Les Paul vs SG Ultimate COMPARISON (Buy THIS)

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Play and Trade Guitars

Play and Trade Guitars

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@thevoxofreason8468 Жыл бұрын
I always preferred the SG for the stage. The lightweight and easy upper fret access does it for me.
@davidcraft4919 Жыл бұрын
I couldn't decide, so I have both. Love this comparison.
@ChroniclesOfASadPunk Жыл бұрын
I've owned both LPs and SGs. Currently, I prefer the solid guitar. Weight is an issue for me, and I have no problem slinging around an SG. I've learned to love the slim taper neck, but I like a chunky 50s neck, too. Add a Tele to this list, and you have a complete list of must-own guitars.
@paulhenson4434 11 ай бұрын
No Strat for shits n grins?❤
@thadlogan51 Жыл бұрын
It's very tough to pick between the two guitars... which is why I bought both a Gibson SG 61 reissue and a Gibson Les Paul classic. I love them both but I tend to play my SG more because it is really light and easy to play. I also like the high end chime/sparkle it has. I think the Les Paul had plenty of high end but there are some upper end frequencies captured by the SG that the Les Paul didn't have... but then on the other hand there are some mid and lower frequencies the Les Paul had that the SG doesn't. But these differences are very subtle and you really have to listen closely and adjust the amps EQ to hear the difference. I think people would be just fine saving the cash and buying an SG... but if you have the cash and want a fancy top then get a Les Paul too. I just love collecting guitars and have cash to burn so I have both...as well as numerous other guitars.... but either the SG or LP will do. I would take my PRS core 24 over both... which kind of gives you the tone of both of these mixed together...as well as a strat tone too... but the SG is by far the cheapest option and still has pro level killer tone...
@chzzyg2698 10 ай бұрын
I never had an interest in SG's until a few months ago. I'm an LP fanatic. But recently I was looking around for a new blues guitar and I decided to give the ugly thing a try because it had humbuckers. Well, when I realized I could play all the way up the fretboard without struggling, and it sang like an angel, I decided to go for the Epiphone Custom Ebony. It's the queen on my rack right now. Sounds beautiful. My LP's wail, and my SG sings. It's a tad bit trebly, I'm hoping different pickups can help tone it down a bit. Just don't lean it up against anything like you do with other guitars. Its odd weight ratio in the neck is almost a guarantee to tip over.
@brenotanure3336 4 ай бұрын
Nice to see you like your SG! Out of curiosity, how do you compare it to your other gear? And what are they (especially the Les Paul you mentioned). I’m thinking about buying a new guitar but am having a hard time between those two. Your SG is the exact model I have in mind Cheers!
@chzzyg2698 4 ай бұрын
@@brenotanure3336 I'm still digging it. I swapped out the pickups for a custom setup; Green Magic in the neck, and Saturday Night Special in the bridge. I was going for a blues/BB King type of tone hybridized with my own play style and I think it's there. Now I'm just looking for the right amp/speaker to compliment it. So, my LP is fitted with Seth Lover's and it's a little bit of a struggle putting into words the tone differences but I'd say in comparison the LP has a hint more rasp/harshness. Not much but a hint. And the SG is still a bit more trebly but very clean and deep sounding. Like I mentioned before, it has a kind of singing quality to it. I also compared it with a plain old dirt cheap tele I've got. The SG sounds kind of like a fatter cleaner version of the tele but the neck lets you play all day in the upper frets. So in short, my LP is great for rock and can handle the blues, and my SG can handle rock but it sounds so pleasant and soulful on the blues. Either one will do either job but they fit better in these roles for my ears. The Custom Ebony is a good choice. I also fitted a varitone switch into it that gives it loads of different sounds. I'm a mod fanatic. Anyway, good luck.
