Had a copy of this script when I was in High School we tried to prodcue it then (1988) hope you cast Letitia well, although I noticed you renamed the Odd-Job based character.
@XanthusPictures7 жыл бұрын
You also had a James Bond fan film called Quicksilver? Interesting! Ours is actually completely unrelated, and we didn't even think of the idea until 2013, let alone had a script from 1988. I'd be interested to learn more about yours, though. How far did you get with the production?
@tonybenevides1347 жыл бұрын
Not very, we didnt reach budget funding,but my English teacher had a script we were doing a reboot of from his college years, so probably 1982 ish, before a View to Kill came out and Kevin bacon's quicksilver. Quicksilver was written on the name of blimp. The parrallell to your story as far as I can tell (still looking to see how far you got ) was that Bond was posing as a poor college student. If yours is the same in IMDB credits we had 'J3rk-Off where you have I believe tic-Tac. Also had several ladies volunteer to be in it, one was letitiia lovely(renamed Letitia Connery) and we reused Plenty Moore, and were adding a Daring Dalton to honor the prior Bonds. We couldn't bring ourselves to add a Lazenby.
@XanthusPictures7 жыл бұрын
Bond isn't *supposed* to be posing as a poor college student in our version, that's just our lack of budget showing, lol. Do you know the backstory of your English teacher's 1982 script? Also, is "J3rk-Off" supposed to be pronounced like Jerk-Off or Jthreerk-Off? Anyway, we actually got as far as a rough cut with this version, which I can send you a link to if you want.
@tonybenevides1347 жыл бұрын
I dont remeber the backstory other than madman with Blimp. Jerk-off was his name, been a long time since I read the script myself. Yah, i'd love to see the rough cut.