Psychosis or Kundalini? How to survive it all?

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Natalia Grace

Natalia Grace

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Are you wondering if you are going through a psychosis or a Kundalini awakening? If so, please watch this! You are not alone in what you are going through. There is so much light at the end of the tunnel. I hope this video gives you that validation!
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Disclaimer: This video is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education only. This content is not intended to diagnose or to treat any psychological or physical health condition, and nothing contained in the content should be misconstrued as such. The content should also not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any mental health, medical, or physical condition.
Psychosis or Kundalini? How to survive it all?
#kundalini #lightbody #kundaliniawakening #lightbodyactivation

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@nataliagrace4 4 ай бұрын
💎 Integrate your Kundalini experience :
@sourcehealing82 8 ай бұрын
I believe mine started back in 2012. Years of anxiety but I was questioning everything. I didn’t see the purpose of how our society ran. The energy got stuck in my sacral chakra and caused a lot of pain so I had a hysterectomy. I didn’t know at the time what it was. Then in 2019 I met a man that I recognized. I fell in love with him and it opened my heart chakra. After we broke up I was in so much suffering and four months later I was researching spiritual topics and I felt the energy run up my spine and out of my crown chakra. So much love and bliss!! Lasted two weeks. I still didn’t know this was kundalini. Then the purging began, so much healing and crying, anxiety, feeling like I was going insane. It lasted years. I had no support other than people on KZbin like yourself. I’m still dealing with anxiety but it’s calmed down a bit. I just want to live my life and be around people again.
@nataliagrace4 8 ай бұрын
Micro-awakenings leading to a bigger one! Thanks for sharing. 🙏🏼 If you need further support, feel free to reach out for a 1on1 !
@pkphilips2 7 ай бұрын
Please read my comment above
@forestsnow6508 7 ай бұрын
Dark night of the soul. Took me about 6-7 years of excruciating hardships and challenges to finally feel life was getting better again. My kundalini rose 17 years ago and I'm still unpeeling new layers within. It's a fascinating journey, definitely not for the faint of heart. You will end up Fearless, incredibly strong and resilient. It doesn't end but you change into a better person. 🙏
@d.l.7399 7 ай бұрын
Stop. You are only (!) intelligent. Do not think that crap. Listen to a vid of Krishnamurti, if you got guts... Stop that nonsense thinking... Please.
@pkphilips2 7 ай бұрын
For those who are not well versed in eastern religions and religious practices and who have dabbled with the Kundalini awakening etc, please read this carefully. I am an Indian and I am familiar with a lot of this. Please know that all spiritual forces are not alike - there are good spirits as well as bad spirits. Kundalini is a Serpent spirit. The term "awakening" it is actually an error - you are not awakening anything. Instead, what you are doing is opening yourself up to allow that spirit in. And once you do that you become possessed by that spirit and it is not a good thing. Please stay away from these sorts of practices. Secondly, the psychosis you experienced cannot be cured by willpower or psychotherapy because it is spiritually caused and not a medical condition caused by a chemical imbalance though this spiritual possession can and will often lead to chemical imbalances in your body and brain leading to other psychological conditions over time. Thirdly - the serpent spirit is NOT a neutral or a good spirit. It is an evil spirit and it will plague you unless you get rid of it through demon casting.You cannot summon or play with the spirit world expecting to use it to your advantage WITHOUT compromising yourself and making yourself a slave of these spirits. What is the difference between a good spirit and an evil one - the evil spirits will ALWAYS attempt to control you. They control you by being VERY forceful in the ideas and the voices that they instill within you. If an evil spirit wants to get your attention, it will constantly bother you till you give in and obey what it tells you to do. A good spirit - and there is only ONE good Spirit and that is the Spirit of God that we refer to as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is VERY, VERY gentle and will NOT attempt to force you. If you ignore the Holy Spirit, He will let you be and may stop speaking to you but He will never harm you or oppress you in anyway.
@joypaigeshumate 7 ай бұрын
I had my first spiritual awakening in 2018, and now I believe I’m having another awakening which maybe kundalini. I moved to a new place and met an amazing man that ended up getting cancer and it completely shook me up. It has been around 9 months of complete disconnection from who I was, my whole mind is shifting, I have been waking up sweating every night, rarely a full night of sleep, highly emotional, etc. I know I am a healer and am on a spiritual path and no longer have space for anything that isn’t full authenticity
@stateofbecoming 7 ай бұрын
This was such a beautiful explanation, thank you 💓 I went through this process a few times throughout my life (32 yrs old this year) and I never had the context what it was at the time I was going through it. I thought I was going crazy and felt so isolated. As someone else commented here, I could see why the world wasn't working as it should and it was SO clear to me but didn't resonate with others. I also felt so much spaciousness and openness within myself, so connected to everything.. But I didn't have anyone to share this with and I felt so alone. I ended up unconsciously falling back in cycles of addiction to feel some connection to the material world again.. I just wanted to connect with people and be accepted (our human nature). I later missed the feelings I experienced and wished I had them back when I had more awareness of their benefit and potential for healing. I'm not sure if anyone else can relate to this but if once experience this and are feeling like you missed the opportunity I just want to say you can you can experience that again, work on yourself and connect to yourSELF first - breathwork, meditation, yoga, etc can help! The feeling can come and go but it can come back. 💜Much love to you on your journey.
@cats_in_disguise 5 ай бұрын
Thank you Natalia! You're the only person I've found so far who can describe exactly what I have been going through. It's so immensely calming and reassuring to be able to understand what is happening to lessen the fear.
