Planetside 2 Devs Tease New Facility, Rez Nade Nerf & MORE

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00:00 tldr intro
00:30 Friendlist Fixed
01:00 Oshur Less Frequent
02:00 Sunder Update.. Cool?
02:30 New Facility - Limited Attacker Spawns
07:25 Revive Grenades Removal

Пікірлер: 60
@ZealousVidya Ай бұрын
QUICK CORRECTION, MY BAD: Revive grenades are getting 'heavily adjusted' rather than flat out removed.
@RenderMan1337 Ай бұрын
@theDemolisher13 Ай бұрын
Nerf is still not justified
@MachinedFace88ttv Ай бұрын
They should be removed.
@bighouse581 Ай бұрын
so theyre getting "soft" removed like nanoweave. Nerfed to the point of uselesssness
@thomastg3238 Ай бұрын
@@theDemolisher13 they should remove invis. there isnt game on planet when people can see each other on pvp lol . btw this scum update what can be blablabla did people are dumb? or what it will be maybe in 2030 bro. did dint work even on server improve i mean just basic lol ( remember 2030 year that all what need people know ) or maybe 2040? sunder right
@manincognito00 Ай бұрын
bring back the foot zerg between bases like the early days! so much more fun than the hot drop over pop meta that has existed forever now
@Nahplsps Ай бұрын
See you say that but people also just complained about that too. You can't really win with a community this old.
@JC248000 Ай бұрын
Wish they would add counter play instead of nerfs and removals. we want lots of toys for our sand box.
@jackcarver1492 Ай бұрын
I want the servers not burning to ash every third day in 2024 .. that would be great before any changes. Btw. the playerbase of this game is slowly but surely dropping, why don't they do some marketing and have extra bonuses thrown out for newcomers and returning vets while adding like 2 new different vehicles for all factions and modifying bases for some freshness? I don't even get it.. it's a business and they let it die. There would be plenty of interesting and exciting things they could implement without any megadifficulty on the programing part.
@CRONKTEZ Ай бұрын
we need love for Planetside PS4/PS5
@rod99ttett90 Ай бұрын
How long since last update ? A year? 2?3?
@MrJML18 Ай бұрын
About the overpop situation, me and my fellow snipers deal with a swarm of enemys easly. So even if the enemy is over popping the base 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 it still takes the enemy a huge amount of time to actually take the base. Here is why, when an enemy force is taking a base and the defenders are fewer then the attackers, usually the defenders are already in place on the points where the attackers will show up. When the defenses are weak, the defenders die immediately on the point and then are forced to run from spawn to the point with out protection, that usually turn the fight to one sided. The base takes a total of 5 min to capture, with a few defenders it takes 10 min to capture. But when you have an organized defending army, those 5 min are increased too 30 perhaps 60 min even tho the defenders are fewer. And soo when you mixed an organized squad with random players, the defenders are doing quite well on their own even tho they are outnumbered 2 to 1 or 3 to 1. Me and my fellow sniper friends, we are total of 8 players that position our selfs around the edges of the base, and it provoces a force of 50 players to split up in 2 directions to take care of the 8 snipers. One half trys to capture base which the smaller defending force now can handle because they are on equal mass, defenders are 20 people and the attackers are 25, while the other 25 players are hunting down the snipers. Because, you can not send one player for one sniper, when 8 snipers are covering each other. You cud do that if the sniper is a solo player, but you cant do that against an organized squad of snipers. therefor it usually takes 1 too 2 squads of players to deal with less then a squad of snipers. The enemy is gonna send a mix of organized squads and random players to take care of the snipers.
@theDemolisher13 Ай бұрын
And the guy that does pull the bus now has to babysit it else it will die without fail and then you're back to square one.
@JC248000 Ай бұрын
cross the field, land the infantry, man the heavy gun to cover the assault. this is my main play as i don't have the sweat or frames for infantry vs infantry. getting taken out by a light assault who is waiting at the base by himself just to stop you is infuriating
@voultronix761 Ай бұрын
Im glad theyre still working on the game despite everything... But damn everyone left miller this morning when the ping was over 1000+ for 10 minutes
@thomastg3238 Ай бұрын
like you can see they didnt improve it since christmas. they living on bundles. so all what you can see on update you can forgot for next 2 years
@Blind240390 Ай бұрын
I think game has more other bigger problems than revive grenades barely even noticed XD
@-toadstoolicious-9851 Ай бұрын
Agree. The rez nade is not much of a problem to both attackers and defenders and is actually countered
@luisjosp5 Ай бұрын
I tried to come back to the game 2 weeks ago. I mostly played on Connery but when I logged in that saturday at 18:00 hrs. (Pacific time)... the server was mostly dead, maybe 20-30 ppl per faction, with only Indar being available... Is emerald anything better???
