Ex-Brahmin Now Christian Exposes Hinduism

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Polite Leader

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This week I had the privilege of being able to interview a dear brother in the Lord, Sandeep. Sandeep has appeared previously on Apologia and the Doreen Virtue channel. In this interview, he talks about his journey away from Hinduism and to Christianity. He also goes over some of the major tenets of the Hindu faith and provides some criticism from a biblical world-view.

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@mariamdaisy1719 2 ай бұрын
I am a Muslim convert and now living in exile . Have been facing persecution the day I accepted Jesus my God and savior . Truth is always bitter
@faithwalker_jc 2 ай бұрын
I am praying for your life situation. A real Christian who truly live by abiding in Christ will face serious persecution irrespective of the former spiritual background. Read 2Timothy 3:12 As Islam is a false religion built by inducing fear using humiliation, emotional and physical torture and killing those who accept Jesus, you will experience fear. You should know that Christians doesn't fear death as true love cast out fear. We know that our life with Christ who is our redeemer and Judge shall remain all through eternity and so don't fear anyone who may destroy our body or kill us.
@surajsharmabusgeeth7460 2 ай бұрын
Stay blessed
@cleretfernandes5972 2 ай бұрын
Wait by faith through Grace for the day you will taste the eternal life ..the rapture is due
@machomachoduck2096 2 ай бұрын
God bless you, sister.
@nurudeenoladipo1445 2 ай бұрын
New Muslim converts face persecution too, but many of them are busy learning the new religion; why don't you ever do so & I can quickly link this to why you speak the way you do most times. One common line is that they saw Jesus, yet none of them has been able to describe him. They also talk about Jesus arresting someone & one wonders if he's Police officer. Their comments show they're not learning anything. It's so sad!
@LUCIFER-cg4mc Ай бұрын
I was born christian but after reading bhagwat gita and vedas of Hinduism i have fall in love with this religion,proud to be hindu now, jai shree krishna radhe radhe 🙏🏻😊
@Mysticwell23 Ай бұрын
I converted recently Christianity was forced on me and I was born disabled I've seen very dark things in the west the Kali yuga spreads rapidly I'm an assault survivor and deliverance almost killed me took so much from me😭 I'm so thankful Shiva and Kali ma have helped me through this mess warn others about deliverance it's darkness and deception lest the Kali yoga spread to India let not the western culture currupt the east so much darkness and insanity
@osmanthebirdlover4135 Күн бұрын
I am bramman😊but recently my full family reverted in islam😊😊
@amitprakash4492 Ай бұрын
I converted from a Hindu to a believer in Christ but then realized the hollowness in it and now back to being a Hindu which is more or less a way of life free from a particular book. I wish you well and hope you enjoy your spiritual journey.
@user-sn7io5th9s Ай бұрын
These kind of people are just brainwashers, when they get converted will follow and study other religion but not Hinduism, you are lucky you realised,Ram Ram.🕉️🙏
@pishro09 Ай бұрын
Did you convert your Cow with you or just you alone
@amitprakash4492 Ай бұрын
@@pishro09 No I converted my dog who is very faithful. He too now barks at jerks like you.
@amitprakash4492 Ай бұрын
I converted my faithful dog. He too wanted to live free and thus embraced Hinduism.
@pookuzhimarudhu7923 Ай бұрын
​@@amitprakash4492amazing.. Praise the lord... Myself an Ex Hindu, found Jesus when i was in deepest trouble in my life... tried to commit suicide. found a life in Jesus❤❤❤
@koushik990srpt 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for this interview! I am a Hindu convert too, well and truly saved by God’s grace!
@islamkabawaal5292 3 ай бұрын
U r in a Solar Cult now. Christianity is nothing but a solar cult. Islam is a lunar cult. I just watched Jordan Maxwell and understood this cult.
@nickt2559 3 ай бұрын
@islamkabawaal5292 3 ай бұрын
So you are in a Solar Cult now 😂 Christianity is a Solar Cult. Islam is a lunar cult. Both are expansionist cults.
@csmoviles 3 ай бұрын
We would love to hear your testimony. I bet you have the true peace and joy in your heart that Jesus our Saviour offers us❤❤❤❤. May God bless you abundantly. Welcome to God's family ❤❤❤
@islamkabawaal5292 3 ай бұрын
@@csmoviles It's a cult: a solar cult, just like Islam is a Lunar Cult, Christianity is a Solar Cult.
@karvind 3 ай бұрын
I am from the 4th Caste Called Shudra (untouchable) Jesus touched our lives. My Dad saw persecution from his siblings, from people of his circle. From my Mom as well. But today whole family has come to the knowledge of Christ Jesus.
@Amen7801 3 ай бұрын
Praise the Lord
@Amen7801 3 ай бұрын
God bless you and family
@karvind 2 ай бұрын
@@Amen7801 thank you 🙏 and God bless you all as well.
@akilan09 2 ай бұрын
​@@karvind​​ have you studied bible. I would like to have a conversation with you. I have read the bible and could not find the philosophy to be from The god.
@anishb9216 2 ай бұрын
But now unbelievers are children of satan and you can't mix with them😅
@chieftain5391 2 ай бұрын
I had a Hindu father and Muslim mother who both became Christians when they got married. All the children grew up as christians
@Tom-and-Jerry-again 2 ай бұрын
The New Covenant of God (Malachi 3-1) is about our "delight" in The Messenger of The New Covenant. Malachi is the final Book of The Old Testament, The Torah. The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ, at every turn of Bible pages, is instructing us to establish our individual... Our Relationship, The Relationship with God... God, Who Is The One, The Creator. ... A human being's goal is clear (John 14-20). The Way to The Relationship is free to all people (John 15-26). Anyone, even those evil and sinners, can move themselves to receive Grace, Glory and to be Born Again in Christ (Matthew 7-7 to 7-12).
@nehakulkarni5009 2 ай бұрын
How sad. LoL
@Tom-and-Jerry-again 2 ай бұрын
@@nehakulkarni5009 God used the word "delight." The word delight is the opposite of "sad."
@nehakulkarni5009 2 ай бұрын
@@Tom-and-Jerry-again Book still collapses
@Tom-and-Jerry-again 2 ай бұрын
@@nehakulkarni5009 The ONE God is immune from any type collapse. It's impossible for infinity to collapse - by definition it is eternally enlarging.
@rosslewchuk9286 3 ай бұрын
I had to correct some ladies practicing "Christian yoga." There is no such thing. It amounts to dangerous religious syncretism! Thanks for this video!🙏📖
@pmaitrasm 3 ай бұрын
Yes, it is dangerous for the church fathers who don't want to lose control of their flock. Yoga literally means unity. It is cognate with the English word yoke. You unite an action with God, because God acts as a placebo. You unite five times daily exercise with prayer, and you get namaz. You unite abstinence with God, and you get quadradecima or lent. You unite dedicated work and God, you get Karma Yoga. You unite dedicated exercise and God, you get Hatha Yoga. These are all good practices, and those that do the above, are called Yogis. It is unfortunate that a lot of church fathers deliberately lie and spread venom about something quite harmless that scares the daylights out of them.
@tempelhoferfeld7727 3 ай бұрын
​@@pmaitrasmthe autority are Not priests,it is YESHUA and his Word the bible! You can Not serve two Masters ! Be blessed
@pmaitrasm 3 ай бұрын
@@tempelhoferfeld7727, Yeshua was meant to deliver the Jews from Roman rule through revolution. He was defeated by Titus Flavius Vespasian and crucified. I respect him but he was to deliver the Jews, not the whole world. That prophecy by Saint Matthew never came true. Sadly, victors make rules, including rules of religion.
@tempelhoferfeld7727 3 ай бұрын
@@pmaitrasm my friend without the spirit of GOD you cant understand his WORD!YESHUA came 1.time as a lamb (Ben Joseph)2.time he will come as Lion(Ben David).So his 2.coming is in future!And yes he died for all,Not only for the jews!AND HE RESURRECTED,SO HE IS ALIVE!Be blessed
@pmaitrasm 3 ай бұрын
@@tempelhoferfeld7727, Sorry, we can disagree on that. He was supposed to deliver the Jews, he tried, he failed, he was crucified, and his ideology hijacked by the propagandist who went by the _nomme-de-plume_ Josephus Flavius.
@kewalkoonar5557 2 ай бұрын
I'm from a sikh background. Coming to Christ nearly cost me my life. Jesus protected me.
@subhasishdas8557 2 ай бұрын
Why is your Lord Jesus Christ not saving all the Christian families who were destroyed in the war in Ukraine?
@joyofthelordneh8104 2 ай бұрын
​@@subhasishdas8557 Luke 16:19-31 KJV There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: [20] And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, [21] And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. [22] And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; [23] And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. [24] And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. [25] But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. [26] And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. [27] Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: [28] For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. [29] Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. [30] And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. [31] And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
@joyofthelordneh8104 2 ай бұрын
ETERNAL SALVATION does not necessarily mean all good things are going to happen in your present life in this world. IT IS PEACE WITH GOD. May GOD BLESS YOU ❤
@JamesRoe-w8v 2 ай бұрын
@WahidaPal Ай бұрын
​@@subhasishdas8557 Good question! Because we all have to die in this life. But His Kingdom that my Lord Jesus Christ has prepared for His people... Is many times more beautiful than the world! Jesus loves you 2! God Bless 🙏🏽❤️
@haridasshenoy8334 2 ай бұрын
Dark religion!!! That's amazing judgement. I am happy to be a Hindu. May you find peace in your choice.
@adriandlobo Ай бұрын
Yes bro it is a dark religion and all the idols are demons ,i hope and pray that you find the truth and the truth will set u free from misconceptions 🙏🏻
@pookuzhimarudhu7923 Ай бұрын
Bro is spitting the truth, not judgment.... Please check RIG VEDA yourself.... i came out of Hinduism after reading Rig veda.. don't get fooled by Brahmins😊
@haridasshenoy8334 Ай бұрын
@@pookuzhimarudhu7923 Best wishes to you also. I read only books like Karma Yoga and Jnana Yoga by Vivekananda. My request to those who leave Hindusim - please don't fall prey to paedophile priests or land in Magdalene Laundry.
@pookuzhimarudhu7923 Ай бұрын
@@haridasshenoy8334 Bro. relax. We are not kids anymore... You cannot simply bluff and cheat innocents just to fill your stomach...
@dialogswithgod7128 Ай бұрын
The Christian crusader history is not revealed when converting a subject so they do not know the real dark history. When they will find out with little self effort they'll have a lot of sleepless nights and regret in rest of their life for following a man made cult and the life may have been over by the time its is figured out.
@SAMBA732 Ай бұрын
Using Brahmin tool is a form of marketing by christos. 😂😂😂
@KingXRO0 Ай бұрын
Yes it is
@MANOJPANDEY-of2rg 9 күн бұрын
😂😂 vahi toh 😂😂
@kesavannamboothi 2 ай бұрын
Hinduism is not religious it is spiritual by nature.
@josephs4044 Ай бұрын
Cut the crap. All ancient religions were bad. The new religions like Christianity and Buddhism came up as corrective forces later and so they are better, especially because they were engineered to correct a lot of mistakes. People who have scientific temperament have discovered that they are not good enough and are not at all good for this age. Idiots still hang on to some or other religion. They only need to read the whole of their scriptures to understand how foolish these religions are all. But yes foolish people won't read it. That's why all the religions countries are so poor. Be it most Muslim countries, eastern European Christan countries or India.
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
@Henny_Karoung Ай бұрын
@JoeBiden69484 Ай бұрын
more like a evil cult
@DGVaghela-bl7mi 24 күн бұрын
Yes you are right 👍 jo nahi jante vo idiots he prude of hindu
@Jiv509 2 ай бұрын
I can't believe he was a Brahmin. If he was he should know that there is no such word as 'caste' in Hinduism. We have 'jatis' or 'varnas' which is different to the the British and Portuguese prescribed caste system. He must be very ill informed or not too bright. Btw, Hinduism is the most peaceful religion, how can you claim it is dark. Xtians massacred millions in spreading Xtianity - pure ignorance/darkness.
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
Really??? 😂😂😂 Then who is a brahmin? Who is a dalit? Why hindu kill muslims and christian??
@KingXRO0 Ай бұрын
I agree 💯, that fool claiming to be a brahmin new nothing.
@holycat8312 Ай бұрын
Read your own scriptures . They both are the same.
@Unikdb Ай бұрын
@@holycat8312well! Caste system in Hindu scriptures is about one’s occupation and their job 🤦🏻
@nishi_dogra Ай бұрын
To whom you are telling lie.. We know very well in hinduism what cast means
@bhavnaShethia-qz7oj 3 ай бұрын
I am exJain Thanks today my family come into the light🇮🇳
@indianchristian4u 3 ай бұрын
Jesus Bless you.
@bluntbob6723 3 ай бұрын
😂 Pagal.
@vinaydhopeshwarkar4567 2 ай бұрын
What is Ex Jain
@bluntbob6723 2 ай бұрын
How can you accept a religion that don't belong to our land. You are following an ideology born in the Middle East. Can't you embrace your own culture?
@indianchristian4u 2 ай бұрын
@@vinaydhopeshwarkar4567 he meant that he was a Jain and now is a Christian.
@geetakarian1370 3 ай бұрын
I'm too a hindu convert. .And I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for coming into my life. JESUS is my Lord and Saviour. ❤ JESUS is the way, the truth and the life.
@indianchristian4u 3 ай бұрын
Praise the Lord. Would you be able to come for an Online Interview and share your testimony for the Glory of Jesus?
@akilan09 2 ай бұрын
have you studied bible. I would like to have a conversation with you. I have read the bible and could not find the philosophy to be from The god.
@honeysuckle9830 2 ай бұрын
@@akilan09 what questions do you have exactly?
@anishb9216 2 ай бұрын
😅 He may heal you but will not be with you in worst time..I had to leave my own house because of problems after knowing jesus. Don't waste your time praying...God wants you to have pain and suffering. Think in reality and save time and money
@user-k4d-e59mo28oc 2 ай бұрын
@@anishb9216 *Rig Veda 10.96.8* "At the swift draught, the Iron One with yellow beard and yellow hair" *Rig Veda 2.20.7* “Indra, the slayer of Vṛtra, destroyer of cities, has scattered the b______-sprung servile.” *Rig Veda 3.34.9* "Indra gained possession of the Sun, Horses, Cow. He smote the Dasyus, and gave protection to the Aryan color." *Rig Veda 9.73.5* “They have roared in unison, burning up riteless men, Blowing away the b______ skin which Indra hates.”
@Rama-tanu Ай бұрын
Born in a Christian country, never been interested in God. Read the Bhagavad-Gita, became a theist and a vaisnava. Never regretted my choice and never been happier.
@mtk3755 Ай бұрын
@adriandlobo Ай бұрын
Thats because u never knew God at all ,so u just grabbed the straws !
@Rama-tanu Ай бұрын
@@adriandlobo I’ve met great christians whom I see as good examples for whole humanity. I’ve also heard great things about Jesus also, only good things actually. But in comparison, the teachings of Bhagavad-Gita , taught from a real Vaisnava line, is just superior in terms of theology, philosophy, culture and etiquette. I’ve met previous christians who understood the Bible better after reading the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is by A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami. If people are attracted to Jesus that’s great. Kudos!
@Rama-tanu Ай бұрын
@@adriandlobo I’ve met great christians whom I see as good examples for whole humanity. I’ve also heard great things about Jesus also, only good things actually. But in comparison, the teachings of Bhagavad-Gita , taught from a real Vaisnava line, is just superior in terms of theology, philosophy, culture and etiquette. I’ve met previous christians who understood the Bible better after reading the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is by A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami. If people are attracted to Jesus that’s great. Kudos!
