Reaction Dimash Ómir Óter

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Reactions By Jeff

Reactions By Jeff

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I love Dimash's sense of gratitude to those who came before him and his respect for history and tradition. Please leave your comments below.
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Пікірлер: 118
@dqdear2645 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that Dimash is confident and happy in his environment, culture, traditions and values. He does not need to go somewhere to the West, change himself and his principles in order to conquer the World. He is so confident in his being, in his strength and dream, true to himself and to his principles, to his art, that the whole World will come to him on its own. He radiates kindness, Light, warmth, energy, strength and confidence. Everyone will strive for it. He realized his high calling. He found himself.💜🇰🇿
@laylasofia3146 2 жыл бұрын
J apprécie votre réponse crois que Dimash n a pas besoin de conquérir l est ou l ouest puisque il arrive à conquérir nos coeurs et nos âmes....que dieu le bénisse.
@rubymayta1728 2 жыл бұрын
I share your view
@lavandeterre7312 2 жыл бұрын
All absolutely true, but that being said, I hope that perhaps he could possibly bring more of that ( love, roots, meaning) to the West. We sure could use it. As long as he doesn't have to compromise himself in order to do so, which I don't think he would do that or allow that to happen. He knows who he is.
@jacquiemouton9053 2 жыл бұрын
You hit the nail on the head. Dimash has an undying love for his country, his people and indeed all people. His values and morals are solid and he would not sacrifice them to make a quick buck. He is a generational singer and I personally am so glad to be alive to witness this incredible young man. Thank you for your very honest reaction.
@dougfriendly7676 2 жыл бұрын
As a fellow American I can agree with virtually everything you just said, Jeff. I used to be frustrated by the fact that my own friends and acquaintances have not yet discovered Dimash (or in some cases actively dislike him--because they don't "get" him) but I am now coming to the realization that he does not need to be adored in the West given how grounded and appreciated he is in his own part of the world. I would never want Dimash to give up his creativity and integrity in order to have success here. That being said, Dimash has said he dreams of winning a Grammy and I would certainly want for him what he wants. Perhaps he might ultimately win one for an album of Kazakh folk songs. We can only hope he achieves that which he desires. Greetings from the Pacific Northwest.
@teresaz-l2963 2 жыл бұрын
Ja Doug! Oh! Ich liebe dich, aber bleib, wo du bist. Perfekt! So zwielichtig und hinterhältig. Du hast deine Aussagen perfektioniert. Keine Angst Doug. In Amerika mag man keine Sperrholzsänger. Er bleibt dort, wo er geschätzt wird.
@teresaz-l2963 2 жыл бұрын
Gott beschützt Amerika von Dimash. Vieleicht soll ich sagen den Dimash von den manchen Amerikaner soll er beschützen?
@ИринаКадощук 2 жыл бұрын
Спасибо огромное за реакцию! Димаш такой, какой он ест! Он поёт, когда ему хочется петь, он - совершенство! Он не продукт попкультуры, он ЯВЛЕНИЕ И МЫ ЕГО ЗА ЭТО ЛЮБИМ! ПОДДЕРЖИВАЕМ! Вас уважаю , подписана:))) Привет из России!!!
@Далила-к6р 2 жыл бұрын
Совсем недавно я поймала себя на мысли , что не хочу , чтобы Димаша узнали все в мире. Раньше я об этом мечтала, расстраивалась , что его канал так мал для его таланта, мало просмотров по сравнению с западными певцами. На днях просмотрела поздравления диарс с Латинской Америки с 30- летием независимости Казахстана, Димаш открыл для них эту страну, которая стала им такой близкой и родной , я расплакалась , таким искренним и сердечным приветствиям от людей , живущим на другом конце Земли. Они же его нашли и полюбили и их мечта , чтоб он исполнил песню на испанском , а ещё лучше приехал к ним на гастроли. Димаш бывал в Америке неоднократно и на позорном шоу, и дал потрясающий концерт в Нью-Йорке . Я не хочу , чтобы ему диктовали условия для продвижения на американский рынок, а он их сам придумал , потому что для него нет правил.
@OnMyWay1968 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think Dimash would ever betray his roots just to get known in the West. No, on the contrary. I think he will conquer the west in time, just like he is with the deep roots and the pride in them. We can all learn something from this. He also doesn't allow himself to be dictated what music he makes. He recently said that again. There are people who told him that he should make more popular music in order to become better known, but he doesn't want that at all. He wants to go his own way. It is lucky that he has the environment and the opportunity to do so. This song has waited 11 years to find the right artist. Dimash gives some composers the opportunity to fulfill their dreams with him, so that their music is performed as they have dreamed it would be. I would like the West to discover Dimash, I am selfish, but only Dimash in its original, pure form. Not changed and adapted.
@joselajara1037 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent reaction and wise words. Dimash has nothing else to conquer. The Universe is full of stars so you can look at them every night and enjoy their show. It is everyone's decision whether to watch or not, whether to enjoy the show or not ... today I not only learn from Dimash and his roots, I also learn from your accurate comments ... Thank you for everything that enriches us with your point of view so accurate and precise.