@billydworrell8259 14 күн бұрын
I own 4 LP models, 3 are EPIPHONE s and 1 is the Gibson LP Studio Plus and just recently purchased the EPIPHONE SG Classic Worn Cherry. My LP models range in weight from 8.5 to over 9lbs on my EPIPHONE LP 60s Standard. The SG comes in at 6.6 lbs. So there's a huge difference obviously. I only say all that to agree with John that you definitely want both in your collection. My SG Classic Worn Cherry comes with P 90s, but i think down the road I want another SG. Perhaps the 61??? No vibrola or trem system for Me. Your assessment of volume and tone control s on the SG , modern certainly compounds things with Coil taps or splits from a user friendly standpoint. It's a lil easier to use the coil tap / splits on my EPIPHONE LP Modern due to where the knobs are located.
@vautrain Жыл бұрын
I love the Les Paul, from a distance. The guitar I own and play is an SG. And an ES-335!
@Tonetwisters Жыл бұрын
My custom shop '64 VOS SG has a nice, fat neck. Most tuning problems are in the bridge and the nut, when a gear shifter is involved. Keep that bridge and nut lubed and you will greatly reduce tuning problems.
@sandraspears6389 Жыл бұрын
I have always loved the look of an SG and the weight over a Les Paul. I have a bad left shoulder and the way the neck is just slightly more "out there" on a SG hurts my should so I prefer the Les Paul for that. I also think the Les Paul has a warm sound and that is good for the blues, but I also like the slimmer neck of the SG. Either way you can't go wrong. Just get both.
@MyCrazyDogs32 10 ай бұрын
I own a 1986 Gibson Les Paul Custom that I got in 1987. I'm currently trying to decide between a Les Paul Standard and an SG (Gibson for both.) Although, if I went the Epiphone route, I could get a 1959 Les Paul Standard and an SG for less than the Gibson SG. Right now I feel like I'm leaning towards a Gibson SG Standard '61 and then swap the stock truss rod cover with one that says Les Paul. 😊
@toddbonsang5802 3 ай бұрын
I've had a bunch of Les Paul's, studios that were weight relieved and non weight relieved. I've had classics and a couple standards. They are all great guitars but I always find myself going back to my Derek Trucks SG. I also own a few standards, and a few specials. There's nothing a Les Paul can do that an SG can't. I've tried to convince myself so many times that a Les Paul is what I need but if I'm only allowed one it's the SG.
@michaelheller8841 Жыл бұрын
I own both, they are both great. My Les Paul however does it all for me and I play it more often. I don't know what it is, it fits my hands better with the beefy thick neck since it's an R8. The upper register is not an issue with me, I still play it better than my SG. I hear about upper register issues all the time, I just play it so often my hands adjust without out a problem. I think because the sounds you get out of it inspire me more. Les Paul is my #1 and my Strat is my #2. Tele #3 and then comes my SG to be honest. At the end of the day, I use them all for different reasons.
@Peeper1849 Жыл бұрын
Been a LP player for a lot of years...always preferred it over the SG...heavy or not....I have owned Gibson and Epi's over the years( wish I would have kept some of them)....with the new advent of les expensive guitars that are being made better I am now opting for the Epiphone versions......build quality seems to be good and what I have heard so far they sound pretty nice. Going to get one of the Epi's Les Paul Studios and see if it is as good as people say.....
@toddflowers8052 Жыл бұрын
Get the '59 you will love it !!!
