You don’t really want your martial arts to be more dangerous.

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Ramsey Dewey

Ramsey Dewey

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@chrislemoh2019 5 ай бұрын
"Training with irresponsible people will get you hurt," is one of the best self-defence lessons ever. I'm really sorry you are going through that shitshow. Thanks for talking sense - that's gold.
@robcharters2645 5 ай бұрын
No way to train for fighting,your just promoting a gym
@Lynxtpm 5 ай бұрын
I totally agree with that statement! The times (there were a few of them) that I got hurt training was because of people that didn't know when to stop. This curiously happened when I started training in kickboxing and selfdefence, after years and years of karate. I did practice full contact karate, but curiously I never got seriously hurt. It only happened when going full out with people that might not have had the same type of training a previously had. On the other hand, practicing self defence is where I got the worst injuries. Shoulder problems, broken lips, broken teeth, cuts, rashes. Etc.... And we are still here after many years. My 2 cents, advice, or what ever you want to call. Don't give up! Keep training the way you can. It will always be better to keep doing what you like even if it is still difficult. I knew that Ramsey was having a hard time recovering. That has to be really tough. I don't even know what to say, but he has always been there telling people "get out there and train!" , for years. For me at least it has been motivating, and it still is, even more than before. A lot of corny phrases come to my mind taken from movies from the 80s to try and keep Ramsey motivated, but I hope he doesn't need that.
@DagwoodDogwoggle 5 ай бұрын
Ramsey, you may remember me, maybe not. Physical therapist. When you first made it public that you ruptured your PCL, I advised you that PCLs never heal until surgically replaced with a graft, and I encouraged you to get it done quickly because they tend to deteriorate the longer you let it go. I do not judge you for not getting it done - there's all kinds of reasons why people don't get surgery in a timely manner. My father did a similar thing with his back, ended up crippled with a walker, had surgery "a year too late" and it turned out extremely well for him despite putting it off. He's golfing again, which he loves. As with my father, I still think you would benefit more from surgery and a year of rehab than gutting this out. At this point a PCL repair with arthroscopic clean up of the cysts and damaged cartilage may not be enough. You may require a knee replacement. No matter what you decide to do or what options are before you, I wish you the best of outcomes with your problem.
@radianman 5 ай бұрын
@DagwoodDogwoggle Just curious, is it legal for a medical practitioner in your country to discuss your patient’s medical record/history in this online public forum? I am not attacking you, and it is for the patient (Ramsey) himself to let you know if he does not approve, but the information you provided seems to be unnecessarily detailed. Just a thought.
@DagwoodDogwoggle 5 ай бұрын
@@radianman Here is a short reply. Ramsey is not my patient so no contract has been breached. Everything I know is public knowledge that he already has given to his audience, and therefore not privileged. I do find it suspicious/odd that you think I'm long winded when you watch a creator whose posts are usually 20 minutes long. Details are important when giving medical advice.
@radianman 5 ай бұрын
@@DagwoodDogwoggle I did not think you were long winded; my KZbin comments usually contain several chapters. 🙂
@michaellynch8021 5 ай бұрын
Ramsey, your lamentation regarding your injury pained me deeply. I don’t have an injury nearly as serious as yours but I do empathize with you. My larynx was fractured over a year ago while grappling with a guy who was inexperienced in submissions. My throat nearly always feels like there’s a lump in it. I aspirate on liquids frequently, I’ll often spit of blood after training. Worst of all, my singing voice has been irreversibly damaged. Singing was one of my great passions. Now I can’t do it. And I’ve made my peace with most of it. But what bothers me the most is the guy who injured me has shown up to training all of 7-8 times over the course of a year. I was so woefully unlucky. I’m so sorry you’re struggling my friend.
@RamseyDewey 5 ай бұрын
That's one of the jiu-jitsu injuries that is all too common that nobody talks about. Something similar happened to me, it happened to my friend Rob too. We talked about it on a podcast once. Both of us used to do vocal performance. I was the lead singer in a band. I cannot sing those songs anymore- although with vocal exercises over the years, it has improved somewhat. Everyone in BJJ demonized the evil leg locks and warns the white belts of the dangers of knee reaping. Nobody tells them how easy it is to crush a human trachea and how to NOT do that when squeezing a neck.
@baoxidiaoyu 5 ай бұрын
Eagle claw choke by kenpo legend Hackney UFC!
@SomniumHobbyist 5 ай бұрын
@@RamseyDewey I had a similar experience. Dealt with terrible pain in my larynx for quite awhile, but was given little to no consideration regarding the serious nature of the injury. I was a white belt training with another white belt. I can't say I even remember that person's face or name, but I'll never forget what caused the nagging pain in my throat, or the tearing sensation when I take a deep breath. Beginners rely on more experienced people to guide them, both in conscious and unconscious ways. We emulate and model behavior for each other. Being reassured and at times having my concerns dismissed by more experienced people caused me to become more dismissive of myself and others. To the detriment of everyone's safety.
@BrunoERCouto 5 ай бұрын
​@TheGhostofLlopmondDunderbridge and you are right! I have twisted my fingers many, many, times, they got frequently entangled on the gi!
@Mokujinko 5 ай бұрын
Adding to what I said before after finishing the video, I'm sorry to hear about what you went through. It's rare to hear such pain in your voice. I think many of us were unaware of the severity of your tribulations given your natural stoicism. Thanks for being an inspiration, and a representative voice for disabled people in the martial arts community.
