How Lies of P Succeeds where Lords of the Fallen (2023) Fails | In Depth Analysis and Review

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@Mugthief 9 ай бұрын
This video took a ton of time and effort to make, and I hope it shows! If you like it and want to support more videos like it, make sure to like the video (It helps way more than you imagine) and of course, Subscribe! Thank you all for watching, and keep enjoying the games you play, no matter which you choose to play!
@wakifilms2592 3 ай бұрын
lords of the fallen is not failed experiment, it sounds like an insult. Its okay if game is not for you, no need to talk trash about it. People didnt like dark souls 2 either and guess what? Its not a bad game. There are many other players who fell in love with ds2 and its the same with lords of the fallen. Lies of P is dull and slow, with woody gameplay and its what people wanted, they wanted just another fromsoft game because they already know how to play it and they are avoiding challange. Mob density is not a problem in ds2 and its not a problem in lords of the fallen, just get good. Mob density in lies of P is a joke, 5 years old can beat this game. I really dont understand this whole war between lies of P and lorfs of the fallen, they are completly different games and lords is the faster one with better art and gameplay thats for sure
@nakiangoderich3014 Ай бұрын
@@wakifilms2592 lords of the fallen? better gameplay? HA! I mean sure, people can like the game and that’s fine, but don’t EVER compare it to the polished mechanics that Lies of P has. Lords of the Fallen is a sluggish game with sluggish combat. Some may like it but in no way is it better than Lies of P. Then to say Lords of the Fallen has higher art direction is pure delusion, if I wanted to play a grainy and ugly game I’d go back to DS1. Enemies in Lies of P are much better than your copy and pasted average mob you encounter in Lords of the Fallen 700 times in a single area.
@wakifilms2592 Ай бұрын
@@nakiangoderich3014 lies of P cant even make dodge roll on decent level, u either run away from attacks or you are forced to parry. I want to play soulslike that lets you play every style and class, if I want to parry I will play fking sekiro. Simple as that
@nakiangoderich3014 Ай бұрын
@@wakifilms2592 LMAO what? I beat the entire game WITHOUT parrying and only dodging... please play the game first before you speak.
@nakiangoderich3014 Ай бұрын
@wakifilms2592 I do really hope you're joking about being forced to parry. It's truly insulting that you talk about a game you don't even know how to properly play.
@svenproglhof1768 9 ай бұрын
What I absolutely liked about Lies of P is that it bridged the gap between Sekiro's "you have to parry everything" and Dark Souls' "whack a mole". If I want to put in the time to learn when to parry or just rev up my electric whirlgig saw and go ham it´s my choice and the game ALLOWS me to choose between those two and neither of those choices feel compromised. It´s great!
@oneautumnleaff2119 8 ай бұрын
Calm down guy, you're acting like its giving you life changing dynamic options when it's not, like not even remotely. I like the game alot too but jfc yall are on drugs.
@taoday118 8 ай бұрын
​@oneautumnleaff2119 good game = good addiction. We are all on the addictive P drugs
@mariobroro 8 ай бұрын
It's something very understandable if you think about it. Most soulslike games are focused on one defensive aspect. In Sekiro and Star Wars you have to pretty much learn on how to parry, because most enemies will block most of your attacks and it's really hard to bring an enemy to 0 HP without too much commitment. Dark Souls most of the time you have to roll for the W and parries are really hard as shit to land and not all of them can be parried. Lies of P is really the bridge of having a good roll and parry mechanic. You can beat any boss with those two and having them at 0 HP at the same time if you focus one defensive mechanic.@@oneautumnleaff2119
@mariobroro 8 ай бұрын
Don't believe me, play a souls like game and try to focus one time on dodge rolls and one time in parries (you have to fight a boss that you can parry his attacks), and do the same thing with Sekiro/Star Wars. And tell us how much time did you spent in a fight in each category. After that, do that with Lies of P. @@oneautumnleaff2119
@TheUltimateHacker007 7 ай бұрын
​@@HighLanderPonyYTLies of P was extremely punishing in the demo version. None of the easy dodge and stam and spam shit. Every fight you took on you eventually had to master the combat, the attacks and use different weapons. They took away alot from the game what made it unique and challenging
@dpokan 9 ай бұрын
LoP was such a surprisingly great game. I'd watched the trailers with much suspicion. Then they released the huge demo. That just sold the game so well. I think they had to be very confident in their product to give away the first 3 chapters of the game. LoP is just layers of quality work. The more I look the more great things I find. For example just today I was watching someone fight the nameless and what struck me was the sound of the clashing blades. It's not just the immediate clang at impact. The impact is followed by a subtle ring that sustains for a couple of seconds. It was such a satisfying ASMR kind of moment. Perfect sound design. My heart was pounding when I first killed the nameless. And even after getting all the trophies I am still playing like you said; just leisurely traversing the game trying out different weapons or experimenting in general. Starting to collect boss ergos in the inventory just for the hell of it.
@Hakitosama 9 ай бұрын
I got scold when I finaly beated Nameless..... I'm 35 yo and I got scold like a teenager because I screamed "F*CK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HAHAHA WHO'S THE BOSS NOW ? WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW ? HAHAHA" in the middle of the night...... Waking everyone in the house including the dog and the cat...... I HAVE ZERO REGRET HAHAHAHA
@Kaleb._ 8 ай бұрын
@@HakitosamaI'm 18 and had the same reaction!
@noremac387 Ай бұрын
Ngl nameless took me like 2 days to beat. You have to have to grasp of parrying to win that fight
@historicflame972 9 ай бұрын
"But they can't complete it without swinging their weapon" Consumable only runs: NOW THIS LOOKS LIKE A JOB FOR ME
@creatureslim 7 ай бұрын
Throwables in LoP are so OP.
@Ver36gil 6 ай бұрын
Shot put for the win. Saved me in my fight against Laxasia.
@paulhenri5902 9 ай бұрын
Lies of P has become my favorite Soulslike game, I loved everything about the game.
@marekbabik2791 9 ай бұрын
i save the time to play this masterpiece arround christmas ... but damn ... i think this will beat DS3 and maybe even ER in my book ... it looks as stunning as Bloodborne( my favourite of all time) terms of combat,lvl design and atmosphere ...and i coudlnt be more happier then already know that there will be DLC and sequel to this(confirmed by round8). Im happy that its sold quite good ...i know this is not a copy of Bloodborne ..but it still feels like the closest thing we ever gonna get ... since Fromsoft wont be doing sequel and they also wont be doing anything like that in at least this decade .
@hvyarms4496 9 ай бұрын
Quest npcs in Lotf didn't stand a chance against LoP's. Closest to fromsoft yet
@dix0nc0unty 9 ай бұрын
@user-ky8nd2rz4fit has the better combat but i still think fromsoft has cooler art design and level design. but it was only their first game so i cant wait to see where they go from here
@jeff3221 8 ай бұрын
@@dix0nc0unty That last bit is what has me so excited about the future of this studio... this was their first attempt at a soulslike. They nailed it on so many critical levels on their first try AND they implemented various improvements and cool new features to the formula. I cannot wait to see how they build upon the incredible ground work they laid here,
@devaryamadhukar8803 8 ай бұрын
It may not necessarily be better than any fromsoft game, but it is definitely on their level. If lies of p had been released under fromsoft then it would have won a bunch of awards, tho BG3 still is GOTY.
