Rarran Ranks Every Hearthstone Expansion

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@Not.A.Heretic Жыл бұрын
whispers of the old gods was the golden era for me. i had SO much fun during that meta man. id love to see twist do an old gods format
@Luma_29 Жыл бұрын
The Power Creep went crazy with Kobolds fr
@tomekk.1889 Жыл бұрын
Kobolds was almost an entirely different game. It devolved
@johnpaulcross424 8 ай бұрын
I loved it so much, such a fun expansion
@privatepengu Жыл бұрын
Mean streets of Gadgetzan had such a sick theme though... Doppelgangster, handbuff cards, loved the theme of those cards
@mokulectodupa Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately the meta kinda sucked then. Jade golems, pirate warrior, probably one of the most disgusting mid range hunters, raza priest, playing was a pain then no doubt
@ethanbendler7352 Жыл бұрын
United in storm wind is hated because of questlines mostly. But it did also bring in tradable. Which in my opinion balances it out a bit.
@sunnysangha2097 Жыл бұрын
it does not. questlines ruined so much. wild became such a shitshow for so long because of it.
@breadbaskets2772 Жыл бұрын
Questlines is ruining the game again in twist
@ethanbendler7352 Жыл бұрын
@@sunnysangha2097 same thing can be said for so many things, like why is odd or even an archetype? That seems crazy. All I am saying is united in storm wind also brought an amazing new keyword
@ethanbendler7352 Жыл бұрын
@@breadbaskets2772 or it is defining the game in twist. Depends on perspective. All I wanted to argue was that tradable is one of the best keywords added postlaunch
@sergeyzakharov7326 Жыл бұрын
@@breadbaskets2772 twist is only fun because of stromwind. standard has insanely smooth brain unplayable meta
@joshnelson1279 Жыл бұрын
Been playing since Beta and I absolutely agree United in Stormwind was the worst expansion of all time.
@lowstandards3148 Жыл бұрын
As someone who wasn’t there could you explain why everyone seems to hate it please???
@Juslin7989 Жыл бұрын
@@lowstandards3148 A lot of people don't like questlines. I think tradable is generally a liked keyword though, so it balances things out a bit.
@darith4248 Жыл бұрын
@@lowstandards3148 Questlines made the entire meta combo focused, as the rewards for some quests were so powerful ex. Demon seed. So as a result the game lost most interactivity and became who could combo the fastest.
@lowstandards3148 Жыл бұрын
@@darith4248 ahhhhhh thank you. I’ve always hated playing combo decks the most so it makes sense.
@shocknawe Жыл бұрын
@@lowstandards3148 I'm not sure when you got into the game, but Idk if you hate combo decks per se. What frustrates people today is their "inevitability." If you lived through eras where most (not all) combo decks had you thinking on "how do I disrupt them and get out of this?" I think you might have had fun. What I've noticed with the newest quests is that most really REALLY win you the game. The reward is played = checkmate (basically). I was seeing videos from the time to try to see why people hated United so much and DH is "weak" because it's quest doesn't "immediately" win you the game.
@AirmanTerror180 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I think my favorite year is easily RoS, SoU, and DoD. The story, the FEELING, the characters, the cards, all of it was peak hearthstone imo. I know people don't like lackeys, but I think it was cool that they added more lackeys to the pool every expansion in that cycle. Also, Ashes is overhated, the sheer absurdity and fun of how powerful demon hunter and the infamous Day 2 nerf was hilarious.