@dqdear2645 2 жыл бұрын
Согласна с Вами, Димаш уверен и счастлив в своей среде, культуре, традициях и ценностях. Ему не нужно куда-то на Запад ехать, менять себя и свои принципы, чтобы завоевывать Мир. Он настолько уверен в своем бытье, в своей силе и мечте, верен себе и своим принципам, своему искусству, что весь Мир сам придёт к нему. Он излучает добро, свет, тепло, энергию, силу и уверенность. Все будут стремиться к нему. Он понял свое призвание. Нашёл себя.
@stefanj1153 2 жыл бұрын
DQ Dear ! Как вы правы , просто гениально сказали ! Весь мир так скучает по человеческой доброте, открытости , сочуствию друг к другу и правде что готовы идти за Димашем , он людям дарит все эти чувства !!!!!!!!!!
@Салтанат195 2 жыл бұрын
Вот это и есть правда
@ИринаКадощук 2 жыл бұрын
Согласна полностью. Я смотрю первые реакции- что потом с людьми происходит- слышат голос и у людей слезы на глазах, а женщины преображаются, красиво одеваются, красятся:))) - голос, как бальзам на душу... Я смотрю последние выступления столько раз, а слезы подступают... что это !?!? Удивительный певец
@МаринаЧернышова-н4с 2 жыл бұрын
@gulyaumarova3825 2 жыл бұрын
Благодарю вас за ваши мудрые высказывания. То о чем поет Димаш очень дорого нашему народу. Вы это почувствовали. Благодарю вас.
@АлександраКолесникова-п2я 2 жыл бұрын
Димаш ❤️не только Талант🌟Димаш глубина Души❤️ Мудрость 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@shekeralshynbek9351 2 жыл бұрын
Отличная реакция, отличный разбор смысла песни! И мне очень понравилась ваша точка зрения, на творчество Димаш!!! Пусть, те которые хотят покорить Америку, хвастаясь отличным английским ,дальше занимаются карьерой! А у Димаш другая миссия!!!
@christiannebostaphbostaphb9034 2 жыл бұрын
I love your reaction to this beautiful song. I agree with you that Dimash is definitely already a star in today’s world. He doesn’t have to conquer the west, as he is so loved in China, Russia, and Kazakhstan, other eastern countries. I was already blessed to see him live at his first solo concert in New York back in 2019. And I desperately want to be able to see him again in the near future. And Dimash has already stated he wants to come to America and spend some time like he did in China, so I feel in his heart he wants to share his magnificent voice with our part of the world too. He has his love for his homeland and his family and for the traditional way he was brought up, I am sure he will always stay true to who he was raised to be. So thank you for your wonderful reaction. 🎼🎶🎤🇰🇿❤️🇺🇸🙏🏼
@svetlanalimarenko6184 2 жыл бұрын
Спасибо за реакцию! Вы всё правильно отметили в своём комментарии. Димаш очень чтит свои корни и любит свою родную землю.
@singingpurse 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 1,000%. I am so glad that he did not come to America to get his University Doctorate. I feel that he would have been so disappointed in our Educational Systems, I know that I am. On the other hand, our Western Society can learn so much from him. I have enjoyed watching some of the younger reactors on KZbin. They have matured, and cleaned up their language since they have been watching Dimash. Dimash is the perfect example of a beautiful, wholesome life. That is why we love him. I am so glad that I discovered him, by accident, 6 months ago. Love from Canada.
@2010lunis 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, wonderful words, a truth also for Dimash. He he loves his land too much, his roots, all of hers. I'm sure he doesn't want to lose himself in a commercial industry. His parents run his own company. Dimash tells stories, he leaves us deep messages, and he's the best and he's already made a mark.
