The Centenarian Decathlon, zone 2, VO2 max, and more [AMA 39 sneak peak] | Peter Attia, M.D.

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Peter Attia MD

Peter Attia MD

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@DodjiSeketeli 2 жыл бұрын
This is all great, but I think one thing is missing from this picture: orthopedic health. For instance arthritis makes old people unable to move. Yet nobody talks about joint longevity in the longevity realm. Worst, these medical doctors tend to just reach to surgery to handle that aspect of life. Which is clearly sub-optimal. It'd be much better to prevent arthritis to begin with. I guess it's time to dive in that part of the research rabbit hole.
@maxgluteus4263 2 жыл бұрын
Water aerobics
@Clem62 2 жыл бұрын
Me. I'm 60 look 40 feel 30 except for the OA in my one knee. Now I walk like a 100 year old. I'm pissed off.
@DodjiSeketeli 2 жыл бұрын
@@Clem62 Sorry to hear that :-(
@DSJALLDAY 2 жыл бұрын
Hate to promote shamelessly or blindly. But I do have some confidence in the kneeovertoes approach. Starting extremely regressed and building up at a snails pace.
@kellrockets101 2 жыл бұрын
@@DSJALLDAY yea i have plantar fascitis and some early knee arthritis, and KOT training has been great with healing that
@ando7989 2 жыл бұрын
I think my actual question summed up goes more like this: Can SIT (Sprint interval training -> short bursts(only seconds long), all-out, anaerobic, above(!) VO2max, unsustainable) improve VO2max the same way as HIIT (high intensity interval training -> longer intervals, about 4 mins long, at(!) VO2max)? From what I've read longer intervals like HIIT improve Performance(!) more than SIT but both improve VO2max about the same! So if you only care about longevity and not performance it seems that shorter all-out intervals could be superior because they improve VO2max the same way obviously than the longer ones do. But additionally they should tax and train the anaerobic system even more then HIIT right? The fast twitch fibers? Because of that they may be superior because they could improve strength and speed as well? they may also lead to a greater growth hormone release because I think GH is released a lot more when the fast twitch fibers are recruited and fatigued which in turn would lead to more strength and even muscle mass gain too? But in Dr. Attia's exercise framework strength is trained separately so this would probably not be necessary then I guess...
@scottk8 2 жыл бұрын
Would it be counterproductive to do a zone 2 training session on an inclined treadmill later in the day after completing a HIIT sprint session in the morning (qty 8 10-15 second sprints with 1-2min rests in-between)?
@MaPoFiz 2 жыл бұрын
Is there a formula for how many met hours a person needs each week to reach their Centenarian goals? Is it based on height, weight, age, etc?
@jvm-tv 2 жыл бұрын
He's developing standards for each age, sex, weight etc but as far as I know he only shares them with his clients.
@flooooooo0686 2 жыл бұрын
Zone 2 for 225W average is pretty good fitness level :) especially considering that zone 2 requires avoiding peaks of 400+ that would probably put athletes into threshold territory
@jackieburkett5143 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to hear Steve House of Uphill Athlete on your podcast.
@ZachTheExcitedViper 2 жыл бұрын
Anyone can answer if they have insight, but with Z2 and heat - does my higher heart rate in hot conditions mean my body is no longer in z2? As in, if Im at a steady power state and simply turn up the temps to the 90's, my heart will go up to cool itself. But is it also switching off out of a Z2 training state? Is it considered an hour of Z3 due to being in the 150's or is it about what your body is doing behind the scenes with fuel utilization?
@FirstPrinciplesFitness 2 жыл бұрын
zone 2 is represented by fuel utilization and specifically, when your burning mostly fat for fuel. Look up "Cardiac drift" this is what causes your HR to increase during heat and training in general. Assuming your breath doesn't change at all you should still be in zone 2. HR is simply a correlated marker with zone 2, not a direct link. Think about weight training, if you bench pressed for 3 sets of 8 reps you might average a HR that represents your zone 2, but you never spent a min in zone 2.
@ZachTheExcitedViper 2 жыл бұрын
@@FirstPrinciplesFitness Thank you - I understand cardiac drift but wasnt clear on what energy demands get utilized to help cool you down (if any). So regardless of how hot the temps are and the HR, if Im comfortably doing the talk test and other Z2 self test markers, Im likely still hitting the planned Z2 block correctly?