@st.johnfromdesmoines8361 Жыл бұрын
So I paused the video to comment BEFORE you rendered your verdict. I'll most likely reply-to-self with a response to it. But some things I would want to respond to right now are your assertions that the SG is brighter and more "straight" and "singy" sounding, where the Les is more "gritty". Some of this I agree with, but would parse differently, and a little bit of it I just straight up disagree with: I think the difference in sound between the two can best be summed up by the metaphor of an old 10-band EQ like we used to use on our home stereos back in the 90's and earlier. Using that metaphor, I think the Les Paul is the "shallow V", like what most of us actually used - a slight boost in bass and extreme treble, and/or a slight cut to the middle - whereas on the SG, it's a perfectly flat line, no boosts or cuts at all. And so, while I agree that the SG tone is a little brighter overall, I feel that when we get to the extreme high end, it's actually the Les that has a little bit more of that. Implications: I feel that of the two, it is actually the Les that is the more "sing-songy" sounding, and as such, I generally prefer soaring solos or chimy clean tones on the Les over the SG, which sounds flatter and more one-dimensional to me. However, on the other hand, I feel that that "straight-aheadness" of the SG as well as its greater "nominal brightness" does probably cut through the mix a little better, better avoids the boominess that can occasionally plague the Les in certain situations, and results in more "gnarly", scrappy sounding power chords than the Les's comparatively lifeless rhythm. So, if I generally prefer solos and many clean context sounds on the Les, for "power rhythm", or warmer cleans which can become mud on a Les, I favor the SG all day. In general, I disagree with your assertions that the Les is "grittier", though where I will concede is that there is a certain "barkiness" to a Les Paul bridge that in most contexts I disprefer to the smoother, more spanky SG bridge sound. These seem to jump out at me more in clean tones than in overdrive, though, but I can only presume that it must have something to do with relative pickup placement with the presumption that in a relative sense, the SG bridge is a little more "forward" than the Les (meaning further from the bridge and closer to the neck). Though since I've never actually measured them, that's just speculation. Look, I love them both, and want them both (I already own a 2008 Gibby LP Studio Vintage Mahogany, and do not own an SG, but hope to pick up an "inspired by Gibson" Epiphone soon). If you held a gun to my head and told me to pick a preferred sound over all, at least for now, I'd have to go Les (though ask again 6mos to a year after I eventually get an SG to see if I still feel the same way). In terms of feel, there's no question: I prefer the SG by far! In terms of looks? Totally depends on what day it is, as I go back and forth with myself on this point all the time. I guess I'll say the Les looks much more elegant and regal and stately and poised where the SG looks much more radical and dramatic and rebellious. Again, I change my mind on this last point basically daily. 😂 Okay, I'm gonna post this now, resume your video, hear your conclusion, and then potentially respond in a reply-to-self. If you don't see a reply soon, then I either agreed so closely that I didn't have anything to say, disagreed so totally that I didn't know where to begin, suffered a sudden heart attack and fell over, or got pulled into something urgent and lost track. Alright, now let's see what you had to say!! 😂🍻
@st.johnfromdesmoines8361 Жыл бұрын
Don't really have much to say to the conclusion, really. I think it's pretty fair, but anything I might want to say I'd pretty much covered in my original comments already, so I guess I'll just say "thanks for the upload!" :-)
@toddflowers8052 Жыл бұрын
As much as I love my Les Paul's I play my SG's more often ....great comparison !!
@tommorris5069 Жыл бұрын
I have 6 SG’s and 3 Les Pauls. I play my SG’s more. It’s good sitting down or standing up. My ‘75 Les Paul Custom is a boat anchor. I am looking to part with it. I do love my custom shop Les Paul Axcess.
@toddflowers8052 Жыл бұрын
@@tommorris5069 I have exactly the opposite 😎🎸👍🏻
@taz4965 8 ай бұрын
Bought my first sg last year. Can’t put it down! So much lighter and much less of an issue with my bad back. I’m going to shift a couple of my les Paul’s and change them for sgs. I’ll bet a Gibson standard and an Epiphone special with the p90s in Inverness green. Really looking forward to the changeover!
@jefffletcher2614 Жыл бұрын
Poor info on the SG necks there I’m afraid. A good GENERAL rule of thumb with SGs is large pickguard = rounded neck and small pickguard = slim taper neck. Maybe pick up one of the newer SG Standards (not the 61 Standard, just the regular standard) and try it out. The necks are fairly thick.