@nataliagrace4 5 ай бұрын
So glad to hear Emma ! 💌 thank you for tuning in 🙌
@poulerikhansen7178 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your supportive words. Have been going through this initiation process for 4,5 years (officially I would say ,going through a process). But it actually began in 2015 after a heart opening relationship. After that i felt really bad and thought I was having a psychosis, because I didn't understand it. I have had and have a lot of the symptoms you describe. I am not on doubt that the Kundalini energy is in me. I feel very confused and out of my mind. But I try to calm myself down and try to surrender as good as I can. I must admit I am terrified of the full Kundalini,I feel I need support,if it happens. But thank you again, what you say it makes a lot of sense and it resonates with me ❤🙏
@jamesstaggs4160 8 ай бұрын
When I was 21 I triggered a spiritual awakening by accident. I was being introduced to subjects and ideas I'd never considered before and while I was "seeking" one day my world totally changed. It began with hearing a female's voice calling out to me one evening while I was on my back porch. It was coming from a place where I saw no person and it wouldn't make sense for anyone to be there anyways. It began by whispering and ended with it speaking at normal volume but at the same time it felt incredibly loud. This wasn't in my head. It was coming from outside my body maybe ten feet away. Freaked me out so I ran inside where a couple of friends were and I couldn't speak. I was laughing uncontrollably to the point where one of them said I was scaring them. The next day I told a girl I'd met a few months prior and she said "That's her calling you." Didn't matter how many times I asked I couldn't get the girl to tell me who "her" was and what she wanted. She just kept smiling and saying roughly the same thing "she's calling you" and "she's trying to get your attention". For a bit over the next two years I was experiencing things that were totally unreal every single day. If I was thinking about something it would be reflected in the outside world in a variety of ways like through other's conversations, a passing vehicle, something on the radio or on the TV. At first I was able to tell myself that these were just unlikely coincidences, but I couldn't do that for long. There were far too many of them and they were happening every single day many times a day (a simple example would be if I thought about something like a blue car I'd immediately see a blue car or two people who I didn't know would be talking and one of them would ask how's that blue cat you just bought). That would happen many times a day and it never took a day off. The only way to avoid them was to sit alone in a room with a DVD that I chose to watch and that I had seen many times. If I was in an environment that had (from my perspective) any random events it was like the world was picking out my private thoughts and making elements of them appear in the real world. There were also times when I swear something would be speaking through my friends. Some people would know things they shouldn't know about me or would talk suddenly shift the conversation to what was in my mind even though t didn't make sense to do so since the topic would be totally unrelated to what we were currently talking about. I'd get winks, nods and smirks when I began to show in my face and body language that I couldn't believe what was happening or when I would ask how they knew something or why they brought up a subject at the exact same time I was thinking about it. I never got a "You're crazy" or "You're just imagining things" or anything like that, which would be the rational thing to say. Needless to say all of this freaked me out. I couldn't figure out how it was happening. I'd heard about the "all are one" idea but I'd never heard of Kundalini or manifestation. This was before social media and platforms like KZbin had taken off so I had nowhere I could go for information on what the hell was happening to me. I drove my car into a tree at 90mph two years prior and I began to think that I'd really died in the wreck and I was in hell. I thought everything was here for just one purpose-to torment me because it all felt very sinister. It never even crossed my mind to attempt to think in a positive way, I just kept sliding deeper down. I went to two different doctors who couldn't tell me anything about what was happening. They said I wasn't schizophrenic although I don't know why since it sure felt like I was insane. By the end of it I became a total recluse. That was the only way I got any peace (plus I had my first lucid dream at 7 and was having them every night by that point, I could slip into a world I had control over when I slept so I did a lot of that). One day I just started begging out loud for whatever it was to stop and leave me alone. If it was trying to tell me something I couldn't decipher the message. The very next day it all stopped, which is the central reason why I don't think it was a mental illness. I'm pretty sure you can't psych your way out of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders. I still have no idea who "she" is, what I was being told or what I did to trigger it in the first place. I've looked everywhere I can think to look for answers and I've found none. What I have found and what comforts me now is that I'm not the only one to go through that. I'm not happy anyone else had to endure it, if it was anything like mine it was horrifying, but I also no longer think that something or some force picked me specifically out of everyone else to mess with. Maybe whatever it was did it to torture me but it seems like the better answer is that I wasn't ready to "take the next step" as it were and I really don't think it had anything to do with mental illness either. For the most part my mental health has been just fine since then. If anyone read this novel of a comment and you're currently going through any of the above the only advice I can give is to not slide into extreme fear. I think that makes it worse or could turned a positive experience into a negative one. Also it doesn't last forever. If you can't handle it just ask it to stop. It worked for me.
@chiaroscuro333 7 ай бұрын
Hi James, sounds similar to what I’ve experienced since 2012 also… it’s a living nightmare when you’ve had traumas and been in fear it seems so many things fighting and attacking. I think we have to speak to ‘her’ being the planets earths heart… because this program is a duel between the nefarious and the Christ. It’s a war on consciousness and how positive and calm you can remain in the midst of evil and believing in the negative which is really all illusion… something happened to many people in 2012. And this spiritual awakening entails overcoming your own past traumas by asking the planets heart to help clear you and remove all distractions that lead to following the wrong path.. as in overtly following false prophets like famous people, gurus, healers, doctors etc.. how are things now for you. ? Have all the strange manifestations gone,, much love.
@angedusoleil 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experiences. I shared mine too - I think I beat yours in length lol. I can certainly relate to some of the things you shared. It’s cathartic to write it out and to hear that others have had interesting journeys too! And to the Jesus peeps, I have a very deep, day to day connection to Christ as my perpetual teacher. Did you know that in Greek, “Cristos” means “anointed”? And that the Bible identifies 3 kinds of sovereigns as being “anointed ones”; prophets, high-priests, and kings. The Hebrew word “mashiah” from the Hebrew verb “mashah” - means to anoint. Just thought I’d share that with you. And please open your heart so you have eyes to see and ears to hear - that you don’t have to work so hard to counter other peoples spiritual experiences with your fear-based witnessing. Perfect love casts out fear, and it’s not having the effect you think it does.
@septillionsuns 7 ай бұрын
Your dreams could be key. She might be working your partner through the same process. I woke up next to one lover after a dream where someone said my name and that they loved me with the deepest clarity. This was post-kundalini awakening--maybe 3 years. At the time I was very much in my sacral chakra and with three separate lovers. I stopped seeing all three lovers immediately. I moved to Seattle spontaneously and met one of the most important loves on my journey within two weeks of my move. We recognized each other immediately. We are no longer together but still hold each other quite dearly, though distantly, as friends. Your journey will be individuated, but Shakti may find you in your star sister somewhere soon. The question is: will you be ready for her?