@gordonsmith3324 2 жыл бұрын
@Zach Johnston, It is better to error on the low side with Z2 training. I.e. even if the temperature causes cardiac drift which occurs on your longer training sessions, it is better still keep the HR in the Z2 range because of the metabolic cost of cooling the body which is driving the increase in HR. I forget the exact formula, but you can research how much you can expect your HR to increase based on the temperature. So when it is hot, the options are either to decrease the pace/power or decrease your training time. I lived in Yuma, AZ for 3 years and routinely trained in 100+ degree temperatures. It really is the poor man's altitude training. Until your body adapts to the heat, and it will, use one of the options of either decreasing pace/power or decreasing training time.
@ZachTheExcitedViper 2 жыл бұрын
@@gordonsmith3324 I hear you on reducing power output. My wife and I sold the house and RV across the US fulltime now, so temperature and altitude are a vacillating element of my training now. Filling 10-12 hrs of cardio, there are times in the heat when Id prefer to keep my power output high rather than reduce it because thats likely the one day that week Im going to have fresh/fatigue free legs. On this journey, I cant tell you how many times Ive needed to do a z2 workout but only have mountains and heat, or whatever. So if I can figure out how to check the boxes across the spectrum, Im set! Thats why I follow feeds like this, I get to immediately apply a lot of it.
@johndepledge1811 2 жыл бұрын
Of the 13.5 hours, how many are gym hours? is it 7 outside & 6.5 inside?
@TheFinemesh 2 жыл бұрын
Going based off of his other videos where he discusses his zone 2 and zone 5 modalities everything but the rucking is probably inside (wahoo kicker for zone 2, step mill for zone 5, and lifting indoors)
@TheDanson000 2 жыл бұрын
I have noticed this. I am wearing sweat shirts at 80°f. Hopefully this will change this Minnesota winter.
@ando7989 2 жыл бұрын
What I still quite don't understan is the following: Let's say you do an all-out max. effort 10 sec. sprint. Do you use both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems for that simultaneously? Because how it was always tought (in school for example) is that in this case only the anaerobic system is active because the aerobic system is too slow for the quick and max. demand. But from personal experience it feels like during the 10 seconds indeed it doesn't feel like one is breathing very heavily but when the 10 secs are over and one stops then it seems the aerobic system kicks in at it's max capacity (V02max) at least for 1-2 minutes after the sprint has finished. So I wonder if much shorter bursts of Zone 5 (10-20 secs instead of 4 mins) can improve VO2max the same way then? Because I could imagine that during the 10 secs you are actually not hitting your VO2max because you are mostly anaerobic and the short effort at max. intensity is "too fast" for the aerobic system to catch up. In other words the aerobic system only kicks in fully when the effort is already over (because the 10 secs are too fast for it). But - at least how I perceive it when doing it - when the 10 secs are over the aerobic system does kick in 100% because I am breathing heavily for at least 1-3 mins after the effort and max. heart rate is reached and maintained also for 1-2 mins after the sprint. So I guess even with these short all out bursts VO2max can be trained effectively as well but "the training at your VO2max" in this case actually happens the 1-2 minutes directly after the 10 sec sprint. And I also don't understand exactly why the aerobic system does kick in at 100% directly after that short burst because the effort is already over and the anaerobic system pretty much "took care of the demand". Is it because the anaerobic system created a big debt of Creatine phosphate and ATP etc. that the aerobic system has to compensate for and therefore work at VO2max directly afterwards? Any thoughts on that?
@ihadabasedusername354 2 жыл бұрын
it takes blood 26 seconds to circulate through whole body, so any sprint shorter than that use aerobic system barely. Now it’s true that your heart rate and breathing will jack up once circulation circuit is complete, but you are training only anaerobic capacity.
@gordonsmith3324 2 жыл бұрын
Research alactic/ATP-PC training because this is what you are describing. The aerobic system does recharge the ATP-PC system after the effort. Anything less than 8-10 seconds in track and field training is considered neurological as well as strength training. So, you're training power and pattern with short sprints which are alactic and which are recharged by the aerobic system. We use 2 mins recovery between reps and 5-7 mins or longer recovery between sets.
@ando7989 2 жыл бұрын
ah okay, makes great sense thank you! So with such a workout you would also train VO2max then, right? Because from what it seems at least from my experience is that the aerobic system works at it‘s maximum directly after each sprint. And several minutes after each sprint + also after the end of the workout the aerobic system still works at Zone 2 „level“ so in total you would spend a significant amount of time at VO2max and also at Zone 2…
@brokengames9020 2 жыл бұрын
what percentage of vo2max is your zone 2?
