Player Thinks DnD Is THE DEVIL!

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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@symantares9171 2 жыл бұрын
First story: either it didn't occur to him that this *fantasy* game wouldn't follow his world view, or he wanted to 'convert the heathens'
@dragowolfraven3806 2 жыл бұрын
@Sym Antares I get the feeling that the guy couldn't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Plus D&D has more than one devil.
@AmaryInkawult 2 жыл бұрын
First guy was a Karen. Without a doubt. Gave up on trying to figure out what to name a male Karen so it's just Karen. Male or Female, it's a Karen.
@rynowatcher 2 жыл бұрын
I do not think I have ever seen a character pray in roleplay. That is kind of a weird part in the story for me; the player is basically begging the dm for something and that usually gets awkward... The guy in that story seems a bit narrow-minded, but I can understand that he did not want to role play things they find offensive; ie, a recovering alcoholic might not like role playing going to taverns... but this seems like he did not read the setting info if he got caught unaware of that... I have played with people that had real world god (Alah, Christ, Krishna...) in their games for the sake of not having to make players learn a new, fake religion and encourage role play. I do not think having real religious figures in a game is bad, but that assumes everyone gets the que that this is a game.
@davidtherwhanger6795 2 жыл бұрын
@@rynowatcher I had a fellow player pray a lot in the games we played. Guy played a paladin. Prayed all the time. EVEN WHEN MY BARBARIAN IS FACING OFF AGAINST 3, T-H-R-E-E, IRON GOLEMS IN A SMALL UPPER TOWER ROOM THAT THE THIEF ACTIVATED AND LEFT SEALING THE DOOR BEHIND HIM!!! I of course, very politely asked, IF HE COULD GET OFF HIS LAZY BUTT AND HELP ME!!!! He started praying harder. Unfortunately for both of those characters mine survived.
@davidtherwhanger6795 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with Drago Wolfraven. This guy probably has a problem with actors in movies as well.
@starbird3939 2 жыл бұрын
The last story reminds me of a horror story my Dm told me. My DM was a player in a Pirate campaign with a problem player that had a ghost familiar (meaning the familiar would have a bunch of resistences and immunities) who could cast powerful spells. The DM of THAT game was too spineless to tell problem player no. It was no surprise the game imploded
@jrepra 2 жыл бұрын
Religious player: *makes everyone pray before game, regardless of their own individual religions or beliefs* Also religious player: I won't let you try and indoctrinate me. Wow. The hypocrisy. It hurts.
@flexiblenerd Жыл бұрын
Summoning a spiritual weapon that can double as a familiar is actually interesting, but yeah, it would have to be one or the other. Like having a weapon with multiple modes that you have to switch between - you can't shoot a zombie with the axe mounted on your shotgun, just as you can't cut its head off with the shotgun barrel to which you have an axe head mounted; but you can chop with the axe, then shoot the next enemy (as an example). Or on a gun with a selector switch, you can't just randomly shoot full auto or single shot; you have to press the switch. Even if it's a free action to do so, you still need to essentially switch weapon modes; same thing in this case.
@poesenpai6475 2 жыл бұрын
Did anyone else's brain instantly start playing "The Circle of Life" the instant he said Simba ASMR or was it just me?
@saintsheepy6682 2 жыл бұрын
I'll bet the Hellfire club would like to have a talk with Drouge; I'm Christian (not super religious though), yet I've no problem with playing D&D online where said campaign had different gods in it, even making a prayer at a shrine in our last session (I even play as a hill dwarf cleric who just got the ability to summon celestial, angel-like beings). sometimes wish I grew up in the 80's to see what playing the original board game was like, the whole Satanic Panic was ridiculous; if there's anything I've noticed, it may be just me, but usually whenever overly religious nuts like Drouge spout stuff like this, it's usually self-centered and really about their own selfish feelings.
@tsifirakiehl4250 2 жыл бұрын
First story: Let me get this straight. The new player insists on starting the game with a prayer and tries to tell the paladin which god to worship-and it’s the party who’s trying to “induct” him? This guy’s got something backwards. Second story: This Hex dude sounds annoying as fuck. I don’t know why the DM was so determined to keep him around; there’s no way in hell I’d invite someone that obnoxious to my next campaign. Third story: Sorry buddy, if you’re going to bring a familiar into combat, the enemy’s going to target it at some point. That’s just what happens in a fight. You can always resummon your familiar if anything happens to it.
@AtelierGod 2 жыл бұрын
I just keep my familiar behind my shield or far into the air so I’m a more immediate threat to them then it is.
@mizublackriver7021 2 жыл бұрын
Dont want to play a game with other gods? Fine by me. **Slams cyberpunk RED book** Because no gods walk in night city. Only chrome and power in misery.
@monikasernek1177 2 жыл бұрын
The awkward moment when you hear the first story and building your oathbreaker paladin at the same time.