@deviantarsenal 9 ай бұрын
The fact that continues to blow my mind is that this is NEOWIZ/Round 8's first shot at a soulslike! Not only is it extremely well done, the level of polish and refinement that has gone into this game is on par with or even possibly exceeds Fromsoftware. That is absolutely amazing. So many different developers have made multiple attempts to do the same thing and failed to come close in almost all cases. I don't think some people understand how crazy it is that they were able to create a game this good on their first attempt! I am very excited to see what the future holds for these devs and what they bring to the table next.
@ghoulishgoober3122 9 ай бұрын
They went from a frankly generic Korean mmo to lies of p, definitely worthy of commendation and I promise I don't mean to sound sarcastic if this comment does
@Hakitosama 9 ай бұрын
I think the reason lies (haha) in a simple thing : passion. The devs of Lies of P are true Soulsborne fans (I heard that one of the dev admited in an interview that, as Fromsoft wouldn't give him Bloodborne 2, he would make it himself)
@deviantarsenal 9 ай бұрын
@@Hakitosama I definitely think they succeeded in everything they've done!
@freezingaethernity3393 9 ай бұрын
Same goes for Hexworks, funnily enough (but for them, it's their first game EVER). Crazy how far the genre has gone
@darkoale3299 7 ай бұрын
I just reached the last area in LOP and it doesn't seem reasonable that this game is this good. Astounding.
@PanaTheKid 9 ай бұрын
Lies of p could easily be a fromsoft game i loved the Story and the level design it is very very linear and its very hard to miss out on something and the levels are smaller then the average from soft Levels i really liked that cause i always knew where i am
@Betoni 8 ай бұрын
My thoughts exactly. Just finished the game last night and it is so well crafted that it might as well be made by fromsoftware
@chidori0117 9 ай бұрын
I disagree about your take on the fable arts. I found that most fable arts are essential in achieving enemy stagger. Enemy stagger in the game is in my opinion a very important part of the combat system that barely gets touched on. Heavy attacks and fable arts agressively used can make many bosses much easier by achieving more staggers combined with perfect guard. You mentioned earlier in the video that in Lies of P you can ignore many combat mechanics while in Lords of the fallen ignoring combat mechanics puts the game in "hard mode". I disagree with that as well ignoring heavy attacks, staggers and perfect parries in lies of P very much makes the game a lot harder and. Many people I have seen struggling with the Endgame bosses tend to only evade/parry attacks an then use a few light attacks before getting defensive again. Many of these bosses can be fought much easier by focusing on achieving stagger, using heavy and fable arts and even trying to damage trade going for minor staggers and big staggers as follow up. The first boss I noticed this on was King of Puppets second phase. A boss that many people struggle on is so much easier by just going agressively for staggers. He both minor and major staggers pretty easily. After this boss I was always looking in which opening I could fit a charged heavy and would prioritize this over a couple of lights everywhere I could fit it. Playing like this also changes the sharpening aspect. I almost never had to sharpen inside of a bossfight (ignoring corrosion) while playing like this. It just was not necessary since you deal so much more damage through hits and staggers with fewer hits. You said the game was designed more around dodging and perfect guard was just a reward for mastery. Again I think you are slightly beside the point the game is in my opinion balanced around multiple styles of play with all of them being valid and sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker. The fact that you can say you found the later bosses easier by dodging and I can say I found it easier by mixing dodging and parry playing agressive and going for stagger is to me testamend how good the boss design actually is that focus on different parts of the toolkit while disregarding other playstyles and still end up with a similar level of challenge.
@notsam21 9 ай бұрын
"a player can complete the game without using the legion arm but not without walking or attacking" Give Ymfah some time and he'll prove that statement wrong
@Trizzle2Jernts 9 ай бұрын
I wasn't really feeling Lies of P at first. Enemy and level design, while not bad by any means, just wasnt interesting enough for me. But when I picked up a record and played it on the grammophone..... my god, the music! I ended up beating it twice more to try to get all the records.
@Thisguy2532 9 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie there soundtrack is low key fire the second I played the first song feel I was like shit this song slaps in a good way I thought it was gonna be cheesy and corny but I was surprised how much I enjoyed just going back to the hotel just to listen to a record I had just got 😂
@sweetmoonpigeon7469 8 ай бұрын
would you believe me if i told you that's because the developers are rhythm game developers? They have a huge repitoire of songs that they actually adapted to fit this world
@idonomaeatomoku9322 9 ай бұрын
My heart was pounding after beating this game. The story was very well done and the combat and art style is exceptional. Great job on the video as well.
@WhoDaF0ok1sThatGuy 8 ай бұрын
My ergo was whispering
@joshuatealeaves 8 ай бұрын
I’m glad you liked Lords of the Fallen as much as you did 👍🏻
@oneautumnleaff2119 8 ай бұрын
That's weird, go get yourself checked out or maybe stop playing games period.
@joshuatealeaves 8 ай бұрын
@@oneautumnleaff2119 So you’re the insufferable gamer who goes on videos just to talk down on people. Don’t let anyone irl know you did this goofy shit. How you conduct yourself online speaks volumes bruh
@bschneidez 6 ай бұрын
"The player can finish all of Lies of P without ever using a perfect guard"...... The nameless puppet has entered the chat.
@shredjward 9 ай бұрын
I'm really happy i wasnt the only who noticed the Resident Evil influence - though i specifically saw RE1 as well as RE4 in its world design/art and architecture direction. My clockwork heart springs were resounding; _pounding_ inside, when i realized the piano wall was straight out of the spencer mansion, and that it led to a whole new area - my oh my - instead of a chest.
@jankmedia1985 4 ай бұрын
😮 you just made me incredibly interested, RE1 is my GOAT.
@marshmallsy 7 ай бұрын
Lies of P is the game that finally sold me on soulslikes! I've played most of Elden Ring with a friend carrying me through every second of it, but Lies of P is the first game I ever had to go through completely on my own and it made me GET the entire appeal of soulslikes. I used to think I simply would never be good enough to play games like Dark Souls or Sekiro, that my reaction time was too slow or I was too unskilled, but I've had such a blast playing Lies of P that all my initial fear and frustration over constantly dying turned into excitement wondering what they'll throw at me next. I still have the Nameless Puppet to beat before I complete my first playthrough, but for once I'm not worried I'll hit a wall and not be good enough to get past it. I *know* that eventually, whether it be hours or days from now, I'll learn his moveset and how to counter each attack and I WILL win. It's a fantastic feeling.
@SNESpool 9 ай бұрын
This is the best analysis I've seen so far for Lies of P. @40:30 also, I never thought about it before hearing you say it, but yes. The enemy variety, and more importantly, the meticulously crafted encounter design found throughout Lies of P is one of the things that makes it truly memorable. There are SO many unique encounters in the game that give you that same rush of intrigue and dread, like the first time you stumbled across a Black Knight in DS1. Like you know as soon as you see it that this is gonna be a tough fight, and maybe you don't feel quite prepared for it. But you also know that it's gonna feel damn good win you get past it, and the reward will probably be worth it. The value of having good, thoughtful encounter design in a Souls-like is something that I think doesn't get discussed nearly enough.