@rualablhor 2 жыл бұрын
Isn't Z2 a percentage of one's max HR? I use ~55-70%
@FirstPrinciplesFitness 2 жыл бұрын
Depends on what kind of athlete you are. My clients range from 45-80% of vo2 max. Peter's wattage is impressive for zone 2 and he is probably around 70-80%. Zone 2 correlates with your "Maximum fat oxidation" or MFO range. Assuming this is based on a 5 zone model. If you don't have a fancy test, respiration is a great marker. If we were talking on the phone I should be able to tell you are working out, but you can still speak in full sentences without a problem. This is for Cardiovascular work only. lifting weights and being able to talk is NOT zone 2. Ask yourself "could I sustain this effort for 4-6 hours?" If so, you are likely in zone 2! If you could sustain for 12+ hours, it is likely zone 1 and not intense enough.
@FirstPrinciplesFitness 2 жыл бұрын
@@rualablhor Thats a good range, but it is different for everyone. Depending on many factors, such as fiber type %, training, how well you shuttle lactate ect. Two individuals can have the same exact Vo2 max, but one athlete may be able to sustain 70% of their max indefinitely. While the other may only be able to sustain 40% indefinitely. This would represent two very different zone 2s. Ive run hundreds of these assessments on the general population and the average number I see is between 45-55%. The average TDF rider is probably around 80%
@rualablhor 2 жыл бұрын
@First Principles Fitness 55-70% HR is mostly my guess work🤔 I myself use the practical nose breathing and out thru nose for Z2. With most things, your body gets better, or more adapted toward it. I was very surprised I could get mine to near 75% only via nasal...that is probably after 3 months of averaging 17miles a week *slow Z2 running/jogging
@FirstPrinciplesFitness 2 жыл бұрын
@@rualablhor That's a good approach, but like you said, (and especially with nose breathing) you can adapt. Some research participants were able to work up to 95% of vo2 max with nose only breathing after 6 months of training. That said, breath is still a strong link to Zone 2. You should be able to recite the alphabet without needing to take a breath. If you don't have access to a Vo2 max test you can also go for a 2 hour run, Cardiac drift should level off and you should be able to maintain a HR for the entire second hour. If you think you can maintain that same pace for another 2 hours you are likely in zone 2. RPE of 4 out of 10. Most individuals I test can't jog in zone 2. But if you are an above average endurance athlete/very efficient runner, you could probably maintain 5-6 mph in zone 2. If you cant maintain the intensity for 4 hours you are going to fast.
@21972012145525 2 жыл бұрын
Hoping you can consider changing the intro and outro slides to a black background and white letters. Easier to watch
@hoss6981 2 жыл бұрын
I’d say that’s a personal preference
@21972012145525 2 жыл бұрын
@@hoss6981 most things are in the “dark” setting on phones because it makes the viewing experience easier on the eyes compared to a stark white background. Also it would help those of us who are on our phones at night according to what Matthew walker said in this very podcast
@DSJALLDAY 2 жыл бұрын
Dark Mode
@21972012145525 2 жыл бұрын
@@DSJALLDAY dark mode makes KZbin’s background black where it was previously white. It doesn’t change content creator’s thumbnails or videos
@Slatibartfass1 2 жыл бұрын
Avaraging 225 Watts while staying in Zone 2 is quite impressive.
@wmp3346 2 жыл бұрын
That'[s why he mentioned it. He is a bit of an egomaniac
@vincec3590 2 жыл бұрын
Watt number by itself is meaningless. As a 200 pound person would need to output twice much as a 100 pound person to achieve the same walking or running speed. So in cycling the number of watts divided by the weight in Kg. is considered the most meaningful for success in climbing hills
@TheDarthhouse 2 жыл бұрын
Whose race helmet is in the background?
@amokmad1998 2 жыл бұрын
You should research what Dr. Nun Amen Ra is doing. I believe he will be 70 and functioning as a 30 year old. What he is doing is next level.
@CetateanulDinFiguraAlaturata 2 жыл бұрын
at 09:45 he says something like rocking? What is that?
@CetateanulDinFiguraAlaturata 2 жыл бұрын
nevermind, I belive he says Rucking
@paulgilbert2506 2 жыл бұрын
Do you use exogenous testosterone in ANY form?
@wmp3346 2 жыл бұрын
AMA - Not a fan. It's not the heat it is the humidity for me.
@mgoulet002 2 жыл бұрын
The interviewer’s voice is on a frequency just below the audible range for humans.
@DrProfX Жыл бұрын
Is golf really a physical endeavor?! 😂
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