@UnsoughtLyric Жыл бұрын
Sunken city getting the respect it deserves
@goldfishgallant1432 Жыл бұрын
I am sick of all the Witchwood hate, this was one of the best expansions of all time, in my mind. I genuinely don't know why people look back on this set negatively. I guess just because if Genn and Baku But this was a time in the game where deck archetypes were so diverse (yes even with the upgraded hero powers) And also a time where expansions werent just spitting out decks specifically for that expansion. I hate the modern design philosophy of just printing a bunch of hero power druid cards for example. That all synnergise together in an obvious way. I miss the way we used to build decks with a collection of the 30 best cards. Really thinking about "what is my deck trying to do?" And putting in cards that help you get there. With the immense power of kobolds, as well as it being a final of the year expansion. The rotation + new witchwood cards created (in my opinion) a very healthy and tasteful deck diversity. Even with the decks like odd rogue, it felt like you had options to add anti-aggro for example and win a few more matchups. Nowadays, if there is a dominant deck, youre shit outta luck because the meta has already been solved and there are no other cards that go well enough with your extremely specifc "imp warlock" that can keep up with the rest of the cards quality and change the direction of your deck. Deckbuilding should be expressive and flexible, and i feel like we dont get that at all nowadays with pre packages out of the box, card packages in each expansion. Witchwood was a great expansion.
@randomguy9084 4 күн бұрын
I really like the witchwood expansion too however I understand why Rarran put it low. I loved designing different decks with Baku and Genn and I did do a ton of deckbuilding that expansion. It had some really fun cards like witching hour and houndmaster shaw and the monster hunt was fun too. However I did leave hearthstone for a while later that year and I think it ultimately was because of witchwood because while I liked deckbuilding with Genn and Baku they defined the meta for the whole year. Every deck it was even, odd, even, odd. You would see that in so many games. Add that to the shudderwock problems and how many people hated that deck and it made a lot of people leave hearthstone. The devs realized how stale Baku and Genn defining the entire meta was for so many expansions was too thats why they rotated them out a whole year early. So while they were really fun initially them defining the game for the entire year was rough. And they were super fun to deckbuild with but not as fun to play every game.
@shocknawe Жыл бұрын
Hot take: TGT was fun. Lower power cards fit the meta well + upgraded hero powers were cool. Also: inspire isn’t strong but it’s fun. Low power level helped quell power creep. Barrens, on the other hand, was really boring or annoying, depending on the card.
@fishraposo7192 Жыл бұрын
I love how inspire works in paladin Specially the murloc knight
@frenchwyvern5262 Жыл бұрын
I agree, I started playing a bit before the release of TGT (I was 13 lol) and loved the concept of inspire. Joust was a bad mechanic tho
@meruempro Жыл бұрын
Upgraded Hero Powers were so much fun that only Warrior (and not really playable Control Priest and Paladin) played them. Also remember Mysterious Challenger? I like the card but you people that bitch about power creep should hate it
@shocknawe Жыл бұрын
@@meruempro not even expansions we like were all fun and rainbows. My argument isn't that it was perfect in every way or anything. It's just that inspire and the expansion as a whole constantly gets sh*t on, so I wanted to give my opinion. On a competitive level, I do think I agree with you. But to give another perspective: I played Justicar control Priest. Not that it was much viable, but it was fun. Sorry If I came across as one of those people point to anything and says "POWER CREEP!!!!". "Power creep" is a natural phenomena in card games. It's just a thing that has to be managed and kept in mind whenever things get added. The (sorta) problem in HS is that, it constantly needs to keep people's interest and create interest in the following expansion. The easiest way of doing so are bombastic powerful cards. I didn't play during RR, but it seems that the fact it's power level was low is people's main complaint. I still have my Mysterious Challenger, btw. As of right now, I'm trying to start Wild and stay at lower ranks so that I can play whatever I want and avoid super tuned and repetitive decks. Meanwhile, I'm Diamond 5+ in standard. Cheers.
