The Philippines: A Healthcare Crisis Explained

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Paul in the Philippines Old Dog New Tricks

Paul in the Philippines Old Dog New Tricks

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@shanemckenzie9382 2 күн бұрын
I only smoke after sex haven't smoked for 18 years
@RayH- Күн бұрын
I asked my girlfriend if she liked to smoke after sex? She said no, one drag is enough. She asked me if I smoked after sex.? I don't know, I never looked.
@youngandfree93 Күн бұрын
18 years.. Oh my
@celticwarrior777 Күн бұрын
@FreeAmericanSpirit Күн бұрын
@shanemckenzie9382 after I have sex everyone smokes....
@MrRide2k 23 сағат бұрын
@Zoet50 3 күн бұрын
I’m 68 and just found out I have rare form of pulmonary hypertension. Life expectancy 2-5 years . The good news I no longer have to worry about dementia or running out of money :)
@rodhurst5831 3 күн бұрын
Sorry to read that bud, gl.
@kevindela3371 3 күн бұрын
Is it CTEPH?
@Zoet50 3 күн бұрын
@@kevindela3371 yes, surprised you guessed it
@altriplett9099 2 күн бұрын
Schick Center has the best success rate of any program. It’s usually not covered by insurance though!
@L4P-Monk 2 күн бұрын
My mom had pulmonary hypertension. I am praying for you. She was a lifetime smoker. And in the face of death... she didn't want to stop. Even when an oxygen tank was not enough relief. Hey. None of us are perfect. I never preached to her. I told her no matter what happens...I loved her. I was with her in her last days. She died one day before my 44th birthday. She never made it to 65. That was 20 years ago. I still wonder if I will make it to 65. Maybe. Maybe not.
@eyedocguy 3 күн бұрын
I had the exact thing happen here in the USA. The blood specialist removed 2 units of blood. Then it was discovered that the high blood values were a lab error. Bottom line: get your blood count retested (it's not expensive) before going through all those procedures.
@regoparknyc 3 күн бұрын
Better yet. Head back to the USA Paul. Use that Medicare and don’t just talk about having it.
@cynthia2670 2 күн бұрын
I agree about repeating the CBC which includes the Hemoglobin and Hematocrit. I know it's another expense but errors can happen. I would have this redone before going through more procedures and additional expenses. Just a suggestion.
@ChristopherKnN Күн бұрын
A liter of IV fluids would've helped too.
@PMLynch 3 күн бұрын
Smoking is considered one of the causes of "thick blood" which is medically known as "Hyperviscosity syndrome". It occurs when your blood thickens and doesn't flow properly through your body.
@chrisgilling543 3 күн бұрын
I smoked every day for 30 years. I quit last year and I actually found it very easy. My tactic was just to very gradually reduce the amount of cigarettes I smoked each day, slowly over time. By the time I got down to just 3 smokes per day, I then began just smoking only half the cigarette, before stubbing it out. Then I began just exhaling the smoke without inhaling into my lungs. After a few weeks of that, I realised at that point I was barely even smoking at all. Then one day, I just didn’t need to smoke any more, and that was it. Never had any craving since and I don’t feel like I ever smoked at all to be honest. I don’t cough, I feel healthier and I save more money 👍 wishing you every success Paul.
@Joe-mz6dc 3 күн бұрын
I quit cold turkey in my late 20s.
@andrewn6384 3 күн бұрын
I tried that. It takes a lot of discipline. I was constantly looking at my watch to see when I could have my next one. It drove me crazy. I ended up quitting cold turkey.
@jerrymarshall2728 2 күн бұрын
I just hit my 30th day smoke (and nicotine) free, after 48 years of addiction. Feeling better every day, but can never stop wondering what damage I've done to myself, over the years. 🤔 I reduced my intake, over a month, and using nicotine lozenges (like Nicorette) for another 2 weeks, reducing cigarettes, and stretching out the duration of the lozenges. Until I wasn't smoking, and then reduced my reliance on the lozenges. That's why I say 30 days nicotine free! 🥳
@ankersman Күн бұрын
I recently got quoted here in NZ $4000 for cataract surgery. Fortunately here we have a public health system so I declined the quote albeit I will be on a wait list for some time.
@SuperZap12345 3 күн бұрын
I saw a Neurologist who said that if people drank enough water, he'd be out of business. It's a fact that people don't drink enough water, especially as they get older. A couple cups of coffee/tea in the morning, soda with lunch, and maybe a glass or two of water with dinner. That's not enough, because the coffee and soda have caffeine that works to dehydrate you. Increase your water and salt (helps you retain water) intake.
@jaymes7521 2 күн бұрын
That is not true. Coffee, not sure about tea, and soda (diet) are net positives for hydration.
@drj6418 3 күн бұрын
Paul, please take this condition seriously. As a retired physician I can tell you that it sounds like you have polycythemia vera, which as you might say is the "real deal". Good luck with the bone marrow aspiration/biopsy. While this may be painful it is an important test. You might need to reschedule your eye surgery. If you insist on staying in the Philippines, you might consider going to one of the major medical centers in Manila. I truly wish you well.
@georgeallen7667 3 күн бұрын
Dude , just bleed a bit once in awhile. Oh that's right, US expensive entitled physician.... in da house
@garcia4328 2 күн бұрын
I agree with you. Paul should check this out immediately. Smoking, cataracts, eye bags are not the most priority issues. From afar, it looks like polycythemia vera. Best wishes and hoping things will work out smoothly.
@aboveitall9600 2 күн бұрын
Just an message to help this pop to the front. It’s a bit more serious than I thought…
@OneMansParadise Күн бұрын
@@garcia4328 Just the opposite of my CML Leukemia where the White Blood Cells are produced exponentially ... instead of red blood cells being made exponentially, polycythemia vera is the red blood cells. With that said... never get worked up over maybes and might be's... give it sincere attention but it's nothing til it is.
@brianh9014 Күн бұрын
Good luck Paul wish you the best.