@Michael-cb5nm 5 ай бұрын
Ramsay, even when you are pushed to the limit by these awful internet cretins, you still manage to stay so eloquent and thoughtful. You are a real class act and if anyone can recover from this, you can!
@Hou413 5 ай бұрын
This was a really important video, thanks so much Ramsey. I’ve heard a lot from the MA community on how real violence isn’t something to joke about and how the best self-defence is running away, but I think there’s a part of me that still had a martial arts power fantasy of being able to use my physical skills in real life if the moment presented itself. But this video really destroyed that completely and I remembered that above all else, I’m just training to have fun I’m really sad to hear your knee is in such a bad condition after the USDC, especially as I was at the seminar and meeting and learning from all of you guys who I’ve watched for years was such a positive experience for me. I really enjoyed watching the series and still (stupidly) valorised the concept to the point where just a few weeks ago I was considering signing up for Jeff’s challenge seminars that were open to the general public. But hearing how even simulated real world violence genuinely does so much damage I’m absolutely deciding against that and choosing physical longevity and enjoyment of the art instead. For what it’s worth, you may have saved a life with this video and I really appreciate that Thank you as well for standing up for the disabled community. I work with people with disabilities and come face to face with ableist ideas on a daily basis. We need more people like you using your platform to emphasise compassion, especially as the martial arts community can easily lean towards such traditional “grit your teeth and toughen up” ideals. I think anyone who criticises your performance to that extent is just dismissing all of the good you’ve done for the martial arts community, which is worth so much more than anything you did at the USDC
@ChrisCapoccia 5 ай бұрын
it was amazing how much chaos was in that series. no one smart says that real life is chaos and so they just do all kinds of chaotic things hoping to get better
@RamseyDewey 5 ай бұрын
Those guys were idiots. A danger to themselves and others. They lied to us, ambushed us, and blindsided us on the bus for no reason other than to create drama. They sucker punched me when my eyes were closed while I was counting down from five during that "circle drill", they broke their own rules constantly, and they crippled me for life because they thought it would be fun. If at that moment when the guy fell on my head, if I would have had my turned to the side (and I almost did since I was talking to Mike who was on my side at the moment), his fall would have broken my neck. And then they go on to pat themselves on the back telling the world there were no injuries, and how safe and professional everything was. And then the Western Combatives guys turned about face and added insult to injury- tried to silence me for speaking out about this, mocked me, mocked my religion, and sent me a litany of hate comments, the likes of which I have not seen in my 17 years on youtube (which is saying a lot.) I would like to think they misspelled "we're sorry", but alas... no. They are incapable of owning up to their negligence, and have only tried to maintain plausible deniability.
@russelllustig9132 5 ай бұрын
Just curious what's your religion that he mocked?
@ChrisCapoccia 5 ай бұрын
@@russelllustig9132 completely irrelevant, but if you really want to know, it's covered in lots of videos here
@newsflashasshole7205 4 ай бұрын
Latter days saints i think or mormon im not sure wich is the correct way to call it​@@russelllustig9132
@vaarkobke3102 5 ай бұрын
One time I was at a camp with some guys, karate guy organizes some little martial arts training, Okay fun. Only three guys including myself had any experience. For the Warm up the karate guy wanted us to line up and repeatedly give each other body shots until there's a last man standing. For obvious reasons I refused to participate in that, if we did that at my gym where I train in MMA & boxing then people would need to go to the hospital every training. People really don't appreciate how dangerous body shots can actually be.
@maxgehtdnixan4913 5 ай бұрын
The wise monkey wears body armour to the body shot contest.
@gloc187 5 ай бұрын
It unconcious from him to make you doing body shots i ve read a Book about old school boxing and body shots conditioning IS a drill that must be done with conscience and awareness and not full force
@vaarkobke3102 5 ай бұрын
@@gloc187 Yeah, we have drills during boxing and MMA training to condition you to take body shots. But in this instance the goal was some wannabe macho garbage of who gets to be the last man standing. Its especially dumb to throw hard body shots on people who have never trained before and who do not know how to take a hit.
@sebozz2046 5 ай бұрын
That's why grappling, especially bjj is superrior, you can train 100% 3 times a week and then apply it to any one and choose the amount of pressure to do.
@kylekrasilikovs 5 ай бұрын
@@sebozz2046 and then get herniated disks after 3 years practicing it
@rohitchaoji 5 ай бұрын
Before I watch: If it is dangerous to use, it is probably dangerous to train at some level as well. I don't want to go into a training session wonder if I'll break something THIS time. Now I'm gonna watch because I'm sure your insights will be more than just this.
@TheWolfangst 5 ай бұрын
This left me speechless. I've been listening to you with my heart open for years now and I've undergone a serious process of transformation as a martial artist and as a human being. I want to thank you for that.
@DaanSnqn 5 ай бұрын
I've been doing Muay Thai 3-4x a week for almost a year now, and I learned that knowing when to stop and take a break from sparring is pretty important.
