tenacity being available for only 1300 gold is a massive roadblock, since it really fucks over the kits of some champs who rely on CC (forcing them to have longer CC to compensate, which in turn forces people to build mercs etc.) It's a vicious cycle.
@randomguy9202 Ай бұрын
Tysm for these overviews.
@gustavomassara Ай бұрын
yo phreak idk if u read this but i wish there was a better way to see enemy stats and spell damage ingame, like the small hud we get in top left of the screen its so small and counter intuitive to see whe ur playing like it doenst feel very good in my opinion, ty for the videos tho .
@Xtreeme.Digital Ай бұрын
I personally don't like how Swain feels at the moment. Somehow I feel like I am always in need of his ulti and most of the time it's on CD.
@kingd1486 Ай бұрын
I felt the opposite, as soon as I had Malignance, I felt like I was always ready to blast
@milt_lol Ай бұрын
Hey Phreak, OTP Yi here from high elo. The buffs looks cool and all, but i severely think that they are a bit placebo. The problem is that Master Yi already reaches the AS cap with 2/3 items + R + Lethal Tempo and Rageblade stacked, and since yi always want to go those on-hit attack speed heavy items (Bork, RB, Kraken, Wits, Terminus, etc) Wouldn't make sense make his R be able to surpass the attack speed cap? He already used to do that a lot with old Lethal Tempo. Also, if you guys want to bring Crit Yi back, isn't a no brainer to just revert the 12.5v patch changes about his Q interaction with Crit? And PLEASE, remove the penalty he gets from building AH, his autos always used to refound 1 second from his Q but you guys made a mechanic that that number gets lowered the more AH you get, which was exclusively made because of Duskblade, since building CDR on Yi was never meta in his 10+ years of existing, so that is just literally an anti-QOL change that isn't even necessary anymore.
@momoaa Ай бұрын
master yi does not need that much of a buff, it doesnt really need a buff at all, which is why the current strongest build is not really getting buffed. If you are building crit (IE) you will have less attackspeed, and the attackspeed buff will matter. If you are playing rageblade onhit, it wont matter, its not that complicated
@perfectdoll4112 Ай бұрын
Are there any insights into the recent alterations to Warwick? or do you need more time/data to form an opinion on the change?
@AmirShamshoum-o4z Ай бұрын
I think Master Yi is in a decent spot right now, and his win rate is balanced. However, the key to improving him isn’t in reworking his entire kit or giving him massive damage buffs-it's about tweaking his ultimate (R) and focusing on his attack speed. Here’s my take on the necessary adjustments: Buff Master Yi’s R (Highlander) Master Yi's ultimate needs a buff, but not to his damage. His R should mainly provide the following benefits: 1.Cooldown Reduction: The cooldown of 85 seconds is too long. Reducing it would allow Yi to use his ultimate more often and be a more impactful champion in skirmishes and teamfights. 2.Attack Speed Buff: Yi’s core strength is his attack speed, and his ultimate should significantly enhance that. A bigger attack speed buff would align with his kit and identity as an attack speed-based champion. 3.Movement Speed Buff: Master Yi should get a stronger movement speed boost from his ultimate, making him more mobile and better able to chase down enemies or escape when needed. This would make his R more rewarding without increasing his damage in a way that could break his balance. The key point is that the buff should be situational-active when his ultimate is up and gone when his R is on cooldown, preventing him from becoming too strong in all situations. I don’t think his damage should be buffed at all. Giving him more damage would only make him overpowered, and he would likely become permabanned at all elos. His damage is already solid with attack speed, and giving him more scaling or flat damage buffs could make him oppressive. 4.Minor Buffs to His E It’s not necessary to make major changes to his E, but a slight buff could help his win rate, especially when considering how his R and overall kit interact. This would make him more effective in clearing and dueling, but I believe the focus should still be on his R and attack speed rather than raw damage. 5.A Comparison with Jinx Another point to consider is Jinx's Q passive, which provides a massive attack speed boost (around 110% after attacking 3 times). As a ranged champion, this is extremely powerful. I believe Master Yi’s attack speed should receive similar consideration for scaling, as it’s his primary strength. Phreak, why not add bonus true damage to Yi’s fourth attack when his Double Strike triggers? Here’s how it would work: Wuju Style (E) let's say already deals 30 true damage to all of Yi’s attacks when active. For the fourth attack (Double Strike), why not give him an extra 5 true damage on top of that? So, one of the two attacks in Double Strike would deal 35 true damage, while the other would still deal the normal 30. This would be a small buff that makes his fourth attack stronger, especially in duels. The bonus true damage would only apply when E is active, so he’d lose it when E is on cooldown, keeping the change balanced. It’s a minor increase, but it helps him a little more against tanks and resistance-heavy champions. the point of the buff to make only and only his 4th attack proc it think of it as Yone passive you can even make it scale with level lets say 1 true damage at first level up to 15 or how you guys even balance that up to you I think there's so many ideas can be done on him I think he's a cool champion with a lot of protentional he just need some love since he's the one of few champions were released in the entire game keep him iconic to that and never rework him he's really special I wish people see the beauty of him There's one more thing I want highlight I don't see anyone addressing this but his Q affected by cooldown reduction when taking Hextech Dragon the added cooldown reduction hurt his Q and let's assume you get more than one you see where I'm going with this I don't know how you guys can fix this probably eliminate the CD only on his Q and keep it on the rest of his kit. again these are minor things but all make a difference you remember when his status got buffed per level what happened to his winrate.