@NormHog 2 күн бұрын
High red blood cell count is a typical side effect from taking testosterone to treat low T. If you are taking testosterone you should lay off for a few months and dial the dosage back when you resume. You can have a stroke or heart attack if your not careful with that stuff. Im very happy you caught it and I wish you the best.
@johncarlson6472 2 күн бұрын
My best friend has smoked since we were in High School and we're in our 60's now. It blows my mind what a stranglehold smoking has on him. He wants to quit, has tried to quit, but can't. I can't visit his home anymore because it smells so bad, I have to wash my clothes and shower when I get home. He has to borrow money from me when things fail, i.e., car, appliances, etc. I help him out because I love him and consider him my Brother. That being said, he'd have hundreds of dollars to save each and every month and wouldn't be short of breath just walking across the room if he quit. I never lose hope he'll someday quit for good.
@ningayeti 3 күн бұрын
Paul, I am a retired nurse and have had many senior citizens as patients with polycythemia as you also now appear to have. I phlebotomized dozens of them. The treatment, as you have already discovered, is 1. Medication 2. Periodic (every 1-3 months) blood tests 3. Phlebotomy (draining your blood) when the blood tests show that your blood counts have gotten too high. It is important that you stay on top of this because if your blood count gets too high it puts you at risk for blood clots (DVT, heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism, others). Please take the time to learn the early signs and symptoms of the various blood clot events because the key to survival is early diagnosis and treatment. The difference between life and death can be just minutes in some cases. P.S. Many of my patients lived for 1-2 decades living normal active lives getting phlebotomy as needed.
@marcgoldbergdogtrainer 3 күн бұрын
That’s excellent information!
@waterbug1135 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for the info.
yeah ! i guess Polycythemia vera . = Myeloproliferative Neoplasm It also can be CML: make a test for bcr-abl !
@PMLynch 3 күн бұрын
Yes, I'm 80 yrs old and donate blood every six need for a blood thinner. Also, smoking is not only one of the causes of "thick blood" but also look at what it does to the skin. If Paul Quit smoking, it could reverse some of these side effects, including the redness and discoloration of his face.
@RobertSweatman 2 күн бұрын
@@PMLynch Keep Smoking ... see? It's OK
@robertbodnaruk6710 2 күн бұрын
Paul I think highly of you. We have never met but I hope to some day. After listening to your video re health issues, my heart goes out to you and your wife. I will make it a matter of prayer daily, trusting God will guide you in the proper direction relative to all your appointments and procedures and the medical team that are caring for you that this period in your life will turn out a rich blessing to you and you wife Love from Oregon USA
@Usefullinformationphilippines 3 күн бұрын
My mom and my uncle died from smoking. Mom developed Pneumonia and died within a week and my uncle died over 10 years and was in a wheelchair on oxygen for most of that time, so I tell people to quit smoking, but what they decide to do is up to them. It comes with a heavy price that must be paid in the end.
@clarkgaither 3 күн бұрын
Hi Paul. Polycythemia, or erythrocytosis, is when you have too much hemoglobin. The reason you have it is most likely due to smoking. There is carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke. Carbon monoxide binds irreversibly to the oxygen carrying sites of your red blood cells for the ilfe of those cells (50- 60 days). Your bone marrow, sensing the reduction of oxygen carrying sites, thinks your anemic. The response is to make more red blood cells. This is why you have too many RBCs. If you quitt smoking, your high RBC count will return to normal in about 60 days.
@utualan 3 күн бұрын
Of course, your typical doctor will not tell you that, and may not even know!
@ovlov245 3 күн бұрын
⁠That's true. Doctors know what they specialise in not everything.
@Lifeisforreallad 2 күн бұрын
Only a RN would know this Doctors don’t even know how to draw blood.
@PsychiatricParfums 2 күн бұрын
He is also on TrT. This can cause his problem and often does for men on too high of a dose of T.
@Iamkayaky Күн бұрын
So logical...JUST STOP SMOKING!!! ADD 80 MG aspirin daily
@alfredkloos8591 3 күн бұрын
Hi Paul!....I had cataract surgery last year..both eyes at same time. I did not have to go through any tests. I live in Canada and didn't have to pay a cent. Surgery went well..took about one hour..had a little intravenous sedation.I currently have no vision problems. In my opinion..all your medical tests seem a little extreme. It's good to have all those tests..nothing wrong with that....but.....I hope all goes well for you. I will say some prayers for you.🙏🇨🇦🙏
@anthonylopez-hr6dw 3 күн бұрын
I also both eyes cataract same time. Didn’t need pre exams. In US Medicare payed for everything. In an out. No problem
@sherriludwig4263 3 күн бұрын
I also had cataract surgery 3 yrs ago and didn’t need any test prior to getting it done. Just the eye measurements from the surgeon doing it prior at their facility where I got it done. No clearance needed from my MD
@DiabloValleyPeds 3 күн бұрын
Although bed side manner wasn’t your cup of tea, the Heme-Onc doctor who help you address your elevated hematocrit / hemoglobin really cares about you. Like a tough teacher, she’s got your back in the long run.
@cosac6 2 күн бұрын
Amazing, I had cataract op in Australia and no tests required. Eye doctor told me I need cataract removed, he arranged to operate on me couple weeks later and it was all over. Success 100%, vision 20/20. I am so lucky.
@claram4983 2 күн бұрын
Me too, no tests required before I had my successful cataract surgery in the US. Maybe these tests are a cash grab?
@ChristopherKnN Күн бұрын
His PCP ordered a full surgical clearance instead of doing a medical clearance. You only need the surgical clearance if the procedure requires general anesthesia. His PCP could have did a medical clearance in her office for local anesthesia with a BP check.
@tombkk1322 3 күн бұрын
Paul, glad to hear your addressing the smoking. They say it’s one of the hardest addictions to quit. I quit years ago, but that’s another story. I had an uncle die of emphysema and it was a slow, horrible death. Johnny Carson also died of emphysema. I certainly don’t mean to sound preachy because we all have to live our own lives. I just hope the best for you.