@Mishalex 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for telling the truth about the Self Defense Championships and about the situation in Shanghai with the lockdowns. The sad reality is I was actually looking forward to the "Championship" series until it actually happened, and after hearing about your horrific experience and just how poorly planned out the whole thing was, well... it's insanely disappointing to see people criticize you of all people. It seems to me that you are the only person who was fully honest about the whole experience, and I always have immense respect for your honesty and integrity. I pray you make as complete a recovery as you possibly can.
@JackWillSendIt 5 ай бұрын
I've been sitting here staring a this comment box, wondering what to say. I'm angry. I've been following you for a long time, since even before I started training 6 years ago. Your video, "Scared to fight? Prepare to die" got me through my first boxing exhibition match. The nerves were unreal. But as the moment approached - walking through the door, weighing in, putting my gear on, warming up... shadowboxing, hitting pads... as the moment drew closer.. my nerves melted away as I recounted your words. Your channel, your teachings.. have brought me solace during hard times. Perspective during the confusing ones. Guidance in the times I needed it. Recounting the injury, subsequent physical therapy, and current state.. fills me with rage. If I could take his brain cells, I would. I would use every ounce of my strength to take his. Coach, if I could take his health.. I would. Perhaps one day if the stars align. Maybe not the comment you want.. but I can't help but feel this way.
@maxgehtdnixan4913 5 ай бұрын
My dude, do not lose hope. Your knees might be shot right now, but with time and regular exercise, they will get better. It will be a very arduous process and very slow, and you may be too old to do what you used to before your accident, but you will eventually get better. I'm not the man I was when I was younger. Definitely not after my lengthy stint in a wheelchair. But if I can claw my way out of that, so can someone who's a lot more athletic than me. Don't shoot for the 100%. But every little step is an improvement. Focus on what you can do and one day, you will look back and suddenly find out you might be able to do a lot more than you or your doctors thought you would. Don't give up, man. You're better than that.
@BeamMonsterZeus 5 ай бұрын
I've got hereditary bad knees, and it didn't help that I was overweight to obese from 8-16 years old, then again from 24-26(topped 215lbs/97.5kg at 5'9"(175cm)). Now I weigh a fraction of that, primarily from walks, biking excursions, and martial arts training - all of which I couldn't do if I ignored my knees.
@Okynous 5 ай бұрын
This notion that "older martial arts" were more dangerous is a concept that plagues the public opinion on some martial arts like pankration, too. Well said.
@BattleDroideka 5 ай бұрын
This is first time I'm hearing about your injury sir, thank you for sharing your wisdom. I just wish that the suffering to acquire it and your perspective didn't happen. I pray for your health Ramsey
@rodrigoprietoperuyera4367 5 ай бұрын
Ramsey i encourage you to listen to the kneeovertoes guys history, he had severa surgerys in his knee and a artificial kneecap, and was told by the doctors his knee will never bend completly again, also i know your conditions are dirferent but maybe some of his exercises could help your recovery proces. Also wanted to thank you for your videos,many of them really help me in many aspects of my life, not just in my training, im sure theres much more people like me who loves them than those goofies that write such us destructive critics. Wishing you the best and as the punch profesor said, keep punching!!
@leeallen3633 Ай бұрын
I’m sorry that injury happened to you. You’re one of the most interesting and wise people I’ve found on KZbin, and I hope your injury can heal with time.
@andymax1 5 ай бұрын
Damn, I hope your knee improves, my son has a similar problem from a car crash, screwed up his cartilage and he is only 29, he is walking the dog daily but his life will be curtailed, I don’t think he feels sorry for himself, sometimes life throws lemons at you. Stay positive.
@jasonanderson3776 5 ай бұрын
I hadn't known anything about what happened to you and went back and watched a few of your videos about it. The thing I had never thought about was sleep deprivation. I've always treated the need to sleep like a weakness. A while ago, I was exhausted from a 9 day training streak and very little sleep and fought with myself all day to not go to class. I scolded myself for being a wimp and went. Toward the end, after a long day of basically laying on the bottom of bad positions, holding off submissions, I decided that this time, the guy I was training with was not passing my guard and in the ego driven, exasperated last ditch effort to hold him off, he crashed through my knee. Luckily, it wasn't nearly as bad as yours, and I'm back to training now, but I really want to thank you for reinforcing what I should have known by 40 years old, but apparently didn't. My plan going forward is to start taking sleep and rest more seriously.
@henrys3138 5 ай бұрын
This video needs to be watched by every martial artist. I got hurt training and I haven't been back to the gym. I still shadow box, throw kicks, and use some of the old exercises, but the pain still persists. You don't need to get hurt yourself to understand how fragile we can be, but it will sorely remind you if it does happen. We need good training with safety in mind. We know better that fighting is intending to hurt and damage, but that doesn't take away that we're people doing it. Your videos have taught me to see some very asinine and careless attitudes in martial arts that need not be. Some that say your attitude to recovery alone will overcome some permanent and life changing circumstances. It helps, but we're only so capable. I do hope for any improvement at all in your life, Ramsey. However you can adapt and participate better than today, you're still human.
@xiaoliu4617 5 ай бұрын
I wish you a swift recovery Ramsey. While your physical abilities and technical prowess left an impression on me when I trained under you, it is your approach to training and life that truly guided me forward. I'm 100% confident that you'll bounce back and set a great example for your students and audiences!
