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Sangam Talks

Sangam Talks

6 жыл бұрын

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@ashkenazi0000 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent Video !!! Very Informative.. there is no doubt that Mughal rule in India faced stiff resistance at different periods from the great RAJPUT warriors, fierce AHOMS warriors from Assam & from Punjab the brave SIKHS warriors... Rightly did the great Hindi Poet Bhushana, who forsook the royal favours of the Mughal court to come over to Shivaji to record his glories, he sang :-“काशी की कला जाती, मथुरा की मसजीद बनती, अगर शिवाजी ना होते तो सबकी सुन्नत होती.” meaning : (Had not there been Shivaji, Kashi would have lost its culture,Mathura would have been turned into a mosque and all would have been circumcised.) If not for Shivaji and the Marathas, there would have existed a continuous Islamic belt from Morocco to Indonesia. What addition of 1 billion more adherents to Islam would have done to the world power balance or what would have happened to Indian legacy like yoga, ayurveda, music, art and philosophy, is not difficult to guess…. It is worthwhile examining the 'what if' of Indias history, Aurengzeb, Akbars great great grandson, had embarked on the 'Islamisation' of India. The Marathas, inspired by Shivaji, fought Aurengzeb and saved India from following the fate of Persia. The proof of Maratha victory lies in the fact that Aurengzeb lies buried, not in Lahore /Delhi or Agra , but near Aurangabad in good old Maharashtra... Indian history before Shivaji's advent reads like a chronicle of military disasters. Shivaji changed all that. He used Guerilla Tactics very effectively. Shivaji, as a great warrior & visionary laid a strong and solid foundation that after his death in 1680, there was a series of battles fought between Marathas and Mughals from 1681 to 1707 known as 'War of 27 years' and ended with the death of Aurangzeb in 1707. The Marathas eventually emerged victorious and consolidated their lost territories. This was further expanded by the Peshwas. The Maratha empire reached its peak in summer of 1758 with the conquest of Attock, which is banks of Indus river in Pakistan today. Its eastern frontier was today’s Orissa, being ruled by Raghuji Bhosale of Nagpur. Maratha armies had also reached upto Murshidabad, but then retreated and settled for tribute from Bengal and control of Orissa. To the south, in 1758, territories upto the fort of Gurramkonda in Kadappah district were held. Also, Tanjore (Thanjavur) was under Marathas, but that was a different line. (By the way, just for your G.K, Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is also considered as the 'Father of the Indian Navy'.) Jai HIND !!! VANDE MATARAAM !! VANDE MATARAAM !! VANDE MATARAAM !!
@theybecameus 3 жыл бұрын
When there was no hope, He establish Hindavi Swarajya. Jai Shiva Chatrapati
@NativeVsColonial 2 жыл бұрын
It felt like a warm ray of sun after a long cold night.
@NativeVsColonial 2 жыл бұрын
Joy Maratha, Chhatrapati Shivaji Moharajer Joy 🚩🕉 Love from West Bengal, Especially Hindu Bangalis really appreciate the efforts done by the Maratha ancestors to defend parts of Bengal from Islamic occupation. 🙏
@avinashsaini9598 3 жыл бұрын
Need more of such lectures.
@jayakrishnanm7838 3 жыл бұрын
Namaste amazing to hear our true history 🙏
@srivatsans2015 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent, Educative, indians to learn where we lack in determining strategy. You are eligible for a Ph. D
@missionaryavart113 3 жыл бұрын
Jai Chartapati maharaj Shivaji
@prasanna2013 3 жыл бұрын
@bhaveshdk 4 жыл бұрын
One question which remains unanswered is why Marathas didn't finish all Hindus once they had the power to do so n started thinking abt paap-punya, humanity n what not????
@shaan4308 6 жыл бұрын
The speaker at a point mentioned a list of former kshtriya castes reduced to menial jobs today. Are these castes today classified as dalits and is there a link available to this list/study?
@tejasvi18joshi 6 жыл бұрын
thats true. even many Brahmins during Bristish were reduced to do menial jobs. But here one thing to notice the Brahmins and Kshatriya here means there father and grand father were working in empire but later only muslim occupied those place so owing to this they were only left to do menial jobs .
@PlugInCaroo 6 жыл бұрын
British created different groups of tribes they feared under these names. Most of the oppression of these landless nomadic tribes happened under British rule. Since for 200yrs the society would not let them inside cities on one hand and on the other had no proper jobs or income they barely managed to survive. All the blame of that is today put on the Brahmins which also is not true. British introduced money instead of Gold and barter. British created different class of people like "nai" were masters of surgery and experts with knife n scissors were made barbers in the army, Qureshi were forced n incentiv-ised into butchers, etc. British favoured Brahmins (because they were few in numbers and were not a martial race) and controlled India by using the Brahmins. AngloIndians, Parsies and Brahmins were the favoured above other Indians. All this distorted the social cultural status quo and gave British the upper hand. All the big business houses were from these groups. The Anglo Indians were too few in numbers to make any impact.