@mickeycee8559 9 ай бұрын
I understand they are both souls like, but don’t understand this need to constantly compare them to each other, and decide which is better… I love both games, but personally have many more hours in lords of the fallen, obviously grinding for the crazy platinum I’d say, Lord is more like dark souls three were lies of P is more like blood-borneexcept 80 times slower in the movement, which I don’t understand. Both fantastic games.
@Mugthief 9 ай бұрын
I'm comparing them because they are very different and people pretend they aren't. It's like the first 10 minutes of this video.
@lizardpeople 9 ай бұрын
They are both really good Souls likes
@Jay.McCarty 9 ай бұрын
I don't really follow your criticism of the boss weapons and fable arts. The boss weapons in LoP cater players who just want a solid weapon to run through the game with when they aren't interested in experimenting with weapon building. The fable arts issue is a real head-scratcher though. I think a weak point of Elden Ring was the ability to spam TF out of fable arts ashes of war. Fable arts are something to work for and can turn the tide of a fight that gone sideways. It smacks of digging for something io criticise the game for in a effort to appear impartial.
@Mugthief 9 ай бұрын
“Smacks of digging to appear impartial”in a video that clearly professes deep love for a game and harshly criticizes another. Couldn’t be that the reviewer has a genuine complaint and spends 10 minutes explaining it and how he would prefer something different. Not to mention you just use my own words that the boss weapons cater to people who aren’t interested in the main weapons, but frame them as an argument against me? Okay.
@Jay.McCarty 9 ай бұрын
@@Mugthief I posted that comment as I listened to that part of the video. That's what it felt like to me. ...and I'm not implying nefarious intent. I have to call it as I hear it. The remainder of the video was wonderful. Also, you sound like Michio Kaku.
@LiloDemon 9 ай бұрын
One thing I don't see players doing much ia that you can make combos with R1 and R2 and the Fable Arts. The Rapier at beginning is a good example. I usually starts with R1->R1->R2 and Charge R2 was a combo against some enemies or starting with one R1 and follow up. It improved so much my gameplay.
@TheWickedMessenger3 9 ай бұрын
The best way I can describe the differences between the two games is this: “one game has many ways to fight a few enemies, while the other has a few ways to fight many enemies.”
@deviantarsenal 9 ай бұрын
That's a pretty accurate description. I do like how LotF implemented the throwables and magic. I wish they would've given us more move sets for some of the more unique weapons, instead of the same attack patterns over and over again. Kind of made combat stale after 20 or 30 hours of gameplay.
@justsomerandomguyman 9 ай бұрын
That doesn't at all capture how polished the combat is in one game compared to the other though.
@TheWickedMessenger3 9 ай бұрын
@@justsomerandomguyman execution is a different matter altogether. I was talking about the design.
@justsomerandomguyman 9 ай бұрын
@@TheWickedMessenger3 Fair enough
@ZephyrusAsmodeus 7 ай бұрын
After playing through the majority of it last weekend, Lies has definitely taken the number one spot as my favorite souls like I've ever played. Great story that's a unique, surprisingly faithful but thematic shifted take on the original, great gameplay that feels spot-on for Dark Souls 3 or Elden Ring, unique enemies, awesome thematic spectrums in areas, spanning from pristine gold gilded and alabaster halls to dank stone crypts encrusted with moldlike blue growths fixing corpses to the wall to Yarnham style city streets to old rustic, Resident Evil Village style towns, it's just extremely well made, even if there are a small number of things I wish were slightly different.
@MundMoriginal 7 ай бұрын
In Lies of P, something that can also change any fight in your favour, are the throwawable items. The one standing out is the metal ball. When an enemy's or boss's stagger bar is full, sometimes it's not easy to get in a fully charged attack for the criticial to become available, so you can just throw such a ball at them from a save distance and you're good to go! This was a game changer for me in many boss fights.
@soberbandana02 9 ай бұрын
I bounced hard of The Lords of the Fallen yet spent about 100 hours on Lies of P. And you are right its all about the movement and combat for me.
@Thisguy2532 9 ай бұрын
Same I’ve played both games and I honestly just couldn’t finish lords of the fallen for some reasons but lies of P I couldn’t put down I was like story is great, gameplay is solid, can be a bit much for some bosses but overall the upgrade system was much better with the organ, I just simply had more fun with lies of P and lords of the fallen just felt like okay another day at the office 😂
@TheWilcoxExperience 9 ай бұрын
I liked Lies a lot more than lords but found it very one and done. I put 70 hours into lies and 300 into lords. Everything about it was great... except level design.
@DeeEll1 9 ай бұрын
my fav handle is the booster glaive handle. the rush attack you get from the charged heavy is so fun to use. usually with the bone cutting saw blade. between that and puppet string i found my play style tends to be getting up close as fast as i can and melting the enemies before they can even respond. its so fucking satisfying.
@bryanwithamask 8 ай бұрын
I used the booster glaive handle with the knife blade and it was so fun to use lmfao
@114Freesoul 2 ай бұрын
30:40 It's kind of funny to see people bring up that Lies of P has taken the idea of posture break from Sekiro, but then nobody ever seems to recall that Nioh did it first. You could see your enemy's ki bar, and if you drain it by dealing damage to them when they're low on ki, they stagger and become vulnerable for an attack that deals damage. Some bosses were even entirely built around that mechanic.
@emojo5619 9 ай бұрын
My heart is pounding and will forever do so. This has become my favorite souls like even jumping in front of any actual from software game. I cannot wait for the dlc and sequel.
@terror_taco3530 9 ай бұрын
Lies of P is one of those weird combinations that just works well, I ain’t felt this way since Kingdom Hearts. Who would of thought Pinocchio & SoulsBourne would fit this well together 😭💯
@Hakitosama 9 ай бұрын
When you know how dark and borderline morbid collodi's book truly is, it's not that much of a surprise ^^ once again Disney really soften the original story....
@fallasleep9472 9 ай бұрын
@@Hakitosama But this wasn't even an adaptation, though.
@Hakitosama 9 ай бұрын
@@fallasleep9472 I agree but the dark tone isn't really a surprise
@fallasleep9472 9 ай бұрын
@@Hakitosama Yeah, I can see that.
@tristanward9937 9 ай бұрын
Well lies of P had one thing major thing over lords. It’s actually a finished game…
@MichealMellott 9 ай бұрын
Personally I bounced off Lies of P hard, but I've done multiple playthroughs of Lords of the Fallen.
@ThatSingleBastard 9 ай бұрын
Im in the same boat
@TheWilcoxExperience 9 ай бұрын
I liked lies but yeah I found it boring. Lords has freedom.
@lum1notryc828 6 ай бұрын
Skill issue
@lizardpeople 9 ай бұрын
Lords of the Fallen is actually a really good Souls like the performance really put me off at first but I gave it a second chance and now I can honestly say it was amazing I have a 100+ hours in both of these games which is more than any other games I've played this year
@ajaiiix2978 9 ай бұрын
​@@johndodo2062 with how far you throw yourself with attacks i never felt confident attacking near ledges, which is alot of the game
@cordyceps182 9 ай бұрын
@@johndodo2062 You genuinely get used to it. I have a hard time adjusting to how little coverage your attacks have in other Souls-likes. The faster movement speed also helps since the maps are pretty large and interconnected.
