Perfect Murder Perfect Town part 5

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16 жыл бұрын

part 5

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@jackiehallam62 16 жыл бұрын
That poor little girl.
@chriscrichton98 6 жыл бұрын
@MiKoThEbLuEdEvIl 13 жыл бұрын
the crying lady woke my niece up! ANNOYING! lol
@EnemyAce88 10 жыл бұрын
Hey, it's Kevin's dad from Home Alone!
@hardhatjack2207 5 жыл бұрын
RIP John Heard
@casscass5968 11 жыл бұрын
Whoever did this to JonBenet should rot in hell. RIP JonBenet
@henrywestin117 10 жыл бұрын
Doesn't make sense, the father arranging to fly out of town immediately after finding his child's dead body ? Explain?
@dino946 3 жыл бұрын
It does if you did it
@jamesdavies4378 Ай бұрын
It was probably to get away from the paparazzi
@CandyCoatedLipgloss 14 жыл бұрын
I just don't get how someone's daughter gets supposedly "kidnapped" but ends up dead in their OWN HOME. The kidnappers never called and obviously they weren't planning to because they killed her and it wasn't about the damn money. Cleared or not, things just don't seem so crystal clear.
@vicksta8875 Жыл бұрын
Purposely done to throw off the "people public" YET, the Insiders knew EXACTLY what they had to do, Clean up and Stage... Its what the ACults do!! John Ramsey owned two planes. One he Never told us about. We found it!! Flying under the Business name of "A Small Foreign Fraction"... NOT A COINCIDENCE!!!
@uppanadam 7 ай бұрын
Had to be an inside job for sure!!
@karie337 15 жыл бұрын
john mark karr was not the one that killed her. it was a false confession
@CandyCoatedLipgloss 13 жыл бұрын
@watchMEshyne I can understand that. This whole thing is a cover up, and the sad thing is that the whole crime scene is RIGHT there, smh. I feel so sorry for that little girl, and the fact that she will never get the justice she deserves breaks my heart
@lonenut740 13 жыл бұрын
the cop couldn't chose a better word than "beheaded".....poor housekeeper
@crazygurl1139 14 жыл бұрын
@Brooke684 Yes, she had an older half sister who was killed in a car accident. She has two other older ones as well. John was married before pasty.
@Mitzi73 10 жыл бұрын
I could understand why the Ramseys wanted tio leave town. They probably felt someone was after them.
@DegrassiObssessedFan 12 жыл бұрын
I hope whoever killed JonBenet rots in hell, if they aren't already!
@kayjay1196 15 жыл бұрын
it kinda seems like the dad doesn't care!
@crazygurl1139 15 жыл бұрын
um they didnt catch the killer yet where have you been? stuck in 06? haha wow
@bethryan9077 2 ай бұрын
The Boulder PD hired 2 private handwriting analysts & they also took the note to the Secret Service for 2 of Their experts, all 4 said NO Ramsey wrote the note. The Ramsey’s attorneys also hired 2 of the best in the country & both said the same. A few of the letters had the formation Similar to the formation of Some of Patsy’s letters because that’s how it was SET UP To BE. The letter formations were Not the only aspect that told the Real experts that NO Ramsey was involved in the writing of that Ridiculous note. And, the public have Never SEEN Patsy’s actual writing. From the 1st week of 1997 til 2007, DNA testing was done at 3 separate labs. Within the 1st Two Weeks, the results of DNA testing were back - from under both of JB’s pinkie fingernails - Unknown male DNA, mixed with JonBenet’s DNA. Steve Thomas & his cronies kept this vital result from the DA for 7 months & so of course, the public too. The same Steve Thomas who had Never worked a murder case before but later went on to Pretend that he was lead detective & he still does. Two spots of blood were in the underpants but that was Never tested. Steve Thomas got around the office constantly talking about the book he was going to write. It wasn’t until the grand jury were to convene when the Ramsey’s attorneys found out about the 2 spots of blood & the DA finally ordered that to be tested. The blood was JBs plus Unknown male DNA being saliva mixed in one spot of the blood. This DNA from an unknown male wasn’t developed enough for CODIS at that stage. Desperate Thomas worked Very hard to keep the Fact that there was now Two lots of Unknown male DNA evidence, from the media & so from the public domain. The BPD were ‘leaking’ false & misleading information to the media from the very beginning & the frenzy continued. Eventually the BPD were made to Publicly apologise for doing this to the family but This Fact has been forgotten/not known about by the general public. The BPD’s cops Should have found JB early that morning, though a Search for her was never carried out as it was a Ransom note. Three officers were tasked with checking entry & exit points, yet failed to pull open the cellar door & go in there & they failed to go through the train room door also, thinking it was a cupboard door, they by-passed it. Two of them went around the exterior at separate times early that morning, one with a flashlight. Both failed to see those windows under the grate where one was clearly broken at the top section, being a gaping hole. That broken window was Not where the perps got in the house, but That is Not the point. The investigators Present refused to target the Ramseys but unfortunately Steve Thomas was brought into the case 3 days later & his goal was to make a name for himself. 