@JR-sz7dw 5 ай бұрын
This was a good episode and should be taken seriously. Ramsey didn’t even mention the fact that learning some of these “self defense” classes might not only be more dangerous in the method of training but also in real life. When I was in the Marines they taught us some ridiculous martial arts and tried to boost our egos with mental abuse among other types of training. These things aren’t meant for you to actually be better at defending yourself but to create a higher probability for you to act in a harsh situation like war rather than think and potentially even run. Learning stupid stuff will end up causing you to make stupid choices in the heat of the moment because of a false sense of self confidence. Much like we were taught in the Marines. Self defense is learning how to avoid stupid situations. That’s it.
@ajshiro3957 5 ай бұрын
Ibfelt that surgery comment. I went through years of eye surgery, but it did nothing. So i work with what i got.
@tonyk4615 5 ай бұрын
Excellent video. And you provide important real world context. For the vast majority of us, this is a hobby, a sport, a game. We do it for fun, exercise, and socializing. The worst injury I can possibly imagine would be the one where I wouldn’t be able to do what I love. And breaking your training partner isn’t just disrespectful, it’s unforgivable. I’m sorry to hear what you’ve been through and thank you for sharing your story.
@johngalt9989 5 ай бұрын
Ramsey keeping it real as always. Every martial arts KZbinr brings something different to the table, and I think your contribution is both sensible and cerebral, in ways that others can't or won't match. You've got a God-given gift, and I'm grateful that you share it with us.
@ashtraydekay6624 5 ай бұрын
i knew you got injured in Australia, and i knew it was bad, but i didn't know it was THIS bad...... my heart goes out to you coach...... and as i am typing this....i am hearing you talk about the ongoing comments........ and also the fact you did the "challange" after recovering from covid (i also did see the picture of the shower door you fell thru, so you where also recovering from that, and not sleeping on the flight over there) and rokas can't edit the season 2 of the "challenge" ......... i'm just typing all that out, because your'e handling this ..... alot better than many would. hearts and prayers to you
@Midtierman 5 ай бұрын
Dont watch your content all the time but do enjoy it. Im shocked at the injury you sustained. I pray that you have a level of recovery that allows mobility and tolerable days. I dont understand how some people criticize you when dont understand how serious what describe is. I worked construction and have seen workplace accidents. You can probably tell your doctor you had a metal beam fall on you and he wound most likely believe you from looking at your xrays. The lack of empathy that some people have is amazing.
@RamseyDewey 5 ай бұрын
From what I heard, Master Kim was legit. How was your experience?
@Midtierman 5 ай бұрын
@@RamseyDewey is Master Kim one of the characters from your self defense videos? It's been awhile since i watched any. But the videos were done very well and very informative. Learning how useless it is for me to fight a knife weilding mugger or even one with a gun was quite the eye opener. I'll leave that to the stunt crews on movie sets.
@leoerus 5 ай бұрын
Ive been through terrible injury and also faced that level of ignorance and abelism. I know me wishing you the best doesnt change anything but I hope you find an avenue if treatment that ultimately helps you. I love your work, thank you for all the videos you put out and insights you share.
@simoneriksson8329 5 ай бұрын
I hope you will recover as much as possible Ramsey!
@kaizenproductions00 5 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear about the physical and mental effects of your knee injury! There's been a few people close to me who have had to deal with chronic pain and injuries so I have an idea how it affects people. I think you'll be able to restore at least some of your knee's function with time and training.
@RamseyDewey 5 ай бұрын
I appreciate the wishful thinking, but my knee will continue to degenerate over time. All I can do right now is try to strengthen the muscles around the injury to slow down the degradation.
@kaizenproductions00 5 ай бұрын
@@RamseyDewey In any case, I wish nothing but the best possible outcome for you!
@ninjutsudojo Ай бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear about this injury. That really sucks 😢 Best Wishes to you in finding a way forward.
@ninjutsudojo Ай бұрын
Oh yeah, I messaged you on IG 🙂
@ralfhtg1056 5 ай бұрын
I hope you received at least some kind of compensation from that idiot who dedstroyed your knee. If not, would it be worthwhile filing a lawsuit against that stupid person?
@RamseyDewey 5 ай бұрын
Nope. I got nothing. The people at Western Combatives have only tried to maintain plausible deniability for their gross negligence.
@ralfhtg1056 5 ай бұрын
@@RamseyDewey 😳😳😳
@tankjones513 5 ай бұрын
Ramsey, even though I know it doesn't make it any easier for you, i actually shed a few tears when you played the knee rehab montage. I have had many chronic injuries, and I'm dealing with a bulging C6 disc with major left arm nerve impingement. I have lost almost all use of my left arm and have had similar low back issues. I can really empathize with what you went through. I'm just glad mine was only caused by my own stupidity and not someone else's. That's a WHOLE different ballgame... Love ya, buddy. Hang in there and speedy recovery.
@danguillou713 5 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear your recovery’s been so rough. All the best wishes.
@richwun1057 5 ай бұрын
Wow Ramsey, thanks for sharing, I saw that video on that combative event you were part of. I one time was recovering from a severe knee injury after one year where by being bored and out of shape I decided to enroll in a Junior College boxing class. Long story short, in three lessons we the class were tolded to pair up and spar. No headgear, no mouth piece, no referee, everyone sparred in groups of five. Alot of black eye, bloody nose, and pretty briused galore outcome, I quit that class, and just about 3/4 of the students did also.
