"Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality" - My conversation with Helen Joyce

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The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins

The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins

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Here is my conversation with Helen J on 'The Poetry of Reality', tackling the influence of gender ideology on society, the ideological lens, and its implications for scientific facts.
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@sarasamson5922 Жыл бұрын
Listening makes me feel like grown-ups have entered the room. Thanks for the sanity, rationality, and respectful dialog.
@vikkiLH77 Жыл бұрын
It’s so comforting isn’t it
@ezbody Жыл бұрын
I thought I would never see the day when abuse is called sanity. Finally!!! 🥳🥳🥳
@CCDR07 Жыл бұрын
Yet, I find it odd that someone like Dawkins, who has amassed an untold wealth of knowledge of empirical and theoretical research on biology and evolution, frames this discussion in such an un-nuanced and un-scientific way by advocating that the immense diversity of human sexuality, (behaviours, experiences, and identities) can be adequately or appropriately, (or usefully) described by a binary categorization... Isn't he the one who said "Nature abhors a category"?!? For example, at minute 3:10 he mentions gamete size and chromosomes (weirdly not mentioning penises and vaginas)... what about the vast assemblage of interacting influences amongst an individual's biochemistry, physiology, emotional states, the complex web of our minds/psychology, developmental learning/enculturation, etc., etc. which evolution continues to shape and influence over millenia? Human sexuality occurs along a mutlitude of axes and spectrums. I guess my main point is to question the value of focussing discussions of sexuality on a binary category? Scientific knowledge of sexual differences in relation to medicine/disease and behaviour/psychology must of course largely cleave to these distinctions (and the individuals and professionals involved by and large do), but that's it! In the realm of our intimate and formal social relationships, institutions, and cultures, science can only provide one kind of understanding, while art and communcation to share our lived experiences provides a much broader and comprehensive avenue to develop a shared understanding of what it means to be human and how to thrive... With all respect to Dawkins (and the visible and invisible minorities who are affected by public policy and public mis-apprehesions concerning gender identity), the inflamatory, inflating, and conflating discussions that constitute "gender wars", and which grips media channels, political discussions, and the public sphere are like a form of madness. Much like mask wearing was in relation to the covid pandemic, where one falls on gender identity has become a flag and signal of tribal affiliation, rather than a multi-faceted issue to be discussed using our hearts, minds (and ears). Thus, I wish I could beseech Dawkins to reflect on which individual and social harms he is hoping to mitigate in engaging in this way with these issues, and which harms he is inadvertently perpetuating and exacerbating in both out broader society, and in relation to a persecuted minority.
@justsomefella1489 Жыл бұрын
@@La_Monde well you’re certainly not a grown up with a reply like that…
@PaperGrape Жыл бұрын
Came awfully late on Dawkins's side, didn't it? Oh well, better late than never. He's a huge voice, and I'm glad he did it.
@brandiallen7979 Жыл бұрын
being a tomboy in rural Texas in the 80's, my parents would have absolutely thought of transitioning me, were they given an option to fix their gender non conforming girl. They were so horrified at the thought that I might be gay, they pushed more barbies and more dresses, beauty pageants...I would cut my hair, take off dresses and sit naked in a room until I was allowed to wear pants. Guess what? I am straight, straight as the day is long. I am just a bit butch, and I like comfortable shoes. My husband was a bit feminine, didnt like sports, preferred girls to boys as friends, musical artistic...very straight. We have been happily married for 20 years. I think the thing we miss is, how absolutely shitty being a girl is. Periods, puberty, boobs, the male gaze upon you, society, all of it. That is why I hated girly things, girls had to stay in doors, be quiet, wear uncomfortable clothes. Boys could be loud, stay outside, run around...I just saw the boys had more freedom. If as a 5 year old someone asked me if I wanted to be a boy, i would have said YES!. Part of being an adult is the horror of working it out and finding out how to live in your body. No one tells kids anymore, all these gross feeling you are having, are normal, they will come and go, that most of this stuff you will grow out of.I feel so bad for kids now.
@KatieSimmonds1 Жыл бұрын
This is a perfect example that gender is not binary and is on a sliding scale, hence “tomboys”. That IS NOT the same thing as someone being transgender. People don’t transition to another gender just because they don’t like wearing dresses or vis versa.
@celeste1421 Жыл бұрын
So well put!
@brotherjohnnyxXxX Жыл бұрын
A tomboy is someone who identifies as a female but acts and likes things that are traditionally masculine. A transgender male identifies as a male but was born in a female body.
@StrangeMeadowLark Жыл бұрын
People do tell kids that - ask any gay or trans person. We're all told that. By society if no one else. At least you got to experience how oppressive gender can be. Helen may well be right that such social structures can be supportive but they can also be deeply oppressive and scarring and it's the modern recognition of that that has been liberating. But yes, one can run with that too far.
@slyjokerg Жыл бұрын
What a great comment. I hope you spread your story to as many people as possible.
@saga-pt9nd 8 ай бұрын
I was born in Iran. I have been living in Canada for 20 years now. In Iran, you are pressured into buying into religious nonsense and speaking out against it gets you in trouble. That is precisely why I left Iran. Now in Canada, if I say what my opinion is about religion (that it is nonsense) or what my opinion is about the woke culture (that it is nonsense), I also get in trouble. It is even worse for people like me to experience this kind of stuff in a western society after coming here to escape them in our home country. It is utterly sad to see a large group of people lose their minds and for the insane to take over. Thank you both for spreading common sense.
@thomasdupont7186 6 ай бұрын
ok one thing though, what people have suffered in Iran for not complying with the theocracy is in NO WAY c comparable with people speaking against wokism in the western world honesty. That is a bad comparison.
@ericah6546 6 ай бұрын
​@@thomasdupont7186I think you get their point though, no?
@ericah6546 6 ай бұрын
The world is always changing. Right now we are in a time when the tides are changing a lot. Hold on, it will be a ride but it will be ok.
@louc6635 6 ай бұрын
Another fake troll
@SuperChicken666 5 ай бұрын
In America today, there are people who will try to have you removed from a public space if you wear the wrong color hat.
@johanblume2621 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Richard and Helen… common sense.
@alibabaschultz352 Жыл бұрын
Dawkins has always been the textbook definition of "gentleman and scholar". His unwavering commitment to science and truth is needed more now than ever.
@Sigmund1924 Жыл бұрын
One of my favorites as well but he also believes in man made global warming and that nationalism is a bad thing so there is room for improvement.
@alibabaschultz352 Жыл бұрын
@@Sigmund1924 You may want to read my comment again, and come back with a more scientific response.
@Sigmund1924 Жыл бұрын
@@alibabaschultz352 I merely questioned his, “Unwavering commitment to science and truth.” Why would that merit a scientific response given your post lacked scientific data?
@lsmith6036 Жыл бұрын
​@@Sigmund1924three things he is right about on.
@ramudon2428 10 ай бұрын
​@@Sigmund1924I'm curious, do you think nationalism is a good thing? And if so, why?
@OsakaJoe01 Жыл бұрын
"Male and female aren't prizes for effort." This woman is brilliant. 😆
@Rothko0281 Жыл бұрын
@@MichelleLouiseDavis there are people who can be male or female and then the theythem creatures.
@jodiebasye9798 Жыл бұрын
@@MichelleLouiseDavis cis is a hateful slur.
@jodiebasye9798 Жыл бұрын
@@MichelleLouiseDavis Every time I have heard it used it was in fact being used as a derogatory term. I AM NOT a "cis woman" I am a woman. Period. Putting the "cis" in front of it as to imply my opinion is irrelevant, or I am somehow less than a trans woman is nothing shy of insanity.
@qarl8176 Жыл бұрын
@@jodiebasye9798 Is there a term you would prefer? "Non-trans" perhaps?
@ambientjohnny Жыл бұрын
@@MichelleLouiseDavis We have the term "banana", and everyone understands what a "banana" is. Then along comes alien matter from space, looks like a banana, but is composed of some unknown material, so people start calling them "space bananas". Now, your "cis" bs, is the same thing, as claiming that in the example with the "space bananas", everyone would need to start calling the regular old earth bananas "cis bananas" now, to "differentiate" between edible earth bananas and the new space "bananas" - which is absolutely ridiculous, because the differentiation "banana" / "space banana" is ALREADY as clear as it gets. Everyone who refuses to buy into the quasi-religious tenets of "trans" ideology can see that trying to force the "cis" label onto people, when a perfectly clear distinction already exists, ie "woman" (female)/ "trans woman" (male), trying to forcibly rebrand every non-trans person, as "cis", when it is ALREADY perfectly clear that they are not "trans" because they aren't using the "trans" prefix, is nonsense, and simply a manipulative tactic to try minimise the real and perceived difference. The supposed "logic" behind trying to force "cis" onto people is laughably easy to dismantle, and if you haven't got an argument that can stand up to basic scrutiny then you haven't got much of an argument.
@patriciaburns1033 Жыл бұрын
For the first time in my relationships with my grown up, intelligent children I am being seen as a bigot and the irony is that neither of them are trans, I feel so pressured to not even voice my own view for fear it will cause a division in my family and I feel very angry that biology is now on a back burner and is being used to judge my intent and my very personality, I fear it's going to get much worse before it gets better, Great discussion here which I very much enjoyed, thank you.
@tonynoonan3723 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes we are called to stand up for reality.your adult children are the problem,do not relent here,your children at best are brainwashed at worst havent a clue.Many are in a similar position as you and thats the purpose,to cause utter chaos to all aspects of society by people who have evil intent.
@joannawatson1584 Жыл бұрын
I truly sympathise with you as I also face this with family and friends. That is why I always listen to these podcasts as they make me stay strong and resolute in my beliefs.
@bh_486 Жыл бұрын
Time to stop calling your children intelligent.
@EarthlingEveryman-zv7bs Жыл бұрын
Have a Socratic conversation with them. Ask them questions, let them explain, and in the process hopefully let them discover the inconsistencies in their viewpoints themselves. Don't take a harsh, judgemental stance from the getgo. For inspiration, you could take a look at the work of Peter Boghossian, e.g. his "Street Epistemology" at Berkeley University.
@boneheadenraged Жыл бұрын
@@EarthlingEveryman-zv7bsi second this
@indigoandbrown 2 ай бұрын
I’ve been politically left all my life but for the past few years I’ve really struggled with some trans issues and the idea that trans men can just declare themselves women and I worry about kids doing irreversible damage to their bodies instead of loving themselves the way they are. It’s too bad that you two are considered “brave” to speak such common sense! Am glad to find others who feel the way I do. Thank you for this vlog.
@TheTealHydra 2 ай бұрын
Just look at how purposefully confusing the language is. You just said "trans men" when you meant what gender believers would call "trans women" - male people that are nonetheless not "men" in their view. A lot of this nonsense has snuck past the radars of people less plugged into politics because they can't even tell what its proponents are talking about.
@ambientjohnny 2 ай бұрын
@@TheTealHydra The activists and allies conflate sex and gender all the time themselves, and can't even define either "man" or "woman", or wtf "gender" really is.
@hollies5841 Ай бұрын
What 'irreversible damage'? Genuine question. As I understand it, no surgical intervention can proceed without extensive psychological involvement, and that puberty blockers are reversible.
@evilrslade Ай бұрын
The same here. I've always been liberal in my opinions and still am. If you are over 18 you can do and say as you like. I cannot agree with children being given treatment for gender reassignment. It should be illegal and not available on the NHS. After 18, do what you want. The similarity with religion is salient. "Give me the child...." Targeting children. There are, biologically, only two sexes. Chromosomes.
@JustinLHopkins Ай бұрын
Firstly, why are you singling out trans men? You know there are trans women too? It’s because subconsciously you’re not as accepting towards male femininity as female masculinity. You’re doing nothing more than picking on trans men which is what everyone else is doing and you’re causing harm. They do not impact your life at all. They don’t cause you any pain. They just want to get on with their lives without being treated like filth. Why do you even care what people wear or how they identify? Mind your own business, live and let live and get on with your life. You’re clearly homophobic because you only single out trans men.
@martinworkman6670 Жыл бұрын
"Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality" and how thoroughly does Helen represent reality. I loved this conversation. Her beautifully rational, intelligent and absolutely correct arguments are so so needed in these times. thank you.
@valerianmandrake 10 ай бұрын
Indeed, and sad to see how irrational and suscetible to emotional manipulation the supposedly educated "elite" is.
@ZotzPhasmo 10 ай бұрын
Her arguments are absolutely incorrect. University of Washington found that gender affirming care reduces suicide rate by 73% and depression by 60% in trans youth, and plenty of other studies have produced similar results, yet this woman claims there is no evidence that care prevents suicide?!