@janakaweerabaddanadissanay4698 Ай бұрын
Yup. Bhagavad Gita is for the intelligent. That's why the greatest physcists in the world read and praised it.
@jaswantsingh9287 3 ай бұрын
Hindhusim is a practice,way of life not a religion.But Hinduism gave birth to religions like Buddhism, Sikhism etc etc...
@southtechie 2 ай бұрын
Hinduism is not a religion but a category. It includes collection of cults and beliefs. Buddhism was against hinduism as Buddha was against brahmin rituals and superstitions. Sikhism is monotheistic religion, mostly on the line of islam.
@jaswantsingh9287 2 ай бұрын
@southtechie But today Buddhists are more ritualistic.
@southtechie 2 ай бұрын
@@jaswantsingh9287 Buddhism compromised with hinduism. That is one of the reasons why it is on the verge of extinction in India.
@aldrintoscano Ай бұрын
@@jaswantsingh9287 Lmao Hinduism persecuted Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism throughout history and even do it today
@funtoosh2922 Ай бұрын
​@@aldrintoscano from which school you read that history? 😂
@veenasurapaneni5166 3 ай бұрын
I’m an ex Hindu I have converted to Christianity 5 years ago
@PoliteLeader 3 ай бұрын
@islamkabawaal5292 3 ай бұрын
Just like Islam is a Lunar Cult, Christianity is a Solar Cult. It worships Sun. Their main day is Sun-day. All their festivals move around Sun. Cross represents Sun. Jesus is a metaphor. It never existed. If Jesus was born in Jerusalem, how come the centre of Christianity is Vatican in Italy? It's because it's Roman Empire. Jesus was never born. Jesus never existed. It's Roman Empire mingled with Sun worshipping created Christianity: A Solar Cult. It's a Solar Expansionist Cult. Every Christian is a footsoldier of Roman Empire. All Christians are slaves of Roman Empire. They are mental physical slaves. I give you a video link of Jordan Maxwell that explains Sun-Worshipping in detail. You can watch it and contemplate. kzbin.info/www/bejne/haO2q2iVZZuYbqM
@islamkabawaal5292 3 ай бұрын
You have been brainwashed to become a slave of Roman Empire i.e. Christianity.
@सशस्त्रयोद्धा 2 ай бұрын
GENESIS Ch 1: 1-... (God not all knowing) Ch 3:9 (God not all knowing) Ch 6:5-6,7 (God Not all knowing & not having Godly attributes & Regretted creating) Ch 17:12-13 (Evil practice of ciecumscission right after the child is 8 years old) Ch 19:30-38 (Lot and his two daughters. Disgusting lust and incest) Ch 22: 1&12 (God not all knowing) Ch 38:8-10 (Onam, rapist of his Sister In law: Ordered to rape by Judah) EXODUS 21:2-6 (Slavery: Biased slavery+ Cruelty) 21:7-11 (Female slavery: Fathers allowed to sell daughters as sexual slaves) 21:20 [If a man strikes his male or his female servant with a staff and the servant dies at his hand, he must be punished] 21:21 (If, however, the servant survives for a day or two, the offender shall not be punished, for the [injured] servant is his own property.) 21:22-36 (Horrible slave rules) 34:07 (Extremely cruel God, punishing 4th generation for parents' guilt) 34:12 (Destroying other people's Idols: Extreme hatred) 34:14 (Jealous God) 34:10-17 ({Complete} {Fake lovining God I,e, jealous}) LEVITICUS 1: 1-17 (Complete) (Greedy, gender biased and cruel: Sacrifice yearning Barbaric God) 3: 17 (Complete) (Tyrannical, barbaric, atrocious and Demonic characteristic god) DEUTERONOMY Chapter 8:2 (God not all knowing) 1 SAMUEL 2 SAMUEL 12:13-16 (Unbelievable cruelty and ruthless God ) [13Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” Nathan replied, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. 14But because by doing this you have shown utter contempt for the Lord, the son born to you will die.” 15After Nathan had gone home, the Lord struck the child that Uriah’s wife had borne to David, and he became ill. 16David pleaded with God for the child. He fasted and spent the nights lying in sackcloth on the ground. ] 1 KINGS Chapter 8:63 (Solomon offered a sacrifice of fellowship offerings to the Lord: twenty-two thousand cattle and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep and goats. So the king and all the Israelites dedicated the temple of the Lord.) PSALMS Chapter 139: 23-24 (God not all knowing) ISAIAH 14 (Whole Chapter: Disgusting cruelty) 14:21 (Prepare a place to slaughter his children for the sins of their ancestors; they are not to rise to inherit the land and cover the earth with their cities.) 14:22 (Barbaric genocidal god) [I will rise up against them,” declares the Lord Almighty. “I will wipe out Babylon’s name and survivors, her offspring and descendants,”declares the Lord.] EZEKIEL 21:3 (Peacefully religion and teaching 🤣) [And say to her: ‘This is what the Lord says: I am against you. I will draw my sword from its sheath and cut off from you both the righteous and the wicked.] HOSEA 13:16 (The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God.They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.”) MALACHI Malachi 3:10 ({Whole chapter} {Greedy god who robs people by taking tithe}) MATTHEWS 1:24 (Complete) (1:17 main) (Busting the lies of Jesus's Genealogy Jesus Grandfather:Jacob, {27 Ancestors} ) MARK 4:22 "FOR WHATEVER IS HIDDEN IS MEANT TO BE DISCLOSED, AND WHATEVER IS CONCEALED IS MEANT TO BE BROUGHT OUT INTO THE OPEN" Gunda Gardi Jesus 16:18 ("They will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well".) LUKE 3:23-24 (Grandfather of Jesus: Heli, 52 Ancestors) 14:25-35 (Jesus's command to hate family {brother, sisters, wife, father}) 19:27 (But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them-bring them here and kill them in front of me.." (Whole chapter demanding minas {3 months salary}) [ verse: 11-27] JOHN 10:15-16,19 (Yeshu says, he lays his life down himself for sheeps. But is killed without himself laying his life)
@50centgamer65 2 ай бұрын
@Christian-bn8qi 2 ай бұрын
I was Hindu too, but now by God grace I am Christian. I know that how amazing joy it is to come out of darkness into His Light. By the age of 6 I read all available Hindu scripture in my house including some Bible story books given by some humble people around me. I understood the sharp contrast between Ram and Jesus, from John 8:1-11 where how Jesus dealt with sinful women and from Ramayana how Ram dealt with his own wife, sending her in jungle while she was pregnant with twins. Once I prayed to Jesus to give me Christian husband so I can become Christian and he listened my prayer. Very encouraged from your interview Brother Saneep
@vedanandnarain9956 2 ай бұрын
You gave a very simplistic view of Lord Rama , who was not only a husband, but King of an empire and who had to set the example for the people to follow. As King his subjects came before his family. And after returning from exile, it was the talk by some ,that how can the King take his wife back after she had lived in the "home " of her captor for several months. This could not now be a new accepted norm. And to upkeep an unspoken Moral law , he sent her to the forest in the vicinity of sage Valmiki's ashram. Now for your Jesus.
@vedanandnarain9956 2 ай бұрын
Jesus said to his followers: I Have More To Tell You, But Your Ears Are Not Ready. So your knowledge is INCOMPLETE. Jesus said to his disciples on their preaching mission: Go not in the way of the Gentiles or Samaritans , but to the lost Sheep of Israel. Jesus sent his disciples to his own people, the Jews, and not the others like you. Paul and others later on modified that and wrote that Jesus said to go to all the nations.
@vedanandnarain9956 2 ай бұрын
A Gentile woman went to where Jesus was sitting with his companions and asked him to heal her sick child. Jesus answered thus : Shall a man take bread from his hungry children and give to the dog ? In other words, his powers of healing were for his own people, the Jews. However the woman gave a smart reply which impressed him and he relented . She answered thus : Even the dog is entitled to scraps from the master's table. So for Jesus, if he was alive now ,you would have been that dog, because you are not a Jew. Dying on the cross, Jesus cried out: My God, my God, why HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME. Now did you think that he really wanted to die on the cross.? He died not to save you of your sins , but because he was betrayed by his own.
@vedanandnarain9956 2 ай бұрын
Jesus and his traveling companions were hungry and saw a fig tree in the distance. On approaching however, the tree was without fruit as it was not the season for figs. Jesus cursed the fig tree and by the next day it had withered and died. Why did he not bless the fig tree instead to bear fruit all year round.? People who are in emotional distress , are vulnerable, and easily brainwashed. Did you have an emotional crisis in your life. Did you need People to pray for you (Christians), instead of praying for yourself. ( Hindus). Do you know what your God looks like? When you pray, you go with emty hands and only want. When Hindus pray, they offer the most beautiful thing in nature to God..a beautiful flower.
@Christian-bn8qi 2 ай бұрын
For me Rama mistreated his wife, no matter what he was a king or layman. And there are many other things I can say about his character, I want you to see with, read your scripture carefully. Fig tree in Bible symbolises Israel, over and over they failed to believe in true God, their faith was just staying at rituals and ceremonial washing and never had true love relationship with their God. Do you have true love relationship with your God?? Or are you worshiping because to balance your karma account? Jesus’ miracles had purpose, each time he did miracle, the kingdom of God brings closure. His ministry was first among Jews. For Jesus true faith in God is important. He didn’t perform any miracles in his own town at Capernaum. Because he knew their hardness of heart, and no matter how many miracles he do, they were not going to accept that messianic prophesy fulfilled in him. Every time he did miracle he said “your faith has healed you”. With gentle women, he finally heals her daughter because of her faith. There are many hard sayings in Bible but I like that honesty of Bible. Yes I was once dog, was doing every evil things, now still I do mistakes but I go to cross and ask for forgiveness. This is sanctifying process of Christian journey. No matter I achieve perfection or not Jesus promised me Salvation not because of my good actions being Christian now but His righteousness, which is perfect. My God offers surety of salvation, does your God give any surety? My brother or sister, my prayers for you that may God almighty bring you to genuine faith and May you be able to read Bible with open eyes and open ears. I would love to discuss all theological points here but it is better for you that you discuss face to face somebody.
@talksensenobcplzzz2043 3 ай бұрын
In Hinduism we don't convince anyone about our Dharma, Spirituality Gods or even beliefs. Because we strongly believe that one who seeks with an open mind ultimately finds the ultimate truths. And it is counterproductive to invite and include idiots and bigots to our Dharama. So if anyone finds something better out of Sanatana Dharma, we usually say 'Good Riddance'. I don't know the motive of the Gentleman being interviewed, but he is mostly misrepresenting facts. May he find peace. 🙏 🙏
@saiaditya844 3 ай бұрын
Yeah true. They don’t read our scriptures entirely first and start making wrong claims on our faith. They don’t know where Jesus was from age 12 to 29. Why is Jesus not given importance in Jerusalem? Why islam considers Jesus as a prophet but not God. Jehova father and Jesus his son, what is holy spirit then? Old testament says Abraham married his own half sister Sarah. Lot sleeping with his own daughters. There are many versions of bible. It is fabricated several times. Additions deletions and modifications. They say their God loves everyone and he is most kindest but will punish who will not worship him. God according to Sanata Dharma is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. If their God is Omnipotent it is not impossible for God to undergo manifestations. We all know the atrocities committed by this so called peace loving kind people in the name of Christianity. They wiped off civilisations from the face of the earth.
@3rdEyeWide 3 ай бұрын
@DarkPrince-xl9eb You don't now the scripture. Even in the Old Testament it is written there will be a profound change when God's laws "will be written on the hearts of men": "Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord. 33 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” Jeremiah 31 31-34.
@3rdEyeWide 3 ай бұрын
@@saiaditya844 Go and find any New Testament (Christian) teachings that justify murder, oppression etc. You always have to go back to the Old Testament to find legitimate areas of scxriptural criticism, but even in the Old Testament it is recognized there will be a profound change - Jesus - to God's relationship with man: "Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord. 33 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” Jeremiah 31 31-34. One of the central problems of Hinduism is the concept of Dharma/Karma. It justifies such things as the caste system saying people born into lower castes who experience worse living circumstances/oppression deserve it because they performed bad deeds in their previous life. It is not really a humane or uplifting message. Yes, evil has purportedly been done in the name of Christianity. The difference between Christianity and Islam is that none of Christ's teachings justifies or condones that evil, while Muhammed's teachings do.
@stormraider6834 3 ай бұрын
Bro no point educating fools , this is Kaliyug people by nature will become corrupt
@Mishshk 3 ай бұрын
@jiglak 2 ай бұрын
Read Geeta once and all your issues will be found .. Infact the sins verse is stolen directly from the Geeta
@koiusernhi Ай бұрын
rahne do bhai ban ne do chritian kaun sa bhala kar denge kisi ka
@Mure-te5pr Ай бұрын
We have Truth why read anything else
@vickydemta8546 Ай бұрын
everyone should study all religion...atleast the basics..thats how you find true God..
@mrimpossible59 Ай бұрын
​@@Mure-te5prhow do you know
@Mure-te5pr Ай бұрын
@@mrimpossible59 I have experienced The Holy Spirit. What The Bible tells us about The Spirit is Real. I've seen The Light therefore no turning back to being a hindu. Christ revealed Himself in a Powerful Way I know His Truth Honestly I do.
@Kenlydford 3 ай бұрын
Hello Polite and Sandeep! Big respect to you both.
@PoliteLeader 3 ай бұрын
@Kenlydford Hi there! And thanks.
@lifeisnow3944 3 ай бұрын
​@@PoliteLeaderthe thread ceremony is like the baptism among the brahmins. I am an ex brahmin saved by Grace thru faith 13 years ago. It's not beautiful like this brother speaks. It's Gore and ugly inside in a brahmin family. I can prove that thing.
@KumolalaSavesta 3 ай бұрын
@@lifeisnow3944 it’s called a Janeu and is similar to a bar mitzvah. It is the introduction to brahmacharyah. If you really were from a Brahmin family, which you’re not, you would know this.
@lifeisnow3944 3 ай бұрын
@@KumolalaSavesta hello stop it. How do you judge me like that? It's called Poonal in south. Only men wear it, you mo₹on. . I am not a man to have worn it, mo₹on.
@KumolalaSavesta 3 ай бұрын
@@lifeisnow3944 You need a lobotomy ❌🧢🙏🏼
@murthyprakhya8623 3 ай бұрын
You can practice Christianity. But don’t say that you understand Hindu spirituality. If vedas are to be read by Brahmins only, how Maxmuller, William Jones related Vedas in 18th century. How Dara shiko translated Upanishads. Read Upanishads. That doesn’t obstruct your practising Christianity. Probably it may even improve your spirituality. Whatever you know is not even the tip of iceberg
@aldrintoscano Ай бұрын
If you know a language are literate, you can read any scripture as long as you have access to it. Many Brahmins converted to Christianity throughout history and had access to Hindu scriptures.
@Glower22x4 Ай бұрын
And I am Christian background yet I read the Bagavatgita, the Vedas, the Upunishad, the Quran, I listen to other views on Spirituality and I doing great
@josephs4044 Ай бұрын
Here is the question you can ask yourselves. How many Brahmins do you know who are married to a scheduled caste. And that is a pure Hindu phenomenon.