@roymeares9301 5 ай бұрын
I had no idea that happened to you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I will pray for you, brother.
@ragnarok700 5 ай бұрын
All the love and understanding to you Ramsey! You definitely deserve it! And thank you for sharing details of those painful moments of your experience with covid/the event/aftermath/etc. If it can help even one other person (and, hopefully, the original commentator dumbass!) to improve their understanding of others their empathy towards them, then it was worth it!
@teeprice7499 5 ай бұрын
Well as a guy who has somewhat messed up knees from eight years of occasionally jumping out of airplanes and carrying aboit my own body weight for miles i can honestly say i feel some of your pain. Youre awesome for continuing your life as best you can.
@HelenPrimoRoseanneInYourArea 8 күн бұрын
I’ve been training in Wado Ryu sport karate and kickboxing most of my life and in my opinion it’s an extremely underrated karate style. Some argue it’s actually a Japanese ju-jitsu style and it certainly has roots in that. We are allowed to clinch, sweep, takedown, and perform certain arm locks and leg catches. You have the traditional kata side, the budo/combat side, full incorporation of kickboxing, us senior grades fight 80% or more so long as both karateka/kick-boxers agree, it has something for everyone. Those of us who compete also have to hold a kickboxing license. This allows our sensei to enter us into licensed tournaments, I have 3 coming up in the next few months, I may be biased but I think it has a lot more to offer than shotokan!
@ernstbusch2052 5 ай бұрын
I am so sorry for you injuries. It is one of the most remarkeble feats of your mental strenth that you still move the way you move and share your kindness and knowledge the way you do. I wish you the best of luck.
@achannel1818 5 ай бұрын
Praying for you, Coach
@Switcheroo1 5 ай бұрын
Rooting for this man to find his full recovery one day🙏🏼 we need more coaches and martial artist like you
@mariog4095 5 ай бұрын
One thing I know, is I can always click on one of your videos when I need to hear someone talking sense. Thanks for always being a voice of reason, Coach Ramsey.
@xvjustvxfps3716 4 ай бұрын
Man im sorry this happened to you. On a smaller scale, I relate. I was injured during a karate tournament a few months ago and at first i thought it might be permanent. Your videos were one of the things that helped me through that recovery by keeping me inspired. Im back at it now and still getting better. All im saying is i understand the emotional damage of thinking your sports career might be ruined due to an injury. I hope for a quick recovery for you man, "life is like a bike, you have to keep moving forward to keep your balance". I for one am inspired by you and i hope to see you continue building on this career youve made. Real martial artists out there, like me, need teachers like you. So screw what the ignorant people say, they dont even train man. Thankyou sir Osu!
@somerussiandudefromsiberia604 5 ай бұрын
Coach Ramsey, you are man with amazing expiriens in martial arts. I apritiate your thouths and expressions on different topics. Cant say that i am 100% agree with you about everything but i can say that i wish you to recover as best as possible. P.S. let idiots keep theyr ignorance. Keep smile optimism and endurance for your self. P.P. S. Sorry if my english is cringe to much))))
@adifferentangle7064 5 ай бұрын
That competition thing was literally the worst thing. Hindsight is 20/20... Miracles come in all forms. So I'll pray here sincerely, Lord Jesus Christ, for a miracle for Ramsay Dewey. Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but please hear my prayer.
@devindodge8648 5 ай бұрын
As a lifelong martial arts enthusiast, thank you for your contribution. I always learn so much from you and really enjoy your content. Thank you, Si Fu.🙂
@kwanitaheie2968 2 ай бұрын
I'm a karate nerd, and I have been a fan of you since 2012. I never knew you had such a bad time on USDC, I wish I could help you Ramsey.
@AK-hf3pf Ай бұрын
Liked the history lesson about kims karate, i think a cool video idea would be a deep dive video going into martial arts history in America.
@JohnDoe-sq5nv 5 ай бұрын
USDC reminds me a bit of when WWF did Brawl for All, only the opposite. In Brawl for All they put professional fight choreographers (professional wrestlers) and made them do a shootfighting tournament, which went about as well as you'd expect. In USDC they took a hodgepodge of martial artists and martial arts youtubers and made them do fight choreography fights only without the choreography part. I liked watching USDC because I was under the false impression that hits didn't have bad intentions and that it, in the end, was friendly. I especially liked the hide and seek episode even though it was unwinnable. But it feels to me like the organizers don't really know what fights and violence is and mix it up with some idea of drunk street fighting and what you see in action movies. It all felt ad hoc, not thought out, and was just weird and neither realistic nor pure entertainment. I don't know what else to say.
@southpawmoose 5 ай бұрын
Don't give into bitterness Coach. I understand it is hard for you, but you are wiser and more knowledgeable than maybe you give yourself credit. Maybe you can write a book or two. The body is broken but you still have your mind Coach. Keep fighting Ramsey!
@yunohoo1898 4 ай бұрын
@Ramsey Dewey Hi Coach, greeting from Australia. I am truly sorry to heard about your knee. Wasn't aware the impact you've suffered from that Ultimate Self Defense Championship. Really love all your content creation. Wishing you all the best with your recovery 🙏 💪
@wilsimpson9170 5 ай бұрын
Just want to say I really appreciate your time in putting out your videos. While you cannot perform to the level you used to, please know that you are still teaching and I appreciate the different technique and training perspectives you provide.