@JimNicholls Жыл бұрын
In Christchurch, New Zealand, the local council advertises "Women's Wednesdays" at a swimming pool, promising that women can feel safe, with only female staff and with the blinds closed to prevent peeping Toms. But they say that "All women are welcome, including trans women and people who identify as a woman" - in other words, men, so how safe is that? The world has gone crazy for sure.
@KopperNeoman Жыл бұрын
They said you can FEEL safe, not BE safe. If they wanted you to BE safe, men would be welxomed, and it would be leftists banned instead.
What is wrong with a woman who feels “unsafe” swimming with men present? Sounds like an anxiety disorder to me.
@Jimfowler82 Жыл бұрын
@@EASTSIDERIDER707certainly could be. But why not allow them some time to enjoy their swimming with Reduced anxiety?
@kiraalialeeonfairythegreenone 6 ай бұрын
​@@EASTSIDERIDER707 There are examples of full males with intact genitals who are claiming to be trans females and stating they have a right to use female swimming pool change rooms...and are literally exposing themselves to female children and women as well as watching female children and women disrobe into their swim clothes.That is male Voyuerism and male Exhibitionism and paedophilia. Not all transgender females are genuine trans. They're males who are using wokism to their advantage and a way to get away with their perverse s****l behaviours. They're using the trans label to increase access to their female prey... their victims. It is happening. And that is why women must have women only venues to protect genuine females of all ages. It is not neuroticism or an anxiety disorder. It is a matter of safety and security for genuine females of all ages.
@DocReasonable 5 ай бұрын
Sounds like that's based in Islamic culture.
@farcenter Жыл бұрын
I grew up in a liberal family in the north east. None of them support what's going on with trans ideology. This is also true of my peer group which is all left leaning. The ideas around trans women in sports and under age surgery for minors are not popular here on the left outside of activists. It's just you wouldn't know this if you only watched the mainstream media. Our voices are not amplified, and most are too afraid to speak out as one risks their job in a very real way. It's really alarming how fast the narrative shifted and how most people go along with the punishments for those that speak out or disagree, even though many and even most actually themselves disagree.
@EarthlingEveryman-zv7bs Жыл бұрын
If you voted Democrat, is there a safe way for you to contact your representative on this matter? Same question for your family doctor, with whom you should be able to speak confidentially?
@apathyguy8338 Жыл бұрын
Woke and trans ideology are in a battle against freedom of speech. These people are fascistic not liberal. Don't let them claim otherwise. You're a liberal they are not.
@jordanwright6364 Жыл бұрын
I wish it was like that here in the Scotland. The left wing among my age (under 30) believe this shit fully, Only a minority disagree
@name-vi6fs Жыл бұрын
There in the democratic party between liberals and progressives, and the progressives have the power. I fear the only way to fix it is to splinter and create a new party.
@EarthlingEveryman-zv7bs Жыл бұрын
Hence the importance of the stance that Maya Forstater took against her employer, about the relevance of biological sex. Helen Joyce tells her story at 47:40. It was the American headquarters that gave Ms Forstater trouble.
@dooddirl1 Жыл бұрын
Wow, Helen Joyce, take a Bow. you have to be one of the most articulate, learned and Brilliant women alive.
@qarl8176 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. While Helen Joyce is indeed articulate and has contributed to the discourse on gender issues, it's crucial to consider the full scope and nuances of these topics. For instance, her statement about 'sterilizing children' is not accurate according to medical guidelines. Treatments for gender dysphoria are generally not recommended for children under the age of 16, and even then, they are carefully considered and are reversible in most cases. Misinformation can create unnecessary fear and stigma, so it's important to rely on accurate medical information and ethical guidelines when discussing such sensitive issues.
@ambientjohnny Жыл бұрын
@@qarl8176 Why are you replying to near every comment as some sort of "expert", when you can't even answer basic questions like defining what a "woman" is, or explaining what you think the difference is between girls and women?
@qarl8176 Жыл бұрын
@@ambientjohnny You've been harassing me repeatedly. I am not inclined to answer your questions. I wish you the best.
@eleccy Жыл бұрын
@@qarl8176So basically she's completely right. At least some children are being sterilized by your own admission, a child being defined in law as anyone under 18 in multiple countries, and it's the definition that Helen has used repeatedly. What on earth are you talking about? Treatments for gender dysphoria in children are applied as young as 4, beginning with social transition, psychiatric care, then at onset adolescence, puberty blockers, followed up with cross sex hormones and body augmentation, not necessarily in that direct order, as treatment pathways very greatly between countries, and between what kind of institution (private / public) and even the care provider. The vast majority of patients move on to cross sex hormones, which cause sterility 100% of the time. Marci Bowers, a transgender surgeon of great renown, is quoted as saying "every single child … who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2 is unable". Care providers now recommend freezing of gametes to allow for fertility later in life. Blockers have been prescribed off label for kids as young as 11. The UK government had to outlaw it just over a year ago and even now there are workarounds - this is as a result of the Kiera Bell case, and they can still be applied to 16 year olds who are legally referred to as "children". A full treatment pathway, which is started in early adolescence dramatically impacts fertility, and if the full treatment path is concluded, the person will be 100% completely infertile without artificial aid. You with the absolute gall to accuse others of misinformation, when you're spreading extremely dangerous medical misinformation to others is pure evil. Helen is completely right to say "they are sterilising kids", and now I'm going to laugh at you for moving the goalposts which is what you're about to do. Go for it.
@qarl8176 Жыл бұрын
@@eleccy Oh, and, small correction: Helen doesn't say "they are sterilising kids" she says "they are sterilising children".
@chrisb9345 Жыл бұрын
Love you Richard and Helen for speaking sense against this nonsense. This is a conversation I will watch again every few years, I think.
@archangelarielle262 Жыл бұрын
It's a strawman. The entire time he's conflating sex and gender. When a biologically born male who is trans, they are not saying they are now a biologically female (changing chromosomes is just a technological limitation for now, and not to mention women with vaginas can be born with XY chromosomes regardless), all they are saying is they are feeling consonance with that sex which is all gender is. It is completely biologically based, as the brain/ mind is physiological. There is no female/ male brain, just a brain. And there's no treatment outside gender affirmation. Why cannot definitions adapt? How would you define a chair? Because you could sit on anything. Someone losing their genitalia to cancer doesn't make them less of that sex/gender.
@collapseobserver Жыл бұрын
@@archangelarielle262 Define 'gender'. Many see it as just a pile of regressive stereotypes that we spent the last few decades trying to abolish, or at least reduce the importance of. The conflation of sex and gender comes from the trans activists. They say it's about 'gender' (expectations/stereotypes/performance) and downplay the significance of diagnosable health conditions (gender dysphoria/body dysmorphia), but then demand drugs, major surgery, and to be treated as the opposite *sex* in situations where sex really does matter, rather than just be accepted and respected as a gender non-conformer. Encouraging kids to be gender-nonconforming is great, but telling them that they can actually change sex, encouraging them to seek medical transition, and to become obsessed with 'identity' is terrible. But a lot of it is now political, isnt it?, It's about recruiting for a political movement, not about the best outcomes for those kids.
@EarthlingEveryman-zv7bs Жыл бұрын
​​​@@archangelarielle262You make the crucial point yourself: At present, going to the hospital to have one's chromosomes changed -- that is, in every cell of one's body -- is not an option ... and won't be for a ve-e-ry long time ... probably never will be. And yet, in our times, "gender affirmative care" is suggest-sold by authority figures and institutions to impressionable young people and their parents, as if this torturous procedure would transform a person into a member of the opposite sex.
@AverageAlien Жыл бұрын
​@archangelarielle262 There is a female/male brain actually. Lmao. Nice fantasy. Reality disagrees. There is zero evidence for the existence of your fantasy. You will never be able to swap chromosomes. End of.
@AverageAlien Жыл бұрын
​@archangelarielle262 You are a delusional cultist. I will never change my language to accommodate deluded 21st century cults. You cannot change gender, ever. There is no such thing as "gender affirmation" that's just called delusion.
@hermitrob5481 Жыл бұрын
Helen is a gem. Happy to see her on such a wide diversity of podcasts. Its making a difference.
@JumpCutThis Жыл бұрын
Helen is more than a gem- Ms. Joyce is an absolutely amazing person with the ability to hide her cape impeccably because I’ve yet to see it, but I’m completely certain that, as a superhero, she does wear one. Ireland has many issues, but this product of the Emerald Isle may be the best export they’ve ever produced, and it’s too bad there’s not a bumper crop.
@EarthlingEveryman-zv7bs Жыл бұрын
I agree, she is a superhero.
@EarthlingEveryman-zv7bs Жыл бұрын
@@JumpCutThis There is another Superwoman who hails from the Emerald Isle: Psychotherapist Stella O'Malley. Do you know her? If not, you should definitely check out her work.
@CJRamos-jv3pb Жыл бұрын
She has an awesome rack, too.
@JumpCutThis Жыл бұрын
@@EarthlingEveryman-zv7bs thanks for the tip- I hadn’t heard of her previously but will do so now.
@SheidaRad Жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. Dawkins for this amazing interview. I absolutely appreciated your guest and her points and agree with you. Lots of respect to you both. ❤
@mTsp4ce Жыл бұрын
Who is Dr. Dawkins? 😛
@Welcome2TheInternet Жыл бұрын
@@mTsp4ce Basically people who never went to university like to pretend that they respect academia by adding celebrity academics' titles to the front of their heroes' names. They think it's respectful, but it just singles them out people who have never set foot inside a university. It's fucking cringe. Dawkins does have a doctorate though, just in case you were unaware. Hence, Dr. Dawkins, regardless of how sycophantic and fawning it sounds. You'll see the same fawning behavior in the comments sections of any Dawkins or Tyson video. Hell, even that clown Jordan Peterson's comments are full of this fawning bullshit. OMG I LOVE YOU DOCTOR PETERSON. YOU ARE SO SANE AND RATIONAL....
@mTsp4ce Жыл бұрын
@@Welcome2TheInternet Thanks. Yes, I am aware that he has a doctorate, he also is a Professor though, so it would be more appropriate to call him Prof. Dawkins.
@KickRocks-me7hh 2 ай бұрын
hes talking garbage
@penfro 9 ай бұрын
“Male and female are not prizes for effort.” - Helen Joyce That’s the-slam dunk, Mr. Dawkins.
@CCDR07 8 ай бұрын
I think the focus of this conversation is entirely displaced from where it needs to be, and that is analyzing the role of gross inequalities in power/influence in society. Trans activists are not 'sweeping' away the ability of woman to define themselves, or the scientific understanding of human biology, (there's also heaps of cultural, physical, and physiological diversity within the group "woman" anyway"). Trans people are not challenging what a woman is, and they are not who are oppressing woman. It's the patriarchy! Or more broadly, its the system of gross power/influence inequalities based on wealth that enables some individuals and institutions to oppress, persecute, or ignore others. Its patriarchical institutions if anything who wants to be in charge of defining sexes, just ask the christian churches, just ask right wing idealogues, just ask most commentors who kick back against trans-activists and anyone else trying to seek justice or a safe place from oppression by this system, just ask the CEOS of multi-nationals who align their stores and entertainment venues to whatever demographics or social trends they think will make them the most money... The greatest potential to challenge our current configuration of entrenched hierarchies of wealth/power lies along socio-economic lines, not gender/identity lines. The power held by powerful men (or woman) in modern society largely depends on wealth and its associated myths (e.g., meritocracy: the myth that rich people deserve to be rich and poor people deserve to be poor, the myth that free market dynamics can function in the presence of gross wealth inequalities, the myth that something's value to the human and more than human world is represented by its price, the myths that brands and labels can define us, etc., etc.). In short, the power of all elites and their institutions to work in their own self-interest while subverting the interests of the less powerful is through wealth. WEalth poured into advertising, wealth poured into lobbying, wealth poured into political campaigns, wealth poured into outright bribery and corruption, etc. You want to challenge patriarchy? you want to engender a fair and equitable society? Then challenge the concentration and entrenchment of wealth in individuals and institutions. Lots of these other issues and problems will evaporate when our individual material well-being and security isn't presaged by how much wealth we earn.