@Джейнджейн-д3л 2 жыл бұрын
The story of the song "Omir Oter" The author of the music Renat Gaisin recalls with a smile how this melody suddenly overtook him in the car while he was driving through the evening Almaty. It didn't even have to be recorded, because it regularly "reminded" of itself, repeating itself in my head for several months. When asked what inspired Renat to create such a heartfelt composition, the musician immediately remembers his father. Since childhood, he inspired his son that one day he must write something serious. Something that would tell about the true soul of the composer. "Omir Oter", according to Renat Gaisin, has been lying "on the shelf" since 2009. After finishing the piece, the musician did not understand for a long time who could sing it as emotionally as the melody asked. And only in 2021, the song finally waited for its performer in the person of Dimash Kudaibergen. For himself, the composer calls "Omir Oter" an ode to life. An ode to the life of any person who has at least once thought about the meaning of his existence. Renat created the arrangement together with Dimash. Many years ago, the musician imagined exactly how this composition should sound. Every day they worked with the performer in the studio, thinking over everything they wanted to put into the sound of the future song. The author of the words "Omir Oter" was the famous Kazakh poet Talent Aryngali. "Talent is one of the most sought-after modern poets, he has written many wonderful lyrics to songs that have become hits. We worked with him on "Omir Oter" for two or three days. Talent, as a brilliant author of words, having heard me and Dimash, put his heart and soul into this text," Renat shared. КлипThe clip was shot by order of JSC "Agency "Khabar". As a result, the idea of making a gift to fans of Dimash's work in honor of the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence has acquired real features. The history of the creation and the message of the music video "Omir Oter" was revealed by its director Anna Oboyanskaya. From the first seconds, a large solemn theater hall appears in front of the viewer. It is empty, and only occasionally people of different ages and genders appear in it, as a symbol that a person comes into this life and leaves it alone. Unites all the people in the hall "He" - the image of a person who is out of time. Dimash is a hero who praises life and passes through the past and future of an entire nation. The future in this case is behind him in the form of a futuristic shining portal. And throughout the clip, Dimash seems to rotate between an ascetic minimalistic black-and-white portal (unknown future) and a colorful hall (bright present and rich past). The legendary past of the people is recalled by the revived outstanding historical figures. They, like the generation of contemporaries, are inspired to listen to their descendant standing on the stage in front of them. "The clip symbolically shows people of different eras, ages, genders, estates. These are legendary personalities who have been dead for a long time, but they left behind a great legacy, and ordinary young residents of modern Kazakhstan who have yet to go their way and reach new heights," says Anna Oboyanskaya. The turning figure of the clip becomes an old man, whose face is not immediately visible. He walks through an empty hall, nostalgia is read in his every movement, as if he had already been here once. At the key moment, the viewer realizes that this is Dimash, but in a very old age. A mature adult man with life experience and a young guy full of energy and aspirations are one. An old man in the auditorium looks at himself as a young man on stage, and his whole life flashes before his eyes. This moment embodies the artist's quote that one day he will also sit in the auditorium as a simple spectator, and he should not be ashamed of his life path. The final frame of the clip brings the audience back to the atmosphere of the theater hall, which begins to come to life, and more and more people appear in it. At the same time, the Artist himself goes to his audience here and now. And this path does not end…
@rubymayta1728 2 жыл бұрын
Brilliant 👏👏👏👏🎶🎶❤️!!!!!!
@yuenkoi 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the sincere and honest reaction to Dimash. Touching and emotional work. Magnificently sung by Dimash.
@user-ps5oi6dy3z 2 жыл бұрын
Аман бол балақай Димаш Бүкіл әлемді әнінмен танытқан Қазағымды әнінмен танытқан даусының айналдым балақай Димаш Бүлбылдай сараған даусының айналдым балақай Димаш Бәрін де мын алғыс Үлкен Рахмет Алланың ңұры жаусын сіздерге Бәрін де мын алғыс Үлкен Рахмет Керемет 👏👏👏👍👍👍🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥💯💯💯😘🥰❤
@normarawlings5396 18 күн бұрын
He has an amazing team with him personally chosen by him he inputs his ideas in they know exactly what he wants but if he doesnt agree he will change it. He is in control
@allavalyko5963 2 жыл бұрын
Я думаю,что его связь с корнями на столько сильна,что где бы он не находился - будет её чувствовать.
@АминаЛипская-х9о 2 жыл бұрын
Большое спасибо за честную реакцию, глубокое понимание творчества Димаша!
@kalliopesensei3023 2 жыл бұрын
First of all, thank you for your appreciation of Dimash and his work. Being anchored in his roots, heritage, and tradition is at the very core of who Dimash is as an individual. He will never sacrifice this part of him. On the contrary: if he chooses to spread his music in the West, he’ll do so without comprise, by putting his Kazakh culture at the forefront. Besides, it’s been a lifelong and childhood dream of his to show and promote his proud culture and heritage to the whole world. Case in point: the integration of the Dombra, the Kazakh national instrument par excellence, in an upbeat modern song like “Be With Me”; the use of the Qobyz - another traditional Kazakh string instrument- in “Stranger”; or even his recent performance in the show “Shine, Super Brothers!” in China where he opened the Queen songs performance with a Dombra, not mentioning that he’s been working on a Kazakh album as well. In short, I’m not worried a bit of him loosing his soul or identity by spreading his music to the West. Indeed, he’s a genuine young man and artist with great integrity whose identity is deeply rooted in his Kazakh heritage. I’m convinced that, in time, he‘ll become a household name worldwide, in the East and West.
