Reacting to 'Crime and Punishment' by Shiina Ringo for the First Time! Was Ado's version better?

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@a_taka 4 ай бұрын
Ado sings very well, but comparing Shiina Ringo and Ado is like comparing Chopin to a pianist who won the Chopin Competition.
@mokkori_morisawa 11 ай бұрын
@55happy555 6 ай бұрын
As a Japanese person who has known her since her first album, I can't even imagine someone comparing her to Ado. She is the mother of recent Japanese pop music, and Ado is one of her progeny. I remember being shocked when her first album came out, as a Japanese female musician of the same age, 25 years ago. It was fascinating to see your reaction from a new perspective. Thanks.
@crominokgr 11 ай бұрын
Shiina Ringo has continued to be Japan's queen of music since the late '90s. If you were to survey Japanese singers and musicians, it's likely that everyone has, at least once, expressed admiration for her or her band, Tokyo Incidents.
@irodama 11 ай бұрын
you should not judge her singing just by watching only one live video. ringo tends to change the music arrangements and the way she sings on each show ... also her face changes. many people are still confused which is her real face.
@yuushun1716 11 ай бұрын
She is the singer whom ADO respects the most
@ryujun1221 11 ай бұрын
私は椎名林檎のデビュー曲からのファンです。 あなたが言った通り椎名林檎は自然体でこの曲を歌っており、Adoはオリジナル盤に近づけ更にAdoらしさを付け加えて歌ってると思います。 椎名林檎のパフォーマンスは彼女の性格、曲にしっかりとはまっていて視覚からのメッセージも受ける事が出来ます。最高のアーティストの1人だと思います。 もちろんAdoもその1人です! 次の動画も楽しみにしてます😊
@みどりこ-j7e 11 ай бұрын
What's amazing about her is her ability to self-produce, not only creating the sounds and lyrics of the songs, but also the composition of the band members and the stage direction, all based on her own ideas. For this reason, she is respected not only by the general public but also by people in the entertainment and music worlds. Her unique worldview, reflected in her singing voice, lyrics, and appearance, still fascinates many Japanese people. I feel that if she had been willing to expand overseas, she would have become a little more well-known overseas.
@chicken-samurai8787 11 ай бұрын
I think she is difficult to hear because she is sick She can't ride on air plane
@しこきよ 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for listening to and comparing "Crime and Punishment", "Ado" and "Ringo Shiina". Apparently, he found out that the "Ado version" was not the original, and that's how he learned of the existence of "Ringo Shiina", but he is very happy that he found "Ringo Shiina". Both "Ringo Shiina" and "Ado" are the best artists, but I worship them as "Ringo Shiina = Queen" and "Ado = Princess." Thank you for your reaction.
@nelzyr 6 ай бұрын
Thats actually nice lol, Sheena Ringo as the Queen and Ado as the princess
@guitarandy2406 10 ай бұрын
Whilst this is one of the definitive filmed versions of this song, it's also a song that's rarely performed by Shiina exactly the same way twice. This performance is from 15yrs after she first recorded it for her 2nd album and is a noticeably jazzier arrangement than the original studio version, which also had an slightly more aggressive & desperate sounding vocal take. In the first portion of her solo career there was a wild almost dangerous energy to both her gigs and her image. As you kinda noticed, often Shiina likes to inhabit roles/characters when singing and includes that as part of her portraying the lyrics of songs, the majority of her actions on stage are very deliberate and often self-choreographed. Crime & Punishment whilst great barely scratches the surface of her overall musical range TBH, she's a musical chameleon in the best sense of the word, also a competent multi-instrumentalist and since 2003 has been the frontwoman of a killer art-rock band full of S-Tier musicians called Tokyo Jihen/Tokyo Incidents. This show happened in the 2nd phase of her solo career and was in the middle of Tokyo Jihen going on a literal eight year gigging hiatus (Feb 29th 2012-Feb 29th 2020).