@penfro 8 ай бұрын
@@CCDR07 “Trans people are not challenging g what a woman is” >> Yes, yes they are. They are precisely doing that. - the populace treated ‘Gender’ as a simple genteel SYNONYM for sex. Not some vague notion of a feeling in one’s head. - Social behaviour, how one feels or expresses oneself, does not affect one’s sex / gender - the Transgender movement relies on ingraining misogynistic sex behaviour stereotypes of which western societies have been chipping away since the 1950s. - No woman has, or had, a penis. - There are only two gametes. There is no such thing as non-binary gender. - Everyone has a unique persona which includes one’s manifestation of a particular mix of masculine/feminine traits. Persona has no bearing on whether one is male or female. - If you want, persona is non-binary, not gender/sex. - Apart perhaps from radically hermaphrodite babies, no one is assigned their sex at birth. Male or female is observed, based on prospective gamete type production, and immutable. - Gender has ab-so-lute-ly nothing to do with power and who is or isn’t oppressed. It has nothing to do with socialism or equality / inequality.
@Ineedabreather 8 ай бұрын
​@@CCDR07I'd argue that trans ideology works in tandem with the patriarchy as biological males still have a stance of power in places where trans ideology is widely accepted. A personal example is in my small liberal town, a self identified trans women have been caught peeping at women and children over their stalls within the last 5 years. They have been caught 2 times by women in the locker room but got away each time due to the staff being afraid of getting in trouble for discrimination. The fact of the matter is trans women are at risk of ridicule and violence in certain parts of the world, yes, but they are also at a physical advantage over women everywhere no matter the political setting. Especially transwomen who still have pensises. We see this with prisoners being raped and even impregnated by self identified trans women. How is this not a threat to women? I also push against the assertion that trans activists are not trying to take away women's right to speak how they'd like or trying to destroy the reality of sex. First of all, we are removing language that works for the majority to appeal to the minority in medical care, not when the minority is being cared for, but around the board. Using words like chest feeders, uterus Havers, birthers, which is seen as dehumanizing to many women, but that doesn't seem to matter because people with vaginas don't matter as much, which is due to the patriarchyyoh speak of. Notice how very little accommodations there are for trans men. Medical and journalist terminology hasn't changed to call men penis Havers or sperm donors. Also the term assigned male or female at birth is a direct affront to the material reality that sex is real and for the majority and for the normal functioning, is visible identifiable, so yes, there is an attack on sex, which is a serious problem, particularly for medical purposes. Most trans men continue to compete in women's spaces but trans women are now going into women's. Why is that? If it's about being true to your identity, why are trans men not competing with other men? Trans men are at an advantage with upped testosterone AND trans women are at an advantage for having a male body, even with the lowering of strength via estrogen. How is this not an attack on biological women's rights to equity and just safety of their body? The patriarchy is also a huge reason why so many young women are now identifying as trans, trans identification of adolescent females has SKYROCKETED within a mere decade, and it makes sense considering the dire reality of being female in a patriarchal society. It's also a fact that 90% of these youth find themselves not actually trans when gone through adolescence, and many of them ending up actually homosexual, so the current tran movement as it stands also benefits from homophobia as well as the patriarchy. I am not saying therefore let's not give trans people opportunities, accommodations or respect as fellow human beings. What I am saying is we need to find a way to exist within material reality AND honour people's unique experiences. If there is nothing wrong with being trans, why try and skew biological reality? And I am also saying that I agree, patriarchy and wealth disparity are a HUGE issue and are tangibly harming people, for many demographics much more directly than trans ideology, but trans ideology is intertwined with patriarchy and homophobia, so it is a part of the puzzle
@stefcep 8 ай бұрын
@@CCDR07 "Lots of these other issues and problems will evaporate when our individual material well-being and security isn't presaged by how much wealth we earn".- so you want things that belong to others, given out to those that did nothing for it ie for free. That was tried in the 20th century. It was called Communism.
@ismelllikemarijuana 8 ай бұрын
@salgado1390 2 ай бұрын
What a breath of fresh air in the midst of all this idiocy
@residentzero 2 ай бұрын
What is better is that finally this appeal to reason doesn't come from right wing religious bigots but from a reputable scientist. Almost never the enemy of my enemy is my friend, contrary to popular intuition which creates temporary, brittle alliances
@Medina-bk2fo Ай бұрын
@@residentzero Well, it's nice to FINALLY get recognized, but the Gender Critical movement has been going strong for about five years now, but Helen Joyce's book DID give our cause a boost, thank goodness for her! Speak up about us because now WE are getting accused of being right wing merely for not believing human beings can change s3x.
@NapaValleyVegan Жыл бұрын
I hated my body as a child. I wanted to crawl out of my skin. I had my period at 11 and breasts by 12. I had an eating disorder by 13. And still I felt ugly & boyish. I never recall wanting to be a boy. But it took me decades to appreciate my curves and to defeat anorexia. Having grown up in a tiny town in N Michigan, I am so grateful that I was not exposed to gender identity or who knows what could have happened to me. 😮
@captain_cgc2413 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. ❤
@joshuarock4631 10 ай бұрын
we all go through it but i am white gay man(bith) whose trans love my body now , we all have different journeys , hormones wont hurt most kids , everyone should chill trans panic is a fabrication created , its propaganda using the few narcissistic youth on tiktok, to represent a small group amongst a small group lol its sad , distracting us from real issues
@lieshtmeiser5542 9 ай бұрын
It interests me why you went this way around puberty and beyond. What were the causes? Did you have people around you giving negative feedback about how you look? Were your family critical? Did you want to have a partner and they rejected you? I have had my own experiences back around puberty, eg having a total crush, and being gently pushed away (mercifully)...i look back of course and see we were so young it was silly, too young to marry, sex wouldve been a bad idea etc. As you say "im so grateful...or who know could have happened to me..." . Lucky things were different back then.
@box-botkids3267 4 ай бұрын
"Male and female aren't prizes for effort" best quote of the interview.
@maxprofane 11 ай бұрын
This was a breath of fresh air. Thank you so much for taking the time to record this and publish it.
@jossfan Жыл бұрын
I am profoundly grateful to Helen Joyce for her stupendous writing, work and exposure of the danger of gender ideology for women, children, education, reality and truth. I'm also glad to see Richard Dawkins throw his hat in the ring. Helen is so right that this is a profoundly linguistic battle and that we all need to stand firm on insisting on the truth.
@jameschen2168 Жыл бұрын
From Monty Python “The Life of Brian”: FRANCIS: Why are you always on about women, Stan? STAN: I want to be one. REG: What? STAN: I want to be a woman. From now on, I want you all to call me 'Loretta'. REG: What?! LORETTA: It's my right as a man. JUDITH: Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan? LORETTA: I want to have babies. REG: You want to have babies?! LORETTA: It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them. REG: But... you can't have babies. LORETTA: Don't you oppress me. REG: I'm not oppressing you, Stan. You haven't got a womb! Where's the foetus going to gestate?! You going to keep it in a box?! LORETTA: crying JUDITH: Here! I-- I've got an idea. Suppose you agree that he can't actually have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody's fault, not even the Romans', but that he can have the right to have babies. FRANCIS: Good idea, Judith. We shall fight the oppressors for your right to have babies, brother. Sister. Sorry. REG: What's the point? FRANCIS: What? REG: What's the point of fighting for his right to have babies when he can't have babies?! FRANCIS: It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression. REG: Symbolic of his struggle against reality. ………… The movie is from 1979. This goes on for some time now.
@susiehulcher1494 2 ай бұрын
Monty Python always had amazing insights
@dustylong 2 ай бұрын
The film was a comedy though. I don't think they ever meant for this to become "real" 😅
@WizardImp Ай бұрын
Yep. Used to be a joke. Today it's actually being 'seriously' discussed. Maybe it's all a bloody joke....
@nandaherhoust8628 Жыл бұрын
I just found this after getting death threats in my Uni for being a radical feminist and a gender critical. I really needed this, not feel like "maybe i'm the weird one".
@gabrielmills2361 Жыл бұрын
I hope you are not alone but in touch with other gender critical students and people generally, for moral support. The gender ideology cult is deeply misogynist and homophobic, and operates by bullying and silencing. Its verbal violence is becming ever more physical, especially towards women. Hope you stay safe.
@anapontopina86 Жыл бұрын
What happened? Have you considered legal protection? There are crowdfunding platforms
@impossibleagent3663 Жыл бұрын
You’re not the weird one.
@impossibleagent3663 Жыл бұрын
Sanity itself is under attack. Strangely uni’s are one of the hardest places to be in now.
@DorianPaige00 Жыл бұрын
@@ThinkTwice-hy5hy7so3j Don't try to legislate our medicine away and you won't get death threats. Continue testifying before Congress and quite frankly, we have no other choice.
@glenchilada 11 ай бұрын
I think adults can do whatever the want that doesn't harm someone else. But I am categorically against any elective medical procedures for minors, regardless of what it is. And I fully agree that allowing biological males in women's sports is unambiguously antifeminist. Literally slowly erasing the hard earned achievements of women.
@qarl8176 11 ай бұрын
While it's good that you support the autonomy of adults, it's important to note that medical interventions for transgender minors are often supported by extensive medical and psychological evaluations. These are not decisions taken lightly, and many medical organizations stand behind the best practices for treating minors with gender dysphoria. Regarding sports, it's a nuanced issue that requires balancing fairness with inclusivity. Many sports organizations are implementing policies that aim to create a level playing field for everyone involved, taking into account more than just biological sex. Dismissing these efforts as "antifeminist" simplifies a complex debate.
@fluffyfour 10 ай бұрын
@@qarl8176 I know I feel very differently about things as an adult, and have psychologically changed immensely since I was a child. If I had been held, by medical intervention, to something I was even maybe 'obsessed' (not a good word but it exemplifies children's thought processes) with as a child, I may be more psychologically damaged throughout my life and needing to seek further medical and psychological intervention.
@ScoopaDaDoop 10 ай бұрын
​@fluffyfour and that's what leftists dont even think about, the effect it has on your body 5 to 10 years after. 90 percent of the time if you leave kids to it, they will grow out of it
@UnchainedEruption 9 ай бұрын
I agree with you to an extent. However, just because adults can do things which harm themselves, it doesn't mean society should encourage it. We allow tobacco, vaping, drinking, even marijuana in some states now. Just because you are free to indulge these things doesn't mean you should, or that society should encourage their use. On the contrary, we educate people about the negative side effects, we fight the people who advertise these products to get kids addicted, and we have huge warning labels about the possible injuries. The way things are now, even the adults who elect to undergo hormone therapy or surgery aren't being properly educated about the long term costs of the procedures. Let alone adults, even kids as young as in kindergarten are being lied to on a fundamental level about what it means to be human.
@RaveyDavey 9 ай бұрын
@@qarl8176often? Definitely not always. And TRAs are trying to get investigating thr possibility the person is disturbed or deluded as “conversion therapy”. No minor is able to meaningfully condense to having irreversible treatments and operations etc
@saeedTHEgreat Жыл бұрын
What a beautiful interview. I wish there was a "science party" in America to vote for.
@michaeldavid6832 Жыл бұрын
There kind of is. It's the Scientist Party and it's a tyrannical belief in experts instead of processes. It's the opposite of science.
@flounder2283 Жыл бұрын
As a scientist trust me that is the last thing we need.
@BN-hk6wf Жыл бұрын
The last thing you need is Sleepy Joe and the Democrats?
@buggybored Жыл бұрын
A science party would be fantastic. No more group identity BS from the left and no more bible brainwash from the right.
@awuma Жыл бұрын
God help us. The governing bodies of scientific disciplines in the US have been taken over by raging Wokesters.
@vikisalhotra1051 Жыл бұрын
Richard Dawkins has his own podcast channel ??? Frankly speaking best thing for humanity, What a time to be alive .
@shirfree Жыл бұрын
I love that Dawkins is standing ground on this
@calstonjew Жыл бұрын
He didn't before.
@geobloxmodels1186 Жыл бұрын
@@calstonjew I didn't either until I learned more about it. I thought it was all about bring accepting. The trans ideologists weaponized our innate decency against us.
@raggamuffin2682 Жыл бұрын
Cuz he’s a white man and not Jewish like Harris or a black like Tyson.
@connernickerson5509 Жыл бұрын
​@@calstonjewHe is now, get a grip.
@lsmith6036 Жыл бұрын
​bill Maher supports the GC side, thankfully, and he is Jewish, and chapelle is black, he is a leading us pro jk Rowling view fellow
@lotteingerslev5776 Жыл бұрын
Thank you SO much, Helen and Richard! ❤
@KickRocks-me7hh 2 ай бұрын
why do you agree with them?