@nathanielholcombe6935 5 ай бұрын
Hey Ramsey, as someone who has watched your videos and learned a lot from you I just want to thank you so much for the value you've given us. Also I have a feeling that the person who sent me that nasty letter probably watches a little bit too much anime. Your legend and we love you man, Praying for you.
@Manuel-zt6sn 5 ай бұрын
Hi Ramsey, I had no idea you got hurt... I wish you all the best, and I hope you recover as well as possible.
@kenhellberg7973 5 ай бұрын
Sorry Ramsey. Hope you heal and faster than you think.
@timothytravis6203 5 ай бұрын
I love the reality in your videos. The honesty in what you speak of in fighting and a fighter's mindset. The fact is I don't believe I am a fighter yet. Just a student who learned a LOT through trial and error. And your examples of prodigies or savants in a martial art can hamper the development of the art. Keep up the great work!
@chopsueykungfu 5 ай бұрын
I started off in Tang Soo Do, at Pak's Karate in Jacksonville FLA from 1980 to 86. So sorry to hear about your knee injury, and how it happened...
@gaetanmarcelin9813 5 ай бұрын
some peoples seems not to understand how complexe the knee joint is and how ligaments / cartilage damages follow you around until you die. I hope that those throwing shade at you learn empathy the hard way as well ,with their keyboard warriors weak bodies... keep it up coach you have so much more to teach , I really hope that your knee adapts to it's actual condition and feels better as time goes by ... keep it up !
@hoffnungslos_verbittERt 5 ай бұрын
I had a boxing coach who was literally advising people to hard spar without a mouthguard to supposedly "strengthen their jaws". There are some genuinely stupid, ignorant people in this sport. Guy hated my guts too for no reason. Always tried to kill me in sparring and had a generally hostile attitude towards me. Glad i only stayed in that gym for around 2 months.
@13buthead 5 ай бұрын
that's crazy stupid.
@devindodge8648 5 ай бұрын
Oof i remember this one time i was sparring with a guy 20 years older and 50 pounds heavier than me. He and i did traditional Shao Lin Kung Fu together for about 5 years. When we met up in a Krav Maga cross MMA gym he used that foot anchoring technique on my shoe and got me distanced perfectly to jab comfortably out of range from my reach. He never hurt me and always took it easy because i was a kid but i learned so much from training with him. Old school karate was a very cool style and id love to see a comeback in modern MMA. The wonderboy Thompson is such an inspiration for modern systems of Kung Fu (in the most direct translation of great prowess in combat Japanese Kung Fu.) Its so wonderful to see the true spirit of brotherhood amongst warriors. Ramsey if you happen to read this please accept my deepest condolences for your leg. I feel and understand everything that you're saying my brother. My heart breaks to hear what you are going through, you have the heart of a lion and i respect you with high regard. It's so terrible to hear what your body is going through. Please be strong my brother.❤ i know that you will do the correct physiotherapy and i pray that you will make a full recovery and be healed even though the injury is massive. You can have faith and know that you will be made strong again. I wish you the best for your recovery and do care truly for your pain. But i am ever hopeful and optimistic because i know that even if you had bith legs taken away you are a true master. Have heart and great spirit my friend. 🙂 and know that i only offer my kindest words even if they dont take the pain away, i hope that they will still somehow reach you and bring you some sort of inspiration, if not i pray that they will still lead to your full recovery and if not then i pray that the experience will grant you excellent wisdom and that you find a way to still manage the pain perhaps theough tai chi and chinese medicines. The Shao Lin will be able to help you, if you speak to the right people. They have amazing remedies for pain and healing. As i said before. Even if it doesn't make things perfect i only speak because i care. You have been an incredible Sensei for me over the years. All the way from overseas. Until next time Si Fu. Peace out ✌️
@chinochana 5 ай бұрын
Wow... That was deep. Deep and touching. Great lesson. All my respect.
@nullshock3381 5 ай бұрын
As someone who has had countless head injuries (Skateboarding, MMA(Amateur handful of fights ), Motorcycles, other stuff that would be stupidly dangerous.) they are no joke. I have severe mental health issues.
@makenjikarate 5 ай бұрын
Hey Ramsey, I might have missed a couple of videos but I had no idea your leg injury was that bad. I'm genuinely sorry to hear about that, I wish you all the best with it, take care mate 👊
@scottbomberg7904 5 ай бұрын
Wow… Ramsey, I’m a recent viewer so I had no idea that this was going on. I’m so sorry that you’ve been plagued with injury that is keeping you from doing what you love. Much respect to you for sharing this. I’ll think of a question for the coach soon, but for now I’m just going to take your advice and keep training.
@TheBlahblah86 5 ай бұрын
I'm sorry that happened to you. It must be hell having to go through that. You have a right to be livid when it comes to people being judgemental about your performance in a competition most people never think to try. I hope you get to a tolerable point quickly, and that the team that did the self defense championships takes your injury into account when conducting challenges from how on.
@Axame1 5 ай бұрын
A friend told me at boxing the coach told them to punch their training partners head for 3 minutes straight without defending for them to "get used to not blinking".
@cchutney348 4 ай бұрын
Jesus, Coach. This is my first seeing you this angry. Good wishes are meaningless at this point, so have my thanks.