@wakaba2015 10 ай бұрын
@ゆうすけ-m8z 11 ай бұрын
もしかしたら単純な歌唱力で言えばADOの方が上なのかもしれない。でもやはり椎名林檎の曲は椎名林檎が唄うのが一番だね。この曲で言えばあんながなり方する必要もないと感じるし。椎名林檎の持つ色気はまだADOには出せないよね。  逆にADOの唄い方は林檎ちゃんには出来ないとも思うからADOはADOで当然素晴らしいんだけどね。   結論二人とも素晴らしい。
@oto.... 11 ай бұрын
椎名林檎は日本の女神。 彼女は唯一無二であり彼女を超える存在は居ない。本家より先にカバーから聞くのは間違ってる。何故なら本家がどうであろうと自分が最初に聞いた方がその曲のイメージになるから。Adoは椎名林檎を崇めてるしカバー曲の時もかなり歌い方を似せてた。椎名林檎は日本の音楽界で特別な存在であり、彼女の誕生によりAdoを含む日本の多くのアーティストが彼女に影響されてる。日本が誇るこの世でもっとも美しい存在。彼女が所属する東京事変というバンドの曲を再生回数順にひたすら聞いてみて欲しい。声も歌い方も素晴らしいけど、歌詞も凄い。海外の人には伝わりにくいかもしれないけど文学的で古い言葉や日本語の複雑さや曖昧さを使いこなしながら絶妙で独特な世界観を表現してる。一つ一つの曲が高級チョコレートやワインの様に繊細で、巧妙で、複雑な作りになってる。
@gbdvdf4500 11 ай бұрын
@flitzerps9522 11 ай бұрын
wow. that was very well written. Since Mars Ado will become the best vocal artist in human history.
@ziggystardust8604 10 ай бұрын
椎名林檎とAdoでは比較にならないよ。 椎名林檎は表現力の化け物で、音に対する感性が普通の人と違う。 デビュー当時からも驚くほど上手くなってるし。 椎名林檎名義と東京事変では全く違う歌い方をするし。 現在のAdoがそれを超えることは不可能。 ただ、この動画だけでは圧倒的に情報量が足りない。 特に「罪と罰」は林檎博08が秀逸。
@こたま-e1h 9 ай бұрын
@@ziggystardust8604 椎名林檎は私も女神だと思ってるしAdoは私も最初うっせえわで始めて聴いた時椎名林檎感満載で特に歌手としてのAdoは面白いと思わなかったけど、若い分吸収が早く色んな方向性にも伸びて来てマルチな才能見せつけてかなりの個性や存在感出してきてると思う。 これからも伸びるだろうし、罪と罰に関して言えば私も椎名林檎の方が断然好きだけど、アーティストとしてはもう比較が難しいと思うな。 椎名林檎は日本の様々なアーティストに影響を与えてる分先駆者としてもう伝説級だけど、Adoはまた別方向の伝説級になれそうな「可能性」を秘めている 椎名林檎は類まれな作詞センスやクリエイターとしての天才的なセンス持ってるけど海外の人にはそこは評価されにくい。 Adoは「歌い手」に振り切っている分言語越えてよりグローバルにより「わかりやすい」表現力や魅力を発信する方向に伸びていってるから、海外でもかなりこれから伸びて行くと思う。
@ziggystardust8604 9 ай бұрын
@@こたま-e1h 私も可能性が十分に秘めていると思います。 声質と歌唱力は抜群ですよね。 ただ、表現力は特筆するほどでもない。 そして音に対する感性がまだまだ未熟です。 今のAdoであれば演奏者は誰でも良いです。 一流の演奏者は必要ない。 ピアノなどのソロコンサートを聴いているようです。 それは音楽としては発展もなければ、はっきり言ってつまらない。 「歌い手」の振り切っていると仰いますが、美空ひばりさんは多くの楽器を弾くことができました。 椎名林檎も同様です。 歌を歌うなら当然演奏とのアンサンブルは欠かせない重要な要素です。 Adoはそこが未熟であり、そこを伸ばすためには様々な楽器を練習し、様々なアレンジャーと仕事をしながら学ぶ必要があります。
@koji-chandayo 8 ай бұрын
Ado is still young and I'm sure he will continue to grow and become a great artist, and I hope he will, but as of now Ado is not as good as Ringo.
