"Rebirth Vs Reincarnation" at Southeast Missouri State U (SEMO)

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TWIM - Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center

TWIM - Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center

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Bhante Vimalaramsi spends an evening giving a talk about Rebirth vs Reincarnation and many other topics Nov 2013 at Cape Girardeau, MO.
For more information on this and other talks please visit www.DhammaSukha... .www.dhammasukha...
Check out Bhante's book: "Life is Meditation; Meditation is Life" on Amazon. Just search "Vimalaramsi" on www.amazon.com
Also now this new book on Bhante's Path. It details all of the experiences up to and including how liberation is attained based on student's experiences.

Пікірлер: 138
@darshanawelikala7811 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Bhanthe. Great insights, great explanation, great simplicity. May the Triple Gem bless and protect you all the way to Nibbana!
@simonsays525 4 жыл бұрын
This is so clear! The entire process is contained within this one dhamma talk.
@kstang9441 5 жыл бұрын
May Buddhas bless you, your holiness Bhante.
@ModDangFc 8 жыл бұрын
great speech.
@slambam6191 5 жыл бұрын
This is one of the best talks I have ever heard.
@kwoonfailee1693 7 ай бұрын
@khinwin9925 Жыл бұрын
@reynadelacruz6983 6 жыл бұрын
How do you reencarnarse how do you rebirth and how can you fix not being born in the same problem ! That I have had in past lives !
@ltloo3436 8 жыл бұрын
Bhante had clearly mistaken on Tibetan concept on " Reincarnation". the difference between " Rebirth" and " Reincarnation" was the former was referring to "uncontrol migration" all of us had to take after our death while the latter was referring to " controlled rebirth" of a trained person. Other than different in the use of enlish term used, all was the same...
@ivanwong3273 8 жыл бұрын
well if the yogi/acetics wish for reincarnination is not fully enlighten but partially enligtenment. sotapanna level
@DhammasukhaOrg 8 жыл бұрын
+LT Loo There is no controlled rebirth - How could there be if if Karma is to be real. Karma and past action creates the future result. If this were true we could murder people and control our rebirth to go to heaven instead of pay for the evil action. No - Bhante was not confusing anything. The being is nothing but billions and trillions of moment of consciousness arising and passing away. You can see this in meditation for yourself when you do a meditation retreat.
@ltloo3436 8 жыл бұрын
+Bhante Vimalaramsi Namo to one who are adorned with the holy robe. Thank you for your kind attention to my message. It is said, to fully know the causes for ripening of karmic actions technically was in the jurisdiction of the Tahagata. But it would be good never the less for us to know some of its characteristics in order for us to avoid accumulating negative karma and in avoidance of its ripening. Positive and negative karma will have their corresponding results, the ripening depend on causes and conditions. Since they’re dependence on causes and conditions, they’re impermanence. They arise and fall away just as Bhante had teaches. In according to the tradition I followed and based on the above brief line of reasoning, they can be purified, big or small. When we practice virtuous diligently and constantly as if our hair was on fire day and night (remember life is short, they’re more causes that could takes life away from us than nourishing and supporting it) to acquaint our body, speech and mind with virtuous. Rendering us incapable of carrying out negativities of body, speech and mind actions. Just as a peasant would pull the weeds in the field and quickly plant his crop. In similar fashion, we pull the weeds out of our samsaric mind and replaced it with field of merit that never could lead to bad ripening. With the crop of virtue dominance, negativities were rendered powerless. To which realm of migration one had to undertake into the six realms of migration depending on the ripening of one’s last arising karma upon the time of death. Hence, we can control our future rebirth by constantly rehearsing with the process of death and familiarizing our state of mind with virtue. Just as the past master of all traditions had shown, they can still be in meditative absorption while their body fails away. They didn’t do it as last act to show off their accomplishments and prowess but as act of ensuring the faithful of the purity of instructions of having trained thus. Just as a Once returner would never fall to the abyss of three lower realms (one fine example would be as Bhante yourself), because the causes for it had been eliminated. He thus focused his mind on next fortunate rebirth in human realm for the next push of final goal. Having said that, to the appearance of common folks like me, he is said to be “reincarnated” into human realms again. Hand folded.