18 months later he illegally took evidence material from the BPD, snuck off on a ruse & then resigned on national TV, an act that was unheard of in law enforcement history. Of course, the reading of his Pathetic letter blaming the DA for his Own failings, was his Marketing Ploy for his book of BS, blaming Patsy because of a notepad & he commenced book tours. He was promptly sued for that book of Lies, but soo many have forgotten about or don’t know about That, either. He garnered money from the public for his defence but come time for court, he refused to get on the stand to back his ‘Story’. The case was settled out of court & he lost every cent of the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made from that book. The investigation Continued with a bevy of actual Seasoned private investigators who had full integrity & worked tirelessly Unpaid to catch the highly sadistic killers of this child & at the same time, they hoped to save another. Very few know about a libel case in 2003 - Wolf vs Ramsey, where Federal Court Judge Carnes got to go over the evidence known about at that stage. Carne declared the Ramseys factually innocent due to the 'Abundance of evidence that pointed to an intruder'. All can read that 93 page document online. She also had quite a bit to say about Steve Thomas in relation to his role as a police officer & about some of the BS in his book. She was particularly incensed about him stating a time of death for JB when he was not a doctor nor a pathologist. He made up a time of death to suit his own agenda & for that book, being for, his own financial gain. Carne was also quite scathing in relation to Cina Wong who tried to present evidence about that note when Wong had no qualifications to call herself a writing analyst let alone an expert & she never had the original copy of the note. There was No basis for that case to go forward to trial so Wolf lost. Pages showing fake writing As If Patsy’s writing ‘samples’ & As If from police files, continue to appear on vids about this case. The pages are all Fake. Wong put out a video of course, showing a whiteboard with samples of the letters from the note down columns & letters Next to those, exactly the same, As If Patsy wrote those letters, it’s all Fake. Every man & his dog has been out to make Money off the back of this high profile crime. The Ramseys & Lots of suspects, including known pedos, were Cleared by the DNA. The DNA from the 1st unknown male that was under her pinkie fingernail plus his Saliva in one spot of her blood in the big underpants, was developed & has been in CODIS since 2003. The FBI’s national database only accepts Qualified DNA. Further testing in 2007 - Same unknown male’s DNA at 2 places on the waistband of the long-johns, on the inside & outside there, being pulled up/down. The Ramseys were finally Exonerated publicly & Officially in 2008 due to All the evidence that Showed someone Was in the house, over 200 pieces of, Plus the DNA from that unknown male, that had also cleared John Mark Karr in 2006, who said he did it. Take note of that Year. Next testing in 2016 with Advanced forensics - 2 male DNA on the long-johns, one is hispanic. The other is a white guy, Seen crossing the Ramsey’s backyard after they left for the White’s Xmas dinner. This was reported & newsworthy at the time. All the false & misleading information given to the media by the BPD did push this vital piece of Evidence under the rug. Then all the books of BS with all the versions of Whatever, took the case into a whole new level & the never ending same old same old False information continues with many making up New false information for the titillation factor. Years down the track James Kolar was in the office of the DA, Mary Lacy, for a very short time & was Fired. He also ran off to write His book of BS & blamed Burke because he needed new fodder. Like Steve Thomas, Kolar had Never worked a murder case either. His ‘Story’ was so ludicrous, no publisher would touch it. He had to pay to self-publish & to very poor sales. He was & still is, just Another con artist & Proven Liar. Then CBS heard the sound of Kerching & that Bogus ‘show’ was aired in 2016, predominately blaming Burke & that’s why Kolar was on there