@dibyashreechakraborti7600 Ай бұрын
Many many of them ​@@josephs4044
@sharmash1537 Ай бұрын
@@josephs4044 it is not a Hindu concept. It is practiced by those who want to hold on to so called societal power. Just like the Christians who killed each other in pursuit of holding power catholic vs protestant and vice versa. Read Christian history FIRST. Way more bloody than any Hindu or corrupted Hindu practice
@manjunathapattabi2478 2 ай бұрын
The beauty of Hinduism is that it doesn't insist on believing in god himself. Even an ethiest is a Hindu and the greatest ethiest, Charvaka is considered as a Sage. The level of understanding the scriptures depends on the level to which one raises. No Abrahamic religion gives the kind of freedom a Hindu enjoys. I am a proud Hindu.
@notheorytrue 2 ай бұрын
You’re dead wrong my misguided friend. You are free to believe in Jesus or not. It is not surprising that you do not know the truth and make false statements.
@sindhuv5874 2 ай бұрын
Very true, hinduism is a beautiful way of life with a purpose.
@user-fiF5ei8tyah 2 ай бұрын
Before we start defining the beauty of hinduism we have to understand what exactly is hinduism? Is it a lifestyle? Or is it a religion? I've seen a lot of Indians claiming it as a lifestyle and not a religion per se and if that may be true what kind of lifestyle is it? But if Hinduism is a religion, how do you define it? Who is a hindu? Is a Japanese shinto priest a hindu? Are all the Chinese non believers under a hindu sect? Do you really stand by when you say that even an atheist is a hindu? I've come across a lot of semi literati Indians claiming hinduism as some sort of universalism without any introspection or in other words, paganism as Hinduism. Is that the beauty of Hinduism?
@samanthamccarthy325 Ай бұрын
Does it matter that it’s beautiful if it doesn’t bring you home to rest your soul with God? This is the difference - Jesus says He is The Way, The Truth and The Life and no one comes to the father except through Him. Accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour is what finally brings the lost soul home. Doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of beauty elsewhere - God is good and make provision for all His children. But we are made to enter into loving relationship with Him and only the blood of Jesus is able to make us righteous in God’s eyes.
@dhairyatiwari4152 9 күн бұрын
@@user-fiF5ei8tyah let me make it clear for you friend, Hinduism is a way of life, Hinduism is more than a religion. Hinduism combines worshipping of God along with science, literature and various other important aspects of life....that's why we say that it is more of a way of life than a religion....example: Yoga emerged from Hinduism but it is not a method of worshipping God. Yoga is a way of keeping ourselves fit and healthy....that is the beauty of Hinduism....it covers all the important aspects of life...I hope you understand it now.
@fijian210 2 ай бұрын
Soo guessing you haven’t read the Gita eh 😂😂 . Literally talks about the varna system
@user-vh8pn1uf9g 2 ай бұрын
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
Manusrimiti , read it.
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
Gita most fooo ked up book. Krishna having fax with his aunt, kubja, 16,000 women. Then he died because of an infection.
@fijian210 Ай бұрын
@@AMz-be7fj lol so pathetic to quote manuscript 😂😂. No Hindus actually follows it . But good try 😉
@fijian210 Ай бұрын
@@AMz-be7fj read the whole book . Those 16000 women where held captive and when they got freed they wanted to kill them selfs as no one will take them as brides and so lord Krishna said he will marry them to save their lives and he manifested himself and everyone get one Krishna for them self . Read the whole story before braking 😂😂
@abrahamwahlang6517 2 ай бұрын
You know what my friend from my Country India, this is what Jesus Christ said if you seek God with pure heart like a child you will find Him. We need pure hearts like this man to see the Truth. God bless you.
@cindymcmillan609 2 ай бұрын
Very true, that is why Hinduism is superior.
@debrajd 2 ай бұрын
Read Richard Dawkins - the God delusion. It's available in internet. He exposes Christianity, he was a born Christian
@subbu2185 2 ай бұрын
Still, he sends plasters to find gullibles, by pooling 1/10ths😅
@SaatvikSharma-vm2mm 2 ай бұрын
Ex-Brahmin Now Christian Exposes Hinduism? Why not just practice his new religion???
@vicksaction5003 Ай бұрын
Because the guy is just interested in converting more people by peddling his Bs. Very typical of most of the fellows from Abrahamic religions.
@pookuzhimarudhu7923 Ай бұрын
he is spreading good news and you people interested in spreading hatredness 😊😊
@travistouthang341 Ай бұрын
He’s found a relationship with Jesus, not religion
@jenitagomes2401 Ай бұрын
Jesus said repent turn from sins for Kingdom of God is near
@starmakerjanardhan8586 Ай бұрын
As a bramin he is not getting enough paid. Now he is officially beggar. Unlimited income with tax benefits + massage with innocent girls
@csmoviles 3 ай бұрын
I've been waiting for someone who was hindu speak about hinduism❤❤❤. May God bless you all❤❤❤
@MixShowsChannel 2 ай бұрын
Listen, listen to Dr Sudhanshu Trivedi. What is Hinduism, what is Christianity, what is Islam, only Sudhanshu has the answer logically. There is no one as knowledgeable as Sudhanshu Trivedi nor will there ever be. Even Google has failed in front of him.
@MixShowsChannel 2 ай бұрын
@@Kiki_bxbby In which court of the universe has it been proved that our Lord has stolen clothes.?? This is what you are saying. And you are not God or a representative of a God whose truth is final. And even if he tells you what he knows, you are still not able to understand it. okay
@MixShowsChannel 2 ай бұрын
@kiki_bxbby The world's first scientist was born 3000 years ago in Sanatan Hindu religion. Who discovered Herbal medicine by doing research on Trees, plants, flowers, fruits and leaves. Which is today called "Ayurved". meaning Herbal medical treatment system. These books on herbal treatment method named Sushruta Samhita and Charak Samhita were written 3000 years ago. And he was a sage of Sanatan Hindu religion. The world's first surgery was done 3000 years ago by a Hindu Rishi and that was Maharishi Sushruta. search about this.
@MixShowsChannel 2 ай бұрын
@@Kiki_bxbby Do you read only with your eyes? I wrote about herbal treatment method. And herb is not a word from another planet which you cannot understand. And go and search "Ayurveda", there is an institute in USA on this herbal treatment method Where the power of herbal remedies is taught. And you still don't understand what I'm talking about, so baby go to primary school and start studying first.
@MixShowsChannel 2 ай бұрын
@kiki_bxbby Do you read only with your eyes? I wrote about herbal treatment method. And herb is not a word from another planet which you cannot understand. And go and search "Ayurveda", there is an institute in USA on this herbal treatment method Where the power of herbal remedies is taught. And you still don't understand what I'm talking about, so baby go to primary school and start studying first. 👎
@moonlightsonata123 2 ай бұрын
*I'm an ex-Christian. Thanks to all these videos that made me read different scriptures related to Hinduism. After being exploited by the main priest of my local church I realized that Christianity is not much different from Islam regarding its barbaric practices.* *Now I'm a proud Hindu and have successfully brought back my family of 6 to Hinduism.* *Lots of Love and Hare Krishna from Poland* 🇵🇱🤗
@visancristian8450 2 ай бұрын
So, you rennunce the Lord for satanism because you met a pharissee? You ve never been of Christ. I know many like you. The wind goes rough? You throw out your sword and run to satan searching for pleasure and just feelling good.
@monalisas1074 2 ай бұрын
As much as John 15:2 and John 15:16 are so true to its context, there are many other verses about "Discernment" in the Bible. King Solomon asked for wisdom. I will pray for you.
@moonlightsonata123 2 ай бұрын
@@monalisas1074 Thank you and I will ask Lord Krishna to bless you with happiness and show you the righteous path in life 😊
@marieeab01 2 ай бұрын
Don’t blame God for the atrocities committed by perverted men who confess in word only to be Christians. The church functions in a broken world and is often an appalling ambassador for the word of truth that is Jesus. Go to God and His word! Nothing and no one else can save us.
@vazhipokkaN1 2 ай бұрын
​​​@@moonlightsonata123dear Brother can u show a verse from Bible, which ask for Barbaric Practices that u mentioned. ❤ and also u said u will pray for right path..so plz let me know if anyone other than Jesus who said I'm the WAY, TRUTH and the LIFE.
@shashisharma-gm1wu 2 ай бұрын
An ex Muslim converted to Hinduism 🕉️ yoga 🧘 , vegetarianism 🍃 karma is the true way of life it’s the oldest surving religion for a reason and the Indian vegetarian food is greatest
@jeyavetha2845 2 ай бұрын
Psudo conversation
@shashisharma-gm1wu 2 ай бұрын
@@jeyavetha2845 you don’t look like a Michael or John 🙆🏼😂
@jw-vx8im 2 ай бұрын
Stop playing with yourself, put it away
@shashisharma-gm1wu 2 ай бұрын
@@jw-vx8im another assylym Seeker , how many rice bags u got 😝
@dandivarkathar6582 2 ай бұрын
Imagine. The worst thing they can parrot is "rice bags" Meanwhile they be consuming bovine discharge, and lynching people in this day and age. And like Ali Dawah, they're proud of that.
@cvenkat7766 2 ай бұрын
" No people have surpassed the Hindus in crafting the ethical philosophy that enabled human excellence ". - R.W. Emerson " I say quite deliberately that the Christian religion as organized in its churches has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world " . -- Prof Bertrand Russell
@cindymcmillan609 2 ай бұрын
Beautiful! So true!
@karbipiRuthihanseP 2 ай бұрын
Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. I'm from NE india. So blessed by your testimony brother.
@ShriChaitanya1 Ай бұрын
Read JOHN 1:21-25 ,MATTHEW 11:14 ,MATTHEW 16:14 ,MATTHEW 17 :12-13 and Revlation 3:12
@Hoe-numan5 Ай бұрын
​@@ShriChaitanya1 What about it
@ShriChaitanya1 Ай бұрын
@@Hoe-numan5 What is hidden from wise and prudent was reveal unto the ...........
@pmr6815 2 ай бұрын
Christianity is an alien religion to India brought in by missionaries during British time. How can anyone compare it with Hinduism, the religion of the land and the oldest religion on earth. Caste system, btw, exists in all religions. What about different sects like Catholics, protestants, evangelists. presbytarian etc
@aceapollos Ай бұрын
False. Christianity came to India with Thomas 2000 years ago. No religion is foreign because the whole earth belongs to Jesus. You too should consider Jesus and give your life to him.
@pmr6815 Ай бұрын
@@aceapollos Christianity itself is only 2000 years old whereas Hinduism has existed from the beginning of time. Do some research.
@aceapollos Ай бұрын
@@pmr6815 So what? Air Conditioners are only less than 50 years old but I bet you that it's more useful than any sort of handmade fan. Petrol and Diesel based vehicles are less than 150 years old. KZbin is less than 30 years old. Just because something is newer doesn't mean it's untrue and just because something is older doesn't mean it's true. Find out what's true and follow that instead of thinking about what's old.
@pmr6815 Ай бұрын
@@aceapollos Don't compare spirituality with technology. The first universities in the world were in India way before Christianity began.. Everything new is not great and everything old is not valueless.
@Sss-qv3so Ай бұрын
​@@aceapollosJesus and muhmad was sent on earth by Daitya guru shukracharya!..
@SuriaChetty 2 ай бұрын
Hi ,i am from South Africa and i am a Proud hindu.I have not studied all the scriptures so i cannot comment on your views.,however i am so proud and content on the life i lead as a hindu.My greatest gift is concentrating on myself and my beautiful spiritual journey.I hope some day that you will awaken,put aside disecting our beautiful scriptures,and become a spiritual person.Remember a spiritual person respects all religions and never condemns another religion THATS WHAT HINDUISM TEACHES US God bless you
@AdvaiticOneness1 2 ай бұрын
If Christianity was all about spirituality there would have been no concept of conversion or heaven or hell. It's a cult in disguise of a spiritual religion.
@linwiskas886 2 ай бұрын
The beauty of life is we all have free will. So if you are convinced what you believe is the right way to go - good for you. Satan's motto is do as though wilt - that means we do what we want and whatever makes us feel good, in whatever way seems right to us. But our way is not God's way. He has shown us the way, it is our decision to follow or not. God is a King of His creation and just like the King's of old, if we do not follow royal protocol, you will be killed for the abomination - the wages of sin is death. Even if a way seems right to us, it may lead us to dark places. God knows those whose hearts are open to Him and will never force anyone against their will. Satan on the other hand will deceive, manipulate and control. Have a blessed day.
@uneshkumar3396 2 ай бұрын
Hindusim is fake and lie
@Doctales9 Ай бұрын
​@@linwiskas886I love how y'all keep saying satan will manipulate and convince... And then proceed to manipulate and convince people into believing your way. Through lies, violence, force, money, fear and so on... Idk how y'all don't see your own paradox
@Doctales9 Ай бұрын
​@@linwiskas886@linwiskas886 I love how y'all keep saying s*tan will manipulate and convince... And then proceed to manipulate and convince people into believing your way. Through lies, violence, force, money, fear and so on... Idk how y'all don't see your own paradox
@user-my9kj6gq5v Ай бұрын
Listening to this (as a psychologist) it is easy to see why many people choose monotheism over polytheism. It is a simplification of one's personal cosmic world. It is so much easier to relate to one God than to many. It brings a sense of internal order by providing some relief from existential dread and doubt that is part of the human condition. People are drawn to different religious worldviews because of personal temperament and life situations. This is perfectly understandable. What is objectionable is this tendency to use one religion (in this case Christianity) to denigrate another. There is this competitive impulse in both Christianity and Islam that makes it important for them to be seen as the only path to truth. This is why both these religions have such a history of violence behind them. They are innately fascistic because of the exclusivity they preach and demand of their followers. Both islam and Christianity have sought to discredit Hinduism and it's unique Dharmic philosoph from the time they set shore upon Indian soil, using both evangelism and the sword to achieve this. Their agenda has been so successful that the highest privilege for a person is to claim he was once a Brahmin but now a follower of Christ! Our former colonial masters have done their jobs really well!!
