Psycho-Analyzing Cracc's TERRIBLE Coffin Video

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There's speedreading, and then there's not even completing the game. Join me as we witness a video more fictional than the actual characters.

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@DandyDNA 8 ай бұрын
I've gotten a few comments telling me to make a response to Lily Orchard's video... I hope this one has come as a pleasant surprise 😂
@mariosmisk6285 8 ай бұрын
This is getting a 🧧 emoji
@coloncrawler43 8 ай бұрын
the duality between lily's and dandy's video... this is gonna be good 💀
@burhaan9017 8 ай бұрын
You should def respond to her vid
@justareguralcitizen9492 8 ай бұрын
More then pleasant.
@cooldud7071 8 ай бұрын
@aghitsaplane4262 8 ай бұрын
"She does not have self image issues" dude must've been playing with his eyes closed,like all of her dialogue is driven by her self image issues
@Adamgamer42069 8 ай бұрын
Lol true
@AtticusKarpenter 8 ай бұрын
Game even give us two character-centered dream sequences to explore inner psyche's of Andrew and Ashley more directly, in case people fail to deduce things like "Andrew love his sister romantically", "Its okay for him to kill people for her, at least adults" and "Ashley fucking hate herself" from main plot alone. "Useless" in description of pink bunny as final argument.
@MaxwellTornado 7 ай бұрын
Can you give me some examples? I played the game, and couldn't actually spot any of it. I'm not a woman, or someone with BPD, and all my self-image issues are stuff I caused to myself, pretty much. (Except my male pattern baldness. That's always a fun one.) But still, I don't think I'm so clueless about people that I'd miss all this. And yet, I've felt nothing but a consistent "This bitch really thinks she's better than everyone else, huh." from Ashley. Nevermind, I got to that part of the video. Apparently it's all just funneled through her obsession with Andrew. I guess I couldn't see the forest (her low self-esteem) because of the trees (her abuse of Andrew).
@GAarcher 4 ай бұрын
*Me and myself analizing each other before trying to stab our common enemy, ourselves, for like 30 minutes....relatable we don't have any self image issues we can sure look into a mirror without getting PTSD and both of us are sure to not be schizophrenics*
@samusaran13372 3 ай бұрын
havent watched that guys video but i think he was clearly referring to self-image in a literal sense i.e. body dysmorphia
@freakillusion 8 ай бұрын
One thing that annoyed me in his video was his 'reasons' that Ashley couldn't have BPD. He said, more or less, that it didn't make sense for her to have BPD "because she didn't have behaviours of self loathing, suicidal ideation or harm herself for attention", if I remember correctly he specifically mentioned cutting. I'm not a psychiatrist by any means, but I am a person with diagnosed BPD. While I can't say for certain, I do think Ashley has BPD, or at least exhibits behavior of it. BPD is characterised by 9 different symptoms, only 5 are required for a diagnosis (among other things). That means that there are 256 different combinations for someone to have, there are also 4 separate sub-types (these aren't as important but worth mentioning). These symptoms consist of: 1. An intense fear of abandonment, whether this is real or perceived the individual may attempt to do anything to get this person to stay. Anything from jokes about leaving to even being late home from work or reading a text but not responding can be seen as abandonment. The person with BPD may make an effort to prevent them from leaving, such as begging, clinging, attempting to start fights, tracking their loved one and even physically blocking them from leaving. 2. Unstable relationships, people with BPD often end up in relationships that are short lived and intense. They may fall in love quickly, often using (I say this lightly) the other person to make them feel whole. For the other person this can lead to feelings of emotional whiplash. 3. Unclear and/or shifting self image. With BPD our identities and sense of self are often unstable. Sometimes you feel good about yourself, others you hate yourself and may even view yourself as evil. This can cause a constant change of worldview, friends, jobs, etc. 4. Impulsive and self destructive behaviors. With BPD we often search for new feelings to distract from the chronic emptiness, especially when upset. This can be things such as impulsively spending money you don't have, binge eating, driving recklessly, shoplifting, unprotected and risky s*x and overuse of substances. 5. Self harm and suicidal behaviour. This can be as simple as thinking of suicide, making suicidal threats and gestures and carrying out attempts. Self harm is anything that intentionally hurts you, cutting, burning, hitting yourself, biting, etc are all forms of self harm. Blood does not need to be shed for it to be harmful. 6. Extreme emotional mood swings, little things that might annoy someone would feel like the end of the world to a person with BPD. These emotions are extreme and intense, though they don't last long, normally only a few minutes to hours (unlike bipolar disorder or depression). 7. Chronic feelings of emptiness, it often feels as though there is a hole or void inside yourself, and nothing can fill it. This can lead to feelings of thinking you are nothing or nobody (I have explained to my partner that it feels like I am an empty husk of a person when I'm alone). It's an extremely uncomfortable feeling and often people with BPD attempt to fill it with drugs, food or s*x, nothing will fill this void however. 8. Explosive anger, BPD often causes a very short temper with intense anger. This leads to a lack of control once this feeling starts, leading to throwing things, yelling or being fully consumed by this rage. An important thing to note is that it's not always directed outward, sometimes it's directed towards yourself. 9. And finally feeling out of touch with your own reality. People with BPD often struggle with paranoia and suspicion about other people and their motives. When under stress this can lead to disassociation, you'll tend to feel spaced out, foggy and like you're outside your own body. A few BPD specific things are splitting (going from one extreme to the other, or black and white thinking. This can be about other people, yourself or situations). And having a FP (favourite person, often the one who we rely on and base our emotions around, this isn't chosen and simply happens. Mind you this isn't an official diagnostic term but one many people with BPD use). BPD often starts presenting itself in early adolescence, but can show earlier (not as intensely). It is a trauma based disorder, such as PTSD (BPD is closely linked with Complex-PTSD). It often isn't diagnosed until adulthood. Ashley, from what I've noticed, displays symptoms like passive suicidal ideation (comments on jumping off the balcony), intense fears of abandonment, unstable self image, paranoia (anything to do with Andy, who likely is her FP), explosive anger, extreme emotional mood swings, impulsively and reckless behaviour. Mind you there are almost certainly other things she is dealing with other than BPD (if it is this however). One last thing, BPD seriously gets a bad reputation but I will say this. It's treatable and manageable but it takes a lot of work and therapy (mainly DBT therapy). Even if she is suffering from BPD it is not an excuse for her actions in any way, but it can give insight into where and how her behaviour started. Anyways that's all, apologises for the rant.
