[Basics] Healing - UI, Macros and Setup 2/5

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Preach Gaming

Preach Gaming

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@BellularGaming 8 жыл бұрын
Love this. I moved to Weak Auras only for legion, with hidden action bars. Really helped with situational awareness etc. Pretty sure I'll get into casual healing with a setup like this soon.
@BellularGaming 8 жыл бұрын
(I mean hiding the actionbars as a part of the UI, have never been a clicker)
@zereaper13 8 жыл бұрын
BellularGaming love your videos! Keep up the good work man!
@vortexkilla2432 8 жыл бұрын
How do I update the addons i downloaded from him?
@BellularGaming 8 жыл бұрын
Not sure if this is the case, but if you download the Curse App and point that to your WoW directory, it should pick them all up and let you update them automatically.
@christiansteinhebel3660 8 жыл бұрын
im not quite sure whats going on but preach's ui isnt downloading for me. can anybody help?
@mysteriousgaming7042 7 жыл бұрын
~ElvUI~ is the UI that he is using in this video. ~Clique~ is one mouse over key binding addon that I use to heal. Or you can use ~Healbot~, and ~Vuhdo~ addons to help you heal. Oh and a tip for having addons is to download ~Twitch~ the app (free and safe) Just sign up and go to your +Mods+ section on Twitch, then go to Wow in mods and it will show you all of your addons and addons that you can download. Also you can use ~Twitch~ to update all of your addons at once, so every time a patch or updated version comes out you can quickly update the addon without reinstalling the addon.
@jacobedwards7114 8 жыл бұрын
I recommend something like Clique for your point at 8:15 - 9:00. You can bind your spells on click to a raid frame. You bind out all your spells (clique makes this super easy) and then can just click directly onto the raid frame to cast the spell, no need to select and then input a keystroke. I play with a Razor Death Adder which has 5 buttons (L, R, M, Thumb 1, Thumb 2). As a Holy Pally, for example, I can bind my mouse for instant cast spells on my main buttons so it looks something like HS = L, LoD = R, Martyr = M etc, and then use a shift-modifer to again access all those buttons with new spells so that Shift-L = FoL, Shift-R = Holy Light, etc. You can bind any modifier you want, as well. I also have a third layer for my "oh shit!" buttons which binds things like LoH to CNTRL+Thumb 1. This practically allows me to heal entirely using my mouse, so I can keep my character moving with my keys. I have been using Clique since WotLK and highly recommend it for anyone looking for an addon to take their healing to the next level.
@Kipofifthsense 8 жыл бұрын
I've been healing for several expansions now and I absolutely could not do it without mouseover macros. A nice tip for Preach - /cast [@cursor] Healing Rain / Spirit Link Totem is fantastic once you really feel comfortable with Healing Rain. Essentially it casts the spell(s) at your cursor with one click instead of having to click once for the green targetting reticule and again to start casting. Being comfortable with mouseover macros beforehand makes this a really handy little thing and it speeds up your performance!
@MInquisition 8 жыл бұрын
Mythic healer chiming in, on keybinds, macros, and buff displays: What I like to do, personally, is bind my base bar 1-0, bind X, C and V on my bar above it for use with my thumb, Alt+1-0 for another bar, and Shift+1-0 for another bar. This accomplishes two things: 1. You will always have a keybind for any ability, without likely ever needing to use 6, 7, 8, 9, or 0, as they're incredibly cumbersome to use. Your thumb and pinky can do so much more than just vaguely hover over your keyboard. This will give you much faster and reliable access to -all- abilities for any situation, especially as a healer where your ability to react as well as predict in terms of time is important. 2. The keybinds will likely also never be hard to remember, because you can then hold shift to access a defensive abilities bar (Divine Protection, Pain Supp), alt for spells that are similar to your base spells (Earthquake to Earth Shock, Effuse to Vivify), and XCV for miscellaneous spells or long cooldowns (Unleash life, Revival). On macros: Instead of the longer, less flexible macro given by Preach, you can alternatively use: /use [@mouseover]*ABILITY*; This is more flexible due to using /use over /cast, which can include potions, spells not designated in your spellbook, and trinkets. Shortening [target=mouseover] simply saves space, in case you want a longer macro that nears the character limit. The semicolon on the end opens the macro for more, if you want it to do more. Blizzard doesn't have smart-changing for most talents in the game still, so an example may be /use [talent:6/1]Refreshing Jade Wind;[@mouseover,talent:6/2]Invoke Chi-Ji, The Red Crane;[@cursor]Summon Jade Serpent Statue Useful for not needing to have changing talents be stupidly clunky, and not needing two different macros for talent 2 or 3. Can also include spec:x after a comma if you wanna be really stingy with how many macros are in your log (playing Holy and Disc on the same character...) On buff display: Something Preach doesn't mention is buff displaying - he has his off to the top right, in fucksville nowhere. ElvUI lets you whitelist certain buffs to be displayed above your health, letting you see in the same place as your raid frames how many charges of riptide you have left, how much longer you benefit from dispersion or DI for so you don't dipshit clip yourself trying to cheese a mechanic, how long you can wait before losing a spell that procs from using another ability, TONS of uses for this. EDIT: Macros like I listed are also INCREDIBLY important for disc, because you can write something like: /use [@mouseover,help]Shadowmend;[harm]Smite;Shadowmend So that if you're mousing over someone, it casts shadowmend. If not, you cast smite at your enemy. If no enemy, then shadowmend your target or yourself.