@sanka0313 9 ай бұрын
Lies of p is amazing
@aaronatkinson177 9 ай бұрын
Should have been nominated for game of the year in my opinion I enjoy lies of p 😉 😏
@sanka0313 9 ай бұрын
@@aaronatkinson177 as a zelda fan lies of p was my goty
@titanmax111 Ай бұрын
Should've taken Spider Man 2's spot. Every other nominee deserved it
@brucepreston3927 9 ай бұрын
This was a great video! I enjoyed both LotF and Lies of P...They are very different games, but had a great time playing both of them...They enemy density never bothered me in LotF, probably because the weapons I used allowed me to kill them quickly, and I also take my time and work through levels very slowly...I did find the lack a enemy variety to be pretty bad though, and I wish the game had more movesets for the player character and for the Bosses/enemies...
@Remmy0930 9 ай бұрын
100%. Everyone complaining about mob density is playing like it's supposed to be a speed run. It isn't hard to slow down and take your time. The game WANT'S you to take your time and take it all in.
@DRKLRD-kv4cm 9 ай бұрын
​@@Remmy0930If the game wants me to take my time, they least It should do is bother to make It enjoyable
@rvala6335 9 ай бұрын
@@Remmy0930 totally agree, lords of the fallen at least make me think of all the possible ways to clear enemies that the game offers, and they allways work, so I never really had a problem with the enemy density, instead, I was really happy that the main challenge of the game for me was exploring (secrets in the map, level design and enemies), which I really craved for after Lies of P. My problem with LoP was (still is after getting the 100%) that the exploration wasn't challenging, maps were waaaay to simple and boring to learn, and this aspects really made the way to 100% a speedrun before LotF came out instead of a enjoyable experience (enemy variety doesn't really matter to me, besides, both games have around the same amount of variety).
@axis1247 8 ай бұрын
​@@Remmy0930 Yes the game totally wants you to take your time thats why the 2nd plane has infinitely respawning enemies and a timer until a reaper comes to murder you
@dontkickmychick6076 8 ай бұрын
​@@Remmy0930 Hey so am I weird for not speed running through sections? I'm a relatively new souls player and I tend to clear first time around as I'm going through the level itself, then run by enemies if it's a runback or it doesn't seem worth it to deal with them at the moment
@magtirapaolo2530 9 ай бұрын
My heart is pounding at how amazing this game is, especially since it practically came out of nowhere. It simply boggles the mind how a relatively unknown studio was able to get a lot of things right in their first game where many failed. I also appreciate how concise and clear your points are in these video essays. I've only watched your LOTF video in addition to this one. You are definitely worth a sub.
@SNESpool 9 ай бұрын
I completely agree with how great this game is. Honestly, I think that the fact that it was an unknown studio with no prior expectations, no major PR campaign prior to release, and no serious financial pressure from management/stockholders is PRECISELY the reason that the game turned out to be so amazing. It is very clearly a passion project, and its setting and story are unique enough that no western studio would have ever approved the concept. Therefore, they took their time with development, didn't waste a whole lot of money on marketing/building pre-release hype (unlike LotF), and made sure their gameplay was airtight before launch. This level of quality could never be achieved by a western AAA studio. I am beyond impressed, and I am already SO hyped for the sequel. I can only hope that the devs avoid becoming a victim of their own success, with the next game. If they can manage to keep the hype machine at arms' length, take their time, keep a tight lid on development, and ignore the toxic discourse/unrealistic expectations from certain parts of the Souls community... their next game could be even better.
@marekbabik2791 9 ай бұрын
and u know whats the best part about it??? DLC is confirmed for Lies of P ...based on massive success ... and Devs already confirmed they will make another Lies of P .
@KoreanSpy1997 9 ай бұрын
For me, Lies of P's not just a souls-like game, it's a souls game. It was THAT good, that im considering it's as good as fromsoft's game. My game of the year for sure. And TDS is NOT a Katana.
@Hakitosama 9 ай бұрын
are you maybe the one who corrected a certain Canary on Reddit about that ? =D About the TDS being a chinese dao sword ?
@grimreefer213 9 ай бұрын
It’s presumably a korean sword reminiscent of a katana, it’s much easier to just call it a katana instead of being pedantic
@KoreanSpy1997 9 ай бұрын
@@grimreefer213 It's a korean sword so they should call it korean sword.
@yueminwang3551 12 күн бұрын
One thing Lies of P did great is they didn't abuse traps or hard encounters. Having the mob push you off a cliff, or setting a shield bot on a narrow bridge once or twice is funny and add to the overall experience. If every corner is a death trap, the game will simply be frustrating and hard for no good reason. I really admire their restraint for not making the game as hard as possible simply because people think souls like is hard.
@eddieford9373 9 ай бұрын
You're the first person I've heard, not call Lies of P steampunk and got it right and said clockwork.
@Ridley70 9 ай бұрын
Great video. I've quickly given up on Lords and got a refund, and got to NG+4 on P. I can't get through the clunkyness of the former, despite great art direction. Lies of P felt immediatly natural, it's uncanny how "at home" a player used to FromSoft feels in this game. I agree on your complaints on the weapons' limited movesets on top of the smallish amount of upgrade materials available, especially for boss weapons. As a matter of fact, as soon as I got to NG+, I hacked in a bunch of upgrade materials and cranks just so I could have fun with the numerous weapons, since they ended up unusable until I got more full moonstones. That entirely compensated for what ended up being my biggest gripe with the game.
@ThatSingleBastard 9 ай бұрын
Really? I had the opposite, lies of p felt clunky and sloppy movement while lords of the fallen was quick, right, and way more satisfying.
@thedoomslayer5863 9 ай бұрын
​@@ThatSingleBastard Means u like them more floaty with less weight to the attacks
@chrishastings7583 7 ай бұрын
I thought the game had plenty of upgrade mats
@Arfadoz 9 ай бұрын
23:48 no one uses those attacks. They aren't used on casual playthroughs nor for RL1 hitless runs.
@Tietrarch 9 ай бұрын
You don't say, LOTF is somewhat less linear what comes to the level design, has better build variety, and yes, it's utterly unballanced, some starting classes are uplayable, some weapons are broken and some bosses are just stupid, oh...and performance, it sucks. Lies of P also has its own faults, like you need to have ninja reflexes to parry, the levels are super linear and the difficutly hike between the last boss and nameless puppet is simply insane. I loved both games, both have good and bad sides and both spent 100+ hours playing.
@TheBurningcage27 6 ай бұрын
"Utterly unbalanced, some poor starting classes, broken weapons and some bosses are just stupid" ah so it's just like elden ring then?
@therealaran 2 ай бұрын
Did you even look at the P organ tree? U can increase dodging and staggered enemy length, they're are ways to make the game easier, parrying is NOT hard atall😂 nobody can perfect it but you don't need to either, just practise or get good tbh. LOTF just feels like it was made for COOP, I like the game but LIes of P is the clear winner, and I haven't even beaten Bloodborne so no I'm not bias, I've beaten both LOP and LOTF
@Tietrarch 2 ай бұрын
@@therealaran I agree LOTF has amazing coop, plus I loved how they did the raged and magic controls, really something other developers or even fromsoft to consider, and I think I'll agree with you Lies of P being better, It runs smoother, the level design and monsters are better, Lies of P didn't need a year of patches to make it somewhat better to play.