@DandyDNA 8 ай бұрын
Don't apologise, thank you for the detailed comment 😀
@Alicja09 8 ай бұрын
Oh darn, this is extremly helpfull even if it would be not a comment under this video. I have a friend affected by this so having it explained bit better is seriously useful, thanks random stranger
@KitsukiFox 8 ай бұрын
im also diagnosed with bpd and imo ashley has bpd ! you dont have to be openly constantly suicidal to have bpd
@freakillusion 8 ай бұрын
​@@KitsukiFox Yup, I tried to explain that in my comment, unfortunately I'm not the best at explaining things
@Green_Falcon 8 ай бұрын
Literally all I did was read the first few words of the first 7 BPD symptoms and was like, “yeah, that sounds like Ashley”
@SunLovinSolaire 8 ай бұрын
I truly do not understand the people who claim either of the following: “Ashley was born evil/psychopathic. We know this for a fact.” “Andrew is a completely innocent victim of Ashley’s.” I’ve debated with a lot of people on many different parts of this game. Come to what I believe to be some lightly controversial conclusions. Had a good time with it. But you just can’t debate with these people. The moment you disagree with either of those to statements they just dig their heels into the ground and utterly to refuse to engage in any amount of dialogue. I once had someone tell me with absolute certainty that “the game hints that Ashley has killed Andrew’s past girlfriends.” Citing Ashley’s willingness to kill Nina as proof enough. When I asked for a single time the game has ever implied that Andrew has ever *had* a girlfriend besides Julia, they couldn’t. Because rather than focus on that, they decided to focus on when I said that Nina’s death was an accident. The mere thought that Ashley might not have outright intended for Nina to die was enough for them to decide that *nothing* I had to say was credible. It’s infuriating.
@AntonioVivoran 7 ай бұрын
Wow that is infuriating. Yet it is within the human tendency to just talk before having any clue of what your talking about. Its such a shame, the game is genuinely geniuse in its writting , and the more you dwelve in it the more you see how and why things are the way they are, nothing in this game looks unintentional when making a good analysis of it. I feel sad for the inability of people to understand that there is always more then the eye meets when the mind reads.
@ma.2089 7 ай бұрын
When it comes to stories with a 2 messed up ppl who are female and male, wherein the girl seemingly calls the shots, it’s common for the boys to be described as victims and innocent. And the girls as pure evil. It happens for vice versa, but usually you’ll get some ppl pointing out the girl isn’t as innocent since she’s condoning what’s going on. But if it’s a guy it’s “oh he’s just doing it cuz he has no choice”. There’s situations where there might be no choice, esp if they’re victimized by the other. But even when there’s no sign of them being a victim, they’ll treat them like a victim all the same
@SunLovinSolaire 7 ай бұрын
@@ma.2089 the argument of male and female having the rolls in the context your providing is apt, but loses some ground when you consider the fact that most stories feature the characters in these rolls because if they were reversed the public would absolutely drag the Male through brimstone and Fire. Going even harder on them than said people do on Ashley, and even going harder on the creator in a lot of cases. So because of that assigning the Female to the abuser role is just safer for content creation. I don’t think Nemlei consciously did that here, but in the greater scope of media, that’s how it goes a lot. And all nuance gets lost.
@Shotapounder 6 ай бұрын
Andrew isn't innocent but he's a victim of her manipulation.
@Freezient 5 ай бұрын
While I don’t think Ashley killed any of Andrew’s other romantic relationships (seriously people that thinks Ashley is this madwoman evil genius are hilarious and pathetic), I don’t doubt that Andrew probably sleeps around other girls while dating Julia, other girls that actually looks like Ashley, or other girls in general, as mentioned in the game, he’d dip his dick onto any girls or him asking Ashley about the virgin bar. I wouldn’t put it pass him to cheat around while he’s still with Julia
@TheTripleAce3 8 ай бұрын
I really want to see actual pstchiatrists and psychologists dig into tge characters at some point. That's probably why the original video took off so well, it scratches that itch just a little bit while waiting for more.
@Spacingout3000 8 ай бұрын
V true, I love seeing psychologist Dissect characters personality’s so when is saw craccs video I went apeshit
@TheTripleAce3 8 ай бұрын
@@Spacingout3000 I will admit I came out of that one fairly disappointed with it, hopefully someone will get some more psychologists to look at the game.
@exantiuse497 3 ай бұрын
Most psychollogists/psychiatrists refuse to analyse fictional characters because giving diagnoses to fictional and often highly caricaturised characters risks labeling real people with real mental issues and they don't want to contribute to that. Psychiatric illness is stigmatising enough without people diagnosing fictional satanistic cannibalising incestous murderers with your affliction
@MoFace 8 ай бұрын
People seem to be really set on focusing solely on the thematic bits that make them feel uncomfortable instead of asking why it exists in the game in the first place. Really enjoyed your critque!
@DandyDNA 8 ай бұрын
Thank you! Really glad to see you here since you made one of the original seminal Coffin essays way back when, it feels so long ago yet not at the same time! I wanna see you return for Episode 3 when that comes out😄
@MoFace 8 ай бұрын
@@DandyDNA Oh wow I didn't know you watched it! Thank you! :) I'll definitely make another video once 3 is released.Here's hoping Nemlei is able to continue creating in peace now that Kit9 is overseeing the online presence!
@miigi-p4939 8 ай бұрын
Its mostly because some people just dont want to play games like that And others will bring out about how incest in the game is hot all the time No joke on twitter 80% of yhe guys that would tell you that the incest was tied to the themes was like also saying that the characters were hot and like "Oh i wish i was her brother"
@MoFace 8 ай бұрын
​@@miigi-p4939 For sure; I tend to stay off Twitter for the most part, but I've seen some of the discourse through other videos. I found it interesting that while the horror genre contains so many elements that are consisdered taboo, its incest that caused such an uproar, though it too has existed in horror media for a long time. I feel the taboo fetishization comments are mostly trolling, but it does make me wonder how many truly think that way and the psychology behind it all.
@piotrgrzelak2613 4 ай бұрын
​@@miigi-p4939Devils advocate, but not a dishonest question from me - What if incest between two attractive people who get along isn't bad? Maybe their looks actually make it different? What is it that causes people to have a disgust response to it? Is it something inherent or is it associations promoted by moralist mob for some reasons. "Hicks" "Mutants" "Disfigured royals" "Abuse" - Who first came up with those? For what purpose are these things said? I think I know why this game caused so much screeching and its because Andy and leyley don't conform to either of those. The game shatters some very embedded notions, and a certain type of neurotic person gets furious at that. Do you see what I'm getting at?
@GretgorPooper 7 ай бұрын
Their mother is easily the worst person in the entire game, that's undeniable.
@samusaran13372 3 ай бұрын
The Dad is up there, too. Being a Yes Man makes you equally as culpable in my opinion.
@glitchydoll 3 ай бұрын
⁠@@samusaran13372I don’t think he’s much of a person at all, to be fair. He lives in a constant fog, between his nymphomaniac wife, and his focus on working. He’s more of a neutral figure, if anything, with his main crime being neglect. And, given the fact that his life probably got thrown overboard by the teenage pregnancy, I’d be willing to bet that the father’s been in this state of total emotional exhaustion for a long, long time.