@guruladakhi7960 8 жыл бұрын
Many thanks LT Loo for clarifying some aspects of the Vajrayana/ Tibetan Buddhism's tradition of identifying reincarnations. Further, some of these great yogi monks have clear past life recollections. It is different issue that they shy away from talking about it as it may give rise to ego. Even as Siddartha was about to become the Buddha he recollected his many countless lives in so many realms. The difference that Ven. Bhante is making on soul is based on interpretation. If you say soul is "forever changing and continuous" then we accept that interpretation vis-a-vis something that is permanent and immutable. After all we are trying to reinterpret the "Dharma" in English.
@jshaw9754 5 жыл бұрын
@@DhammasukhaOrg then a sotopanna of anagami can become a dog in their next life? What if anagami takes bodhisattva vow, eh?
@DharmYogi 3 жыл бұрын
how can you be reborn if you dont have atman(soul)? this is flawed.
@davidjohnson8218 3 жыл бұрын
It is rebirth. Life is a process or stream. There are five aggregates that are arising and passing away from life to life. There is no soul there. It is propelled to move forward by craving. Look up Rebirth on google.
@reynadelacruz6983 6 жыл бұрын
So how do you reencarnarse and how do you rebirth ! And can you fix your next !
@tanintupmongkol5438 4 жыл бұрын
@nocturnally879 4 жыл бұрын
Literally life goes and continue with action, whether mind or speech or physical and reaction. Cause and effect.,
@SpykerHond 9 жыл бұрын
...covert victim blaming dynamics !
@pushpaeve246 6 жыл бұрын
S p y k e r h o n d
@abdool212 10 жыл бұрын
I wonder why the Dalai Lama and other enlightened monks keep on being reborn here. If they have not been able to step off the wheel, they should at least be in Brahmaloka.
@anthonyratcliffe6982 10 жыл бұрын
Hi, Enlightened masters can choose to be reborn at will. Peaceful greetings
@davidbrainerd1520 8 жыл бұрын
+Anthony Ratcliffe Only in Mahayana, not in Theravada.
@constipatedbowels3473 5 жыл бұрын
@@davidbrainerd1520 dat suggests Theravada ppl haven't mastered the skill of deliberately choosing one's next birth....!!!...
@davidbrainerd1520 5 жыл бұрын
@@constipatedbowels3473 If they're choosing to be reborn, they're not enlightened.
@constipatedbowels3473 5 жыл бұрын
@@davidbrainerd1520 Yes,i do agree to that.....but one cannot be dismissive of such ppl and quite frankly these ppl are far more nessecary......... There are different stages of awakening..........there are some who do realise that a separate individual self is an illusion,and that brings about the end of thier dissatisfaction.....!!!.....they have no reason to be reborn,either in this plane or in that.......however there are some who have some amount of awakening,but they deliberately postpone thier enlightenment,out of thier compassion for the sentient beings who wld need thier help............this is the beauty of Bodhisattva......... The problem with Buddhism,Mahayana or Theravada is that it takes an incredibly long tour to an otherwise very short path.......but Theravada seems more like an incomplete path .......
@rmk2879 4 жыл бұрын
Sin is universal problem. Sin is ubiquitous. Humanity contaminated by sin. Sin in us by default, not learnt, not taught. Sin manifests in many forms - evil, crime. Sin is the opium. The origin of sin is unanswered. My journey. Sin is pre-existing in all. Nobody taught us to sin. Sin pre-dates The Bible. The Bible explains origins of sin. The Bible provides remedy for pre-existing sin, through Jesus Christ death and resurrection. The Bible is best selling book in the world for this reason. Sin is real, The Bible is relevant. Sin is born at every child birth. Sin is disease of heart, and Jesus Christ is the cure. Satan is the enemy, came to steal, kill and destroy. Misleads us to blame good loving God. God is not the author of evil. Media, Police, Defense, Judiciary, Penitentiary, Security, Contracts confirm sin exists. The origins of life, natural laws, sin, morals, purpose, meaning, conscience, music, creativity, intelligence, beauty, color, nature, water, air, light and amalgamation, remain unevidenced - elsewhere. We love truth when it enlightens us, but hate when it convicts us. Instructing to "Heart wash" from sin is not "Brainwash". God created universe, placed natural laws, made humans in His image, gave talents, instructed to multiply and explore - The Initiation of Science. Science is the legitimate child of natural laws. Without natural laws science has no foundation. We are created with good purpose and meaning. We are good. Then sin entered through satan and we all fallen. Disease, despair, deformities, deficiencies, depression, stress, guilt, greed, hate, anger, rebellious spirit, spiritual death entered. Sin plays spoilsport. Unloose the Soul from