@budd2nd Жыл бұрын
I consider myself extremely fortunate that I was born (a girl) in the 1960s. So being an “Tom boy” was just accepted. Today I would have found myself indoctrinated into thinking I am a male. Just for clarity I am 100% happily a regular female. I just prefer many things that have been considered typically masculine. But I do not identify as a man I am biologically and psychologically, definitely female. But it is only sheer luck because I was born before this gender madness took hold. Otherwise, I would have been shoehorned into being a trans-person when I am not confused about my gender. My gender expression is just on the preconceived outer limits of female. In some ways, what is going on today with gender identity, feels like a societal regression. Rather than be able to express our gender in ways that make us comfortable, people are being forced to pick a binary idea of gender. Being put into a box of men only behave this way, females only behave that way. Therefore more feminine males are being told that they are actually female. Likewise more masculine women (like me) are being told that they are actually males! If biology has taught us anything, it is that organisms do not fit neatly into man made, human defined boxes!!
@EarthlingEveryman-zv7bs Жыл бұрын
"It is up to us on the left to walk this thing back. I want liberals to make room for gender diversity -- and that includes masculine girls and feminine boys -- WITHOUT telling them they need to leave their sex category, because they are different." Lisa Selin Davis, Author of "Tomboy", In the trailer for the documentary, "No Way Back" (2023). Given the current behaviour of the Democratic Party, this would have to be a long haul project, starting from the grassroots? This would need a new, non compromised, younger generation of politicians in that party?
@wearemany73 Жыл бұрын
I’m a guy but damn, me too. Pure luck to be born in the 70’s
@lynsey4224 Жыл бұрын
I was a Tom boy too and I remember literally crying to my mother saying I wish I was a boy. I was actually in tears. I'm not sure how I actually felt at that moment, whether I literally wanted a penis and to be fully male or whether I just wanted to be one of the boys as my friends were boys. But I'm glad that it wasn't taken seriously because of course I don't actually want to be male. I'm a woman and I know I'm a woman. I have nothing against trans people at all, I'm a live and let live type of person. But I often wonder had I cried about wanting to be a boy in 2023 how would it go down? And how would parents, schools etc have reacted to it? Would they start calling me he/them? I don't know. I totally understand that what I was experiencing probably wasn't feeling trapped in the wrong body, it was different to what actual trans people experience I'm sure. But I do think people's reaction to it now would have been different and possibly could have led me down a path I didn't want to go down. I also cried over the idea of growing breasts so if someone suggested that there was something I could do would I have wanted it? For me personally it was a phase and something I grew out of. This is why I think it's important to maybe wait as long as you can before making such life changing decisions. Be gay, be trans, be a damn space hopper for all I care but I just think it's wise to wait until you're an adult before you make those decisions.
@budd2nd Жыл бұрын
@@lynsey4224 Yes, you might well have been started on puberty blockers nowadays !!! It's a scary thought.
@somniumisdreaming Жыл бұрын
@@lynsey4224 same here!
@martinda7446 Жыл бұрын
Richard Dawkins said these women were brave to speak out. Prof, so are you. I knew you wouldn't consider keeping quiet seeing such a perversion of science and language. Everybody needs to be brave now.
@kemi1937 7 ай бұрын
i doubt anyone will read this, but for what its worth I am a gay man and i agree with everything both of you had to say. Dont think all gay people go along with the alphabet rainbow soup brigade
@PD-ws4td 7 ай бұрын
Ye, I actually feel sorry for people of the LGB community and how TQ+ has invaded it.
@jarrettshedd9574 Жыл бұрын
I'm grateful to Dawkins, Dennett, Harris, and Hitchens for helping me study my way out of religious extremism as an adolescent. It's great to see Dawkins still speaking out against anti-scientific extremism in all its forms. It should be possible to be kind to trans-people without diving into a new age of unreason.
@EarthlingEveryman-zv7bs Жыл бұрын
Hitchens-quote: "So you are offended. Now what is your argument?" Very, very applicable here.
@baconsarny-geddon8298 Жыл бұрын
I'm far more concerned with the MAJORITY of the atheist/self-appointed """skeptics"'" (on YT, at least), who HAVE unquestioningly embracef the 100% evidence-free ideology of (sex-independent) "gender", regardless of the fact it shares THE EXACT SAME standard of evidence as the traditional religions, who they smugly act so superior to. Matt Dillahunty is the most obvious example, with his enthusiastic promotion of the irreversable mutilation of 100% healthy children, justified by exactly ZERO empirical evidnce of any medical issue, whatsoever... Off the top of my head, there's also Aron Ra, Katy Montgomery, Jimmy Snow, Seth Andrews, even T.J Kirk. These people should NOT be allowed to quietly sweep this aside, and go back to pwning Evangelicals, like nothing happened. I have NEVER been a fan of "cancel culture" (unlike most listed above...), but actively, consistently promoting chemical sterlilization of gay lesbian and autistic children (over 80% of needlessly mutilated detransitioners are same-sex attracted), based on a 100% IDENTICAL standard of evidence, to that used to justify Islamic FGM, is different to Tweeting an edgy joke once in 2014, or associating with the wrong people. From where I stand, this has been the atheist/"""skeptic""" version of the Catholic child abuse issue- We have ALL had to make a choice; Either (1) prioritize the physical protection of children, the rights, safety, and self-determination of (evidence-based) women. And most importantly, prioritizing CONSISTENT STANDARDS OF EVIDENCE-BASED TRUTH... Even IF that means "going against your own tribe", and being called a "hateful transphobic bigot" on Twitter... Or else (2) we could choose to prioritize the latest-greatest left-wing cause of the day, even though that meant REJECTING consistent standards of evidence, and SACRIFICING the rights and safety of women, of gays and lesbians. And (IMO worst of all) sacrificing the health, safety and rights of children, all in the name of SIDING WITH "the tribe", standard political "team sports", and opposing atheism's (and the left's) "traditional enemy" of the religious right (who happened to land on the CORRECT side of this one issue. "Even a broken clock..." as the saying goes). At its core, it's the same decision Catholics faced a decade or two back, that we as atheists have been (justifiably... AS LONG as we hold ourselves to the same standard...) not letting them live down, ever since; The choice to either protect "your side", even when that means letting children get harmed and sacrificing principles... or to STAND BY your principles, and PROTECT children, even when that means "going against the tribe"... People like Dawkins, Michael Shermer, Peter Boghossian, etc have STOOD BY their principles, and PASSED the test that the Catholic establishment failed... But atheists/seld-appointed """skeptics""" like Matt Dillahunty, Aron Ra, Katy Montgomery,Jimmy Snow, Seth Andrews, etc all acted JUST as immoral, unethical and intellectually dishonest, as the Catholic hierarchy did... And those atheists were arguably even MORE enthusiastic and pro-active, in their encouragement of 100% needless, irreversable harm to children, for NO evidnce-based reason,at all... (to be clear, I'm not comparing Dillahunty and pals to the Catholic priests who PHYSICALLY ABUSED children... merely to the priests who CHOSE TO ACTIVELY PROTECT THE ABUSERS, regardless of the harm to children...)
@undignified2843 Жыл бұрын
You're blind if you think you aren't religious. You just have no clue what exactly your god is. Even the great atheist prophet Dawkins has a god.
@HobNut-r1f Жыл бұрын
No need to be kind to fetistists! And most of the Atheist lot have been utterly useless, pro trans etc and Dawkins has taken ages!
@andynovak8347 Жыл бұрын
@@vicw9223 you seem to be suffering a condition known as intelligence dysphoria
@richardsilver98 Жыл бұрын
Such a mature, cogent, and genuine conversation. Thank you for sharing it with us.
@Scimarad Жыл бұрын
Yeah, it's weirdly unnerving isn't it? I was thinking "hey, common sense! I remember this:)"
@lsmith6036 Жыл бұрын
​@@Scimaradyes, what, have they been drinking, normal water, they just sound sensible. And correct
@tayler2396 Жыл бұрын
They agree on the topic. Why wouldn't this be an easygoing chat?
@nursejoed Жыл бұрын
@@tayler2396 I'd bet that both speakers would still be respectful even if they were speaking with people with whom they disagreed...
@AALavdas Жыл бұрын
Congratulations Prof. Dawkins for defending logic, reality - and innocent children. Some of your colleagues, eager to follow current trends, should take notice.
@Lycaerix Жыл бұрын
@@La_Monde More projection from a groupthink cult. Religion really doesn't change its spots, huh?
@rickwyant Жыл бұрын
Like Neil Degrass Tyson
@zilchnilton Жыл бұрын
like Matt Dillahunty. All of a sudden observed evidence goes out the window.
@SpiralingOut23 Жыл бұрын
@@zilchnilton Dillahunty is not a "colleague" of Dawkins - they aren't even on the same level. I think a closer comparison to Dillahunty would be TheAmazingAtheist.
@danielowen9210 9 ай бұрын
Thank you, Richard Dawkin, for having the courage to speak out on this topic. Helen Joyce is awesome.
@lsmith6036 9 ай бұрын
Yes we'll do e Dawkins and Joyce. Great stuff. Good interview. Good people. Good comment.
@stefcep 8 ай бұрын
Helen, sure. Richard, not so much.
@carledwards7268 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant conversation by two wonderful people. Thank you Helen for the work you’re doing. You are absolutely right, this is a generation defining battle.
@craigjones9372 Жыл бұрын
Why is it a "generation defining battle" when it affects so few people? Does it affect you?
@LightSpell28 Жыл бұрын
@@craigjones9372 The push to redefine sex in law to a metaphysical belief affects a lot of people, actually. You're watching Dawkins, you'd reasonably object if any other metaphysical belief became the basis for laws.
@craigjones9372 Жыл бұрын
@@LightSpell28 "The push to redefine sex in law to a metaphysical belief affects a lot of people, actually." Citation please. Who is pushing what and where? "...you'd reasonably object if any other metaphysical belief became the basis for laws." You aren't going to sneak in any lies about me. I have in no way endorsed any enshrinement into law of any nonsense that you haven't even defined.
@LightSpell28 Жыл бұрын
@@craigjones9372 look up all the countries that have gender self-id. gender identity shouldnt trump sex, they should both have some separate legal status.
@mgkos Жыл бұрын
@@craigjones9372 nice trivialising there. Women are 52% of the planet. 25% of the world’s population are male children. Helen has x2 Post Doctoral degrees in Higher Mathematics, you obviously don’t hve basic school arithmetic let alone mathematics or statistics.
@singingway Жыл бұрын
Women are asked to welcome a man into their changing room to be nice and to keep him safe. If a man in a dress is not safe in the mens bathroom, then thats a problem for all the men to solve. Men need to make it safe for men presenting any way at all to use their spaces. It is not womens' responsibility to make that accomodation!
@isoldam Жыл бұрын
Beautifully said! Thank you.
@memoryhero Жыл бұрын
Fantastic point. Thanks for laying this one out.
@realolivertwisted Жыл бұрын
Fantastic comment!! 🥳
@debjane7 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Women are not a shield for male on male violence.
@ashleyl3699 Жыл бұрын
its the biblical story of sodom and gomorrah playing out in real life - throwing the women out be raped, in order to save some precious men from it.
@pankakesnotstellar Жыл бұрын
At 25:00 Prof. Dawkins makes the quintessential liberal argument: we can give away pronouns for politeness and kindness and Helen masterfully counters it with the consequences of that action, namely: you're giving away everything else too and we've seen it in practice, it ends with men in women's spaces and destroying women's rights and boundaries. This is a very important hammer counter-argument when debating this.
@memoryhero Жыл бұрын
The way Helen takes the time to slow way down and delineate the direct line from capitulation on the pronoun to more consequential trouble is really awesome.
@Simchen Жыл бұрын
Sorry but that line of reasoning is called "The slippery slope fallacy". You can do one thing without having to commit to other things. A quick reminder. Gender Dysphoria is real and some people are suffering from it. If I can ease their pain by using a preferred pronoun I will gladly do so.
@zeff8820 Жыл бұрын
​@@Simchenbut that doesnt mean you need a hormone and surgery to treat it.
@pankakesnotstellar Жыл бұрын
​@Simchen the slippery slope fallacy occurrs when the imagined escalations don't happen or aren't credible, in the trans case, they have ALL already happened, it's a statement of fact as to what the consequences were of being "polite". Please engage one brain cell if you have it.
@memoryhero Жыл бұрын
@@pankakesnotstellar Exactly - I wanted to write this very thing when I read the charge of the slippery slope from Simchen this morning. Glad someone else got to it. The slippery slope is a fallacy where you DON'T delineate how one thing leads to another, but Joyce does in fact delineate it in excruciating detail and with very forthright, fulsome logic. It is a masterclass in extemporaneous speech. Joyce is a verbal titan. Helen, in this case - not James. ;)
@enestrumicETPraxis 9 ай бұрын
Great video. Two reasonable beings who are fighting for society to be aware of reality.
@jakeenvelopes9561 8 ай бұрын
Correction, you mean "two people who both believe the same thing about the same topic".