@ramanankannan2322 5 жыл бұрын
Mahars too might have been reduced to a lower social status from being a warrior community.
@ramanankannan2322 5 жыл бұрын
Jains too.
@theybecameus 3 жыл бұрын
Yogiji future Prime minister 🔥🚩
@srinathramaswamy7072 6 жыл бұрын
I feel Marathas lost the vigour when they defeated the Mughals and didn't find British as threat to Hindu Swaraj and thought them only as some company ... Thats whey Ragunath and some Marathas sought the help of Britsh to make themselves as King ... I feel after destruction of Mugahs , Marathi became same like all other Indian Kings concerned only with their power not Hindu Swaraj ... Correct me if am wrong ... I felt very bad when I read the stories of Maratha seeking British help to make themselves as King ... This single storyline changed every Hindu empire in India and Maratha too did the same at last
@unscriptedrides 6 жыл бұрын
a) Marathas after Sambhaji's death were never one monolithic empire but confederacy hence the power tussle and selfish interests. In the last war, in absence of able peshwa, Capital Pune kept waiting for other generals to help. Maratha Sardars chose to preserve their own states. After Shivaji, marathas did opposite hence won against Mughals. b) Maratha's had belief that Delhi is the seat of power and needs constant protection from raids from North-West hence focussed on North. c) Other cause is which was curse for Marathas is - All Kings/Peshwa who were effective and decimated enemies died early age. Even a single ruler lasting more than 20 years would have changed India's landscape. Legacy of Maratha's should be attributed to its warrior class which kept producing able generals and few administrators. d) In Panipat 3 almost all major generals died. Due to political situation and ambitions of Marathas no other hindu kings help Marathas in Panipat - pattern among Hindu kings. Marathas had to rebuild many times on their own e) All empires eventually dis-integrate mostly due to lack of able central leader and some other player captures the power. Later Peshwas lost power to Sardars. British had everything with them going.
@rocketshoot3027 6 жыл бұрын
srinath ramaswamy Marathas defeated mughals? Are you idiot. When British came, bahadur shah zafar was the king. How can you compare Uganda with United States. Marathas were petty kings and bandits.
@rocketshoot3027 6 жыл бұрын
Since when Marathas were empire? They were petty kings
@unscriptedrides 6 жыл бұрын
Shuja Syed you r right in saying marathas were not empire but it was Confederacy but you can't call a Confederacy petty who controlled entire north except few parts of up including delhi seat of petty mughals..It was marathas who halted Afgan invasion recaptured delhi and installed mughal emperor again
@rishabh8766 6 жыл бұрын
i think there was a matter of priorities. i see 3 reasons for marathas fall to british. 1: after the third battle of panipat the winning afghans committed gross atrocities on civilians in panipat. they killed about 70,000 people, raped women and enslaved the survivors. this i think changed there priorities and afghan empire became the new archenemy as we see after they rebuilt their strength their leaders waged war on areas in modern day pakistan winning lahore and other cities. 2: at this point marathas were a confederacy so they only gave a strong reaction when all states were trying to win a war. british unlike mughals and other muslims offered pretty liberal offers when marathas were defeated so most states did not see them as a major threat and therefore did not send large armies to attack. 3: We must remember that marathas were influenced largely by hindu brahmin culture. they rose to bitter and unforgiving warfare when their own lands were invaded and survival of both marathas and hinduism was threatened. once the mughals were reduced to puppet rulers they must have gotten busy in revitalising their territories. they were not afraid of war but they were not fond of it either and they wanted a happy people much more than they wanted dead britishers . for everything british took from conquered places, freedom of religion wasnt one of them ( unlike aurangzeb) they were far more benevolent and didnt even kill the king instead made him a vassal or placed his son on the throne in case he died fighting. fighting the british wasnt of the absolute importance (fighting to death in distraught times with everything you have)as it was with mughals when they left no stone unturned and fought on every front for 27 straight years. despite all they did build strong armies and gave british a tough fight but british tactics and weapons proved far superior than marathas. if you look at battle of british with scindia he was defeated by the same general who defeated napoleon at waterloo. they beat the marathas at their own game of guerilla warfare and clever battle tactics.
@ravichandel8690 6 жыл бұрын
was capturing delhi was the aim of mujhals , maratha,etc. It was more or less like game of thrones
@parthsh1989 3 жыл бұрын
Oye! Ashish Dhar!!
@jaymaharastra4611 2 жыл бұрын
Please convert historian Ninad Bedekars vidios in english and hindi.
@ravichandel8690 6 жыл бұрын
will india again be ruled by muslims in future with the rise of muslim population in every city and states of india.
@rocketshoot3027 6 жыл бұрын
Ravi Chandel Neither Muslims will rule nor Hindus. We are in the age of nation State. Get over with it please. When i vote I don't see Hindu or Muslim. I vote on merit.
@arishtanemi-by6fi 6 жыл бұрын
Shuja Syed modi ko vote kiya kya?