@jimbo8888 3 күн бұрын
Paul, I smoked for 30 years and no patches, no gum, nothing helped me with quitting but I substituted smoking with Vaping. I slowly weaned myself off the vapes until I didn't need it anymore. I am not suggesting it is the safest way nor is it the easiest way for others but it sure worked for me. Good luck with it, mate.
@jerrym3261 3 күн бұрын
Yep, it's psychological and what works for some doesn't work for all. The American Lung Association lecturer that helped me said a lot of people pin all their hopes on one method and torture themselves with a way that will never work for them. Just because one way doesn't work for you, it doesn't mean you can't quit. it means that wasn't your way of quitting.
@jimbo8888 2 күн бұрын
@@jerrym3261 Agree 100%
@bayoumanbryan 2 күн бұрын
i quit smoking after many years of 1-3 packs a day. it was tough. i now vape and its not nearly as bad for me but its the lesser of the 2 evils. i havent smoked in about 10 years. i have gave up on quitting vaping... i get really dangerous to be around when i try to quit that as it was when i tried to quit smoking many times before. i figure if i'm in prison for actions while trying to quit that , its better that i keep vaping for life.
@ChristopherKnN Күн бұрын
I ran the gamut myself on multiple attempts. I switched to vaping to be a little healthier. Eventually quit vaping because I got tired of refilling and charging, fluid leaks in my pocket, and element failures halfway though the day.
@TropicalTodd 3 күн бұрын
I’m an RN at the VA hospital. But I did one year in addiction medicine at a 300 bed facility that included some staying there for months. You are absolutely 💯 correct. Every single person there by court order wouldn’t attend group therapy, individual counseling sessions, and eventually would leave ama (against medical advice)
@gerrymcnally9344 3 күн бұрын
I stopped smoking in 1984 and drinking in 2004. It was both my decisions, the last one with some help. But it was my call in the end. I'm glad I did. Good luck on that journey Paul.
@elephantinrm 2 күн бұрын
Paul, if life has taught us anything paradise comes at a cost. Wish you would come home.
@DavidSmith-bt6qe 3 күн бұрын
Wishing you the best on being able to quit smoking. I smoked for 29 years and like you I quit when I wanted to quit. My company set a rule that we could no longer smoke in the building and we would have to go out side to smoke and being a supervisor that was just not going to work. So on the day May 5, 1987 I left my cigarettes in my truck and never went outside the building during my shift. That was a tough night for sure, I was working the midnight to 8:00 a.m. shift back then. It took several days before I was not really wanting a cigarette and I was sucking sugarless candy like there was no tomorrow and my mouth became raw inside from the candy. After a month I was so over smoking I never looked back. Today I am 78 years old and other than prostate problems I am in perfect health. I had prostate surgery on October 1st and things are looking up for my future. I have been on a catheter since August 14, 2024 and will have it removed on October 8th.
@jerrym3261 3 күн бұрын
I quit smoking in 1988, did a company provided, American Lung Association program. One of the men going to the meetings was a guy that only smoked at work, 3 packs in an 8 hour shift. When he was in his cubicle, he had to have a cigarette going. He said he didn't inhale much, a puff or two and let it burn down. He had just come back to work after a 3 week vacation, zero smoking. Humans are odd creatures.
@iangalwey4876 2 күн бұрын
I am no doctor but draining that much blood will probably have a bad effect with your iron levels... My iron levels sometimes dip due to donating blood and I have to stop donating for a while for the levels to come back... After listening to this and what you have / are going through I now understand why my Filipina wife does not want to go back and live in the Philippines... The medical system is one reason... The medical system here in Australia is very good... I have never been to the Philippines but planning to have a holiday and meet the in-laws in person in February next year in Negros... Good luck with quitting smoking, I am an ex-smoker and it took me several attempts stopping and taking it back up again over a few years to finally stop.
@jg-bd3hr 3 күн бұрын
My comment on quitting smoking; You never really quit smoking you become a reformed smoker. (you smoking or not smoking is up to you and your wife!). I am a reformed smoker. Sad part is I could taste that smoke for 20 to 25 years after I became a reformed smoker. You're retired enjoy life the way you want to. Your health can shorten your retirement but after spending your life working your ass off you deserve to live life the way you want to!
@ShahinSafariGhapaghtappeh 3 күн бұрын
RBC is Red Blood Cell count if it's high it could be from smoking. You need hydration and blood thinner such as Asprin. I take baby Aspirin daily. As I said Mr. Paul , please don't rush your operation it's not an emergency give yourself six months to do it. 🇺🇸🗽✝️
@gibblespascack1418 3 күн бұрын
I put water first but baby aspirin wont hurt. It would affect clot time. So, no major accidents.
@RickMerryman-o7j 3 күн бұрын
If on TRT, one side effect is an increase in viscosity of blood.
@ShahinSafariGhapaghtappeh 3 күн бұрын
@@RickMerryman-o7j How about an occasional Viagra?
@jamesortega8681 3 күн бұрын
@@RickMerryman-o7j smoking also causes dehydration
@RickMerryman-o7j 3 күн бұрын
As a trained healthcare pro, I’m well aware. When you’re not breathing, nothing else matters.
@slaveiabiltzing9275 11 сағат бұрын
Great posts! So good, so crystal clear, cutting through all details, gathering all ends, I enjoyed it! Thanks a million! Wish you luck with the future operations and looking forward to the next series of your trip!
@lostinasia25 3 күн бұрын
With any addiction, When the pain of smoking outweighs a non smoking will quit. Don't buy any cigarettes. Give away or throw out the boxes you do have. Throw away matches, ashtray and those items connected to smoking. You can't smoke if there isn't any cigarettes in the house, car or motorcycle. Your a smart guy, you definitely can quit. It has to be your #1 Priority each day and everyday. The money you save, reward yourself with something special. Take baby steps if necessary, but keep moving forward with measurable progress.