@Ruddline Жыл бұрын
Festival of Legends is when this game finally broke my brain. I don't know if I need a psychologist but I literally go through so many emotional highs and lows with it. I just feel like the entire game pivots on who gets the best board clear, if someone clears my board my blood pressure rises a lot but then I make a comeback but then it happens again. I hate never really knowing if I am winning or not. Therefore I am always tense praying for no board clear so I can win. I tried Hunter, Paladin, Warrior, DK, Priest, I guess Control Priest or Chad Druid is kinda different but Chad Druid I am just tense praying to get the cards to win and not get burned down. Most decks are basically the same and play the same. I have not gotten Legend in this expansion I just hate the game so much. Its just making my shoulders tense and me tense and I feel extreme stress. I like feeling like I am winning and getting the tables turned and I lose, I can accept that feeling that is fun for me but never feeling like truly winning is I guess what breaks my brain I can never relax and play this game with a beer anymore. I would put this expac in the F tier it didn't really add much and made the game change from something lighthearted to something boring, bland and high stress and makes me semi-quit from the game for the first time. /rant
@lilskutt8848 Жыл бұрын
kobolds and catacombs was Legendary and there is zero debate
@filipvadas7602 Жыл бұрын
Personally: 1.Old Gods - the expansion that I started playing. Nostalgia maybe, but sticking by it. The Old God cards were really fun to experiment with and it was cool to build decks around these massive minions 2. Knights of the Frozen Throne- favorite theme and Solo Adventure, the Arthas skin is *well worth it* , and it introduced Hero Cards to the game. Could easily be number 1, but its held back by the fact that some of the DK Hero Cards were blatantly better than others, which made for a somewhat frustrating meta. 3. The trilogy of Rise of Shadows , Saviors of Uldum and Descent of Dragons collectively make , in my opinion, the best overall year of Hearthstone. Individially, yeah, they had their problems, but if you count them as one big expansion, which they basically are, its not even a contest. 4. One Night in Karazhan- this was the first expansion I was there for the launch of and I feel like it doesn't get as much love as it deserves. The theme had so much flavor, each class felt like they had something going for them and the solo adventure was fun as hell. The only real downside is that you *could* make the argument that this was the expansion where power levels started to go buck wild.
@manuelsanchez9649 Жыл бұрын
I remember being a wee lad and thinking how amazing it was going from wisher to ungoro to knights it was such a fun time for hearthstone with so many cool and player friendly decks what a cool time period
@mrbobbyellis Жыл бұрын
Scholomance is S tier for me. Great cards, cool dual class mechanic, I don't recall not having fun in standard.
@Hk_498 Жыл бұрын
This has nothing to do with the video but Rarran in glasses goes pretty hard ❤️‍🔥
@aradan3913 Жыл бұрын
Castle Nathrias added a type of card: location -> Epic Kobols pushed an entire new game mode -> Rare + I think the meta around Kobols was more healthy for the game
@PatriXX92 Жыл бұрын
I mostly agree. Top 5: 1. Ungoro 2. League of Explorers 3. Saviors of Uldum 4. Whispers of the Old Gods 5. Scholomance Academy // Sunken City Flop 5: 1. Rastakhans Rumble 2. The Grand Tournament 3. The Witchwood 4. Mean Streets of Gadgetzan 5. Ashes of Outland
@HMogensen98 Жыл бұрын
My best memory of HS is during Wispers, I made a coin rouge deck, that played 40+ cards. And then played brann + 3x coins + yogg. Saw everything explode and then die since I drew a billion cards and went out in style. Was the best times!
@justpotato816 Жыл бұрын
Whispers of the Old Gods was when i got into Hearthstone and man I remember having SO MUCH FUN with it
@lDanielHolm Жыл бұрын
MotLK doesn't have cards you remember, Rarran? Have you looked at any Mage or Priest deck list since? What about Anub'rekan, remember that one? Paladin also plays a few. Sanguine Knight? For Quel'Thalas!? Seal of Blood?