@adarshlal93 5 жыл бұрын
Don't worry brother hindu renaissance is coming. Without hindu RASHTRA bharat will not exist. Hindu RASHTRA has to come.
@PlugInCaroo 6 жыл бұрын
The Peshwas were trying to take over Maratha kingdom and circumstantial evidence show they poisoned Shivaji, and they also tried to poison Sambhaji twice. (And probably also Rajaram. All of them ruled for very shortwhile and their death happens for very strange reasons. Its just like "Alexander died from mosquito bite"). The scond time Sambhaji killed those Brahmins by stampeding them by elephants. From there rose the badmouthing of Sambhaji. There also was a powerbroker babaji (somewhat like todays baba Ramdev) called Ramdas who was siding with those Brahmins and requested not to kill them. Sambhaji was not a womaniser. When he escaped from Maratha prison he took his wife with him and when he was caught then too he was traveling with his wife. His relative seems to have put something in his food to drug him. Else there was no doubt he would have died fighting. A guy who could withstand such inhuman torture and still did not hand over the Maratha treasury must be superhuman in strength and spirit. If he had caved in the 27yrs of Maratha Mughal war would not have taken place. Because no war can be fought with empty coffers. His best friend was Kavi Kalash who too bravely suffered the same fate for making fun of Aurangzeb.
@hinduhistory1407 5 жыл бұрын
Give source for your claims
@arnoldschafernaker512 4 жыл бұрын
@YogirajMD 4 жыл бұрын
Brigedi commie alert .. this is what idiot secularists have done
@aryananand3546 2 жыл бұрын
Fake information
@jagdishramanathan4620 5 жыл бұрын
another view : after nadir shah had sacked delhi , mughal emperor was puppet .british knew the economic situation of mughals . it is very easy to beat a demoralised poor man . marathas were weak leaderless after bajirao died . one small victory in plassey enriched the british with political power .divide and rule policy was very successful in India
@jayutekar538 3 жыл бұрын
Maratha's were never a weak ruler! Circumstances are very crucial in decision making! Nd Britishers was a Modern army as compared to Maratha army which has not sufficient ammo supplies! Still they fought till end - Yes there was some political issues between rulers & Peshwa's but for the only reason consider the whole Maratha Empire as a weak Ruler is fOolish
@jagdishramanathan4620 3 жыл бұрын
@@jayutekar538 with raghoba in pune you dont need an enemy at all .
@jayutekar538 3 жыл бұрын
@@jagdishramanathan4620 there's always one person who keeps self interest first- Peshwai tooo had the same
@yogeshjog6072 3 жыл бұрын
Both of u are mixing various periods of peshwai. Pls refer to dates deeper -Battle of Placey -Bajirao 1 death -Raghoba prominence -Ragho son bajirao 2
@JrJ2016 5 жыл бұрын
Lesson: Dont marry multiple wives, else step mother and son and stepbrothers will do in fighting.
@aniruddhsingh4169 3 жыл бұрын
I won't agree.
@aniruddhsingh4169 3 жыл бұрын
If you have multiple sons ,outsider won't think of becoming ruler. If sons wil be easier to wipe out. In rajputs rarely happen that stepbrothers fought among each other.
@rocketshoot3027 6 жыл бұрын
Fairy tales.
@themillenial28 4 жыл бұрын
Fairy tales are stories you dream at night in sleep. This story happened and has evidences of it. A bitter truth mate.
@animax1034 4 жыл бұрын
your quran is the perfect example of your fairly tale islamic fairy tale
@arnoldschafernaker512 4 жыл бұрын
Muhammad flew on a winged donkey to heaven (1) He also cut the moon in (2) More like the biggest fairy tales in the history of humanity ?
@sachisouza 4 жыл бұрын
even though lockdown is implemented Modiji ensured that Medical stores are opened, so that people like You can buy BURNOL
@srebalanandasivam9563 3 жыл бұрын
Aurangzebi tehzeeb will be defeated at kashi and Mathura soon. Babri is already gone... Then you'll see fairies in broad daylight
@iamkhk111 6 жыл бұрын
Less of history, more of propaganda.
@sadanandkalasabail7503 6 жыл бұрын
I disagree, he has given more facts with dates mentioned. We should be proud of our ancestors regardless of the religion or area we belong to a country which was great and hope to make it great again.
@abhijitchaudhari9838 6 жыл бұрын
Sadanand Kalasabail Whom you are telling is not an Indian.
@sachinautomatic 6 жыл бұрын
Shahid khan That is just your opinion and it is of no importance without arguments that demonstrate the same scholarship that this young man shows
@Cricketing_Nostalgia 6 жыл бұрын
History or propaganda or Whatever.. nobody asked not cares for your opinion.
@suerayss 6 жыл бұрын
of course. Had he lectured on the contributions of aurangazeb or babur you would have lauded him as a great scholar of history. You blind loyalty based on faith and foreign ethnicity runs deep and not from any interest in knowing history of "hindustan". I would have been only super surprised if you did NOT consider any talk on marathas as propaganda.
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