@jerrym3261 3 күн бұрын
I smoked my last tobacco in 1988. I had tried to quit many times had spent several months (painfully) smoking less. I had quit temporarily several times. My employer offered a quit smoking program by the American Lung Association. I had little hope that would work but, I went. Maybe they had easy way to quit smoking. The first thing the lecturor said was they didn't have an easy way to quit smoking. They did have a long list of things that had worked for people to quit smoking as well as pretty much the same list that people did that will keep them smoking as long as they do that thing. For me, I am pretty sure I never would have quit smoking if I did NOT have a pack of cigarettes with me. Always before if I wanted to smoke and didn't have it, my mind made it a logistic problem and I could solve that problem. Quitting smoking is a psychological problem and we're all different. Things that helped me; a rubber band on my wrist I thwacked anytime I got the urge to smoke, go someplace where you don't smoke to get a break, mindful breathing and carrying cigarettes and choosing not to smoke. If you're trying to quit, try things but, know if they don't get you to quitting, that doesn't mean you can't quit. It just means that wasn't your way.
@artvandelay409 3 күн бұрын
I've been an RN for over 35 years and I can tell you that if you're still smoking by the time you're 60 years've knocked about 15 years off your life. Let this be a lesson to anyone over the age of 60 looking to retire in the Philippines.....keep your weight at a reasonable level and don't smoke. I wish only the best for Paul and his wife.
@bryonhogg485 3 күн бұрын
Yeah - Paul's Lungs are going fast
@bryonhogg485 3 күн бұрын
He'll be on Oxygen pretty soon
@ChristopherKnN Күн бұрын
Meh.. as a famous comedian once said, those last 15 are overrated. People over 60 that are smoking probably started when they were 12. Lecturing them just triggers the FU button. I'm sure they've been "educated" hundreds of times. It comes down to a personal choice.
@ericg9092 2 күн бұрын
Paul, I'm only halfway through your video but you need to consider going to Manila or leaving the country ASAP to be seen in a state of the art medical center for proper diagnosis and care. This could be something that's no big deal, or something that needs to be treated immediately. It could also be a lab error and would be worth retesting in a state of the art laboratory at another facility. As many people mentioned below, polycythemia vera is a real concern, but there are other things that can cause the body to produce too many Red Blood Cells, such as scarring of the lungs due to smoking, lung disease, though it sounds like your oxygen levels are good, heart disease etc. If it were me I'd be looking at Thailand or the U.S. for proper diagnosis in an expedited manner. Wishing the best for you and hopeful for a quick and benign diagnosis.
@kevinbuckley4507 3 күн бұрын
This is why I fly back to California EVERY YEAR for one month to get all of my medical stuff taken care of I to just had cataract surgery last month and am still having to use the RX Eye drops My meda care took care of 100% of the cost so all i had to pay for was a round trip ticket I wish you all the best
@claram4983 2 күн бұрын
Great idea flying home to the US 1x a year for medical.
@kevinbuckley4507 Күн бұрын
@@claram4983 Yeah and what I save on my Medical costs i can fly back for free
@oceanproalaska2203 2 күн бұрын
I quit smoking 3 years ago. It was the best thing I have ever done for my health. I used Chantex and wellbutran, I just tapered down on cigarettes and then just quit. It was not too bad. I dont think I would still be here If I still smoked.
@RobSanson 3 күн бұрын
Keith Richards said that quitting smoking was harder than quitting Herion.
@OneMansParadise Күн бұрын
That is almost exactly what I paid for my cataract surgery at ACE... probably same doctor... he was great. Of course I was so handsome he didn't even offer the eye bag surgery... ;) LOL You're in good hands Paul!
@raymondwalker2048 Күн бұрын
I am praying and cheering for you. Its a blessing to find this out now, before you get older or things can't be fixed. Try to stay possible
@RaymondDoolan Күн бұрын
Paul I’m in the same boat. I’m leaving for Philippines on 2 November 2024. I’m scheduled on October 24 for cataract surgery and I got some blood sugar issues then I’m getting some natural medicine out of Nigeria west Africa after several hours on WhatsApp, seeing if the guy was real read, if he was a scammer, so hopefully it’ll work out because I’ve been taking insulin for 50 years and I’ve smoked for 58 years and I’m 70 years old. Smoking is a bad habit, but it’s not the Nicoden that’s addicting. It’s the 500 other chemicals they had that makes it addictive just like the shit they put in potato chips and Doritos in half the other shit anyway, my friend I pray and hope for the best for you. I look forward to getting in contact with you, when I get over to the Philippines, perhaps we can talk before then all the best life has to offer you and Mae. I’ve watched your program for about five years now and enjoy it. You’re a great commentator. See ya.
@MrBiloxifireman 2 күн бұрын
Just a friendly note. Keep your older medical checkup paperwork and try to bring them with you anytime you go to the hospital or a clinic.
@saulgoodman7221 3 күн бұрын
As Twain said “ Quitting smoking is easy I’ve don’t it a thousand times “ …. The staying quit is the trick. Good luck Paul.
@RickMerryman-o7j 3 күн бұрын
Philippine healthcare isn’t ranked high ie go to Bangkok or back to USA for surgery. Thailand healthcare is ranked high within the world health system. If PI doc messes up with during cataract surgery, a result is blindness. There is no malpractice safety net for foreigners is visitors. I’m a trained healthcare pro ie anesthesiologist and sedate for these type procedures daily here in USA.
@Bear502 3 күн бұрын
Another one who know f all about Philippines healthcare
@erndoggyful 3 күн бұрын
I second that😊
@ronaldhein5739 3 күн бұрын
Paul I just had my cataract’s removed. The second cataract was removed 4 days ago. I now have some blurred vision because I need a couple of week of healing. The first eye surgery was done on the 4 th of September and I have perfect vision of 20/20 both near and far sighted.i didn’t have any of those tests done and I’m 82 years young.