@stanculescugabriel 7 ай бұрын
​@@jakeenvelopes9561 here goes mister leftist. Yes mister Open Minded, you see, the sad thing is that the bright minds of this world must come to explain such simple, basic, obvious, normal things, desperately trying to stop this world to transform the delusion into mainstream
@Ilovecleanlaundry Жыл бұрын
They want women to use the word cis so they don’t have to use the word trans.
@liisk100 Жыл бұрын
Because if gender identity is the definition of woman, trans-identified men are the most womanly of all.
@Alberich_Prince_of_Dwarves Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being pillars of sanity and reason in this insane and unreasonable time we live in.
@billyjoelbeans Жыл бұрын
Gender has always been a role. Eunuchs were a third gender in certain societies. Gender absolutely is a spectrum; its merely how you represent. Is there literally anything to argue with there? Because genuinely, every counter to that I've seen is totally schizophrenic or a etymology fallacy. What's your 0.02$?
@ragnarlothbruk8145 Жыл бұрын
@@billyjoelbeans there is no suck spectrum anywhere except in the inferior intellects of deranged individuals perpetually victims of their own existential and identity crisis. I pity such individuals, but in no circumstances I take them seriously.
@Rothko0281 Жыл бұрын
@@billyjoelbeans Richard Dawkins is right, JKR is right, the GT movement is right, Lia Thomas is a man, a man can never be a woman no matter how he may identify. End of the story.
@billyjoelbeans Жыл бұрын
@@Rothko0281 If you would call a male a woman in any circumstance, that is wrong. You would; gender is not sex. You are either a bigot or slow.
@pearlspiers4779 Жыл бұрын
@@Rothko0281100% agree.
@snoopy10411 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. It seems like the whole trans subject is against anyone asking questions. I respect Richard enormously for all of his work.
@tuffwith2effs899 Жыл бұрын
It would seem that way from this video wouldn't it? Interesting they'll dismiss the answers they get without engaging the subject matter, and go on to insist that the trans community is making claims that they've been told they aren't. It's one thing to disagree that there's this thing called "gender" that is separate from "sex", it's another to talk about people who do see it that way as if they don't either. It is very sad hearing a detransitioners story, but it's also sad hearing stories of trans people who never had any support. This is serious, but the discussion in this video is not the balanced a reasoned discussion it purports to be. You'd think trans people haven't been around since long before they were born.
@Sunaki1000 Жыл бұрын
Its allways talking about Trans Folks, not whit them. Listen to counterartuments and form an actual Oppinion. They never ever dissagreed whit each other. Trans Supporter call others Bigot and theres no Equivalent? Im sorry? The Thousands of Republikans calling Trans People Groomers? Rowlings Friend who states she wants to murder Trans People? Hes not very intellectual Honest.
@CCDR07 Жыл бұрын
Yet, I find it odd that someone like Dawkins, who has amassed an untold wealth of knowledge of empirical and theoretical research on biology and evolution, frames this discussion in such an un-nuanced and un-scientific way by advocating that the immense diversity of human sexuality, (behaviours, experiences, and identities) can be adequately or appropriately, (or usefully) described by a binary categorization... Isn't he the one who said "Nature abhors a category"?!? For example, at minute 3:10 he mentions gamete size and chromosomes (weirdly not mentioning penises and vaginas)... what about the vast assemblage of interacting influences amongst an individual's biochemistry, physiology, emotional states, the complex web of our minds/psychology, developmental learning/enculturation, etc., etc. which evolution continues to shape and influence over millenia? Human sexuality occurs along a mutlitude of axes and spectrums. I guess my main point is to question the value of focussing discussions of sexuality on a binary category? Scientific knowledge of sexual differences in relation to medicine/disease and behaviour/psychology must of course largely cleave to these distinctions (and the individuals and professionals involved by and large do), but that's it! In the realm of our intimate and formal social relationships, institutions, and cultures, science can only provide one kind of understanding, while art and communcation to share our lived experiences provides a much broader and comprehensive avenue to develop a shared understanding of what it means to be human and how to thrive... With all respect to Dawkins (and the visible and invisible minorities who are affected by public policy and public mis-apprehesions concerning gender identity), the inflamatory, inflating, and conflating discussions that constitute "gender wars", and which grips media channels, political discussions, and the public sphere are like a form of madness. Much like mask wearing was in relation to the covid pandemic, where one falls on gender identity has become a flag and signal of tribal affiliation, rather than a multi-faceted issue to be discussed using our hearts, minds (and ears). Thus, I wish I could beseech Dawkins to reflect on which individual and social harms he is hoping to mitigate in engaging in this way with these issues, and which harms he is inadvertently perpetuating and exacerbating in both out broader society, and in relation to a persecuted minority.
@ruthgiles8926 Жыл бұрын
Another way that it resembles a cult.
@IMO1964 Жыл бұрын
​@@tuffwith2effs899it's never been possible to trans male female or reverse mental facilitation. I've seen it too often. Man at work perpetuates his wife's anxiety by feeding on her mental illness
@cressida123 5 күн бұрын
Richard and Helen together, what a joy to listen to.
@theblackrainbow1 Жыл бұрын
Thank you R. Dawkins for speaking and making it freely available to listen to . I have read and enjoyed so many of your books, absolutely brilliant
@phillipdean9830 Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad he's making videos again!!!
@theblackrainbow1 Жыл бұрын
@@phillipdean9830 absolutely. Now this might sound a bit off, but he is getting older and we need his mind to produce as much as possible to be handed down to the generations to come 😬 That being said, I hope he lives a long long happy life
@mattbradbury Жыл бұрын
@@theblackrainbow1 🤮
@MegaGEZZZ 11 ай бұрын
This interview should be shown in schools.
@ZotzPhasmo 10 ай бұрын
University of Washington found that gender affirming care reduces suicide rate by 73% and depression by 60% in trans youth, and plenty of other studies have produced similar results, yet this woman claims there is no evidence that care prevents suicide?! Why show an interview where someone is spewing misinformation, saying there is absolutely no evidence for something that has mountains of evidence
@DomRoy-w7r 6 ай бұрын
Only when the kids are old enough to understand the context....
@SuperChicken666 5 ай бұрын
Sadly, this interview would be considered blasphemy toward accepted doctrine; hatespeech that wiuld never be allowed anywhere near a typical school today.
@S7EMM Жыл бұрын
I'm very happy to see Richard Dawkins doing a podcast, it will be exciting to see who else he will have discussions with on this platform.
@LightSpell28 Жыл бұрын
I want Rebecca Reilly-Cooper on! Her talk to Coventry Skeptics on this subject was great, its a shame most of the skeptic movement won't touch this. That video is on youtube with a q&a, and is 7 years old or something.
@johnnyf4r 5 ай бұрын
This interview should be mandatory at all sites of education, it is absolute common sense and reality. Two brilliant people of our time
@stellafalconer6715 Жыл бұрын
Such a joy to listen to this conversation between two such intelligent and articulate people. Thank you, Helen and Richard, very much indeed.
@CassiaChloe Жыл бұрын
I'm an absolute leftist here. I 100% agree with you here. Feminist. Anti-stereotype.
@michaelmelamed9103 Жыл бұрын
I’m also a leftist from birth but I was forced to write right handed 😂
@KianJ2003 Жыл бұрын
Defeats the object of being a left winger 🙄
@DDR99999 Жыл бұрын
​​@@KianJ2003 Did you tell that to people who voted for Biden, whose administration approved a multi-billion weapons deal with Saudi Arabia, a country which punishes lgbtq by death? I hope you don't consider such people left wing. Democrats are a right wing neoliberal party, no less, no more right wing than the Republicans, they agree on 99% of important issues.
@rocoe9019 Жыл бұрын
​@@KianJ2003such a sad narrow minded view!
@KianJ2003 Жыл бұрын
@@rocoe9019 nope.
@dear_dennis Жыл бұрын
It is so refreshing to see how two people discuss things in a peaceful way.
@MrChipsugar Жыл бұрын
Yep. It's just a shame they both already agree with each other. If they disagreed and remained civil it would have inspired some hope.
@the42the 9 ай бұрын
I sometimes teach at university in the fine arts in the U.S. and had some students struggle with biological differences when working from the life model. Pelvic differences between the sexes were of particular confusion to a few students; there was a clear regard from these students that I was being intolerant and regressive just by acknowledging the biological difference. One of the students dropped the class. As Ms. Joyce illustrates, it is an odd blindsiding to those of us on the Left (and in my case in the arts) to be intrinsically opposed as intolerant for pointing out something as simple as a difference in pelvic angle. A non-traditionally aged student in the same class was a parent with a child considering transitioning and chided me for not being sensitive enough. I asked her how we could address the skeleton in a fittingly sensitive manner, and she was at a loss.
@balalaika852 8 ай бұрын
my ecology lecturer was doing a workshop on statistics, and when a study came up discussing how male and female differed in height, she said, "This study did not include nonbinary people, unfortunately". When I asked her why did she say that, considering all people are male and female, she lectured me on the phenomenon of intersex and that I should educate myself. She didn't seem to have any idea that nonbinary has nothing to do with disorders of sexual development. A lecturer! And trying to teach stats too. It's just embarrassing.
@christinacorrigan-u1l 7 ай бұрын
Do you think because we have removed ourselves from the land, tat we are confused by biology?
@wbiro 7 ай бұрын
The current young generation finds it fashionable to force psychotic delusions on the clueless world that they were born into. At the deepest level it is both a test and a protest against Continued Universal Human Cluelessness. Children find it humorous when adults are too witless to explain reality adequately.
@TheLaurieJi 5 ай бұрын
@@balalaika852 As if it was in any way a significant data to begin with🤣
@BM-xd7cm Жыл бұрын
Every child should have a Richard Dawkins as a Science Teacher at school - great communicatoin, clear, concise, calm, authoritative backed up by in depth knowledge.
@andrewtrobec9182 Жыл бұрын
I liked this so hard my thumb is hurting and now I think I need to apologise to my phone.
@cynic252 Жыл бұрын
i agree but much of what both of thgem say in this is wrong
@BM-xd7cm Жыл бұрын
@@cynic252 specifically? What are your credentials, given you're saying experts in their fields are wrong, you need to establish your credibility.
@jimmaughan1898 Жыл бұрын
@@BM-xd7cm Neither Dawkins nor Joyce are experts in the field they're discussing. Why not ask them?
@BM-xd7cm Жыл бұрын
@@jimmaughan1898 😂😂
@PhoticSneezeOne Жыл бұрын
It is like the "Loretta" scene from Life of Brian where John Cleese states: "it is symbolic of his struggle against reality"
@blackwolfe638 8 ай бұрын
I was surprised at how well that scene has aged! :)
@Culpride 8 ай бұрын
The joke in that scene is that Loretta wants to have babies. Wich is not possible, no matter how accepted her transition is. Because people can't change their sex, they can only change their gender.
@The-Rest-of-Us Жыл бұрын
Gender is binary on the biological level but somehow made a spectrum on the social level. Ethnicity is an actual spectrum on the biological level but somehow made binary on the social level. Hasn’t the world gone crazy?
@smaakjeks Жыл бұрын
"Gender is binary on the biological level" Neither sex nor gender are binary. So, that's silly of you (and Dawkins) to say. "but somehow made a spectrum on the social level." Do you know what a social construct is? "Ethnicity is an actual spectrum on the biological level but somehow made binary on the social level." You think there are only two social ethnicities? Okay. Maybe you should go outside, or learn what binary means. Both. Do both. "Hasn’t the world gone crazy?" No. You just haven't got a clue about gender and sex. And, that's okay. Just don't pretend to have one.
@The-Rest-of-Us Жыл бұрын
@@smaakjeks “Binary” = yes/no you muppet. As in people are labelled as “white” or “black” or “jewish” or “asian”, when in fact most people are a genetic mixture. Whereas sex is XX or XY on the biological level for ~99.8% of humans. That’s as binary as it gets. Being transracial makes way more sense, biologically speaking, than being transgender. But for some reason the very same people who love transgenderism reject transracialism. Why? Honest question.
@liisk100 Жыл бұрын
​@@smaakjeksI believe she was referring to white people/ P.O.C. This polarization is maybe more a US tendency
@74griffo Жыл бұрын
@benjaminmyers5299 Ай бұрын
​@@smaakjeksNo, sex is a binary: humans are either male OR female. QED
@lsmith6036 11 ай бұрын
Well done Richard and helen for confirming biological men and biological women exist.
