I think the big issue with the coolshot nerf is that it impacts close range brawling builds much more than long range. This is a direct nerf to short range high heat buids, but makes zero impact on longer range load outs. I think this will have more of an impact on SNPPC builds than any of the actual snub changes did. Doubling the time for the cooling means that slightly over-extending in a brawl is much more risky than it was before, whereas if you are trading at 700+ m it is just a mild inconvenience and maybe 20 points off your match score.
@Not_Hans Жыл бұрын
The counter to this is the other guys in the same situation. You have to be careful how you brawl now. I can’t be more happy, how stupid it is to watch an assault literally vanish because you can alpha cheese with a cool shot, that’s not brawling it’s just abusive mechanics.
@michaelkean5674 Жыл бұрын
I would agree that it impacts both sides in a brawl, but I still think it will still change play styles. The perception of the change is going to reduce people looking to brawl; why drop in a mech that is perceived as less good? You only have to look at the almost total absence of clan guass, despite HAG not being over powered on paper. I think there is an argument for nerfing cheesy high alpha builds like the chadoken but while they are frustrating when you get nailed by one they aren't particularly common at the moment.
@Not_Hans Жыл бұрын
@@michaelkean5674 it should change play styles. It forces you to be more cautious while also prioritizing targets. It creates a situation where the better heat management will win a fight. The idea that every ones going to default to pop tart ppc and gauss spam is not very likely. I am sure some mechs will feel the burn of this over others but changes can always be made later down the line. But them making an attempt is a good indication of solid change.
@ghoulbuster1 Жыл бұрын
The coolshot nerfs is specifically to counter high alpha, high heat builds that cannot alpha unless popping a coolshot. Brawlers generally don't overheat in one shot, and can alpha multiple times.
@Grooveworthy Жыл бұрын
Oh, I noticed it so hard when playing 1v1 mediums last night. Coolshots were actually useless
@zellway Жыл бұрын
The shield gives me Gundam vibes. I’m excited to try it out.
@icarusfan3343 Жыл бұрын
The coolshot nerf hurts the high-heat brawlers like snub-nose/autocannons or AC/SRM. Those builds have a risk/reward built in to get in position and brawl. For that reason. Those builds aren't an issue as much as the heavy laser vomit is. Brawlers have to work to get close, while an ER laser vomit CT a 'mech from darn near 500 away. Since laservomit builds (and now Blazervomit builds) have more options to reposition or disengage the further away they are, they don't have to worry about overheat as much as brawlers do. That said, brawlers may have an easier time closing if big-alpha builds are waiting to cool off more often. . Lets watch and see, but I suspect the close-range weapons may need a heat adjustment with the cool shot nerf so they don't run quite as hot.
@memnarch129 Жыл бұрын
The spread never should of been reduced or removed. They where fine, if a little strong, in their launch version. More heat and more cool down wont fix things. Their problem was/is they allow for more damage at a longer range for less tonnage and cross then any Clan Ultra or the Clan Gauss.
@MrRafagigapr Жыл бұрын
RNG of that calliber has not place in MWO if you like it so much go play world of tanks and suffer
@memnarch129 Жыл бұрын
@@MrRafagigapr I've used HAGs with the initial spread and getting pinpoint damage was not super easy but not super hard. Now they are just suped up Gauss Rifles with really no downsides. You want overpowered Instagib weapons please go play Call of Duty.
@ghoulbuster1 Жыл бұрын
The problem isn't long range, it's mid range high alpha builds. It's very hard to hit someone at 800m+
@memnarch129 Жыл бұрын
@@ghoulbuster1 Considering I'm mid at best skill wise and I can easily hit targets at 1200+ your quite wrong there
@jumpinghunter9152 Жыл бұрын
@@ghoulbuster1It's hard to hit someone with Standard PPC or AC10 at long range, but not with the gauss slug, it has highest velocity in the game among projectiles. And considerimg exactly HOW much HAG snipers there are right now, i think you really understimate HAG's ability to snipe. Sometimes i lost my side torso without even moving in 700-600 meters range with enemy - map design + 40 pinpoint damage is too much even for assault mechs.
@jeanpierrewesthof928 Жыл бұрын
Actually since you mentioned it yeah i am on board of getting rid of the cool shots. I do love brawling builds but....to quote from a good youtube mech video. alpha strike is not the default weapon group.
@1unkn0wn Жыл бұрын
I would like to see a removal of cool shots also... but I also want more heat penalties (speed/spread) too.
@agentoranj5858 Жыл бұрын
@@1unkn0wn MW4's speed penalty and HUD flickering on overheat was closer to tabletop than the MWO way of punishing players with internal damage.
@1unkn0wn Жыл бұрын
@@agentoranj5858 agreed
@1unkn0wn Жыл бұрын
I know some disagree with me but every patch I hope that IS LBX20 gets a reduction in critical locations to 10. IS LBX20 + LFE becomes a thing and so does 1x IS LBX20 in the arm of brawlers / jumpy IS brawlers. In BT they fixed this problem with allowing crit splitting between components but without that functionality this is an easy fix.