@melodiesoflifeee Ай бұрын
Just in reply to your last comment - Christianity didn’t come to India from colonialists first. It was there long before
@user-my9kj6gq5v Ай бұрын
​@@melodiesoflifeee This is true! But there is much about the early history of Christianity in India that few are aware of. Full disclosure: I'm not a scholar of the bible but someone who has been following the growth and influence of the Christian Church in India, hailing as I do from a Christian family descended from converted native ancestors. I'm not a credentialed historian of the Christian Church either . Just a layman who is educated enough to follow certain historical threads and connect some dots. This is going to be a bit long by the very nature of this subject though I will try to capture and communicate the essentials as I see and understand them. Christianity made its presence in India probably earlier than anywhere else. The first Christians who landed in the south of India were part of the earliest Christian diaspora from the middle East, fleeing Roman persecution after the passing of Jesus in the 1-2 nd century AD it is believed. These were people from Syria and other parts of the Levant who had already been coming to India (it's southern most state of Kerala) for trade and commerce for decades, who then chose to settle permanently in this part of India after they embraced the teachings of the new God, Jesus, back in their homeland. These earliest Christian settlers were part of the Eastern Orthodox church that had its ecclesiastical points of power in Damascus - Constantinople - Antioch - together representing the first (eastern) Christian Church before the advent of the (western) Roman Church in the 5th century. Congregations of the Eastern Christian Church still continue to exist in this state under multiple denominations, with rituals and worship practices distinct from that of the more western Catholic Church in India today. These early days of Christianity in India are believed to have been peaceful for the most part. The local kings granted land and permission to build churches for these settler communities who were seen to be enriching the local society materially. Whatever conversions took place during this phase did so organically through marriage to local women and gradual social assimilation to form new quasi native Christian communities, which grew over time. The real disruptions began with the coming of the first colonial -imperialist power to the country - and particularly to this part - the Portuguese in the 15th century! They brought with them the more bigoted form of Roman Catholicism that set itself up in competition not only with the relatively benign Eastern Orthodox church present here, but, in particular, native religious beliefs and practices that they considered dark and demonic. Hinduism became the punching bag for them with its polytheism and other divergent philosophical concepts that were anathema to the Roman church. The Portuguese were the first to start a systematic campaign of conversion through dedicated evangelism. The Hindu world view was tirelessly demonized by their clergy and interlocutors. Hindus were infidels and idol worshippers who needed to be saved. This was not only the committed campaign of the church to win more souls to Christ but it also became the rallying call to civilise the native from his backward ways - the white man's burden as it has come to be known today. The seeds to replace indigenous thought and knowledge systems with Western paradigms were first planted at this point in Indian history, later refined and taken forward by the British who perfected the 'colonial mindset' that all Indians eventually adopted in order to be seen as being 'progressive'. The Portuguese were also the first to destroy Hindu temples and build churches atop them in an open display of religious supremacy. This was a practice adopted by the Roman church in some countries/cultures where they set out to establish themselves. They sought to raise themselves up not on the innate strengths of their own theology but by looking down upon and openly castigating the worldviews and beliefs of others. It has been the same with Islam, only with more violent overtones. Unknown to many the Portuguese were the ones who introduced the myth of St. Thomas, one of the apostles of Jesus, as having visited India and directly bringing people to Christ through his personal apostolic mission. Though many Christians in India believe this, there is no historical evidence for St. Thomas's visit to India. It is the clever product of Portuguese missionary PR in India and one that the Vatican has supported over time to gain influence and grow its flock in India. Few are aware that the Portuguese also initiated a chapter of the infamous inquisition in the western coastal state of Goa in India that has today become almost completely christianised as a result of rabid conversion policies effected during the three centuries of their occupation. This was the period that first witnessed a calculated anti- Brahmin stand taken by the church here. Brahmin communities were harassed as a matter of official policy. This period of Portuguese occupation witnessed the forced exodus of large numbers of Brahmins from the state. The last nail in the coffin of Hinduism came from the British. Though they were not as openly discriminatory or violent towards the Hindu community as the Portuguese, they resorted to subtler means of mind control through introducing a western model of education in India with primacy given to English. This opened the door to manipulate Indian minds with new ways of thinking that suited their needs for power and control and helped (tragically) to distance and alienate a people from their own cultural and civilizational roots. The period of British occupation also witnessed waves of conversion. Through state support they sought to establish a powerful chain of Reformist (Protestant) churches in India to rival that of the Roman church. British missionaries also contributed enormously to stoking the fires of Brahmin hatred. Since the reformist movement in Europe was largely anti- clergy in its spirit many Protestant Christian missionaries in India began to equate the Brahmins with the equivalent role of the clergy in Hinduism. This was based on a very poor understanding of Vedic scriptures and the role of the Brahmins within it. It however served the maleficent motives of Christian missionaries to cast a suspicious light upon Brahmins who were seen as the custodians of scripture and religious practices within Hinduism. If their authority was undermined it could facilitate a movement towards Christianity, was their logic. It was successful to say the least. To this very day the highest trophy that a Christian missionary can aspire to is to bring a Brahmin to Christ. Again, through faulty interpretations of ancient social texts, Brahmins were cast as the prime evil doers in Indian society and the originators of the pernicious 'caste system' , which was (originally) nothing more than a division of society along occupational lines based on aptitude and affinity. As a consequence of all these historical movements the Brahmin of India, much like the Jew in Europe, has become a caricature of himself always apologetic, defensive and self effacing. If India is to evolve as a nation and a culture it is important that its Brahmin community raises its head again in pride and take ownership of its countless contributions to the culture and civilisation of this amazing land that is India, or more precisely Bharath ~
@Mure-te5pr Ай бұрын
​@@user-my9kj6gq5vChristianity is The Only Way to God though. It's the only religion that makes sense. Mostly History. Other religions are myths
@user-my9kj6gq5v Ай бұрын
@@Mure-te5pr If this is your belief, i respect it. However, i see this obsessive affirmation by Christians saying "Christianity is the only way to God" as being part of a deep conditioning coming from monotheistic religions like Christianity, Islam and Judaism over centuries. It is not the result of any self realisation. This insistence on "exclusive truth" is an integral part of monotheistic belief systems. It helped to create strong groups of devoted followers during the early days of these religions. It is also the reason why Islam and Christianity were able to justify violence in the name of propagating their respective truths. They did so by dividing the world into two distinct groups from their viewpoints - believers and non believers! This categorisation still persists even today amongst devout Christians and Muslims. In contrast a polytheistic religion like Hinduism is so broad in its understanding of the world and human nature, sensing intimately its depth and diversity. It sees no need to convert others because it is capable of including a great variety of truths and experiences into its systems, even if these truths come in the form of myths and legends. Because metaphors and symbols can communicate 'truths' as (if not more) powerfully and subjectively as so called objective - historical ones ~
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
What philosophy does your brahmin dharm teach you? Caste system? Most sinful person takes birth as a women? Shudra, dalit cannot get education and cannot own property? Your religion says that human beings are born in different caste because of their sins.
@rananjaysingh8010 2 ай бұрын
Dark religions are those which ideologically do not tolerate other faiths, which includes all Abhramic faiths like Islam, Christianity and socialism/communism. The Asiatic/Dharmic religions are not only tolerant but also accept that other religions may also be true. Tell me if Christianity accepts that other faiths too have something true in them for their followers. No there is no tolerance in Christianity. Notice the caption of this video full of venomous negativity besides being ignorant of what hinduism is all about. To believe that the world was created in one week in 4004 BC, how enlightened it sounds or that sun revolves around the earth.😮😮😮
@coffeehousedialogue5684 2 ай бұрын
"The Asiatic/Dharmic religions are not only tolerant but also accept that other religions may also be true." kzbin.info/www/bejne/sKW5fpyYZrlnipY&pp=ygULeW91IHNlcmlvdXM%3D You let me know when the RSS disbands. "No there is no tolerance in Christianity." Translation: "Christians told me my gods were fake, and that offended me real bad!!!! Beat them up! Beat them up!!!!!!!" "Notice the caption of this video full of venomous negativity besides being ignorant of what hinduism is all about." Facts do not care about your feelings. How are these guys wrong? " To believe that the world was created in one week in 4004 BC," Nobody says that beyond Young Earth Creationist circles. You do realize there are Old Earth Creationists and Evolutionary Creationists, right? " how enlightened it sounds or that sun revolves around the earth." Citation needed.
@maryhart1291 2 ай бұрын
Please define tolerate. Jesus sacrificed himself for you. Believe and be blessed ❤
@Jiv509 Ай бұрын
@@maryhart1291 If jesus died for your sins then why are you still a sinner? The whole concept is flawed and does not make sense. That's why you have to blindly believe.
@praveendavis1939 Ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@Jiv509great question The answer is actually hidden in your question. We cannot stop sinning, we’re broken. Therefore, Jesus died for our sins because he loves you and I far too much to leave us to our own destruction.
@Jiv509 Ай бұрын
@@praveendavis1939 What was the point in him dying for your sins. You were sinner before and you are sinner after. How did his death benefit you exactly. You do not know he loves you, you believe he loves you.
@upasanabandyopadhyay5385 2 ай бұрын
I am a Hindu and patiently listened to this. Someone please come forward and listen to Esther Dhanraj ji as well... let's have an open discussion in true sense! 🙏
@littleman6379 2 ай бұрын
I have listened to her and actively participated in the comment section. Critical thinking is important for all faiths. It takes real courage and integrity to challenge the set systems of old. Every human should seek and search the truth by himself at all costs.
@Shivam15zx Ай бұрын
I had watched her that being graduated from bible studies she was forced to go to her country and convert other religious people by hook or cook . She felt so unfair then convert herself
@Shivam15zx Ай бұрын
First 11th crusade was started by christains to overtake Jerusalem. At that time they were so rebellious and killed jews after that huge war among Muslim n christains because at that Jerusalem land was of Muslim. From that Muslim n christains had competition to invade other countries n European colonized so many Asia n African countries n looted their resources destroyed their ancient religion and forced them to be christains..those who not converted they were murdered. In 16th century in Europe bohemian state, 30 years holy war between Catholic n Protestant where 80 million christains people were killed.
@upasanabandyopadhyay5385 Ай бұрын
@@Shivam15zx exactly, graduation in Bible studies was the turning point. If people forced her to reconvert in India, she could have just kept quiet presuming that she is too timid to resist. Why is she on youtube?? Now try to come up with another conspiracy theory to explain further!!
@littleman6379 Ай бұрын
@@Shivam15zx There is a true incidence mentioned in the book of Moses that happened in around 1450 BC. When Moses was leading the Isralites out of Egypt the people grumbled as they walked in the desert against God. This displeased Him and He punished them by sending poisonous snakes that bit many of them to painful death. When people repented and regretted their attitude. God told Moses to make a bronze snake and hold it high on a wooden pole with instructions that a person bitten by snale should look up to the figure whereby he would be saved. This is how they were saved. Jesus told His listeners that like the bronze snake He too would be lifted up on a pole that whoever would look to Him in faith will be freed from the curse and penalty of sin. He also said that when He is lifted up He would draw people. Bronze represents the justice of God in our scriptures. Today seekers of God are drawn to Jesus. You may come out with a lot of conspiracy theories but the fact remains that Jesus attracts seekers. His every word, His character, His teachings, His attitude towards the weak attracts people. Today all the progress we have achieved as humans rely on the Judeo Christian principles that straight away come out from our scriptures. You may not accept the claim but you cannot deny the fact. Esther Dhanraj was never a Christian by heart, she was a agnostic. You can find many agnostic in all kinds of panths. Basing your understanding on the understanding of some individual is dangerous. You must read the New Testament by yourself. There are many commentaries available on the site Bible Hub along with number of translations of Bible from the original tongue. They are free and very informative. I am a Christian of many years, well Read and educated. I have not seen anything you blame us of in our circles. In fact Christians will always be in a very small number but the small group will always be very effective since they follow Christ. They will never raise arms to get justice but will tolerate all kinds of violence patiently, just like their Lord. We bless and do not curse.
@pushpareddy-x2y Ай бұрын
It was enlightening. I was fighting over it. My Hinduism is a lie ? but I believe Jesus is a real God, but where did these Hindu Gods come from? Now after watching your video, I realised that Lord Shiva and bhrama were cured by rishi durvas. How could anyone( human) curse Gods? It is really eye opening. Thank you so much for your video. I believe Jesus christ because I saw him with my own eyes. He appeared me and healed me. I wasted all my time worshipping Hindu Gods 😒
@dialogswithgod7128 Ай бұрын
If you saw what your call was Christ get me an appt.
@pushpareddy-x2y Ай бұрын
@@dialogswithgod7128 for that you have to become a good person.
@shaunkong62 Ай бұрын
Can I ask a question : What language is the Verdas written in, in English ?😅
@dialogswithgod7128 Ай бұрын
Learn to spell first 😏. Perhaps the people who wrote the Vedas thousands of years ago could spell correctly even then.
@aaronpandey Ай бұрын
@dialogswithgod7128 Ай бұрын
@@shaunkong62 Anything written in English that is/was worth reading was stolen from others .. 🤣
@kidztimetv5322 14 күн бұрын
@@dialogswithgod7128 rude
@ajeetpaul4377 2 ай бұрын
I was also a Hindu, but now I am a deciple of Yeshua
@koiusernhi Ай бұрын
yesu yesu
@GURUKHATRI-su4fs Ай бұрын
​@@koiusernhimera pashu pashu 😂
@koiusernhi Ай бұрын
@@GURUKHATRI-su4fs Hale leja
@GURUKHATRI-su4fs Ай бұрын
@@koiusernhi hale lulliya 🤣
@abzorbinfo3197 Ай бұрын
@JH-mx2ye 2 ай бұрын
🕉️IF YOU DARE TO READ THIS AND ANALYZE, YOU WILL REALIZE ALL ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS ORIGINATED FROM HINDUISM🕉️ TRUTH is that the Origin of Abrahamic religions is sanatana dharma🙏. Abraham was inherited by jews from Brahma along with Sara and Hagar from Saraswathy and Ghaggar. Thats astonishingly similar story or we can even say same story. Consider the first son of Abraham (Ismael) by Haggar and second son by Sarah at age 100. Same story in Hinduism including Saraswati's age (100yrs) when she gave birth (her first child) to Brahma's second son🙏If you deny the similarity, you are just being ignorant😏 By the way Noah, Abraham and Moses are the first three of the five Arch-Prophets (Ulul azm where Jesus and Mohammad came much later after the true Vedic origin was revealed by Supreme realty Brahman through saints and sages). Even Abraham's sacrifice of his son (Ismail) to god and later sacrifice of goat or the story behind Bakrid also originated from Vedas but with some tweeks to make it their own story by other religions. Check Brahma's son Daksha (Abraham's son Ismail) who was killed by Shiva (after shiva's consort sati jumped on the fire for insulting Shiva) and later Shiva resurrected Daksha with a goat's head. It is evident that Mecca's Hajar al aswad (black stone inside kaaba mekka) is shivling and the pre-islamic godesses were saraswathy, lakshmi and parvathy or Al Lat Al Uzza and Al Manat (see the similarities in their picture with lions and holding plants that represents fertility etc). Though the trinity goddess statues were destroyed, Shivling is still kept there which is called Hajar al aswad. Note that Hajar al aswad is never mentioned in Torah or Bible. That itself is the solid proof that it was brought from outside and being worshipped without any involvement of Abraham himself. Qurayshs still worship Shivling and they allowed Muhammad back to mecca from medina only after Muhammad agreed to make qurayshs the protector of Shivling Kaba. Read Surah Quraysh where its mentioned 'Let them worship the lord of this house who protected them while they were in their winter caravans' itself is proof. May be Surah Quraysh was a mistake by Muhammad (or whoever wrote Quran), he could have kept quiet about it instead of including it which exposed the whole truth of the Shivling origin. No wonder why Mahmud of Gazni was frantically searching for Al Manat's idol in Somnath Shiv temple in India which was secretly transferred when Muhammad was trying to destroy the 72 idols. Shivling (kaaba hajar al aswad) and statues of trinity godesses (Al Lat, Al Uzza, Al Manat) were brought by Yemenis from South India (Kaaba was under Yemeni control before it was conquered). Arab winter caravans were the sea trips for spices trade from Arab land to Malabar India via the port in Yemen (during summer or no-snow season, these caravans were towards north or Syria). Malabar, India (origin of black pepper&cardamom or king&queen of spices) is where Yemenis inherited the Shivling (remember south Indian idols are made from black stones) and other Sanatana dharma traditions from many centuries BC. These traditions include wearing white rob across their shoulder (exposing one shoulder) exactly like hindu priests in temples and circumvent Kaba or Shiv temple 7 times during Hajj. Also see the Hajar al aswad or black stone surrounded by vagina (or yoni) shaped steel structure that represents Shakthi or Parvathi or Durga or Sati in Sanatana dharma.🕉️ Simple search will prove this and other astonishing similarities I am going to mention below🙏 Moses comes from Krishna, son of Yashoda in Vedas or similar sounding Joshebed in Torah. Compare the story of Krishna and Moses where the king wants to kill all newborn boys and Moses/Krishna was saved by secretly transferring and finally ends up in the safe hands of the queen itself. Krishna and Moses grewup in the household of cowherds. Also, Moses is the only one Yahweh/Alla spoke directly to where Allah says 'I am that I am'. Similarly Krishna shows his real form during mahabharata war and mentions that 'I am god' (Krishna is reincarnation of Vishnu). Aaron or Haroon (meaning 'mountain of strength' and associated with tilling or agriculture) comes from Krishna's brother Balarama (lord of strength and associated with agriculture or tilling). Haroon/Balarama is half brother (and elder) of Moosa/Krishna and has a sister. Noah or Nuh comes from Manu (or MNuh). Check story of Noah's flood and Arc/ship with all living beings and compare that with Manu and the warning of flood by fish and rescuing the sages with a ship🙏 Adam is Atma or Soul which is eternal and is a portion of ParamAtma/Brahman (ending with N and not to be confused with Brahma)/ParaBrahman (Supreme god of sanatana dharma that has no Jiva or biological form) where 'Param' means Eternal or Supreme or one that has no equal no attributes (nirguna). Eve or Eva is Jiva in sanskrit and vedas (Bilogical life or having attributes/non-eternal). For Humans and animals (saguna or having attributes), it is the combination of both (JivaAtma) which originated from ParamAtma🙏 Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma has one supreme god who has no attributes or form called ParamAtma OR ParaBrahman OR BRAHMAN and he has taken many forms (JivaAtma is also atma in life forms) to preserve Dharma or righteousness. Three major gods are Brahma the creator, Vishnu the sustainer/maintainer/preserver and Shiva the destroyer/recreator. Vishnu the sustainer took 10 incarnations/or forms that is in the exact order of theory of evolution where life originated in water (fish), followed by life on water/land (tortoise) and then land (boar), half animal-half human, short human etc. all the way to human (and kalki, the last who will appear soon). Vedic religions or Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism is the ultimate truth🙏🕉️ Vedas predict the end of our world before the next creation cycle by Shiva with the coming of Kalki which is again copied to second coming of Jesus and imam Mahdi (by muslims? Why, when mohammad is the last prophet? )😏 No other scripts can beat the intelligence and the correctness of Vedic religions or Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism🕉️ Sanatana, the eternal truth, will prevail forever. You are not late if you have gotten deviated, sanatana dharma will always welcome you with open hands🙏 Afterall, Salam came from Shalom, and Shalom came from Om🕉️😏🙏
@aaronpandey Ай бұрын
@Henny_Karoung Ай бұрын
Hinduism is a cheap imitation of the words of the real God the triune God by principalities and rulers of the darkness of this world
@KingXRO0 Ай бұрын
@KingXRO0 Ай бұрын
Thats true 💯
@KingXRO0 Ай бұрын
I heard jesus was gay, or did he really bang mary, what are your thoughts?