@joz8925 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing. The same thing has been happening to me the last weeks. It’s good to know i am not alone in this.
@revan6441 7 ай бұрын
Kundalini is a Hindu thing I believe. Whoever “she” was, it was likely Shakti. Spouse and complimentary of Shiva. On KZbin there are many videos on Kundalini and Hindu thought. Maybe there you will get your answers and comfort. Wish you the best.
@KingDez808 8 ай бұрын
I started the process so long ago and then blocked it out, because my ego wanted to be in control. But the last few days its been accelerating. Its gotten up to my Solar Plexus now and my spine feels like its on fire from the root up to the solar chakra. Its a process you have to see all the way through and im here for it.
@nataliagrace4 8 ай бұрын
@AbsentMinded-j8e 7 ай бұрын
I thought I was absolutely losing my mind! The scariest part was explaining some of the downloads I was getting out of no where to my younger sister, and she said it all made perfect sense to her! I was hoping she'd tell me I was trippin and that my imagination and broken heart had finally taken over my sanity.. my entire existen🎉ce synchronized. The universe made me aware of the false people around me with mal intent. And how I can protect myself from them and begin my spiritual warfare during my spiritual awakening.
@LadyNahualli 7 ай бұрын
I´ve had to treat my psychosis with medication and went to a psychaitrist but something that makes me believe that it is an awakening or kundalini experience is that I´ve been feeling inmense love and compassion for the world. Another strange thing is that I feel very sensitive to peoples energy and the music I listen to. I´ve had to tap into very relaxing and spiritual music to calm down the psychosis and learning to treat it without medication. Because when I surround myself with higher frequencies the experience is not at all frightening, theres days I listen to angelic voices coming from my mind or perhaps another realm and I get messages, almost prophetic. Thank you for this video!
@nataliagrace4 7 ай бұрын
That's it! 100% ! Thank you for your courage to go through it without medication
@chrisvictorlategan6039 7 ай бұрын
I thank you from my heart for making this video, Natalia. It was just what I needed to hear in this moment. I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your friend. I now feel like I maybe understand a bit better what happened to a friend of mine as well, but like you say and it's something I've felt too is that these things also happen the way they do for some reason. Regardless of that knowing, it couldn't have been easy. Thank you for sharing something so painful. You're handling it beautifully. Much love and respect. Almost exactly one year ago during a period of particularly intense feelings within myself I shared with a friend and he told me I was going crazy and wanted me to go see a psychiatrist, but I just didn't feel right about it. Fast forward to the last month or so and every now and then when similar intense feelings have been coming up I've started to wonder whether I actually should go see a psychiatrist, but I still have this strong inner sense of caution towards that whole system of thought as I know what I've experienced and am experiencing is happening for a reason. I may not know the exactly what that is right now or the final outcomes of this process, but after this video I feel encouraged to stick with what my heart's been guiding me to do just at least a little while longer and not numb the pain by getting medicated by a doctor or falling back into old habits that I know may only prolong what's happening within. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please keep doing what you're doing!❤
@Mischa337 7 ай бұрын
Respect, reverence, seriousness and compassion. Its a massiv emotionel detox and layers and layers of emotionel bagage is being cleaned out. Its really tough and Ive been so far out and But fortunately I found a community of People all going through the proces. Dont do it without support!
@ladyrouge2704 7 ай бұрын
Can you share where that community is^
@marra132 6 ай бұрын
i need that community to
@Kristen-ek9rz 8 ай бұрын
Thank you, Natalia, for this wonderful video. My Kundalini awakened spontaneously 18 years ago. It's been a very challenging journey. We all need to learn about this ascension process. I wish I had a guide like you in the beginning stages. I plan to write a book in the near future as a tool to help people on this journey. You're right that surrendering is necessary. Unfortunately, the modern-day life structure is not too supportive of this process.
@nataliagrace4 8 ай бұрын
I completely agree... This process is such a feminine process, but generally I find that living an energy-based / quantum existence (being in full alignment and in tune with our bodies) is very challenging in this world, unless we decide to relocate somewhere that supports that nature. Amazing to hear about your book! Thank you for watching
@Wolvenstar 7 ай бұрын
What can I say? Thank you so much for sharing these insights into your own process. I have had one almost 2 years ago, not knowing what it was, just guesses. Gave up after 1 week, I was on pain killers every 12 hours, without I couldn't sleep. No cold symptoms or of flue, only pain in weird areas of my body, crazy sweating at night, hot and cold upper body taking turns. This time I am ready and will do without pain killer,s until every bit of resistence has faded. This helped me. Be blessed.
@9ojira 7 ай бұрын
I was surprised to see you subscriber count, I just listened to what you said and I feel better having done so NAMASTE
@websurfer5772 8 ай бұрын
I'm not in the market for a Kundalini Awakening but this video spoke to my spirit and soul in a very helpful way. You are doing good work here and I appreciate it. I subbed your channel. Thank you. 🙏
@nataliagrace4 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching 🙌🙌
@janogymnast 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing these words with your unique expression :'). I often feel misunderstood and alone in going through this, though I've learned a lot about it over the years. Your explanations and compassion for it made me feel so moved and spoken to. Made me cry. Thank you for sharing your understandings
@nataliagrace4 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching
@lenaloha 10 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for sharing it I can only add that the right information will find you if you ask for it with trust 🙏 I am currently in a psychiatric clinic I knew I would need a safe space with no triggers of my „old“surrounding even though I wasn’t quite sure what’s going on with me now. I literally felt like my body was dying and it was very terrifying first. I got out of it by surrendering into it and finding back to my inner knowing that it’s happening for my highest best. I felt like a „survivor“ afterwards that came back to life, now that I hear the story you shared about your friend I realised how true this statement truly is! I am the only person here that does understand that it’s a spiritual process and it makes me sad to see so many highly spiritual souls being stuck in „mental desease“ for years or their whole life 😢 I do wish we can create more awareness around the spiritual backgrounds of what society perceives to be mental health issues 🙏
@nataliagrace4 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing !! 🙏🏼 You’ve got a lot of courage & strength to go through this. I trust that where you are is where you need to be, and that when you don’t need to be there anymore, your guidance will come to move. I can imagine that it May be more of a struggle to be in that surrounding - perhaps placing notes around you on the walls writing in them the spiritual truth of what you are going through May help as of a reminder in case it gets confusing. Much love !