@julianares1343 Жыл бұрын
The Centurion shield reminds me of a surfboard. Which might be consistent with the colors...
@catgirlvs72 Жыл бұрын
About the advance sensor package... I don't see ERLL boats taking it in lieu of 4% laser range from the classic TComp. As long as they're mutually exclusive, I don't see this being useful for snipers, just the drop callers as you had mentioned.
@jumpinghunter9152 Жыл бұрын
HAGs are still ridiculously overpowered. And now they got buffed for snipers. AGAIN. May i remind you, HAGs are meant to be a more costly and high-tech LB-X alternative. They are supposed to have high reach, but NOT high accuracy. As for now, though, they outclass not only LB-X family, but also default ACs, Ultra ACs with their jam chance and lesser range and even default Gauss Rifles, weapons tgat were specifically made for sniping with. HAGs will remain horribly overpowered as long as their soread is not matching AT LEAST the spread if LB10-X Autocannon. With this spread there will be chance fir slower assault and heavy mechs to at least *move* *into* *their* *brawling* *or* *mid* *range* *without* *getting* *one* *of* *their* *torsos* *destroyed* *for* *free.* With spread like LB10-X one these closer range mechs will at least be able to withstand some fire and spread it around more, as right now it's almost impossible to not only react to unexpected HAG shot but also even see ECM-protected sniper with it before he shoots. HAG spread need to come back, and in much higher values.
@c182SkylaneRG Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you mentioned Coolant Pods. I was about to come down here and mention them, then you beat me to the punch. :) That said, the overwhelming lack of cannon variants in the Loyalty Rewards actually caused me to CANCEL plans to purchase the Stone Rhino pack (I do NOT want that Adder, or anything else that they've bastardized this year). The change to the Command Console is making me consider finally, after over 8 years, retiring this game permanently. I mean, sure: change the stats around so it's useful? Fine. Whatever. Change the name? Change the weight? Come on. Haven't they screwed with enough equipment? CASE, then BAP, then Ballistic Crits, now Command Console? What next? A question regarding flying a dropship into a cave: is there not a means of creating a "mech hangar" where respawns could be enabled, instead of flying a dropship where it realistically would never go, and probably causing it to clip through ALL the terrain? As for HAGs, I could see ghost heat on paired 30s, but only as long as there's an exemption quirk on the SO8 for the MDD-C.
@PolarBear_Gaming_More Жыл бұрын
7:30 good thing i have my SHC cup to go with this map and mech
@228YamiNoTenshi Жыл бұрын
hags are meant to be getting a big velocity nerf next month, theres a screenshot of navid saying it floating around somewhere
@ratofnihm Жыл бұрын
They should also cut the range to 360 or so, with a 3x multiplier for max range. Having some of the highest dmg weapons in the game also be among longest range and most accurate, is just too much.
@gbprime2353 Жыл бұрын
The first thing I'm gonna do with the Centurion Onyx is buy a camo scheme. The second thing I'm gonna do is slide into training grounds and practice my sideways look-and-walk skillz. =)
@jordanrea2311 Жыл бұрын
well ofc the spread buff on hags is negligible cause NOW they dont have any spread unlike they use to when they first came out so it was a little by little buff instead of catching the flak if they just out right removed the spread in one patch I see you cauldron and pgi and the "nerfs" just help the mech deal with itself like longer cool down off sets heat nerfs oh guess what you can still alpha two hag 40s no problem so the 80 alpha slap at 1200 meters cause you exposed to have a look for 2 seconds is still gonna happen
@Aknot2099 Жыл бұрын
I think the coolshot change is silly. Matches are 15 mins unless faction play. If something better is added then delete coolshots. You need them due to the over-heating issues that are over the top in MWO.
@djmwo2164 Жыл бұрын
I can’t believe you winked at me while talking about the Wang.
@pinhead61187 Жыл бұрын
If they just implemented HAGs like YAML did in MW5 they honestly wouldn’t be this hard to balance imho.
@dannyhicking Жыл бұрын
HAGs are definitely OP and they just keep getting buffed. The cool down and heat increases don't really harm them much as they are used by good players to peak snipe (just a little extra time behind cover), while the removal of spread just makes them more dangerous
@228YamiNoTenshi Жыл бұрын
the heat nerfs are targeted towards curbing the giga alpha laservom+hag builds and the coolshot rework further enforces this, both of these combined stop players hitting you with 110-130 damage twice within rapid succession
@Daeon108 Жыл бұрын
I agree HAGs as is are OP. You see it in all the matches. Those Mechs that have HAG's are way outperforming everyone else. The heat nerf is needed and honestly they need to prevent HAG 30s' from being fired in pairs. If you cant fire off 4 Gauss Rifles at once (for 60Pts of pin point) why are you allowed to do it with HAGs? Especially with the pinpoint buff they are getting.