@deepakhansda3401 3 ай бұрын
Holy holy holy is the Lord God almighty, Christ Jesus.
@islamkabawaal5292 3 ай бұрын
U r in a Solar Cult now. Christianity is nothing but a solar cult. Islam is a lunar cult. I just watched Jordan Maxwell and understood this cult.
@chrishookins9780 3 ай бұрын
@albusai 3 ай бұрын
​@@islamkabawaal5292hood source 🤡
@islamkabawaal5292 3 ай бұрын
@@albusai Jordan Maxwell....
@PraisingWithFriends 3 ай бұрын
@amritavarshankesava2540 2 ай бұрын
Im ex Christian now become brahmin again after knw the beautiful religion of hindusm i really hate abrahamic religion whc taught hatred
@AdvaiticOneness1 2 ай бұрын
Welcome back dear. Hinduism is the only religion that gives importance to spiritual realisation rather than blind belief in a God. Om tat sat 🙏🏻
@cathymiller2798 2 ай бұрын
Hinduism is the Occult ... Theres nothing beautiful about the Satanic deception And worshipping false gods ... .....The time for all Nations to hear the Gospel is Now ... Today to come out of the lies of false religions.. 1 John 2:22 who is a liar but he that denies Jesus is Christ? he is AntiChrist that denies the Father and the Son 23 he that denies the Son the same hath not the Father; he that acknowledges the Son hath the Father also ~ John 14:6 And Jesus said unto him I am the Way the Truth and the Life No man comes unto the Father but by me ~ There is One Faith.... Ephesians 4-5 One Lord One Faith One Baptism ...... One Faith ..... It is Not Islam Buddhism Hinduism... There is No "Interfaith" .... as lead by the Vatican ... joined w/ the fraternal brotherhood in Abu Dhabi and promoting an Interfaith false peace false world unity Interfaith religion ... welcoming the AntiChrist .. There is No Abrahamic covenant outside of Jesus... John 8:58 Truly I tell you : Before Abraham was; I am ~ Galatians 3:28 There is neither jew nor greek; there is neither bond nor free; there is neither male nor female in Christ For ye are all One in Christ 29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the Promise ~ Matthew 24:14 And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness unto all Nations and then the end shall come ~ 1Timothy 2:5 For there is One God and One mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus 6 who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time ~ Ephesians 2:8-9 For it's by Grace ye are Saved through Faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God and not of works lest any man shall boast ~
@user-nh1qu6dj1l 2 ай бұрын
Then you all have been greatly misinformed Jesus never preached any kind of hate
@ramyarai6736 2 ай бұрын
U have done the wrong thing.pls come back to Jesus.Am a born and brought up hindu till 19yrs.Then Jesus called me .ever since then am a staunch follower and believer of Lord Jesus.Hinduism is a false religion.
@amritavarshankesava2540 2 ай бұрын
@ramyarai6736 it's never too late sis for u to convert back. U will realised ur mistakes the time u exhale ur last breath then no one can say u
@nurudeenoladipo1445 2 ай бұрын
Why is it that when people convert to Christianity, they can't shut their mouths, is it that new Christians are not busy learning the new religion or is there nothing to learn? You'll always hear them talking rubbish & not concentrating or finding out about the new faith. It's so sad!
@yoganathansuppiah3692 Ай бұрын
Very true
@dad-ms8mz 2 ай бұрын
I was a Christian. I to use to think Hinduism is just foolish. But then I studied the religion and with non abrahamic lense. Now I am A Hindu.
@arafatmarius331 2 ай бұрын
I guess some of you like Gods that rapes
@fabianisammi6608 2 ай бұрын
You going to have to give us more than that, my former Jesus believing beloved friend.
@MonstersNotUnderTheBed 2 ай бұрын
"Abrahamic lense" is a nonsense phrase used primarily my athiests who are arrogant and stupid in thinking Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are almost the same. They are not.
@Tom-and-Jerry-again 2 ай бұрын
@@fabianisammi6608 Yeah, his comment is not even a start. But at least he's not trying to catch me in a sin or tell me I'm stupid, the way many of my fellow Jews do when I tell them my story.
@dad-ms8mz 2 ай бұрын
@@fabianisammi6608 Just understand 2 things 1. Hinduism is not book based. 2. Hinduism is not organised. 3. The book of Hinduism that claims that They are the first the writters of that Book were themselves practicing Hindu. Which wrote the book from their experience in meditation and A bit of their personal bias. 4. To understand the religion look the core that all the text are saying. a. God is one in many from. b. God take form on earth to teach us morals and so that we can connect him. He is not jealous god if u worship someone else. C. He won't cast u into forever fire for ur mistake. Instead u will have to suffer temporary hell ( far better). d. Reincarnation. e. Cyclic nature of time. All this stuffs. What I realised that Christianity is just a subset of Sanatan dharma. Because main concept o Christianity is that Jesus suffered for us For Us . Which is exactly same in the case of Hindusim.. only one difference. God is Christianity says worship me or die. God In Hindusim say.. do good or else die. it's Give more emphasis to Work As compared to Christianity.
@barneyjackrabbit2986 Ай бұрын
Hindus who convert to other religion is their personal matters, but after converting, they try to belittle their original religion is like belittling their own mother calling her a wore.
@Sss-qv3so Ай бұрын
@@barneyjackrabbit2986 Exactly!!
@tonymason8606 Ай бұрын
Damn silly thing you say Barney
@Ericksonconsciouness 25 күн бұрын
So i can tell eaily tat jesus is a man prophet nothing else how can a god be born from a womb ​@@tonymason8606
@renjithjohn1747 2 ай бұрын
Hinduism needs no preachers. When your soul is ready, you will naturally see it's wisdom which towers much above everything else.
@shd5969 2 ай бұрын
He is not having basic knowledge of Hinduism. I think this team has to do more homework before making such videos
@RamsyRam Ай бұрын
The whole session is a Christian apologetics course by index.
@travistouthang341 Ай бұрын
He does that need to know anymore, He’s found His Saviour
@logendeerensooben7816 Ай бұрын
Can you refute
@RamsyRam Ай бұрын
@@logendeerensooben7816 yes
@RamsyRam Ай бұрын
@@logendeerensooben7816 - definitely
@knsk268 2 ай бұрын
People has total misconception about Hinduism. It's not a religion like Christianity or Islam or any other monotheistic religion. As a Hindu you are free to worship any God or no god and read any scripture or don't read one. As a Hindu you can go to churches are mosques openly and you won't be ridiculed. You are free to form your own route for spirituality. Lot of help available. Those who convert from Hinduism to other religions has no idea about Hinduism.
@prinka2096 2 ай бұрын
Copied comment: GENESIS Ch 1: 1-... (God not all knowing) Ch 3:9 (God not all knowing) Ch 6:5-6,7 (God Not all knowing & not having Godly attributes & Regretted creating) Ch 17:12-13 (Evil practice of circumscission right after the child is 8 years old) Ch 19:30-38 (Lot and his two daughters. Disgusting lust and incest) Ch 22: 1&12 (God not all knowing) Ch 38:8-10 (Onam, rapist of his Sister In law: Ordered to rape by Judah) EXODUS 21:2-6 (Slavery: Biased slavery+ Cruelty) 21:7-11 (Female slavery: Fathers allowed to sell daughters as sexual slaves) 21:20 [If a man strikes his male or his female servant with a staff and the servant dies at his hand, he must be punished] 21:21 (If, however, the servant survives for a day or two, the offender shall not be punished, for the [injured] servant is his own property.) 21:22-36 (Horrible slave rules) 34:07 (Extremely cruel God, punishing 4th generation for parents' guilt) 34:12 (Destroying other people's Idols: Extreme hatred) 34:14 (Jealous God) 34:10-17 ({Complete} {Fake loving God I,e, jealous}) LEVITICUS 1: 1-17 (Complete) (Greedy, gender biased and cruel: Sacrifice yearning Barbaric God) 3: 17 (Complete) (Tyrannical, barbaric, atrocious and Demonic characteristic god) DEUTERONOMY Chapter 8:2 (God not all knowing) 1 SAMUEL 2 SAMUEL 12:13-16 (Unbelievable cruelty and ruthless God ) [13Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” Nathan replied, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. 14But because by doing this you have shown utter contempt for the Lord, the son born to you will die.” 15After Nathan had gone home, the Lord struck the child that Uriah’s wife had borne to David, and he became ill. 16David pleaded with God for the child. He fasted and spent the nights lying in sackcloth on the ground. ] 1 KINGS Chapter 8:63 (Solomon offered a sacrifice of fellowship offerings to the Lord: twenty-two thousand cattle and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep and goats. So the king and all the Israelites dedicated the temple of the Lord.) PSALMS Chapter 139: 23-24 (God not all knowing) ISAIAH 14 (Whole Chapter: Disgusting cruelty) 14:21 (Prepare a place to slaughter his children for the sins of their ancestors; they are not to rise to inherit the land and cover the earth with their cities.) 14:22 (Barbaric genocidal god) [I will rise up against them,” declares the Lord Almighty. “I will wipe out Babylon’s name and survivors, her offspring and descendants,”declares the Lord.] EZEKIEL 21:3 (Peacefully religion and teaching 🤣) [And say to her: ‘This is what the Lord says: I am against you. I will draw my sword from its sheath and cut off from you both the righteous and the wicked.] HOSEA 13:16 (The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God.They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.”) MALACHI Malachi 3:10 ({Whole chapter} {Greedy god who robs people by taking tithe}) MATTHEWS 1:24 (Complete) (1:17 main) (Busting the lies of Jesus's Genealogy Jesus Grandfather:Jacob, {27 Ancestors} ) MARK 4:22 "FOR WHATEVER IS HIDDEN IS MEANT TO BE DISCLOSED, AND WHATEVER IS CONCEALED IS MEANT TO BE BROUGHT OUT INTO THE OPEN" Gunda Gardi Jesus 16:18 ("They will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well".) LUKE 3:23-24 (Grandfather of Jesus: Heli, 52 Ancestors) 14:25-35 (Jesus's command to hate family {brother, sisters, wife, father}) 19:27 (But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them-bring them here and kill them in front of me.." (Whole chapter demanding minas {3 months salary}) [ verse: 11-27] JOHN 10:15-16,19 (Yeshu says, he lays his life down himself for sheeps. But is killed without himself laying his life)
@ssheikh3598 2 ай бұрын
Can I eat Cow and remain a Hindu ?
@anishalyngdoh1276 2 ай бұрын
May God open your blinded eyes..
@TradCath 2 ай бұрын
@@prinka2096 there are different literary forms used in different parts of the Bible. After all it is not one book, but dozens of books written over centuries. Unless you know the literary style that is being used in anyone passage miss interpretation is likely. that is why Catholics are advised to read the Bible that has notes or commentary. Besides the literal sense, there are three spiritual senses I will not go into detail yeah but if you like you can look them up via a simple Google search.
@pranavvenugopal2609 2 ай бұрын
Don't bother your other replies, they have been indoctrinated to Christian identity....now it's a tribe for them.....almost like an animal behaviour incapable of reason. Our civilization taught us aham brahmasmi ie my identity is cosmic. So such limited identity cannot comprehend our culture....
@clarkkentwithglasses4759 2 ай бұрын
Jai shree ram..Did christ teach you to hate the pagan or what?
@spiraltype2320 Ай бұрын
Yes, hate the practice , and help and love the individuals., without judging them [lest we be judged ourselves].
@clarkkentwithglasses4759 Ай бұрын
@@spiraltype2320 your statement is contradicting itself.Hate the practice requires judging it.The individual choose the practice.So how does that work exactly? Moreover,these kinda platitudes wrecks of condescension another form of judgement.Not love.
@praveendavis1939 Ай бұрын
⁠@@clarkkentwithglasses4759True love requires willing the good of the other, which means hating what is evil and what hurts the person you love. So true love is loving the person and hating their sin (whatever leads to the eventual destruction of that person). Seems logical.
@clarkkentwithglasses4759 Ай бұрын
@@praveendavis1939 People taking decision on behalf of other individuals.Deciding good and bad for them is the definition of paternalism.not love.Judging what hurts them or what doesn't for them when it ain't your call to make is self righteous medaling.Again,not love. if sin and good are defined by some person based on his life,his choices and he wants everyone to make the same .then that's just doting attachment .Not love.There is a difference. Ofcourse I am not denying society doesn't need moral standards..but,Hate and love are mere emotions.Morality and moral judgement requires not just love or hate.It requires something like wisdom?which I don't believe I have.
@praveendavis1939 Ай бұрын
@@clarkkentwithglasses4759 I agree. However, the important distinction here is it’s not an individual’s standard of morality. If so, then yes, self righteousness it is. In this case, it’s the “author of life“ (Jesus) who has set the standard through his life which none of us can achieve. Which is why he did whatever it took (death on the cross) to qualify us because he loves us. The word Grace is key here. And that is a gift. But I’d love to understand your last point. Because I believe loving God and loving your neighbour would certainly make one a moral person, it manifests in all other areas of their lives.