@MrCmon113 Ай бұрын
There's always a compromise between realistic resistance and safety. You don't want to go too soft all the time, but of course it's better to spar really light for half a year than sit on the couch with a broken leg.
@sieteasiete681 5 ай бұрын
I hope you recover the best possible. I am in a situation as well. Head injury. Lost my inner vestibular balance. Unlike you I have to rely on vision instead. Shut the lights at night and I can't stand up.
@tokyo333 5 ай бұрын
Just to nerd out for a second, but 唐手 is not "the" old name for Karate, it was just an intermediate name that was really only ever used in the mid to late 1800s. There is a linguistic argument to be made that 空手 is actually older based on historical period documents from the 1700s that recounted events from earlier in Ryukyuan history. Sorry, I got in the zone LOL
@cahallo5964 5 ай бұрын
bro achieved 無心
@tokyo333 5 ай бұрын
@@cahallo5964 LOL, I guess it is no coincidence that my Dojo is called the Mushinkan 無心舘...
@evankalis 5 ай бұрын
If you cant use part of your body then strenghten the aspects of it that you can. If you cant use your body then strenghten your mind and spirit to compensate while you heal. You have been such an inspiration for me so I hope you come to terms with this condition. Please take care of yourself and thank you for all your help through the years :)
@Ray-thletics 5 ай бұрын
There are people that don't know crap, so-called friends that put on a facade. I personally believe that in ANY sport, there needs to be some basic knowledge on anatomy, physiology and pathology. Just because you know a sport, even martial arts, it doesn't make you immortal. I really appreciate your honest thoughts and I really love the videos. Hope all goes well for you and a safe and healthy recovery.
@johngillespie3409 5 ай бұрын
I had a ladder come out from under me and i broke my ankle, had to have surgery 3 years ago. I got wrapped up in the ladder and my other knee is worse than my ankle. I walk with a limp and still cant run. I was in the light infantry, so being able to only barely walk is pretty upsetting. I fall a lot 🤣 but go to the VA for physical therapy. Get well✌️
@brsvideos8143 Ай бұрын
I'm late on this but sorry to hear about your knees. It's so frustrating when you conduct yourself properly and sensibly and still suffer due to one stupid action from someone else.
@TheWolfTraining179 5 ай бұрын
Hey Ramsey, I am so sorry to hear about your knee!! That is horrible, and I hope that somehow it gets close to full recovery quickly. I'm sure you've already heard of this, but have you ever thought of getting Stem Cell therapy in Mexico done by the Cellular Performance Institute that Joe Rogan has mentioned? It sounds pretty legit, and could be the key to you getting close to fully recovered. It may be a combination of that and surgery that will do the trick, but it's worth considering. A bunch of UFC fighters have recovered from similar injuries to near full recovery with this treatment. Hope this helps!
@MarkoObradovich 5 ай бұрын
I understand you brother. Just be aware that most harsh are kids who didn't have hardships in life and are immature. But I completely understand your frustrations, because I also didn't listen to myself and didn't train for a few years and didn't do what I love and do (I am a sports trainer and a professor of sports), and I did some stupid job under influence of my family cause "it was better"... I did the job for 3 years and ruined my health because of sitting behind desk. And eventually I quit the job with serious consequences. Now I am still battling high blood pressure and hip pain (because I got injured helping colleague that was irresponsible and he injured me) but had also kidney and stomach issues (which I hope are healed). And for what, for taking little more money, for listening to others instead to my self... And as you said you can't forget cause issue is still there, but can I forgive my self and accept only God knows, and I still pray to God that He heals me to the point where I can fully enjoy training and do what I have done whole my life... I am 41. So I really understand you brother. Wish you to heal, also that God gives you health and comfort. God bless.
@TangomanX2008 Ай бұрын
Damn, Ramsey, I'm sorry to hear about what those guys to your knees.
@PracticalTangSooDo 5 ай бұрын
You got the history right for Tang Soo Do and Taekwondo. You should read Patrick McCarthy’s book about Motobu Choki if you’re into karate history. Motobu had the reputation for being the best fighter in karate’s early days as a modern martial art. He published two books, one in 1926 and one in 1932. They’re probably the best example we have of what the art was originally like.
@ianrobertson432 5 ай бұрын
I am in the same boat I was an extremist I was such an idiot and 25 years later I hurt every day thank you for sharing it was nice to know I’m not alone in my suffering I’m glad someone can understand I wish you the best recovery possible the biggest pain I have is the emotional one it has impacted my teaching greatly I focus so hard on teaching the virtues of caution and self restraint it’s a sad tradition of masters being hobbled and cane bound a tradition I want to see gone I didn’t know what strength was till that day again thank you for sharing few know or will ever know how isolating the side lines can be
@martialartnerd1396 5 ай бұрын
Hi Ramsey ! I didn't know that you were hurt in the championship ... Too bad ! hope you will recover more and more with time.Best wishes ! You are absolutely right to warn people to be very careful in training martial arts. In my dojo, I organized a few courses of Muai Thai, hoping that everybody has a few basis. It was very great. We saw immediately how the elbow are very dangerous and destroying. Even it was very interesting, when we are sparring now, I give nevertheless interdiction of using elbows, because we are not thaï boxers in our dojo, and I don't wan't anybody to be hurt because it's not our daily practice !