@BlueBanana. 6 ай бұрын
I thought this was gonna be a “they wrote a script before finishing the game because a second part came out” but no, they REALLY diddnt finish playing it
@DandyDNA 6 ай бұрын
@Vamprexia 8 ай бұрын
Great video. I also wanna point out Andrew knows darn well, decay or burial, his interactions with his sister are not normal. The way he jerks his hand away from her pants when their mom walks in says it all.
@Vamprexia 4 ай бұрын
@@piotrgrzelak2613 I could be mixing things up, but I think I remember in Cracc's video he excused the undertones by saying "They just don't know how siblings are supposed to behave" which can't be the case if you pay attention.
@piotrgrzelak2613 4 ай бұрын
@@Vamprexia Makes sense if you're commenting on that, I jumped the gun on interpreting what you meant
@montserratmarroquin400 4 ай бұрын
@@VamprexiaWhile this could work in theory, they do know it’s not normal, especially Andrew who tries to hide everything and gets flustered with his mom’s statement and the vision, if they didn’t know it was not normal they would act confused instead of Flustered Andrew and Teasing Ashley (who even does it because she knows it’s weird and would get a rise out of her mom)
@hml25 4 ай бұрын
Yep like a lot of people seem to sympathize with andrew thinking he's the victim but no they're both unhinged
@piotrgrzelak2613 4 ай бұрын
@@hml25 I don't think they're all that "unhinged". Definitely beyond normal, but the great part of the game is we get to see siblings throughout many years, and honestly nothing they do is an unreasonable response to the parents and the world that tried to crush them.
@d-.-5180 3 ай бұрын
The main issue with people is that they can't draw a line between fiction and real life, if a game has incest in it then what? Why would you try to apply your world view on it, or your nations laws on it. The whole point of something being fictional is that anything can be possible, even things that aren't accepted or allowed in a normal society. Just imagine how boring GTA 5 would be if everything was legal in it.
@Jay_hates_his_readers 8 ай бұрын
"she has no self confidence issues" he says on a "psycho-analysis"
@exantiuse497 3 ай бұрын
The funny thing is he's right, or at least this video has failed to convince me otherwise Literally all the examples given in the video of her supposedly having self-image issues are her degegrating herself in front of her brother. In other words, every time she portays low self-esteem she does it to invoke sympathy in the man she's trying to manipulate. This is in spite of us literally hearing her inner thoughts throughout the game. Does that not suggest she is making it up to manipulate Andrew?
@lumine7330 3 ай бұрын
​@@exantiuse497 Have you not seen her dreams? 💀
@lumine7330 3 ай бұрын
​@@exantiuse497Sure she weaponises his sympathy to keep her around him but that doesnt mean she genuinely doesn't have self-image issues.
@lumine7330 3 ай бұрын
All her dreams show it, so maybe replay the game a​nd try focus on them because it may be helpful
@PabloTheInternationalSuperSpy 8 ай бұрын
I do think Andrew's ASPD WAS low at some point. He was going to college, he had a girlfriend that genuinely liked him even after some time together, he is able to feel guilt to a certain extent ("how much" depends on your route) and feels stressed when he does things that he knows are very bad (or felt, again depends on your route). But all of those characteristics got a lot worse or even completely lost as his circumstances got more extreme. I'm pretty sure trying to find the exact moment Andrew's ASPD became severe is similar to trying to find the moment Walter White became Heisenberg, the tendencies were already within them, they just got progressively more apparent and extreme as the traumatic events kept happening and with the changed lifestyle they were living. Even though Andrew does become almost, if not just as bad as Ashley in the burial routes, I do think that there would still be hope for him in the decay route if miraculously he left Ashley and went through A LOT of therapy (that would never happen, but I'm just saying it would be possible for him to readjust to society if he did). After all, in this route he feels bad about the situation he's in, if that's not enough to at least come back to rationalizing into not doing terrible things to not end up in situations like this even after years of therapy, I don't know what is. But again, that would never happen, their codependency is too extreme at this point, so I don't think we can fix him, unfortunately. TCOAAL is a depressing story of a dysfunctional family in a cruel world. Long comment, but that's my opinion.
@gergelymagyar8609 8 ай бұрын
I completely agree with you, although i doubt i would have been able to summarize my thoughts on the topic this well, so thx for doing it ;)
@PabloTheInternationalSuperSpy 8 ай бұрын
@@gergelymagyar8609 thx, good to know I'm not the only one who thinks Andrew isn't JUST a hypocrite Ashley lol, or at least wasn't always like this
@gabrielreinalter2269 8 ай бұрын
So your saying I can fix him right?
@PabloTheInternationalSuperSpy 8 ай бұрын
@@gabrielreinalter2269 I even edited the end of my comment now bc I noticed that it was giving that impression. Sorry, but no, I don't think so. He said it himself, he's stuck to Ashley, so he probably just unalived himself after the vision and even if he didn't it's very unlikely that he would want to or even be able to look for therapy. TCOAAL's world is dystopian, he commited several crimes and someone wants him dead. It's a dead end, this is the reason I prefer the burial routes even though Andrew is a less worst person in decay
@gabrielreinalter2269 8 ай бұрын
@@PabloTheInternationalSuperSpy No your absolutely right I was just kidding around. Personally I feel like pre quarantine Andrew might have been fixable if his family would be functional in any way, he went to therapy and had a partner that could put up with Ashleys constant harassment for long enough so that Andrew would be able to let go of his sister. But this is a psychological horror game not a queer dating sim so none of the above apply obviously. And the fact that Andrew is pretty likable given the uhm extraordinary circumstances is part of the tragedy for me. He is smart, funny and once was able to come across as highly empathetic. But with the siblings feeding of each others bad habits it kinda was always gonna end like this, one way or another
@wolf-xf6hf 8 ай бұрын
Writing the script before playing the game is particularly egregious when the game is only like 2 hours long
@DandyDNA 8 ай бұрын
Yeah there's just no excuse, especially for a game this short. In his Let's Play he even gave himself the opportunity to hasten the gameplay process further as he made new save files whenever there was a fork in the road. Cracc should have rewritten his script upon playing both routes.
@samusaran13372 3 ай бұрын
@@DandyDNA Why even use a script if you're doing a lets play? Is he afraid of his personality being that boring and slow-witted? Idk.
@Beeeeeewwwww 3 ай бұрын
I don't think he's talking about his let's play but the psychoanalysis video.​@@samusaran13372
@Freezient 8 ай бұрын
Another great one! Also thank you for making this, Cracc is just another one of those “Ashley bad, Andrew good, pls free Andrew, fix him” people, you know these people do not have a deep understanding of the game and I hate saying this cause it made me sound like a pretentious purist but I had to
@CannoliSlugYT 7 ай бұрын
Though I felt bad for Andrew, but it doesn't mean he can be fix or save, cuz in one of his dialogues he made clear that he's stuck with his sister and deeper in Decay Route, if the gun is ran of bullets in Ashley's nightmare and made her choose gun, she'll play around with him and Andrew sent another dialogue that he'll see her in a minute, indicating that he can't live without his sister; it even shown before if you get caught by the Hitman and the narrator explained that Andrew die as well cuz he can't live without Ashley "anyway". Also most importantly, he. live. in. a. crappy. world. How they gonna expect anything possibly good in the graves siblings' world?