@PatDe-zj4et 3 күн бұрын
The problem with Smoking is that it makes your Blood thicker. There are many chemicals in the smoke but maybe a Nicotine patch or gum may help you quit or cut down
@ovlov245 3 күн бұрын
I was amazed to see what was in the chemical room at a manufacturing plant I was working on upgrades to the building.....Ethylene glycol (car radiator green coolant) and some cans with skull and cross bones. We were concious not to look too hard, had been warned about the company lawyers.
@robertgavrich286 3 күн бұрын
You may have polycythemia, a bone marrow disorder that causes your red blood cells to multiply. I have had it for more than 22 years. I'm 65 and pretty healthy. You can live with it, but you will need to get periodic phlebotomies (pint of blood taken) every few months until your hematocrit (your 'crit') gets down to the acceptable range. If it's polycythemia, you do not have to take a lot of drugs. Just those phlebotomies. Annoying, but not too expensive. Also, for god's sake, stop smoking, eat better, and exercise more. You're given one body. Treat it with respect. Yes, you're right you have to be motivated. This is it. Also, the reason that your brain is 'going' as you say is that your blood is so thick, it is not getting to the fine capillaries in your brain. Once you get your crit down, you will be thinking more clearly. You may even get together with Mae more often, for similar reasons.
@jimsullivanyoutube 3 күн бұрын
Honesty is the foundation of my sobriety. My obsession to smoke was lifted in 1997. I haven't smoked since. The first day was the hardest, and it's gotten better day by day since. I no longer have the desire. I smoked for three decades. I was up to a pack a day when the obsession was lifted. I tried to quit and failed for over a decade -- maybe two. Nothing worked. And then, one day, a buddy who used to smoke 2 packs a day of unfiltered camels but had quit told me how he did it. He said that he prayed for the obsession to be lifted. Then, one day, he was going to light a cigarette, and his favorite Zippo lighter broke apart in his hand. He took that as a sign and hasn't smoked since. So, I took his advice and prayed and prayed on a daily basis. Then, one low stress day in a low stress period of my life, I decided not to light that cigarette. There's more to the story. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to know more.
@SilverFalcon460 3 күн бұрын
Yup, I smoked for 20 yrs...was getting expensive, so I quit cold-turkey. TIP: when the cravings hit, deep breath through it. Good luck!
@all2clear578 3 күн бұрын
Paul I’m watching you deal with cataract surgery, comparing it with my own four year journey of dealing with cataracts. It’s not all wine & roses even here in USA! I have Medicare and I’m fully covered by the VA, neither of which will cover the cost of laser cataract, surgery. I could’ve elected and paid extra directly to the eye doctor for laser surgery at the cost of $1500 per eye. Me and the Scotsman that I am, I elected not to pay the extra money for laser surgery! The question I have of you is how the surgery is performed; scalpel or laser? In my own case, I had scalpel surgery done on the left eye, which was the worst of the two back in 2021. After the surgery, I develop complications both with scar tissue as well as swelling due to me being diabetic. I was referred to to a retina specialist who I’ve been seen ever since.. I was able to get the swelling down about a year ago where the retina specialist was able to go in with a laser and clean up the scar tissue. However, every 6-8 weeks I still visit the retina specialist to get an injection into the eye to control the swelling. I never did get to date the right eye cataract surgery, as I wanted to get the left eye completely sorted out before moving onto the right eye. I can only wish and pray that your cataract process is fully successful and doesn’t take the path that mine went. If you can afford it, my recommendation would be laser surgery versus the scalpel. Best of luck to you!
@willym5553 2 күн бұрын
Seems like every Dr uses laser now
@all2clear578 2 күн бұрын
@@willym5553 they do use and offer laser surgery but at an additional cost. Many are utilizing & renting time at surgery centers rather than investing in laser equipment themselves!
@FITR2024 2 күн бұрын
Paul, I totally hear what you are saying and support you in your decision. I did kind of the rehab thing. I went to a spa for 2 weeks with the intent of quitting smoking. I finished my last cigarette at 10:30 AM on May 20, 2023. I was not locked down. My room was 74 Yards from the parking lot where I still had a half pack of cigarettes in my truck. I was never restricted from going to my truck and smoke, it simply came done to the point that I wanted to quit. I do occasionally have a craving a couple of times the past year but mostly a fleeting thought. Bottom line, no method of cessation while work until you make the decision to quit.. LOVE your channel and good luck with the cessation WHEN you choose to do so!
@genevive272 3 күн бұрын
This has been very interesting and informative. Thank you❤
@underdogrescueofflorida2313 3 күн бұрын
Unless it isn't obvious we are with you and want the best long healthy happy future!!!
@paulwerdak5888 2 күн бұрын
My prayers are for your strength Paul as well as praying you know Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
@raymondraboy 3 күн бұрын
Paul I use to smoke too along time ago by the grace of God I quit but I couldn’t do it cold turkey. What I did was cut down first and counted, then I quit buying them and the I pin pointed the time I craved smoking the most and substituted it with like your gum or what I did was the candy cigarettes they used to make when I was young, which they don’t make anymore. Then I started writing down all the Negatives that smoking gave me and always kept around to read. Bottom line is you have to treat smoking like an addiction, the less you do it the less your addicted to it. Good luck Paul you can do it! Do it for your Wife!
@freddor2836 2 күн бұрын
I appreciate you taking the time to share this video with us, all the best mate , Fred from Thailand
@jsully4064 2 күн бұрын
When I started waking up in the morning hacking first thing thats when I quit smoking. Very hard thing to do is quit. Quit when I was younger and it was pretty easy compared to when was older. Tried gum, patches, finally quit cold turkey again like when I was younger. Good luck quitting, Paul...Jim
@mnmusic_culture Күн бұрын
Spend some money and go to the states. I would go to a great hospital and make a journey of it. You only get one life. Peace and love from Minnesota.
@carlpeters 3 күн бұрын
Paul, ENJOY your cigarettes! I'm 72 and have smoked since 16, always a menthol. It's one of the few bad habits I have and I want to be just left alone and enjoy. Most that know me know this about me and leave me alone. Though some are surprised that I smoke in my house, but it's my house. Oh, I'm a widower, no kids, so only person to please is ME. So again, enjoy and be happy. Best to all.