@FreddyChoppins Жыл бұрын
I have fond memories from United in Stormwind as it was when I started playing Hearthstone, but then I played Quest Warlock so... 😄
@jonathonwearn1098 Жыл бұрын
Great video! I've been playing since Beta, but I was FTP for many years, so I didn't have many cards. I can't wait for Twist to bring us some old Metas that I couldn't afford to participate in at the time. I didn't like Kobolds and Catacombs meta. I'll never forget Reynad's Meta Review at the time when he said, "You want to make a deck better, just add Pirates!" At the time, the best deck in almost every class had Patches, Southsea Deckhand, and Corridor Creepers - even Mage. Yes, you were running Deckhand just to pull Patches, and those were your only pirates in the deck! He said that every class was playable, because every class played the same deck.
@Teroo1234 Жыл бұрын
So basically rose-tinted glasses - the tierlist
@ninjanikstudios2280 Жыл бұрын
My top 5 5. Castle Nathria 4. Old Gods 3. Kobolds 2. KFT 1. Un goro Worst 5 5. Ashes of Outland 4. TGT 3. Barrens 2. Alterac Valley 1. Stormwind (Rastakhans and Witchwood have a special place in my heart)
@KrazyKrab7 Жыл бұрын
Man, you must not have liked the year of the griffin.
@ninjanikstudios2280 Жыл бұрын
@@KrazyKrab7 no I did not whatsoever. All 3 expansions left a horrible taste in my mouth
@TheWa1rusGod Жыл бұрын
Bro says he ain't gonna remember festival of legends, he's gonna be remembering this expansion for the rest of his life since he's never gonna get Tony.
@Val_1992 Жыл бұрын
United in Stormwind - hated because of quest(lines) Ungoro - praised for quests (except rogue one) It shows how polarizing and hard to balance quests are...
@coopawesome Жыл бұрын
Love hearing your thoughts on this. Don't love hearing that one part of gerudo valley repeated forever
@Dustaroo 11 ай бұрын
Played from the tail end of black rock to knights of the frozen throne. Old gods without a doubt was my favorite expansion on all fronts. Edit watching longer I realized I did play early witchwood and remember very few things. Biggest one was hating shudderwock and quitting the game.
@MixTwentyOne Жыл бұрын
League of Explorers is S+ tier for me. Introduced the 4 most recognizable legendaries in hearthstone history AND added one of the best keywords in Hearthstone history. Nothing but bangers
@jacobluneberg597 Жыл бұрын
i love how most peoples legendary tier is the exact same, and for good reason
@Prrisma Жыл бұрын
Why not put festival?
My fav 5 1 - Old Gods 2 - KFT 3 - Un'Goro 4 - Scholomancer 5 - Nathria Least fav 5 1 - Stormwind 2 - Barrens 3 - Alterac Valley 4 - Rastakhan 5 - Ashes of Outlands
@SuperSajayin2Gohan Жыл бұрын
Old gods was probably my favourite time, together with League of Explorer's. Game slowed down a fair bit, and combo was playable compared to other metas around that Time. Only came back recently after having quitted after ungoro, so cant say much else
@shackerjack8524 Жыл бұрын
i had caps lock on and rarran thought i was angry lol
@dannylight7022 Жыл бұрын
Whispers of the old Gods and League of explorers was the best time in HS
@purplelotus531 Жыл бұрын
what cards I think will be remembered from Festival? ETC and Tony, can really think of much else personally
@nartin9 Жыл бұрын
March of litch king is goated for me but I am biased because I came back when that released
@619Slipk Жыл бұрын
Goblins vs Gnomes made me quit, so I would go bottom tier using your reasoning
@electricVGC Жыл бұрын
Ashes of Outland only one tier behind Voyage is crazy man
@Rinstor Жыл бұрын
You know the saying "the opposite of love is not hatred, it's indifference"? It applies to United in Stormwind. Some people may hate it, but it undeniably had a strong flavor, and it's better than a flavorless expansion like The Grand Tournament, GvG, Karazhan, Rastakhan and so many others. Personally, I even loved Storwmind, it was one of my favorite expansions of all time, alongside Alterac Valley, Nathria and March of the Lich King. Quests, questlines, heroes, and (strong, unlike Prince Malchezaar) 'Start of Game' effects provide much needed flavor to the game! And the fact it's all temporary makes it all the more justifiable. Why shy away from strong flavors when they'll be gone sooner or later anyway?