the tight knot of sin. Soul outlasts death. Sinners cannot save themselves from sin. Jesus Christ, the Holy God, intervened, willingly died on The Cross and resurrected, for remmissions of our sins, to save us from sin and hell. We are weak at the core, however we try to portray otherwise. We need Holy God's help, who is willing to help with open arms. Unable to find any motive any reason for Jesus Christ to die willingly on Cross and resurrect - except His love to save us from pre-existing sin and hell. Nobody died for our sins and resurrected - except Jesus Christ. Exclusivity Jesus Christ claimed: "I am The Way, The Truth and The Life". "I am The Resurrection and The Life". "I am The Good Shepherd". Jesus Christ has the authority to forgive sins. Religion says "Do". Jesus Christ says "Done". Religion is man's attempts to 'search gods'. Jesus Christ came from heaven in 'search of sinful man' to save from sin. Salvation from sin and hell is not earned through works or deeds or pilgrimages or rituals or ceremonies or traditions or cultures or meditations or public displays or hypocrisy or making personal sacrifices or making animal sacrifices. Salvation from sin and hell is free, but not cheap. Because Jesus Christ laid His life on The Cross, and resurrected. God loves the sinner, but hates the sin. Just like a parent loves child, but hates disease in child. We are saved by God's grace, not by our works. Karma is getting what we deserve. Grace is getting what we don't deserve. Only Grace can be pre-fixed with word Amazing. Amazing Grace. Karma is not Amazing, it is depressing. GRACE: Getting what we don't deserve - i.e. forgiveness of sin, eternity in heaven through Jesus Christ. MERCY: Not getting what we deserve - i.e. punishment of sin, separation from God, eternity in hell. Other side of death is eternity. Either in hell; or in heaven through Jesus Christ. God offers grace and mercy for free through Jesus Christ death and resurrection. Jesus Christ suffered, ridiculed, spat-on, humiliated, crucified on The Cross, and therefore He understands our pain. He raised victorious, we will too. Those who endure till end are victorious. Jesus Christ coming again to judge all. The doors will be closed. Jesus Christ reveals every mystery, answers every question. We all deserve to know the truth. He is The Alpha and The Omega. He judges everyone. One day every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The First Christmas - Jesus Christ came to earth from heaven to save us from pre-existing sin. The First Good Friday - Jesus Christ crucified to The Cross, died willingly for remission of our sins. The First Resurrection Day, also linked to Easter - Jesus Christ resurrected from death. Jesus Christ made entry to Holy Heaven free through Him. Repent of sin and be saved. Easy. The First Coming of Jesus Christ - He is Lamb, slaughtered for remission of sins to save us from sin and hell. And resurrected. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ - He will be Lion, The Judge. The Lamb and The Lion. Jesus Christ forgave all who crucified Him, and now forgives all, even who reject, ridicule and mock Him. He loves all unconditionally. Believe, trust, repent of pre-existing sin in Jesus Christ that He died for remission of our sins and resurrected, and coming back to judge, accept Him as Lord and Saviour, and be saved from sin and hell. Any time, any where. Even now. Simple. Nothing to lose, everything to gain. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. I found God loved me regardless of sins, weaknesses and rejections by others. As sinner I cannot save myself through deeds. He believed me and has faith in me. I am not in competition with others. God loves you all, individually. (My journal. Journey to life - after testing all 'isms' and religions, after failing to find origins, purpose and meaning of life, after swallowing pride, egos, anger, hate, depression.)
@hai8138 3 жыл бұрын
Please stop....a white man teaching that traditional tibetan buddhism is wrong? ...please stop...you need re-education... Please stop.
@davidjohnson8218 3 жыл бұрын
This "white man" has 20 years of talking to some of the most esteemed Buddhist monks including the Dali Lama in India. He is the World Buddhist Conference USA representative which includes 46 countries and meets around the world - includes many Tibetan monks. I have been to it and nobody agrees with anybody! Everyone's idea of Buddhist is different!
@hai8138 3 жыл бұрын
So branch away from Buddhism.....don't burn the tree.
@davidjohnson8218 3 жыл бұрын
@@hai8138 What Bhante teaches is from the earliest Buddhist Teachings. Tibetan Buddhism is a bunch shamanistic mantras, spells lightly associated with the Buddha. It is truly wrong view. There is no way to eliminate Tanha through Tibetan teachings.