@Tietrarch 2 ай бұрын
@@TheBurningcage27 what unballanced classes there are in elden ring?
@therealaran 2 ай бұрын
@@Tietrarch exactly, lies of P is just GOAT tier souls like tbh
@LostBoy1920 9 ай бұрын
This is a great review and such a well structured essay, my heart is pounding from finding a new channel to subscribe to
@kodemasterx 7 ай бұрын
For me, Lies of P was the BB2 we never got... Lords of Fallen, on the other hand, tried to be DS2 on steroids lol, floaty and unbalanced, you're either too weak or too strong. There's never a perfect balance, unfortunately, that combined with the horrible performance of the game left a sour taste in my mouth. PS: Despite its flaws I love DS2, but I can't really say the same thing about Lords of the Fallen, unfortunately 🤷
@dirjdyrjthso 9 ай бұрын
Your depth of analysis amazes me. Happy to see LoP getting more recognitions recently. Subbed!
@kirkginoabolafia3650 6 ай бұрын
Lies of P absolutely blew me away in every regard. It is the absolute cream-of-the-crop of soulslikes. Lords of the Fallen, though, was just so bad :( I really disliked the combat system and while the art style and graphics were awesome, the level design and enemy placement was just so irritating. It's like the LOTF developers intentionally took the most annoying aspects of a soulslike, and none of the cool parts, and amplified them.
@kdjets 7 ай бұрын
Lies of P is one of my favorite games of all time. Ive played a few From Soft games, but never stuck to them. Lies of P absolutely consumed me for months when it came out on GamePass. Absolutely blown away. Gameplay is astounding and I'm still watching lore videos.
@maboilaurence8227 7 ай бұрын
You know a souls like is VERY good when some of the mechanics make you think "damn, I really wish From would take notes". Bonus points for being probably the most optimized game of the year, I was growing tired of devs like Remnant 2's "oh, but we built the game with upscaling in mind", more like you couldn't be bothered to optimize your own game.
@robertwhiteley-yv1sy 9 ай бұрын
I like both games.
@BruceWayne-fj9bm 6 ай бұрын
Excellent 🫡
@SoFCeO 9 ай бұрын
Lies of P is gorgeous. Really loved the little things like the music tracks . Every weapon works well and i struggled to pick a favorite!
@mclloydeeee5973 9 ай бұрын
Anybody who thought Lords Of The Fallen was a better game than the masterpiece which is Lies Of P? Well they are idiots! Lies Of P, from Atmosphere, to sound design, to boss design, fighting mechanics, skill tree and progression, it all shits all ova Lords Of The Fallen! I have beaten both games and Lies Of P is phenomenal, and Lords Of The Fallen is ok with alot of frustrating BS shoved in it, just to make the game more difficult! Lies Of P's difficulty was done through amazing game design with enemies that had complicated fighting designs where-as Lord Of The Fallen just put as much BS on the screen at the same time to make the game difficult! Over using the same enemies was a massive issue with LOTF! Where Lies Of P had the enemies neva overstaying their welcome! Lies Of P is a meal at a Michelin star restaurant whilst LOTF was a meal at a fast food restaurant that wasn't very hygienic!
@wolfgangromine8341 7 ай бұрын
Although Lies of P is linear i really liked how the whole world fits together. You basically never just teleport anywhere, you can technically walk from 1 area to another with minimal load screens, it’s all connected physically.
@Maxbeedo2 9 ай бұрын
I only have two complaints about Lies Of P. One is bosses attacking AFTER getting staggered is a "Gotcha, F--- You" surprise. The other is that Lies Of P, like most souls-likes, copied ONLY the "shortcuts back to the bonfire" mechanic of level design, but ignored having multiple paths through a level, interesting interweaving level connections that help establish the geography, intentional shortcuts forward, or optional/secret levels. It's more linear than even the most linear From Software game, with nothing new to discover, and no levels that can be skipped, and while I found the encounter design quite fair, it was also quite stale and repetitive as the levels dragged on in extremely predictable ways. The combat overall feels excellent, I really like the organ upgrade system, and there are nice quality-of-life improvements, but until they can expand on the exploration they'll never quite match their inspiration.
@GargantuanD 9 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed Lies of P, but LotF is strangely addictive lol
@merdullah 9 ай бұрын
@TheWilcoxExperience 9 ай бұрын
100% agree
@freezingaethernity3393 9 ай бұрын
Because both games are good. Easy as that.
@acehood9953 7 ай бұрын
After playing Lies i just enjoy sprinting like Usain Bolt in LOTF 😂
@derekofbaltimore 9 ай бұрын
Ill be glad when we no longer choose to compare the newer games and their design choices to fromsoft games
@alecsnead6566 8 ай бұрын
I honestly really enjoy Lords of the Fallen. I like Lies of P a lot as well but I liked fighting puppets more than the mutant things.
@babayaga4320 9 ай бұрын
I've had a lot more fun with Lords of the Fallen, and it's one of my favorite games of the year. Lies of P might be more polished, and the combat is tighter, but it just didn't grab me like LOTF did. I'm not alone on this, Fightincowboy and plenty of others prefer Lords over Lies, and I think the Umbral realm is criminally underrated and underappreciated. I want classes, the ability to sword and board, and or use magic, along with making builds and having big open areas to explore in my Souls/Souls like games, things that were completely absent from Lies of P.
@SonyBravia-ld3dc 8 ай бұрын
Yup in light we walk
@joshjulrich 9 ай бұрын
Lies of P without blocking is 100% a challenge run haha so that one point about core mechanics is wrong, but the spirit is on point!
@brodygates7535 8 ай бұрын
There’s a lot of these kind of videos now and they’re cool and all but I wish everyone didn’t speak like they were the top video game journalist and knew everything about game design and why things are good/bad.
@EKk8819 7 ай бұрын
Lies of P, Curved Sword handle with saw tooth blade is one of THEE best and highest DPS weapon in the game, period. Best move set too by far. Check out the combo if you don't believe me.
@IHMyself 9 ай бұрын
I see they didn't fix the insane lunge problem with attacks in LOTF. It looks dumb asf how your character steps forward like 2 meters every time you attack...
@PolishGoblinn 9 ай бұрын
hitboxes in this game are terrible, you can get hit by attacks that skip frames or attacks that don't even hit you if you would watch the fight frame by frame
@marekbabik2791 9 ай бұрын
you sir, you are a right critic,filozofer and mostly a poet ... the section about lvl design ... it was poetic presentation at its best ....and i didnt played the game myself(even tho it was most expected game this year for me) i let myself waiting for the right time(and want to finish some others) ...but if i wasnt sure about it( i was since the reveal) i would be sold on this one based on your long,constructed and poetic review ...u have done a great job here ... now im hooked up even much more than i already was ... and looking forward to step in arround christmas time ....i bet i will spend in here at least half of the time i spended in Bloodborne(which is my best game i ever played) ..the world,lvl design,combat,atmosphere looks like and are as good or nearly as good as in Bloodborne. I am not use to watch a longer then 20min reviews ... but this one ... i enjoyed from the start till the end . hands down sir ... u have done as good job as the Round8 studio with Lies of P.