@kylehex 8 ай бұрын
Please renounce the connection to the spirit world. Seek true transformation through Jesus Christ. The only spirit that comforts is the Holy Spirit from the true God of this universe.
@godsentchild 8 ай бұрын
@@kylehexbro is fear mongering christ consciousness for no reason
@meant_to_be_cassandra 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for this personal sharing. I just send this to my cousin who had an activation some years ago and was hospitalised, and since is treated medically. Her religious background makes Kundalini "Woowoo". I hope someday she will get it and embrace it. She unconsciously is looking to connect to me, since my activation started prior to hers. Yet, she still is not open to listen to my experiences and advise.
@imaginaryphi1618 7 ай бұрын
Just to give back to you that your kind intent touched me. Eventhough my experience was not mentality challenging. It had no reference point as you formulated very relatable though it felt as something very life changing in a positive way AS LONG I would not question that instead have faith, stay sharp head first for I longed to dive in and explore it. Being familiar to anxiety issues... I'd felt like finally completely overcome for as powerful the experience felt I kinda feared to not have faith more. Though beyond me. As I worked in psychiatric institutions... Not seldom for awaking being confused to mental illness till such extend that people would question there own identity and judgment on their own sanity. That I recognise, you are aware of to possible happen, try to tackle or reassure in. That was heartfelt. Ty
@IntuitiveArtistrybySasha 7 ай бұрын
Ive had the smaller awakenings but ya compared to this…. Ive never felt this before. I thought i had had awakenings before this but this is next level, every word you used are the words i was using for months now, no sense of reference, floating, confused, panic attacks
@rodneyscott7055 9 ай бұрын
Great guidance spirit you are! this human presence is rising.
@nataliagrace4 9 ай бұрын
@michaelg338 2 ай бұрын
I just watched your video and your words and explanation on the awakening and anxiety really help me come down from what I have been feeling. I’m alone in the process and fell like I’m alone. But thank you for sharing your knowledge
@nataliagrace4 2 ай бұрын
@@michaelg338 it does feel isolating! I’m glad to hear it was of support to you! Thank you for watching 🙌🙏🏼
@hang-sangitch 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Natalia ❤ I needed this today. I have been going through this for years. Peeling away the illusion, it's tough going. Thank you for the guidance 🙏 Very grateful
@nataliagrace4 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching 🫶
@SaraKin123 8 ай бұрын
I'm deeply grateful for this video! Subscribed! In Lak'Ech ✨🌈🌹
@nataliagrace4 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching ☺️🙌
@NaturopathMD 7 ай бұрын
Thought you were cute at 1st, then I realised your were resonating perfectly with your words as well. Excellent analogy with the snake shedding by the way❤️
@mfalvey165 8 ай бұрын
I have a kundalini activation not an awakening. It didn’t go through the crown. A few of my chakras popped and I felt the fire. I didn’t know what happened. My body was very tired and hot for two weeks. I started having kriyas and other things. I had no clue what was happening for months since I knew nothing about kundalini.
@compendiumyo3358 7 ай бұрын
There is a section of psychology that is questioning this topic and the very fine line between psychosis and spiritual awakening. They have also discovered that this is handled in small societies (tribes) in the eastern hemisphere with much more grace and way better results. As someone who has experienced both psychosis and spiritual awakening I know without a doubt that my psychosis would have been much easier to resist had I also known that I am clairaudiant. In fact all the mental issues I have gone through would have been much easier to endure. My awakening came after all of it and since my awakening I have suffered zero symptoms of the litany of mental health issues I have been diagnosed with and suffered from since childhood. This is simply my experience in a nut shell. My awakening started in 3rd grade and because I was so young and it was the 80s I had no support or understanding. In 2020 I had a kundalini experience and that is when all the mental symptoms finally ceased.
@nataliagrace4 7 ай бұрын
💯🎉🙌 👁️
@HesGiftedGETHIM63748 8 ай бұрын
I'm an empath of some kind. All sorts of nonsense I feel and goes through my head. My family knew this about me. That I actually have some kind of gift and LITERALLY tried to convince me I was in psychosis. When in reality I'm kinda psychic or something. They acted out horrible scenarios to torture me for fun to try and convince me I had something wrong with me. The only thing wrong was meth head parents.but they pretend to be Christians!
@godsentchild 8 ай бұрын
That’s crazy man. Sending love
@nataliagrace4 8 ай бұрын
So sorry to hear that! My friend that passed whom I mentioned in the video was not understood by her parents & led her to the psychiatric hospital where she left this realm… We are stepping into a new paradigm by going through this. And many don’t quiet understand it, or yet fear it. So they just project their own beliefs & pain instead… but now we can make a choice for ourselves! In many ways, we’re the bridge 🙌 “ They don’t know what they don’t know.” - Forgiveness of self & others! 🙌👁️🙌
@johnwhitesel7828 9 ай бұрын
Great presentation. I liked the background and beautiful bird sounds. They seemed to be agreeing with you. I'm sorry for your friend. They will need to come back and start again. Appreciate your presentation, and trying to help us. Little is known by mainstream. Maybe someday......? God will provide a way for all of us in the end, I believe.
@nataliagrace4 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for watching 🙏🏼🙌
@percubit10 8 ай бұрын
I am going through that and I canlt make sense of what's going on in mylife anymore. I became a hermit and I hate interacting with undesirables in my life.