@hai8138 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidjohnson8218 thank you sir...I will study more about what you spoke of... Thank you.
@默-c1r 3 жыл бұрын
He never said it was "wrong". He just pointed out a historical fact that it is rooted in Hinduism more than Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhism even believes in Hindu deities. There is nothing wrong with Tibetan Buddhism or Hinduism, but the Buddha specifically disagreed with Hindu understandings of karma (which were used to oppress low caste people in India and Tibet, which had a feudal system that I suggest you read about on wikipedia). Tibetan practices WILL NOT lead to the Buddha's description of nirvana. They have their own version of enlightenment, and I'm sure it is good for some people, but it is not an insult to point out that they are not the same.
@maheshrajmaharjan9122 4 жыл бұрын
One cannot learn such things in other religions, only in Buddhism.
@galaxymetta5974 2 жыл бұрын
Modern research on Near Death Experience by Raymond moody, reincarnation memories by Ian Stevenson/Jim trucker and past lives regression by Brian Weiss all independently but coincidentally show that our consciousness survive death, we live many lives and our thoughts and actions matter in the hereafter. So be kind and helpful to others, be virtuous, meditate and cultivate ourselves to higher spiritual levels. Cheers.
@hemadear2509 6 жыл бұрын
Your Eminence, It is as if you are discussing me. Thank you. This sermon is beginning to help me. Awareness.
@thanyapornadrid8642 8 жыл бұрын
Great Teacher! Thank you so much.
@stevenkok1926 7 жыл бұрын
Bhante Vimalaramsi And Keen Insight.
@jayantavva 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Bhante. 🙏🙏🙏
@tarotreader9282 3 жыл бұрын
May I know bhante that how soul multiply or how soul maintain equilibrium with population on earth?
@SeanMWCN 6 күн бұрын
Dear Master, what is “death and birth”from one life to another life? If there is no “permanent soul”, or we should call it “impermanent soul”, shouldn’t we?🙏
@hanrajakaruna5828 8 жыл бұрын
lovely. thanks!
@MilindBorkar_MENTOR 4 жыл бұрын
Sadhu sadhu sadhu. Sending you metta and entire team . May you be well, happy and healthy.
@myks6068 6 жыл бұрын
Really happy to find this video, have seen many videos on meditation but none of them so clear & so easy to listen to.
@davidjohnson8218 6 жыл бұрын
Very glad to welcome you to Bhante's talks. David at Dhamma Sukha!
@tutorialchief 5 ай бұрын
1. there is something observing all change, but this isnt changing, its like the movie in the Television doesnt change the tv 2. one cant say there are noble truths and at the same time everything is in constant flux and nothing is unchanging, i mean one can say but than it contradicts each other, if there are certain cosmic laws so to say, than they dont change, this way its possible to recognize and observe them no matter what age, sex or Background you have.
@MrBlps 7 жыл бұрын
Very fruitful.......excellent!!!!
@Ge872 5 жыл бұрын
Dear Sir thank you! Through your teachings i finally understood what buddhism is really about, without the confusion of religious dogma or shamanic elements.
@niroshafernando8914 8 жыл бұрын
Hello,good wishes to everyone..the monk does not talk about how rebirth happens because it will just be a talk..He is showing you how to meditate so that , you will be enlightened..Some of us may not understand this and that is okay too..It all depends on what level you are at spiritually..Hope you all try..there will be some benefit..Thank you..
@rogerbelger2014 5 жыл бұрын
you insinuate that if a person doesnt understand that means they are not spiritual enough, that is a "holyer-than-thou" statement.
@peacebe2u480 4 жыл бұрын
Nirosha, Your statement is not true. What he explained the different between rebirth n reincarnation is quite clear. Reincarnate implies there is a permanent soul that keeps transmigrate from one body to the next till moksha depending the level of spiritual understanding. Buddhism doesnt accept this concept from Hinduism. Rebirth is the unfinished business of the recycle karmic forces of past actions. A wise one knows how to stop this karmic forces from keep generating. Anagami only has one more rebirth. Arhat knows no rebirth.
@juliesmusing 4 жыл бұрын
wonderful talk, thank you!
@anapanasati1970 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Bhante :-)
@hahayana8607 10 жыл бұрын
nice talk! :)
@bachnhutduong6861 8 жыл бұрын
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
@Maitreya888 5 жыл бұрын
Great insight that will help people get over emotional baggage that plagues them.
@wirdawarsono258 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Bhante for your teaching.
