好多謝Peter討論依個議題,好中意聽你節目,可能因為從事左對人工作一段長時間,對於聽到”我地”, “佢地”有種敏感感覺,西方近年興起people first language vs identity first language ,亦如你分享由medical model走向 social model of disability or human right model,從care到support,從disable到enable,empower😊理論無好壞,勝在夠多元,希望繼續分享唔同話題增加香港人抗疫力
例一: M先生一向能正常和人溝通,但只要牠一在台上向大群人講說話,牠就緊張到無法完成。而這偏偏是牠工作的一部份。牠不能避免上台講話。這情況至少有半年了,亦無改善跡象。 N先生和M先生的情況完全一樣,唯一不同的,是因為N先生的老闆知道N先生有此種performance anxiety,就調了N先生的工作崗位,於是N先生以後也不同面對此問題了。N先生也為此鬆一口氣。 根據DSM 5,M先生係有"social anxiety disorder[300.23], performance only",因為牠符合診斷準則[300.23]中的A.至J.項 根據DSM 5,N先生係無"social anxiety disorder[300.23], performance only",因為N先生的情況並不符合診斷準則[300.23]中的G.項------ G. The fear, anxiety, or avoidance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. => DSM 5判斷時,不單單是從本質論去判斷,而是考慮埋背景因素,要睇埋該情況有無『使當事人出功能性問題/現實惡果』 {想想看,我們身邊人不論老幼,隨時都可能上台向大群人講說話時會口啞啞的,只是牠們不需要上台講話,故我們也不會追究我媽媽/婆婆/公公/爺爺/身邊各朋友當中其實誰是有"social anxiety disorder[300.23], performance only"的呢?}
@chunchun2225 Жыл бұрын
例二: P先生明顯地有嚴重的Obsessive-Compulsive personality(8項判準中,明確地中了4項,例如在第5.項中,他家明顯堆滿了破舊又沒價值又沒記念性的物品);很多人和牠接觸多了,都覺得牠是個麻煩友。但P先生喜歡獨居及獨來獨往,身體健康,有錢(來自遺產繼承)維持生活,對現狀也沒什麼苦惱的。 Q先生有中度的Obsessive-Compulsive personality(8項判準中,明確地中了4項,但例如在第5.項中,他家是堆了一堆破舊又沒價值又沒記念性的物品,佔了不少地方但又未至於阻礙家居通道,亦不影響家居衛生等);牠每次工作都不長久,因為牠的強迫性人格使牠容易跟其它工友衝突,故每份工也做不長就辭職或被炒。 根據DSM 5,P先生不算Obsessive-Compulsive personality DISORDER。因牠不符合General Personality Disorder中的C.項---- C. The enduring pattern leads to clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. 根據DSM 5,Q先生算Obsessive-Compulsive personality DISORDER,因為牠符合了General Personality Disorder內的A.至F.項,並且符合Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder[301.4]內8項當中的4個項目。 => DSM 5判斷時,不單單是從本質論去判斷,而是考慮埋背景因素,該情況有無『使當事人出功能性問題/現實惡果』
I feel like most of the interesting discussion on social sciences theory and practice including Psychology are done on Art faculty instead of Social Sciences Faculty Social Sciences faculty focuses only on current practices
Thank you for your comment! More on RCT(Randomised Control-Trial) which I forgot to discuss in the video: The plight of psychotherapy research lies not on RCT as it is already the standard of such research, but rather, even with proper sampling and randomisation it is difficult to determine what serves as a proper "control" group - what is the "placebo" (in a medical research sense) equivalent in psychotherapy research? There's some development on this issue though, in case you're interested: Safer, D. L., & Hugo, E. M. (2006). Designing a control for a behavioral group therapy. Behavior therapy, 37(2), 120-130.
@phoebechan4378 Жыл бұрын
Why I think of Rational Choice Theory when I see RCT....🤣