@Chris-th4im Жыл бұрын
Im new here and newly subscribed. Love your videos! Love both guitars. I finally got the Tony Iommi Gibson SG. Absolutely love it. Plays well. My first Gibson Sg. 🤘😎🎸
@PlayandTradeGuitars Жыл бұрын
Thank you, great choice! I love the thick neck and P90s! I really appreciate it thanks for hanging with us 🍻
@peterwalliste8232 Жыл бұрын
Hey, don't compare apples with pears!! Both are absolutely fantastic guitars!! Legends!!
@Meylan191083 6 ай бұрын
I own 1 Gibson Les Paul (a 2013 Studio) and 2 Epiphone SGs (a 1997 G310 and a 2022 Special Satin Vintage E1). Until I played the Studio I would have chosen an SG every single time as I prefer the lighter weight, and when looking or an electric guitar to have in China I went straight for the SGs. That said, of all my guitars (including an Epiphone Flying V and an Indonesian Telecaster FMT HH) the Studio is my favourite one to play. Overall I love them both but if confronted with an SG and an LP I had never played before just prior to going on stage, I would take the SG.
@dukeford8893 14 күн бұрын
I've always found it easier to find a good Les Paul than a good SG. In my experience the necks on SG's have more dead spots and notes that lack sustain. My 2006 Custom Shop SG '62 reissue isn't even immune from this quirk.
@mwpv11 Жыл бұрын
Inown both with ‘57 Classic pickups. They sound pretty much the same. I think both are great options but if you have to play standing up for a few hours opt for the SG and aside from that the SG in the 60’s was the Les Paul. I have used both to play jazz
@Podcastforthewin Жыл бұрын
There is something about the SG that always makes me lean that way. Even compared to Les Paul custom shops. I love the way the look and feel, but the SG just feels perfect to me.
@pavelm9078 Жыл бұрын
About LP 50s style neck profile: you measured .89" (at the 1F), but it can easily go .92"+ (at the 1F).
@DrJeebles Жыл бұрын
I was actually thinking about this first thing this morning. The big thing for me is the neck. I love both the Les Paul and the SG. I think it really depends on what the guitar feels like when I pick it up.
@toddashley407 Ай бұрын
SG being bright is often sighted as a negative of the guitar - I disagree mainly because it can be tweeked out. Its near impossible to add in frequencies that aren't there and this also makes the SG more versitile in my view. SG beats the LP in covering multiple genres of music. The LP has more lows but not enough to make me pick over the SG. LP looks better though and if you are gonna play strictly jazz or metal its the better tone profile than the SG. That's my two cents which aint worth nuttin.
@touchthesun2448 Жыл бұрын
hands down SG with a set of P-90's i have both
@hailmaryrecordings8255 Жыл бұрын
Both please.
@Ryan-Hall Жыл бұрын
I have plaid Both and be totally honest, not enough!! I have owned only one less Paul and am currently rebuilding a bolt neck SG - Epi. And thicker guitar so I think I will like it better. But if I had to choose I would take the LP as it just will produce tones I like and I'm all for thinner neck, I need a full body and weight, TY Zack and John good luck in hitting that 50k
@MrTPF1 Жыл бұрын
SG's are nice and I own one. LP's are just "IT" for me though and I own several. There is absolute magic about a maple-capped LP going into a Marshall amp.
@ferencfehervari3354 Ай бұрын
Nothing has more mojo than an SG and is filled with iconic tones.
@sixbladeknife44 Жыл бұрын
Nice comparison, but I disagree re: SG’s being brighter sounding than Les Pauls. SG’s have more midrange punch with the all mahogany body, Les Pauls have more highs and lows with the addition of a maple cap.
@stratolestele7611 6 ай бұрын
I love them both, but live, I can only play a Les Paul for a few tunes, gotta go with the lighter options given my horrendous lower back condition.
@dimensionalencounter3689 Жыл бұрын
I feel like this should be mentioned because the vid said these options weren’t available to the sg compared to the les Paul and it can’t be more wrong here is just a few sg models with those attributes. Sg supreme, sg Diablo, certain sg moderns all had carved top, unique binding and different neck shapes that normally aren’t on a sg and tapered neck joint options. There is even a few sg models that have the floyd rose frx instead of the vibrola. An Sg with p90s can sit well with strats and even compete with teles in a mix as well. It is the successor of the les Paul both have a valid reason to be in a persons music room I always found the lp to be too chunky for me but I do own both and play both.