@nataliagrace4 8 ай бұрын
If you need support, feel free to reach out for a 1on1 ! 🙌
@jamesmullaney5841 7 ай бұрын
I'm 61; I was born in 1962. In 1967 I was 4; in 1969 I was 6. I remember Vietnam, Woodstock, the Hippies, and Watergate; they were the wave just before me. I came of age in the 70s, mostly. I took mescaline - a distilled form of peyote - about 10 times from 1978-1981 and learned to do mantra meditation while simultaneously tripping on mescaline. I took LSD once, in January 1979, about a month after I turned 16. I feel that the expansion occurring now is a completion of what was begun in the 1960s. It is for me, literally, the completion of my lifespan. So my the unfoldment of my present incarnation aligns very nicely from beginning to end with the unfoldment of the cultural and cosmic story on the outside of me. It's so nice and gratifying to see that what we started in the 60s and 70s is bearing good karmic fruit for the evolution of humanity. Thank you for being so fresh, youthful, optimistic, kind, compassionate, generous, brave, pioneering. Your wide open arms embracing all life and holding everyone and everything in a heart of reverence and love and respect. This is the change we were trying to start.
@four204u6 17 сағат бұрын
wow beautiful
@septillionsuns 7 ай бұрын
Surrender simply means you yield to the uncertainty and allow Shakti/the Universe to be in control. If anyone is looking for an interesting insight into Kundalini awakening, I personally think that Bjork accidentally documented her Kundalini awakening with the album Vespertine. There are many Easter eggs in that album that may help you process and feel less alone in the journey. It's not up to you. Surrender.
@npnpnp858 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. I have got to the point 2 times, but backed away as I got scared.
@compendiumyo3358 7 ай бұрын
Are you sure you backed away and didn't just get stuck? Getting stuck can happen and you won't even realize it, but the suffering will continue. What scared you exactly?
@npnpnp858 7 ай бұрын
@@compendiumyo3358 My health and weight got at the same time significantly better. I thought something was wrong and started overeating
@amandarussell8867 7 ай бұрын
Thank you and be blessed always 💞
@nataliagrace4 8 ай бұрын
Thank you all for watching 🙌🌞🙌 You are warriors of Light to go through this process. Don’t feel like a victim of it, rather see it as a powerful tool for your journey! 👁️ We are in an overwhelming time of information. There could be misleading data everywhere, including some found in the comments. Please trust your own resonance & don’t succumb to fear ! 💗 If you need support integrating your Kundalini, work 1on1 with me! Link in the description above 👆🏼 Much love, Natalia
@grapevineepimenis9318 8 ай бұрын
I’m so sorry to hear about your friend
@TigerPaint92 8 ай бұрын
I had chronic headaches for a few years. It felt like my head was being pierced by something. I felt alot of emotions coming up that whole time. It went away eventually and now i just feel empty. Like theres nothing left except my shell. Life doesnt feel the way it used to it just feels sparse. I hope itll improve.
@veggieSxDBD 8 ай бұрын
Peace, im sorry for your pain. Life is hard
@JasonPruett 6 ай бұрын
I don't need no arms around me And I don't need no drugs to calm me I have seen the writing on the wall Don't think I need anything at all No, don't think I'll need anything at all [Chorus] All in all, it was all just bricks in the wall All in all, you were all just bricks in the wall
@UC241 7 ай бұрын
Your perceptions are good, yet the heart of all this is central and singular, perceiving this life, it is a fantastic imagination, all of it based within LOVE, TRUTH, LIGHT and PEACE, which is the HEART of all that is perceived, as well as that which is not discernible.
@vishakp7627 3 ай бұрын
I’m so much in anger and passsive aggression right now,I feel that separation with emotion,I feel so anxious while waking,I couldn’t say this to anyone ,I’m getting so sensitive ,that I’m getting easily triggered,my faith is on pedestal
@nataliagrace4 3 ай бұрын
@@vishakp7627 hear you! 🙌
@vishakp7627 3 ай бұрын
@@nataliagrace4 ❤️
@aryankalkivishnuyasa6523 5 ай бұрын
I really need support, been going through this for so long, it feels so alone and i feel im at the very end of the road, and i dont think its worth living anymore
@nataliagrace4 5 ай бұрын
Hey Aryan. My online kundalini integration is exactly for that. It’s a personalized guidance & mentorship to support you during this process. Check it out:
@Babassecretchannel 7 ай бұрын
Confusing kundalini for prana is the most persistent misunderstanding in the world of yoga. Books and the internet is abound of videos about ”shocking kundalini” or ”kundalini syndrome”. No, people, these are problems with prana that easily goes haywire when you don’t know what you’re doing or were given bad instructions. 🙏
@fredfarmer5952 7 ай бұрын
I live in San Francisco. I started doing Vipassana.... not Yoga. Is there a way to work with the prana... and the energy... clinging at the end of my spine. Is there away to find help?
@ShaunStallings 7 ай бұрын
​@@fredfarmer5952 I am also being directed towards Vipassana. I am keeping Yoga on my schedule because it prepares my body, and Tai Chi because it prepares my subtle energy body. Keep on keeping on without trying too hard because it will unfold at its own pace
@compendiumyo3358 7 ай бұрын
​@@fredfarmer5952This may sound crazy, but have you tried asking the energy? All energy is consciousness. Another thing you can consider is why this energy may be hanging around with that chakra. When I had energy that would get "stuck" I would dive back into shadow work and focus on the chakras meaning and representation. This always helped guide the healing and the flow for me. It is your energy posses it, talk to it, love it, and heal it. I really hope this didn't sound sarcastic because that is not my intention. Namaste'
@Yakibomb 7 ай бұрын
I had one the end of last year. I really wish my notes on my phone weren’t deleted about but I had documented the entire journey for two weeks. I have some recollection of what happened, but it comes in pieces. Honestly, it’s such a touchy subject with psychiatrists. That’s kinda all I can say.
@GuilhermeSchmitz 8 ай бұрын
Thank you very much!
@sverreandreasgudimeriksen6556 7 ай бұрын
This is overload because of society .. when the path is not take seriously and Logic is turing to take over that is awareness and consciousness. Empty your cup and be tangible to something that is not logical let go.
@Methineeslove 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience! May I ask how long was the whole process?
@nataliagrace4 10 ай бұрын
I would say 3-4 intense months of "shedding" & rebirthing. Then it was a matter of integrating, and adapting to the new "normal". And that took a year or 2. I feel integration is an ongoing journey, but the adapting part took that time.