@joshuarock4631 10 ай бұрын
dont let the minorities represent us trans who dont identify as the opposite sex, im gay a man and trans but in my culture we do say GIIIRL to everyone lol just like surfer guys call everyone DUUDE! light heartedness is a necessity too
@baitandtackle 9 ай бұрын
You will never find a queer theorist who disagrees with this. Sex is largely binary. But gender is the construct. They are different things. Bucks fuck each other all the time because it feels good. But they only impregnate does. They don't think of themselves as gay when they're banging other bucks. It just feels awesome without needing any distinction. And central to this conversation is this very thing. It's funny how these two talk about it being a literary phenomenon. Because that is the point! This thing that is happening culturally is a realization of how much language is both a prison and a key to the door. And Dawkins of ALL people is acting as a warden simply because he has a gift for describing the walls of the jail and the ridges in each key. I'm straight and I'm old. I also am open to learning and what I have learned with reluctance is that the writers and thinkers behind queer theory have more to offer in the use of language than pretty much anybody out there.
@daved5071 9 ай бұрын
@@baitandtacklegender is the sex of a life form. Sorry to upset your private theory
@lieshtmeiser5542 9 ай бұрын
@@baitandtackle Queer theory is a horrid area of 'scholarship'. One of the cultural marxisms. It questions and attacks dominant sexuality and sex systems merely because they are dominant, not because they are bad.
@CCDR07 8 ай бұрын
Oh, you needed someone with authority to tell you? How do you think you got here in the first place?
@Eudaimonia88 Жыл бұрын
One of the most important and thought-provoking interviews I have had the pleasure of listening to. Two supremely thoughtful and intelligent human beings bringing us the most lucid of conversations. This conversation along with Helen Joyce's book (and Kathleen Stock's book) ought to be required watching/reading for educators, individuals in positions of power, and young people.
@realitymatters8720 Жыл бұрын
I agree that they got around gender and sex as biology, but I wish they would have at the very least touched on the subject of developmental biology. This is where this issue becomes a real problem to define ! There are males with a brain that resembles a woman's more then a male's, and vs versa with woman, saying that such a people are any specific sex/gender makes litte sense to me.
@ashleyl3699 Жыл бұрын
@@realitymatters8720 its called variation, bro. a man is an adult of the male sex, and brains do not determine sex, sex determines the brain. a man with a brain that overlaps with female brains is just as much of a man as a man with a height that overlaps with female height, and his brain is a male brain that has zero female cells in it.
@Hidinginyourcupboard Жыл бұрын
Men (even the nice ones) are necessarily separated from women in particular ways. That is not bigoted towards men. Wanting trans identified men kept separate in the same way is also not bigoted.
@sarahwilson2409 Жыл бұрын
It’s just the emperors new clothes, we’re just waiting for the rest of the villagers to join in with us in calling it out
@DieFlabbergast 9 ай бұрын
Helen Joyce does a very good job of keeping calm and holding back her anger, but you can tell the anger is there, and that it is strong, as it should be.
@memoryhero 8 ай бұрын
This comment is my spirit animal.
@yannicknaert Жыл бұрын
Sticking feathers up your butt doen not make you a chicken ~Tyler Durden
@lsmith6036 Жыл бұрын
@michaelb2388 9 ай бұрын
"Chicken" is a gay term for a young bloke with a huge knob. ~ Dudley Moore, Derek & Clive
@CCDR07 8 ай бұрын
Sure, but you can bet Tyler Durden would have been fighting for the side of the persecuted and oppressed, and actively seeking to undermine gender norms and the incredible amounts of gender-izing that we're exposed to via corporate consumer culture/control. (e.g., pink stuff for girls, blue stuff for boys, not to mention the overt sexualization/degradation of youth used to sell stuff). You might enjoy this analysis of Chuck Palahniuk's critiques of gender identity that I just found here: core.ac.uk/download/pdf/30892824.pdf
@NachtmahrNebenan Жыл бұрын
Dear Professor Dawkins, please have a chat with biologist *Marie-Luise Vollbrecht* : her talk was cancelled at Humboldt(!) University in Berlin because of the topic about the biology of XX and XY chromosomes. She was even hunted by the public service media and discredited as a transphobic "Fish biologist". Thank you 🌺
@smokexsmoke99 4 ай бұрын
Chromosomes aren’t the only things determining sex and gender. It’s a lot more complicated that we learned in grade school. There are cases where two fertilized eggs fuse and the fetus can develop with some tissues with XX chromosomes and some with XY chromosomes. It is difficult to test for since it involves tissue sampling from the involved organs and we don’t know which those are. It is probably much more common than realized because it is only diagnosed when testing for something like maternity/paternity. There are cases where women were told that they were not their children’s mother because the genes in the ovaries were different from those tested in the blood or saliva. It would be interesting to see if some trans people are chimeric and the brain has different genes than the rest of the body. People don’t know how rare this is because it is not tested for. It could certainly account for many cases where people were transgender. Bigot's definition of what is normal and what is not is flawed. Who gave you the right to say that just because XX and XY are in the majority then anything else is an aberration. Using that logic, anyone with blue eyes is not normal. Or anyone who is gay or Jewish. Eugenics is a scary thing. I have given an example of a normal variant where the cells in the brain could be XX and those in the rest of the body XY. Did people notice that a large number of the XX/XY chimeras functioned normally as men or women, including normal fertility?
@Eukng Жыл бұрын
Helen Joyce needs to be on as many platforms as possible. A woman needs to take the reigns in this fight. She is eloquent and an evident leader. I hope she is seen everywhere soon.
@d.d.8745 Жыл бұрын
She should be, but the opposition threatens violence. The platforms and more importantly the institutions that would benefit most from a debate of ideas have opted for the kind of censorship we railed against in the Bush years.
@DosYeobos Жыл бұрын
@@La_Mondeshe is. What is your argument against what is being said here?
@mrpipps90 Жыл бұрын
@@La_Mondethere is no such thing as a transgender person. There are only people with gender dysphoria. I’m sorry if you have gender dysphoria, it must be very difficult. However, there is no such thing as being “born in the wrong body” as there is nothing but the body. The psyche and the body are not separate. It doesn’t really matter how much you have thought about any of this. You are simply what you were born as and you will never be anything different. You just happen to live in a time where you have the ability to change the appearance of your body. If you have decide to attempt to fool the rest of the world to make living life more bearable then more power to you. I wish you all the luck in your charade.
@CCDR07 Жыл бұрын
@@La_Monde Thanks for your well-thought out and comprehensive replies. I don't think I could stress enough the role that entrenched wealth/power striving to maintain the teetering economic hierarchies that plague modern globalized society (along with plutocratic and patriarchical goverments and social instutions, which you alude to) play in maintaining the anger of said mob. Anything to divert attention away from class-based inequalities and injustices, and their inherent dysfunctions (e.g., destroying the environment, irradicating indigenous societies and other ways of being, etc.
@ZotzPhasmo 10 ай бұрын
@@DosYeobos University of Washington found that gender affirming care reduces suicide rate by 73% and depression by 60% in trans youth, and plenty of other studies have produced similar results, yet this woman claims there is no evidence that care prevents suicide?!
@bsaneil 6 ай бұрын
I self-identified as a millionaire last week. Imagine my surprise when I went to the bank, asked for 10'000 pounds, and they refused me!
@MonkeyDIvan 6 ай бұрын
Nice whataboutism
@mkkrupp2462 6 ай бұрын
Maybe if I identify as Aboriginal I can qualify for affirmative action?
@suzannad1306 6 ай бұрын
@cyclicozone2072 6 ай бұрын
The bank must be staffed by bigots 😂😂😂
@cyclicozone2072 6 ай бұрын
@@MonkeyDIvanYou should look up the definition of words before using them. You wouldn’t embarrass yourself so thoroughly 😂
@jlghinis Жыл бұрын
It's insanity that some of the greatest minds have to tiptoe around absolute biological facts.
@lisareynolds9734 Жыл бұрын
Helen Joyce is brilliant, obviously. Yet she speaks so we can all understand! Thank you Richard, amazing interview!❤️
@steveb3881 Жыл бұрын
Good to see that push back against the nonsensical gender woo-woo is now well underway, thanks in large part to brave women like Helen. An excellent and much needed conversation.
@hermask815 10 ай бұрын
There are things I’d like to postpone for a kid until their legal age for them to decide for themselves: Circumcision, tattoos, piercings, gender change. I don’t want to take responsibility for irreversible changes during my time of care.
@LostMyGoatsAgain 9 ай бұрын
Well then you can't have children. The way you raise your child has infinitely more impact on their later life than a tattoo. And funnily enough, gender affirming care is just about that. Actual surgery is super fucking rare, mostly it's puberty blockers so they can make a permanent choice when they are older.
@ballapalleballe 9 ай бұрын
Well, it kind of makes sense 🙂
@lieshtmeiser5542 9 ай бұрын
Big difference between tattoos and sex change... But yes i tend to agree. However, your view has been annihilated by woke marxism out there in the real world. Whatever jurisdictions have a lot of activists, they have tended to cave in. My prediction is that non-radical people (ie non woke people) will reorganize away from radical woke. America has the advantage of charter schools etc but in places like UK and Australia we have no choice. Once public institutions fall to woke, theres nowhere else to go that is affordable.
@thepuddlejumper500 8 ай бұрын
In the UK you can’t get a tattoo until your 18 but a child can change their gender and in Scotland this can be kept a secret between the teacher and child.
@thepuddlejumper500 8 ай бұрын
@@KZbinBrowser-vh5eehow so
@amandatregarthen7350 Жыл бұрын
"The only way a man can become a women and a woman can become a man is linguistically". Perfect
@qarl8176 Жыл бұрын
I'm curious what you mean here. With a simple Google search I can find dozens of photos of trans people who are indistinguishable from their transitioned gender. How are photos "linguistic"?
@sobraine123 Жыл бұрын
@@qarl8176 Photoshop !
@qarl8176 Жыл бұрын
@@sobraine123 Heh... that's funny. But I've seen it in real life, too.
@ambientjohnny Жыл бұрын
@@qarl8176 So now "gender" is a physical issue?
@barrynazer7796 21 күн бұрын
@@qarl8176 That is not the point. You are xy or xx (except for a tiny % of the population) regardless of how you look
@thistles Жыл бұрын
Dr. Dawkins, I have the utmost respect and admiration for you. Your books have been tremendously inspirational and influential in my life. Thank you for speaking with Helen. She’s the perfect person to help you recognize how your desire to be polite and kind is being used to subvert your rationality. A sincere belief does not always merit respect. You would never say that a su!cide bomber has “paid his dues” and merits some accommodation, despite the sincerity of the belief. Please continue to be brave and honest in the face of irrational zealotry.
@hester234 Жыл бұрын
A suic1de bomber kills not only himself but also other people, not by accident but intentionally. Sincere trans people like Buck Angel or Blaire White not only *don't* harm other people, they actively try to speak up against this insanity and help gay kids. They try to prevent them from being medicalized. Whether you think sex/gender dysphoria is a real psychological disorder or not, this comparison is just ludicrous.
@baconsarny-geddon8298 Жыл бұрын
@@hester234 (1) it's an analogy, simply illustrating ONLY the point that sincere (but false) belief, doesn't automatically deserve respect. There are COUNTLESS other ways the two groups AREN'T the same (as with ALL analogies...), but that doesn't matter; it's not the point of the analogy. >"OMG!!! How DARE you say that a person ran like a racehorse?!? Don't you know that horses are quadrupeds, with a tail and pointed ears, while people have TWO legs, no tail, and ears WITHOUT points?!? I can't believe you'd make such an OUTRAGEOUS comparison!!!" And (2) the "sincere trans people" you name are HATED by mainstream trans activists, because you've specifically chosen people who's beliefs DON'T represent the movement, despite Blair and Buck IDing as "trans". What's being critiqued here ISN'T "trans people"; it is the evidence-free ideology of "gender"; An ideology that dominates mainstream trans activists (not "trans PEOPLE", but "trans ACTIVISTS"- Very often """cis allies"""), and which BOTH Buck and Blair (and many other trans people) distance themselves from, by IDing as "tranSEXUALS", rather than "transGENDER. Buck and Blair may try to "live as the opposite sex", but both explicitly OPPOSE the evidence-free lie of "trans women ARE women", which is what's being criticized here. The people that Joyce and Dawkins (and presumably the OP) are criticizing, are THE SAME trans activists that Buck and Blair criticize. Virtually nobody (except trans activists, themselves) has major issue with "old school transexuals" like Buck and Blair- Certainly not "classical liberals" like Joyce and Dawkins... It's the 99.9% of trans activists who DON'T share Buck/Blair's opposition to child-mutilation, and to men in women's prisons and women's sports, who are the group being discussed...