@seminchung2433 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for enlightening me to the structure of what Buddha teaches
@before711 Жыл бұрын
simple but explicit elplanations
@yw112118 10 жыл бұрын
@reynadelacruz6983 6 жыл бұрын
Nice teaching !
@nettinetti8465 2 жыл бұрын
Skandhas = Consciousness 5 Consciousness = 5 Skandhas + Consciousness 0 Skandhas = 0 Consciousness Therefore, no consciousness outside of sansaric life since no body, no skandhas, no consciousness. To think otherwise is against the teaching of the Tathagatha on consciousness, skandhas, and interdependent origination. Hence, you fall into wrong view that Hitler's mindstream took rebirth in Xi Jinping, since that is just like saying "all" the mindstream (aka minstream of Hitler = a self, fixed entity called "Hitler's mindsteam) of Hitler transmigrated to Xi Jinping. It's as if saying that the cremains (cremated ashes) of Hitler thrown into the air "altogether" went directly to the fetus Xi Jinping who grew up to be the now Xi Jinping in the flesh.
@Maitreya888 5 жыл бұрын
I like how he smile after finishing a sentence
@bongong1842 3 жыл бұрын
Nam mô thích ca mâu ni phật.con không hiểu được tiếng của các ngài.Nhưng con hiểu đạo phật rất từ bi bắc ái lếu mà nhiều người biết đến thì thế giới sẽ được hưởng hòa bình người dân sống an lạc
@phraarenpanyasampanno4743 9 ай бұрын
@bobbybrooks4826 2 жыл бұрын
@theshadow1514 5 жыл бұрын
good video
@reynadelacruz6983 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you !
@rameshmanian3420 5 жыл бұрын
A soul can't be in nirwana but must return to play his parts into drama laa to all Buddhism
@prakashkandel2021 3 жыл бұрын
Very calm and intellectual talk
@reynadelacruz6983 6 жыл бұрын
Where are they located
@davidjohnson8218 6 жыл бұрын
Bhante resides in Missouri near SEMO, However he is teaching in Malaysia through jan. his center is www.dhammasukha.org
@yeyonghe 3 жыл бұрын
It's a great talk!
@user-iy9mx4pm5z 6 жыл бұрын
rebirth =( KARMA driven)1 st low viration soul enter in 2nd chakra 21 days before birth. reincarnation = (FREE will deiven) 2nd souls(advance soul-high vibration) enter in human body when has NDE(1st exit from body 2nd soul enter) 2nd soul has full experiance after 33 year of life.
@davidjohnson8218 6 жыл бұрын
Yes no such thing as hinduism - it is Brahminism. The Buddha was a Brahmin until he rejected the belief system and became the Buddha.
@constipatedbowels3473 5 жыл бұрын
David Johnson ....I asked dis question on another comment to u...it pertains to the question of self or noself....it was "what about the presence of awareness that knows the arising,existing and passing away of all these consciousnesses,...what about the presence of awareness that knows the mind-moments and also the gap between them...!!.no matter what the experience is,znt there a presence of awareness present dere all the time..???!!!...even sleep z registered as a discontinuity between two conscious experiences,but dere has to be a presence of awareness that knows this discontinuity,as well as the conscious experiences that precede and follow it....Buddha discusses dess topics wid Ananda at the beginning of Surangama sutta,.....he even goes to the extent of calling dis unborn,undead,unconditioned presence of Awareness as "The Original Mind"....maybe dis z the nibbana dhatu(deathless element) dat all of us have,the unarising,unpassing presence dat z dere regardless of the the thinking consciousnesses and sense consciousnesses dat are arising and passing...."...
@saifuddinueo 5 жыл бұрын
@kstang9441 5 жыл бұрын
Buddhism teaches us to treat others as you will treat yourself. Buddhism teaches us to let go of craving,, because nothing in this world belong to us. Only our conciousness is our true self. So meditate and build our consciousness, our mind. I am Buddhist, this is how I lead my life.. True, loving=kindness helps to calm spirits I was troubled by spirits in my home, I chant Buddhist chants and impart merits and also asking all Buddhas to bless us and lead us to a heavenly path. I chant every morning, truely my home is very peaceful. May Buddhas bless us all. I pray to Gutama Buddha and Averlokitesvara Buddha.
@DharmYogi 3 жыл бұрын
this guy says its ok to eat meat as long as you dont kill it, its not killed for you and you didnt see it being killed. this is totally wrong. how can you make the choice to eat an animal that you know was killed? there is negetive karma associated with it right from the start.