@Methineeslove 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for your answer, it's great to know this and that it will take time to adapt and surrender to the process. I appreciate you!@@nataliagrace4
@mikerumi 8 ай бұрын
Hi i can relate to this alot of what you are saying ,it is like beings are fare more interconnected than we can perceive. It is definitely too much at once yet it is or even was.So thank you, Natalia and yea it cant all be psychosis and im happy to be able to have shared such great experience. It's just realising you are changing and being guided reborn .
@mikerumi 8 ай бұрын
Going inwards you are transalating communicating perfectly , sometimes it does feel you can't translate. I've had this kundalini and im happy to be alive ,as I feel some people haven't been able to understand and I sometimes feel that they are still there ? As it happened so fast.
@anuradhatiwari4844 5 ай бұрын
I felt as if I don't know anyone in this world except my sister. I felt as if whatever memory I have was of last birth.
@Aleric204 8 ай бұрын
Just finished my energetic body activation burned for nearly 23 months straight it's no joke at all
@TheHealingGrid 7 ай бұрын
The single most simplest and most powerful thing you can do is meditate. Meditation will carry you through any material world scenario 🙏
@ShaunStallings 7 ай бұрын
I can double down on this advice from personal experience.
@SunnySideOut 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your journey/guidance 🌻
@nataliagrace4 10 ай бұрын
@percubit10 8 ай бұрын
I have been living in fear for so long I no longer feel like I belong. I let myself go I haqven't been grounding very much. I have been giving energy to everyone else.
@godsentchild 8 ай бұрын
Come back to love! “Fear does not stop death it stops life”
@Annakareninate 9 ай бұрын
I hate these flare ups! I’ve been in this for more than seven years and it has completely ruined my career, I cannot sit in the computer for working full time and live in poverty… I’m so sick of kundalini! Help !
@nataliagrace4 9 ай бұрын
Karen, thank you for sharing ! I truly hear you. It’s not a joke. From what I know, what helps as I mention in my kundalini videos is to surrender to this energy. The more we resist it, the more it will feel like hell. And it tends to destroy that which needs to change… because kundalini is CHANGE itself. It comes to change our whole world, and to ask us to let go of a lot of things; whether internal or external 🙏🏼
@stefaniescura6787 8 ай бұрын
I got free of it. I surrendered to Christ and got delivered. Kundalini is demonic. I had no idea. We are all being deceived. You don't have to live like that, I promise ❤️
@mikerumi 8 ай бұрын
Trust the divine ❤
@adoteq_ 7 ай бұрын
I had it twice in my life, and I am still not where I have to be. I feel it building up again. The second time I "programmed" the timeline I am in now
@ShaunStallings 7 ай бұрын
Dude. I'd love to hear how you programmed it. I'm clinging to sanity by pretending I have some control of what's going on so a plan, even an imaginary one, would be helpful until I'm ready to really let it all go
@adoteq_ 7 ай бұрын
@@ShaunStallings I put the solution, aswell my problem outside myself, and ask for professional psychological help, so that someone might guide me through. Unfortunately, no one in the Western society seems to have a clear head to be able to help me. If you put both the solution as the problem outside of yourself, have humility, and keep believing in the good of Humankind I think it will keep building up as long as you feel threatened, as you might with a life of distrust. I urge you, to have faith in the good of others. I think that the lack of understanding is a way of saying that other people cannot be blamed. If you go through the Kundalini, maybe it is best the follow the path that is given, following your moral compass. Never lie to yourself and keep your eyes open for deception. Beware of your actions. All incoming information has to be taken into consideration, but only to the level you are consciously able to handle. Dont be afraid to put faith in a future, as long as you follow your moral compass and dont lie to yourself. Good luck. You can also follow my Twitter. There might be useful information now and then. I sometimes post my own insight that comes into my head from time to time... @ShaunStallings
@adoteq_ 7 ай бұрын
@@ShaunStallings I connected my head to a computersystem, so that calculations made by it will keep some logic up
@DollyCruz 9 ай бұрын
My head pressures are intense.... And sleeping issues.
@mihakavcic7237 8 ай бұрын
I was there for 25 days. On a 25 day I stop working ( I couldn't anymore) and start with antipsychotic quetiapine. On a day 4 on quetiapine I start to sleep again and I relax, the color of my face return. I would be on quetiapine max 4 weeks and hope to get back with my life.. This Kundalini is really strong, or what I read the previous day, you don't mess with kundalini, kundalini mass with you.
@j4j.c913 8 ай бұрын
@forestsnow6508 7 ай бұрын
Try getting outside more perhaps [Sunlight] especially if you suffer from reoccurring migraines and insomnia. I'm still learning but my understanding is there's a link between melatonin, dmt and circadian cycles with your sleep. Also a correlation with stages of moon energy. chkout Kelly-Marie Kerr on lunar connection 😊
@forestsnow6508 7 ай бұрын
​​@@j4j.c913Did you experience demons? Sleep paralysis? Tell us about it if you have information. Doesn't help anyone if you are just judging and not willing to share.
@jzkramer 7 ай бұрын
Like anything in life, you can learn how to deal with the Kundalini with far more clarity if you have a teacher who really knows what they are talking about. Someone who can communicate with your soul and ground your energy so that it unfolds methodically, and not in a great rush that your circuitry is unprepared for. You also need to learn to practice pranayama correctly to prepare your circuitry for the increased prana. You can muddle around in the dark or try your luck with youtube Gurus, or you can learn the real thing from a bonafide Master. There aren't many out there, but for what it's worth, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda travels the world teaching the real system handed down from God.
@kakkonto-and-kundalini 7 ай бұрын
Natalia さん、波動エネルギーをありがとうございます。 動画開始からすぐに波動の共振があり、脊髄/スシュムナの発火と、イダ・ピンガラの解放がありました。今は仙骨/第2チャクラが熱いです。クンダリニは、4次元エーテル体の波動エネルギーですが、5次元アストラル体を制御する必要があります。そして、アストラル制御には、正しい導きが必要であると想います。
@iamclarity333 8 ай бұрын
Thanks For Sharing
@johnf153 8 ай бұрын
Kundalini is a dualistic, psychic power. If it was Divine it would never cause psychosis or physical impairment. If it was Divine, compassionate and all-knowing it would not awaken in a person who is not ready. Please see the book: "Can You Stand the Truth?" by Angeliki Anagnostou-Kalogera.