@thistles Жыл бұрын
@@hester234 The purpose of the analogy was to make an extreme comparison to highlight the absurdity of the claim that sincerity of belief increases its legitimacy. That said, trans ideology absolutely harms people. It starts by harming the trans-identified people themselves. It reinforces their delusions and pushes them deeper into unhealthy ways of thinking and living. They suffer mentally and mutilate themselves physically. It harms their partners, parents, and children. There are parents who have been separated from their children, either by the government or by the trans-identified child. The spouses of transitioners are often deeply wounded, and the children are hurt and confused. Women are certainly being harmed by the erosion of our rights. Our sports and spaces are not safe. People have lost their careers over this. Everyone has been harmed by the inversion of reality, denial of science, and obliteration of truth. What makes Blaire and Buck any more "sincere" than other trans-identified people? They're the only true Scotsmen? And I think they do harm people. I think they present a slightly friendlier face to a harmful ideology and bring down people's guard. Blaire still invades women's spaces. Both perpetuate sexist stereotypes. Both are porn-sick. Both use wrong-sex pronouns. Not medicalizing kids is the absolute bare minimum. They're not heroes for not abusing children; they're just inches above the monsters who actively mutilate kids.
@20plus30 Жыл бұрын
The joy of listening to intelligent people talking in a respectful way, Thank you.
@Snapdra6on Жыл бұрын
Pity they are both ignorant on the matter.
@jodiebasye9798 Жыл бұрын
@@Snapdra6on They are actual people of science! LOL I am sure you know more than they do about science. LOL
@Snapdra6on Жыл бұрын
@@jodiebasye9798 no, but I trust the overwhelming majority of experts in the field who unequivocally disagree with them.
@wendywoo25 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Helen for being the voice of common sense. Please keep up this very important good work
@padraigadhastair4783 Жыл бұрын
I knew it, brilliant conversation. Thank you Richard, thank you Helen. Cheers.
@swanofnutella4734 Жыл бұрын
There are so many atheists who fail to bring their skeptical rigor on this issue. I'm glad to see Dawkins display some semblance of reason.
@LightSpell28 Жыл бұрын
About 7 years ago i saw a video on youtube, Rebecca Reilly-Cooper's talk to Coventry Skeptics. Its really good and also has a q&a video. It sucks how much the skeptic community dropped the ball on this one.
@Lycaerix Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, atheism isn't an inoculation against irrational beliefs or even religiosity, as this nonsense has proved.
@swanofnutella4734 Жыл бұрын
@@Lycaerix Sad but true, but what I really lament is not just atheists per se, but the disappointments of those who make a big verbal deal about active, conscious, skepticism, and yet....
@churblefurbles Жыл бұрын
Honestly they've been sticking their heads in the sand since it became obvious atheism is a darwin award.
@berrygirlfinn Жыл бұрын
Matt, we’re talking to you….
@eleanam4835 9 ай бұрын
This podcast gives me so much hope 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@Nina_Olivia 5 ай бұрын
The meeting of two brilliant minds. Wonderful, thought-provoking discussion.
@lsmith6036 Жыл бұрын
So pleased to see Richard Dawkins stand up for reality, great bloke
@Reality6789 Жыл бұрын
What an amazing truth teller, Helen Jove a refreshing voice of reason and fact.
@Sistrolgylove1. Жыл бұрын
@dj4vasconcelos Жыл бұрын
​@@La_Mondeso by that logic the many trans right here on KZbin who agree more with them then with the trans movemment are also correct? Or are they the confused ones?
@dj4vasconcelos Жыл бұрын
@@La_Monde É compreensível que não percebas o meu inglês, mas provavelmente ias perceber pior o meu espanhol por isso vou escrever em português. Por essa ordem de ideias os muitos trans que, aqui no KZbin, concordam mais com este vídeo do que com a ideologia trans também estão corretos? Ou será que eles é que estão confusos?
@chadikhater1441 Жыл бұрын
Respect to Helen and Richard for speaking truth and reality to a deluded and confused generation.
@BleedForTheWorld Жыл бұрын
Not respect. Shame and shame on his legacy as a biologist.
@mr.monitor. Жыл бұрын
​@@BleedForTheWorldfor what?
@robertholland7558 Жыл бұрын
@@BleedForTheWorldno respect for your opinion either, absolutely none! The youth of today are not confused and deluded, they are gaslit, and it is high time this gaslighting is stopped,and gaslighters re-educated or removed from society!
@BleedForTheWorld Жыл бұрын
@@robertholland7558 the conservative pundit Blaire White said she knew she was trans as a young child. Was she lying? I don't think she was lying about that
@baconsarny-geddon8298 Жыл бұрын
100%. (Sex-independent) "gender" is a literal religion, sharing THE EXACT SAME standard of evidence (ie. A standard that says empirical evidence doesn't matter, and that "but it FEEELS true, to me!!" is the sole criteria that defines "the REAL truth"), as every other religion. (Sex-independent) "Gender" is functionally just the traditional religious "soul", with a few minor tweaks- An undetectable, unprovable, 100% evidence-free thing, which is deep inside each person, which defines "your TRUE identity", and "your REAL self"; A thing based on exactly ZERO empirical evidence, but ONLY validated by the testimony/unsupported assertion of believers... ...And which, despite the total absence of ANY SHRED of empirical evidence it even exists, is claimed by believers to (somehow?!?) provide A FAR GREATER TRUTH than mere, trivial, verifiable, objectively-real, physical evidence... And believers in "gender" make OBJECTIVELY SUPERNATURAL/MAGICAL claims, relying on that exact same standard of evidence ("it FEEELS true, to me!!") as any other religion; The clearest example would have to be the claim that ANY man can mererly speak the words "I identify as a woman", and from that moment on, he truly IS "a woman" (in whatever mystical, pseudo-spiritual, evidence-free sense of the word they believe in), who can now be expected to conform to women's crime patterns, no longer poses the potential physical threat, that we generally acknowledge ALL biological males to potentially pose (which is why men who DON'T speak the sentence aren't allowed in women's bathrooms- For THESE men, we acknowledge that males commit >98% of sex crimes, with women being the vast majority of victims. Therefore no men in women's bathrooms... But for those men who DO speak the sentence, those evidence-based stats no longer apply, apparently...) This is just a textbook MAGICAL SPELL- A sentence which, when spoken, alters physical reality via some mysterious, non-physical mechanism (AKA "magic"). Also the idea that it's possible to be "non-binary", and (in whatever sense) "neither male OR female"- This CAN ONLY be a claim about some kind of "spiritual realm", or similar (although obviously believers will deny this. Just like most Christians will deny that they believe Jesus was "magical"... even though that is DEFINITIONALLY what they OPENLY preach; They just dislike the CONNOTATIONS of the word, in both cases), since in EVERY real-world, evidence-based sense, these """non binary folx"""" are EXACTLY as male/female as anyone else... Hell, their most common mantra of "trans-women ARE women" is a literal supernatural claim; In EVERY evidend-based sense, EVERY SINGLE """"trans woman"" ever, without exception, has been an objective, demonatrable, evidence-based MAN... In fact, the one thing that a (real-world, evidence-based) woman can NEVER, EVER BE, is a "trans woman" (neither in evidencr-based reality, OR within the evidnce-free ideology of "gender") The claim that "trans women ARE women", like ALL religious claims, can ONLY be accepted as "truth", by "taking it on faith"...The same way that "gender" ideology explicitly demands that we all REJECT objective, evidence-based truth, and demands that instead that people's """gender""" self-ID MUST be unquestioningly "taken on faith" (despite the 100% absence of evidence... and despite the fact that these self-ID's typically DIRECTLY CONTRADICT every single shred of real-world, empirical evidence). To NOT accept on faith the testimony of a believer's """gender""' self-ID, means that you CAN ONLY be a hateful, immoral, sinner (or "a hateful bigotted transphobe", to use the religion's own terminology... But the accusation is functionally 100% identical to a Christian accusation that "you just hate god, and want to sin!!!"; BOTH just mean "rejecting my evidence-free assertions AUTOMATICALLY you immoral, and a terrible person, in my ideology") I know it's a common cliche to say "Trump supporters are a religion", "liberals are a religion" etc. But however much we may like/dislike ANY of those political ideologies, NONE share the literal "supernatural" claims, nor share the "but it FEEELS true, to me" standard of evidence, nor share the requirement for a "spiritual/supernatural realm",implicit in concepts like "born in the wrong body", "trans women ARE women", belief in "Non-binary", etc.
@geordangullock9223 Ай бұрын
Every time these two say something I feel like applauding.
@noradc Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Richard and Helen, for a laying out the reality of sex and the regressive madness of trans ideology with such clarity and conviction.
@KianJ2003 Жыл бұрын
You’re not gonna be able to stop our community from having rights.
@ltmt662 Жыл бұрын
@@KianJ2003 you're on the losing side buddy, this is just the beginning. Alienating women was the greatest mistake
@KianJ2003 Жыл бұрын
@@ltmt662 you won’t come for our rights ✌🏻
@ltmt662 Жыл бұрын
@@KianJ2003 the legislations are already changing. A minority without the support of the people you alienated has no power
@KianJ2003 Жыл бұрын
@@ltmt662 you literally can’t come for our rights, you can’t come for trans folk, gay marriage, gay rights.. you can’t come for any of it
@Retrobeemer 7 ай бұрын
*Really enjoyed listening to Helen and I've noticed much of the coercion she speaks of on TikTok. The whole 'love bombing' thing with followers and gifts for one. I've never really spoken out about anything in my 57 years but I feel that this is a topic that I don't want to be silent on for fear of being complicit.*
@SewerPossum Жыл бұрын
Reality simply persists in the face of whatever inane ideology humanity vomits up.
@markgarrett3647 Жыл бұрын
Godlessness lubricates the absorption of that inane ideology.
@flightlessbird9334 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this interview! When I was 9 years old, my parents got divorced and I grew up with my father. We lived quite isolated and he had very a misogynistic attitude that I picked up as a little girl. Obviously, when I hit puberty, I developed a lot of dislike towards the person I am becoming, because all I knew was my dad's hate towards anything feminine. My mother was not around, and I had no other female figure in my life to balance my world view, so I started to hate myself. Thinking back it terrifies me that, if trans culture would have been around as much back then, I would have been the perfect "victim", because at that time there was nothing I wanted more than to be a boy and have all my defining female features removed. It took me decades to work through the mental abuse, but doing so made me content with the person I am. I still don't dress very feminine, which made many people think I'm a lesbian, but I am in a happy straight relationship for over 10 years now, am loved by my partner and have learned to love myself. It's an important part of my life journey, and it makes me sad that it's something I could never share with most of my friends, because some are trans and I know they would be offended, even if I leave the story as something that only applies to me. It definitely feels like cult behavior and in order to stay in my friends group, I have to shut up about my views, my personal history or any worry I have about the subject. It's really sad that we ended up like this, and I am so, so happy that this interview exists and there are voices of science and not right wing that speak out on the topic. Thank you so much, Mr. Dawkins!
@davidcoverdale722 Жыл бұрын
A man goes into female changing rooms, strips off and has a good look at all the women there - the police are called. A man decides he's a female that day, goes goes into female changing rooms, strips off and has a good look at all the women there - stunning and brave.
@jjphoenix4055 Жыл бұрын
So rewarding listening the voice of common sense amongst all the craziness we're having in the world right now about genderism. I fully agree 100% with everything she said and I hope society would be able eventually realize how many crimes they've been commited in the name of progressism and diversity.
@cockoffgewgle4993 Жыл бұрын
She's parroting "progressivism and diversity"-- just the type of 5 years ago. It's amusing how many women suddenly don't like it now that they're not the top victims anymore and many of their privileges are being threatened.
@LoveYourself-my9nz 8 ай бұрын
Genderism is not progressive in any way it's actually regressive because it's based on sexism if you try to understand it. But there are some people out there who don't understand the difference between being progressive/ open minded or being stupid. And they are claiming it's progressive.
@lolalaise4530 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! Both of you are incredibly intelligent and your voice is needed in pushing back against this delusional ideology.
@ryaugn 7 ай бұрын
It’s so nice and refreshing to listen to a formidable advocate for atheism talk about the trans issues from a scientific perspective, who also hasn’t absorbed the trans ideology unquestionably. As someone who grew up, listening to The Atheist Experience, and other great atheist speakers, who always seem to be in science based, one of the most disappointing things has been watching the principles of science and rationality, become put on the back burner for political and ideological motives.