@kg4039 2 күн бұрын
That is not helpful advice. You should help to encourage a healthy lifestyle.
@scottnix4250 3 күн бұрын
FYI....If you drink 4-6 cups of coffee each day you won't need gout medication......The antioxidants in the coffee prevents your uric acid from crystalizing; which is what causes the gout attack.....I had a major gout attack which lasted 7 weeks 17 years ago; drink coffee every more gout for the last 17 years...fell free to share this info with your viewers
@MrJnew123 2 күн бұрын
I know when you smoked your first cigarette from your first pack, you did not think hey I’m going to buy a pack and smoke a pack of these with every day for the rest of my life. They do not calm you down otherwise it would say so on the pack. They do not make you think better and concentrate, otherwise it would say that on the pack. You are addicted to the nicotine, not the smoke, it’s a very hard habit to stop.
@Iamkayaky Күн бұрын
Seems pretty obvious...smoking reduced available o2 so your body compensated by increasing a sherpain the mountains. The fix: quit or reduce the amount you smoke. Go see a different doctor.
@ShahinSafariGhapaghtappeh 3 күн бұрын
Mr. Paul you don't need a Bone Marrow test. It's uncomfortable and not needed. Just take your time until your blood is thinner. 🇺🇸🗽✝️
@ShahinSafariGhapaghtappeh 3 күн бұрын
@@paulphilippines8981 yes, it's a money maker for the doctor in the form of a kick back. If it was cancer yes but Paul eats well and does not feel tired so there is no blood cancer. 🇺🇸🗽✝️
@mikeh9956 2 күн бұрын
@@ShahinSafariGhapaghtappeh Lol. This might be the worst advice I've ever seen on YT.
@ShahinSafariGhapaghtappeh 2 күн бұрын
@@mikeh9956 lucky you
@PhilippinesWalkingTour 3 күн бұрын
Glad you are at a crossroads re, your health Paul, as we sometimes need a turning point in our lives to remind us that our health is our wealth. I was a heavy smoker and only stopped in my mid thirties, and am now 61 years old. I think the most important step is to replace the smoking habit with a good clean habit, so instead of driving or using a motorbike on your every day visits, maybe try walking. I do this every time I visit Dumaguete, as I love to walk along the Boulevard every day, as it keeps me in trim, weight wise, and I know it's good for my health in general. I wish you good luck brother.
@paulinthephilippinesolddog9234 3 күн бұрын
Thanks brother
@amossnowdaharleyman9179 3 күн бұрын
Recent heart attack was a quick 9 grand out of my hip pocket. That's another great used Harley.
@WillHill-z4x 3 күн бұрын
Per scientific research in the U.S. One doesn't need any type of pre exams or lab tests prior to Cataract Surgery. The Philippines medical profession is either 10 to 15 years behind U.S. state of the art/science research on Cataract Surgery regarding what exams might be necessary which has been known as something not necessary by U.S. Doctors for many years now. Other possibility from my own experiences is that quite often with a U.S. expat patient who they most often consider to be very rich will refer you to other doctors for medical exams and or lab testing and receive referral fees back and forth with Ameican expat patients with plenty of money to spend on unnecessary lab tests and medical exams!! William. Btw, I'm the guy who gave you the Blue Old Daddy Dog t-shirt. Also ran into you and Baby Mae at Cal Tacos sitting at your table for lunch recently! Anyhow, best of luck and stay health. As we get older, health is our wealth!!
@valeriek5020 3 күн бұрын
His Doctor saw something and although she was ahead of the treatment before the bone marrow testing and confirmation, she considered her method of treatment was what she was comfortable with. If you read this comment Paul, when is your bone marrow testing.
@eyedocguy 3 күн бұрын
Agree here. I'd find a local doc to sign off on your cataract surgery. The cataract surgeon just wants to CYA. Since your EKG and chest are good, you will be fine on an operating table with eye drops for 15 minutes or less. You can address the medical issues, if any, later on.
@joet.7831 3 күн бұрын
Draining your blood? Sounds like the dark Ages. The old-time barbers 🤔
@SamanthaSmith-tv1jl 3 күн бұрын
Possible onset emphysema is no joke
@waterbug1135 3 күн бұрын
My mom smoked since being 15, was obese the last 40 years of her life and lived until 91. She was an inspiration to us 4 kids to never start smoking. We didn't like living around smoke and we saw it was super expensive. Watching expat Tubers out of PH is the same inspiration.
@jbuzzy 3 күн бұрын
Paul congrats on quitting smoking. I'm 70 and have quit twice both for a year or longer. But I;m smoking again and it put me in the hospital for COPD last month. The great thing for you is you don't inhale so Copd should never be a problem for you. Good luck on quitting and please start drinking more water, one cup of coffee then 2 cups of water, please. Oh, congrats on 100 thousand and on the new home build. Hugs for you and Baby Mae. Jon
@steveramirezsr5342 3 күн бұрын
I find your video humorous and refreshing. You are doing the right thing about everything. Only you can make the decision to quit smoking, doing all the testing etc.. my prayers are with you always. I have been a fan of your for many years. I hope to meet you someday. Steve
@Maintenance63 3 күн бұрын
Almost everyone in my family smoked. Almost all of my neighbors smoked. In other words, almost everyone smoked. Did I mention that the doctors smoked during the office visits? We were told to smoke because it would relax us. The propaganda was everywhere. Once we got addicted that was it for many of us. I finally quit at the age of 59 years old. I realize now that I was a drug addict. It's been 5 years now. I could start up again at any time. To me, cigarette smoking was a way of life. Cigarettes were my friend. In my teenage years, they were a right of passage. Cigarettes were cool to me. Life, the struggle is real.