@vanthomias5538 9 ай бұрын
I remember how I theory crafted decks for the release of Un'Goro. So fun. Of course I did not have the dust. But small tested my decks. I was very bad at deck building so they wasted so mich dust hahh Edit: same for Old gods
@Plonom Жыл бұрын
Only watched 30 seconds and already agree 100%
@Zenith118 8 ай бұрын
I miss TGT, my beloved Trueheart
@123sadafad Жыл бұрын
Fractured was most fun I’ve ever had for a long time. I played a weird druid deck with yogg, yshaarj, cthun and unnerfed kazakusan. It was not a good deck to win games It was so fun.
@heartscaless Жыл бұрын
Rarran with the glasses has that DILF energy ong 😩😩😩
@illicitbike2782 Жыл бұрын
Top 5 1: Descent of Dragons 2: Rise of Shadows 3: Whispers of the Old Gods 4: Scholomance Academy 5: Boomsday Project Worst 5 1: Journey to Un'Goro (Quests) 2: United in Stormwind (Questlines) 3: Witchwood 4: Forged in the Barrens 5: Grand Tournament imo Un'goro being top tier is a mistake because the meta was unplayable unless you were Mage or Rouge.
@MeSoHahny Жыл бұрын
Started playing the day after the Grand Tourney came out. Agree with mostly everything especially that United in Stormwind was the black plague of hearthstone. Voyage should be bumped up. It saved a game that was plagued by United in Stormwind and Colossal minions are almost sure to be a mechanic that comes back in the future. while i think Descent of Dragons should be higher too some games in that time were not interesting in the slightest. However Scholomance was such a cool theme and almost every class had something to do and it introduced dual class cards that i think it should be legendary status. It also had to come after Ashes which did not have interesting gameplay for the most part.
@swermboot6828 Жыл бұрын
Un'goro had the rogue quest which was truly the worst card ever printed I think. The rest of that meta was awesome tho.
@zearcjustice7837 Жыл бұрын
stormwind was the best xpasion i ever had since it's my first time i actually have a chance of reaching legend , warlock is just best
@timjohnson6694 Жыл бұрын
Sunken City disrespect is crazy
@osmanutkucelik3177 Жыл бұрын
dude what is the song playing on the background i love it, first i tried to find if theres any comments about it but god rarran gets many comments (ofc it a good thing but not in this condition lol) so im just asking anybody knowing the song??
@osmanutkucelik3177 Жыл бұрын
also, 9 expansions in rare and 6 in common??? wouldnt it make rare common and common rare wtf man i love this guy lol
@d.b.5070 10 ай бұрын
Sounds like a Zelda song
@SirQuadrat 8 ай бұрын
It's Gerudo Valley from Zelda OoT
@gandzsaman Жыл бұрын
WEEEEEJJJYYYOOOO Rarran.... Stop I can't sub to every Rarran, Narrar and Nerrar channels
@CobraTrainer 11 ай бұрын
Worst was Mean Streets for me. It introduced Patches and Pirate warrior which almost made me quit the game. I endured until late Frozen Throne where i just could not take another second playing against Pirate warrior lol. Have not played HS since.
@thehaymaker3660 Жыл бұрын
"Nightmares" should have been "10 Dust"
@nexviper Жыл бұрын
Huh, so seemingly I quit just before it got good. Played for maybe a year then gave up during Karazhan and never bothered to check up on the game until a Rarran video turned up recently in my recommendations.