@glasscowboy 8 жыл бұрын
Second half of this video was phenomenal. So helpful, as always Preach.
@showtimeap3 8 жыл бұрын
Was actually thinking about this same UI thing recently and wondered how to do what exactly what you demonstrate in having spec UI profiles. Thank you so much! Extremely helpful
@JayMc2989 7 жыл бұрын
I've been playing since TBC on and off as I don't have a lot of free time to play, I main a shadow priest and have only ever been a dps. You've given me the confidence to try out healing for the first time and I'm really enjoying it. Thanks for all your help with keybinding and macros you have turned me into a much better player, not quite mythic level but still good enough for me to enjoy how I'm playing. I also cringe now when playing with a friend as he is a clicker... a bad one. Thanks for everything Mike and Andy (and Emma, do doo doo)
@benbrown6308 8 жыл бұрын
Do you have a link for the UI?
@Hyperion29 8 жыл бұрын
I like the video, but one thing I do with healing mouseover macros is: /cast [@mouseover,help, nodead][help,nodead][@player] Spell Its a slightly more complicated macro that I can explain if anyone wants me to, but it provides slightly more versatility, such as not having to mouseover yourself, or trying to cast on dead raid members by mistake. Great video series Preach, keep it up!
@kimpalm613 8 жыл бұрын
Hey! Another neat trick which is really helpful for dpsing properly as a healer is setting up so called help/harm macros. This is something that can drasticly reduce the amount of keybindings you have to use by basicly putting two spells on the same button. For instance it can look like this: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead] Flash heal; [harm,nodead] Smite; [@player] Flash heal. With this sort of macro the action will cast something based on a prio list, in this case Healing mouseover>healing friendly target>damaging enemy taget>healing self. While not nessesary in any way for performing it is something that can really help if you find yourself struggling to do decent dps as a healer. Anyhow cheerio and merry christmas everyone! :)
@patrickjonsson-good2588 8 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for telling people about mouseover macros. people don't realize that using them is literally the difference between clicking and keybinding.
@cyborgtemplar1989 6 жыл бұрын
I haven't read through all the comments so i'm not sure if it has been mentioned. Another way to dps as a healer, is to use target of target macro's. It's not useful as say focus targeting and such, but for 5 mans where the target can switch quickly and constantly it's better. since the focus target dies pretty fast. and it'll allow you to focus target specific things that might need to be cc'd. while still maintaining dmg on the tanks target (bfa's agro changes make this even more valued due to agro changes, just don't accidently throw a spell at the tanks paralysis target or that'll cause a major uproar) a side note about removing your hot bars. Even for those who have hotkeys and prefer looking at the bar, do some world content with it disabled. It'll truely get you 100% used to where every key is. if you need to, set up your weakauras/tmw's in a positional way that tells you where the key is if needed. and adjust as necessary. (and do something similar to preach here on his bottom right screen, where he's got raid markers and such sitting there. You'd be utterly shocked how often those can come in handy. both for inexperienced tanks or dps. shits a lifesaver on any role should you know the content thoroughly.) their was a macro video I watched not to long ago by method, where a help/harm macro was used. allowing you to set a dps skill and a heal skill on the same key and it's function would depend on if you were targetting an ally or an enemy. though i'm not certain how that fits in with mouseover macro's. Would it make mouseover useless, or would you end up with your mouse over the raidframes and try to attack while ending up with a heal lol.
