rising sea levels - the evidence with physics

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@edpiv2233 3 жыл бұрын
We are talking about 2-3 degrees over the next 80 years. Mostly in the in the polar regions. We are not going to drown. 15 inches by 2100. Easily manageable. Double it. Manageable. Quadruple it. We are ok.
@greggeisenberg9196 3 жыл бұрын
You may not be grasping that average sea level rise is not the same as increased storm level surges
@Semper_fi_777 2 жыл бұрын
"Rising BS - evidence with Common Sense". Fear not people. Read on. I grew up in NYC. Went to Battery Park recently. Great memories. Watched the Twin Towers built in the 1970's (RIP) from the roof of my apt complex and milling about the city. Did my Marine Corps service for years, and along the way got educated in the sciences. Another battlefront mind you. My point...I looked at the water levels at Battery Park where the Circle Line and Statue of Liberty boats dock and depart for their tours. Currently, the harbor level is the same as when I was a kid/teen in the 1960's and 1970's. I mean it is exactly the same. Same water lines. Same tide levels/flows. The Staten Island ferry does not sit higher at the dock when it comes in, etc., less the rising and falling normal tide. If anyone tells you differently, they're lying or ignorant. Remember...if it's the same in one place, it's the same everywhere in terms of the water levels. Oceans don't rise over there, and not over here. Common sense. Real science. Yes. Al "I created the internet" Gore said ~16 years ago in his famous 'fantasy dressed as science' book, 'The Inconvenient Truth' (which he got rich off of), we would have waters rise up to 20 feet in the near future. Yes. Add that bastion of truth and genuine concern for her fellow man, Katie Couric, who asked Al in 2006 what his highness sees happening with the seas. Her question: “What do you see happening in 15 to 20 years if nothing changes?" Al Gore's scientific grey matter spoke: "Even Manhattan would be in deep water”, he replied. "Yes, in fact, the World Trade Center Memorial site would be underwater.” Well Al, again, it's been 16 years since you said that (crickets...). Spoken like a true elite trained wanna-be Scientist (emoji facepalm). Remember my less-than-a-yea-ago Battery Park inspection. I believe (I could be wrong on this one) Al was also quoted at a different location, saying coastline water levels will be three feet higher in ten years (again, from his 2006 book debut time frame). It's been sixteen years Al. Three feet folks. Hey Al...still waiting (Al Gore... a prime example of a politician deep state stooge...but hey, he got rich from it by compliance. A wanna-be scientist politician...no surprise there). I can just hear it now..."Be nice. Al Gore is not a scientist. He is just a concerned citizen". OK...then who is telling him what to write? Hmmm. What's his source? Validated References? Published scientific papers? Something? And where are his detractors for all the empty, false rhetoric he filled that book with? Any known challenges to refute his 'Work'? Of course not. No one would dare. If you want to keep your career. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has the water levels rising .58 to 2 feet in the next 100 years. And that's also no guarantee. It may not rise at all. NO ONE knows for certain. A crack in a major Ice Shelf means?...squat. It means that the Larsen Ice shelf, for example, has a large section breaking away. That's what it means. Nothing more. Unless of course...one has an AGENDA. Anyway, maybe old Al, and these video folks, should have consulted with the IPCC before these outrageous claims. Not that I am saying the IPCC is always correct in its assessments and statements either. But a far cry from old Al and many videos' fantastical fear-mongering. Oh, wait...money, agendas, feeling good about oneself, peer pressure, prestige...Meh, never mind. I must keep reminding myself. Note to self...get it together. So, George Soros and Klaus "You will own nothing and like it" Schwab, love their little globalist disciple Albert Gore. In their vernacular (not mine)...another Useful Idiot. That's what they call those types at their luxurious elite get-togethers with cigars, spirits, and Eyes Wide Shut scripts flowing. Yes, you can believe that. While we're at it, let's throw in their much-adored prophetess, at the time, sixteen-year-old weeping Greta Thunberg, with her Junior High School Diploma (I'm sure with honors). Now THERE is a ripe old Sage telling us all how it is via the United Nations pulpit, as she lives in fear of the future. She keeps this up and she is going to be rich. To you globalist thugs? I call it CHILD ABUSE. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Albeit, the sheep of the world get right in line. They think these uber-rich elite fossils are their benefactors when in fact...they are their Terminators. Arnold anyone? All of these 'seriously looking' scientists and environmentalists, dragged in tow by the Elite royalty, spewing their ominous gospel of doom yet again. Knowing they will get their congratulatory love pats on the back, and juicy financial grants from their respective government entities and complicit corporations, to do their voodoo science in support of 'The Cause' (see the following paragraphs of what it is I speak of). By the time all concerned figure out they have been hoodwinked, it will be too late. Yes. Don't fear fake Global Warming....fear these NWO Great Reset devils. Fear the ones who refer to all of us unwashed masses as... 'The Vulgar'. That is correct. In their inner circles you/me/we, are coined 'The Vulgar'. How special. Regardless, the 'woke' continue to sleep and dream of their false utopia, of the recompense they shall receive one day soon for all the evils (all lies) done to them by a certain race, promised by the very devils of that race who have no intention of giving it to them. Yes, The Vulgar await their payday that will never come. But the Elite WILL get theirs... as they, in their minds & hearts, are entitled to it. The Vulgar be damned. The ONLY reason the Elites want the Earth saved from mankind (even though their highest ranks KNOW it's all BS), is again...for themselves. Entitlement. We are NOT invited to the utopian party. Of that, you can be certain. Folks...climate change is Fear and Control. Carbon Credits? FOLLOW THE MONEY. Again...F-O-L-L-O-W T-H-E M-O-N-E-Y. "How dare you speak against CC. Don't you care about the children? Blah blah blah". In other words...comply or else. From individuals to nation-states..."Get in line or else". How about "wear that Mask and get the Cooties-19 vaccine now", or else. Imagine that. Thousands of highly credentialed, experienced, and world-renowned doctors, scientists, and other disciplines, whose careers were ruined and/or marginalized for speaking out that something is wrong with how we are handling this Plandemic. Former decades-old established protocol dictated that it stops, they consult, discuss, debate, and then bring it to a consensus where all concerns were addressed. But...not this time. Elite royalty and the governments decide medical doctrine now. And their elite, political doctor clowns and court jesters, such as lord Fauci and his thugs, rule the day. ALL are cut from the same mold of global doom purveyors. Puppet Masters, with an ultimate goal in mind. It's good to be King. The banking system cuts off all who refuse to tow the narrative and comply like good little sheep. The media crucifies all non-compliers. Like the Elites do with all falsely created, by design, social hot button issues. Control, and to DIVIDE us. a.k.a. Divide and Conquer. While the foul Elite does their nefarious global NWO Great Reset treachery behind the scenes. Cooties-19 anyone? Yea. Like the Ice Age BS in the 1960's and 1970's. It was gospel then. Google the Cover of the 1977 TIME Magazine. It states: "How to Survive the Coming Ice Age". It was in scientific periodicals. Museums. News. Documentaries, etc. Putting fear in children in school. Sound familiar? The NYC American Museum of Natural History, which we had gone on numerous school trips, had displays about it. Indoctrinations...Er, ahem, I mean, Presentations for school visitors to 'be educated' on this pending doom. It was not if, but when. Why? "The scientists told us so". "You must trust the science". My question...whose science? So...2022. Here we are. Where are the new Ice Age glaciers supposed to come down to North America, Europe, Asia Minor, etc.? Oh, wait. My bad. Global Warming must have melted them (thinking emoji)! Never mind (emoji facepalm). The 'WOKE" are genuinely asleep. NOTE: If weather patterns and similar events are getting worse (possible), is there any evidence (Science) for weather patterns/cycles of the Earth, including temperature, cycling up and down over the centuries/millennia? You bet there is. And very likely your answer to these climate change claims. Climate change is NOT settled science, as there are MANY highly credentialed scientists who agree, stating more study is needed. Those scientists are crucified and/or marginalized as 'heretics' if you will, if they go public with their concerns. Sound familiar? OR...could it be what God said would happen in the last, last days? Hmm? 2 Timothy 3:1... "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come". That includes weather and Earth-related changes. Pestilences too...Cooties-19? But hey, if you don't believe in God or what the Bible says, that's OK (freedom, choice, and the UNHINDERED exchange of speech/ideas is a beautiful thing)...but at least believe in mother nature, GENUINE science, and its GENUINE history. NOT the media narrative, which is wholly-owned, controlled, and operated by who (yes, even KZbin)? The New World Order entities (ie. CFR), who are pulling the strings today, and have been for a very long time. It's a complex web of deceit. The 'Deep State' is NOT fake. It is reality. And they adore using our sciences and scientific community to do their bidding. And of late? The Medical community. Imagine that. Foul souls they are. Ignore at your own peril...