@jeishua 8 ай бұрын
People usually over diagnose characters in fiction, when they in reality shouldn't be doing it, because of lack of context. Therapists generally don't diagnose anyone they haven't personally talked to, altough they might speculate to show what some diseases are like, and while it can be fun to do so, they usually excuse evil behavior as part of their diagnosiis, it usually seems that people who do wrong, can never be fully held responsible as they must be sick. This is even worse when they start to diagnose real peolpe, from only a few of their actions, completly missing the context behind their ideas and their actions.
@mwag8138 7 ай бұрын
Saying Ashley has no self-confidence issues reminds me of the classic VA line: 'your *injury* is not service-related'
@anti2229 8 ай бұрын
Finally. Someone points out what an absolute tragedy Cracc's video was.
@edskisworkshop5346 8 ай бұрын
Brother, your videos are absolutely terrific. Seriously; the amount of effort you sink into your content is truly inspiring. As someone who enjoys writing out ideas, stories, and thoughts, but doesn't have the guts to put it into a video format and broadcast it on KZbin; it's heartening to see that at least one other person has a similar viewpoint in the terms of wanting to ensure that their story is fully baked. Amazing effort on every one of your videos! Other creators should look up to you as an example of what a proper video and analysis looks like.
@DandyDNA 8 ай бұрын
Once you hit "upload" all the anxieties disappear, so don't give up on your ambitions, show the world what you gotta say!
@mocha8394 4 ай бұрын
honestly, the reaction to this game reminds me of what happened when killing stalking was a big thing. people will see psychological horror stories and instead of engaging with the subject matter in the context of the genre, they read it as a celebration of it. really frustrating to see the same thing happen over and over with these kinds of works :/ art is supposed to explore things we can't, or shouldn't, explore in reality. unfortunately people cannot fucking read 😭
@howdoesonesocial 7 ай бұрын
I feel like he might have said Ashely doesn't have self image issues because she speaks very positively about her physical appearance, but that doesn't mean she's happy with herself. Self image issues isn't purely physical. She clearly feels like no one likes her and feels the need to manipulate Andrew to stay with her so she won't be alone. Everything she does is a result of her low self worth and codependency. Plus, no one who's actually comfortable with their appearance feels the need to reiterate how awesome they look. It feels more like her trying to gaslight not only her brother but also herself into believing she's hot shit.
@cherryvanilla6412 3 ай бұрын
And also a lot of times her positively talking about her positive appearance, iirc, is never in terms of a statement, it’s a type of question or test. Ashley is looking for affirmation from Andy, the affirmation isn’t coming from herself. She’s making these statements seeking his approval- she doesn’t feel that approval from herself, or just about anyone else.
@vlad5042 3 ай бұрын
yeah thats bizarre, i feel people with self image issues are the MOST likely to be frequently talking about their appearance, esp like the previous commenter said if its to fish for compliments which ashley clearly does.
@Phantomsquad_Jun 8 ай бұрын
Damn I feel like most people never deeply understood the game before making scripts on their videos. They just carelessly make random speculations and observations in what they think about tcoaal. They just look at it and call it a day and make an opinion, but the moment they played through they just ruined their own god damn point of what their trying to make a video/comment of
@CannoliSlugYT 7 ай бұрын
I think when a game gets very popular, there's fanons from people (who didn't play the game deeper) to newbies which make them belive it's true, the same thing happened with Undertale back then and I was one of those who believed in some fanons like Sans knows resets and he's edgy (which it's not Underfell Sans, it's normal sans).
@Phantomsquad_Jun 7 ай бұрын
@@CannoliSlugYT I get that so well, since back in like 2019 ish I got into undertale lore, and I always thought Normal Sans was like aware or just emo in general that makes comedic jokes as a way of coping but now its like, He just genuinely likes making puns as his own character. Theres a lot of things I always wonder to myself, which one is correct and the correct answer is always the person who plays and understands the meaning and lore behind the game
@CannoliSlugYT 7 ай бұрын
@@Phantomsquad_Jun Yep I remember that lol XD Like cHaRa iS Eviiiiiiiiiiil! Uuuuuuu~ 👻 Without reading their dialogues, where they called you "a good partner" cuz the player is killing their friends and family.
@CannoliSlugYT 7 ай бұрын
@@Phantomsquad_Jun Also I thought so! I bet it happen in every fandom, I guess some?
@Phantomsquad_Jun 7 ай бұрын
@@CannoliSlugYT Yeah like Chara was never evil at all, she only wants the player to erase the current world in order to create a better one. Or was it so no one make another genocide attempt?
@broudogg 8 ай бұрын
Glad to see that people are finally starting to realise how the characters were MEANT to appear, instead of assuming random stuff based on fantasy. very well edited video too!!! you just got a new sub!!
@Elosva 8 ай бұрын
genuinely you're the only person I've seen do actually good analyses of this game that arnt dismissive and patronizing, ive loved all your videos on it so far and cant wait to see what you do in the future the coffin of andy and leyley, and frankly all of nemli's games, are so rich for deep analysis and break downs, but so so few people have actually bothered to do it ive had an idea in the back of my mind breaking down each instance of cannibalism in the game to show how all of it is used to symbolically reflect the siblings relationship at the moment its happening youre videos have made me really want to delve into that idea in deapth and see if i can actually explain myself in a way that will make sense to other people
@michaelawesome1864 5 ай бұрын
Please do that idea! I am super interested in how that may be a symbol in the story
@demilung 8 ай бұрын
Whenever ANYONE in ANY context goes about analyzing the psychology of any character, whether it's providing some kind of psycho analysis, or diagnosing a character, or making remarks about "mislabeling" a character's "condition", I brace a little to whatever may be coming, because a frankly stupid amount of people acts with the self-important seriousness of someone dealing with "real issues" of "real people". Videos like that can definitely be fun, but there always needs to be a layer of acknowlegement, that we're having fun with fiction, and we're not analysing a person, but someone's writing. Like, not only some details may be just messes up or disregards by the author, like if something is out of character for a certain condition the answer may be "I'm writing this character with these actions because of these reasons, not a summary of a condition that this character seems to fit except for this point". This may seem like a weird rant to go on, but you'd be surprised how many times in mentions of this game and "House in Fata Morgana" I've seen people get offended and go on small internet crusades because of "misdiagnosing" a character, as well as people making up stuff about "things we don't see" a.k.a the ass-pulls to make chraacters fit into some kind of real-life box.
@snailseyes 8 ай бұрын
As I comment on all your videos, I appreciate you always being Coffin's #1 defender. Always warms my heart especially given how much flack the game gets.