@peteshegog5916 7 ай бұрын
Simple. Thin Lizzy, Steve Jones, Mick Jones, Johnny Marr, Mick Ronson, Peter Green, Jimmy Page VS Angus Young. For taste and range go for a Les Paul. But I have a Yamaha Revstar that absolutely kicks. (Special SG shout-out to Sister Rosetta Tharpe)
@ushnicyuvnikof2748 11 ай бұрын
SG by a mile. Possibly my favourite guitar although older USA Teles are also great.
@gregorysoble8494 Ай бұрын
@andreyvanakoff9412 Жыл бұрын
SG, but heavy weight (around 3 kg), they are without neck dives and so much more comfortable, plus subjectively better sounding.
@jpsilverplaylists 5 ай бұрын
At one stage I owned both SG and LP and they both play lovely sitting down but LP is way too heavy for what it does, and the SG is too light and unbalanced, I hate that neck dive :( I've sold the SG, still have the LP Studio but only play it rarely. When it comes to Gibson guitar its the ES355 for me. The weight, the sound, playability, the feel, its all there, neither LP or SG even comes close.
@johnlloyd9613 Жыл бұрын
I have both but tend to go for the Les Paul more y❤
@Coolbeans1492 Жыл бұрын
If u want an lp sound but w out weight and fret access limits buy an explorer.
@todoguitar 9 ай бұрын
Solution, get couple of each, so you don’t have to pick and choose :) I love SGs neck and the sound but I don’t like the slim body and light weight 🤘
@baDWolf_75 Жыл бұрын
I love both mu Les Paul and SG... The SG is a ROCK MACHINE though. It screams. I have an Epiphone Florentine too. All three are rock and roll. You can't go wrong on any of them. IMHO
@sandyreece3004 Жыл бұрын
Like the LP better all around have to make myself play the SG for some reason
@XiaNingTian Жыл бұрын
SG all day ever day. I don't like LPs and I don't mind the constant association to Angus with the SG. He's one of my guitar heroes and a big influence on how I carry myself on stage.
@octaviovazquez62 Жыл бұрын
I own and love both, they compliment each other perfectly...
@cortviva69 2 ай бұрын
Awesome comparison!!!
@jeremyjohnston592 Жыл бұрын
I've had both over the years and currently have an SG Standard. But I wish I still had a Les Paul. The SG is fine, but in my experience they give you about 85% of what an LP gives you. SG certainly much cheaper though
@garybateman6869 Жыл бұрын
I just bought a epi l p classic, But I wanted a s G. I'm actually a long time Strat guy. I wanted something that sound different than my strat so I bought the epi L p. Looks like i'm still going to have to buy the s g.
@sinakaedwards2009 Жыл бұрын
I may be wrong but it seems I have seen SGs with maple tops. maybe, Epiphone branded.
@bear1084 Жыл бұрын
I've got an epi '61 SG from the "inspired by Gibson" line with the vibrola and I don't have any tuning issues. As long as you're just using it for gentle waggles (what it seems to be designed for lol) and not going apeshit with it, it shouldn't have any problems 😅😅
@WaurufEx Жыл бұрын
I would say that the SG is more of a lead guitarist guitar, while the Les Paul is more of a rhythm guitarist guitar. Not that it matters when you have players like Slash or Zakk Wylde though.
@DamnDealDone 2 ай бұрын
Do you know why Gibson can't put tuners on straight?
@jryan7932 Жыл бұрын
LP's all day long. I play too heavy & pull SG's out of tune, or straight break them. They just always felt like toys in my sasquatch hands.
@johnhodgkins5078 Жыл бұрын
No mention of Jake Kiszka and the SG. He's a new legend!!
