All the Mamba's I've installed or tuned are not remotely close in spool or power to their Garrett intended master. I have only seen one blow up, but, for the price, they are pretty interesting change to the game. Especially when they are up to 70% cheaper than the Garrett or Precision they copy. I hope you have good luck with it!
@matthewsmith9487 Жыл бұрын
Not a bad universal kit at all, definitely well done for a budget turbo. Like that it's gonna be vband also!
@ronniesheddable Жыл бұрын
Man I can't wait for the start up 😮
@Mr.NoBody2823 ай бұрын
How is that mamba turbo going or how did it go, how was it what's your review tell me more sir, I want to get one for the 1.8t as an upgrade from stock