@fatidear1604 2 жыл бұрын
Peace be upon you.. Hello..The miracle of Dimash's purity is summed up in deep words. He floods the world and fills it with love, peace and purity,,Dimash takes us from earth to heaven and leaves our souls hanging there in need of more. This man will not be repeated ,, . He floods the world and fills it with love, peace and purity,,Dimash is a Muslim and Muslims care about family bonding, moral values ​​and the roots that are linked to their "culture and history". It is a soul-nourishing legacy and a lifelong beacon for generations. When the body leaves us, it leaves us empty, and the soul is still aid and substance, "This song says 👌"Life is short, generations come and generations go" Our loved ones leave us, youth ends quickly, memories remain for us, life is too short, we don't know when to leave! The souls of people and in the spirit of the soul and in your newspaper.. this world will pass away and the face of God Almighty remains in his glory,,, God bless Damsh and may God bless you, may God have mercy on his servants. ✌🙏 ,,,, A Muslim who passed from here.🤍 ❤
@НаташаХмара-о8ш 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your deep, sincere, intelligent words.
@mimajovanovic5897 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this beautiful reaction! Dimash once said that he would like to sit in the audience in his old age and be proud of what he did. This video and song are a mirror of his desires and understanding of life and values. Incredibly profound young man! He is happy, and his voice will come to those who need it, exactly to those who need it! Blessed be Dimash and his splendor!
@shirleymontoya8667 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100% . Dimash is a wonderful artist, with no comparison to anyone. Western areas are lacking a respect for the history of the people. There are so many mixtures of culture and this country is a fairly young one, so it doesn't have a lot of specific history as Dimash's country does. I love Dimash's humility and respect for others, how he values his "Dears" even though the ones directing him try to keep him from his supporters. He has strength, courage, and love and I admire him very much.
@Mamurito 2 жыл бұрын
Dimash representa todos los valores casi olvidados en nuestro mundo Occidental como el respeto hacia los ancianos, los niños, hacia la vida, el amor por nuestra patria, por nuestras raíces etc. Siempre espero con mucho gusto tus reacciones y comentarios. Un abrazo desde mi hermoso país Chile ♥️🇨🇱
@moisesgarciadelacruz2495 2 жыл бұрын
Dimash ama su cultura y es muy sabio, buen mensaje en la canción y su inigualable voz con la que la interpreta me facina 👏👏👏💐💐💐💐💝💝🇲🇽❤️❤️🇰🇿
@kenhilliard6688 2 жыл бұрын
Love your comments....I hope western artists are inspired by dimash.....Dimash can lift music and society by not falling into the hole other artists have.
@KitaBelle23 2 жыл бұрын
I love when he sings traditional songs. For me there's a magic to his sound when he sings in his mother tongue. More of his soul perhaps.
@Felipe_Evans 2 жыл бұрын
Dimash in the another world. this range is amazing.. ty for the react buddy. take care
@CorinaCorina-xc7yo 2 жыл бұрын
Que comentarios excelentes !!!! Gracias !!! Pienso exactamente igual...Dimash esta tan comodo, feliz y tan amado y reconocido en esa parte del mundo que no necesita cambiar para agradar a occidente. Este video es asombroso y el mensaje conmovedor. Saludos desde Argentina
@adrianaoltean1792 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Jeff!!! Cool reaction!!! Dimash is a young person with an old and wise and beautiful soul and mind!!! I have so much respect for his big Love for his people and his roots!!! He is a wonderful human being with a wonderful soul!!! ❤️💖❤️
@ninachaudhry354 2 жыл бұрын
Incredible song, beautifully arranged & gives us plenty reason to take pause & review our own lives. Dimash is a brilliant star who does have a desire to see what he can learn from the West & he absorb many things, but in actuality the West is learning a lot from him. He really does not need to come to the West because in fact the West is slowly coming to him. He is a deep thinker, a risk taker & an innovator, not a run of the mill cookie cutter type of artist & is carving out his own path in the world of music. Thank you Jeff for your insightful review of our humble, beautiful & highly talented Dimash who brought his people & much loved country to the world stage. Long live Kazakhstan. 🥰🇨🇦💥
@lidiaavendano7899 2 жыл бұрын
Me impresiona tanto dimash y todo lo que lo rodea, son increíblemente profesionales y tienen un sentido de lo que dimahs quiere expresar a travez de sus canciones,es un video increible solo el nos puede trasmitir su patriotismo .Totalmente de acuerdo contigo, el no nesesita denigrar su música para ser el ser humano que es el va a triunfar en donde este porque nos lleva a su mundo de arte y de amor y no nesesita haser nada mas que cantar y transportarnos a su mundo...saludos me gusta tu trabajo.
@mariadelcarmenlealcuellar8035 2 жыл бұрын
Excelente e inteligente análisis de esta bella obra musical de nuestro amado Dimash. Felicitaciones!
@gabrielaroblesbarrera5449 2 жыл бұрын
Excelente análisis , Dimash es un alma vieja en un cuerpo joven, me encanta que siempre rescate sus tradiciones, gracias por sus comentarios ❤️🇲🇽🌹❤️🇲🇽🌹❤️🇲🇽🌹
@FinarfinNoldorin 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100 percent Jeff...thank you.
@vivienmc5983 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 💯 and thank you for expressing it so eloquently. I have a feeling that your pupils were lucky to have you as their teacher ♥️🇬🇧
@ReactionsByJeff 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@claudianewell9126 2 жыл бұрын
@marion7580 2 жыл бұрын
What a deep beautiful song. I love it when Dimash sings in his native language. Thanks for your wise and lovely reactions.