@bryanstovall293 7 жыл бұрын
Preach!!!! I want to thank you first and foremost for the thousands of hours of content that you and Andy put out, it has helped me tremendously over the years playing this game!!! I have a plea!!!!- can you please do another vid of how to download and set up your UI and some more tips and trick to get the most out of it?? Please and thanks!!!!
@will-tani 7 жыл бұрын
If you want to cut down your binds, you can also combine all your offense spells with defense, based on whether your mouseover > current target > focus target > self is [help] or [harm]. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead,harm] Lava Burst; [@mouseover,exists,nodead,help] Healing Surge; [@target,exists,nodead,harm] Lava Burst; [@target,exists,nodead,help][@player] Healing Surge
@CuriosityKilledTheMartianCat 8 жыл бұрын
Just to point out if anyone's getting confused, mouseover macros don't work with some mice's buttons (zowie fk1 being the one I can confirm) without an addon. Personally I just bind my shaman's mouseovers to my keyboard and have totems etc on mousebinds.
@HTownsend 8 жыл бұрын
I think that the benefits of mouseover targeting are somewhat situational. They have the advantage, as you say, of eliminating a mouse click from your casting process and they allow you to keep a tank or DPS target selected. They do, however, demand that you have your mouse over that location on your screen as you start the cast. Generally, I will know what my next 2-3 actions are going in advance (barring something dramatic happening), so I can select my next target while my current spell is casting or the GCD is running. This approach means my click-targetting doesn't add any time to the cast and allows me complete camera movement at all times. I see your points but I am not sure that one is strictly better as a rule than the other..
@lilpixirae 8 жыл бұрын
why is there no link for this UI i want it wtf
@bearaugz 8 жыл бұрын
this is what we need more healer vids no one looks out 4 us guys :D
@Basicallyimjesus 8 жыл бұрын
Besides using the standard Eluvi Frames instead of Grid, pretty much the same for me. However cause I'm lazy, I use Clique instead of writing out Mouse Over Macros, but it's exactly the same thing. Only thing that's reversed on my UI is the health of party members. When it's full their full class colour is displayed.
@SigFrid1985 8 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up specially for the ElvUI config demonstration.
@ericdicocco4986 7 жыл бұрын
i may be completely wrong as i havent raided hardcore for a while, but i've found it to be MUCH more efficient to use grid + clique (if you have a gaming mouse) as well as decursive rather than mouseover macros. i've gathered from your videos that you are definitely a more accomplished raider than me, but grid+clique or healbot are honestly way more effective. it allows you to bind your heals literally to your mouse clicks and makes you even more mobile. you can move with your keyboard while healing with your clicks rather than having to mouse over someone and still hit your keybinded heals. also for dispelling, decursive is a no brainer. it makes a very loud noise when a raid member has a dispell on them that YOU can dispell. and dispelling is literally just a click away. it is so fast and is basically the same thign as clique or healbot but for dispels
@bernardmarigny8785 8 жыл бұрын
I recommend an addon called Decursive. It creates a small, non-obtrusive, movable, grid based on your party type that notifies you when a party member has been cursed, poisoned, has some sort of magic debuff, etc., that your healer can debuff, dispell, etc., and you click it with either the left or right mouse button, and you purge whatever nasty the party member needs dispelled. Easy to use.
@Voojitsu 8 жыл бұрын
[@mouseover,noharm,nodead] for friendlies, [@mouseover,harm,nodead] for enemies
@Adellund 8 жыл бұрын
Selfcasts are also made with #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@player] [ ] Holy Word: Serenity And if you want to be even more insane you can do #showtooltip /cast [mod:shift,@focus,noharm,nodead] [ ] Holy Word Serenity The above line allows you to cast Holy Word serenity on your focus target ( can be squishy dps, paper tanks (*cough* VENG DH's *cough*)).
@danielskrivan6921 8 жыл бұрын
One of the hardest things I had to figure out was the differences between noharm and help, or harm and nohelp in terms of which would screw up macros. Every time I leveled a new character I had to re-test everything because I forgot the answer.
@Voojitsu 8 жыл бұрын
Huh, I have never used "help" or "nohelp" in macros. What's the difference?
@danielskrivan6921 8 жыл бұрын
***** I don't remember. I'd have to test it again. There are some quirks to each of them in terms of who they would target.