@algorithmblessedboy4831 6 ай бұрын
Why isn't there any psychologist talking about this game yet, I'm just so curious about what's up with their minds
@Kushrada 8 ай бұрын
I admit I enjoyed Cracc's video at the time of first viewing though even then I found my self disagreeing with many of the statements regarding major character mental states, it was never the less still refreshing from many other content creators who fixated only on the incest aspect...I completely missed he didn't even play that route at the time the video was out so that explains why. Like you say the Decay and Burial routes need each other to get the greatest picture of the story just like how playing as either Andrew or Ashley blinds you the the context of the other. As for Ashley not having self imaging problems I don't know how anyone who played the game could make that statement in all seriousness she only highlights it nearly every situation.
@valonstriker 4 ай бұрын
I don't know why everybody's trying to psychoanalyze this game it's just a romantic comedy
@harryyy9848 3 ай бұрын
romantic comedy 💀
@RainbowsSoggyFries 3 ай бұрын
incest enjoyers really are romantic type of peole huh? the crimes they did are soooOOOooo romantic
@Cloud_Seeker 28 күн бұрын
@@RainbowsSoggyFries I mean. If they jump they will be stuck in a mess that just can't be seperated. It is way to romantic.
@Sam_Lumi 8 ай бұрын
I always likes your analysis on the game 💖 It's honestly felt really good to know someone who's also sharing the same interest in analyzing the character writing and knowing the value behind that character. I always found people to either ignore or doesn't fully reading into that character (especially in Ashley case). Thank you Dan, always appreciated all the hard work you put into making these videos.
Average twitter user: this psychological *HORROR* game has disturbing aspects that make me uncomfortable? Egads, that is utterly inconceivable!
@Anonymous-bi5pv 8 ай бұрын
still not as bad as the conservatards defending incest though
@@peanutbutternojelly Where did I say I encourage the actions of the characters? I don't. What they do is abhorrent. I simply appreciate when writers dig into the brains of people I do not understand.
@coldeed 4 ай бұрын
This psychological horror game is drawn like some cutesy emo girls erotic fanfic. It's not the games content that's disturbing, it's the author doing her best to make incest, devil worship and whatnot sexy or innoffensive.
@@coldeed the incest is literally the bad ending
@coldeed 4 ай бұрын
@@KLOTEROLEROTAR All the endings are bad endings. 90% of the games dialogue is a brother and sister awkwardly flirting and being jealous of one and other, refusing to bail on each other. The chick literally tries to get rid of any of the brothers GFS out of jealousy and the brother asks his GFS to dress up like her so he can pretend to bang her.
@AmaryInkawult 8 ай бұрын
Its almost like this guy came into the game with preconceived notions and was too immature to let them go when proven wrong
@hughu9340 8 ай бұрын
yeah, I couldn't handle his video, like after few minutes I was off.
@hughu9340 8 ай бұрын
no thanks
@ab-hx8qe 8 ай бұрын
I started watching cracked video and it was immediately apparent that it was a child stringing together words they didn’t understand.
@vlad5042 3 ай бұрын
hes just got that type of voice that automatically tells you a video essay its about to be trash
@OlTimeyChara 8 ай бұрын
Well damn, i don't remember exactly what i thought of Cracc's video initially. But this reminded me, on the TCOAAL subreddit thereis a guy who is making a video of his mum psycho-analyzing the game(first and second chapter), note that his mom is a psychologist
@nihilistic9927 8 ай бұрын
Psychoanalysis has a place in literary analysis--but Cracc's psycho-analysis isn't that. Using psychological terms in analysis isn't psycho-analysis in this particular sense.
@HarcInCMajor 4 ай бұрын
Two things about ASPD diagnoses from somebody with it. The conclusion is made through deduction. By ruling out other behavioral health issues you can arrive at the conclusion of ASPD. Just looking at symptoms will not give you a diagnosis by any reputable professional. Second; the "functioning" additive is not applicable. It may be used in layman speech, but there are no teats to detemine how well you function and it would be facetious to use the patient claims in determining functionality with ASPD on account of the disorder. TLDR original video dosen't understand ASPD diagnosis
@mojave_wasteland_walker583 8 ай бұрын
I would really appreciate if you make a video about "milk inside a bag of milk" and "milk outside a bag of milk". Hidden gems.
@DanielSantosAnalysis 8 ай бұрын
I remember that video feeling "off", I am glad you made this and articulated what was wrong with it.
@bleachedshadow9981 8 ай бұрын
In the definition for high functioning that you put on screen it says able to function in society; not greatly affected by disability or illness. Through the viewpoints of others around Mrs. Graves she’s seen as a regular woman who works as a functioning member of society. Low functioning would mean not being able to contribute anything to society and it’d be outwardly shown. Even if she’s a criminal guilty of horrendous crimes she’s still high functioning being able to fit in society perfectly. Gus Fring from Breaking Bad for example would not be a low functioning ASPD haver due to how well he fits into society. That’s what makes him so alluring in the show might I add.
@bleachedshadow9981 8 ай бұрын
Not to mention if they weren’t high functioning every Judge for any criminal would be considered criminally insane.
@bleachedshadow9981 8 ай бұрын
I do however agree with everything else you’ve said.
@DandyDNA 8 ай бұрын
I'd say from the viewpoints of her children she's not high-functioning, nor the viewpoints of the other tenants. You have to remember that her children weren't the only victims of the organ trafficking operation, and yet, with knowledge of the operation, she contributed to the scheme by trafficking her own children. Being able to avoid suspicion for acting on your murderous impulses doesn't make you a functioning member of society if you indeed act on them; it makes you a good liar.
@Maundu-ut1es 8 ай бұрын
I personally think for my self the burial route is the cannon route in my head because, it touches on changing for better or worse and the idea of Ashley and andrew finally feeling comfortable towards eachother shows trust as it is a evlolving theme in the game ,as their trust build and their mother comes into play it goes from the park to the professional field as their mother unbelievably quickly erodes their trust and its only when andrew decides to ignore her and keep to eachother do they accept eachother and there is clear tense, that even though andrew knows his mothers bullshit, his mother realises first with the example of her knowing she cant lie but she can take advantage of them still not fully accepting or knowing themselves. if the incest hints and outright was not in the game it probably not be one of favourites as it would evolve from a fucked up masterpiece and more into oh look another horror game i can find another with focused elements and get same enjoyment i think your analysis was perfect in both videos without evrything in this already it would not be as good as it is
@6000. 8 ай бұрын
Next video: responding to twitter’s hypocrisy and cherry-picking on the Coffin series
@6000. 8 ай бұрын
Idk i dont use twitter that much
@cardboardking577 8 ай бұрын
Wasn't that months ago
@zeronvitwo 8 ай бұрын
Yeah and it only lasted for like 2 weeks but solely because of that the game has no chance of having even a decent reputation@@cardboardking577
@vlad5042 3 ай бұрын
responding to twitter is a horrible idea under any circumstances
@T0mTom_18 8 ай бұрын
Lmao it’s not even a bad video from what I watched of it, it was at least interesting but the part he said ‘Ashley doesn’t have self image issues’ was when I clicked off back in November
@NeroDefogger 8 ай бұрын
out of all the languages man... you chose to speak truth
@Ihavenoidea-dm3wd 8 ай бұрын
You should totally do a video about the drama on the internet about incest in this game. I mean, it gets labelled "incest game" quite a lot and I am worried that some people will be a bit mislead when they decide to play it. Thanks
@dimosguy 8 ай бұрын
people are already misleaded about it even if the video discussing the drama it won't change the people. it's already too late to fix the people who've been lied to.