@davidjohnson8218 3 жыл бұрын
So what you are saying is the Buddha himself didn't have any idea about Karma. The Buddha accepted anything put in his bowl as long as it met the criteria about not being killed for him. Karma is in the INTENTION. If you run over an animal will you receive bad karma? no it was not your intention to kill it. In the same way when food is given or bot there is no intention of killing but just eating.
@mongoldayanch 11 ай бұрын
Devdatta was like you. He tried to put Buddha and Sangha in awkward situation by blaming them for eating meat. Pls read SUTTAS and gain knowledge.
@reynadelacruz6983 6 жыл бұрын
What is resurrection !
@singkhamtalks 5 жыл бұрын
the body is just like a machine, an accident or over working would had happened. So. the machine doesn't work properly or even can not switch on
@sunimaladikarama9913 7 жыл бұрын
According to the Buddhist secret scriptures Abhidarma pitakas, Sutta pitakas and subsequent individual writings such as Dipavamsa, Sumangala Vilasini, Anguttara Nikaya, Saddharma pundarika, Gauthama the Buddha have had reincarnated exactly 550 times as follows. Gouthama the Buddha was accustomed to reveal about all of his previous birth stories to his disciples in elaborate details. Siddartha Gouthama was born as; Born once as a fairy, a hare, a frog, a waterfowl, a curer of snake bites, and a dog, once as an Oss 83 times an ascetic 85 times as a king 2 times as a pig 2 times as a thief 2 times as a rat Repeatedly live the life of a jackal, a fish, a woodpecker, and a crow 43 time as a tree God 24 times as a Brahman 26 times a teacher 24 times as courtier 24 times as a son of kings3 time s as an outcast 3 time s as a potter 4 time s as a peacock 4 times God Brahma 4 times as a horse 4 times as a bull 23 times he was a nobleman 22 times as a learned man 5 times as an eagle 5 times as a slave 6 times as an elephant 6 times as a snipe 8 times as a wild duck10 times as a lion 11 times as a deer 12 times as a man of property 13 times as a businessman 18 times as a monkey At Last time he was born in the Tusita Heavens before he was born on earth 2500 years ago. Not a decent person In one life he is a God and the other a pig or a dog Once he is born in hell and the other in the heaven Once as a tree God and the other as a thief Once as an ascetic and the other as a gambler Once as a Brahman and the other as an outcast Why not born as a woman Because born as a woman considered disrespectful in ancient Indian cultures. Not as a polar bears because there were no polar bears in India Not as a Kangaroo because Australia was not known to ancient Iron Age Indians. Not as a Giraffe because these animals were limited to African continent where Iron aged Indians were unaware of. Not as a Dinosaur because Indians were unaware about earlier existed such creatures. Why not born as early hominids such as Homo erectus, Homo habillis, Neanderthal so forth because ancient Indians had no idea about human evolution. Double standard Once Gouthama was born as an SLAVE and when he became a Buddha he brutally discriminated slaves saying ‘DASANA PABBAYE THABBO’ meaning” slaves are not permitted to become monks” Once Gouthama was born as an outcast and when he became a Buddha he has horribly discriminated the outcasts, saying ‘ ASEWANACHA BALANAN PANDITHA NANCHA SEWANAN…..’ and VASALA YAANAN BABBETHU” Never engage even with a shadow of a low casts (Chandalas). Eating his own passed lifes Once Gouthama was born as a pig and when he became Buddha he ate pork curry served by Chunda the Smith and died as a consequence (parinibbana sutta) Once Gouthama was invited for a meal by King Siha of Magada he was aware well beforehand that the butcher of the King was slaughtering an Oss for his dinner. Reincarnation and rebirth stories of Hinduism and Buddhism are stupid and elementary ideas of primitive Indians. They are extremely antisocial and discriminatory in the sense of human decency. And these Bronze Age mythologies are terribly oppressive towards the poor, disabled and under privileged masses. These fairy tales are truly disconnected with the known modern day science and biology thus deserve no respect at all. All the religions in this world such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Jainism, and all the Christian denominations are bloody BULLSHITS, which deserve no respect at all.
@doncosmic6946 7 жыл бұрын
sunimal adikarama : Little knowledge is a dangerous thing. wisdom is not just knowing. wosdom is knowing the unknown.