@patriciapalmer1377 2 жыл бұрын
HONOR The heretofore unsung 11 year old composition of renowned Renat Gaisan's tribute to his father and those who influenced him. He entrusted it to Dimash, knowing it would receive the love, honor and respect it was written with. They are close friends and collaberators.
@johnmyles8700 2 жыл бұрын
Your comments were the best I have ever heard from any reactor at any time. i am so pleased to have listened to your insight and love your channel. Keep up the excellent work.
@ReactionsByJeff 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I really appreciate it! 2 жыл бұрын
Another day I was thinking how many songs or compositions sitting on shelves for years waiting for the right person who can deliver them rightfully. Not saying that person is Dimash but if anyone could it is most likely him.
@apashkafromnytnt4475 2 жыл бұрын
His vocal teacher once said about … that Dimash whom he knows - will never get changed! He values his people, country, culture, and respect love people around the world! Not just once he mentioned that will never sing a song if he does not like it - a so desirable by many - freedom of the creativity ! Who knows but it may be a reason that he has his own production company… like a personal signature of what he does!? Great Singer and Great Human! Btw he sings about these things in Omir Oter! 👍🙌🏻🙏🏻✊🏻✊🏻❤️
@skyone2380 2 жыл бұрын
Is just beautiful 😔😔🥰🥰🥰thank you
@Natali98061 2 жыл бұрын
This song was premiered in his DIMASH DIGITAL SHOW in January, 2021. Now it is a videoclip for 30 anniversary of Independence of Qazaqstan. It's the result of collaboration of Dimash, composer Renat Gaisin and National Agency TV Khabar. You can see the Astana Opera Theatre.
@lindahake1666 2 жыл бұрын
A very thoughtful and insightful reaction. Thank you, Jeff.
@77KEOK 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree, Thank You for your heartfelt reaction♥️
@OAA21 2 жыл бұрын
In the video of the song "Ómir Óter" there are many very interesting details to take into account and one of them is the historical figures that appear in it, recognized and respected people in the history of Kazakhstan. In order of appearance they are: - Abilay Khan (1711-1781): Khan (ruler) of the middle part of the Kazakh Khanate. It united all the Kazakh tribes into one strong country. Today he is considered the father of the united Kazakhstan. - Abay Kunanbayuli (1845-1904): Kazakh poet, philosopher and writer, before him, Kazakh literature was basically oral. - Dina Nurpeisova (1861-1955): Composer and folk artist of dombra. For her achievements she was known as the National Artist of Kazakhstan. - Alikhan Bukeikhanov (1866-1937): Kazakh statesman, political and public figure, teacher, journalist and ethnographer. He is known as the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan. Was executed. - Akhmet Baytursinuly (1873-1937): Kazakh intellectual who developed his activity in the fields of politics, poetry, linguistics and education. He was summarily executed. His works are part of the compulsory content in Kazakhstan's secondary education. - Mir Yakub Dulatoglu (1885-1935): Kazakh politician, writer and poet. - Aliya Nurkmukhambetovna Moldagulova (1925-1944): WWII heroine, sniper, shot when she was only 19 years old. Thank you for your comments👍
@dougfriendly7676 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this information, Olga. Very helpful.
@bobmark3969 2 жыл бұрын
Merci pour toutes ces informations sans lesquelles ce clip serait incompréhensible.un grand merci.reste le texte à traduire pour que nous partagions davantage. Cordialement
@TTopcon 2 жыл бұрын
Life is the only gift you don't get twice
@marantonio9103 2 жыл бұрын
It is really worth knowing the history, culture and tradition of other countries in the world.
@angeliareyes3111 2 жыл бұрын
Totalmente de acuerdo Dimash no necesita venderse a occidente pero occidente si necesita de dimash y desesperadamente!
@lenasc7265 2 жыл бұрын
I have already seen several reactions from you, and you are very elegant, respectful and professional when you talk about an artist. How clear you are in your comments, the roots are what define us, we can conquer the world with our art, travel and know but never forget our roots of our land and that is what I also love about Dimash, who in his artistic work is to make known the history of his people, his conquests. This song was made in honor of the 30th anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan, and the video symbolizes people of different times, personalities legendary that have long died but left a great legacy. Dimash represents the future, and when he enters the stage as an old man he represents the nostalgia of having been there in times past, watching the stage. , in that place where he fulfilled his dreams. Thanks for your honest reaction. I apologize for my English if it is not very good, I am Cuban and a musician too. Thanks
@ReactionsByJeff 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment. Do not worry. Your English is great.
@elainem3777 2 жыл бұрын
His childhood dream continues, he wants a Grammy Award. However that may be only one of a thousand wishes he has. Hes a genius and a wonderful role model for children and adults. If he doesnt receive one for vocal, I'm sure in the future it will be for composer or director , etc for his or someone else's music. Whatever he chooses to branch into 🕊
@ВераСавельева-м7й 2 жыл бұрын
It was Dimash's idea of this clip. Thank you for the reaction.