@MInquisition 8 жыл бұрын
"help" only executes whatever's included before the next semicolon if a friendly target would receive it. It helps with not accidentally casting a help or harm spell at an enemy, or having your cast bar go off before realizing the spell just cancelled because the target is hostile. (Blizzard is shit at programming -every- spell to have the same quirks. Warlocks are a fucking technical mess, with so many random spell quirks like this relating to their demons, like not being able to move while using an instant cast spell or not being able to command your demon to use an ability not supported by Command Demon) "nohelp" is just "harm" but it also includes neutral NPCs.
@SuperApaxton 8 жыл бұрын
Shaman is such a great class to do heal/harm macros. Would love if you went over that separately, I understand that this isn't a shaman guide.
@MsTeaAndCrump3ts 8 жыл бұрын
clique+ raid frames is how I survived as a H pally. The best addon. I used to be a click targeter
@seant3231 8 жыл бұрын
Another useful macro for say shamans druids and disc priests is @cursor so u can remove a click from placing healing rain, power word barrier and efflorescence... pretty much anything that requires a button press to show a circle icon before clicking to place on ground
@skodass1 8 жыл бұрын
afaik you can use the [@mouseover] instead of [target=mouseover] which should cut down on charecters incase you need those extra letters elsewhere. Also a good one for aoe on ground spells like healing rain etc you can use the [@cursor] to put em where your cursor is
@tylerjohnson9620 8 жыл бұрын
There is an add-on called clique that helps you set up spells to mouse buttons which is super easy to use for healing. I use it with grid on my Shammy
@Hetsig 8 жыл бұрын
it's true you don't need addons for macroing the spells, but i would recommend you do. i play tank, dps and healer and over about 9 years i've used E as my primary button that i press. for dps it's the mutilate, rake, frostbolt, solar wrath, incinerate. for healing it's the slow heal button, healing touch as an example. what Clique will help with is if you don't mouse over an UI frame with a friendly player on it you can use the buttons however you want. if i need to dps i don't mouse over anyone and press E for solar wrath, if i need to heal i mouseover and press E. this helps even more if you have feral affinity where i use E, R, Q and V for damage spells a lot and i use those keys for healing aswell. it takes about 10-15 seconds to setup an offspecc macro in Clique and it's totally worth it!
@benedictifye 8 жыл бұрын
with mouseover macros you can also do /cast [@mouseover] Spell and you can also do things like /cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] [] Spell so then if a mouseover-target is friendly, and not dead, it'll cast the spell at the mouseover, otherwise it'll cast at the target (which is what the [] does)
@aaroncruze4638 8 жыл бұрын
just a suggestion for the placement of the raid health bars (grid) I place it just above and to the left of my character. this keeps my vision toward the boss with it being above me and since I'm right handed I feel that it is easier to move my mouse to the right to get back to the middle of the screen when I need to life grip someone or place barriers or whatever.
@AwesomeArgonanth 8 жыл бұрын
Haha I was wondering when this video would come up because all I could think in the previous one was "Your UI is awful for healing"
@jfletcher12 8 жыл бұрын
#show /cast [@mouseover][] This lets the spell function as a normal button if you aren't mousing over anyone. The second set of brackets is important because that tells the macro to light your cursor up with a clickable action to use that spell if you have no target and no mouseover.
@thomast7875 8 жыл бұрын
Nice video! Btw here is my mouseover+focus/player(just replace player with focus) macro I've used since WotLK(hence the exists,nodead part), that if alt is pressed auto casts on your focus or yourself;
@iyaramonk 8 жыл бұрын
For people who don't use ElvUI you can use an addon called Reflux to set up spec-specific addon configurations. It should work with nearly all addons.