@Tired_Tortilla 8 ай бұрын
it makes it so freaks who are into that play the game and ruin peoples perception on what the game is even about i feel i would have hated this game if i played it after it blew up
@Uwesama 7 ай бұрын
But it is an incest game. Andrew and Ashley's relationship, dialogue, and how they view each other throughout the entire game is portrayed as incestuous. It's literally the theme of the game.
@Ihavenoidea-dm3wd 7 ай бұрын
@@Uwesama The themes of this game is murder, cannibalism, fiction, psychological horror. Not to mention incest was optional when playing the game
@vlad5042 3 ай бұрын
@@Ihavenoidea-dm3wdincest is optional, but incestuous implications really arent. you get at least a little bit of it no matter what. i do think its better people know what theyre getting into, i do of course prefer if they dont come in thinking its p0rn or something but i think some fans really try to underplay the incest aspect which is heavily present even if you dont get a vision which makes it explicit.
@RandomNoNamePT 8 ай бұрын
How the fuck is your editing so good!?!? THIS IS BETTER THAN ANY VERIFIED KZbinR I'VE SEEN😭😭😭😭😭😭
@NoHandle44 8 ай бұрын
Did the parents actually sell off the kids to organ traffickers? Because it wasn't just the siblings, but the whole building was trafficked. So were the parents of every single tenant in on it? That doesn't seem likely. But then, them having the kid's death certificates when the day the "quarantine" first started only makes sense if they expected them to die in their apartment. So I really don't know.
@DandyDNA 8 ай бұрын
At the moment the only conspirators we're aware of are the mother and the surgeon, and yeah you're right about the death certificate. There is seriously a mountain of evidence against Mrs Graves, when you put them all together it's clear she wasn't unaware of or uninvolved in the scheme.
@prtzortimdat13 8 ай бұрын
i feel like we dont even have to "psycho-analyze" and diagnose the characters to know where they're coming from. most times (specially on flashbacks) it's kind of obvious what they're thinking while doing the things they chose to do. i dont think that we should dive in to their childhoods and traumas (more than what's already been shown) and all of their effects because we can see enough to understand enough. why do we try to diagnose them as if all of us are psychiatrists or something, hell i think even a legit psychiatrist would say they can't diagnose them without having real conversations with them so how could we? anyway i still love these videos and i watch every single tcoal analyse video that pops up on my page lol it's become my new addiction
@anonandro6452 7 ай бұрын
"high functioning" can mean a lot of different things, but at it's core it's incredibly subjective. its also based solely on other people's impression of you. like, if you're the most charismatic person of all time, but the second you get home you have a mental breakdown, then you're "high functioning". at least, in the eyes of people who don't know about said breakdowns. i have adhd and autism and i'm considered "high functioning", but sometimes my executive dysfunction gets bad enough that i can barely move.
@stephaniesalonga6069 7 ай бұрын
I wonder if there is also a 3rd route in some way.. like a neutral route or an in between of both Burial and Decay.
@DandyDNA 7 ай бұрын
Maybe that's what the right door in Ashley's dreamworld (aka the "Sane route") is for
@dxmqw 5 ай бұрын
I agree with this video entirely but he did say before hand that he has no experience and doesn’t really know what he’s talking about so idk what we expected
@skel-l7825 8 ай бұрын
Your videos are easily the best two analysis' of this game. You analyse it fairly and don't shy away or dismiss it for its uncomfortable themes, thus making your analysis' unbias
@WhenDidYouTubeAddThisFeature 4 ай бұрын
I swear, it's like people see a horror story and expect the protagonists in it to be perfect heroes who save the audience FROM the horror... these two being so fucked up is exactly what makes their story so engaging and compelling. Andrew was basically forced to raise Ashley as a pseudo-father and learned that giving her whatever she wants will keep her from hurting others, and with no positive male role models in her life Ashley clung to her brother's pushover nature until her feelings for him warped beyond comprehension. Andrew is so touchy-feely with his little sister because she won't let any normal better woman near him, he has no other choice. Ashley doesn't mind since her feelings are already so distorted anyway. Hell, it could be seen that Andrew's insistence to "bury" Andy is because he willfully started changing since the She-Who-Is-Better-Left-Forgotten incident to better suit her as a romantic option in turn, far better than "that coward" Andy and is jealous that Ashley prefers him. As long as Ashley is by his side no matter what, he'll never have to pretend to care about anyone or anything else. He chose her. It's a rare look into what a double Yandere relationship would be like at maximum toxicity. It's downright venomous. I am normal about these two. I am so normal.
@benely1064 7 ай бұрын
you are a really good content creator and and i would hate for you to stop creating videos you have some real talent keep up all of the god work
@roccopecori8446 8 ай бұрын
So basically if we go by what cracc says if is not curled into a ball babbling unintelligibly is high funtioning
@user-hi6tp1od2i 7 ай бұрын
That you for saying something like this. It was so strange to me to realize people had a real issue with this game when I finished playing it. Like it’s a psychological horror. Ofc it’s going to have deeply disturbing things that the author wants to discover more because they are considered taboo.
@karmag8138 8 ай бұрын
So i went back to craccs video and the comments mainly talk about him kinda ignoring andrews romantic feelings
@vlad5042 3 ай бұрын
i dont understand how someone truly viscerally uncomfortable with incest in fiction could be into this game any more than i understand how someone truly viscerally uncomfortable with cannibalism could. ep 1 when andrew starts talking about how romantic it would be for him and his sister to jump off a balcony together and be buried in the same coffin i wouldve been outta there.
@justareguralcitizen9492 8 ай бұрын
I don’t know how his video got so much attention with that. Really. This was great video.
@CrazyLikeUhFox 8 ай бұрын
Because he had it out fast while the game was hot. Hence him writing the script for the vid before finishing the game. Content creation favors the person first to the punch over quality.
@MetalRoar 4 ай бұрын
The real psycho is whoever wrote that 3! 0:51
@erikwillis802 8 ай бұрын
I remember watching his video and immediately thinking "this is a cool idea I want to see someone do it well."
@stateberg7208 8 ай бұрын
8:48 that’s like saying postal 2 was purely, made to be shocking because they wanted money
@Nockgun 8 ай бұрын
its like saying rimworld is made for satisying warcriminals.