@astekbaynazar7809 Жыл бұрын
DIMASH!🇰🇿✊✊✊ Respect By Jeff👍
@laylasofia3146 2 жыл бұрын
Merci pour votre trouve que ç est légitime que Dimash soit lié à ses racines...vous vous trompez parceque la chanson parle de la vie et de ses étapes que tout le monde est censé y passé.
@tirallala1 2 жыл бұрын
The song has a deep meaning.Reflections on the transience of life, its meaning and the eternal question of how to walk with dignity and what traces one should leave behind ... Everyone can understand this song, even without translation. Dimash sings it softly, a little sadly and also courageously and powerfully. I didn't even realize that you can even sing thoughtfully. In this video clip, Dimash used an image from the latest collections exclusively presented at Saks Fifth Avenue Almaty (Off-White and Gucci collections). The composition 'Omir Oter' was performed for the first time at the online concert of the Dimash Digital Show on 16 January 2021 and then on the eve of the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence 2021. (Source: Description field) More about this song and this video: The composer Renat Gaissin said that this song has been waiting for its interpreter for 11 years. He wrote it when his father died ... And now it's played by his friend Dimash. Renat Gaissin arranged with Dimash and Erlan Bekchurin. “Talant Aryngali is one of the most popular modern poets and writes beautiful lyrics to many hits. We worked with him for two or three days on the song 'Omir Oter'. When he listened to me and Dimash, he was a really talented and wise word writer who put his heart and soul into this text, ”said Renat. “The video shows people from different eras, legendary people who left a great legacy and young people of modern Kazakhstan who still have to go their own way and reach new heights, ”said Anna Oboyanskaya, the director. The recurring character in the video is an old man. He walks through an empty auditorium ... like he's been here before. The viewer realizes that this is Dimash - Dimash as an old man. One day the artist will sit in the auditorium like an ordinary spectator and will not be ashamed of his past life... (Source: Dimashnews)
@ReactionsByJeff 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I appreciate this so much. This is great information. Your dedication to keeping reactors informed needs to be acknowledged.
@tirallala1 2 жыл бұрын
@@ReactionsByJeff Thanks Jeff-Dear, I am happy if the posts are helpful. Take care and have a nice Christmas. Greetings from Germany
@Thebest-yj8ly 2 жыл бұрын
Qandai aqyldy adam! Keremet aitty Dimash turaly! Rashmet! Respect!
@triumphant9 2 жыл бұрын
I adored that dimash stick to his roots. Amazing mv, Kazakhstan gem
@normarawlings5396 18 күн бұрын
He would never do that but he wants to be a young man and have fun with some of his music. In doing so he can spread his cultural music his ethos about peace in our time which is really important to him across the world
@mirtapg3023 2 жыл бұрын
Straordinario ...,
@Natali98061 2 жыл бұрын
You should watch his new performance at the Silk Road Film Festival a few days ago. Look - it seems to me that he has a "new voice" - breath baritone..In Omir Oter and Silk Way it was the main voice in both songs. This new voice is stable and vibrant. He sings to them, and does not just use it sometimes. He polishes his new voice
@Natali98061 2 жыл бұрын
The new perfomance
@jeannebarzydlo5654 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Jeff, I agree wit your comment above.
@doraniamedina870 2 жыл бұрын
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con usted maestro, Dimash no necesita conquistar el mundo occidental que de paso no lo entenderán, no entenderán que ama su país y sus raíces. Imagínate en EU peor aún dónde ya la gente es capaz hasta de quemar su propia bandera y renegar sus raíces, esta gente jamás entendería a nuestro Dimash. Gracias por su maravilloso entendimiento del arte de Dimash. 🤗🤗 saludos desde Venezuela.
@jeanettebadilloorrego1861 2 жыл бұрын
Gracias por reaccionar al gran príncipe Kazajo Dimash y por los sub títulos al castellano u español
@joycequillen5782 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with everything you said. We don’t know our history like we should. Thank you for your reaction and stay safe.
@wrightgregson9761 2 жыл бұрын
he uses his hands (and body) so well in moving the song along. I just skimmed the comments. A lot of thoughtful points were made by the writers. He is using the Kazakh "Cello" more frequently I think. Really interesting sound.
@lutdesimpelaere2947 2 жыл бұрын
As usual, I agree with you Jeff. If he would ever get a record deal in the U.S, they would strip him of all the originality, Authenticness and culture, and that is exactly what I love about him, besides his amazing voice of course. Also, it seems to me people either don’t remember history or just don’t care to learn about it. That’s not only sad but also very scary .