@joshuabaker3679 7 жыл бұрын
So don't know if this is a good idea or not but I do a weird key binding set up and it works very well for me. The idea behind it was that when I started playing wow I didn't like how I have to move my hand so much to hit the 1-0 keys and how spread out it was. My goal was to find a way to make it so I didn't have to move my left hand at all in battle. Out of battle I didn't have a problem with. So I had to figure out if their Is a way in witch I can some how shift everything to my left hand since I use my right for my mouse. The answer. Yes! their is. I can layer stuff. Now what I mean by layering is that by holding a key I can change what the keys do. I figured out that you can hold down keys that normally change what keys do when writing a text like the Shift key and the Control key. Sure their is more but I didn't need them. Basically on the top layer (not holding a key) I have my W-A-S-D keys to move. That is already second nature for me to do this but what can I do to add more around my hand. I turned on all the action bars and key-bound the Q-E-R-F-Z-X-C-V keys to the action bar. Great but not nearly enough for all my abilities and then I learn't that it is possible to hold shit and make a new binding. For example Shift-Q will do something different then Q (not holding down a "Mod key"). So I rest all my main slots on the bar to Shift-Q, Shift-W... to Shift-R and then went to the next row, Shift- A, Shift-S.... all the way to Shift-V. It happened to work in my favor because their is 12 keys on the main bar and 12 keys that I was trying to use. But their isn't quite enough slots for all the abilities. Not by much but still short. But look at this, Control dose the same thing as Shift. So I did it again with Control-Q and so on. Now I got more then enough slots for all my abilities. So now I have three layers to my left hand. Raw (Not holding down a "Mod key"), Shift, and Control. As I started playing with this I realized that I put my main abilities on Shift-A to Shift-F, my defensive abilities on Shift-Q to Shift-R and my big cool downs on Shift-Z to Shift-V and my Control layer was just extras that I barely ever hit. and my Raw layer was for stuff like mounts and dispells and the such. Stuff to hit normally. As well as moving, can't forget that. Now it doesn't just work for me and it works for more then just WOW. My friend and I where playing Tera (How dare I talk about another MMO on a WOW channel I know) and he was complaining about so many keys he had to hit and miss clicking them. I showed him my set up and he tried it and loved it. Fixed all his problems. So in conclusion this is my unique way of doing key bindings and. It also gives me 12*3-4 keys to use. So 32 keys all mapped to 4 fingers. I hope it helps some people in the game. P.S. It is multi-class/roll as well. I have a capped Tank DH, A resto-Healer and a Fire mage I use this on. For me their is no problem other then my pinky finger getting a little sore after a while. Btw kinda Dyslexic so if their is any spelling mistakes or grammar I missed sorry.
@jonimzari1687 8 жыл бұрын
although adding the /cast macro is nice I'd say also remember to remove the 'cast on self' option through the interface as a healer. Will make it easier for key binders to still focus on the enemy and cast them heals on an enemy
@MyCamStudio 8 жыл бұрын
where can i download that ui?
@traestorm 7 жыл бұрын
I was wondering what Grid does that the ElvUI frames don't? Based on what I see from the setup, Grid isn't doing anything very complex. What am I missing? Thanks!
@Ript3r 8 жыл бұрын
You didn't mention focus target. That is how I keep track of bosses while I change targets and heal players. Also towards movement using the default movement keys and the mouse in unison grants the best results being I don't need to fully rely on one or the other. Tho in any setup there is some pro's and con's.
@korwl540 7 жыл бұрын
people talk shit on key turning but i use it extensively when i heal. there are mechanics which require mouse movement in short bursts but for the most part you can just key turn, which leaves your mouse free to do clickovers. when you need to mouse turn, you don't need to move your mouse in huge movements -- you just need to move them to the closest place where your mouse can clickthrough your ui, then move it back. if your sensitivity is high enough, your cursor moves about as fast as your brain can register the impulses, so it's not like it's some kind of huge drawback.
@ExoGrimGaming 8 жыл бұрын
Hey, Preach, do you think you can show us your hotkey set up?
@rafal3234 8 жыл бұрын
Cool idea around 8:30 !!! You can run( press W) and instead using mouseover macro on your keyboard bind it to mouse! 1 question : why oh why PRO players don't use addons like healbot ? You can run, jump ,sleep without ever changing your targeted mob a be clicking bars on healbot.
@michaelfroelich6212 8 жыл бұрын
first thing, love the vids preach. second, why not Healbot? you can do all with HB and don't need to make the marcos. is there a reason not to use it? I heal with or without it but it makes doing DPS and healing at the same time easier from what I see.
@JakobStrand 8 жыл бұрын
Playing a holy priest...I have mouseover macros for pretty much all my spell. I use your version of Elvui (Legion) and moved the targettarget to above target and Grid into the mid just like you have. Above Grid I have my WA... works like a charm. :D
@Ellonwyn 8 жыл бұрын
Preach - Let me know what you think: #showtooltip Chain Heal /cast [target=mouseover, help] chain heal; [help] Chain Heal; [target=targettarget,help] Chain Heal; [target=player] Chain Heal
@Ellonwyn 8 жыл бұрын
I've been using that macro since BC. Allows me to do all kinds of tricks.
@opvask 8 жыл бұрын
preach wheres that combat fader !? the UI must look crisp and symmetrical both in AND out of combat.. cant have that player-frame floating around down there in the conor all randomly ^^
@Sageman101 8 жыл бұрын
Would you post a list of all the add ons used in this vid? Particularly the horizontal raid frames.