@nataliagrace4 8 ай бұрын
I don’t see things this way. For me, it’s been a gift ! So many things in life are divine, yet intense & horrifying in nature. Like the loss of your loved one, or a near death experience. And yet, no one is “ready” for any of those. Opening our eyes up to a higher reality & opening our bodies to deeper levels of release & reprogramming is no fun process. It’s really what you make of your experience 🙏🏼
@Deep_Woodz 7 ай бұрын
Divine vs not Devine is dualistic. It’s all divine, even what seems dualistic conceptually. It’s all you as a matter of experience and potential.
@cajunswede 7 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@AbsentMinded-j8e 7 ай бұрын
I also believe I was experiencing my twin flame and false twin, along with karmic after karmic. I created easily, naturally. It was the snake eating it's own tail, the universe synchronized. I thought i was surely about to die😂
@jenniferhenrythetraveler6495 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your truth your story yes my Kundalini I called it was gradually coming up on me since 2013... Also I wanted to say on this video my first time watching you LOL girl I can see your aura or I like to say your rainbow all on your arms in your hands LOL no joke No Lie
@nataliagrace4 9 ай бұрын
🥰😍🙏🏼☀️ thank you for watching!
@JasonPruett 6 ай бұрын
You're not alone, I'll wait till the end of time for you Open your mind, surely it's plane to see It is the distance that makes life a little hard Two minds that once were close now so many miles a part I will not falter though, I'll hold on till your home Safely back where you belong and see you how our love's grown"" ATB "RiffRaff: It's astounding; Time is fleeting; Madness takes its toll. But listen closely... Magenta: Not for very much longer. RiffRaff: I've got to keep control." "Gazing at people, some hand in hand Just what I'm going through they can't understand Some try to tell me thoughts they cannot defend Just what you want to be you will be in the end" "Now there's a look in your eyes Like black holes in the sky Shine on, you crazy diamond"
@YasminPowell-s2p 7 ай бұрын
❤ an 💡 , may the grace and glory of GOD be forever within you, ☯️☮️♨️
@leighcecil3322 7 ай бұрын
Great western culture there is no real support....! Keep love in your heart & be at peace... the sun will always rise. Namaste 🙏
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 8 ай бұрын
Love you all ready stay here keep talking i game
@spankeyguitars8457 7 ай бұрын
@justiceearth9702 7 ай бұрын
Sometimes it is psychosis. And that’s okay.
@willmodibedi5250 8 ай бұрын
lol eating helped make it come down a little im looking for other ways to lower it but i get what you saying like panicking is the worst
@CEVATUNAL 25 күн бұрын
@nataliagrace4 24 күн бұрын
@@CEVATUNAL 🙏🏼🙌 thank you for watching
@robdixson196 7 ай бұрын
Consider the crazy possibility that if a spiritual experience makes you feel psychotic. it MIGHT be making you psychotic.
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 8 ай бұрын
It so mush out there be happy glad stop by mention live your video have save this watch again just let everyone know im all have youtube atudio on vack years got other strike 😢
@fredfarmer5952 7 ай бұрын
I live in San Francisco. How can I find support... help?
@nataliagrace4 7 ай бұрын
The Link is in the description box. The sessions are via zoom
@Deep_Woodz 7 ай бұрын
Hey, wondering, have you had the experience of certain energy centers opening up and then feeling like they close down? I noticed that when my kundalini rose initially it felt like everything opened, but then there were life things that needed to be worked out (particularly related to like… the bottom 3 centers) and as a result the upper centers kinda quieted down. And now I’m like.. reopening it all.
@nataliagrace4 7 ай бұрын
Yes. The light body activating is not the end goal. It’s only a beginning. And consciousness is a never-ending spiral. 🌀 layers on top of layers of awakening, recoding & remembering. In fact, once your light body activates, which really is that switch to divine intelligence activated within the body, the internal shadows will start revealing respectively. And from what you’re saying, it feels your energy was moved down to the roots for some sort of integration.
@Deep_Woodz 7 ай бұрын
Thanks that’s helpful. Interesting that you describe it as a spiral. I know what you mean, like the polarities are 🌀 into a single point that’s never reached. I tend to describe it as a dot. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m not sure what’s up with the integration part exactly though.Are you referring to releasing old programming and embodying the light body, so to speak? There’s this sense that it’s about breaking old patterns / learning lessons.thanks for your work btw ❤
@nataliagrace4 7 ай бұрын
@@Deep_Woodz yes - integrating the shadow (aka unconscious) aspects within those areas - from trauma, wounding or ancestral karma. Embodying your light body actually encompasses integrating your shadow, consistently. Instead of focusing on openness or closeness, see it as a cyclical movement in layers and layers of awareness every time. The intelligence is consistently moving where consciousness is needed 👁️🙌
@soprotivleniye7620 8 ай бұрын
In what country did your friend die, by the way?
@jwinchester1320 7 ай бұрын
My kundalini stated awakening at puberty and caused me a lot of strife, pain and suffering most of my life until I got on the spiritual path. Unfortunately I started with kundalini yoga which made it worse. Please those who see this DO NOT do kundalini awakening exercises!! Instead consider mantra japa and puja and if possible find a TRUE saint/guru. Mantra japa will expand your consciousness through purification of the mind which is absolutely imperative before kundalini otherwise it’ll expand your negative thoughts and empower your ego. Kundalini will RISE ON ITS OWN as the mind is purified through japa and karma yoga (selfless service). NEVER force kundalini upwards. Remember who yogi bhajan was… a false guru. He was not a true saint. Please hear me out on this!!