@glorpism Ай бұрын
Thank you for listening about aurora, much love ❤
@Masa-ui2dm Ай бұрын
Omg that w reset in aurora give me hopes, good job phreak
@justascomplicated8182 Ай бұрын
Oh ayyyy didn't realize ap kog bot was getting picked up. He was one of my go tos last year and you regularly have 40% damage share with 60k+ dmg dealt on him. It's definitely a little toxic, but in the age of ziggs everything else is on a sliding scale in -hell- bot lane.
@mikevos4460 Ай бұрын
If the build recipe of yun tal would get a touch up that item would be very nice
@trenthashimoto946 Ай бұрын
Can you turn up the volume/gain on your mic? Love your videos and explanations, but they're about half as loud as most other KZbin videos. Thanks
@zavhyatta9795 Ай бұрын
Huge win on Aurora keeping W reset. Fine with the trapping and passive MS but let the bunny hop!
@iGreen_ Ай бұрын
Agree completely on the sentiment with lethality jinx. My teammates make that build look so completely useless just bury it.
@novanomi3362 Ай бұрын
I do think rammus's w mr increase should be increased slightly, and his scaling ad should be buffed slightly. This allows rammus to not be the worst solo objective taker, and lowers his insane counter pick delta.
@VVaypoint Ай бұрын
Maxing Q on Rammus is unsurprisingly about the cooldown as damage matters not in coordinated games. You do need to keep your gank and fight pattern tight of course. Generally as Rammus I think about how much Defence and Damage does for me, which, usually isn't as much as CC if we account for team mates damage in ganks so I tend to max E mostly as boring as that is. W gets all the points that don't feel meaningful at any given moment, Q might get one or two, R gets only one until the game is almost over.
@youss_lol Ай бұрын
Any plans on bringing back crit kaisa? Crit Kai'sa has high AS aswell and can kite a lot with new yuntal passive + pd/runaans/navori so its not like she loses her high AS/kite idendity with crit kaisa. Sure it could be dangerous to give crit on Q cuz it could end up being rlly op and make her burst insane but we need to remember kaisa has very short AA range and pretty much all of crit kaisas dmg comes from AA so she probably deserves to have a lot of burst with crit build tbh cuz she needs to be very close to the enemy to deal dmg which is very dangerous for an adc (ik she has R to help and E a bit but u still need to be very close to deal any dmg which makes it way easier for an enemy to catch crit kaisa than another adc when pumping out dmg). But i do agree it would be safer to make her autos crit harder after she uses E and give her Passive some crit aswell, that would promote the high AS/kite playstyle on her aswell but with crit instead of onhit. She 100% needs some crit ratios/scalings, its just a question on whats the best way to buff her crit playstyle/build which is prob by giving her E and Passive crit ratios/scalings.
@alakazam65 Ай бұрын
Feels bad that Smolder gets such heavy treatment because of pro jail, I wish he could keep his identity as THE scaling adc. I personally think the waveclear being so heavily nerfed (and so also stacking rate i guess) is more than enough to keep him out of pro play, the heavy nerfs to late game power and stacking just seem excessive. Also not being allowed to build any AP like ezreal or other caster adcs is sad :(
@guntherrogiers3637 Ай бұрын
Hello Phreak, is there a rozdmap for champion reworks? These are more exiting than new champions imo
@lotterwinner6474 Ай бұрын
I was really hoping you were going to talk about the undocumented WW changes that make him feel bad to play.