@anzhuliu Ай бұрын
@planetside2archives 26 күн бұрын
THe game is basically dead, I was screaming what needed to be done and I was banned all over. My brother and all of my friends and cousins left Planetside. Everyone left. There's barely anyone on now, now they're messing with the spawn system and rez grenades and removed routers. It's over. Planet-side 2 is done.
@hckr_-gh7se Ай бұрын
yeah dude my entire outfit has pretty much abandoned this game and now we play helldivers - im intending to lead a sundy ball once the new sundy update drops but connery peaks at around 100 players these days and its fucking miserable to play on such low pop. i might go back if they allowed character transfers to other servers because i had personal goals in mind for the game but man, RIP
@mikebond3210 Ай бұрын
In Emerald lots of outfits capture base for the ressources
@massimocossu7965 Ай бұрын
very interesting update!!! looking forward to it!!! (i play on ps4)
@patlecat Ай бұрын
Totally agree.
@sneakeyred Ай бұрын
removing rev grenades removes the only reason i was thinking of coming back as a medic main X_X because when grenade spam and mass AOE make rev grenades basically a requirement just to keep your squad alive or if someone dies in a really shady spot or a area you cant reach due to open ground
@mikebond3210 Ай бұрын
Bro they are not getting removed! He is wrong about that! Read the dev letter
@AndraxisCode 22 күн бұрын
People actually do intentionally overpop bases at least on console
@Sir_Pickle Ай бұрын
No 3 faction fights sounds like a terrible idea
@theDemolisher13 Ай бұрын
First how about instead of giving you a router we give you a infantry/pod launcher like how the boats can lob people over a hex basically but give it better control where the infantry will land. How about that in exchange for losing router? (I get the desire for the old router but the design of the old router just encouraged disengagement from bases and people didn't know where to go to kill it thus the enemy could keep pulling new router pads every couple of mins. Finally the map would be littered with router bases everywhere that would eat cortium and prevent others from building actual bases instead of shells.)
@gundam-srwx7674 Ай бұрын
And still no response about console players getting updates back😢
@ZealousVidya Ай бұрын
Bro it ain't happening (and you should frankly be glad; the stuff they added in is largely bad)
@thomastg3238 Ай бұрын
Hi. Lets be realistic. Likeyou says. Why you just contact them = meet them then make some suggestions ? instead that struggle here all time talk what can be etc . much better and effective and it speed up process . What do you think ?
@theDemolisher13 Ай бұрын
. . . What was wrong with the revive grenade? It's like part of PS2's identity and after literally 12 years no one saw it as being OP. I'd argue removing the quirk of healing/ressing through walls would hurt the game more then help. Mostly cause healing in mid fight usually doesn't help all that much especially if the enemy has you locked in on their sights.
@RumpleFoldSkin Ай бұрын
mechs would have fixed oshur, not just boats
@MachinedFace88ttv Ай бұрын
res nade nerf YES ! NERF death and redeploy in general. ive been playing squad because the kills feel more rewarding. If kills and deaths mean more to positioning of troops then base caps and such will be more rewarding. also the base cap mechanic needs to change. upload a terminal ,and a logistics system so everyone can be apart of the FIGHT in other ways but just killing . more like Planetside 1. Steps to capping a base, not just, land kill hold.
@amantohugnkiss Ай бұрын
If they removed or nerfed revive grenades it will change medic play forever. I'd imagine this would also impact Halloween event quite heavily, which I think last tier is 500 revives, I don't think I've ever completed it as I'm just not invested in PS2, I play casually as that's all games are for me. I certain a lot of medic mains just will no log in if they ruin that class. Every time I have tried to log in as of late the server issues, ping and latency causes disconnections. Last time the game had this many issues was when the servers were constantly being DDOS'ed with the devs confirmed this was the case. I'm guessing those who do, are now smaller in numbers as the game has very little relevance and they no longer get the attentions they want. I log in Friday, it was stuck at logging in Thursday, tried 3 times, then played HD instead. Just tried logging in now, still seems to be the case stuck at logging in, with double xp for members and non-member next week during the various holiday's with lack communication doesn't sit well with many who subscribe. 1 thing heard that a large number of people have removed payment details and cancelled subs due to not knowing who the owners are and whether their details are safe. If the rumours are true, this will be a very big nail in the coffin for this game. I can see a number of reddit community being removed from the forum when they post their concerns. I removed my details after they expired in 2016, not subscribed since and how the game has been in recent years, it's just not worth €100, let alone €13 per month.