@chrysola9513 8 жыл бұрын
I'm shocked Clique and HealBot weren't mentioned when Grid was. Mouse over is fine but it's always better to bind your heals to clicks to save keybinds and other actions.
@ahmadsoliman9919 8 жыл бұрын
gotta use vuhdo or clique If you like your ui frames already just set bindings don't have to click on tag rt and heal just mouseover and click your set healing bind
@endybendy5699 8 жыл бұрын
Preach in the background during Ghosty's stream earlier: "Do you have any derpy pictures of me??" I was really, really wondering what that was about...Mystery solved.
@Metadaxe 7 жыл бұрын
What does Grid... do? Like it just gives me some boxes with peoples' names in them. I thought it'd act as a replacement for the stock raid frames, but it doesn't track health or anything, so idk what I'm supposed to do with it.
@DannibusX 7 жыл бұрын
When I used to raid waaaaaay back in the day mouse over macros were critically important to me, it allowed me to instantly react when on the move. Now that I'm tanking as a warrior I still use a few. Intercept, heroic throw, pummel and taunt.
@michaelfroelich6212 8 жыл бұрын
how would your set up work with a raid group? I feel like it would be to much in the mid of the screen
@daviddanis6385 6 жыл бұрын
Its been a year but check out the uis o some raiders, you just put grid below your character and some people put their weakauras to the side of the grid. Also putting player and target frames to the left and right of grid can help if you want it bigger.
@pamperedmark 7 жыл бұрын
am I just stupid or is mouseover macros just there to eliminate healing addons? and really makes you have to button mash versus just point and click? what am I missing by using an addon versus mouseover macros?
@Zonnza 8 жыл бұрын
Is there a place I can get the updated preach UI btw? (like updated for 7.1 profile) I noticed some changes to his mage UI since his UI video (bigger bars and some other misc stuff).
@Magicmano123 8 жыл бұрын
I suggest Vuhdoo as the healing addon, it tracks much more for you and everything is a mouse over
@digginnriggin8171 8 жыл бұрын
Has he updated the Dropbox download of his UI? Most of the stuff was out of date last time I downloaded it, and I couldn't get his presets to work after updating the addons..
@bluba1lz144 7 жыл бұрын
what is the addon that casts spells for you? I am new to the game and I have a MacBook Air with a trackpad, I am not planning spending money on any fancy razor mouse or anything, so having this auto cast would be a lot easier for me.
@koldkustard 8 жыл бұрын
mate, "/cast [target=mouseover,exists] spell, spell" though mate, allows to cast when no mouseover exists on sellected target
@Zonnza 8 жыл бұрын
I want to get a healing UI set up for my druid that I started playing at 110 a week or so ago. I been very hesitant in getting raid frames cause on my main (mage), the healers seem to have issues seeing healing absorb effects like guarms shadowlick or the debuffs that require healing to end or kill someone (like pre helya trash or nightbane p2 debuff). Do addons like grid have a way to show these healing absorb effects somewhat like the blizzard frames (darkens the class color)?
@SilenceRed 8 жыл бұрын
Hey preach, nothing related to de vid tho, but do you have links aviable to your TMW profiles as well. I did main for my main toon, but is a pain in the ass to do it for every toon, specially when you aren't gonna use him regulary and just do some Mythic plus or a pug/split run every now and then.
@Sfidt1 8 жыл бұрын
WeakAuras are cool for any class and spec you play. When I heal I have been using mainly VuhDo since late MoP although I had been using healbot for few earlier xpacs. Keep your vuhdo bars close to center and you should be fine after some practice. I use 5 button mouse + alt,shit and control combinations. Enough for every spell I need. I have personal and party/raid wide cooldowns on other keyboard hotkeys.
@Z3r0M1st 7 жыл бұрын
Downloaded your WTF and Interface package and updated much of the addons, do you still use all of the addons or did you change it completely?