@paulinthephilippinesolddog9234 3 күн бұрын
Same experience with me, it's our generation
@WilliamRNicholsonLST-1195 3 күн бұрын
So you're starting to do Marlboro ads now ? Moral of the story is , it isn't so bad cause you've not died or been affected in health severely ? I just say this cause most of my high school buddies whom smoked are already dead ! I'm 71 now , docs at VA say I'm Only guy they know in VA health system that doesn't take at least one or more prescriptions at my age ! The few attendees at my High School Reunions are all nonsmokers ....... I plan on being The Last One Standing ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195
@waterbug1135 3 күн бұрын
Just watched a video posted a day ago by expat Tuber out of PH who smokes, heavy drinker who claims smoking and drinking beer all day has many health benefits. It was an amazing video. I don't think it was "everyone else smoked, it was cool" was ever what "forced" people to smoke. I'm 67, mom smoked and yeah many people smoked. It wasn't all "cool". I could see the $$$ cost which for me seemed truly crazy, I could see how much time smoking consumed. I could see the yellow teeth. I could smell them and it did not smell good. I coughed around my mom smoking and knew coughing was not good. I knew TV ad radio commercials lied about everything and should never be trusted. Today people still start smoking. Anyone ever hear drugs are bad for a person? People still getting into drugs at a higher rate than ever before. To me the excuses look like rationalizing poor choices. Not trying to be a dick. It's an important lesson to me anyway. The problem isn't the smoking, drugs, etc.. The problem is rational thought and I could very easily suffer the same fate if I were to rationalize my own decisions on many things. I need to keep up my awareness of my own thinking.
@QuietResilience 3 күн бұрын
Many prayers your way Paul! I agree with you ... the individual needs to WANT to quit and/or change their own life. You can lead a horse to water ... You can't make them drink.
@ericsmith-VN 3 күн бұрын
May I suggest zyns they are a nicotine replacement pouch you put under your lip . No tobacco it's all synthetic. Just a suggestion it worked for me
@larryhansen2694 3 күн бұрын
Hi Paul, Your friend Larry here. It depends on the DNA and Family . My Dad smoked until he died. At 84 years of age. No Cancer or Respiratory problems ever. And I hate the medical system here in the Philippines. I'm moving back to the USA in March,
@joet.7831 3 күн бұрын
My mom has smoked since 16. She stopped in 2017. She is in the hospital recovering from lung cancer surgery. Good luck to you
@ernestconnell8087 3 күн бұрын
Yah, the elder needs to set aside “at least” ten grand for medical expenses, on top of having medical insurance.
@eurotrash2915 3 күн бұрын
Dear Paul, from an outsider looking in, you are an intelligent man, you know it's all to do with willpower, giving yourself an alternative or an out just doesn't work. You want to be around for a longest time for your beautiful wife and everything you built father smoked cigarettes, one's with no filter, for 50 years. At the age of 68 he had a small surgery on abdomen and stayed in hospital for 3 days, on the 1st day we visited he lit up a cigarette (those days yu could still smoke in communal areas) he started coughing and his belly hurt....he put the cigarette in an ashtray and said" stuff this, I quit", never touched one again and lived till 91, even though mom still smoked like a chimney, willpower and a darn good reason is what it takes, fark those chewing gums and other shit to quit....just mho, keep up the good work and look after your beautiful wife 😊
@MarkGray-u4i 2 күн бұрын
I had Cataract surgery here in Dallas, both eyes two weeks apart, about six months ago. Four doctors had to sign off. It took one afternoon for Opthomologist to get the signoffs from all four docs via FAX. Primary Care doctor, Cardiologist, Heptologist (liver specialist) and a surgical doctor (from a stomach hernia surgery). I was going to say that I don't understand the delay, but then you may be on Phillippines time? Hope your'e doing well, Paul. I've been following you for about four years and love all you do. As soon as I finish up with my medical issues, basically becoming brand new, I'll be heading to Valencia. Best of everything Mark, in Dallas.
@ovlov245 3 күн бұрын
60 years old. Boilermaker. Early days not good respiratory protection. Welding fumes from stick welding smoke and then gas welding stainless steel. I smoke cigars and CAMEL no filters when I drank. Got leukaemia 15 years ago but very unhealthy for years before just never saw a doctor haha. I was getting similar effect of smoking cigarettes all the time from welding fumes. I took respiratory care as paramount importance buying my own battery powered filtered air supply welding helmet the latter part of my work life for great expense. Leukaemia isn't good. What you face with lung disease is horrible. It's not too late mate, save your life.
@taoparker 2 күн бұрын
ah yes the ever helpful and understanding comment section
@tinmanrobby 3 күн бұрын
Money. 🙂 Chewed Copenhagen for decades. Wasn't tired of chewing, I loved it, lol. I was tired of the dirty mouth, the grains in my teeth, I loved my Copenhagen, LOL!, then they came out with pouches, so I started up again, LOL! But Money, I quit and saved about $3G that year. I went out and bought me and the kids ATV's, a trailer to haul and camp in the next year, then we started taking vacation to the dunes, Mountains, friends houses to ride. It was money (and the ick feeling in my mouth....). Another reason, the chains. 'Almost out of chew, have to make it to the store, traffic's bad today, I may be late, but gotta have my chew', that stress was dumb. I'm smarter now. 🙂
@vicariouswitness Күн бұрын
I tried scheduling something for my mind/body to do first in the morning… it has to be rewarding and physical. This must carry till lunch time. Because lunch will take up my time and after lunch my body has built tolerance to the mental/physical addiction from when I went to sleep 10pm till 1pm the next day. Before having an after lunch smoke I reflect how my boy and tolerance have gone 15 hours without a smoke. This first smoke is a double edged sword and kinda gives my body a shock. I then proceed with further activity and allow 2 smokes till dinner time. And I save 1 smoke for my evening. This requires scheduling , mental reflection and a goal. It works if YOU want to slow it down and stop
@jeffgreagrey4585 3 күн бұрын
Prayers sent out for you on your medical journey. The bone marrow biopsy seems extreme, please take it easy afterwards.
@fulks19 2 күн бұрын
I am 77. My mother was a lifetime smoker and when I was young I used to beg and argue with her to quit smoking. After about twenty years I finally gave up. I realized all I was doing was arguing with a woman I loved and I was driving a wedge between us. She smoked until she died at 85 years.