@RolandTechnicalDesigner Ай бұрын
Welp Im gonna fully leave the game ifthey remove revive grenades...
@nostalgia5269 Ай бұрын
@RenderMan1337 Ай бұрын
No where did they say revive grenades were going to be removed. "This would make Nanite Revive Grenades even more oppressively powerful than they already are, thus they will be heavily adjusted before the release of Assault Mode. This is something that needed to happen anyway, and this is a good time to implement it. "
@ZealousVidya Ай бұрын
@@RenderMan1337 thanks for the correction!
@mikebond3210 Ай бұрын
Revive grenades are not gett8ng removed!
@jobs.1518 Ай бұрын
Goodbye! 😂
@l.ignasio7326 Ай бұрын
tbh zerg fight is what make PS2 great, if u take that away that is what u gonna kill Ps2. Just because few ppl complain on yell chat "zerg this, zerg that" wont change the fact it's how every war game rolling. Also it's their teammate fault since they coward run away to another fight so they can "overpop"/"zerg" another bases.
@beanorod-zt2nl Ай бұрын
Real life war is a zerg essentially.
@l.ignasio7326 Ай бұрын
​@@beanorod-zt2nl most of player who complain about zerg ingame, themself actually a member of zergfit or even worst they are Hesh spamer/A2G farmer.
@TheOnlyMrBeans Ай бұрын
Why is this game still alive smh
@HansensUniverseT-A Ай бұрын
I booted the game up after over a month of absence, i couldn't play more than about an hour before logging off, it's always the same, ridiculous AOE spam in every facility, sniper and scout rifle cancer, cloak is still left in it's broken state, vehicles are in a state of absolute mess, the devs continue to ignore the major issues driving people away, facility changes wont bring me back, and rez nade nerf??? Really...Just kill this game already, it's done.
@planetside2archives 26 күн бұрын
Lol, I can't wait until this game is put out of it's misery, Planetside 2 deserved better...
@0sba Ай бұрын
I'm so happy I don't play this game anymore. I think zergfits definitely intentionally overpop fights. The zergfit mindset seems to be that they want to be effective even though their players are dogwater, which requires them to overpop. I think halving the amount of oshur is not enough too, but 1/3 the current rate would be to make it a novel experience. Sunderer changes are definitely a good thing, except for the radar. The sunderer changes will help A TON at low pop hours. I understand where you're coming from on the spawn system changes, but all I really have to say to your rethoric is that it is incredibly selfish, like you say for yourself already; you just want to have fun. Guess what, the defenders will not be having fun when you overpop a fight to shit, and now they just might. Boohoo. Rev nades should definitely at least get a nerf to their effectiveness where they have a max of only reviving one person IMO.
@jimvonmoon Ай бұрын
Ideally, Sunders, Gals and bases should be the only spawn options. All the "magical" spawn options (beacons, routers, orbital drops etc.) should be removed. However, at this point, with pop so low, it may not be possible to enforce real logistics. Effectively, the game has devolved into an arena shooter.
@Lukas-rm1il Ай бұрын
The fact that you do not understand how bad revive grenades are, especially for point holding, is scary to me.
@ZealousVidya Ай бұрын
It depends on the types of players you play with and the amount of people pointholding; sure if you only got a squad, it's not as useful. When it's two or three squads of a mix of casuals and decent players, it certainly helps considerably. I've pointheld a lot of bases ^^
@Lukas-rm1il Ай бұрын
​@@ZealousVidya This is not correct. I am not sure if you fully got what I said. Revive grenades help the attacker more is what it means. It probably scales with numbers yes but the fact never changes that revive grenades help the attacker more. You should be able to understand it by just thinking about the attacking pov. When you attack your medics have the worse position compared to the defending medics so revive grenades help the attacker to get close to the defenders. Once the attackers push beyond the defenders lines the defender advantage (speaking about positioning here) drops to zero and it becomes a revive battle. If it does not play out like this for you in practice your medics are either super unaware or something else is going wrong. Keep in mind that most defensive pointholds still die to grenade spam (grenade bando is a problem here) and other forms of explosive spam so revive grenades are not the biggest problem on the list.
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