@佐野朔 Ай бұрын
Adoの歌声を初めて聴いたとき「あ、この人椎名林檎に憧れてるんだ」とすぐに分かった。 椎名林檎が98年にデビューして間もなく、椎名林檎を真似た歌手、曲、MVが量産された。ポスト椎名林檎なんて言葉も生まれたけど、椎名林檎はずっとシンガーソングライターの第一線に居続けて衰えを知らない。 いまも子どもから大人まで熱狂的人気があって、Adoみたいに一声で椎名林檎のファンなんだとわかる歌い方の歌手が生まれ続けている。 Adoが好きな外国人は「椎名林檎をリスペクトしている歌手」で調べると好みの曲と歌手を見つけやすいよ。
@ngrand7868 8 ай бұрын
Shiina is simply, a legend... one of the few
@minako134 7 ай бұрын
Thank you SO MUCH for reacting to Shiina Ringo. I've been in love with her music since I was in college 20 years ago (that hurts to say how long it's been hahaha oh well). But all that time, even though I have friends who like Japanese music, they tend to just focus on anime and video game music, and Shiina Ringo has famously never done music for anime (until ONLY RECENTLY, with Hell's Paradise; my jaw dropped when I found out!), so I've been a very lonely Shiina Ringo fan for a long, long time. I'm so glad Ado covered her song Crime and Punishment, because I know that means more people around the world will find Shiina Ringo!! 🍎🎸
@Roninmann 7 ай бұрын
I’m definitely overdue to check out more of her songs. I remember getting a little lost looking into her catalogue. Any suggestions?
@minako134 7 ай бұрын
@@Roninmann Her two breakout hit albums from the late 90s/early 00s were Muzai Moratorium and Shousai Strip, nearly every track is a classic that most music nerds in Japan can sing from memory. She also made a band called Tokyo Incidents, I loved their first album Kyoiku ("Education"). Even as a fan of over 20 years I too get overwhelmed by how much music she's made that I'm STILL getting caught up on....
@suguruji9994 11 ай бұрын
@hedobannord1184 10 ай бұрын
Sheena Ringo is an amazing artist, and extremly versatile in her styles. It's sad she isn't known more in the west. And yes, I also think Sheena Ringo sounds more natural here than Ado (but her version is cool too).
@fusaes4722 11 ай бұрын
@Roninmann 11 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@kei07210 11 ай бұрын
Ado has boldly taken up the challenge and opened up another new world. Sheena Ringo has great depth to complete the world of this song, and this is how I feel about it.I give the biggest applause to these two talented singers 👏👏 I highly recommend "W●RK" by Millennium Parade & Sheena Ringo. And please get to another rock band "King Gnu" led by Millennium Parade's leader, Daiki Tsuneda, as soon as possible 🎵🎵
@myos1806 10 ай бұрын
椎名林檎の 長く短い祭りライブバージョン最高ですよ!
@maomao_meow 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the great reaction. I love RIngo's version since years ago. This live performance has been already a legendary when Ado covered it. I didn't expect anyone can exceed Ringo's performance but Ado blew me. It's really difficult to choose one song to a deserted, my feeling is Ringo, but tomorrow I might choose Ado.
@kault01 8 ай бұрын
Ado has an amazing and unique voice and has a great future ahead of her. Shiina Ringo's song catalogue is something else entirely. Like, I adore Sir Ian McKellen, but this is Miss Shakespeare you're talking about. The fact that on top of writing and arranging and producing tons of quality music like the best in the world (male or female, Japanese or foreign), she can also perform at this level, to me is kind of a miracle
@もりんちゅう-o9d 11 ай бұрын
@Roninmann 11 ай бұрын
Wow! Ringo-san definitely sounds like a well versed and experienced musician. Ado did a great job taking on a huge task.
@AyueKodamaes 10 ай бұрын
Sheena's vocals are better. I don't like how Ado kinda screams the notes.
@松井秀喜-h6j 11 ай бұрын
Sheena Ringo is the singer that ADO most respects. Hatsune Miku is a god to ADO.