@nootenbell 6 ай бұрын
This encapsulates everything about the game that blew me away. I love these in depth reviews. Keep it up! You got a heavy sub from me.
@irystocrattakodachithatmooms 3 ай бұрын
My heart was pounding when I saw Sophia for the first time, she was more beautiful than I expected. She actually reminded me of Melina with a touch of Ranni.
@kimetsunoacademia3528 7 ай бұрын
the booster blade handle was personally the best claymore move set i had ever used in a Souls borne game period. When i assembled it with the giant saw blade, that weapon carried me through the entire game to the point it felt unfair. At level 10, it was one shotting mobs and 2 shotting elites. The fable art had low range but insane poise and stagger, to the point where i was not even afraid to get hit. And the boost charge attack gave me more range than a spear or scythe, which just practically made my dreams of playing a dexterity tank real. GOD I LOVE THIS GAME. THE ENTIRE WEEKEND I SPENT PLAYING THIS FROM START TO END WAS THE MOST FUN I HAD IN GAMING IN MONTHS. THIS IS NOW MY 3RD FAVOURITE SOULS GENRE GAME, AND FOR PEOPLE WHO CALL THIS A SOULESS RIP-OFF. F*** YOU FIGHT ME AHHHHHHHH I LOVE THIS GAME, GIVE ME DLC ALREADY.
@mikethebikegaming9646 9 ай бұрын
I loved lotf, bought it a couple weeks ago, i think the one thing that is stopping me from buying lies of P is the limited world. I love traversing through a world and lies of p doesnt give me the sense of depth in its levels i think. But it looks bloody good.
@DV-ou1yu 9 ай бұрын
The world is great. You won't regret it
@Remmy0930 9 ай бұрын
Same. I'm a dark fantasy nerd as well so LOTF speaks to me more. Not really into the "puppet" aspect of LoP. I love exploring world's, finding loot and building my character. LoP just doesn't check those boxes for me. Seems like every playthrough video I watch of LoP they are quite literally ALL using the same weapons. Yeah you can combine handles and blades but when there's only a couple combo's that are actually worth using, what's the point? I'm not saying LOTF is perfect, FAR from it... but it is a great game with alot to explore and uncover. The lore is also far better to me than LoP.
@rvala6335 9 ай бұрын
love to see people with the same problem as me, tho, I did played Lies of P (thanks to game pass) and as someone who LOVED the level design, the maps and the looks of LotF, Lies of P is pretty bad at it, to the point that my main problem while getting the 100% was going through the maps, they're straight up mediocre, they nailed it with the tone of the game though. in simple terms, Lotf has incredible maps and level design, but a few good bosses, while Lies of P doesn't have good maps (compared to Lotf), but has pretty damn good boss fights (mastering romeo was my reason too keep playing the game). personally? I still like more lotf bcs I'm a dark fantasy sucker.
@lizardpeople 9 ай бұрын
Both of them are great if you're a Souls fan it would be silly to skip this masterpiece
@FightinFeenOh 9 ай бұрын
Lords of the fallen was a great game. It was a little clunky at first but it pulled through. People are too critical about it. Lies of P is a banger though
@kenseiventus6816 9 ай бұрын
Exactly, people have become so "critical" about everything. I'm playing these games since the very start with Demon's Souls and to me LotF is great aswell as LoP.
@userb1x1 9 ай бұрын
it reminds me of how Dark Souls 2 is perceived. its considered the “worst in the series”…..but compared to 90% of ALL games ever….it’s an amazing game. People are so dramatic & fickle about games these days.
@FightinFeenOh 9 ай бұрын
@@userb1x1 yes exactly people are always crying about every little imperfection. All because their game isn’t running at 120 fps in 4k resolution constantly, they’re like “shit game”
@Minzuu 9 ай бұрын
@@userb1x1 dark souls 2 is way superiour to tlotf though
@userb1x1 9 ай бұрын
@@Minzuu 100% and Breath of the Mid and Tears of the Middom.
@columnarbasalt4677 9 ай бұрын
still baffles me on how LOTF gets all the near perfect reviews it has on their poster.
@2xRainb0w 9 ай бұрын
Cause it is a great game, just has a couple issues of which the devs have been actively working on and updating since release
@crowvizion9588 9 ай бұрын
@@2xRainb0wfinally someone with a brain lol
@cooper2211 9 ай бұрын
I really don't get why everyone praises LOTF with how janky and frustrating it is in comparison to Lies its such a night and day experience
@Cillranchello 3 ай бұрын
One thing worth pointing out is the game gives you a ton of consumable items. You CAN play the game without using Magazines and Catalysts, but every puppet enemy can drop them. They did Bloodborne's vial system but for your offensive capabilities, rather than running into the pitfall of running out of healing potions and needing to grind more up. Also not enough people are talking about the pulse cell system and why it's fucking brilliant.
@mrwhatcanido4942 9 ай бұрын
the weapon tinkering is amazing. i hope theres a more variety in their next game. since i always love building around style of armors and cool weapons that fit how i play the most. Lotf did that quite well, but the combat against 9billion enemies doesnt let you engage with the build... :(
@noremac387 Ай бұрын
I can't believe you left out the fashion on Lies of P. The different clothes you can wear really adds to the game because everyone wants to kill enemies in style. All jokes aside, excellent video. My heart is pounding.
@jeff3221 8 ай бұрын
I absolutely adored this game, so much so, that I instantly hopped into NG+. I am so so excited for a sequel. The devs succeeded in their FIRST attempt at a soulslike and I believe they will truly soar to new heights in their next game. I cannot wait to see what they cook up. On the topic of difficulty, I feel that all soulslikes vary greatly in difficulty depending on if they *click* with you. I know that may sound obvious, but I bring it up because I found the game to be a nearly perfect challenge on my first run. I think the difficulty spikes I encountered came from an over committal to parrying, when you really should be dodging some moves. Once you get the flow of the combat, the game becomes truly enthralling. I've only died once in NG+, I'm just about to fight the King of Puppets so that will likely change haha. My only death was to a group of fodder; the gate trap building on the Path of Misery, where all the Puppets jump you. I got careless and got got 😢. But that being my only death, while using just a +4 boss weapon, speaks to how great the level of difficulty is imo. Just like Sekiro, once you get it, you truly get it. You can weave and parry and destroy boss weapons like a beast. It is so much fun and still a good challenge. If you don't mesh with the combat system, I get it. I have put in hundreds of hours into ER and I still don't understand how to fight Maliketh or several other endgame bosses. Whether that speaks to a fault with ER's boss design or my own personal issue, I'll let you decide. I've spent far too long in this community to dare suggest to it that Fromsoft doesn't shit gold 😂. I could gush about the music and the style of the world and enemies and the dope weapons till the cows come home but I think I'll leave it at that. Awesome video BTW. I left out my negative thoughts since you covered all of them (e.g. boss weapons overshadowing normal ones) quite brilliantly. A very thorough and fair review of the game, even down to discussing the speed at which you can blaze through NG+. Keep up the great work 👍
@Liquidsunn87 6 ай бұрын
Lies of is a better game, but lords of Fallen is not a bad game either. I think people just need to be more grateful than try to always find a negative.