like a Snake in the grass. NOBODY would try to disguise their handwriting - by Handwriting 3 pages of 365 words & numbers as a ransom note plus use their Own notepad & use their Own marker & then put both of those items near the phone For The COPS. There is something seriously Wrong with all those who believe Patsy did That! More than one Incompetent cop had moron syndrome so this case was Never going to be solved.. The 2nd Commander put in charge of the BPD by the name of Mark Beckner, was put in place in December 1997. He eventually found some integrity & publicly stated in 2015, words to the effect - “when the owner of the DNA is found, there’s your killer”. *All highly ignorant Ramsey bashers need to get this Very Clear - You Do NOT Know Better than some of the Best investigators in the country or the Expert crime scene techs or the Top forensic scientists or the FBI or the Secret Service or the DAs or the Federal Court Judge or John Douglas or Lou Smit or Ollie Grey OR the Boulder PD, who, for Many Years & to this day Also state that the Ramseys - ARE Innocent.* The Boulder PD issued a statement via the media - 1st May, 2022. Go find that online & read it Slowly. Last December a cold case team were put together by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation & they’re on the job. They also have the go-ahead to have both intruders DNA reanalysed with the advanced technology & can have untested evidence items from the BPD’s dungeon, to be analysed with same. The FBI are involved with this investigation, finally. One can only hope that this cold case team will have Integrity. And, that none will be after a book deal like certain officers from before, who are Totally responsible for every single Unfounded accusation against all Ramsey family members that goes on & on still to this day for No sound reason At All. The government are Not spending Loads of $$ going after the Proven INNOCENT Ramseys.
@karie337 15 жыл бұрын
here's an idea. it says that the parents didn't "kill" jonbenet, but it doesn't say that they didn't have anything to do with it...the evidence hasn't proved that theory yet either. hell, nobody no's the answer. they need to focus on it instead of pointing the finger at other ppl.
@dino946 3 жыл бұрын
The housekeeper was More upset then the parents
@scorpianofthesun 15 жыл бұрын
Oh he does. But it's like Curlyqactress15 said. Unless you have something like this happen to you, you have no idea what it feels like or what to feel for that matter. John Ramey was in shock, he was devestated, and a whole lot of other things. I don't even think those two words even come close to describing what the Ramsey's were feeling.
@vicksta8875 Жыл бұрын
Guilt, Fear, Shame, Just a few to describe thier"Actions". I have lost a child, and have cried everyday, whether alone or when her name comes up in a conversation! 😥💔 Yes, there is "Shock" that is apparent.. Yet grief takes hold of your brain, like no other. Its impossible to hold back the tears....Unless, you're trying to protect yourself. That emotion of "Protecting" is heavier than grief apparently. These idiots NEVER showed any grief toward JB. Just and only about THEMSELVES.. I cry just typing this.. Knowing I'll never see, hold, or talk too my daugjter again. 😥 Any normal parent, who lost a child here, KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT I'M SAYING. These parents know exactly what, where and who done it! Where's John's LIE DETECTOR TEST??? You know, the one they BOTH SAID, they'd take??? LIARS!!! Masonic Satinists!!
@Ssshinyobject 11 жыл бұрын
Thx for the upload! :)
@MarehADuffield1 3 жыл бұрын
KZbin totally deleted the discovery of Jon Benet’s body from every showing of this movie.
@libankroll1270 4 жыл бұрын
Should’ve game them a lie detector test and called it a day
@dianabxh 13 жыл бұрын
Why Mr. Ramsey wanted to leave? Why and from whom he was afraid of? Does he know the killer or killers? Oh, yes!!! Maybe the killer is not a single person but a group of people who can be very danger if they are allowed to be known. Who knows the truth, only Ramseys know it, definitely.
@rambojuliuscaesar 14 жыл бұрын
at 1:25 when they are putting up the crime scene tape... it's so symbolic of what went wrong... by this time, hours and hours and hours have passed.... and dozens and dozens of people have walked through the house.... already at this point, you can tell it's going to be impossible to solve this crime... God I hope there are answers before I go to my grave... that justice will be done, the person responsible will be put away once and for all.
@SettaMalick 13 жыл бұрын
i like how the christmas lights are still plugged in thru all this bs
@crazygurl1139 13 жыл бұрын
@iharthotdogs " Beheaded " He was trying to get writing samples.