@arko6527 Жыл бұрын
Witchwood one of the best expansion
@DeltaGamingProductions Жыл бұрын
It'd never happen but a TGT + Rastakhan Rumble twist format would be super funny. Weak ass hell, random cards shining that NEVER see the light of day
@naramoro Жыл бұрын
Sunken City is legendary. Best expansion so far
@KapsLocke Жыл бұрын
The best: Uldum, KofT and Nathria The worst: Stormwind, Scholomance and Kobolds and Catacombs
@zerti86 11 ай бұрын
old gods and ungoro are the best expansions of all time, factoring in cards released and the meta at the time. KnC comes in at 3rd because ranked was still great and Dungeon Run was just the best thing that ever happened to the single player mode. descent of dragons made me quit 3-4 weeks after release and ashes of outland demon hunter was the last straw. it made me quit the game for a good 3 years until i gave it another shot with titans.
@RatedManatee Жыл бұрын
I wish I could enjoy Old Gods, played rampy Druids every expansion until old gods, thought C'thun Druid would be a thing, spent all my dust and got stuck in the expansion without a fun deck to play.
@oskartu12 Жыл бұрын
Man I started playing in Un'Goro and would have played more if i knew :(((
@DefinitelyNotReal627 Жыл бұрын
Witchwood was a wild expansion lmao. On average it's in the same vein as Rhastakan's Rumble where the cards are interesting and fun in theory just too weak to be meta...then you have the super OP and obnoxious Genn, Baku, Shudderwock and the turbo ass Dustfallen Aviana, Glinda Crowskin and the like.
@pyrosdestiny Жыл бұрын
Stopped playing because of United in stormwind. Scholomance was my favourite expansion.
@oscarolsen3589 11 ай бұрын
Forged in the barrans 10/10 dont @ me
@phunkschaos Жыл бұрын
you don’t gotta shout 😭
@kingsam178 Жыл бұрын
Is naxx out?
@fatalfury28 Жыл бұрын
United in Stormwind single handedly made the most cancerous decks known to men when it first released... And the quests can be summed up as "Breath 4 times to complete the quest"... Oh my god. Anyways, Whispers of the Old gods was so freaking precious to me... I remember just beating Bloodborne the previous year and then HS released this and I was so hype... ahhh such good ol'days,
@solin21210 Жыл бұрын
gvg was the best time in hearthstone by far
@fishraposo7192 Жыл бұрын
On one hand, mean streets had cool mechanics like handbuffing and jade On the other, It had patches IN CHARRRRRRGE
@driskulls7834 Жыл бұрын
jade was a cool mechanic and fun to play with but if u were on the receiving end it was toxic
@meisalonowo9064 Жыл бұрын
Its fine, twisted is more or less more powerful United :)
@graysaltine6035 Жыл бұрын
Oh I see you mention FoL at the end, and yeah I agree! Totally forgettable.
@kateguinha Жыл бұрын
you cant just put gerudovalley theme looping every4seconds on an 18min video :(
@ImaginaryMdA Жыл бұрын
Hey Rarran, do another colab with Voxy! :D
@orenesovic9053 Жыл бұрын
I've been playing since season 1... I just can't agree on Knights of the Frozen Throne... It was such a bad experience
@SmokesOnMe Жыл бұрын
I left hearthstone because of the witchwood reveal
@simonbas6 Жыл бұрын
Okay, but hear me out. If ungoro was never released and quests weren't a thing, then questlines from UIS, being a development of quests, also wouldn't have been a thing, so really, ungoro is partly responsible for UIS and therefore is D tier
@acridcesium_9971 Жыл бұрын
I've followed the game since beta (didn't play much because money), and the times I actually played were around Classic-Nax, Whispers, and the whole Rise of Shadows trilogy. As for watching I dropped off at TGT-LoE and Forged-March, the first time was just because watching the game was getting stale with all the Patron Warriors while the 2nd was mainly because I felt that Blizzard was trying too many things at once between Battlegrounds, Classic HS, and Mercenaries. Also the whole mercenaries storyline was just the worst, boring template characters + banking really hard on WoW references probably would work better for people with more WoW nostalgia but that meant that the story and flavor had nothing else to stand on.
@mississippitornado6842 Жыл бұрын
kobolds should be S tier, its not all about ranked, there will never be anything like that dungeon run.