@jooliveirabrasil5672 2 жыл бұрын
"Omir Oter" from an ode to life. Ode to the life of anyone who has at least once thought about the meaning of their existence. In a solemnly empty theater hall, people occasionally appear as a symbol that people enter this life and leave it alone. Dimash is a hero who glorifies life that passes by itself; the past and the future. The people's legendary past is remembered in the revived historical figures, showing people of different ages, genders. They are legendary personalities who are long dead but have left behind a great invaluable legacy for the young people of modern Kazakhstan. The figure of an old man, whose face is not immediately visible, walks through this empty hall, nostalgia read in his every move, as if he had already been here once. So we understand that this mature wise man with life experience "the old man" and a young man full of energy, dreams and aspirations are one and the same Dimash in the auditorium who looks at himself and his whole life runs before his eyes. This moment reflects the artist's quote that one day he will sit in the auditorium as a mere spectator, and he should not be ashamed of the path of life taken. The atmosphere of the theater starts to come to life, and more people emerge. At the same time, the Artist himself goes to his audience here and now. And this path does not end... Authored by the famous Kazakh poet "Talant Aryngali"
@marantonio9103 2 жыл бұрын
I do agree with your opinion. I am not from the west and I perfectly understand what you are saying.
@nazgulmukazhanova3137 2 жыл бұрын
@marcelamercado113 2 жыл бұрын
La verdad q Dimash Qudaibegen hipnotiza es mágico
@BeckyNicholas 2 жыл бұрын
Living in the US there is no reason for you to apologize for your comments nor even think about taking them down as they're not incorrect! Instead of honoring our history or reminding everyone of it, they are now trying to seemingly have it changed or they're acting like it didn't happen 😰😰. One strong part of Dimash that drew me to him was his steadfast desire to keep his history alive and remind everyone of his culture and be proud of it!! ❤🤗❤ Such an incredible heart and soul this young man has! 💙💙
@ceceliaoliveira4550 2 жыл бұрын
@aurelijapost 2 жыл бұрын
Art director is Anna Oboyanskaja, from Ukraine. She works close with Dimash.
@roca8060 2 жыл бұрын
not just his performance is amazing you have to read the lyric s the meaning of the song, is so deeply .
@sarachan8290 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your sincere reaction you have a new subscriber
@ReactionsByJeff 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@isabellesurf 2 жыл бұрын
@Natali98061 2 жыл бұрын
As for the fact that Dimash is comfortable in Asia. Yes it is. Of course, he is young and wants to conquer the whole world. He recently announced that he wants to go to work in the United States for several years. But we would not want that here in Qazaqstan. He already had a negative experience of facing the Western world - WORLD BEST in 2019. He was forced to leave the project because the behavior of the organizers contradicted his traditional upbringing. It was a very ugly story. Due to the enslaving conditions and money, many Western stars are mired in drugs, alcohols, scandals, or committed suicide. Now Dimash works in China, where he is immensely loved and appreciated. He successfully works with Igor Krutoy in Russia, which protects Dimash from the aggressive Russian show business, which Dimash did not accept several years ago. Over the past 15 years, three wonderful singers from Kazakhstan have tragically died in Russia. On August 2, 2006, Baglan Sadvakasov, guitarist of the A Studio group (composed Sinful Passion), died as a result of a car accident. The misfortune happened on one of the highways in Moscow. Murat NASYROV Qazaq pop singer, songwriter. On the night of January 19-20, 2007, Nasyrov fell from the balcony of his Moscow apartment on Vuchetich Street, located on the 5th floor. He was 35 years old. On April 28, 2015 Batyrkhan Shukenov, a famous singer, former saxophonist and soloist of the A-Studio group, died suddenly at the age of 53 in his apartment in Moscow (according to preliminary data, from a heart attack)
@urszulacewka 2 жыл бұрын
@marlenemarenco9694 2 жыл бұрын
Nadie como Dimash 💖❤️❤️❤️❤️
@amorea1 2 жыл бұрын
agree with you
@hothpeter 2 жыл бұрын
@Reactions By Jess thanks for your honest comment. I tend to agree with you. Cheers !
@sandrachristiansen1404 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that here in the US we don't celebrate our heritage like he does. Oh wait a minute, the Hispanic population does. The native population does, the native Hawaiians do. The rest of us lamely celebrate European traditions brought over here a relatively short time ago. It's hard in this country to celebrate "our" heritage because we are all from different places - unlike Qazakhstan. Their history in the same place is very old and rich with many customs and traditions.
@niviaalmeida6833 2 жыл бұрын
O acidente tem muito o que aprender, sair da síndrome de povos colonizados e construir suas raízes baseado na sua cultura, naquilo que considera importante e de valor para a manutenção da integridade, da identidade de seu povo, e não desprezar sua cultura, tradição e alma!!!
@carlturner9910 Жыл бұрын
Check out his US tour in NY
@lindabrabantpolidori 2 жыл бұрын
You are Wright se have Lost our pass Who immigrated to America Ireland french inglish german Holland ingland
@marantonio9103 2 жыл бұрын
These are the types of music that western countries do not pay attention to, or should I say, they don't give a damn. opppppssss, sory, I don't mean to hurt anybody here.