@sujit2002star 2 ай бұрын
Thank you brother for sharing your heart out. Truth will always reign! As we declare & proclaim Jesus is Lord, let His mercy fall on them & they too experience the love of God, redemptive graces from Jesus & abundant love & fellowship from Holy Spirit. God bless always ❤
@rohitaryavart9823 2 ай бұрын
From Ex Christian ✝️ to Sanatani 🕉 this is the only Eternal path rest are just passing clouds.
@ssheikh3598 2 ай бұрын
Cope 😂😂😂
@Jesus_is_Lord_and_King 2 ай бұрын
A born again Christian would never ever leave the truth, the way, and the life = Jesus yeshuah hamasiah Christ. Born again means spiritual baptism in spirit and truth! The old sinful self is dead and no longer a slave to sin anymore. I guess you never did get born again?
@SaeyedQasim 2 ай бұрын
Thousands Christian converting islam every day​@@Jesus_is_Lord_and_King
@egoless4762 2 ай бұрын
When I see the word Sanatani I cannot look past the word Satan.
@rohitaryavart9823 2 ай бұрын
@@egoless4762 Tats coz u have one Inside U tats y ur trying to see it everywhere.
@sweswarupini9732 3 ай бұрын
Even brahmins knows about christianity but our christian believers behaves like people of the world...
@nenep1872 2 ай бұрын
Exactly that's the problem, there "Christians" but not Christ like... many are like that
@bpal1125 2 ай бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/d3-9hZ2wmMaijMUsi=daE9yov0sSfNbrNu Neil De Grasse Tyson exposes the impossible logic preached by Abrahmic religions. This is not preached in the Vedas & all religions originating out of its influence.
@bpal1125 2 ай бұрын
I love Jesus as Jesus was worthy of being loved. Jesus preached love.
@kalab2557 2 ай бұрын
How much money given to convert?😂😂😂😂 we know what these jesus agents do in india.
@Tom-and-Jerry-again 2 ай бұрын
The New Covenant of God (Malachi 3-1) is about our "delight" in The Messenger of The New Covenant. Malachi is the final Book of The Old Testament, The Torah. The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ, at every turn of Bible pages, is instructing us to establish our individual... Our Relationship, The Relationship with God... God, Who Is The One, The Creator. ... A human being's goal is clear (John 14-20). The Way to The Relationship is free to all people (John 15-26). Anyone, even those evil and sinners, can move themselves to receive Grace, Glory and to be Born Again in Christ (Matthew 7-7 to 7-12). Are you born again in your Creator? Do you have The Relationship?
@gb19511 2 ай бұрын
He seems to have studied neither the Hindu scriptures nor the Bible in the right spirit, just dropping a few tag lines from here and there to create an impression of a well read person. With such an unstable mind we can soon expect him to dump the new found faith as well and switch over to a 3rd faith. We have different routes (religions) to the same destination and it’s absolutely fine to choose our route or change the route midway depending on our understanding at any point of time. But things get nasty only when people after changing the route start criticising those travelling in the earlier route. After all the creator can’t be many and we give different name and form based on the environment we are in.
@oms5141 Ай бұрын
2 ай бұрын
Sanathana Dharma will never die and this man is no Brahmin by Varna!
@rayhornby 2 ай бұрын
No religion dies, unfortunately humanity died a long time ago.
2 ай бұрын
Sanathana Dharma is respecting the 5 elements, it is a Dharmic way of life, not a religion. Religions are all man-made. Many religions took birth and died since the evolution of humans some 2 million years ago! We should promote logical thinking and science..
@southtechie 2 ай бұрын
Sanathana Dharma is killing Christians in Manipur.
@AdvaiticOneness1 2 ай бұрын
​@@southtechieYour Christianity has killed thousands of innocent hindus during Goa inqusitions and millions during British invasion.
@mysticisminindia 2 ай бұрын
These people r totally ignorant I feel sorry for em for they know not the greatness of sanathana dharma which is d most knowledge centric ..most ancient..mother of all relguooms and civilisations most scientific most reformative and most tolerant of all faiths . Jesus himself came to india he learnt kriya yoga thst give him strength to withstand crucification. He was krishna bhakta n he's a disciple of gorakhnath sampradayam. Christianity today is full of cunning pastors who r targeting vulnerable Hindus in india in conversion race All Abraham's faiths r intolerant towards each other and other religions . This is a fact . If you cannot b true to the faith you r born in you cn not b loyal to anything in the world . 💯. Jesus himself was not a Christian this guy is deceptively wrong i feel sorry for people who get brainwashed into all this mess . Shame a Hindu is shaming his own culture nowhere in d world you ll see anybody dp this to their own faith.except Hindus.
@yu-gi-ohheathen 3 ай бұрын
I used to be christian but now into hinduism. Theres dark things in Christianity and bad people in that religion doing unholy things as well. Thats everywhere. Theres good and bad. Hail lord Shiva Mahadev
@Diviiya 3 ай бұрын
Sry, Christ didn't come to spread Christianity. He came to spread the gospel, teach abt the Kingdom of Heaven is near, to die for the sins inorder to save mankind and 2nd time He will be coming to cut down the bad fruits and throw into the fire. Christ warned abt false prophets and wolves, He told to take the cross and follow Him alone not the pastors or bishops !!! He wants U to follow Him alone, don't go far from Him !!! He loves U !!!
@AdvaiticOneness1 2 ай бұрын
​@@DiviiyaNo thanks, nobody wants to follow a random middle eastern desert Jew who did magic tricks. Sorry!
@debrajd 2 ай бұрын
​@@Diviiyawhere does kingdom of heaven exist? There is no evidence of any heaven.
@LeonJosh 2 ай бұрын
Anywho who believes in a Human Sacrifice for the atonement of sins will go straight to Hell. If you believe Jesus died for your sins then you will go straight to to hell, no doubt about it. Proof from Garud Puran and Srimad Bhagvatam. Christianity is a false religion. Hinduism is only true Religion. Lord Vishnu/Krishna is the only one true eternal supreme god bhagavan. Harinam , names of Lord Vishnu removes all the sins/karma. A True Brahmin can never to false abrahamic religions, its only a shudra level soul can convert to these asuric religions. Visit My Channel if you wan to know Real truth about Hinduism.
@dilippawar9099 2 ай бұрын
​@@Diviiya Christianity evil relgeaon with help of torture inquististion they try to convert... Most people in erope don't follow Christianity
@binoylive 2 ай бұрын
Hinduism is not a religion , sana thana dharma is the quest eternal truth..
@lalthatluangahmar7282 Ай бұрын
No need for quest for truth. Read the Bible and the truth will set you free
@thomasantony7366 Ай бұрын
What is sansthana dharma, its yet another lies, to keep you away from Jesus, the only saviour of man kind
@marshallchristopher1304 Ай бұрын
Jesus is the way the truth and the life beta stop worshipping fallen angels and nephilims
@Llb890 2 ай бұрын
Karma hits back that is true in this world. No God will forgive you if you done the thing with concern. You have to suffer. If you murder a person will Jesus forgive you? It's mean you can do anything wrong in your religion and Jesus will forgive you.
@shashisharma-gm1wu 2 ай бұрын
They got karma is bible as you sow so shall you reap 😝 they just ignore it say Jesus will forgive clueless how this world works 😂
@diggyspiff4875 2 ай бұрын
you have to repent and turn from it. We're all sinful whether you agree or not. people know the law in their heart even if they haven't read it or not. From that you have conscience from your actions which basically convict you. BUT, the holy clean lamb within you hasn't done those actions that you have. like a lamb before the sheers, he was silent. That is redemption of Jesus Christ. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Meditate on this please. He is the way to eternal life.
@valiisaiah6808 2 ай бұрын
Karma hits back when one have live under only good and evil knowledge. But one who get the knowledge of life, he understand the life beyond death. And very few have in search of this .....
@jendeb8646 2 ай бұрын
Yes.. that is true. God will always punish you for your deeds in this life.. you can see that in scripture proverbs 11:31 .. but what Jesus promised for us is the eternal life. He took the punishment in place of us. He paid the price in full and promised us heaven.. after forgiveness we have to live a sinless life and reflect his nature.. but wen we fail like many christians he corrects us nd straightens our path.. just like a father correcting their child.. so dont fool yourselves by thinking you can go into heaven by your good deeds.. because no man in earth can level upto the righteousness and holiness according to God's standards..
@mistiroberts1576 Ай бұрын
​@shashisharma-gm1wu that's not the same as karma
@federicoparente3310 2 ай бұрын
This man is confused about how we get forgiveness of Karma, and what it really is. So, long ago I studied many religions after i left Christian church. I am now a Hindu Yogi, There is nothing about Hinduism that you can compare to pagans, The root and best reference for the Santana Dharma [Hinduism] is the Bhagavad Gita.
@Tom-and-Jerry-again 2 ай бұрын
Only now in modern times are people shown, but do not see; hear, but not understand. Christ does not look for fame, nor money - a believer only seeks (Matthew 7-7) for directions from God, using The Relationship: The One Creator, The Perfect Son, and you (John 15-26). I hope the person in the video continues with their spiritual journey in Christ, but also hope they use their Relationship with The Creator to understand and not just hear. Jesus Says: "Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother!” (Matthew 12-50) It was easier for people to be Kept by their Creator in ancient times than it is today. Even before in b.C. times, people knew their names, all around the world, In India also... "....What is His Name, and the Name of His Son - Surely you know!" Agur rhetorically asked them, 500 yrs. b.c..
@vrvarghese6952 Ай бұрын
It's you who is confused.
@Jiv509 20 күн бұрын
@@federicoparente3310 Hinduism acts as a filter, it sheds the weak(lower thinking) and receives the most intelligent because you came to it through your own critical thinking. No one had to beg you to believe in anything. That's the beauty of sanatan dharma.
@SpicyTexan64 16 күн бұрын
If you left the Christian church you were never a Christian. You were an unbeliever. Salvation isn't found in the church, only in Jesus Christ.
@Tom-and-Jerry-again 16 күн бұрын
@@Jiv509 Critical thinking is over-rated in an infinite system. Regardless your thinking, it's practically zero compared to the infinite knowledge of God. Try to be still in your mind's talking and thinking so much, so you can listen to what God has to show you for a change.
@brishnevk4823 2 ай бұрын
I was a Christian now a Hindu 🙏🙏❤❤
@sagetoons198 2 ай бұрын
thats too bad .. fingerprints of God are all over His love letter to us, which comes from outside the time domain as no other book can. signed sealed delivered on a wooden cross in judea 2k years ago. NO other god loves you so much as to make a way for you, paying for your sins to redeem YOU like our God and prevent the enemy from having you eternally. this IS a cosmic chess match .. make sure you are on the winning side and NOT deceived by the enemies dumbassery friend +t+ additionally? the way was prepared for Him to accomplish this redemption EXACTLY like He foretold centuries before He accomplished it 300+ prophesies fulfilled in Jesus' life, and 33 on his day of crucifixion ALONE! you cant out do the Real God El of the el's
@pondfish_ 2 ай бұрын
​@@sagetoons198he's just lying.
@rationalhuman3290 2 ай бұрын
@@pondfish_ very true ... lying is taught to them
@simonk6669 2 ай бұрын
You are turning away from God and leading to eternal condemnation.😢
@rationalhuman3290 2 ай бұрын
No one every claimed this on the face of the earth what Lord Jesus said in John 14:6 - “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. There is no other name on the earth for salvation except the name of Lord Jesus!
@louiserudy423 3 ай бұрын
Perfect example of efectual call. Just wanted to go to church not knowing why, praise the Lord!
@spikey8085 3 ай бұрын
God and Jesus Christ are calling you to go to Church ⛪️ 🙏 ❤
@jessicamessica2271 2 ай бұрын
Lol. Some of these arguments are terrible. The bible is full of the same flaws. It never condemns slavery and encourages people to be good slaves. Which is no different than Hinduism mentioning the caste system. Do people even read the bible. The book itself is so disturbing all the time
@user-k4d-e59mo28oc 2 ай бұрын
@@jessicamessica2271 People fall for scams.
@sadiqanwar588 2 ай бұрын
Hinduism(Sanatana Dharma) is a way of living , Modern Cosmologists and Physics Like Carl Sagan , Neils Bohr , CERN Scientist have validated and praised the Accuracy of the 30000 year old Vedic Scriptures from RIG VEDA Below are few lines from RIGVEDA 10:129 Nasadiya Sukta , Creation Hymn , (30000 year old Vedic scripts.) Then even nothingness was not, nor existence, There was no air then, nor the earth, heavens beyond it. There was no space, then who was protecting the space, What covered it? Where was it? In whose keeping Was there then cosmic water, in depths unfathomed? Means there was nothing. Then in boisterous, there was neither death nor immortality nor was there then the appearance of night and day. The One (Brahma) breathed actionlessly in illusion (maya) and self-sustaining. There was that One (Brahma) with maya then, and there was nothing beyond them. In Catastrophe, at first there was only darkness wrapped in darkness, All this was only unillumined water. Action and Cause were merged filled with ignorance, That One (Brahma) took action complementing with cause, resolving to penance created the Universe. In the beginning will-power descended on Brahma - that was the primal seed, born of the mind. The sages of this material world, searched their hearts with wisdom, to know that which is kin to that which is not. Like rays of Sun, strong resolution to and for creation imbibed. And they have stretched their cord across the void, Was the existent skewed or in the middle, was above or below. It was spread akin. On birth of the world, powers with seed, form and action made fertile mighty forces. Others were great existing above in the sky. Spirituality excels materialism. But, after all, who knows, and who can say in detail, Who else can let us know, how and why the creation happened, Whence it all came, and how creation happened? the gods themselves are later than creation, so who knows truly whence it has arisen? Whence all creation had its origin, the creator, whether he fashioned it or whether he did not, the creator, who surveys it all from highest heaven, he knows - or maybe even he does not know. How thought Provoking it is! Right? A land where people perform Skeptical Questioning. Well then what is Hindu Philosophical God? God is the energy. Energy is everywhere. Energy condensed is matter. The Universe is filled with dark energy and dark matter. In other words, scientist have found that all of the Universe is permeated by an energy that they cannot explain. Similarly you can think of God as permeating everything. God condensed is Vyakta, and God in his pure form is Nirguna as per Advaita Vedantam. God is Brahman. Brahman is the creator and the creation itself. Brahman is Impersonal , Transcendent and Beyond. Brahman is Om. Om is the vibration. Om is the building block of creation. Everything and Everywhere is Om. The Material world. Brahman the Supreme, is the ultimate consciousness and the Absolute Reality. If you were a saprophile , you would have already fallen in love with the Vedic literature. Decline and the ignorance of such a intellectual community and ideas is something to be consciously thought about and discussed. Sanatan Dharma is not a “Religion” like a western idea , Rather it is the collective knowledge and result of various Rishi’s and Sages of this Great land. It Proves To be meaningful and scientific. After all the Indian civilisation , Did not believe the earth was created on 23rd October 4004BC also our culture did not give rise to the idea that universe is earth-centric. Islam and christianity is only 1400 or 2000 years old and hence cannot be equated with Hinduism, which is God found religion from times immemorial “ SURRENDER TO THE LOTUS FEET OF LORD,THE ULTIMATE BRAHMAM,THE IMMORTAL CHATHURBAHU, THE OMNIPOTENT AND OMNIPRESENT BECOZ WE MERE MORTALS ARE SUBJECT TO TAKE BIRTH WITHOUT OUR WILL AND DIE AGAINST OUR WILL”
@hydrilara 2 ай бұрын
Why do Hindus always keep looking for validation from west? We don't need western science to confirm our eternal truth. Hinduism is the eternal truth. We are the final. No validation required from any one
@wallenpi1 2 ай бұрын
@jaffersadiq2930 2 ай бұрын
That ONE Brahman is the SUPREME GOD,you call him bhagwan we call him Allah,christians as God. Beyond vibration there is LIGHT & Allah is the light of heavens & earth. Hinduism is not santan dharma.