@zephodb 2 жыл бұрын
The possibility of it being attacked as a familiar would have been part of word-go for me as a DM, a forever DM. c.c
@theofficerfactory2625 2 жыл бұрын
The drake has a den and the doge an emporium. Nice! Story 1: How is this still a thing? Ok; I thought it was satanic panic thing. Yeah; that player was unable to separate his faith from the make belief. Many salty people will say what's the difference but I am a believer but even I am able to tell the difference between the Almighty and the deities of a make belief setting and know that praying to Helm is not the same as praying to god. Story 2: BEHOLD THE ALMIGHTY HEX BLADE! I know all and can do all! Simba: I am more mightier than hex blade and I don't have to shout; puny mortal. Story 3: What?
@luckyslob3359 2 жыл бұрын
Oh gosh, I know what the first guy was thinking. There’s this belief they try to pound into your head in some churches that *ANYTHING* with Gods other than The God Himself is just another way of making and worshipping idols. (something that goes against one of the commandments.) So they encourage everyone to stay as far away from anything with multiple or “wrong” gods as much as possible. I would know cause I fell for this bullshit when I was younger, but I know better now.
@icecreamnoodles3742 2 жыл бұрын
Majestic Simba. Blessing us with his presence.
@dragowolfraven3806 2 жыл бұрын
I thought the Satanic Panic was over.
@AmaryInkawult 2 жыл бұрын
There are still fringe Karen's that had parents that grew up in that era that are still stubbornly surviving
@AmaryInkawult 2 жыл бұрын
But thankfully they are the minority
@starbird3939 2 жыл бұрын
As long as there are super religious communities, we won’t ever be away from Satanic Panic. That said? It won’t be as bad as it once was.
@davidtherwhanger6795 2 жыл бұрын
The Satanic Panic is over. What you have here is a religious zealot that you will probably hear about later doing something awful because he was told to by a voice in his head.
@l0stndamned 2 жыл бұрын
As long as daft folk have access to religion it will never be over.
@thant0s 2 жыл бұрын
80s & 90s: "D&D is the devil!" modern day: "D&D is problematic!" Same shit, different religion.
@Sargonarhes 2 жыл бұрын
The Devil you say? Oh sorry, been listening to too many classic books like The Three Musketeers and Solomon Kane lately. And that phrase "the Devill" has been coming into my head a lot lately.
@bandwagonbuzzard1617 2 жыл бұрын
First story is just that kind of extreme that I'm mashing X to doubt. Anyone who knew what was going to happen (which they did according to OP) would've either bowed out or *maybe* had that reaction before the game itself instead of waiting for it to start proper, then freak out.
@kevincairo8917 2 жыл бұрын
In all fairness there's a lot of outlandish f ake stories in many subreddits let alone reddit, which is notorious for these stories for karma hording. I figure r/dndhorrorstories is no different from the rest.
@TrixyTrixter 2 жыл бұрын
not even that bad. I mean it boils down to starting game wasting 5 minutes playing for a while and quiting. Was there anything else of note?
@inglessin 2 жыл бұрын
Ah yes Dungeons & Dragons the one place I go to every Sunday to worship
@slagarcrue85 2 жыл бұрын
Hey doggie good to see you again. This fox is here for moral support and to provide comfort to keep you calm. So you don’t lose your calm and go barking mad! This is the part we’re you groan and start throwing the metaphorical tomatoes at me. Now i now what it was like to be Fozzie Bear. Lol
@michaelroy7754 2 жыл бұрын
My current character actually calls the devil "dad". Lawful Evil, working with the good guys cuz he's the only one who currently (when last session ended) knows we have a sentient STAR inhabiting a andriod that wants to destroy earth. That's not good for anyone.
@nickmanzo8459 2 жыл бұрын
As a religious person myself, I love D&D. The gods aren’t real, people, it’s a story.
@Prince_Silver 2 жыл бұрын
I kinda feel sorry for the guy in the first story. If he's that bothered by the portrayal of *fictional* gods that aren't his own, what happens when he meets someone who isn't christian? Is he just throwing out potentially, fun, thoughtful, and enriching media because it doesn't fit his worldview? There's something about that whole situation that's just tragic. But most of all, it strikes me as something that could easily lead him to shutting himself off from new ideas and new people, or even developing really bigoted ideas about different cultures and religions. In the end, it's faith that's crossed into fear, and he needs to sit down and ask himself whether what he's doing is healthy. The satanic panic destroyed innocent people's lives. I don't think that the mentality behind it should go unchallenged.
@bonthebunnycat667 2 жыл бұрын
First time?