@constipatedbowels3473 5 жыл бұрын
sunimal adikarama....den how z it dat dese bronze age ideas are now used in modern psychotherapy...how z it dat the concept of mindfulness and itz the method of mind training in Buddhism and Yoga z used in multiple behavorial and clinical therapy disciplines like MBSR,MBCT, Urge-surfing etc to treat anxiety, depression and battle addiction....HAHAHA....,,u aren't aware of any relevant facts, scientifically or spiritually!!!...u dnt have any knowledge of neuroscience,dere z a whole field of neuroscience called,"contemplative neuroscience",inorder to study the heightened states of awareness dat meditators attain when dey meditate,......u have just gatherered mythological nonsense from here and there widoud certifying its validity,and are just using it to attack ancient wisdom traditions,coz of ur disdain for religion....dis z how illogical some of u atheists are,u dnt understand logic ,but just like to argue and blame widoud sufficient evidence ,...in reality u r nothing more dan a blind believer!!!......
@yanaungmoe6294 6 жыл бұрын
Play the video with 1.5X speed.
@rajomajeed1742 6 жыл бұрын
I dont believe
@singkhamtalks 5 жыл бұрын
why you have to believe the natural process. birth death and rebirth are natural whether you believe or not it is natural
@khmer4ever164 4 жыл бұрын
It’s lucky that you don’t believe. It mean that you still have freedom of thought as your own. know Buddhism don’t encourage people to believe but to the right understanding and right thought.
@nocturnally879 4 жыл бұрын
It's not about believe, course of nature...
@dawaigocha 8 жыл бұрын
Some Theravada teachers have said Vajrayana and reincarnation isn't Buddhist. From my point of view this is playing with semantics while perpetuating sectarianism. To use an example, the Dalai Lama isn't a soul that keeps reincarnating. My understanding is that he incarnates upon the mind-stream with residual karma (purposely left), over and over again for the benefit of beings. Some would say there's a duplicate of an enlightened mind-stream but I wouldn't agree. So the Dalai Lama would be an emanation that incarnates upon the mind-stream of Chenrezig. There can be many emanations upon this mind-stream. The karma itself drives the reincarnation but probably also has to do with the power of practice, maybe like tulpa. Interesting we can find talks of this stuff in the Pali canon so I'm not sure what the conflict is. Example (Teacher of the Devas)... "Devas and brahmas are often mentioned throughout the Pali canon. They regularly manifest themselves on the human plane and participate in many episodes of the Buddha's career." Also interesting in regards to semantics of these two relatively young words, Google defines rebirth as: the process of being reincarnated or born again. Also interesting in regards to semantics of these two relatively young words, Google defines rebirth as: the process of being reincarnated or born again. Reincarnation (listed as synonymous with rebirth) has multiple definitions and some Theravada teachers maybe run with the "soul" definition but it's also defined as: the idea or belief that people are born again with a different body after death. Last of all, I think we need to really address what matters. Does your understanding of past or future lives compliment your practice? Does it impact your experience or is it intellectual fodder? I've found that in the beginning it's pretty irrelevant and eventually when it compliments experience, it won't be worth talking about.
@tomfisher9089 6 жыл бұрын
Dawai Gocha Study the Suttas and you will find your answers
@cariyaputta 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, study original suttas in the Tipitaka.
@sistew4 4 жыл бұрын
One question... how come the Buddha could remember his last lives if consciousness is empty and rises and passes away?
@shuangliang9800 4 жыл бұрын
Consciousness is not empty, they are just impermanent, rising and passing away quickly. The lives are connected with a stream of consciousness, flowing from past into the future. Individual consciousnesses are like drops of water, with a lot of them constantly rising and passing, it becomes a flow of stream. You are able to trace back that stream with meditation.