@mevius10969 11 ай бұрын
Your opinion is great♪ However, for ADO to cover such a difficult song, she has to overcome the high hurdles of making technical efforts and finishing it in her own way while paying respect to the original! The fact that ADO was allowed to cover this song is amazing in itself ❤️😊
@Roninmann 11 ай бұрын
Ado is a very bold artist and I think she did an amazing job. I agree with everything you said.
@mmaru-sssad1stic 7 ай бұрын
i love the guttural expression in ado's verison, but truly nothing will really top sheena ringo cuz GODDAMN THAT WOMAN IS AMAZING
@キタ-y3r 11 ай бұрын
@nogarddragonkin 11 ай бұрын
both versions are great.. sheenas version especially this particular live performance to me hold so much more emotion is why i prefer it.. but ados version is still spectacular and who knows maybe in another 10-15 years Ado will be mature enough to add that emotion as well as her talent into a song like this just as much
@frankmustermann7272 11 ай бұрын
Through ado I became aware of Shiina Ringo. I think Shiina Ringo is more of a diva, in the best sense.
@maidthehormone 11 ай бұрын
Sheena worked on ADO's Crime & Punishment cover and was very happy about it. Sheena has so many many good songs since the 90s and is a musical role model for many Japanese women, like Miku Kobato from Band Maid. I love both versions.
@realdocloco 11 ай бұрын
She wrote a lot for other singers too - including Ado btw.
@maidthehormone 11 ай бұрын
@@realdocloco yep, i know😁
@PaulEngineer 11 ай бұрын
Love both performers. Ado can make you burn with this... Sheena will make you melt first. Sheena (or Shiina) Ringo celebrated her 25th Anniversary Tour this year.
@fukushimaben.sansantakasan 2 ай бұрын
@vmguilleng 9 ай бұрын
Sí, para quienes seguimos hace años la carrera de Shiina Ringo obviamente preferiremos la versión original y lo más interesante es cómo ella ha logrado apropiarse de la canción de maneras diferentes en los años que la ha cantado. La versión de ADO es chévere y muy interesante, no es en mi opinión una mala versión pero tomando en cuenta que esta canción salió en el 2000 cuando todavía había mucha experimentación en el Jpop y en un contexto de explosión de la cultura japonesa hacia occidente, tiene mucho más peso la versión original con esa Shiina Ringo rompiendo esquemas y siendo admirada hasta por artistas internacionales que la estiman como una influencia. ADO ha revivido esa admiración por Shiina Ringo y con algo más de atrevimiento podría darle al Jpop un renacimiento que en su momento dió Shiina en una época donde el Kpop y las fórmulas de industria dominan sin proponer algo nuevo. De pronto desde las mismas Atarashii Gakko y ADO estemos viendo eso.
@BlackListEDz 11 ай бұрын
Really happy to see you reacting to Sheena's version as well! Maybe if you have the time you can check out her other songs such as 熱愛発覚中 from the same Live! Its a complete different style and her other performances are great as well!
@kaimode 10 ай бұрын
Adoから流れて来ました。 オリジナルを超える力がAdoには有ると思っていましたが、椎名林檎のパフォーマンスを観て度肝を抜かれました。
@RayneShunner 10 ай бұрын
Easily the best DIVA from Japan, breath taking live performance and songs that are soul capturing ❤
@壬申 10 ай бұрын
Shiina Ringo I listened to this Japanese singer ten years ago, but at that time I didn’t really like listening to music, and I didn’t have the convenient channels that I have now.
@user-fc3zb1xz1e 11 ай бұрын
@kamikome1494 11 ай бұрын
@こたま-e1h 9 ай бұрын
椎名林檎懐かしい・・・ここで見ると思わなかった I really love 椎名林檎's stage presence, and I see a lot of influence on Ado. When I listened to Ado for the first time, I thought she was just one of the followers of 椎名林檎 but I think Ado has pursued her originality since her debut and kept improving her styles. I still like the original version better when it comes to 罪と罰, I might be biased here because 椎名林檎 was a godess to me but yeah Ado can do pretty much anything, and I found her so fascinating so I like both singers equally. Ado is still young but she is already a promising singer and has a lot of fans overseas, and I believe she will continue to grow, I can't wait to see where goes.