@ESC_907 Жыл бұрын
@@Daeon108for starters: HAGs are not OP, the issue is high-Alpha builds, typically with lasers. And you are allowed to do the high damage with HAGs because it is paid for with heat generation.
@jumpinghunter9152 Жыл бұрын
@@ESC_907You completely disregard the fact that majority of HAG users right now are snipers who sit 1000 meters away from the front and deal 40 almost pinpoint damage without any fear of return fire. HAGs will be horribly OP as long as their spread is not matching LB10-X AC spread. They were meant to be a more costly and high-tech LB-X alternative, and now they simply outclass not only LB-X family but default ACs and even default gauss rifles. They ARE op, and every attempt of gaslighting people into thinking they are not is just a spit in a face.
@ESC_907 Жыл бұрын
@@jumpinghunter9152 you act as though there is a lack of cover in MWO… If a sniper is camped out in the middle of buttfuck-nowhere, simply draw his teammates to an area where he is no longer able to contribute to the fight! If THEY are drawing you in, just move cover-to-cover and then don’t peek any angles where their snipers have LOS!
@foamyesque Жыл бұрын
BAPs are only 1t these days :) Made a big difference to my Raven 3L build and my C1 Catty.
@GregAtlas Жыл бұрын
Even though I am not a fan of the HAG gameplay that was so dominant, I really liked the ranged gameplay where people would spread out and even have the chance to have small unit or even single 1v1 skirmishes. It also meant the spread out naturally of the battlefield gave opportunities to light lances playing havoc. Unfortunately now everything is back to the super boring deathball brawler setups that made me quit the game before.
@hoteleight4217 Жыл бұрын
Never used consumables unless it was an event requirement. No reason other than maybe because I'm cheap.
@Daemonettee Жыл бұрын
100% agree with you on Cool Shots, thanks for the video!
@CorwinS-kd6yu Жыл бұрын
I dont think HAG's are a problem with the length of cooldown and the heat generation. Plenty of other weapons compete just fine with hags
@gregkun1 Жыл бұрын
MAD-4A? Wait There's a Marauder that I dont have? What is this Heresy?! Oh it's the Marauder II verson. That's why. I was confused for a moment.
@TimberWulfIsHere Жыл бұрын
May as well call legendary mechs PTW as well since you can only get them with real cash
@admiralgalactica Жыл бұрын
Hmm idk, i dont think legendary mechs are ptw as much in mwo as in other games like wot or war thunder, as in mwo u still have to be a decend pilot to make use of them
@The_Fr3d0x Жыл бұрын
You can get them with MC 6 months after release. MC are obtainable with events or Comp.
@TimberWulfIsHere Жыл бұрын
@@The_Fr3d0x I have plenty of mc. However I don't see any mechs in game, only on the steam sales page
@MrRafagigapr Жыл бұрын
You can get mc and buy them but yeah they are pay to win , speciallt since mc does not have a reliable source , justvbecause yoi can grind what other buy instantly it doesnt make it non pay to win
@Not_Hans Жыл бұрын
@@MrRafagigaprand just because you purchase a mech doesn’t make it some how broken or over powered. What legendary mech have they released that automatically loses you the game or the fight? It’s not like these things are quirked to the moon with unrealistic hard points.
@blacksheepboyz Жыл бұрын
Are there any Mech that are built for Bianary lazers? Happy Turkey days
@Not_Hans Жыл бұрын
If you guys don’t watch Phil on twitch you should.
@NoGutsNoGalaxy Жыл бұрын
Preach brother
@Not_Hans Жыл бұрын
@@NoGutsNoGalaxy I enjoyed watching you record this live. Keep making content man really appreciate you.
@kkplx Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the breakdown
@vipee2610 Жыл бұрын
@surnbe Жыл бұрын
Coolshot nerf is a reactionary attempt to increase time to kill. It is not perfect, but it increases heat while not changing existing builds for high end players who already push heat to the limits and understand precise heat dynamics and risks.
@Cheesedream Жыл бұрын
I dont understand the change. There are plenty of 70 damage pinpoint builds that you can alpha twice . Still makes you one touch if not dead.
@surnbe Жыл бұрын
@@Cheesedream doesn't hurt my Marauder IIC D, but makes those laser rainbow vomits do less dmg
@llokey1132 Жыл бұрын
nice vid, that shield looks sweet! ;o
@ctakitimu Жыл бұрын
I was hoping they'd release the Desperada on this patch (for MC). Oh well, still wait I guess. Keen to try the new map though *edit* I don't know if I'm in favor of nerfing something people paid real money for. Do better testing before release instead...unless there's no test environment?
@icounet5093 Жыл бұрын
you have to wait 6 month after its release for it to appear in store for mc
@ctakitimu Жыл бұрын
@@icounet5093 Ah ok, I think it was June? So maybe December or Jan. Thanks for that
@lilokino94 Жыл бұрын
@szylaj Жыл бұрын
@dmora2386 Жыл бұрын
Lol you know people are going to create a phalanx of cents right? 😂