@twigsagan3857 Жыл бұрын
I am very progressive leftwing, and I totally agree science should be the answer. There are two arguments that are making me a hardliner too: 1) I will only acknowledge gender if someone can give me a hypothesis that can be tested like: "Women generally live longer than man". We can do it with sex, meaning sex is something well defined and real. As long as I can not make a similar prediction with gender identity, it just doesn't have any value. It is like introducing a new variable "fluppywup" and saying: "I'm fluppywup bananamilshake" so you have to call me mr Banana. If you can't make predictions with it, a variable is worthless. 2) If they can not even define the word woman other than: "A woman is someone who identifies as a woman, who identifies as a woman, who identifies as a ..." You have a problem as well. This is a circular definition. And if you can not define a word, DON'T FUCKING USE IT.
@Graham_Wideman Жыл бұрын
Hmmm. Well first, on your #1the statistic that women on average live longer than men does not lead to longer life distinguishing all women from all men, so I'm not sure what your point is. Also, in matters of trans people, we're talking about psychological makeup, so a more apt example would be perhaps that women tend to favor a cooperative relationship with peers, while men are more likely to be competitive. It might well turn out that trans women and trans men fit those same profiles. These are variables that can be measured quite tractably, if less sharply categorical than "has certain organ or not". On your #2 point, I understand you to be expressing frustration over lack of clarity of language obstructing clarity of thought. Sure. But I think that's somewhat the caricature version of the story getting in the way of taking seriously the trans person's experience -- of profound discomfort making their way in life as their original gender, and much better fit as the opposite gender. Maybe the words are a mess, maybe we need new words. The lack of right words, and people getting mad about the sideshows, doesn't make the plight of trans people illegitimate.
@caronadams4486 Жыл бұрын
@graham_Wiseman You can create new words and change the meaning of words but you can't change sexes. This is the reality we all live in but it doesn't diminish the reality that trans people suffer psychologically, and we should all recognize their plight and find ways to reduce their suffering.
@smaakjeks Жыл бұрын
@@caronadams4486 "You can create new words and change the meaning of words but you can't change sexes." You can't change your gamete production and you can't change your chromosomes. But, that's NOT what trans-gendered people want.
@smaakjeks Жыл бұрын
1) Gender is a social construct. Do you know what that is? 2) A woman is someone who adheres more so to feminine social roles, presentation, and expectations, than masculine ones. Not very difficult.
@liisk100 Жыл бұрын
​@@smaakjeksI do not adhere to any social expectations or stereotypes I'd the feminine. Am I a man?
@OldTimer16s Жыл бұрын
I Love Dawkins ❤️
@fionagregory9147 Жыл бұрын
Me too.
@nickaslanidis6156 Жыл бұрын
People call him a conservative and even alt right now. It's so ridiculous.
@OldTimer16s Жыл бұрын
@@nickaslanidis6156 because people have lost their minds! Dawkins is the single most rational person I've come across. His arguments are precise and whenever he approaches a territory that he doesn't have sufficient knowledge of, he doesn't pretend- he says it like it is and admits that he'll have to read about it. I admire him for his sincerity and good intent in any and all argumentations he ever had. It saddens me that he's getting older and that I will probably never get to meet and thank him in person for influencing my personality the way he did.
@nickaslanidis6156 Жыл бұрын
@OldTimer16s i understand, I've been reading his books since the early 90s. This is not a topic he's ignorant of, this is area of expertise and people should listen to him.
@OldTimer16s Жыл бұрын
@@nickaslanidis6156 that is true! It is a matter of simple sixth grade biology
@jstefani247 Жыл бұрын
This is superb! Clarity in madness. Many thanks to Richard and Helen.
@CCDR07 Жыл бұрын
Yet, I find it odd that someone like Dawkins, who has amassed an untold wealth of knowledge of empirical and theoretical research on biology and evolution, frames this discussion in such an un-nuanced and un-scientific way by advocating that the immense diversity of human sexuality, (behaviours, experiences, and identities) can be adequately or appropriately, (or usefully) described by a binary categorization... Isn't he the one who said "Nature abhors a category"?!? For example, at minute 3:10 he mentions gamete size and chromosomes (weirdly not mentioning penises and vaginas)... what about the vast assemblage of interacting influences amongst an individual's biochemistry, physiology, emotional states, the complex web of our minds/psychology, developmental learning/enculturation, etc., etc. which evolution continues to shape and influence over millenia? Human sexuality occurs along a mutlitude of axes and spectrums., surely Dawkins should be the first to admit this? What is the value of focussing discussions of sexuality on a binary category? Scientific knowledge of sexual differences in relation to medicine/disease and behaviour/psychology must of course largely cleave to these distinctions (and the individuals and professionals involved by and large do), but that's it! In the realm of our intimate and formal social relationships, institutions, and cultures, science can only provide one kind of understanding, while art and communcation to share our lived experiences provides a much broader and comprehensive avenue to develop a shared understanding of what it means to be human and how to thrive... With all respect to Dawkins (and the visible and invisible minorities who are affected by public policy and public mis-apprehesions concerning gender identity), the inflamatory, inflating, and conflating discussions that constitute "gender wars", and which grips media channels, political discussions, and the public sphere are like a form of madness. Much like mask wearing was in relation to the covid pandemic, where one falls on gender identity has become a flag and signal of tribal affiliation, rather than a multi-faceted issue to be discussed using our hearts, minds (and ears). Thus, I wish I could beseech Dawkins to reflect on which individual and social harms he is hoping to mitigate in engaging in this way with these issues, and which harms he is inadvertently perpetuating and exacerbating in both out broader society, and in relation to a persecuted minority.
@Solicitor1957 9 ай бұрын
She is brilliant. So lucid and intelligent. Thank you.
@Wolfeur Жыл бұрын
I cannot overstate how important it is, and how happy I am, that you, an eminent scientist and public figure, are willing to criticise a movement that has become incredibly divisive and highly partisan. When I see many great people embrace uncritically trans rhetoric and so many crazy people go against it, I feel conflicted about my stance on the matter. It feels very comforting to know that there are great, rational minds, and good people that are _actually_ sharing my opinions.
@Tenzin62 Жыл бұрын
Autogynophilia . It’s a condition, or kink, where a man becomes sexually aroused at the thought of, or acting out being a woman.
@fmlAllthetime 6 ай бұрын
What about us whom aren't turned on by the idea of being feminine. Like, I'm turned on by respectful people that kiss well. That's about it.
@lilme7052 2 ай бұрын
That's got nothing to do with why people change their sex .
@daniel_p94 Ай бұрын
​​@@lilme7052You can't change your sex nor can you speak to all the reasons as to why those who'd attempt acting out as the opposing gender do so.
@benjaminmyers5299 Ай бұрын
​@@lilme7052People cannot change their sex- they claim to because of their sexual fetishes (autogynephilia/autoandrophilia)
@LittleMissPyeWacket Жыл бұрын
Thank you Richard, please keep up the conversation and fight, this really does matter.
@rappers5719 9 ай бұрын
What an absolute breath of fresh air. Thank you both.
@domm6812 Жыл бұрын
The aggressive attacks against anyone who dares question (not outright deny) the claims of trans activists is incredibly disturbing. There are frequently threats, harassment, doxing, attempts to damage or destroy people's livelihood, and also actual acts of violence. I understand that its a sensitive topic but none of this is OK. It has resulted in an atmosphere of fear and hostility, and has in many cases turned neutral parties against the trans movement. I don't think this is the way forward for these people. Open discussion must be allowed to happen, no matter how uncomfortable it is for the affected parties.
@qarl8176 Жыл бұрын
This sounds truly horrible. But I've heard several horrible stories in this discussion which have turned out to be not true - so sadly I must remain skeptical of all claims. Can you cite some examples of violence committed against those who have questioned the science of gender affirming care?
@qarl8176 Жыл бұрын
I hope you understand - when you make claims like that and then don't back them up, it reinforces the belief that these claims are fiction. So far in these comments I've seen no fewer than five people make horrible claims like this, only to see them disproved.
@annadenardis6429 4 ай бұрын
​​@@qarl8176you have a fair point . From my part, just in the last week I had an exchange on FB which has left me a bit shaken, as in worried for the future. I commented positively on a girl's comment about gender roles being social constructs . As a 57yo woman of very liberal views, i said yes, indeed they are purely socio-cultural constructs, unlike genders, which are biological. Within seconds, another user self identifying as a trans male (biological female) sent me out of the blue a super long super aggressive litany of insults, calling me in capital letters a BIGOT, IGNORANT, an enemy of the trans community and a dangerous individual. In the meantime i exchanged some polite comments with otber young users. I responded politely to the trans activist, explaining my lifelong support to LGBTQ people but at the same time making some scientific points and highlighting the plight of young, permanently mutilated and sterilized detransitioners who were failed by a system that should have had better safeguards in place. Oh my god, he vomited another super long litany of ideologised propaganda,calling me all sorts of names and concluding I am a danger and an enemy to the trans community , that the community doesn t want me 😂 and I should crawl back into whatever "tartarus encrusted crack I had crawled out of". Yes. He was so off the mark on all counts, and so triggered, i did not respond. But eventually i did offer an olive branch, explaining that we had in fact similar views on some of the points he was shouting abouts , and surely we could build bridges and not end the conversation on such a horrible note. So again, I calmly and politely made my points, trying to clear the misunderstandings and also calling him out on a couple of bullshit claims( he was talking about monosomy and trisomy like they had anytbing to do with sex not being a binary thing). I truly wished him a long, happy and fulfilled life, and assured him that I would not engage further. He then onge again responded aggressively calling me a complete ignorant, a propagandist of the far right , Trumpist and fundamentalist christian side. I mean, I am even an ateis😂t, for fxxxx sake😂 that's it. I did not engage further. I feel sad for these angry young people blinded by ideology and totally incapable of real debate and civil disagreement. The future is bleak.
@MultipleGrievance 3 ай бұрын
Well yeah, Disturbing.Sure but this is common on the left and has been for probably your entire life. The only difference now it's not just the right that's getting treated this way.
@sofierutherford1563 Жыл бұрын
Thank the world for people like Helen Joyce, JK Rowling and Milli Hill... I just can't believe everyone can't see what's going on here. Total madness! It feels like a modern-day version of witch hunting.
@BanjoPixelSnack Жыл бұрын
And Kellie Jay Keen AKA the Posie Parker at Standing For Women.
@ThanosNikolopoulos Жыл бұрын
I see many comments, but I don't see many adress a simple and clearly stated issue: This whole comversation and debate attacks womens rights! Everyone talks about trans rights, but no one talks about womens rights, women who are now faced with the possibility of being in the same space with a MALE, whatever he prefers to call himself! What happens when what I prefer to call myself is against what you see with your eyes and you know that can function against you as a woman? Everyone talks about the right of a trans to compete in womens sports, and no one talks about the rights of women to compete fairly against other women. And it may be too "in your face" and maybe questionable, but "this is a case of men attacking womens rights" is a valid point that needs to be adressed.
@JudoP_slinging Жыл бұрын
See: Oppression Hierarchy. Trans is cast as oppressed and women are cast as (amongst) oppressors in this case. The proponents of this care only about increasing perceived equity, not about fairness or common sense.
@AverageAlien Жыл бұрын
Women are the ones that pushed this BS ever since obtaining their "rights"
@HiAdrian Жыл бұрын
The _not being able to talk honestly about issues_ started chiefly with feminism and anti-racist rhetoric. That's where Western society got its practice in shutting up (in public discourse) about obvious falsehoods. Trans ideology is now riding in that moat, quite successfully.
@chaelwright8450 Жыл бұрын
You do realise there are trans men as well as trans women?
@74griffo Жыл бұрын
@@chaelwright8450It’s not relevant to the points mentioned though. Are biological males concerned about a trans man in their changing room? Or competing against them in elite sports? I’d imagine no, not very often.
@johnnyf4r 5 ай бұрын
An absolute amazing brilliant Woman. Breath of fresh air hearing two highly intelligent people speak the truth. This woman is a living hero.
@PhillipJohnsonphiljo Жыл бұрын
I saw something that made me laugh a lot recently. Someone had stated "I use he/him pronouns" and another person replied, "No, you just used the ' i ' pronoun, which perhaps by accident was the correct use of pronouns on this occasion"
@jacobmatthews7524 Жыл бұрын
the wikipedia article for the musician "SOPHIE" uses the word "SOPHIE" every time a pronoun would normally be used, since he insisted that no pronouns should be used to identify him. its getting ridiculous.
@tulyar57 Жыл бұрын
​@@jacobmatthews7524 "Its getting ridiculous". 'it' in the word it's is a pronoun,Jacob. The word is banned.
@bcazz5202 Жыл бұрын
So true, so when someone asks your pronouns, the proper response is me, myself & I.
@JaneA544 Жыл бұрын
Oh that's really good I may purloin this, if you don't mind?
@sam.ahmed1 Жыл бұрын
@@JaneA544 I like that you used the word 'purloin'.
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