@Emberme 2 күн бұрын
Better do the procedure in Thailand.
@Tusrista 2 күн бұрын
Paul, nobody likes a quitter. To me it's all about moderation.
@bigtime911 2 күн бұрын
100k congrads
@davidlee950 Күн бұрын
Milestone achievement, well done Paul!
@krisgen29 2 күн бұрын
Thanks Paul. I'm a 60yo divorced male Caucasian Australian, living in Australia. I have, over the past few years, been trying to lose weight. I'm finally succeeding! Losing weight, like trying to stop smoking, is a difficult task. I've found that I've been able to 'gradually' form habits that have allowed me to lose weight, and keep the weight off. The key has been that the process has been 'gradual.' It may be the prudent thing to overcome any addiction?
@genericchannel5899 2 күн бұрын
Can't stop unless you want to badly enough. Other people's judgment isn't enough. Knowing you should isn't enough. That said, if you want to, I finally got it to stick by doing a few things. First was a planned reduction over a couple of months. Pack a day to half that. Next week, ten to five. Likewise til i was solidly at 2 per day for over a month. Then the gum and lifting weights substituted for cig 1 and cig 2, respectively. Gum helped the chemical addiction. Working out got the jitters and fidgets under control and reduced the anxiety a bit. Reduced. Added some good chemicals to the swirling pool of bad ones. Haha Starting a similar weaning off the hooch now, and it feels like a similar plan might work. Gym for good chemicals, and a little medical mj for sleeplessness and anxiety. (Yes, yes. AA hardliners can grouse all they want, but "California sober" is 9000x better than drinking myself to death.)
@louislanham1540 3 күн бұрын
Paul, Greetings from Texas, I Just, watched this follow-up video. If no one told you, the time for the bone marrow is very short, but the pain is horrendous. The pain is very short-lasting, but it will hurt. Hang in there, you will appreciate your vision with the new lenses.
@wallaceharrison5449 3 күн бұрын
Same I heard about the pain,, not even a local is given. Best to get doped up 4 hr, before time.
@rayroripaugh3222 2 күн бұрын
I had the bone marrow done at the VA in Tucson about two years ago, it didn't hurt at all. It just depends who does it.
@mitchellwong1247 3 күн бұрын
I believe smoking (and lack of exercise) is what caused my deep vein thrombosis (DVTs). Having extra thick blood is going to possibly contribute to such an event and it can be life threatening. Quitting smoking is only way to go.
@ExpatNTraining 3 күн бұрын
Hold off on all testing and consider going on juice and water fast. Get your labs done again after your fast. Revisit your eye surgery later down the road in Thailand or U.S.
@tedrobertson1344 23 сағат бұрын
Paul, Are they, the Philippines medical, becoming more like the West? Meaning : once they get a patient in their hands - test him, scare him, and treat him to milk big money. PLEASE GET SECOND OPINION. Hint, Thailand did not discover the high red blood cells count = thick blood. 16:45
@bernardknowles8421 3 күн бұрын
Good luck understanding your situation and getting back to your earlier healthy self 👍
@shawn2380 3 күн бұрын
25 years smoke free. This knowledge saved me: 1. The urge to smoke will go away whether I smoke or not. 2. The frequency of the urges will decrease in frequency intensity and duration as time moves forwards.
@Maintenance63 3 күн бұрын
Wife limited me from 20 cigarettes to 15 a day. A couple of weeks later, I went to 10 a day. Then to 5, then barely any.
@jerryb.2593 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for the information Paul, knowledge is power.
@angrydad1907 2 күн бұрын
RBC = Red blood cell count. Normal RBC ranges are: Male: 4.7 to 6.1 million cells per microliter (cells/mcL) Female: 4.2 to 5.4 million cells/mcL
@ChuckFasst 2 күн бұрын
I quit during boot camp. I didn't want to go outside at night and shine my shoes with the other smokers. It was easy to do because I knew I would start back up when I got out. I quit again during college for a few years. A woman got me started back up. I didn't smoke heavily and as it turns out never did get hooked on that nicotine. At some point I decided I would not quit. I cut it out in the mornings then during the days then everyday except for one at the end of the night. Then everyday except for when I drank. Which was primarily weekends. And that's the way it is for me. A few smokes on those occasions. Often a social thing. So I am fine, I am free of any symptoms or urges.
@kirkdillon2011 2 күн бұрын
Great news. I wish you every success with your quitting smoking journey. One day at a time. Love watching your videos and the adventures you and Baby Mae get up to. God bless you & Baby Mae
@Zihuatanejo... 3 күн бұрын
Sending positive thought to you. This quote reminded me of you, since your always laughing in your videos. Ten years from now you'll laugh at whatever's stressing you out today. So why not laugh now?” - Tony Robbins
@eriks1169 Күн бұрын
It is just amazing that when we age the functions of our body get messed up. I'm 73 and I know what you're going through and I'm here in the States
@chrisj854 3 күн бұрын
Paul I smoked for 40 years, I just quit it wasn’t that bad. I had to quit to have surgery, doctors wouldn’t do it till I did, so I guess I made the choice
@oscieestanislao5840 2 күн бұрын
"Paul quit smoking when Paul wants to quit smooking," the true and the best advice I've heard ..
@dynamicchecklists127 2 күн бұрын
You can quit when you want, but one thing I would suggest you purchase and try is called "Snus". I quit smoking after doing both for a while, and I just ended up preferring the snus, and it's much less toxic than both cigarettes and snuff. So snus is smokeless tobacco that comes in little pouches that you fit under your upper lip. They are like snuff, but the curing of snus makes it much less dangerous than snuff. You can order snus cans right here in the Philippines from Scandynavian, Swebest, and Smokeless. They come 20 little pouches per can, and you can buy them in varying strengths of nicotine. If you enjoy smoking, you'll probably like more tobacco flavored snus. I use the brand called General, but Odens is also decent. Just a tip.
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