@tanintupmongkol5438 4 жыл бұрын
@jimfoard5671 4 жыл бұрын
This poor man has missed the true meaning of life and imagines that he has come upon some profound truth discoursing about tension in the forehead. Jesus said that such people "strain at a gnat and swallow a camel"; i.e. they miss the forest for the trees, majoring on the minors and missing out on the big picture. As a former Buddhist and now a Christian I know that mere intellectual truths have no saving power apart from the transformation of one's heart, which I found through the forgiveness that comes from trusting in Christ Jesus. Even when I was a Buddhist though, I knew that true Buddhism did not and does not teach continual reincarnation, which means coming back over and over again in a fleshly human body; "incarnation" means "in the flesh", carne = flesh, but Buddhism instead teaches transmigration, which means being reborn into different realms of existence, such as the devaloka, pretaloka, etc. and only on very rare occasions is one reincarnated into the human realm, and even then it is very rare to come across a Buddha or the Dharma. Do you want to know the true meaning of life? Jesus died for you and loves you. But as I said at the beginning of this comment, this poor man has missed the mark sadly and terribly with his meandering diatribe. Do you want to know what the true meaning of life is? It is the Christian doctor who discovered the Wuhan virus and stayed with his patients and eventually died from the disease. It is the firemen and policemen who rushed into the burning buildings in New York on 9/11 and gave their lives trying to save others, it is a man who gets up at 4 am every day for forty years to work in a coal mine, or to deliver goods to a warehouse, or a woman who tirelessly works as a waitress in a busy restaurant, and all so that their children may have a better education and a better life than they had. These are the common, normal, everyday unsung heroes who put others before themselves, and learned the true lessons of life, not in some idle, self absorbed existence contemplating their thoughts in a monastery, and they had leg pains not from trying to sit in the lotus position, but leg pains, and sore bodies, and aching backs from working jobs 8-12 hours a day to raise children and give them a better life. Do you want to know something about the true meaning of life? Here, please look at this link. This is what life, and love, and compassion in real action are truly all about. May God richly bless you all. kzbin.info/www/bejne/p3-bdYWAbbSAmaM
@DharmYogi 3 жыл бұрын
dr. ian stevenson has proved reincarnation to be a fact as people can remember there past lives.
@davidjohnson8218 3 жыл бұрын
Yes but its rebirth and not reincarnation. Do you remember what happened last week? That is a past life. Do you need a soul to remember? No. We are just a process constantly arising and passing away like a river flowing. Does a river have a soul?
@ssake1_IAL_Research 5 жыл бұрын
This is the error of Buddhism, as it has come down to us as a religion--the distortion of "no self" into "no Self." It's as bad as the Christian mistake regarding one life and then eternal heaven or hell.
@constipatedbowels3473 5 жыл бұрын
ssake1......Nope...itz a different and rather more accurate way of speaking....!!!..Even if u talk of Self as the pure awareness dat z witness to all thoughts ,feelings ,emotio ne,as in Advaita vedanta,who is that which calls it,"Self",...znt it a "thought", which z non-self by itz own nature, calling awareness as ,"Self"....this realisation dat everything is impersonal z a very profound....the self idea z just something we can use in daily life terms,or conventionally,but it has zero semblance as far as absolute truth is concerned....btw Buddhism dsnt talk of ,"No self" in da way u just presented... Buddhism z a middle path between eternalism(Vedic concept of eternal soul) and nihilism(total absence of soul)....it dsnt agree wid eidr category,as eidr of that category are very solid standpoints about something which z rather ambiguous in nature.....it z equally extreme to say dat only self exists as it is to say dat no self exists at all...truth z exactly in the middle and dat z,self does exist in a conventional sense,however the act of projecting this fictional entity called self dat identifies wid all thoughts,emotions and feelings z da act of Ego,which z just a mental faculty....!!!..
@trongnghiaBK 3 жыл бұрын
If we did not fulfill our purposes in this life, then God can give us another life because he so loves us. He is the light-love-life and we are a piece of his light. we have an ultimate purpose which is to love each other.
@norsangkelsang7939 9 жыл бұрын
The Tibetans do not believe in a soul, this monk is mistaken about what the Tibetans believe or do. They do not grasp at an inherent self as he suggests.
@davidbrainerd1520 8 жыл бұрын
+Norsang Kelsang There are idiots in all sects who deny the soul, but also smart people who read the Pali Canon and see that Buddha did not deny the soul like the idiots claim.
@dineshlamarumba4557 7 жыл бұрын
soul exist but its just an illusion. Tibentan buddhism is also right what he is saying is also right.
@vtecpreludevtec 6 жыл бұрын
Dinesh Lama Tashi dalek.
@raymondharvey1821 6 жыл бұрын
Norsang Kelsang soul is real. I've seen it w my own eyes.
@constipatedbowels3473 5 жыл бұрын
@KMY_YUDAH KING nobody z denying energy...however energy z an entity similar to matter...and matter,energy ,mind and consciousnesses are processes....when u say soul,u r probably imagining a fairy type energy dat can think and has powers and feels love for whole existence ....datz just a mental concept!!..
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