It was not a fair comparison as both users should try to set on each car. I used to own a US version of the 2019 Forester and I love it. I have since changed to a 2020 Outback. I did rent a 2019 CX-5 once. I love the power steering which is so tight and precise. Two things I cannot stand on the CX-5. The rotary dial for the infosystem, and the fuel tank is so small. You constant see your fuel gauge indictor drop as you drive, and you will need to visit the gas station more often.
Cars in HK are too expensive and underpowered. These two cars are much cheaper in the US with more power and AWD. You can get an Audi Q5 for less than $50K.
@tonyluk1123 жыл бұрын
Not cars expensive, it's the tax!
@joeluk61333 жыл бұрын
Certainly CX5
@user-688tainan3 жыл бұрын
My MAZDA car in fire 馬自達車會燃燒: 我的馬自達是2011年份的. 2021年4.17日電池正極 線燒斷.也燒毀電瓶和周圍外殼.我沒加裝其他裝備 這是汽車電路不該有的現象.原廠整組線路要3萬55 00元我沒換.我在網路也得知有一台馬自達也是類 似情形. 還有另一台燃燒但有沒一樣我不知道. 有 向台灣總公司反應.只安排我到保養廠檢查和報價. 我學電子科系知道問題點. 這是發電機到電瓶的電 線規格有問題而且重點在接頭. 就算20年車都不應 該發生電線融斷現象.畢竟自燃會威脅駕駛員和乘 客生命.馬自達公司很輕忽這個問題.有沒下一台是 有可能.馬自達似乎把問題推給電路氧化老舊.然後 車主自己負責.對於電線規格不足完全不負責.
@anguswong61713 жыл бұрын
Forester is a must...!!!
@afong44343 жыл бұрын
@qrpcwop3 жыл бұрын
I would take Subaru if I have no reliability concern. I have a Impreza which the transmission failed every year since the first year after factory warranty. Very expensive repair.