@elenaekanathapetrova2282 11 ай бұрын
I personally prefer Ado's version) I mean both are really cool but I kind of more empathize to Ado. anyway Ado really admire her so for me it's just a bigger picture of her background.
@Roninmann 11 ай бұрын
She did an amazing job with the song! There's no wrong answer if you prefer one over the other.
@minako134 7 ай бұрын
Oh, one more thing - please react to MORE Shiina Ringo, at least one of her studio-recorded songs, so you can get up close and personal with her vocals, her vocals are EVERYTHING!! Sadly a lot of her music videos get copyright striked, so there's only 1 you can watch on KZbin, the rest are album art for the visual only: Honnou ("Instinct") - MV Gips - english & spanish subtitles
@keisukeh1066 10 ай бұрын
@KM-vv5pg 11 ай бұрын
highly recommend Ringo’s ‘NIPPON’ MV 😊
@ぽこたん-x9t 5 ай бұрын
ADO has stated that the musician she admires is Ringo Shiina. In other side, Shiina has stated that if there had been ADO at the time, she would have offered the songs she wrote to ADO instead of singing them herself.
@J.Inkwell_art 11 ай бұрын
There is so much energy, like full blast! It is great, but for sure I need to take a second listen to fully take in this performance. I like the jazzy tone ~ (•́ ω •̀๑)
@icollect1003 Ай бұрын
@FauxieDaoJia 11 ай бұрын
You have to go outside of charting music (someone like Emily Bear, perhaps) to find a more versatile female composer than Shiina Ringo. I think the best rendition of Tsumi to Batsu is probably the one from 'Electric Mole (though 'Gekokujyo Xstasy' has it with organ rather than piano, which I prefer). I recommend listening to literally anything she's penned for herself or other artists this last 25 years. The following is a pretty good example of her composition chops:
@ねるさん-c1k 11 ай бұрын
There is also a version sung by AiNA THE END. If I post the link, it will be blocked, so search for "AiNA THE END 罪と罰" and you will find the video from 3 years ago. I also recommend "red birthmark", the 2nd season ending theme of Gundam Witches from Mercury, which she sings.
@realdocloco 11 ай бұрын
Aina is another singer strongly influenced by Sheena Ringo.
@Cristian-hn2ey 7 ай бұрын
No conozco a ado, lo poco que escuché suena como dijiste, muy insegura y forzada, shiina es simplemente genial Hay un disco que hicieron tributo a ella donde rescato kiss me por kaela kimura, lejos de imitar a shiina lo adaptó a su estilo consiguiendo una versión increíble, creo que a ado le faltó eso, identidad
@myos1806 10 ай бұрын
椎名林檎の 長く短い祭りライブバージョン最高ですよ!
@naejin Ай бұрын
Original feels more traditional Jpop mixed with a bit of Jazz feel? Ano's version maybe a younger generations interpretation? Although I have to admit Shiina Ringo looks rather young here too (I think she may have been 38 at the time), but she is 45 today.
@kaitotatsuya 5 ай бұрын
No offence but Ado is still a princess. Sheena is the Queen of jazz for 20+ years.
@向井さぶ Ай бұрын
椎名林檎の歌詞と曲は奥深さ、日本語に対する深みを感じます。 彼女はシンガーではなくアーティストでしょう。エンターテイナーでもあります。
@blax444 4 ай бұрын
@清原忠司 7 ай бұрын
Ado herself is a singer who was greatly influenced by Ringo Shiina.
@user-yz6xv7tv2i 5 ай бұрын
@psychedelicyeti6053 4 ай бұрын
It's so funny to come to Shiina's videos and everyone talking about someone named Ado. And I'm like, "who's Ado?!" 😂 I've been a fan of her's (and Tokyo Jihen) since the 2000's when i confused her with Anna Tsuchiya 😂😂 (because i think Shiina was the musical director for Sakuran and I thought the singer in the soundtrack was Anna). It's always the first version of a song people tend to like more. It took a while for me to like Metric's "black sheep" after originally hearing Brie Larson sing it in Scott Pilgrim, but I now prefer the original vs the soundtrack while i know people who still prefer Brie's version over the original. Same with people who argue if Dolly Parton's original "I will always love you" is better or lesser than Whitney's cover of it. Imo, both are great 💕
@Olkam-w5u 4 ай бұрын
Actually, Ado did this cover as an homage because she adores Shiina Ringo. They know each other, Shiina Ringo wrote the song "Missing" for a horror film, which Ado sang. In general, you can hear a lot of Shiina Ringo's influence in Ado.