@linwiskas886 2 ай бұрын
Very thought provoking. I think from what you have described, this is the same God - there is only one God (the supreme Spirit being) whom we all worship - the difference is because He is perfect and resides in pure light, we are forever separated from Him as we reside in the darkness; However, because our creator loves us (John 3:16) He provided a way to salvation and that is through Jesus Christ of Nazareth (God in the flesh - no mere human being) to shed blood for our sins (a covering if you will). We can now come into the Father's presence when we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ - this is all symbolic of a spiritual transaction. God no longer sees our sin, He sees Christ. All who believe confess with their mouths and believe in their hearts that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour - the wisdom of God is foolishness to men so that those might be saved who love Him. It is not our way but God's way that leads us to salvation. Human wisdom is foolishness to God. What a sage knows is but a mere drop in the ocean of the infinite wisdom and knowlege and power of the almighty God.
@sundarimadhavi3668 2 ай бұрын
I was born in Christian Family and i am Hare Krsna now for 35 year...but i never ever said somethin bad about Jesus...sheme of you
@AndrewCDiprose Ай бұрын
@aceapollos Ай бұрын
Hindus are the main persecutor of Christians here in India. If you are not following Jesus it doesn't matter if you didn't say anything bad, you are lost.
@rosebelle-tk6xd Ай бұрын
Thank you sundarimadhavi
@josephs4044 Ай бұрын
That's a lie. If you read Hindi scriptures well, you will never become Hindi again. But that holds for Christianity too. If you read the whole Bible, you will soon see that much of it doesn't make sense.
@Johan_7g 19 күн бұрын
​@@josephs4044 "first correct your spelling before manipulating others...!
@Weissguys6 3 ай бұрын
This was a very interesting interview. It would be nice if you have Sandeep back and show on the screen the verses he referenced. As with Islam, Hinduism and it’s links to yoga will be exposed when individuals are faced with the reality of its “holy books.” Praising God for Sandeep’s salvation. ❤🙏
@PoliteLeader 3 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@subbu2185 2 ай бұрын
Iilam is linked to tianity only, hindsm is way different😅
@sindhuv5874 2 ай бұрын
Some fool with no knowledge of hinduism barking at an opportunity. We don't need his ratification on hinduism.
@penmetsabalarampratapkumar5508 2 ай бұрын
My mother who feeds me every day is not good but aunty in the neighborhood who gives me chocolate is very good and I like her very much
@jeevanullakal9075 Ай бұрын
Religion is not a ritual. It is a requirement. It may be a requirement of well being, health, respect, recognition, etc., Hinduism lacks in all aspects at least a bit. So people are turning to other religion. Conversion happens in other religions also. But the worst thing in Hinduism is, all such inequalities are man made in the name of God. So try to rectify this anamoly..
@nagaprathyush Ай бұрын
​@@jeevanullakal9075- There is no caste in Hindu scriptures, if that's what you meant. There is only Varna system, which is just profession based and can be flexible. So, whatever Max Mueller's wrong translations of Hindu scriptures you've in your mind...they'll guide you wrongly only...
@persaud1 Ай бұрын
@Merlin-yh2pl Ай бұрын
But we can clearly see and experience caste discrimination and its ill effects in our country. Why to go into translations? ​@@nagaprathyush
@NamanTyagi-rp4lt Ай бұрын
​@@Merlin-yh2pl Because people humiliate others to show themselves superior. Just as white people considered blacks inferior, men considered themselves superior to women and still do. Similarly, the Brahmins, being intoxicated with the respect they received from the kings, started considering the Sudras as untouchable, by presenting the Vedas in a wrong manner to the kings, they stole the wealth of the kings.
@swamivardana9911 2 ай бұрын
Not one word is true. He isn't a brahman.
@somenathroy2014 Ай бұрын
Now he will fight to get an OBC certificate.
@user-jk7jd3ue5y Ай бұрын
And you know because...????
@chillizora Ай бұрын
Nothing of hinduism / brahman is true anyway
@Mariam-mn7xe Ай бұрын
Please stopp talking such nonsense. I am german but lived for many years in Kolkata and studied Religion sciences and theology. I agree with his words fully. Please be carefull, the way you talk, because, in christianity it is a sin, to lie. It is the 7. Commandment. God never likes if we blaim other human. Why are you are doing this???
@swamivardana9911 Ай бұрын
@@Mariam-mn7xe Good. Now here's the thing. There are two virgin births in Hinduism. The baby Moses in casket is in Mahabharata. Parting of the sea is in Ramayana. Human son of God is in Mahashivpuran. The story of the prodigal son is in the Mahashivpuran. The songs of Solomon is in the Mahashivpuran. Krishna is a Ressurected God. The beginning of genisis is in the Mahashivpuran. LOOK WHO IS LYING.
@suryanarayanswain9283 2 ай бұрын
Hinduism is the oldest form of religious practice. And old is always gold
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
Really?? So you eat cow dung?
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
Provide proof that hinduism is the oldest.
@suryanarayanswain9283 Ай бұрын
@@AMz-be7fj you can ask any religous scholar or simply just search in google.
@suryanarayanswain9283 Ай бұрын
@@AMz-be7fj every body knows.dont just try to be oversmart
@khushboo0786 Ай бұрын
I was a Muslim now I've Become a Hindu! ❤❤❤! You guys Really Believe in Christianity??? Bible has been curropted Infact Islam is better than Christianity but i chose Hinduism! ❤ I got enlightened!
@abzorbinfo3197 Ай бұрын
Christ is King!
@userifykyk Ай бұрын
Lol do you even know about the interpolations in hindu texts??
@ramyarai6736 25 күн бұрын
@@khushboo0786 very bad decision of urz.u vil definetly regret.
@Jiv509 20 күн бұрын
@@khushboo0786 Welcome to sanatan dharma and I agree with you. Xtians are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They demonize Hinduism yet millions of them practice yoga, pranayama, ayurveda, tantra etc.
@Johan_7g 19 күн бұрын
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 47: "कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन | मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि" You have the right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the result of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction". Just continue practicing sanatan and you will know the spirituality.. don't care about any comments if you feel what you want..!
@Subrata-nc3vn 3 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂 Sandeep's overall knowledge is very shallow. He has tied up himself in knots by emphasizing more upon the puranas and other scriptures and of course the traditions and practices. Sanatan dharma is not a religion. Religion is about "faith and belief". Nobody is bothered to provide evidence to back up the claims made in the bible. In dharmic traditions, we are free to question, challenge and even reject the scriptures, even the vedic texts. Dharma is "nature" of a thing, living or non-living. No caste system ever existed. Varnashram is not the same as caste. Every mortal has his/her/its own unique life journey. They can write their own philosophy. There are no commandments in sanatan so no scope of bigotry. Foundation of sanatan are the vedas and upanishads, nothing else. There is no God separate from the entire existence. The concept of that God is entirely different than what Sandeep and his likes imagine. Here, that is referred to as "witness, consciousness bliss", all pervading, attribute less, form less, gender less, beyond comprehension by the 5 senses and most importantly, that is inconceivable by our limited mind, I would like to counter every word he has uttered here but that would consume a lot of precious time. To end, I ask Sandeep if he knows anything about the lost years of Jesus? Mention of Jesus is mysteriously absent from the middle pages of the Bible, why? It is believed that Jesus was actually not crucified but was rescued by his wealthy father who sent him to the east. He is believed to have traveled places in Bharat and was taught by many teachers during his stay. He might have been taught by Buddhist monks and masters. He went back to preach his philosophy of non violence and healed the sick. There is a grave in J&K, Bharat, believed to be that of Jesus. It seems Jesus returned to the valley and spent the rest of his life with his family.
@Diviiya 3 ай бұрын
So u say it's believed** but not true??? Lot more differences bro !!! U want claims abt Bible? Can u plz answer the below questions and u by ur ownself will understand the truth !!! 1. Why is the world's major religion is Christianity?? So u say around 2.5 B ppl are brainwashed currently?? 2. Why Christians are alway in prosecuti0n list than any other religion followers?? 3. Why will someone k!LL ppl bcoz they believe in Christ, this is happening around the world and in India also. R$$ wants to eradicate Christianity, attack Christians but they don't dare to touch Muslims or any other religious ppl?? 4. Why the ppl in h0llyw00d mock Christ but not Shiva, Krishna, Alah or Buddha?? 5. Why Satanists wants to target and do witchcraft, sorcery against only the followers of Christ but not the followers of Shiva, Krishna, Buddha or Alah?? 6. Why Satanists tear only Bible but not bhagavad gita or quran?? Christ was living His life as a son of carpenter before ministry, He was taking care of His family inorder to support them financially-He did carpentry works like Joseph. His entire ministry started at the age of 30. Untill that age He dedicated His life to serve His Mom - Dad (both Earthly) and siblings. If u r so much interested in knowing abt his absent years in bible, then why don't u be a part of first resurrection and ask Him directly when He returns to earth for the 2nd time??
@AdvaiticOneness1 2 ай бұрын
​@@Diviiya Christianity is dying in the west, people are waking upto authentic spirituality of yoga and meditation. Nobody believes in your bronze age middle eastern desert cult stories. People are moving from blind faith to Spirituality.
@vinaydhopeshwarkar4567 2 ай бұрын
As per my understanding Christians copied everything from the Jews Book Tohara. Jesus was Born as Jew so from whom he got Spiritual or Life Philosophy Knowledge 🤔🤔
@ingela_injeela 2 ай бұрын
Jesus IS God.
@rohitaryavart9823 2 ай бұрын
Jesus came to Kashmir to learn Yoga and Tantra from Kashmir school of Sivisam tats his missing years from the age of 12 to 30 a period of 18 years he spent in India and then he went back to spread his mission hence Jesus is also one of the Nath sampraday yogi.
@ingela_injeela 2 ай бұрын
@@rohitaryavart9823 That's all a big LIE.
@rohitaryavart9823 2 ай бұрын
@@ingela_injeela U need to do your research Just calling something a Lie does not make it One. And Tats not all Jesus spent time even Buddhist Monastery. The Traditional Buddhist literature and Scripts have also documented Jesus Travels here in India and Tibet region where he practiced along with Buddhist monks in Various Monasteries in the region.
@ingela_injeela 2 ай бұрын
@@rohitaryavart9823 I already did my research, and *know* it's a lie. To know the message of Jesus Christ, we read the Bible.
@madhureddy7643 2 ай бұрын
All religions are based on belief system. Accept Buddhist way life, which preaches no God, no heaven, no hell and no soul. You have only one life, and live with Dharma and care for welfare of society. Christianity is also based on lot of lies just like Hinduism. I respect this gentleman for accepting Christianity, but most people convert due to poverty. Why Church is spending so much money in converting people in poor countries. They can spend that money in helping Millions of refuses all over the world.
@AdvaiticOneness1 2 ай бұрын
@subbu2185 2 ай бұрын
It's darkness is exposed in West, so it aimed East now
@LeonJosh 2 ай бұрын
Anywho who believes in a Human Sacrifice for the atonement of sins will go straight to Hell. If you believe Jesus died for your sins then you will go straight to to hell, no doubt about it. Proof from Garud Puran and Srimad Bhagvatam. Christianity is a false religion. Hinduism is only true Religion. Lord Vishnu/Krishna is the only one true eternal supreme god bhagavan. Harinam , names of Lord Vishnu removes all the sins/karma. A True Brahmin can never to false abrahamic religions, its only a shudra level soul can convert to these asuric religions. Visit My Channel if you wan to know Real truth about Hinduism.
@AdvaiticOneness1 2 ай бұрын
@@subbu2185 Yes it's dying in a rapid phase in the west. Meanwhile the missionaries in India are brainwashing innocent hindus to join this cult of a religion that promises an imaginary heaven after death.
@MixShowsChannel 2 ай бұрын
Hey listen, you are calling an illiterate man on the channel and using the word expose for Hinduism? If you are really brave and want to debate Christianity vs Hinduism, then debate with Dr Sudhanshu Trivedi. If even very knowledgeable people avoid debating with Sudhanshu Trivedi, then who are you?
@MirkwoodMemoirs 2 ай бұрын
He won't Christianity's whole history is drenched in bloodshed, inquisition and violence. These cowards cannot say anything to Muslims in Muslim majority countries where punishment for leaving religion is death, but somehow get courage to speak against hinduism in hindu majority India.
@gonnacry4513 Ай бұрын
Don't look, he won't reply to you
@MixShowsChannel Ай бұрын
Saw only a few seconds. Only Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi has the ability to debate on any religion, culture and give logical answers. His Knowledge,Study is very deep.
@Jatav79602 2 күн бұрын
i became depressed by fear of everyday sins when inaccepted christianity😢 then i left it and again accepted Sanatan as true value of life😊
@Thoughtflux Ай бұрын
I'm a hindu convert to Christianity too! Got baptized 12 years ago. My wife is also a hindu convert to Christianity. No turning back! Truth has set me free.
@Mure-te5pr Ай бұрын
Amen !
@natarajamnarayanaswamy5329 Ай бұрын
What is the truth? Can you explain?
@Thoughtflux Ай бұрын
@@natarajamnarayanaswamy5329 that Christianity is the only non man made religion in this world. Bible is impossible for humans to create.
@pookuzhimarudhu7923 Ай бұрын
​@@natarajamnarayanaswamy5329truth is, Jesus is the only way to reach heaven or Father....(where we started).. Jesus never started a religion and never converted anyone... He came to save us
@vinodkumarnaiknenavath6526 Ай бұрын
Yes , Jesus is the only Savior 🙏
@orangeandslinky 3 ай бұрын
This man reads the Hindu scriptures and the Hindus hate him for that? This man knows so much and can teach anyone from the actual Hindu scriptures. Who wrote the Hindu scriptures? I would like to know. Thanks for having this man on Polite Leader.
@PoliteLeader 3 ай бұрын
Thanks. Was an honor to have him.
@RojaJaneman 3 ай бұрын
He’s lying, who likes liars? Y would a god create a baby in order to sacrifice him? By raping an innocent/married woman at that. That’s demonic
@stormraider6834 3 ай бұрын
He read Hinduism? 😂 Hinduism have more than 1000 books , more than 20 philosophical schools each debating about truth This guy don't even know what Sanatan Dharma means He knows shit about Hinduism
@nenep1872 2 ай бұрын
​@@stormraider6834well then you tell us
@rickfresher 2 ай бұрын
Lol u don't know who wrote the hindu scriptures but ur calling thid dude great
@vinnymadhu1381 Ай бұрын
I am really sorry to say I was raised with both Hindu and Christian faith in my house. Wish you all knew how to embibe the best practices of both religion. All the religions had their dark past but greater good for us is to follow the Good teachings of all the religion. Have equal respect for all religions.
@TimeNow9 2 ай бұрын
Surprised you misquoted 330 million Gods in Hinduism... You have read so much of Hindu scriptures but please read link where ShankaracharyaJi responds and clarifies on 330 million Devi Devtas.
@praisejesus78 2 ай бұрын
Thantheeskoti devtas
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
33 crore gods.
@dudeasp1 2 ай бұрын
I grew up in a 99% Christian community. Most friend are Christian. But never believed it in and neither do most Christians. I follow Hinduism now after years of reading.
@jw-vx8im 2 ай бұрын
You make no sense. You can't believe in Jesus but in a myth of a person Shiva. You need medication
@aparnasharma2324 2 ай бұрын
Keep it up bro.
@jayakumarchoudhury208 2 ай бұрын
​@@jw-vx8imIs Jesus real?