@MRCrazyKorn 2 жыл бұрын
For the religious story I can explain a little. I was talking to a very religious person about DnD once. We actually got our dog form this man but that's a different story. Anyway, he asked me about my hobbies and I told him DnD. He said he liked Lord of the Rings but has never played DnD. I asked if he was interested and he said no and when I asked why his respawns was "Pretending to worship a god other then the one in the Bible was just as bad as actually doing it. In fact just thinking about it is bad." Why the guy in the story didn't take this into account before joining is beyond me though.
@Wraithspartan Жыл бұрын
As a rather religious man myself, that line of thinking is bunk.
@jewabeus 2 жыл бұрын
LOL I busted out laughing at the "religious, D&D is evil/Satanic" way of thinking. I am a member of the church of Christ. I understand the concepts of religion and that there are proper ways to conduct one's self, but the game is only an extension of the people playing it. If you don't want other gods in the game, sure whatever floats your boat, but if playing a game is enough to shatter your belief in God, be that whoever you want to believe in, you didn't have much faith to begin with. I didn't go to school for religion, I don't go to work for religion, I don't watch TV for religion, and I certainly don't play games for religion. If any of these or other things offend you or anyone else, people simply have the choice not to play. No need for hurt feelings, a rant, or preaching at others. I am the DM for my extended family. I preach sometimes. Playing the game hasn't summoned any demons beyond the PCs actively wanting revenge after poor rolls on their parts. LOL The content doesn't go beyond what is appropriate for some of the younger teen players. We constantly talk about whether people play beyond comfort or not. Short version that I have made long, ask questions & if it doesn't sound right, don't play, or better yet, make up your own game with your own rules and see if anyone is interested.
@ChaosCounseling 2 жыл бұрын
Well get out the inverted crosses it’s d&d time…said no one ever
@PaladinGear15 2 жыл бұрын
It's annoying how common the whole "you DARE to pray to a different god?!" when religious people play D&D and the paladin or cleric pray to get their spells from Pelor or whatever. Like for god sake guys, they're not really praying to a different god, it's an entirely fictional god in a game world. Surprise! The player's handbook isn't a bible or a spellbook, it's just a bunch of game rules and fictitious story! Yeesh.
@vampire9545 2 жыл бұрын
Wait - since everyone is blessed do they start with the bless condition? 😆
@DisneyChar 2 жыл бұрын
Not letting you cheat isnt a nerf
@ikki_jabul4456 2 жыл бұрын
Got that like smashed, just letting you know boss man.
@nekoali2 2 жыл бұрын
It's not the first story I've heard that had people who were hyper religious and would only play the game so long as it included their real world religious beliefs. I've had players myself that were confused or uncomfortable with the idea of fictional gods in the game. Or in older sessions having characters worship gods like Zeus or Thor in game. Usually explaining that it's all make-believe and has no more reality than a book or movie calms them down. If not.. well then D&D is clearly not a game for them. That Guy in the first story certain seems to be someone that has to have their religion tied up with everything they do, so best they find a group accepting of that, than insist other players play by their rules. The guy with the familiar story was clearly trying to power game a broken combo and shouldn't have been allowed to use his familiar as a spiritual weapon. Trying to switch functions like that could only lead to such a situation that was described, and honestly shouldn't have happened in the first place. If he wanted his spiritual weapon to look like his mecha-spider-familiar fine... but not to the point where they could be confused either. And if a character using their familiar or animal companion in combat, then it's fair game for the enemies to attack. When my players want to have pets with them I let them, and tell them up front that I won't have them in danger, so long as the party keeps them out of danger. No enemies targeting them, no saves vs fireballs or anything like that.. Pets are essentially immortal so long as they remain just character flavor. Once they start having a real, tangible effect on game play though they are fair game. Familiars participating in combat certainly applies to that. And they can be resummoned fairly cheaply anyway.
@therealmaizing5328 2 жыл бұрын
I'm religious myself and *I* think it would be sacrilegious to include real world beliefs in a game.
@ChaosCounseling 2 жыл бұрын
…it’s a fantasy world Jesus wasn’t there…wow.
@ChaosCounseling 2 жыл бұрын
On behalf of all of Christianity I apologize for people like the first story.
@KnightsRealm98 2 жыл бұрын
We don't need to apologize for that idiot and his kind. They are on the fringe and should be left there to rot.
@ChaosCounseling 2 жыл бұрын
@@KnightsRealm98 that makes me feel better actually
@ChaosCounseling 2 жыл бұрын
I think op in the last story handled the situation completely amicably. Honestly they were more gracious then I would have been to be honest by letting them switch function in the first place.
@stevencavanagh7990 2 жыл бұрын
why did the last story give me the idea for a spellcaster whos fimilier is just waiting to steal there soul and carry it to their master.
@Remoniq 2 жыл бұрын
As a christian myself I don't like people acting like the guy in the first story. I mean, if I ever get to play I would roll up a warlock, that if something is as far away you can get.