@sebastianmadera1302 8 ай бұрын
I absolutely love this game and the horror of it. Watching your videos makes me enjoy it even more and understand the complexity of the story and Characters. Thank you 🙏
@suga1180 8 ай бұрын
Wow, that was another dandy video! it is great how passionated you are about the game. Also the fact that you are willing to take deep dive into plot and lore and details.
@AtticusKarpenter 8 ай бұрын
Nice, after thoughtful critic/reviewing game itself, no less thoughtful critic of game's other reviews. You are savior for TCOAAL fans suffering because content about game ended before obsession with it :"D
@CarrotSpunk. 5 ай бұрын
He didn't even play the game that's the problem that many people who are against the game have.
@CannoliSlugYT 7 ай бұрын
There's another TCOAAL video that's from Lily and if I wrong the title was something like "Sibling Torture Simulator", I didn't watch it bcuz after her Steven Universe video, I don't think I'd trust her and I dunno in that video she said some nonsense about the game like cracc or, better *crack.*
@Trish0545 8 ай бұрын
yeah i was excited to watch that video but it was just so off
@nobodyspecial1553 8 ай бұрын
Absolutely fantastic video, mate. I love your recent videos and I love Nemlei's VNs. Match made in heaven! I only disagreed with your interpretation of high/low functioning, but I'll spare you as others have already debated with you in the comments it seems. I can't wait to see what you do in the future and I can't wait for the future of Nemlei's work; I seriously hope all this drama doesn't make Nemlei decide to quit altogether after finishing TCOAAL as I just love all of Nemlei's work so much!
@therealforestelf 8 ай бұрын
I think it's sometimes very hard to argue for something working in the game's society compared to how our society or even our perception of our society leaves us to diagnose individuals :D but I am barely a student and almost an intern so I can't lean on anything proper :D maybe I would assist in psychoanalyzing a few years from now when I have my degree. love to see you critisizing bad content about TCOAAL, so that more good content may come!
@LilPale 8 ай бұрын
I was introduced to the game by ManlyBadassHero's video. I don't know the psychology behind it then and was only be able to tell by how i understand behaviours. Yet, i didn't think of lies to make up for what i don't want to think about or understand...
@Mark-nb9vo 8 ай бұрын
Thank you man, all those analysis video's about TCOAAL displays the game in a bad light. While this video shows what the game is actually about.
@wildowillsom4474 8 ай бұрын
This was a good video, and a good statement I am pleasantly surprised by the level of analysis that was shown, well done👍
@demetriusdemarcusbartholomew 8 ай бұрын
Well Just got away from F1 Crashes where 2 people died where the First Guy Spin so fast He was Split in half...... R.I.P my Guy 🕊️🕊️🕊️ So this is calming me down
@mrksimka1159 8 ай бұрын
Oh my.... 10:30 I never connected the dots that visual of him holding 302 girl and his sister in the vision kinda similar until I saw them here together. You just blew my mind man!! There's always this tiny details in Nemlei art you can uncover month after the fact.
@YourDearFriendToilet 5 ай бұрын
I never would have guessed it was an organ harvesting operation... Looking back on it I feel so stupid for not realising it. But I'm honestly apprehensive to give the mother a social disorder. Considering the broken home, absent husband and terrible kids she probably developed apathy towards her family and took the chance to get out. This I believe because only times she seems genuine is when she's talking about having BBQs with neighbours, expressing her disappointment when her kids re-appear and when she goes nuclear after Andrew shuts down her emotional appeal about ditching Ashley. It's not normal behaviour to plot or anticipate your childrens death, but to her it seemed a whole lot better than anything they've done coming to light and reflecting on her as a person and ruining the facade she was building for herself.
@dr_clesh 8 ай бұрын
As always, a great analysis
@Blaze_GamingBG 3 ай бұрын
I guess you could say cracc was on cr****
@ghetoknight7801 3 ай бұрын
omg 8:30 is what I'm sayinnnng like I understand im the typa weirdo who didnt mind the incest at all irrelevant to thematic purposes, and im not gonna say "oh the incest is very relevant ot the plot" since people wont take me seriously... but the extent and consistency in which characters are "broken" are very regular throughout all of Nemlei's games shock value definitely exists but it's always tied into the story properly, and most important of all is ALWAYS the characters it's a pseudo visual novel game, they didn't put incest to say "look at those characters hate them, hate them with all your guts, look how yucky it is!" nor are they saying "oh also let's sprinkle in some degeneracy for you all" (why I found it but since seeing it better appreciated VN's as a whole) rather in an exploration fo a character, taking an extreme, contrasting a sociologically unacceptable trait with that of a well fleshed out or admirable person, attributing negative qualities to wholesome or uplifting relationships, spinning a twist on what would otherwise be a regular pair that opens up moral complexities considering this is a multi stage game unlike the others? Nemlei does this consistency and to a T, it's never a barebones copy paste, same format, and almost every game (especially that ice elf one) make you appreciate character depth so much more --- for a summary 1) make a good character 2) make them do something bad 3) it's very consistent with the good, fleshed out character we know 4) suddenly the audience is spinning heads, and that confusion, that only half-relateability and most of all the fact that characters can be seemingly hypocritical to the omnipotent audience (since views on characters are usually black and white, good or bad) is what gives characters lives, makes them human and makes for an unnaturally compelling story --- Basically if there was a archetype of characters that "aren't necessarily neutral, nor explicitly bad or good, but does bad things whilst still being likeable in a normal sense, and also isn't exactly a self aware goddess who immediately acknowledges their faults", Nemlei is a master at that
@paeul4982 7 ай бұрын
I watched his "analysis" video before i watched yours and I could tell that there was something off about it and you really did put things into perspective for me - both for the game and his video. So thank you for that. On a different note does anyone know where I can find the developers other games? Can't find them on steam anymore I think or maybe just for my country Idk.
@DandyDNA 7 ай бұрын
There's plenty of archives of Nemlei's games, though the original itch pages got deleted
@paeul4982 7 ай бұрын
@@DandyDNA thanks I'll try and find them.
@jeremymartin7403 8 ай бұрын
The coffin of Andy and Leyley is amazing and I loved the experience it’s written very well and have beautiful art if some people feel uncomfortable about it just don’t play it I hate it when people try to dox or shame people for not being a sensitive snowflake
@wallybonejengles5595 8 ай бұрын
I gotta be real. I see way too much of my own dynamics in relationships in Andrew. This game really has some great messaging despite how tongue in cheek it is. Like I gotta do better man.