@mysanatanbharat 2 ай бұрын
People who thinks otherwise can only question shiva.. those are only like someone not able to understand the concept of life
@yakovmatityahu 2 ай бұрын
@@jayakumarchoudhury208 is any of the gods and godesses in Hinduism real??? not a single are, Jesus is Historical person of 1st century.
@Indieauguste 2 ай бұрын
Welcome my brothers in Yahshua!
@zherkanogkhamsin2301 2 ай бұрын
A Hindu that converted to Christianity can´t have much of wisdom, since one can learn more from Hinduism than from Christianity.
@Tom-and-Jerry-again 2 ай бұрын
It can be important for you, especially if you believe in being extensively knowledgeable with Spiritualism. However, it can also be against the will of God if this search for Spirit knowledge overtakes your present time with God. This is because God loves all people equally and a person does not need to be spiritually aware, nor intelligent to be blessed, helped, healed and loved by God. According to Jesus, Faith in God is more powerful and more blessed than seeing God. John 20-29
@yakovmatityahu 2 ай бұрын
Hinduism has knowledge of this world and nothing beyond it...Christianity has knowledge of Eternal life, forgiveness of sins and salvation...Focus on Eternal life not on the things of this world.
@yoganathansuppiah3692 Ай бұрын
This guy is a bull there are many lies in his words this what happen when they convert
@Tarnishtha 2 ай бұрын
In hinduisim we say basudeva kutumbakam means world our family।We don't have to convert to become hindu।Hinduism।is not a religion like abrahamic one ।It's way of life।Jesus told to sacrifice our life and help others ,in Hinduism it also says about tyag means sacrifice materialistic world to realise God and our own soul।Yes there are some bads in all religion।But like Christianity hindui also preach about peace and love for each and everyone in this world। Most important we never motivate or force others to convert। Being a Christian or any other path you can be Hindu self realization। We go to church ,gurudwara ,which other religion will never do। Hinduism is broad and open minded religion। I am Bengali and convent educated thus as a proud hindu but respect Jesus🙏
@pookuzhimarudhu7923 Ай бұрын
not in one verse from Bible you can show that others needs to converted.... Jesus wanted to spread good news not a religion.. hope it helps😊
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
Upper caste hindu defending her religion. In india hindu religion is the most violent religion.
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
None of your mythology says that whole world is one family. If it is then why there is caste discrimination.
@Tarnishtha Ай бұрын
@@AMz-be7fj Caste is not what you think .It's division of labour .Like farmer, business class ,worker ,priest.But Latter people connected it to birth for own profit. When you give comment first gain your knowledge about that subject.I don't think you have read Gita or Veda. I read Bible but not Qur'an.So I just can't comment with half baked knowledge.
@Tarnishtha Ай бұрын
@@pookuzhimarudhu7923 Yes I know that but still people are converted in his name.Jesus is epitome of love and sacrifice .Thus even as a Hindu I respect Jesus 🙏
@mariawirth4667 2 ай бұрын
You became Christian from Hindu, and I became Hindu from Christian. You chose voluntarily blind belief that God accepts only Christians. I chose freedom to think for myself. Bhakti is helpful, it's common to both, Hinduism and Christianity. But otherwise Hinduism is superior to Christianity. Aham Brahmasmi is not only applicable to Jesus. It's for all of us.
@sershap561 2 ай бұрын
He has found eternal life by choosing Jesus Christ and you choose eternal condemnation. Don't be deceived, for in Roman's 1:24, 25 : it says - " Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen" Idol worship can never give you peace. Repent and turn to Jesus.
@linwiskas886 2 ай бұрын
It's all a matter of the heart. You can be any religion of any race. I believe if your heart truly yearns to know God, it doesn't matter where you are or what you believe, He will find you and call you to Himself. I am Christian and believe Jesus Christ (God in the flesh) is my saviour. Noone can come to the knowledge of God unless He calls them. I also know noone can go to God directly in their sin - we must first have salvation and that is only through Jesus Christ - there is salvation in noone else.
@vedanandnarain9956 2 ай бұрын
Christians believe that they are the only ones to go to heaven. Their God compels them to worship him, otherwise they will be punished in Hell. Every non Christian is therefore going to Hell. Muslims also believe the same thing. No matter how good a human being you are, if you haven't worshipped this being, all your good deeds count for nought (zero) and off to hell you go. Hinduism your Karma,good and bad decides what happens to you. Not worshipping God , even though that is a good thing to help you on the journey of life.
@jeyavetha2845 2 ай бұрын
A religious Christian may convert to religion. But not a spiritual christian.
@sagoKarthik1980 2 ай бұрын
Keep dreaming
@Mysticwell23 Ай бұрын
I'm an ex Christian so glad I left too many predators thank you for saving Kali ma so glad I found Hinduism ☺️ don't regret converting since Christianity was forced on me and hurt me so bad being Jesus made me disabled Shiva and Kali saved me 🙏 praise Shiva and Kali ma
@kidztimetv5322 14 күн бұрын
How did they save you? Did they heal you?
@ushak5536 2 ай бұрын
He was never brahmin...forget being exbrahmin ! He is just a attention seeker. Poor chap. 1:29 .😂
@factualproof 2 ай бұрын
Hinduism is a myth not fact it's just story so u see people being born from eggs , fishes, etc full.
@Adiseshendra 2 ай бұрын
The 4 varnas exist in all societies.
@AmitSharma-rx5xg 2 ай бұрын
Himdu have many sacred text, you are free to follow God in any form its not just idols. He called himself Brahim but know Upnisad and purana are stories not forced on anyone to follow. Geeta called your task define ur cast, so a low cast if have knowledge can be a Brahim like Ved Vyasa he wrote many sacred text. Krishna age is clearly mentioned in text. These guys are rice bag convert, you want to converse on Hindu religion call any real Hindu he will tell you what real hinduism is.
@DharmicBro Ай бұрын
*What is Sanatan?* Consciousness is the key to Sanatan. Sanatan is spirituality. Sanatan means 'no beginning, no end'. Sanatan is a reflection of the continuous evolving nature of human beings vis-a-vis knowledge. Vedas literally means knowledge. Sanatan is science. *Sanatan encompasses humanity, universal brotherhood, justice, peace, science (material and spiritual) and anything that makes sense to make the world a better place to live.* Sanatan is not a religion. Sanatan is not an 'ism'. *Sanatan is inclusive.* *All the evil that happened on Earth happened due to exclusive ideologies/religions of the world which were manually created to rule, enslaved humans - physically and mentally.* Abrahamic religions are *exclusive* - 'my way or highway!' cults. Sanatan is open library of science not yet tapped fully by humanity. One needs an open mind to see the truth as it is. Consciousness (_chethana_) is the key. Blinded ones cannot see it, as they are driven by external factors, materialistic views, avoids seeing things as it is, allergic to truth due to the blindfold of falsehood and fraud. Exclusivity makes one biased. Consciousness means inclusivity. The doctrine of abrahamic religions (Jesus/Allah mythology) has enslaved human minds to such an extent that common sense takes a back seat due to senseless, childish blind beliefs of divisive ideas of believers vs non-believers. Anyone who is living consciousness drives his body and mind towards the ultimate blissful state is already a Sanatani. Out of all creatures, only human beings are capable of and have a choice of being in consciousness. Sanatan is that science of life for which consciousness is the key.
@KumolalaSavesta 3 ай бұрын
43:15 Agni is the first Deva mentioned not Indra. Indra is not worshipped as much as people don’t work as much in agriculture and becuase of the Bhakti movement. Krishnas humbling of Indra also plays a part.
@GURUKHATRI-su4fs Ай бұрын
Right Veda consists almost one third shlokas praising indrra
@user-kl8yx3lh7z 2 ай бұрын
India is a cradle of civilization and this has been beautifully stated by Mark Twain. Hindu accepts all religion including an atheist. Choice is yours, and happy to know that you embrace Christianity as your religion which is my religion from birth.Wishing you a vary happy Christian life.
@jennesset1102 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, Sandeep. I always learn from your willingness to share. Loved your interviews on Apologia as well.
@user-tv6do1ii6g 2 ай бұрын
Hindu religion is not about life after death, hell,and heaven . U can find god when u r alive
@Arkoudeides. Ай бұрын
JESUS is the living God.
@nagaprathyush Ай бұрын
​@@Arkoudeides. - lol...can you give me his address...😂
@ExHindu-AnjaniSlaveofAl-wahid Ай бұрын
​@@nagaprathyushafter u show me ram's mahel😝🤡🕉🎯
@TheSudeepRoy 2 ай бұрын
There are only 2 major religions that goes around converting people, Christianity and Islam. The educated of the West are leaving religions in massive numbers. Listen to Sadhguru. He is so pragmatic and comprehensible.
@user-dr.a.m. 3 ай бұрын
I have a question for Sandeep..what are your views on Ashtavakra Geeta..and also about Buddhism?
@sooraj1104 2 ай бұрын
Ashtavakra Geeta is dangerous. It will put you in total apathy towards everything in life.
@JesusChristSaviourOfTheWorld 2 ай бұрын
@@Dattatreya-pm4lq How do you know what he's studied? SMH.
@indirakuriyan9366 2 ай бұрын
Really appreciate Sandeep. He takes the time to research both sets of Scriptures. That sets him apart from many believers who only express themselves emotionally.
@anitadeshpande2696 2 ай бұрын
In india christians are given a Scheduled caste certificate,which opens doors to many provisions in job sector,college admissions etc,which should actually be given to the underprivileged.So even if u are a wealthy Christian u are actually snatching an underprivileged rights.This certificate is also one of the reason why people convert to christianity.Conversion is a big nexus in india,the ones who encourage for conversion get money from the missionaries,funded by west.
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
😂😂😂 your temples earn more than 10,000 crore of rupees every year. Why don't you convert christian by giving them money?
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
In india there are brahmin, christians, jain christians, thakur christians, baniya christians. Then there are OBC christians. Then there are ST christians. There are SC christians but they do not get reservation facility. No church can issue a caste certificate you fool.
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
You have a problem with conversion because if all the dalits leave your brahmin religion then who is gping to do your menial jobs. Then how will you address your self as an upper caste.
@AMz-be7fj Ай бұрын
No church can issue a caste certificate.
@anitadeshpande2696 Ай бұрын
@@AMz-be7fj That money is taken away by government.......
@sai-ps3hp 2 ай бұрын
Im ex christian now brahmagyani realised tat Jesus got enlightened from Hindu guru.tats why he says aham brahmasmi.im god.thanks to hindus who helped Jesus attain self realisation
@olivialalditmawiolivia Ай бұрын
😅😅😅ur foolish enough to believed that..
@julielopes1833 Ай бұрын
You couldn't be further from the truth!
@Mure-te5pr Ай бұрын
I'm sure you've made this foolishness up to suit your mind.
@Mure-te5pr Ай бұрын
@Subhdra_anwesha how perthetic. India is full of idol worship. They don't believe in God of Israel, had no believes of Moses teachings and your saying The Lord went to India, so ridiculous ( if He ever did go to India it would be to reveal truth of The God of Israel; Abraham Isaac and Jacob). Don't think things to satisfy your own op- ions that's dangerous and the devil is happy with tbat
@sai-ps3hp Ай бұрын
@@Mure-te5pr I'm god is not jew concept.its blashphemy.if god of jesus is same as jew then why his philosophy is not Jewish.becoz Jesus is inspired by aham brahasmi
@abhilashnair-mx1hu 2 ай бұрын
Born as cristian... Now turn to hindu... Proud hindu.... Free mind ❤️
@brandonfrancis8696 2 ай бұрын
Noone born in any religion. You were never a Christian. You are deceiving yourself. You cannot deceive the True Christians.
@unmanifest6288 3 ай бұрын
Praise Yeshua and welcome my brother in Christ. God Bless, may He keep and cover you
@PoliteLeader 3 ай бұрын
Thank you kindly
@islamkabawaal5292 3 ай бұрын
Just like Islam is a Lunar Cult, Christianity is a Solar Cult. It worships Sun. Their main day is Sun-day. All their festivals move around Sun. Cross represents Sun. Jesus is a metaphor. It never existed. If Jesus was born in Jerusalem, how come the centre of Christianity is Vatican in Italy? It's because it's Roman Empire. Jesus was never born. Jesus never existed. It's Roman Empire mingled with Sun worshipping created Christianity: A Solar Cult. It's a Solar Expansionist Cult. Every Christian is a footsoldier of Roman Empire. All Christians are slaves of Roman Empire. They are mental physical slaves. I give you a video link of Jordan Maxwell that explains Sun-Worshipping in detail. You can watch it and contemplate. kzbin.info/www/bejne/haO2q2iVZZuYbqM
@bpal1125 2 ай бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/d3-9hZ2wmMaijMUsi=daE9yov0sSfNbrNu Neil De Grasse Tyson exposes the impossible logic preached by Abrahmic religions. This is not preached in the Vedas & all religions originating out of its influence.
@3mmishra 2 ай бұрын
This person is basically a hypocrite who doesn't even know what "Belief" actually is.... Truth is a Belief is a Belief, can never be proved, and that's why it's called Belief. However, yes, it's true that Casteism is there in Hinduism, but what's wrong in that?!? And, which Religion does not have that?!? BTW, Casteism of Hinduism isn't birth-based and Hinduism does not teach the Hindus to discriminate or torture people depending upon their caste like other Religions do. 🙏
@mouligupta5169 2 ай бұрын
Ok until now whatever this man said, that God forgives you..come to the path of humanity...give up wrong doings...etc etc etc....ALL THIS IS THERE IN BHAGAVAT GEETA as well. I have no problem with Christianity but the fun fact is that this guy, though born in a Brahmin family wouldn't have read even Geeta which clearly tells that there is no caste system but only varna system which too is never decided by birth. Further, it also says that No one born in KAL Yuga is a Brahmin...There is forgiveness even in Hinduism and just like "karma" it is commonly known as "Kripa". We say, our Acharyas say that "God is Kripalu/ Kind". I bow down before Jesus but my heart bows down to Krishna... It's a matter of your choice but before looking at others' houses, could you please look back at your own? Because I don't belong to a Brahmin family (ACC to the caste system and not by karma) and I was never taught that Shiva is superior or Vishu is. In my home, my mother is a Shavite, I am Vaishnav and my father is an atheist. Yet we are HINDUS. Sanatan is not polytheism but polymorphism. Though you belong to a Brahmin family(as you say) you seemed to have lost connections with your soil. We don't have 33 million gods and goddesses but 33 main deities. Krishna married 16000 sex slaves who wanted to suicide. You simply say it is there in this book, this chapter and many times you don't even tell the point, u escape by saying -it's all so bad. There are archaeological findings of Krishna's life as well sir but you find them only when you want to know about naa. Simply not searching is not equivalent to not existing. As per Garund Puran, sacrifice/murdering of any animal including humans is a sin. You go to hell for it and you would be given your own flesh to eat. Gods never chanted mantras. Demi Gods/ God's sevaks did. first, you say Gods chanted mantras to escape death. Which God will fear death man? Where is the first written bible right now? And if according to you Geeta's evidence is 500 years ago(first of all mention what the evidence was) then did Akbar and Babar come from your imagination...I mean Taj Mahal was built by Krishna then? The date of birth of lord Ram is described in Ramayan using celestial objects and positioning and when this was put in NASA's application it did show the date around 7000 years ago. Indra and Brahma are not worshipped for various reasons pls research. Now say! That's not enough for you to preach. You need to elaborate. NO OFFENSE. BUT THIS IS BRAIN WASHING SIR. And sir, I would also like to ask you to quote strong evidence the name of the book, chapter no., further details and recite the sloka, please.
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