@TommySG1 Жыл бұрын
You can always purchase an SG Tribute if you’re looking for a thicker neck.
@nlanni 8 ай бұрын
Anybody experience head dive with the chambered weight relief LP?
@jamesdean4071 Жыл бұрын
You can get a flame maple top on an SG.
@Vidar.m Жыл бұрын
I want the firebird. But its costly
@antreb15 Жыл бұрын
Les Paul, all day long. a couple of pounds in weight doesn't bother me.
@breekolean2758 Жыл бұрын
My original 61 sg played easyer maybe because I had it so long, my 50s les paul reissue has more lows and highs, sg neck dive, lp ass heavy, sg prone to neck joint cracks
@AngelMartinez-qs3cf Жыл бұрын
Okay, I like the sound of the LP Better! 85-90% of the time I'm always on the bridge pickups. What model LP is that, the '50s Standard Les Paul or the '60 Standard Les Paul?
@PlayandTradeGuitars Жыл бұрын
This is a Les Paul Standard 50s, Thanks for watching!
@2216sammy 9 ай бұрын
Les pauls are unbeatable for lead playing and they sound better than any other guitar .
@jimmykonsta Жыл бұрын
Can't beat a good LP. The sustain, the fat singing notes, the bite. SG's are good too and more ergonomic. But for the studio, LP all day long.
@tomusic8887 11 ай бұрын
Take the les paul it has more character than the sg i have both ❤
@flrpitflrp1965 Жыл бұрын
I’m a Les Paul guy, I wanna like the SG, but that neck just plays a bit longer. And I just throws me off.
@petronio3704 8 ай бұрын
I used to find the LP more beautiful and the SG more confortable. I do not know why, I started to like the look of the SGs. The SG is the one for me.
@thesnowghost1 15 күн бұрын
SG gibson
@melvinsfan Жыл бұрын
I sure do love Les Pauls, but if I’m being honest and real I gotta say I like playing SGs more.
@eranmontiel Жыл бұрын
You can get an SG with a flame top, there are several in Epiphone and Gibson but the SG Supreme definitely has one. Also the neck dive thing is ridiculous because you're always holding the neck with your fretting hand
@skye7690 Жыл бұрын
SG = neck dive?
@chrisrowe2308 Жыл бұрын
There's just nothing that can match the tone of a good Les Paul. Les Paul = 🐐
@michaelpacinus242 Жыл бұрын
My olenis can do it 🎉
@hbwhitmore878 3 ай бұрын
I have a '59 reissue (2008) LP, a 2023 '61 SG Std, and a 2020 es 335. (And 31 other guitars but that's not the point!) Nothing beats the Les Paul for certain tones, for sheer playability the SG is amazing, but my new all-around guitar for the last couple of years and Stage guitar is the es 335. It has the widest usable range of stuff and can mimic almost acoustic tones all the way to hard driving Rock which suits my music. My stage guitar for many years was an American Standard Stratocaster lightly modified with a piezo and stereo jack. But the 335 has got both tone and versatility. And the LP is a bit of a log to play.
@toddmoore2324 Жыл бұрын
What I heard - "you need to buy both". Lol
@catmakesmusic182 Жыл бұрын
SG is much more comfortable to play for me.
@TheModmc Жыл бұрын
les paul with emg 85/81 ~*runs away*~
@cball2277 Жыл бұрын
@ltgray2780 Жыл бұрын
That Mean Green is looking lonely and neglected. She needs some love and TLC. C'mon people, let's get some more subs.
@AvACyberSecurity Жыл бұрын
Can we just stop and remember the SG was originally marketed as a Les Paul!
@mutabor74 6 ай бұрын
@onlyfromadistance7326 Жыл бұрын
With respect to Angus Young and Tony Iommi, SGs are just too ugly. My #1 Les Paul has relief on the heal of the neck for easier fret access and also has a Floyd Rose. I personally prefer a heavier guitar and love the carved maple cap. For me, this is the best guitar ever made.
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