@KaitouKiara422 8 ай бұрын
I like this, your not attacking but rather criticizing his points and give feedbacks. Hope he sees this vid. Btw awesome vid
@Muf50 3 ай бұрын
I love this game is keeps me excited because the story is very good and im so excited for the update to come
@asuko-san7440 8 ай бұрын
Im happy you at least didn’t said Ashley has BPD lol…if she have, she really surely have something else, cause her way of manipulation, and her lack of attempts at pleasing…is just…(or how much time it takes her to take andrew’s rage seriously)
@asuko-san7440 8 ай бұрын
(From someone with BPD that has an psychology, how tired of the stigma)
@harunocaleon5786 6 ай бұрын
From the moment he said "You can't fix her" I already knew it was bullshit
@Banthadu7 2 ай бұрын
You make my favorite tcoaal content, great analysis on their relationship. Will you make more videos when chapter 3 comes out?
@DandyDNA 2 ай бұрын
You bet!
@shaneholt4785 Ай бұрын
this is more or less a hot take. Ashly's personality wasn't made through trauma or neglect, its a preconceived notions made by a not fully developed sense of morality. or developed anything. if you don't deprogram yourself, every thought and opinion you have is based of a idea you had when you were a child. and that's horrifying because kids are fucking idiots. not only that but these ideas have bin justified through every person in her life. witch is where the neglect and other factors come in. that alone can make somebody fucked up, but when she was at this stage she did horrible things. instead of focusing on killing somebody she focusses on how Andrew see's her for doing that. sins this was the case when actual things happened when she was a adult she didn't bat an eye. no mater what it was, seeing it as not important, because to her it wasn't. this comment was originally made by me as a response to somebody's comment about Ashly and i repurposed it.
@lucasugafan4419 8 ай бұрын
Wait… 1+1 doesn’t equal three?!?! 😂
@zeronvitwo 8 ай бұрын
I gotta start begging you to miss cause you have been doing everything but missing with these vids 🙏🙏
@AcesInEmbers 8 ай бұрын
Thankfully cracc did note hes no professional or anything
@count4045 4 ай бұрын
Dude used the saya no uta ost in his video. What a fucking legend.
@craigreal9148 8 ай бұрын
Bro made another peak video
@ghetoknight7801 3 ай бұрын
stopped watching at "the coffin of andy and leyley is a masterpiece"... cus that's all I needed to here bro, like sub notif all of Nemlei's games do story pretty nicely
@lanc782000 8 ай бұрын
Well that was just dandy my friend
@FabiTheSnake 8 ай бұрын
I am so upset i got into this fandom after Nemlei´s mistreatment... Would have liked to comment on her twitter just telling her what a solid job she did with the game. People should do what they want, meanwhile we got some lone white knights doxxing a indie-dev over fictional stories. I am still convinced that incest (excluding parental figures) is not "the bane of existence" as 90% of loosers describe it. It has literally no impact on Humanities progress, moral or threat. Except of course the random people outside picking up torches and pitchforks. Outside of that, the game is about so much more, and the actual incest being like... Squeezed into ONE VERY SPECIFIC, RED FLAGGED CHOICE, draining all of the work and reducing it to that... Makes my heart hurt.
@Cynwale 8 ай бұрын
Your comment is wrong.
@Maynarkh 8 ай бұрын
@@Cynwale cry more doxxer
@BishopShotgun 8 ай бұрын
@@MaynarkhI’m not taking a side, however, I think your comment is illogical. Does disagreeing with their stance on a part of the comment-not even specified-somehow make it so they’re the enemy and therefore one of the doxxers? These statements always baffled me.
@Maynarkh 8 ай бұрын
@@BishopShotgun they said that the comment is wrong. The comment in question argues that the story is more than just incest and that people should be free to make as they wish without a mob descending upon them. The only group I see who would take issue with that is the doxxers and Twitter.
@Maynarkh 8 ай бұрын
@@peanutbutternojelly "not saying they deserved it" and "they had it coming" are mutually exclusive.
@malikpierre-louis3343 7 ай бұрын
Would it interest you to respond to Lily Orchard's video about the game ?
@ForgottenIdea 8 ай бұрын
song at @6:40? and the song at @11:10? bro your song choices are amazing.
@ForgottenIdea 8 ай бұрын
Pls pls I wanna know
@totallytoffy 8 ай бұрын
I personally don't like the game because it's just to uncomfy, but I do think people don't give it enough credit for it's really good characters
@Cloud_Seeker 8 ай бұрын
Well. It is a horror game and games shouldn't be for everyone. It brings a healthy diversity to the space where everyone can make and place something as they ignore other things.
@Cloud_Seeker 8 ай бұрын
@@peanutbutternojelly Its funny that you are making an argument that the game is about incest. Have you played the game? First of all. I do not think you shouldn't be able to include incest in a game that is about psychological horror. Why are you saying you can't? Second. I think you have failed to understand why that part even happens in the first place. The reason it happens is because both Andrew and Ashley have had repressed feelings toward each other because of how they were raised. Ashley was always rejected by her parents, and she felt that only way anyone wanted to be with her was because she had to manipulate and force them to be with her. Andrew were accepted but no one wanted to be with him because of Ashley. While Andrew is a romantic and wants the idyllic life he wants a happy relationship with his sister but also a girlfriend. However the only real girlfriend he can have is his sister. Something he denies because that should go against his own idyllic vision. In the burial ending that part is about Ashley and Andrew coming to terms with their situtation. Ashley learns that people ACTUALLY wants to be with her without all the coercion and blackmail, and Andrew is coming to terms and with accepting Ashley for who she is. However if you then continue that line of logic, it is very clear that it can develop into romance. Both are repressing their feelings, and both are growing to accept each other more. They have no one else in their lives. The vision itself is actually a warning. It is warning them of future events that can happen. If you play the ending without comitting to the romance, you do not get a vision. The game itself is telling them that it is a bad thing. That is why that happens. It isn't a "immature joke". If you think it is you have not actually understood what the story of the characters are about. Third. It seems you also fail to understand what I said. What I am pointing out is that a game shouldn't be made for the widest possible audience. Games shouldn't be for everyone, because games for everyone is games for no one. There is only so much the widest possible audience can accept or even understand. This game is a good example of this. There is so many people that just do not understand what the story is even about. They think it is about "shock value" or "popularity" when it isn't. The dev is very clear in that she doesn't care about shock value or popularity. It is okay to not like this game just like it is okay to not like any other game. But if you think the game shouldn't be allowed to bring up a subject matter because it doesn't appeal to YOU and your sensabilties, you are just wrong. Games do not owe you anything and they shouldn't be made for you spesifically and you have no right to always enjoy a game. If games were made that way, all games will suck and no one will enjoy them. There is more people that dislike what you like then what you like. That goes for everyone.
@CarrotSpunk. 5 ай бұрын
​@@Cloud_Seeker you killed him 😂
@marlonbrando1631 8 ай бұрын
Great Video. I really like how you respond to the arguments. Something I have noticed about the whole discussion about the game is that both defenders and critics seem to have issues grasping the game. Critics I won’t discuss here, but so many defender of the game insist that the whole incest part of the game is solely contained in the Burial Ending. It’s actually kind of frustrating as a lot of half-formed opinions form. Your advice of playing through the game twice should be given to all that try to actually talk about the game.
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