@whitey6317 10 ай бұрын
Yeah man basic physics disproves these pseudo intellectuals. Ice melting does not effect sea levels at all. They always stay the same. Put ice in a glass of water. When the ice melts the liquid did not rise it’s still at the same exact spot
@markdorman52 2 ай бұрын
@BILLHVAC 11 ай бұрын
Also, take this into consideration. In the example the rise was directly vertical. In the real world the land does not go up vertical from the ocean but mostly a gradual slope. This will drastically reduce the vertical rise.
@datopperharlee2628 Жыл бұрын
So what your saying is ee have nothing to worry about. Cool
@30xi84 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks Paul! Very insightful video. Learnt a lot.
@spud1 Жыл бұрын
MOST IMPORTANT POINT: You explained that there are 4 causes of sea level change: 1) Thermal expansion of water, 2) Land ice melt, 3) Sea ice melt (smallest), and 4) Glacial isostatic adjustment. And you noted that by far, the greatest contributor of these 4 causes is the thermal expansion of the sea water. Finally you calculated how much of a sea level change could be caused by this greatest contributor. At time 15:15, you showed that the ocean is warming at the rate of 0.2C temperature increase per 100 years, which results in an expansion in volume that corresponds to a 39 cm (15.4 inches) rise in sea level. This is equal to 1.3 feet. Compare this (1.3 feet) with what we are told by "Climate Experts" that by the end of this century (77 years) climate warming will result in sea level rises of 12 feet. * I'd like to see the data and rationale they used to come up with that! I'll go with the actual physics based estimate presented here by PhysicsHigh. Well done sir!!! * Source: Google's Bard, in response to "How much of a rise in sea level are scientists estimating we will see at the current rate of climate change?"
@Strongfinger777 Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't more ships, more sea life multiplying, under sea volcanoes, things dumped in the sea, more man made structures like oil rigs and under ocean tunnels being built also cause the sea level to rise? I mean all of that adds more volume to the ocean, surely?
@airakalanr 5 жыл бұрын
Good logical argument, well presented and easily followed.
@jiriinuk 3 жыл бұрын
I would expect the evaporation has to be factored in the equation. How does the sea water warming ( and volume change) affect the evaporation and how does evaporation affect the sea level?
@flippitydooda7996 2 жыл бұрын
This completely contradicts the ice melting video that you did
@davidbrett-everest4320 3 жыл бұрын
So logically if each continent/landmass equally compensated for the rise in sea levels by removing earth/rock etc from the oceans floor and putting it on the land we can balance it all out.🤔🤔🤔🤔
@will-zp4kc 3 жыл бұрын
if its surface temperature of the ocean we are talking about then we are only talking about the top 200 meters in these calculations right? Since below 200 meteres the water temperature is unaffected by the surface. Thats my understanding anyway.
@bimmjim 5 жыл бұрын
Check out "Tidal surge" and "wave power." These caused 21' of the 23' sea level rise associated with Hurricane Sandy.
@whitey6317 10 ай бұрын
If the ice melts sea levels stay the exact same. Basic physics. You can do this experiment at home with a pint glass. Put water and ice in a cup. Watch the level of the water stay the same
@oiausdlkasuldhflaksjdhoiausydo 3 жыл бұрын
This didn't explain much specially when it comes to the catastrophic claims. You have only demonstrated that some process are real which we all agree on but we came here to see is how cities are going to be underwater in our lifetimes and... we only saw centimetres in a century assuming oceans are a cube. I ended up with more doubts than before.
@auditingbelfastextra 2 жыл бұрын
Why are sea levels rising? Short answer: They’re not.
@lonnierandall7882 3 жыл бұрын
That sea level graph shouldn't begin before the year the first satellites began measuring sea level. You cannot compare any imagined sea level before that to whatever you estimate today.
@billgough867 3 жыл бұрын
I like the subject but I think the video could be half the length... And still give the same amount of the important information.
@initiatingspin195 5 жыл бұрын
I was in the middle of gaming, but then I saw this video
@raimondszunda 5 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@billgough867 3 жыл бұрын
It doesn't get to the point quick enough ..so drawn out
@dafyddiago Жыл бұрын
What a lot of bullocks....... Why do the rich buy seafront properties worth millions.....
How the tides REALLY work
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