@dougfriendly7676 2 жыл бұрын
As a Dimash Dear from the West it seems to me that most of my fellow Westerners are satisfied with music that is mediocre, unimaginative and musically simple. Dimash's music is too creative and complex for most of them to understand. I am always grateful for my fellow Dears in the West like Jeff who appreciate Dimash in the same way that I do. There are tens of thousands of us but still far too few, in my opinion.
@marantonio9103 2 жыл бұрын
@@dougfriendly7676 Well said. I do get your point. For example, the song "Fly Away" is considered as a light one to those who know Dimash, but it is the one being played on billboard. It shows the type of music that westerners appreciate. I bet the like of "AVE Maria" and "Stranger" have no place on billboard's ranking.
@dougfriendly7676 2 жыл бұрын
@@marantonio9103 You are correct about "Ave Maria," and "Stranger." I have tried to introduce those songs to several of my fellow westerners and I have always received a negative reaction. I am often told by even my dearest, kindest friends that they simply do not like Dimash's music and that I should not share it with them. That breaks my heart but I do get a great deal of satisfaction in knowing that there are people like this reactor among us. I love Dimash far above any other musical performer I have ever experienced and I am forever frustrated about my inability to successfully share him with other people in my life. So I happily share him with youtube reactors who appreciate the immensity of his talent and creativeness.
@teresaz-l2963 2 жыл бұрын
@@dougfriendly7676 Du musst deine Überzeugungskraft trainieren, wen du erfolgreich sein möchtest. 3 Stunden am Tag. Was macht man nicht für unser Idol?
@ceceliaoliveira4550 2 жыл бұрын
Doug Friendly I totally agreew
@tungavidya 2 жыл бұрын
Did you read the lyrics?
@pclig2383 Жыл бұрын
The story of the song "Omir Oter" The author of the music Renat Gaisin recalls with a smile how this melody suddenly overtook him in the car while he was driving through the evening Almaty. It didn't even have to be recorded, because it regularly "reminded" of itself, repeating itself in my head for several months. When asked what inspired Renat to create such a heartfelt composition, the musician immediately remembers his father. Since childhood, he inspired his son that one day he must write something serious. Something that would tell about the true soul of the composer. "Omir Oter", according to Renat Gaisin, has been lying "on the shelf" since 2009. After finishing the piece, the musician did not understand for a long time who could sing it as emotionally as the melody asked. And only in 2021, the song finally waited for its performer in the person of Dimash Kudaibergen. For himself, the composer calls "Omir Oter" an ode to life. An ode to the life of any person who has at least once thought about the meaning of his existence. Renat created the arrangement together with Dimash. Many years ago, the musician imagined exactly how this composition should sound. Every day they worked with the performer in the studio, thinking over everything they wanted to put into the sound of the future song. The author of the words "Omir Oter" was the famous Kazakh poet Talent Aryngali. "Talent is one of the most sought-after modern poets, he has written many wonderful lyrics to songs that have become hits. We worked with him on "Omir Oter" for two or three days. Talent, as a brilliant author of words, having heard me and Dimash, put his heart and soul into this text," Renat shared. КлипThe clip was shot by order of JSC "Agency "Khabar". As a result, the idea to make a gift to fans of Dimash's work in honor of the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence has acquired real features. The story of the creation and the message of the music video "Omir Oter" was revealed by its director Anna Oboyanskaya. From the first seconds, a large solemn theater hall appears in front of the viewer. It is empty, and only occasionally people of different ages and genders appear in it, as a symbol that a person comes into this life and leaves it alone. Unites all the people in the hall "He" - the image of a person who is out of time. Dimash is a hero who praises life and passes through the past and future of an entire nation. The future in this case is behind him in the form of a futuristic shining portal. And throughout the clip, Dimash seems to rotate between an ascetic minimalistic black-and-white portal (unknown future) and a colorful hall (bright present and rich past). The legendary past of the people is recalled by the revived outstanding historical figures. They, like the generation of contemporaries, are inspired to listen to their descendant standing on the stage in front of them. "The clip symbolically shows people of different eras, ages, genders, estates. These are legendary personalities who have been dead for a long time, but they left behind a great legacy, and ordinary young residents of modern Kazakhstan who have yet to go their way and reach new heights," says Anna Oboyanskaya. The turning figure of the clip becomes an old man, whose face is not immediately visible. He walks through an empty hall, nostalgia is read in his every movement, as if he had already been here once. At the key moment, the viewer realizes that this is Dimash, but in a very old age. A mature adult man with life experience and a young guy full of energy and aspirations are one. An old man in the auditorium looks at himself as a young man on stage, and his whole life flashes before his eyes. This moment embodies the artist's quote that one day he will also sit in the auditorium as a simple spectator, and he should not be ashamed of his life path. The final frame of the clip brings the audience back to the atmosphere of the theater hall, which begins to come to life, and more and more people appear in it. At the same time, the Artist himself goes to his audience here and now. And this path does not end…
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