@MultiPurposez 14 жыл бұрын
I hope this turns out like the Adam Walsh case were they found that ass-bag who murdered the poor little boy. Though I do hope they find the murderer sooner than 20-something years. I'm glad they now have DNA of the killer. R.I.P Sweet angel JonBenet
@tma0120 13 жыл бұрын
it's pretty obvious the parents did it
@crazygurl1139 16 жыл бұрын
its okay and im sorry theres no sound that part just doesnt want to work :s
@892lgy7382 15 жыл бұрын
i believe a jealous family friend did it.
@uppanadam 7 ай бұрын
Some Chrismas's you don't want to remember!!
@trulychloe 13 жыл бұрын
did you know that the guy who people thought was the killer looks like michael stipe
@crazygurl1139 13 жыл бұрын
@MsDisneylandlover Burke is getting married he graduated from Prude University , John lives in Atlanta,Ga.
@dianabxh 13 жыл бұрын
Why I think that JonBenet could be killed by a group of people and not so from a single person? Because the ransom letter is too long. That means different people wanted to include themselves on that letter. If it was been written by a single person, the letter could be much shorter and more threaten and hard tone wold be sounded on it.. I also think the letter was written by a woman, and this woman was the more beneficent from the JonBenet's death. Not for money at all. But for what else...?
@pinkbobble 15 жыл бұрын
i heard it to
@crazygurl1139 16 жыл бұрын
it isnt possible sorry the ramsey's cleared and the DNA tells another story
@PWolfPoet 13 жыл бұрын
im not tryin to be rude by any means but you might wanna delete the part 4 that is muted so that way you have the collection and then no one will be riding your case about the no sound bs. other than that great quality and i dont know if you saw but they recently reopened the case again. they claim with todays advances that there was evidence on a doll that is in the origional crimescene photo. This was just press released yesterday. Sounds like they are finally gonna get the people responsible.
@midwest26 16 жыл бұрын
Maybe one of the cops did it.
@paleobc65 9 жыл бұрын
he was already planning to go before the murder Henry Westin
@dhom100 13 жыл бұрын
@lonenut740 yeah I was thinking the same thing. how would they like it if somebody they love was murdered and other cops did that to them? the Boulder cops incompetence and lack of experience were exposed by this tragic case.
@OhHaleTori 13 жыл бұрын
I "Dislike" this video because whoever did that to that little girl should rot in hell.
@DarkAnarchy777 7 жыл бұрын
Alguien de aquí que sea México
@iharthotdogs 13 жыл бұрын
what did the man say in 3:02?
@rentluvr 15 жыл бұрын
I want to know who did it, they had no reason to...anyway, everytime i watch the next part of this movie on here it skips like 5mins in between.
@lopezjocelyne55 12 жыл бұрын
I no rite the neighbour was far away and the parents where so close
@pattylunaguzman9530 7 жыл бұрын
Puedo comprender un poco el Inglés pero por favor en español si.
@MsDisneylandlover 13 жыл бұрын
i did knw the mother die well 2 least is is n heaven with god n her daugther. do any 1 knw wht is going on with that family now?
@027220 13 жыл бұрын
4:43 - :49 Hmm.
@crazygurl1139 16 жыл бұрын
i just uploaded it :) its up there
@crazygurl1139 13 жыл бұрын
@MiKoThEbLuEdEvIl lol!
@diamondsweetful 12 жыл бұрын
@MsDisneylandlover how do u know she"s in heaven?
@Jesirose 11 жыл бұрын
in spanish please? :-(
@8luvbug 13 жыл бұрын
@ladylike1980 the killer could be dead by now,who knows?
@crazygurl1139 14 жыл бұрын
@LuvableBaka no duh, you dont need to remind me of a sick liar who is now a girl.
@chante707 12 жыл бұрын
Fake family.
@erickav808 13 жыл бұрын
really detective? couldn't u pick a better word besides 'beheaded'???
@Brenda1371 13 жыл бұрын
@JustinBieber4496oxo they will never find out who the true killer is. for all the forensic advancement of your generation they messed up the whole case to badly .
@Shutterbug1000 12 жыл бұрын
The killer IS dead. It was Patsy and she died a few years back from cancer.
@Valness11 13 жыл бұрын
this movie is terrible
@jamescowan1100 10 ай бұрын
very sad case. 😢
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