@elvicho6876 5 ай бұрын
Man I didn’t know you got badly injured during the self df championship, sorry to hear that, hope you recover from that knee injury someday
@danielschwarze781 5 ай бұрын
Wow. I had no idea. I missed that. What you are saying there is something my instructor talked about: "What's the point of 'training hard' if it cripples you so badly you can't walk? How is that self-defence? Take care of your health and that of your training partners." I feel bad for you and hope things turn for the better. I pray for you and your family.
@guytakamatsu7326 5 ай бұрын
Maybe I’m wrong, but I think the teacher in Texas was Jhoon Rhee. He is called the father of American Tae Kwon Do.
@angeloesguerra555 4 ай бұрын
13:48 I remember that's majority of the comments on Jeff Chan's video sparring with you.
@tamamalosi 5 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear all of this brother. It does help getting all of this of your chest though. It gets better. Believe me it does. God bless. Take care. You Will Get Out There To Train again. Oss! 💪
@erniemiller1953 5 ай бұрын
You need to forgive, but never forget. If you forget, you will let the same mistakes happen again. Forgiveness is the act of not requiring recompense from the offender. That level of forgiveness is extremely difficult. Your insight has helped me quite a bit, so I hope you do adjust and recover.
@marcelgomes1574 4 ай бұрын
Excelent video as always. Actually if law allows, you should sue this person for your physical damage. If it's not for you, it's to avoid other people to suffer the same damages as you.
@sirlysis 5 ай бұрын
Ramsey, I’m sorry to hear of your injury while filming. But I loved hearing your thoughts on the migration of martial arts. I have extended an invitation to you in the past to come on whistlekick Martial Arts Radio, but we’ve never been able to connect. Would still love to have you on the show!
@tkdguide 5 ай бұрын
Well said, sir.
@cserpakbalazs6342 5 ай бұрын
Ramsey, are you familiar with Kempo karate by any chance? For an amateur MMA guy, like myself, kempo events are great opportunities to gain competition experience. You can compete under different rule sets, one of them is basically mma with the following restrictions: you have to wear 10 ounce boxing gloves, you have max 1 minute on the ground and you can't hit the head on the ground. Otherwise, you can hit the whole body with full force, including of course the head, you can take your opponent down and submit them, etc. And it's without the gi. (which is good cause I don't have a gi 😀) The also have nogi grappling with the twist that you can hit the body when one of the guys is on the ground.
@113uineo 5 ай бұрын
I have a doubt what is difference b/w kempo karate and karate like kyokushin,shotkan and all other ryua
@Jezus42 5 ай бұрын
I did not have as devastating an injury as you. It does get better.
@fernandomachado1728 5 ай бұрын
I'm devastated hearing about the injury, and I can only imagine the devastation you feel suffering through it. That's so horrible. I'm so sorry to hear that happened.
@aphidbowler7027 5 ай бұрын
Sorry that your devastating injury is still hurt. I know it probably means nothing but my dog who is 14 also tore the ligaments in his knee, first one then other one 6 months later. Didn't know if he would be able to walk or even use the washroom anymore, but he recovered to where he can get around fairly well, but he cannot jump nor run the same way. I think there can be a positive: There is some satisfaction in learning to live with an injury. You learn to adapt and change your way of life to compensate, and it can be sort of a new journey in life where you begin to focus more on others. Of course it doesn't make it better and a functioning knee would be far better, but it's always helpful to look on the bright side. I think life is about survival, and fundamentally war and self-defense (as well as a legal term) are fundamentally about survival. People want to survive. They want to believe that if they are trained they can avoid death when it comes to them violently. It some ways it can. I think though that survival is also about staying healthy and keeping care of your body. Sports are a sacrifice of health for opportunity to prosper or for your family to prosper. If your ability to take care of your family has been hindered by this injury then I am very sorry for you and hope that you can find some recourse. The ultimate self-defense challenge was sort of an excercise in stupidity and I don't believe anything of value was learned. It was pure entertainment and I hope that you were compensated well for injuring yourself for people's entertainment. I did find it entertaining but was also annoyed by it at times.
@Dale_The_Space_Wizard 5 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear about your injuries gained on that Self-Defence challenge Video thing. Hope that things get better for your knee. It was pretty for the organizers to allow a man to hide above people's heads. I've worked on film sets where people jump down on other people and they were always secured by cables so they could not actually fall on the person below.
@petrairene Ай бұрын
My meniscuses are only good for light activities too. Next week I get a third opinion if surgery is going to improve the left knee. (the right having been done 15 years ago and I had assumed I could save that one by favouring the other, "healthy" leg in problematic movements). I guess that I have to face the fact that there is now a long list of things I can no longer do or I risk another round of limping. I can't even imagine how bad it is if you built your professional career and your whole lifestyle around these types of sport. I´m really sorry to hear.
@Xzontyr 5 ай бұрын
To not be able to do, what you regularly are able to, is more than just physically crippling for a man, bur both mentally, and personally. It's important to keep our spiritual pillar strong, and find our pride and purpose in whatever we can.
@SteveJuszczak-dx3gz 5 ай бұрын
You mean you can't smash your head against a wall , I need to stop that , Danm my brain hurts
@baoxidiaoyu 5 ай бұрын
Never train with Mick Foley, but seriously sorry to hear of the loss of your knees. As someone with 1 bad ankle, I hope to never get as injured.
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