@jenat82 8 жыл бұрын
If I were you, I would put YOUR own cast bar snugly right ontop of where your unitframes are. Then put the target cast bar above or bigger or something else that is still very easy for you to see and not too different from your dps layout so it is not too much of a transition.. Your cast bar is important as a healer, I think. Maybe not so much on a druid and a monk. but still. I have been using Vuhdo for years now. I was a Grid clique person before. I'm not sure you mention using 12 thumb button mice. I have the Logitech G600, wish they would make a new version, not a naga fan. If I were to just use Mouseover macros for my heals, I could not use those same buttons for other mouseover macros like DoTs. (Think pain for disc) So I have one fucntion for my 12 thumb buttons while hovering over vuhdo and another when hovering over friendly or enemy. And being a dotter I love boss frames for dotting lol *Bring back interrupt for holy paladins. You make us go back and play melee but you took away our interrupt?!? lol*
@michaeltanner5500 8 жыл бұрын
Now, this is an example of critical thinking. You examine the issue, see possible improvements, and MAKE A SUGGESTION. Well done, Jena :) I agree. Though I personally prefer cast bars below unit frames, you make a good point. I have also seen UI's where both target and player cast bars are in the center, one larger than the other. Not sure I like it, but it is an interesting idea.
@jeremiah775 7 жыл бұрын
Yo do the UI's still work as of now for 7.3? Not just the healing ones but the other UI video you posted as well?
@iTunsiscool26 8 жыл бұрын
What was the first UI that he showed off? At 0:04 - 1:50 Anyone know by chance?
@TofA1225 8 жыл бұрын
iTunsiscool26 Good afternoon! Preach uses ElvUI, a mod which overhauls the majority of your UI in one package! He has a dps/hps meter (skada, I believe) in the lower right corner. He also utilizes TellMeWhen to track his cds, which appear as icons in the center of the screen. While Skada and TellMeWhen can be downloaded from the Curse client, you'll need to visit the ElvUI site to download the overhaul. Numerous KZbin guides exist for ElvUI, as it can be overwhelming at first. I hope this helps!
@iTunsiscool26 8 жыл бұрын
Thank so much!!!!
@bo9647 8 жыл бұрын
Yo where can I snag that pally wallpaper you used for the thumbnail
@vitsavicky 8 жыл бұрын
No need for add-ons, the game itself provides you with everything you need to be a perfectly effective healer. I use the stock "raid" UI for displaying the party health bars. Also: I personally don't use any @mouseover macros. The GCD is always enough time to switch targets. I just find mouseover clunky and prone to frequent "misshovers" (is that a thing?).
@Shleepy_Sheepy 8 жыл бұрын
Not everyone likes the classic blizzard stuff, especially for healing.
@vitsavicky 8 жыл бұрын
Disliking something doesn't mean it's not perfectly usable. I just wanted to point out that if you are fine with the stock UI you don't need to download anything else to be effective. So that people don't feel forced into addons for no good reason.
@Shleepy_Sheepy 8 жыл бұрын
Vít Savický For some people, yes, you do need the addons to help be a better healer.
@vitsavicky 8 жыл бұрын
That makes no sense. Addons are crutches that will prevent you from improving beyond a certain point. Yes, it may improve your performance to a degree, but if we are talking about player skill, it will not help you, it will hinder your learning.
@Shleepy_Sheepy 8 жыл бұрын
It's about personal fucking preference. You are not the one to decide if another person will improve their skills with a certain add-on or different UI layout. gtfo
@drschonify 8 жыл бұрын
I am working on a Resto Druid and here is a little something I came up with to help me contribute to DPS in dungeons. Yes I get it could be dangerous... #showtooltip moonfire /cast [@target, harm] moonfire; /cast [@party1target, harm] moonfire; /cast [@party2target, harm] moonfire; /cast [@party3target, harm] moonfire; /cast [@party4target, harm] moonfire; /cast [@party5target, harm] moonfire;
@Envyz22 7 жыл бұрын
I'm so confused what does Making a Macro actually do???? I've made one and added some spells and it uses 1 move im clueless to what Macros do
@Abby_wa 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for spending some time on the importance of DPSing during low damage periods. It's so painful to see a healer with zero damage done in a heroic 5man.
@bandoril 6 жыл бұрын
I know I'm late. But first, thanks for your amazing videos! And, where can I find your ui please?
@frgmano7987 8 жыл бұрын
Good guide for new healers!
@pedrosawe3815 7 жыл бұрын
i never used an ui in wow but how u can see how much health they have i cant see it with all the colors changngs in the name of the toon
@klogington 8 жыл бұрын
You didn't put your raid frames in a place where they can cover up a DPS of your choice so you can kill them and use it as an excuse.....
@Draak_en 8 жыл бұрын
So just a quick question, but where do I download your UI Preach? Looked in all of your "Basics" videos that you've released recently and can't find any link in the description... Knowing myself it's probably somewhere very obvious and I'm just too blind to see it.