@christopherway2546 9 ай бұрын
I don’t understand why if one thing is good, the other has to be bad. Yes, LoP is a great game, very accessible to anyone new to the soulslike genre. I think LotF is a great game, not as accessible due to difficulty but still, for more seasoned souls players it does a lot right. LoP has been patched a few times. Obviously it didn’t have to problems that LotF had, thank god. The Lords devs have been working hard on fixing the game. I know nothing about coding, making games, programming etc but I would imagine that having a game like LotF with its CoOp and invasions is a pretty big undertaking, but they e done a lot to make it better. It’s a good game, it’s just very different from P. I would definitely recommend Lords to anyone who either , is seasoned a little in Souls or is willing to take on the challenging nature of Lords and is interested in dark fantasy meets horror/Silent Hill. I would recommend P to anyone who is new to the Souls genre and likes steampunk gothicly enchanted beautifully retellings of our childhood stories. P doesn’t have to be bad in order for Lords to be good, and Lords doesn’t have to be bad in order for P to be good. Nay, fact of the matter is they are both good and that is a solid win for the souls community.
@Mugthief 9 ай бұрын
At no point in 1 hour and 10 minutes of video do I ever say that one thing good = other bad. I praise it multiple times in this video for being different. There is nothing “Silent Hill” in LotF, at all. It is also stupidly easy, so I would never recommend it to anyone seeking a challenge.
@rvala6335 9 ай бұрын
@@Mugthief Might be his quick interpretation about the title, the only thing that could hint that, even when it doesn't. And while yes, lotf is a cakewalk, I would have to specify which kind of challenge people would expect from lotf, because the difficult in lotf in my case was found while exploring, memorizing the map, looking for secrets and discovering the quests by yourself in a blind run (horrible but a nice experience, like any dark souls on day one) was an experience I don't feel with most souls like besides the fromsoft ones (mortal shell, thymesia, hellpoint, etc), so that's why I understand why he's saying that he would recommend lotf to seasoned souls players, while lies of P has nothing of those (secrets weren't hard to find or solve, and the exploration is zone A to zone B, ALWAYS), keeping it simple, amazing combat with amazing bosses, straight to the point, and it isn't that hard (it only has 3 hard bosses and that's it,) in terms of general challenge. So I would recommend it to new people as well, because LotF has the things I want to see after playing a lot of soulslike games, while Lies of P has the great things that I have already seen in the genre.
@Blacksadify 9 ай бұрын
It's not an Apples to apples comparison. Lies of P has much more in common with Sekiro than it does a Souls game, while LOTF is very similar to Souls games. Lies of P is linear, relies too heavily on the parry mechanic (which Sekiro did better), and has next to no exploration, build variety, or gear.
@radicalradaghast7772 7 ай бұрын
This was very fun to watch/listen to. HUGE W. You got a sub from me, and even though I’m a new viewer, my springs are reacting.
@henryjiang9990 2 ай бұрын
Someone explain to me why winning in lords of the fallen feels like a relief and winning in lies of p feels like a victory.
@AlasKenn1 9 ай бұрын
Lies of P made me feel warmth, so much of it was made with a deep understanding of what makes the souls game feel good to play. Where to put enemies, how they interact with you, how they move, in contrast where you approach from, what tools you bring to any encounter, how you move, all make a delicate dance that provides the minute to minute gameplay, and its cranked up to 11 in boss fights, asking you to really get a read on your opponent and find the groove to make your attacks, block theirs, and at the end you feel wonderful, ready to move to the next one. Not to mention the music, the story, the art design, all hit with a gravitas that puts it right up there with the Souls games themselves. Meanwhile, Lards of the Floppin was a bitter little pill of a game that left me cold. There's very little art to designing a run up in Lords as it feels so many of the enemies are just thrown onto the track like someone spilled beans all over their DnD map, worse yet is in the umbral, they don't stop coming, making the fighting more of a waste of time and resources when none of them are fast enough to catch you if you just leg it. In fact, combat itself against the regular enemies is near worthless as none of it feels good. You run, you stop to tickle a bug that makes a platform, you run some more until boss. Dozen upon dozens of weapons that all amount to slow sweeps and stabs that I hated from the first time around Lords came out. At least the shield bash mechanic was removed so every encounter isn't just being a trackstar around whomstever's dull cheeks. Bosses are literally just regular enemies with a name and health bar stapled to the bottom of the screen making them even duller. The story is boring souls wannabe with nothing unique to get me to care about anyone. The art design is somehow samey even when we pass through castles and caves to swamps and ruins. The music, well, meh. All this combined to make me just want to play Elden Ring or another Souls game, or one of the Souls likes that do it better, like Lies of P, so I do, and leave this game behind.
@outerheaven4384 9 ай бұрын
Lies of P is a overrated wannabe bloodborne.
@AscendantStoic 9 ай бұрын
Few things, never had any issues with the movesets of the weapons in Lies of P, especially when I found out you can create better combos by mixing any light and heavy attacks in the attack string, some weapons alternate between stabbing and slashing if you stick to only heavy or light, but if you for example open with light, then heavy then light again you could create a new pure stab combo that's different from the full light or full heavy combos of the weapon, and it flows just as well (which might seem like something obvious but I rarely seen anybody attempting it in all the gameplay videos I saw). Also regarding the boss weapons, there is a reason they gave us two weapons slots (upgradable to 3 later on), I'm always walking around with one boss weapon and one custom weapon I assembled, there are certain movesets that you can only find on custom weapons and they remain useful even in the face of OP boss weapons IMO.
@TheWilcoxExperience 9 ай бұрын
I liked lies of p a lot more than lords. but I put 300 hours in lords and 70 hours into lies of p.
@frostysenna2687 9 ай бұрын
I’ve played both and can honestly say both are great and should be played
@cbanks5289 6 ай бұрын
Since i played lord of the fallen i have said that its fun but not the same kind of fun as a souls Or souls like game the bosses all seem difficult at first but are very telegraphed and once you realize this u can pretty much dodge everything in a pattern and destroy any boss. Lies of p was absolutely a souls like game and is a blast to play.
@jeheeseun2234 9 ай бұрын
Played the demo and wasn't really impressed, so I didn't buy the game on launch. Finally decided to give it go, started this game about 2 weeks ago and finally beat my first playthrough the other night. Everything you said in your conclusion....YES! Took me about 90 hours but well worth it. So excited to see what's instore for us from this team in the future. Lies of P is my personal GOTY!
@mikemck4796 9 ай бұрын
I did watch a “no weapon” run of LOP yesterday……
@sniff8739 9 ай бұрын
Bro, I have watched TONS of these comp vids. You're the first creator to be able to succinctly articulate my feelings on these two games. Excellent vid. Keep up the good work my dude
@skbproject5589 2 ай бұрын
I was over at a buddies and picked up lords of the fallen. The game felt like a project spark indie game. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I felt like my control wasn't even reading my inputs correctly, like my controller was lagging. The best example, is how the character turns and sways their hips when they use momentum. Lies of P has a strong sense of center gravity, whereas Lords of Fallen feels like someone shut the gravity off, and you're forced to slip around on ice skates.