@Sevarid Ай бұрын
I still hope you can take a look at rek'sai to push her a little bit more into a damage focused bruiser instead of a tanky/cc focused bruiser she is right now as imo this is what most rek'sai mains want. Maybe im wrong but this is the feeling I have looking at her playrate after the reshape that happend, her clear is also quite slow for junglers these days so a little more damage would help her in this way aswell
@titanofyoutube4834 Ай бұрын
Reksais playrate has remained pretty much unchanged compared to pre rework. She's just not a popular champ and never has been, unless she's flavor of the month broken, because of her unique passive. Riot also reworked her to be a tanky bruiser fairly recently, I don't think they want to revert that already.
@dangilbertson592 Ай бұрын
Hi Phreak, any plans to change Kled? Right now he's locked into assassin builds due to how he takes %health damage. Could there maybe be plans to split the bonus health he builds between his health bars at 25%/75%?
@LordKeram Ай бұрын
Why Phreak looks like Lex Luthor now?
@nekito8868 Ай бұрын
I believe swain pick rate skyrocketed due to his Daddy skin. Riot knew what they were doing. 😂
@roganjohnston Ай бұрын
My dragon lady T-T I'm sure the reasons behind it are good. (gonna try trinity and shojin) but god dam does it hurt to get nerfed patch after patch. Also I'm worried that nerfing e ap ratio really hurts the feels of the champs since her late game scaling wasn't feeling all that great. Two - Three items felt good but once it got to four or five it felt like most champs would out scale me.
@Spuuner Ай бұрын
Hey Phreak, would it be possible to add legacy versions of reworked champions back into the game? With Overwatch and Fortnite returning to previous seasons and also leagues item system being reverted this feels like a good time to try something like that and i´m sure a lot of older fans would really appreciate playing their favourite characters again. I for one really miss playing pre-rework Skarner and while the new version is good, it just doesn´t have the nimbleness and fast attacking nature that old Skarner had and it kinda leaves a void in LoL for a fast auto and q spamming, bulky and swift, melee character (technically Hecarim fills that niche since he has allways been very closely related to Skarner gameplay wise, but he is more focused on just spamming q nowadays and doesnt really prefer to buy Trinityforce anymore either).
@atrece175 Ай бұрын
What about other ranged AD items, they suck so much mostly, any plans for S15?
@Majiger Ай бұрын
What did Whatley ever do to you Phreak that you are nerfing Kench? Poor guy fell out of a window and is trying to climb half blind.
@lubue5795 Ай бұрын
In that analogoy, that half blind guy is currently winning the Olympic climbing medal, as he has 52% winrates over all elos which is pretty high for a champion who's quite simple to pick up and play. And he does that in both of his roles, top or support, so I'd say he sure seems a bit too strong right now.
@Majiger Ай бұрын
@@lubue5795 It's a joke, I know Tahm has been really good since his AP changes and the meta being tanks is also very strong for him. The nerf is a slap on the wrist to bad Tahm players.
@sinthorias Ай бұрын
Appreciate the chapter timestamps massively btw.
@kogmawmain8872 Ай бұрын
27:17 there *is* a good caster Jinx build. Spear of Shojin, Ionian boots of Lucidity and Fimbulwinter allows Jinx to have a 2 second cooldown on her 2 second slow. (That is, if you play the correct runes.) And since you don't build too much attack damage, lethality or crit that means maxing Q 2nd isn't particularly overpowered so maxing E 2nd is actually pretty good, since your E actually benefits from ability haste. And it might seem that you don't have counterplay after getting hit by her Zap once as the next one is basically guaranteed to hit but this is only true if don't have mercuries and no flash and no dash and no pet.
@godsent6801 Ай бұрын
Twitch no buffs with a 38wr btw :D
@rogermenali1841 Ай бұрын
Will this update from rell smder and aurora release today?, or when?
@JINXzzap Ай бұрын
It would be cool if you increased the audio volume by like 1-2db overall.
@baronnashor158 Ай бұрын
why kill ap smolder tho? Liked it in aram and such
@blipbloup7168 Ай бұрын
Phreak I gotta admit I often hate on the changes but keeping the aurora w reset is suck a W ty
@randomaether Ай бұрын
Thanks for the Aurora change
@Sebeklis Ай бұрын
yeah core point of samira (crit adc) is right click them forever
@danielszekeres8003 Ай бұрын
She's a combo ADC, not an auto-attacker, even if she builds crit
@sacarymoviesamu Ай бұрын
Idk if you will read it, but urgot feels so bad agasint ambessa. Her dashes are longer than urgot E and she moves sso much it's actually imposible to hit her. Even as an aOTP, i find it hard to fight her. Pleas, could you see if there is something that can be done ?
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