@Dan-qx4vn 7 жыл бұрын
the RBfool I don't know if it's too late but you can Type in preach ui on KZbin and he has a video that has the link on it ...
@Gewsfrahba 8 жыл бұрын
I've been using Healbot since Wrath, is that strictly less efficient or is it okay since it's what I'm used to?
@Felixxfb 8 жыл бұрын
Where is the profile tho?
@vortexkilla2432 8 жыл бұрын
How do i update the addons i downloaded from him? They are all out of date and i don't know how to update them... Please help
@vortexkilla2432 8 жыл бұрын
nvm i figured it out
@GroeNNNinG 8 жыл бұрын
mind telling what you did am having the problem :-)
@yoshimatrixmaster 8 жыл бұрын
if you use the curse client, you can let it manage the addons (except a couple that curse is behind versions on) and update them that way. ElvUI will have to be updated through the tukui client
@hibiscus779 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Preach, I need to be able to (preferably auto) switch keybindings/action bar profile from elemental to resto. Any suggestions? My problem with the mouseover macro setup is that as an elemental shaman, I use my mouse for movement (for direction as well) and use all the keyboard keys for my spells and abilities. Using your setup means that I move with the keyboard and use the mouse for the mouseover macro. Is that right?
@hibiscus779 7 жыл бұрын
Never mind, figured it out. Only binding addon that works with Elvui is Binder, but work it does
@buddybarlow9604 7 жыл бұрын
Is there a guide to make your ui look completely like this?
@CornerWasTakin 8 жыл бұрын
I main a resto shaman, I know this is a UI episode but we need a rotation and talents episode... its killing me X[ Love these videos though.
@FalorTies 8 жыл бұрын
I found mouseover macros shortly before I started having people babble on to me about their healing addons (eeney meeny miney moe, pick one) -- the significant difference I see between them is the fact of running an addon. The macro is part of the default interface, so less third-party code running. That said, I _do, have this to add to the discussion of _what_ to have in the macro. This is what I use for Detox (the dispell) on my Mistweaver: #showtooltip Detox /cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=target,help,nodead][target=focus] Detox That gives me a bit more in the way of options in raid (or dungeon), when whatever heal I want to pump out is going to cast on my mousover, or if there's not one, on my selected target, or if that's not a friendly, on my focus (Tank mebe?).
@King_of_the_Axe 7 жыл бұрын
What's the addon you use to change the look of your health bar?
@GoGroblenorf 8 жыл бұрын
How did he invert the party health bar colors?
@deltadeevo371 8 жыл бұрын
healium from curse is also a great healing addon. I use it all the time on my druid
@captainsin7126 8 жыл бұрын
Mouseover macros, Weak Auras, Elvui with the right setup makes healing so easy a caveman could do it lolol i love it
@brianwebb9343 8 жыл бұрын
isnt mouse over macros the same as an addon such as vuhdo with a razer naga?
@bntagkas 8 жыл бұрын
on macros always replace target= with @ its just the same but better less typing u can fit more in same macro etc
@wowstonecrab 8 жыл бұрын
That sad day when Preach is gonna go enhance for world quests and see goblin storm strike animations.
@AquiferousDandelion 8 жыл бұрын
I genuinely cannot figure out how to move party frames horizontally, where do you go in setting to do it? I'm using elvui for my ui
@roger9328 8 жыл бұрын
not to nitpick, but those are brackets at 4:54, not parentheses.
@Matthew-lu4sf 8 жыл бұрын
When you say use macros for mouse over healing, do you mean use an add-on or just the blizzard macro creator?
@CreyZee 8 жыл бұрын
they fixed a lot of the macro conditions a couple years ago & you can just use [@mouse] or [@focus] now, which helps if you make bigger macros & run out of characters. On my priest & My shaman I use friend/foe macros & have Chain Heal & Chain Lightning on the same key & now use it cos it easier to write out. also good for arena spells like Hex & Wind Sheer ie /cast [@mouse,harm,exists][mod,@focus][]Hex
@nawafalhowaish9214 7 жыл бұрын
And here I am with my scrubby default UI :*)
@noobley6399 8 жыл бұрын
Subtitles are unusually accurate in this video
@benedictifye 8 жыл бұрын
KZbin is not friendly to the Manchester accent
@christiandelgado2851 8 жыл бұрын
what addon do you use to get your UI like his?
@Commandos12 8 жыл бұрын
as a holy pally i bind 13 spells to me healbot lol also u should mention help/harm macros. those are useful 2 know.
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