@bonthebunnycat667 2 жыл бұрын
Celestial Warlock: 😐
@Remoniq 2 жыл бұрын
@@bonthebunnycat667 Do they have Eyes of the Rune Keeper?
@TheOtherGuys2 Жыл бұрын
For the first story, on the topic of what's going through the mind of someone like that. I'm familiar with the type, not *exactly* the same, but similar. I could of course be mistaken, I've only heard a 4 minute story about this guy, but my dad is fairly similar. Anything that portrays any sort of mysticism or supernatural ideology besides that of his specific interpretation of the Bible, he thinks only exists for the sole purpose of trying to lure him away from Christianity and corrupt his soul. There's an inability to disconnect the concepts of make-believe, and actually-believe. In my dad's case, it was things like, "No, you can't watch The Lion King; it has a lion ghost in it and that's not real." "No you can't watch Hercules; it has Greek 'gods' in it, and they're not real gods." "No you can't watch Ghostbusters; it has ghosts in it, and ghosts aren't real." "No you can't watch The Lord of the Rings because it's got fantasy places and creatures and demons, and that's not real." "No you can't watch Scooby Doo, it has ghosts and witches and stuff, and that's not real." "Come and watch The Chronicles of Narnia, where the magic god-lion and a witch lead armies of fantasy creatures in a fantasy land, and it's okay this time because reasons." and "Sure you can watch Star Wars because I want to watch that." It's all based on this over-zealous concept that he has to be right because otherwise he'd be wrong, and if he's wrong he wouldn't be able to command authority. Basically, he's thinking that if he believes the spiritual truth, everything else spiritual is a lie. If you present a lie, you're trying to trick him, and thus are wicked. And of course, Jesus wouldn't spend time with *bad* people, right?
@K_i_t_t_y84 2 жыл бұрын
Commenting to support you ❤️
@lucysoika-tella4918 2 жыл бұрын
Hex sounds like a couple problem players.
@kravitz6455 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I don't blame the religious guy. I'm Christian but I play d&d and I have a friend who stopped playing d&d because she's Christian. The guy might have been awkward and blunt but he didn't insult anyone or cause problems. He left when he realized it'd be a problem for him and that was that
@Thanatos-- 2 жыл бұрын
I now refuse to play any D&D in a quasi modern setting and all of my attempts at playing Shadowrun were ruined by edgies (grown men/women who can help but to self insert as their PC) who creeped out the table.
@GarkKahn 2 жыл бұрын
In the 1st story If he knew dnd is satanic and all that... why did he joined a game to begin with?
@SOGAUA 2 жыл бұрын
Why you gotta do haruko like that bro 💀
@sanjayaanthem 2 жыл бұрын
@waddledoo2you13 2 жыл бұрын
I smashed that like button, now im a father. Thanks i hate it.
@Kairos_Akuma 2 жыл бұрын
Funny how the first player harps on Religion and indoctrination.... And plays a drow.
@marybdrake1472 2 жыл бұрын
SMH, that first story really. Some people are just out of touch with reality.
@slagarcrue85 2 жыл бұрын
Cursed swords. I am the dam demonic sword of darkness I control my victims first a pirate then I took over a knight. Then I became my own seperate entity. I am soul edge. I’m am the opposite the ancient super natural angelic blade of the heaven created to challenge the darkness I am soul caliber. En guard soul edge.
@tesuniekataren46 Жыл бұрын
First story: I could only see it as a problem if the player themself was praying and beseeching a made up god. If you are going, "My character prays to their god", then you are leaving it in the realm of make believe. Kinda like playing Magic the Gathering card game. Unless you actually believe you are casting real spells, it is just a game. But, meh. I think that guy was trying to be too forceful by placing his religious standards onto other people. (I say this as a Christian. I don't go and open every event I attend with prayer, as not everyone there might believe the same way I do in the same thing.)
@slagarcrue85 2 жыл бұрын
Ok what the flock to the ending of that first storey he didn’t even now about the Satanixc panic. Our mazes and monster. He’s supposed to a mild extreme Christian Druid.
@Cxdfc 2 жыл бұрын
For the last story my response would involve telling them it’s a powerful idea. Combining these two effects should cost you a 3rd level. As it’s own spell with a 1 action casting time and some material cost. Just as simple math, and the power level is lesser than spirit guardians. Oh- you wanna cast spells from it’s space/vision too? i’d bump that again to at least 4th.
@oneofnone7947 2 жыл бұрын
Nice signalis
@SnaxTheSnaxolotl 2 жыл бұрын
@slagarcrue85 2 жыл бұрын
So the last guy tried to have a Spilander. I am ducan mc arachnid from the brood of mc arachnid . I am I mortal have inside me the blood of eternal bug deities.
@ShiKageMaru 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1, the trash took itself out. Also, I'll hate people who are against dnd for religious reasons on behalf of OP.
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