@1tolightradius 8 ай бұрын
to even compare these two is fucking wild. Ado doesn't have a single album that come close to Sheena's THIRD best album (muzai moratorium), let alone her 2nd and 3rd which are actual classics of the genre. I don't care about a strong booming voice if you're just doing eye-catching American Idol covers of songs that other people wrote and outdid you on. This song isn't meant to be yelled from the mountaintops it's supposed to be mumbled from a train station to your shitty tokyo apartment, but these youtube cover artists all just extract the power from the songs and remove any subtlety to them for those clippable moments of them using their vocal talent to impress.
@FauxieDaoJia 4 ай бұрын
Saying 'youtube cover artists' about an artist with over 3 billion total views is kinda wild, even if for the most part I kinda agree with your overall sentiment (nobody is Ringo tbf).
@あゆみ-n3k3u 11 ай бұрын
@Olkam-w5u 9 ай бұрын
You took the version of the already mature Shiina’s performance, but here is her video, where she performs for the first time, at 21 years old. It's different here.
@bedatse1915 11 ай бұрын
The top comment from ADO video speak it all. Queen Ringo version is throwing you perfume bottle, still very much a lady. Princess Ado version is chasing you with cleavers, in both hands.
@Roninmann 11 ай бұрын
That's a scary mental image of Ado haha
@うどん大好き-o6j 4 ай бұрын
@elevown 11 ай бұрын
I profer Ado's - but its just that- a personal preference- rather than saying its 'better'. You also have to give Ringo a lot of props for writing it in the first place!
@wakajenni 24 күн бұрын
Ringo! Defennely!
@アザミ-t4q 9 ай бұрын
Games of the XXXI Olympiad Flag Handover Ceremony of music produce by Ringo Shina
@ukowo 11 ай бұрын
you should listen to Shiina Ringo - A double Suicide, i found out she didn't made the song, she covered it.
@christianmunar8092 11 ай бұрын
Sheena is the original songwriter of a double suicide, so it's basically her song. She has made several songs for other artists, in fact, she has a complete album where she sings some of them, it is called Reimport Vol 2, A Double Suicide belongs to that album
@Wizhito 9 ай бұрын
Entiendo porque Ado la admira tanto, veo mucha inspiración tomada de Shina Ringo, y yo prefiero la versión de Ado, no solamente porque la escuché primero sino porque el sentimiento que le impregna a cada palabra hace resonar la letra de una manera mas emocional, mas profunda
@chiruya_go-go 11 ай бұрын
@spikebrillianttrackiloveth9143 5 ай бұрын
The name is Ado not Aydo. just saying
@Roninmann 5 ай бұрын
Don’t think I’ve ever pronounced it Aydo, but thanks.
@Erikadon0414 11 ай бұрын
@mikye8876 11 ай бұрын
@のりまき-r1i 2 ай бұрын
Adoなんかと比べないでほしい。 あの人は顔も出さないし本当に舞台に立って生歌歌ってるのかもわからない。 そもそもAdoはこの曲を生歌でちゃんと歌えないと思う。
@peachasn5565 11 ай бұрын
The approach in this video is so disappointing. The era in which the song is being sung is different, and I find your intentions even unpleasant. It is really a pity.
@Roninmann 11 ай бұрын
I respectfully gave my opinion between 2 talented artists. Not sure what you find unpleasant or what you think my intention is.
@flitzerps9522 11 ай бұрын
Ados version is by FAR superior
@1tolightradius 8 ай бұрын
nah it's dogshit
@NB_MOCHI_JPN 11 ай бұрын
浪人マン(・∀・)イイネ!! Thank you for Watching "Sheena Ringo" also "Nippon" MV is SO COOL! U LIKE IT INDEED!
@界陽 10 ай бұрын
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