I learned it when I was in primary school. but ... seems a bit different, and I totally forgot it. Just remembered I have learned it before. Thanks for sharing.
Very good teaching technique ! Traditional old teaching methods by using Chalk-Blackboard ,upgrade to Paper-MarkerPen ,further improved to Electronics-FingerTouchScreenSensor in 2919/2020 onwards ! Gone with the Traditional Teachers teaching technology ,recording into the Muzium-history ! I had seen almost every modern-Youngster-teachers starts to migrate to 2020 hightech-eTeaching , except majority of Universities world wide in many countries . Each teachers/professors has their ownstyles ! Your style is to refer to History-related events . One thing very good is to show-off newtech when apply Methods of 'manual' finding Square-roots by Recurring-fraction and Simple-algebra-quadratics to proof/verify your technique ,but many people keepTopSecret, never exposed the Simple-tricks ! Good job and keep it up for sharing your knowledge .Thks.
Dear Mr Li, I am most impressed by your videos. May I humbly suggest that you take this further and show how the cubed root is obtained. Following this, also show how the 12th root is obtained. This is the method that the 16th century Chinese Ming Dynasty mathematician/physicist/music theorist 朱載堉 used to evaluate the 12th root of 2 to 25 digits - this relates to his world-first calculation of 十二平均律.