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 8 ай бұрын
See you point im kicing it really
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 8 ай бұрын
Keep talking right no joke i love diet play good process cut down zugar and junk food my diet change and have trust holy spirit too. Your helping get alot doen load and scary do k ow mayan indian
@celestemichon1038 8 ай бұрын
It’s very Woo
@soprotivleniye7620 8 ай бұрын
I had a kundalini awakening in an ayahuasca ceremony 9 years ago. So for 9 years I have been living in hell. What can you advise?
@nataliagrace4 8 ай бұрын
So sorry to hear that! It must have been difficult for you. Specially during a plant medicine journey! My advise would be to integrate the experience and understand how to navigate it. Which is really the key part. If you need support, feel free to reach out to me.
@soprotivleniye7620 8 ай бұрын
​@@nataliagrace4Yes, it has been terribly difficult.
@almarosales4710 8 ай бұрын
Turn to Jesus. He will save you, rescue you and make you whole again. Give him a chance. ❤
@godsentchild 8 ай бұрын
@@soprotivleniye7620what has been making your life so difficult? Do you ever feel like you have memories from the spirit realm?
@kushtyagi9758 7 ай бұрын
Read the power of now book
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 6 ай бұрын
Thank you fresno city and county 🎉trust coming thank officer david wilkin and Michelle have my mac pro 2012 ask for it said not k ow 😉 they're watching you all
@ibg5322 8 ай бұрын
What about triggering twitches in people sitting/stansing besides you as the electricity goes up and down in your body
@nataliagrace4 8 ай бұрын
No clue 🤔 but that seems cool 😅 - maybe some sort of electromagnetic transference ?
@billyryals5120 8 ай бұрын
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 8 ай бұрын
Like 👍 what you said dont stop it tramura get easier some peopke die
@dvnny_gvrciv 7 ай бұрын
(You’re)(Physically)(and)(psychologically)(pretty)(beautifully)(gorgeous)(Fear)(sensory)(distortion)(boxed in)( ungrounding)(No reference point)(absorbing your environment)(circumstances)(not experience, can’t understand)(trust in your self)(guidance)(not alone)(validation)(survival)(surrender)(foundations)(translate)(articulation)(receive information)(intuitive)(integration)(science)(spirituality)
@johnholme783 7 ай бұрын
Is kundalini the same thing has enlightenment?
@nataliagrace4 7 ай бұрын
Enlighten- to shine light on our shadow aspects. To bring awareness. Kundalini is your Light Body activating. The dormant energy of heightened awareness, to transform the shadow to the Light 👁️ To note that we’ve been told to think enlightenment is a goal to reach. It’s not. It’s a spiraling journey of expanding consciousness 🌀
@anuradhatiwari4844 5 ай бұрын
@joshuacromley7439 7 ай бұрын
Triggering Kundalini while in a deficit/debt of ANY kind (karmic, financial, caloric) can trigger psychosis! Something to consider.
@alexwelts2553 7 ай бұрын
What if it was spontaneously triggered while balanced and then drained and every deficit that could be tapped was by the person who triggered it? Because that happened in 2017 and has persisted to current and I'm trying not to get crazy but it's getting harder to maintain.
@joshuacromley7439 7 ай бұрын
@alexwelts2553 the structure/phrasing of this is ambiguous/confusing. "And every deficit that could be tapped..." What exactly is being asked here? ALL psychosis is duality; something is disconnected/misfiring. The ONLY way to cure this is with Love/healing. How? If one seeks reprieve from an issue, one must FIRST identify the issue at its source, and that issue ALWAYS stems from some sort of egoic attachment. From there, the healing may be instantaneous, or it could take time. The more resistance one applies to the feminine component that is meant to remove the impurities/muck, the more likely a circuit is to overload and disconnect. "Love your enemies" (Input from source) + "Resist NOT evil" (R=0, no egoic resistance)=Superconductivity for spiritual healing.
@DollyCruz 9 ай бұрын
I want to talk to you dear....
@nataliagrace4 9 ай бұрын
Hey Dolly. You can email me at 🙏
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 6 ай бұрын
Bottom line I learn 😌 they're need inso.eone life a need .mostly to be loved so world bring Hate
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 6 ай бұрын
That they go drugs or money or church or spiritual awakening best get focus get education if can get god job other be needy that where want everyone at . All about money
@tmking7483 8 ай бұрын
I wouldnt surrender to a demon RUN from the parts people
@manimaleonidas7163 7 ай бұрын
Not my cup of tea. I don't know why KZbin recommended this. I left all that Yoga, LoA and other things behind. I'm so much happier without all this. May peace be with you all.
@percubit10 8 ай бұрын
The trauma is stired in the body
@amazonianchild 7 ай бұрын
@ShimmerBodyCream 8 ай бұрын
Sounds like it could possibly be bipolar mania. Stay safe everyone ❤️
@velaniemarie 7 ай бұрын
That’s what I was diagnosed with after experiencing these symptoms. Granted I have always been spiritual and drawn to metaphysical subjects, but this “awakening” was very overwhelming for me at that time in my life. I am now on medication and stable. I still have faith in my spirituality and I still believe everything I experienced was real, but the medication keeps me grounded enough now to work through life. I also see a therapist who specializes in shamanic journeys and understands these experiences. So yes it’s possible it can be mental illness and require medication, but it can also still be a very real spiritual awakening at the same time. ❤
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 8 ай бұрын
@DannyPodcast 2 ай бұрын
you're beautiful, Im sorry about your friend.
@sheazoom 8 ай бұрын
it is really hard to follow you. sadly this is a very unstructured talk about an important topic. sorry to hear you have been alone with it too.
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 8 ай бұрын
Glad stop by see these videopast use to listen to beta delta by accident video was white noise a hiss. So soon 5 mins stop ✋️ video got or caught tinnitus. Level 8 tben 6 then 4 for now 3 years was miserable. Even went doctors said my ear 👂 but hear center my head that cant sleep 😒 have wait till k ock out least now its low level sound 🙃 1 gyess was scary sure was set up . Long or the devil spirit. Hear thqt now got involve beta google play than ai and world wide web seen cern etc . Glad im chosen i guess and many . Least now here with me jesus with me be safe. For reason i die if let devil tahke me down he lair give god i dont take drugs all that trash
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