@jonsmith6331 6 ай бұрын
I was excited to finish Lies of P. I couldn’t wait to be done with Lords of the Fallen. Ultimately I never finished Lords of the Fallen. The final straw was realizing that I hadn’t seen a new enemy encounter for hours and hours and that no new enemies would be coming.
@ShikiRyougi05 9 ай бұрын
Wow what a great video! I felt every hour you put into it, my heart was pounding the whole time ;)
@uffu2490 8 ай бұрын
The problem with Lords is that it had WAY too much going on. Is it fun? Sure. But I don’t want 100 enemies coming after me with 100 different weapons. Lies, on the other hand, has an incredible ramping up system - in other words, the difficulty scales up slowly.
@prefon13 8 ай бұрын
Excellent video. I really love diving into a creator's thoughts on this game: "Lies of P" was my first true Soulslike game; and felt like a paradigm-shift for me, as a gamer. Your technical acumen and insights into core mechanics, level design, and influences are truly thought-provoking. I appreciate the care you showed, thanks. 🙏
@sander3 9 ай бұрын
Regarding the RE4 and Bioshock influence, I think there isn’t a lot of talk about it since, for example with RE4, feel inspired by older works from Lovecraft and such. Even within bloodborne, going through the woods feels like being in the RE4 village. There are probably more examples with similar imagery and ideas but those are the most prominent in the video game world. It’s hard to come by new ideas of themes and setting, fictional stories have stories have existed for millennia, but games being a very new entertainment medium and art form makes it so gameplay ideas are easier to discuss in terms of inspiration and originality.
@khud0s717 8 ай бұрын
the residents were definitely evil
@WispofWater 7 ай бұрын
I’d argue that changing the parry system does fundamentally change the core of the game. Even though most fury attacks can be avoid through other methods, parrying is something that is part of the core experience even if not totally required.
@ologames1185 9 ай бұрын
5:54 uhm actually, LilAggy completed the game without swinging the weapon, so
@yungruuku 9 ай бұрын
Lies of P was the first game since Bloodborne that I IMMEDIATELY wanted to play through again. After beating lies of P twice, back to back, I thought “okay, I’ll take a break before I work on my deathless playthrough and give lords of the fallen a try”. I bought it, downloaded it, played it for literally 10 minutes, said “absolutely the fuck not” and got a refund. And then went right back to Lies of P. LOTF got fucked by me BECAUSE I played P first. I LOVE souls like, they revitalized gaming for me. The fact that I put LOTF down after seeing all of its mechanics and beating the first boss, is just a testament to how utterly janky that game is.
@herrzyklon 8 ай бұрын
I didn't get LoP from day one, only received it Christmas '23, but I have to say, it's performance on PS5 is absolutely astounding. I haven't experienced any performance issues whatsoever, such as frame drops or pacing issues, and on the whole the graphics and textures are sublime. What I will say though is that I feel the fog effects outside are overdone. It makes the first few areas look washed out. But the opera hall and hotel stand out as proof that the game ISN'T washed out. LotF on the other hand is STILL an obtuse mess of performance issues, frame rate dives, game breaking bugs, system crashes, and suffers from poor quality of life. LoP reminds me of RE4, and, strangely, FFXV in its ambience. LotF stands on its own, but it stands far, far behind LoP and all Soulsborne games, to me, beating out only Mortal Shell in terms of popular Soulslikes. I also just platinumed LoP, and it was easy to run, but most of the bosses were very, very difficult. The final true boss nearly broke me on NG+. I beat it using every throwable I could find, in phase 2, which didn't feel rewarding. Otherwise I only used two weapons with my quality build, the starting weapon, and Dancers. I tried the Golden Lie for a bit at the very end of NG for a laugh, but overall it was those two only. I never used Fables. I didn't use the arm until the very end of NG when I upgraded Pandemonium and literally melted the human enemies there. I didn't appreciate the number of traps, blatant and otherwise, in LoP. They felt cheap. But I'm a strange gamer. While incredibly unpopular in this opinion, I also rate Sekiro as the lowest of the DS games that I've played in terms of the experience that I personally had with the games. I also rate Bloodborne higher than Elden Ring, and I simply DESPISE the design choice of ER which was made to give bosses that weird anime like pause and delay, and the instant tracking. Morgott is the worst example. Godfrey is also a terrible, terrible boss. I don't mind Malenia actually, not that I'm particularly proficient against her. (I also hate FF7R with an unending passion, not that it's in the same genre, but criticising that game makes most youtube commenters and ALL redditors lose their horrible little erections when I say that)
@ChrisHavok 9 ай бұрын
I couldn't agree more. Lies of P is my favorite soulslike of all time, and while LOTF has some redeeming unique qualities, it's easily the worst for me.
@crowvizion9588 9 ай бұрын
You are fucking insane lmao Lies of P is standard Korean ripoff garbage
@smergthedargon8974 9 ай бұрын
Dunno what the darkness complaint is about - I had no issues with such things on my monitor that has a nasty backlight bleed problem. Otherwise, great analysis of a great game!
@tonystarrk4859 9 ай бұрын
I agree that the R1 attack strings are too limited, but I think the fable art system is a better balanced version of Ashes of War. The fact that you can only use these powerful abilities 2 or 3 times during a boss fight is a positive, and finally filling the bars up during a lengthy encounter is a great feeling.
@ichl46 7 ай бұрын
Many people forget one thing about the fable arts: Consumables. The consumables in this game are super OP, and you can use them to refill the fable bar. Because of that, you can spam fable arts and trivialize bosses.
@ramblingdeviant4855 8 ай бұрын
Lies Of P is such a great Soulslike that I genuinely consider it an honorary Soulsborne. It’s become a top 2 Souls game for me
@trollinthedungeon5255 29 күн бұрын
No need for this long critique. They made a soulslike from Pinocchio. Kind of genius really.
@therealaran 2 ай бұрын
Hurts my head seeing people saying the parry window is short in Lies of P, when there is such thing as the P-Organ skills tree to help with lessen so much trouble for some players, i do believe the hate is a skill issue and yes its a hot take but im speaking as someone who isnt a soulsborne goru or pro, i never beaten Bloodborne or even played Sekiro but i played and beaten many other souls games, and Lies of P thought me that if you dont know the rhythm of the dance, you're gonna fall over and over again. Learn and learn, upgrade smartly and dedicate a build that suits you. Lies of P is the reason i played DS3 and i love it's liner world design, you can do alot with that design in mind. LOTF is a good game in its own right i beaten it twice with two different classes but Lies of P is simply for me anyway, the better SOULS game by design, and thats all i ever need, feed me but dont over do it because ill get full and uncomfortable, Lies of P fed me just right.
@Summonergeek 8 ай бұрын
I hit the buttons for ya bro. I will not be watching the things wrong with Lords of the Fallen tho. I'm loving the shit out of that game and it is my first souls like. I'll watch after I beat it. 😊
@altusshow7574 2 ай бұрын
Lies of P was good. But ill go down saying Lords of the Fallen was better. I beat Kies of P and have no real incentive to go back, but Lords of the Fallen has so many different builds, the lore changes based on the build you choose. Exploration is actually a thing in Lords. Im sorry, i honestly dont get the hate for it, it is so much better in my opinion.
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