@Voltaid Жыл бұрын
You either loved or hated castle nathria. Sire, Theotar, Jailer :/
@vanthomias5538 9 ай бұрын
Goblins and Gnomes (the fristrating rng aside) had the most uninteractive cards ever. No other expansion had that much of pro-active gameplay.
@brainpower782 Жыл бұрын
For me, The Grand Tournament was the worse. In ladder, it has no imact expect the worse archetype ever- secret paladin. On arena, inspire was so unfair at the time. I started playing hs back then. But League of Explolers was the best, Arena was great even before all those changes and i became an arena player
@9d7fish Жыл бұрын
Interesting I believe castle nathria was one of the expansion that made me give up hearthstone. Loved renithal but could not stand dinathruis and lost interest in the game even after it was nerfed.
@TequilaPhoenix Жыл бұрын
discover as a mechanic was the worst addition in my opinion, nothing feels worse than losing to a card that didn't start in their deck or even class that somehow, does something to instantly win the game that's how it feels even to this day we have discover problems such as dk discover pool bieng totally op
@neondead2.0.15 Жыл бұрын
You love quests but hate questlines. That's strange in my opinion.
@iwishiwaschrismacavoy8116 Жыл бұрын
Iksars expansions were all pretty yikes.
@mutedmathamatician Жыл бұрын
The ungoro meat riding is insane. Quest rogue made me quit the game Edit: lmao some other guy was malding about ungoro
@leroy5835 Жыл бұрын
I really don't get the baku and genn hate, yes they were in all of the decks, but overall you could use many classes so it was balanced. If it's just the fact that everyone used it then why Ranathal didn't get all the hate he was also in 90% of the decks and if you say it's because everyone played the same deck than why is ashes of outland better? the whole expansion was play demon hunter or eat dust, that made more people quit I think. Just saying I had some of the best times with playing baku, genn not really he felt useless but they were both cool options
@EpischeMusik Жыл бұрын
Knights of the frozen Throne wa sthe worst imo, start of pay2win and hero cards sucked so much.
@marleonka. Жыл бұрын
Its always funny to me how Rarran is like "I hate United in Stormwind because the questlines allowed for no counterplay and losing to your opponent playing entirely from hand and the questlines offered too much impact for what they were" and proceeds with "I love Un'goro! Caverns Below was never a problem, quests are awesome 😃👍"
@Yetres Жыл бұрын
I like the copium of putting karazhan in nightmare tier and wotg in legendary, when both of these expansions had basically the same meta since karazhan didn’t have many impactful cards. Karazhan just didn’t shake up the meta of wotg and Rarran associates that with karazhan and not wotg.
@weebtrash3376 Жыл бұрын
No it wasn’t lmao. Old gods had C’thun, Nzoth and Yogg decks each have their own time under the sun. Karazhan was literally dubbed Shamanstone due to how Karazhan gave them 2 great cards compared to the nothing every other class had. It went from good to undoubtedly the best class in the game. There’s no coping involved, people hated it.
@kibipennelli Жыл бұрын
same videos over and over again...
@elispivak6263 Жыл бұрын
bro play the whole song not just the same two bars on loop dude, this is such a hard listen. dislike
@badwulff Жыл бұрын
Un'goro's overrated as all hell, flavor's the only thing it had going for it - F Quest Rogue, and no one remembers Aggro Murloc Pally but F that deck just as much, also Warlock was unplayable Discolock garbage and Patches the Pirate still ruined everything at the time
@SzilardEnyedi Жыл бұрын
"League of Explorers: S Tier - mainly because Discover was added that changed the game as a whole" Manages to highlight the most toxic, unhealthy, terrible game-design mechanic of Hearthstone, Discover as a positive change. Wow. It is one of the major mistakes that further incentivized random effects and caused the downfall of the game - literally 10/20/30 or whatever percentage of the playerbase quit during the years as the side effect of this design choice.
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